The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 213 Assessment and Action (8K please subscribe~)

"It's really troublesome."

Xia Yan really didn't expect that this girl Qiong would really pose a problem for him.

ANBU is really not a good place. When Xia Yan knew that he was going to ANBU, he was somewhat resistant in his heart.

Now that Uchiha Qiong came to him and expressed his desire for Anbu, Natsuhiko was in a bit of a dilemma.

He didn't know why this girl wanted to work in such a place. Wasn't this asking for trouble for herself?

But in the end, Xia Yan didn't object. After all, he didn't know whether this was Qiong's own intention or whether Uchiha really thought so.

So he simply gave Qiong a chance. Anyway, now that the ANBU is reforming, there are a lot of vacancies in the government affairs department.

If Qiong behaved well, he wouldn't mind letting the Uchiha people have access to something they dreamed of.

In fact, what the Uchiha group desires most is to participate in some government affairs, but their clan has been basically cut off from such a possibility.

Although the Security Department is also an important department in Konoha, this department has been ruined in their hands.

The role of the security department is also gradually being replaced. After all, Konoha has Hinata, Inuzuka and Aburame, and their detection level is really not inferior to that of Uchiha.

Even though his combat power may not be as strong as that of Uchiha, he can still crush civilians.

Under such circumstances, it is natural that the Security Department's voice within Konoha has gradually decreased.

Moreover, the Uchiha group turned the security department into their own family department, which also made other departments really unwilling to accept Uchiha people.

Over time, they have become further and further away from the decision-making level.

Although the government affairs department within the Anbu is not as good as Konoha's real government affairs department, it is still possible to access huge amounts of intelligence and information here.

This can be regarded as something that the Uchiha group dreams of.

"So, you are going to let me test Uchiha Qiong?"

In the ANBU minister's office, Lianhua looked at Xia Yanbu who was sitting at the table and frowned.

"Are you sure you want an Uchiha to be exposed to these things?"

"I'm sure, and I know exactly what I'm doing at the same time."

Xia Yan held his head with one hand and spoke slowly.

"It's a good sign to question my decisions because what I do can't be 100 percent correct.

However, I suggest you not to bring your emotions to work. I also know the relationship between Uchiha and Senju, but this affects the internal policy of ANBU. "

Xia Yan's tone was very calm, but this calmness unexpectedly gave people a sense of oppression.

Although he is a person who uses public tools for personal use, he is definitely not a seriously emotional person.

Even if he is extremely hostile to some people, he can still try to cooperate as long as it is in his own interests.

For example, when it came to blackmailing a daimyo, he actively chose to cooperate with Sarutobi Hiruzen to deal with it.

What's more, he has never experienced the hatred between the Senju and Uchiha families.

In addition, he is now short of people, and Uchiha is isolated and wants to reintegrate into Konoha and regain what will belong to him.

It's really normal for them to hit it off and work together.

"I understand, I will control my attitude and my mentality."

Thousand-Armed Lotus lowered her head slightly, her expression was still cold, but her attitude was very serious.

"I will be responsible for the Uchiha Dome assessment tasks, and at the same time, I will work hard to learn what I should learn."

"Very well, the position you are in now is really important, do you understand?"

Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction, stood up slightly and stared at the girl in front of him.

"To be honest, I'm not sure it's really good to ask you to do these things directly, but I hope you won't disappoint me."

"I will not let the Minister down." Lianhua still lowered her head, her tone still extremely firm.

After leaving the meatball shop yesterday, although she didn't know exactly what she was going to do, she was already prepared.

However, after she knew what she was going to do today, she couldn't help but feel tremendous pressure.

Only now did she realize how important what she had to do was, and even more so how troublesome her mission was.

It can even be said that among the entire ANBU, she is probably the only person in her position who can best figure out what Xia Yan wants to do.

Likewise, she has access to a lot of the most core and secret information of ANBU.

No wonder Xia Yan would inoculate her and tell her very clearly that if she didn't do it right, the end would be very ugly.

In this position, if you don't do a good job, the consequences will be very ugly indeed.

Because you have been exposed to some information that you will never be exposed to in your lifetime.

