
When Natsuhiko finished speaking, Uchiha Zhen and Uchiha Qiong were both stunned at the same time.

Qiong really didn't know Xia Yan's situation, and she even had little understanding of Xia Yan's title of captain.

All she knew was that Natsuhiko and Kakashi seemed to be teaming up together, and Natsuhiko had become a Jonin and led Kakashi's team.

Other than that, she really didn't know anything.

She even got a lot of subsequent information from other people.

And Uchiha was really stunned, and he was really dumbfounded!

He knew that Natsuhiko was the captain of the ANBU, otherwise he would not have been able to find Natsuhiko to send Uchiha Shisui into the ANBU.

Did he really never expect that just after the Nine-Tails incident, the identity of the young man in front of him would change?

Buchou, that's the Buchou of ANBU. Has this kid actually come this far?

It's just that Uchiha Zhen still has many doubts in his heart. It's not like he hasn't asked Uchiha Shisui about the recent situation in the Anbu.

But that boy Shisui was very strict with his mouth, and there were some things he seemed unwilling to reveal.

At that time, Uchiha really didn't think much about it. After all, Shisui's identity was very sensitive. He was still in the reserve team and had to be careful enough.

But now it seems that this is probably not a matter of being careful, but that this kid really doesn't dare to say anything.

What happened in ANBU that allowed the young man in front of him to assume the position of minister.

And Shisui didn't dare to say these things, not even to himself.

I'm afraid the things involved here are a bit too scary, so scary that Uchiha himself doesn't dare to think too much about it!

The upper levels of Konoha were a huge swamp, there was no doubt about that.

The danger here is definitely not comparable to that of family violence.

In this swamp, if you are not careful, you may be shattered into pieces.

Uchiha sighed deeply. The former minister was probably completely shattered into pieces and fell into the abyss of the swamp.

"Yes, Minister." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "Although I haven't inherited it for a long time, I am indeed the Minister."

"Is that so..." Uchiha's real hands began to tremble a little. He tried to restrain himself but it was counterproductive: "I'm sorry, Mr. Buchou, I... I was presumptuous..."

"There is no need to apologize." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, but he still kept a smile: "You are Qiong's grandfather, I should respect you, not to mention you don't know my situation, right?"

"Then...thank you, Minister Natsuhiko." Uchiha took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and then said extremely seriously.

Qiong looked at his grandfather's cautious and humble attitude, as well as Xia Yan's calm, gentle but inadvertently displayed superior attitude.

All of this really subverted her cognition.

It was the first time that she had seen her grandfather in such a posture, and it was also the first time that she realized that her deskmate was even more extraordinary than she had imagined.

Minister, this is a position at the top of Konoha Village.

My deskmate is about the same age as me. How did he get to this point?

Also, what department is this deskmate of mine?

Normally, even if he is a minister, his grandfather would not be like this.

This probably illustrates a very serious problem, that is, the department where my deskmate works is definitely a department with huge energy.

With such power, even his own grandfather would feel fear, would involuntarily lower his attitude, and would involuntarily show a humble attitude.

But, what kind of department will this be?

Also, how did grandpa meet him?

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then he continued: "Speaking of it, today was an accident. I just wanted to check out my new staff, but since I met them, it just so happened that I also Can handle some things.”

"We took the liberty of disturbing Minister Natsuhiko." Uchiha Zhen immediately showed an apologetic expression, and then he asked slightly confused: "I wonder if Minister Natsuhiko has anything that we need to deal with?"

Uchiha Zhen was actually a little confused. In his opinion, the things Natsuhiko wanted to talk to him about basically revolved around Uchiha's situation.

And he also said before that he is here to assess new personnel.

Although Uchiha really didn't know what kind of new personnel they were, and actually asked a minister to assess them in person, he didn't dare to ask.

However, since it is an assessment of ANBU, the topic is also about ANBU. Is it really appropriate for them to sit here?