Once this information is revealed, it will cause unimaginable trouble to Konoha.

However, Lianhua is still confident. Although she also feels tremendous pressure, pressure is also motivation.

She longed for an opportunity, and now an opportunity that she had never dreamed of was presented to her, and she had to do it well!

"That's right, Mr. Minister."

Although Lianhua had a lot of thoughts in her heart, she did not show it, but looked at Xia Yan seriously.

"As if Uchiha Qiong has passed the assessment, will she be sent to the civilian department directly?"

"Let's make a decision based on the situation."

Xia Yan thought for a moment and then said with a smile.

"If you're doing well, you can ask her to help you.

Power is a cake, and I've already gotten the biggest share, and I won't mind sharing it.

Only when the rain and dew have touched you, will they help you with more heart and strength. "

"I know what to do."

Thousand Hands Lotus's mind turned slightly, and she immediately understood what Xia Yan meant, and she even thought of more.

"Then, if more valuable family members come in in the future, will they be allowed to come in after passing the assessment?"

"It depends on whether they are trustworthy. Uchiha Qiong's situation is a bit complicated, but in general I can try to trust her."

Xia Yan is very satisfied with Lianhua's thinking ability, because what she talks about must be problems that will be encountered in the future.

Although setting a policy now may not be suitable for the future, it is better than not having anything prepared and being in the dark when the time comes.

“Well, anyway, we have a large budget now, and we won’t have to worry about the budget in the future.

Then we are opening an internal organization. This organization is called the Secretariat.

I need a separate private secretary, and this private secretary can be subordinate to four people.

The private secretary contacted the Government Affairs Office, conveyed my thoughts to the Government Affairs Office, and submitted documents that the Government Affairs Office had processed and those that could not be processed.

The secretary who is at the same level as the private secretary and is solely responsible to me is called the permanent undersecretary, also called the permanent secretary.

The political secretary can have several secretarial positions, and they are responsible for the various ninja captains, squadron leaders and even squad leaders of the ANBU.

They convey my instructions and cooperate with the work of the Government Affairs Office.

Of course, if circumstances permit, I will also need them to do ideological and political work. After all, what I need is obedient people.

Especially, those who listen to my words! "


Xia Yan himself was stunned after saying these words, because he realized that he seemed to have created something not very good.

After setting up a private secretary, he suddenly felt that the authority of the private secretary was indeed too great.

The private secretary contacted him and the Government Affairs Office. Even if he trusted the person in charge of the occult, he had to make checks and balances.

It happened that all the captains and squadron leaders needed to be contacted, so he created a permanent secretary specifically to contact these ninjas.

He even planned to ask the permanent secretary to do some ideological work in order for the ANBU ninjas to be loyal enough to him.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen also did this kind of thing, but Natsuhiko's approach seemed more explicit.

However, in this way, the political strength of the permanent secretary system can indeed be compared with that of private secretaries.

But he also began to grow in size. As a result, Xia Yan probably needed to adjust his personal secretary system.

He may even let the private secretary system penetrate into all departments of the Government Affairs Office!

Xia Yan didn't react at first, but looking back now, he realized.

It seems that I slightly modified the secretarial system of a certain minister and then copied it!

"Wouldn't this create a huge and uncontrollable civil service?"

Xia Yan thought silently, although he felt that he would not do so many tricks under his control.

But one thing I have to admit is that that knight really left an indelible impression on Xia Yan.

This was the first time he discovered that people like civil servants, who had no decision-making power at all, could actually use various means to guide decision-makers in the direction they wanted.

But he quickly shook his head. This is not the 'liberal and democratic' empire of shit-makers, and we don't believe in that either!

Even if someone does believe it, Xia Yan will have his own iron fist to tell him to wake up.

Turning his head slightly, Xia Yan looked at Lianhua who was taking notes carefully. He couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Although his work ability is not very clear, Xia Yan is quite satisfied with his work attitude.

And Lianhua is really filled with disbelief now. She naturally knows that Xia Yan created this thing to reduce his burden.

However, if a single system has too much power, it needs checks and balances, so two so-called secretarial systems emerged.

But the problem is that all these things have been thought out in such a short period of time. The two systems complement each other and serve Xia Yan alone.

Such an ability is really disappointing, because there are still some loopholes here.

For example, if two secretaries cooperate, can they take advantage of the minister?

"That's right." While Lianhua was thinking mentally, Xia Yan spoke again: "There is still a team that needs to be arranged. It is responsible for protecting each secretary member. I am responsible for all the team members."

"..." Lianhua paused, and then she said with a serious face: "Necessary control and monitoring to ensure that the two parties will not infiltrate each other and lead to the outflow of power. As expected of the Minister, we understand. .”

"This team will be under the management of the Internal Affairs Department in the future, but now that there are not enough staff, the Internal Affairs Department will not be established for the time being." Xia Yan thought for a moment, and then said in a wicked way.

But this is just for his own entertainment. After all, others don't know what this thing is.

Seeing that Lianhua had basically recorded it, Xia Yan continued to say: "Okay, that's all for now, I still have things to deal with."

"Yes, Sir, the prison is ready." Lianhua immediately bowed slightly after hearing this: "Also, Qiong is coming soon, and I need to test her ability."

"You don't need to be too strict, but you can't be too relaxed either." Xia Yan smiled and gave a standard: "Uchiha needs a little hope, and I don't mind giving it to them, but if you want more, you need ability. I think you can grasp it. It’s a good measure.”

"Yes, sir." Lianhua nodded seriously: "But after this, I suggest that we absorb more people from the Nara clan."

"I think so too. We also need to leave some room for people from other families."

Xia Yan walked over and patted Lianhua on the shoulder. His expression was still so gentle.

"After all, if one person eats a cake that big, he will suffer from indigestion."

After saying this, Xia Yan turned around and walked towards the door, while Lianhua still maintained a respectful posture.

After leaving the office, Xia Yan walked directly towards the prison.

Since Lianhua has already prepared it for him, Xia Yan can also save a lot of effort.

The benefit of having a qualified secretary is reflected at this moment. As long as you tell him about many things, he can help you handle them.

All the way to the prison, the ninja guarding the prison door immediately gave way, and Natsuhiko soon arrived at the prison where Yamato was.

At this time, Yamato had been unsealed, and he sat in prison blankly, looking around.

Normally, his five senses would always be sealed, preventing him from having any contact with anyone or anything around him.

But today was special. He had been unsealed a few hours ago, and no one had paid attention to him since.

If it weren't for the fact that chakra was still sealed, he would have started to think about whether he could escape.

However, such thoughts only passed through his mind and were thrown out of his mind.

This is ANBU, a place where the level of security is not inferior to that of the roots.

Trying to escape here is simply a fantasy.

Thinking of this, Yamato was full of curiosity about what he would encounter next - maybe it would be the same as last time.

But while he was curious, he also began to observe and understand all the details around him.

Maybe he still has a chance to leave here.

But at this moment, a series of footsteps suddenly sounded, which made him turn his head and look over.

There were no surprises, it was still the ANBU minister, still the Senju Natsuhiko. It seems that this time, it will be the same as last time...


"Long time no see, kid."

Xia Yan walked in slowly, looking at the little brat in front of him, Xia Yan couldn't help but reveal a kind smile.

A friendly attitude can make people feel good. This is something Xia Yan has been practicing over the years.

But when he noticed that Yamato's eyes became wary, he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Sure enough, this kid is a kid. If he puts on such a posture in front of such a kid, I'm afraid he really doesn't understand anything.

However, Xia Yan was too lazy to argue with him. He glanced at the kid calmly and then said slowly.

"After thinking about it for so many days, it's time to think it over clearly."

Xia Yan still kept his smile and looked at the kid in front of him calmly.

“Actually, as a member of Roots, you should know that Anbu and Roots are similar in many ways.

We are still taking action now, not because we dare not, but because we are patient.

But don’t regard our patience and kindness as a bargaining chip for your silence, otherwise your results will only be ugly. "

"What do you want me to say?" Although Yamato looked at Xia Yan with some fear in his heart, he still asked through gritted teeth.