Also, except for Shisui, the Uchiha seemed to have no contact with the ANBU.

"Of course I have something to ask you, but before that you need to think carefully." Xia Yan looked at the old man in front of him with a smile. His tone was very calm: "You must think carefully, otherwise you can imagine the consequences."

"Xia Yan..." After Qiong heard Xia Yan's threatening tone, she really couldn't help but speak.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she was stunned because she didn't know what to say.

Are you going to accuse Xia Yan?

She should not have done this, and she was not qualified to do these things.

Especially since her grandfather is so humble. If her attitude causes her grandfather to fail in what he wants to do, then she will be the biggest sinner!

She knew that her grandfather had been working hard to integrate the family into Konoha.

Could it be that the department controlled by Xia Yan is the key?


Xia Yan turned his head slightly and looked at Qiong, and then he seemed to understand something, and he couldn't help but smile.

"It seems that your grandfather still abides by the rules and does not tell anything about me."


Qiong nodded slightly, she glanced at Xia Yan hesitantly, and finally asked.

"Xia Yanjun, you are the minister, then..."

"You're just curious about which department I'm in, right?"

Xia Yan didn't think there was much chance of asking this question, so he smiled and gave the answer.

"Anbu, I am the minister of Anbu. I have always worked in Anbu."

"Anbu..." When Qiong heard Xia Yan's words, his whole body froze just like her, Uchiha Shin.

She finally understood now why her grandfather had this expression.

And now she seems to know why her grandfather is so afraid of him!

ANBU, this is ANBU, Natsuhiko is actually the head of ANBU!

At this moment, Qiong seemed a little dazed.

She suddenly realized that the distance between herself and Xia Yan seemed to be stretched far...


The status gap between an ordinary ninja and a minister is as big as the world.

It might be better if he is a jounin, because essentially the minister is also in the ranks of jounin.

In Konoha, there is actually a very special class under the Hokage, and that is the Jonin class.

The squad leader of this class can command all jounin, and these jounin include jounin.

In this class, all jounin are the same and they all need to obey the command of the jounin squad leader.

Of course, this command is also in a broad sense. Generally speaking, Jonin squad leader is just an honorary title.

But whoever can get this title will basically be the new Hokage!

Of course, having said that, jounin and minister are the same in terms of general definition level.

But in fact, there is still a direct leadership relationship between the minister and the jounin.

Unless you are the kind of jounin who is very powerful and has someone behind you, everyone must follow this iron law.

Rules are rules, and those who break them are generally not liked by others. But those who break the rules and succeed are another matter.

Qiong is just a chuunin, she is not even a jounin.

But her former deskmate and best friend is now a minister!

Such a gap is really disappointing. After all, Qiong is not the kind of person who has a carefree personality.

Growing up in a big family, she naturally learned one thing, that is, to follow the rules when doing things.

Whether it is the rules in the family or the rules in the village that are followed subtly, she cannot break them.

"What's that expression on your face?" Just when Qiong was in a trance, Xia Yan suddenly smiled and said, "Could it be that since I'm a minister, we're not friends anymore?"

"I..." Qiong came back to her senses. She was at a loss for a moment. She didn't know what to say.

But Xia Yan didn't give her a chance to speak. He already handed over a bunch of meatballs: "Next, do you remember what I said?"

"Remember." Qiong took the meatballs handed over by Xia Yan, and she lowered her head slightly: "You said that sweets can make you feel happy."

"Yes, and isn't it a joyful thing for me to become a minister?" Xia Yan once again put his hand on his head: "After all, is this the result of my hard work?"

Xia Yan's casual posture and familiar tone did make Qiong relax slightly.

Indeed, the fact that Xia Yan became the head of ANBU made her feel incredible and a little dazed.

But I have to admit that this is indeed something worth being happy for Xia Yan.

What's more, in a person's life, sometimes efforts may not yield results.

But what makes people happy is nothing more than getting a satisfactory result after hard work.

Although it is worthwhile to be happy to get something for nothing, it has no sense of accomplishment. Only the rewards obtained after hard work can be remembered.

Thinking of this, Qiong's expression returned to its previous state.

She took a bite of the meatball that Xia Yan handed over. It was very sweet, as if she had returned to many years ago.

This gesture of hers also caught the eyes of Renka and Uchiha Makoto.

Renhua raised her eyebrows slightly. She could see that Xia Yan seemed to have a close relationship with this Uchiha girl.

But she didn't say anything. She started to think seriously about what to do.

Uchiha Makoto's eyes shone a little, and he knew that his granddaughter had a good relationship with Natsuhiko.

But he didn't have an accurate estimate of how good it was.

After all, Xia Yan left school too early, and even he didn't know Xia Yan very well before.

At least later he thought of Kakashi in order to contact the ANBU, and then he unexpectedly learned about Natsuhiko!

But now it seems that the relationship between the two of them is much better than imagined.

If this is the case, then it is really a big deal for Uchiha.

Of course, he would not think that he could control Xia Yan through his granddaughter.

How many people who have reached this position are not ruthless?

Uchiha really didn't want to anger Natsuhiko and trap his granddaughter.

However, he can rely on this friendship to bring him closer to Xia Yan in future cooperation!

At the same time, it also prevents him from being too passive.

Even if there is some possibility, he really looks like these two people can be combined!

Although Natsuhiko is from the Senju clan, Uchiha has already decided to give up hatred.

The alliance between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama back then was based on their friendship.

But in Uchiha Makoto's opinion, this kind of union, this kind of friendship is really not strong enough.

The most reliable way is probably the oldest way.

"Okay, true elder, now it's time to talk about our affairs."

Natsuhiko didn't know what the two men were thinking, so he turned his head and looked at Uchiha Makoto again.

"How have you considered some things? Although I don't want to mess with you, you must understand that I won't give others too much time."

"I understand, Minister Xia Yan."

When Uchiha really heard Natsu Yan's words, he couldn't help but come back to his senses immediately, and then he took a deep breath and looked at Natsu Yan very seriously.

"I have already decided. In fact, if nothing happens, I should find Minister Xia Yan tomorrow.

But now that I have met Minister Xia Yan, I will explain my decision carefully today. "


When Qiong saw Uchiha's true appearance, she knew that her grandfather might have said something, so she immediately tried to remind him.

They were in a public place now, and his grandfather's voice didn't restrain itself at all.

What makes Qiong embarrassed is that his grandfather doesn't seem to be aware of all this at all, his expression is still serious and firm.

Uchiha really knows that now Natsuhiko is no longer a captain.

He is now the ANBU minister, the one who can truly dominate the ANBU!

This change of identity also let him know that their situation has also changed a lot.

Although he will become more vulnerable now, Xia Yan can give more!

"Minister Xia Yan, I have made my decision. I hope to have deeper cooperation with Minister Xia Yan.

I had been hesitant before because of the hatred between the Uchiha and the Senju clan.

But now I have figured it out. If you still indulge in such hatred, then it is an insult to Minister Xia Yan.

Likewise, this also makes me appear to be too inconsiderate.

Minister Xia Yan can abandon hatred and be willing to help me like his ancestors.

If I gave up such cooperation just because of those hatreds, I'm afraid I would regret it for the rest of my life.

Moreover, I am afraid that the Uchiha clan will also be distrusted by Minister Natsuhiko!

Such consequences and costs are definitely not something the Uchiha clan can bear.

If Uchiha wanted to reintegrate into Konoha, he would naturally have to stand with all the families.

Just like in the past, what our ancestors could do, we can do too! "


Natsu Yan looked at Uchiha Makoto quietly, listening to his slightly passionate words, and finally Natsu Yan nodded slightly.