"Don't you know?" Xia Yan shook his head slightly: "I want to know how your Wood Release came about, your relationship with Danzo, and what all this has to do with Danzo and Orochimaru."

Natsuhiko actually gave enough hints last time. After all, what Yamato wanted was to protect Danzo.

Xia Yan doesn't mind if he protects her, after all, that's what Xia Yan wants him to do!

How can it be better to deal with one person and produce countless linkage effects than to produce only one effect against one person?

But Xia Yan is still a little worried after all, because Yamato is really too young now.

If this guy didn't understand his hint at all and just said nothing, then Xia Yanke would be really embarrassed.

The reason why he didn't use torture was actually because he was worried that he would tell Danzo.

Although that is in Xia Yan's interest, it is only a short-term benefit. What he wants is long-term benefit!

"It's Lord Orochimaru!"

Just when Xia Yan was a little worried, Yamato suddenly spoke.

"I am Orochimaru-sama's experimental subject, and I almost died because of this experiment.

If Danzo-sama hadn't saved me, I might have been like the other experimental subjects. I was the only one who survived.

My Wood Release also has something to do with this experiment, and I don’t know about the rest. "

When Yamato said these words, his expression was very serious and solemn, but Xia Yan showed a smile.

But this kid is really not good at lying. When he said these words, Xia Yan could clearly feel his body getting slightly warm.

In addition, his heartbeat also accelerated at this moment.

This is an obvious sign of lying. He cannot be like Xia Yan, lying without any emotional or physiological changes at all.

But no matter what, Xia Yan was very satisfied with his words, because he said what Xia Yan wanted!

Orochimaru, this kid's words were directed at Orochimaru.

He said that he was the only surviving experimental subject, and the person who did the experiment was Orochimaru, and because of this experiment, he got the Wood Release.

The information in this paragraph can be completely understood as Orochimaru is conducting human experiments, and even children will not be spared.

Secondly, Orochimaru is inhumane. I don’t know how many experimental subjects there are, but I think there will be many.

The most important thing is that only one of these experimental subjects survived.

Finally, there is the Wood Release. The use of Orochimaru gave the experimental subject the Wood Release.

Mu Dun is the blood successor of the Senju clan, and can even be said to be the power controlled by the first Hokage.

So this can be understood as Orochimaru stole the body of the first Hokage and used the cells of the first Hokage for experiments!

If this happens, Orochimaru will really be driven to death.

And Orochimaru is a disciple of the Third Hokage. This blow to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and even the blow to Sarutobi Hiruzen's interest group, is unimaginable.

Of course, Xia Yan's purpose is far more than that, he has a deeper purpose.

If he could only achieve one effect, wouldn't it be better if he forced Yamato to identify Danzo?

He clapped his hands gently, and an ANBU suddenly appeared next to Xia Yan, and he immediately half-knelt on the ground.

"Did you hear that clearly, Snow Eagle?" Xia Yan asked calmly.

"Listen clearly, sir." Qianju Yang, codenamed Snow Eagle, said extremely seriously.

"Let's go make arrangements and let Orochimaru be killed. Do you understand?" Xia Yan said with a smile: "By the way, the four of you will go together, and the four of you will have more important tasks in the future. Are you clear?"

"Yes, Sir!" Senju Yang said respectfully immediately.

After the words fell, Xia Yan waved his hand gently, and the next moment Qianju Yang disappeared.

Not only Senju Yang, the other three people also disappeared at this moment.

His previous conversation with Senju Renhua had no intention of hiding it from them, and all four of them could hear it clearly.

The four of them are very clear mentally. The four of them will have very important tasks in the future, and they will also have huge power!

This is really a huge temptation for them, a temptation that they simply cannot refuse.

"Okay, kid." Natsuhiko turned his head and looked at Yamato again. He paused for a moment before continuing: "From now on, you will be in ANBU, and your name will be Yamato from now on."

" ANBU?" Yamato was stunned. He looked at Xia Yan strangely and asked, "Sir, do you want me to stay?"

"Do you think you can go back to your roots?"

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, raised his head slightly and spoke condescendingly.

"Stop dreaming, if I didn't kill you, I would have saved talents for Konoha.