Having such a statement is ultimately a good thing, although no matter how good it is, it is not as good as what it is done.

But he doesn't care so much now. Many things still depend on the follow-up. Now it can only be regarded as a good start.

In this case, Xia Yan might as well express some trust appropriately, something that even the ANBU knows.

Of course, strictly speaking these things should not be told to anyone other than ANBU.

But Xia Yan is the minister, and now it’s his word that counts!

"Okay, I have already felt the true elder's determination, but before that..." Xia Yan turned his head and looked at Lianhua again: "Where did we talk before?"

"Xia Yanjun said, if I can't make you satisfied, the consequences will be very bad." Lianhua immediately understood what Xia Yan meant, and then continued.

Xia Yan's meaning was very clear, that is, he was willing to give the Ren Liang in front of him some necessary trust.

Although Renhua feels that such trust is a bit too extravagant, because this is the situation in ANBU!

But she won't refute Xia Yan's words. All she has to do is cooperate with Xia Yan so that she won't be annoying.

Uchiha really heard the conversation between Natsuhiko and Renhua, and his eyes suddenly became a lot brighter.

Qiong's face became even weirder. She could see that Xia Yan was willing to reveal some ANBU information to express his trust in them.

But now there is a piece of information echoing in her mind, which is what her grandfather said, 'the hatred between the Uchiha and the Senju clan'!

Uchiha Qiong is really no stranger to the Senju clan.

Even though she rarely talks about Senju now, she also knows that the hatred between Uchiha and Senju is not small.

Natsuhiko is from the Senju clan, so his real name should be Senju Natsuhiko, right?

Suddenly, Qiong seemed to have thought of something.

It is said that on the night when Kyuubi attacked Konoha Village, an ANBU used Wood Release to block Kyuubi and cooperated with the Fourth Hokage to seal Kyuubi.

Could it be that that Anbu was actually Xia Yan in front of him?

If this is the case, then it seems to explain why Natsuhiko became the ANBU minister at such a young age!

No wonder his grandfather asked such a question at that time. It turned out to be because of Xia Yan.

"Yes, although this situation is cruel, it is the reality."

While Lianhua was thinking, Xia Yan nodded slightly.

"Are you mentally prepared, or are you willing to try this challenge?"

"Of course I do."

Without any hesitation, Lianhua returned directly with her cold voice.

After she finished speaking, her eyes seemed a little hesitant, but she soon became firm.

"After all, this is an opportunity given to me by Xia Yanjun to show myself.

And as Xia Yanjun's fiancée, if I can't do this kind of thing well, then what qualifications do I have to stand by Xia Yanjun's side? "

As she finished speaking, the meatball shop that was originally bustling suddenly became quiet.

It's just that the silence lasted only for a moment, and there was almost no noticeable reaction. They were already talking and laughing again.

It's just that both Qiong, Uchiha Makoto, and Natsuhiko looked a little weird at this time.

Uchiha Makoto and Uchiha Qiong really didn't expect that Xia Yan already had a fiancée!

Qiong really felt today that he had never known Xia Yan before.

First it was the ANBU issue, then it was the Senju clan issue, and finally a fiancée actually showed up!

She originally thought that Xia Yan was inviting his teammates to dinner, but later she just thought that he was recruiting ANBU members.

But now she knows that Xia Yan is indeed recruiting team members, but this team member is his fiancée.

In fact, Xia Yan himself didn't expect that Lianhua would actually tell this matter.

But when he turned to look at Lianhua, he found that the woman still maintained that cold state, as if what she said was an innocuous thing.

Actually, if you think about it carefully, this is really the case.

After all, their engagement had probably been prepared a long time ago, and she was just stating the facts.

It's just that it's a bit embarrassing to state such a fact in this situation.

"Xia Yanjun, do you already have a fiancée?"

Although Qiong felt a little uncomfortable inside, she couldn't tell where the discomfort came from, but she still maintained her proper demeanor and nodded slightly.

"Congratulations to Xia Yanjun."


Xia Yan smiled and nodded, then spread his hands.

"But I didn't expect this. I only found out about a few months ago that I have a fiancée."

"I only found out a few months ago that the family arrangement turned out to be like this..."

Qiong immediately understood why he hadn't heard Xia Yan talk about it before. After all, the big family had this habit.

Arranging equally outstanding fiancées for outstanding family members is to protect the bloodline of the next generation, or to protect the next generation to inherit the power of the family.

This kind of thing is understandable. Xia Yan is so powerful that he will naturally be taken care of and arranged.

In fact, even Qiong has encountered it, but her grandfather helped her refuse it.

But when he thought about this kind of thing, Qiong still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Because she is not sure what she will become in the future.

Suddenly, Qiong suddenly recalled what the Thousand-Armed Lotus said just now - she said that Xia Yan gave her a chance to show herself!

Qiong didn't know what this opportunity was, and he also didn't know what this woman was going to do after entering ANBU.

But she knew that maybe this was also an opportunity for her to change herself!

Perhaps it was the closeness brought about by her childhood memories that made her want to know more about Xia Yan.

Maybe she didn't want to be manipulated by her family and move towards a future that she didn't want to accept.

She made a decision in her heart, but she still needed to think about it carefully.

"Hello, this is the first time we meet. Please give me some advice."

With this thought in mind, Qiong still maintained his demeanor and nodded to Lianhua.

"So are you." Lianhua returned the greeting to Qiong and said, "Let me introduce you again. My name is Lianhua, Thousand-Armed Lotus. Please give me your advice."

Both of these women have very cold personalities, and they have also received good education from their families.

This kind of teaching means that they are not particularly enthusiastic about anyone, and they will never make themselves look rude.

But Xia Yan felt inexplicably that the harmonious atmosphere between the two women was not quite right.

But Xia Yan is too lazy to think about it now. His mind is now full of ideas for the future and how to solve urgent matters.

In fact, his goal today was originally only Lianhua. He wanted to give Lianhua a chance to show himself, and at the same time, he was also reducing the burden on himself.

But now that meeting an Uchiha is real, it's not a big deal to sort out other things.

Senju Shoma is contacting various families in Konoha and establishing the relationships needed in all aspects.

But Xia Yan felt that this old man would not contact Uchiha, so it would be better for Xia Yan to handle this matter himself.

Moreover, he has already taken action within the Uchiha clan, he just needs to work harder and maybe there will be better results.

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Makoto, and then slowly said: "Since Elder Makoto has made such a statement, it's time for me to express my opinion."

"Please tell me, Minister." Uchiha Zhen immediately focused his attention on Natsuhiko.

Although he also felt that the situation between his granddaughter and the Thousand Hands girl was a bit delicate.

However, this feeling was not so reliable, because Qiong's performance was still the same as before, but he still noticed that this performance seemed to be a little different.

But he didn't dare to think so much. What he had to face now was Natsuhiko Senju.

"I heard about your performance at Kyuubi Night, and it was pretty good, so I thought we could take it a step further."

A smile appeared on Xia Yan's face, he knocked on the table lightly, and then said slowly.

“I think the true elder should still remember the topics we talked about before. Things have reached this point and I think it’s time for the true elder to take a step further.

The ANBU is currently undergoing reform, a huge reform, and we not only need a large number of combat talents, but also a large number of government talents.

Likewise, true elders also need talents, more talents who can help you. "

After saying this, Natsuhiko paused slightly, and Uchiha's body was already trembling with excitement!

He understood what Xia Yan meant, and even more clearly what Xia Yan's purpose was.

He didn't understand what ANBU's reforms were, but he knew that Natsuhiko was opening the door for him.

Open a door that allows Uchiha members to have more contact with ANBU!

This is an excellent signal for him, and even for the entire family.

When a member of the family enters the ANBU, it is equivalent to building a bridge with the Hokage.

The fact that more members of the family entered it also showed the Hokage's trust in their family.

This kind of trust is definitely what the family needs most now, and it is also a key step for the family to integrate into Konoha.

Thinking of this, it was impossible for Uchiha not to feel excited.

And with these people, maybe in the future when he really wants to take away the power of the family, they can still show extraordinary fighting power!

"I understand." Uchiha Zhen forced to suppress his inner excitement. He gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely give Minister Xia Yan a satisfactory explanation. I will definitely transfer the genius of the family..."

"There is no need for so-called geniuses." Before Uchiha could finish his words, Natsuhiko suddenly interrupted him: "What I want are those who have been on the battlefield, especially those who are younger and can correct their personalities. You Do you understand me?"

"I..." Uchiha really opened his mouth, but in the end he could only nodded with a wry smile: "I understand what Mr. Buchou means."

Natsuhiko's words were very straightforward and very embarrassing to Uchiha.

The so-called character correction is probably because Natsuhiko looks down on the extremely conceited Uchiha.

But there is nothing that can be done about it, the atmosphere within the family is like that.

Since the fall of the Senju, they have not had many opponents. The only ones worth taking seriously are the Hyuga clan.

And they have always felt that they are the first family in Konoha, and it is impossible for them not to be conceited.

But even in such a large family, there are children with different personalities.

Just like the child Shisui, just like many children living at the bottom of the family.

"Besides, there is one more thing you need to do." Natsuhiko thought for a moment, and then he continued: "That is the Security Department. The Security Department is the security department of Konoha, not the guards of your Uchiha clan. Ministry, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand." Uchiha nodded seriously: "Minister Natsuhiko mentioned this before. I think I know how to do it. I will start to select some civilian ninjas in the detachment I control. Get involved and work as a team."

"very good."

Xia Yan showed a smile, and then he directly stated some of his ideas.

“Not only that, but appropriately some captaincy duties should also be given to them.

Balance the family and civilian ninjas so that they can blend together without causing any conflicts.

And after that, to continue to advance, not only civilian ninjas, but also ninjas from other families need to be roped in. "

At this point, Natsuhi paused slightly. He glanced at Uchiha Zhen, who was still sitting upright, and Uchiha Qiong, who was also listening carefully. Then he continued to speak.

“It’s a huge, time-consuming process, and you’re going to face incredible resistance along the way.

If you overcome it, you will reach a higher level and even get things you could not imagine before.

But if you fail, you need to bear everything alone, you know what I mean? "

"I understand, I understand from beginning to end."

After Uchiha really listened to Xia Yan's words, he nodded extremely seriously.

“Actually, when I said those words, I had already made a decision!

Minister Xia Yan, I will need more guidance in the future. "

"very good."

Xia Yan stood up, and then he knocked on the table crisply.

At this moment, all the diners present stopped, and then they walked out talking and laughing.

Natsuhiko nodded slightly to Uchiha, and he said with a smile.

"Well, it's a pleasure to work with you, and I'd like to ask for your advice in the future."

After saying this, Xia Yan turned around and walked out of the door with Lianhua.

Qiong stared at this scene blankly, although she had already had a hunch that there seemed to be something wrong with the people in the store.

Otherwise, why would they talk about such confidential matters and still not hide it.

But I actually saw that the entire store was full of ninjas with makeup, maybe even all ANBU ninjas.

This kind of shock is really huge.

But Qiong didn't think so much now. Looking at Xia Yan's leaving figure, she took a deep breath. She knew she had to seize the opportunity now.

"Xia Yan, please wait a moment." Uchiha Qiong called out to Xia Yan softly.

"Huh?" Xia Yan turned around and asked with a smile, "Qiong, what's wrong?"

"I have a question for you, or a request."

"Let's talk about it, maybe there will be no problem."

"I don't know, is there any chance that I can join ANBU too?"


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