And if you think I've caught you, Danzo dares to ask me to take you back?

simply put......"

When Xia Yan said this, he had already opened the iron door of the prison. He stared at Yamato in front of him and smiled.

"Duanzo knows the seriousness of the matter, and his silence already means that he wants to leave you to me in exchange for my reason not to kill him.

Think about it, little brat, stay and serve the ANBU honestly. If you can live, he can live too.

If you run away, not only will I kill you and Danzo, but I will also discredit Danzo.

Do you think clearly? "



Qiong stood timidly in the middle of a square, looking at the bustling crowds around her and the woman walking towards her, she couldn't help but mutter silently.

Yesterday's experience was really like a dream to her, and the fact that Natsuhiko was the ANBU minister really gave her a huge impact.

But she also seized an opportunity, an opportunity to get rid of the planned route that the family might have arranged for her.

Then just like Natsuhiko's fiancée who appeared out of nowhere, choose to show your abilities and join ANBU!

Joining ANBU is really a huge challenge. After all, becoming an ANBU ninja requires great strength.

But she refused to admit defeat. If the Thousand-Armed Lotus could do it, why couldn't she?

So before Xia Yan was about to leave yesterday, she firmly asked a question.

Luckily for her, Xia Yan agreed to her request and gave her a chance.

She didn't know what her assessment would be, or what she would do after entering ANBU, but she couldn't give up this opportunity no matter what!

She got up early this morning. Fortunately, she had been on the battlefield before and was not so excited that she couldn't sleep.

Otherwise, she would have to worry that she would not have the energy to take the assessment today.

She found Shisui and asked him to lead her. After all, she was not an ANBU member and she had no idea how to get to the ANBU.

Shisui had obviously received the order. Although he was quite surprised that other members of the family wanted to enter the ANBU, he didn't ask too many questions.

He is still only a member of the reserve team, and he is unable to access many things.

Under the leadership of Shisui, Qiong came to a square, which was right next to the Hokage Building and was a very prosperous area.

However, after what happened yesterday, Qiong no longer dared to easily believe what he saw.

Especially last night, she asked how her grandfather knew Natsuhiko, and Uchiha Shin didn't hide anything.

He told how he guessed Xia Yan's identity and then waited until Xia Yan took a break to meet.

And through this narrative, Qiong also knew that his grandfather had also encountered such a situation.

And that time, Xia Yan silently changed all the guests. This was really a silent fear.

After Zhisui left, Qiong stood here silently waiting, she was waiting for the person to receive her.

She was very patient and stood there silently, because in her opinion, this was also an assessment.

She had heard that ANBU ninjas might sometimes lurk in one place for a long time when performing missions.

Now she is just standing quietly waiting, it doesn't matter at all.

What she didn't expect was that she didn't wait too long before a familiar figure walked towards her.

"Uchiha Qiong." Lianhua looked at Qiong and shouted softly: "You're early."

"Yes, but it's better to do this kind of thing sooner." Qiong raised her head and looked into Lianhua's eyes, and then she said seriously: "This is a matter of attitude. I have to show my best attitude."

"I understand." Lianhua stared at Qiong, and then she nodded gently: "Let's go, you have an assessment today, and I am in charge of it. Are you ready?"

"Are you responsible?" Qiong frowned slightly, but she soon returned to her normal appearance: "I know, I will work hard, because I will not let Xia Yan down."

At the same time, I will not admit defeat, especially if the failure is in your hands!


Natsuhiko asked Kakashi to take Yamato away, and he left the prison.

Yamato should be tortured by Kakashi. It's hard to say who tortured whom in the end.

After all, Natsuhiko has never participated in the Lost Tower mission, and he is not so clear about the attitude of Yamato from the future towards Kakashi.

But no matter what the future holds, this is what he is doing now anyway.

In his memory, it was really thanks to Kakashi that Yamato could return to a relatively normal person.

So it's hard to say what kind of changes will happen if he is simply asked to follow Kakashi.

But Natsuhiko didn't have other cards in his hand. He would not give Orochimaru this task to anyone else.

After all, Yamato's first change occurred while carrying out the mission against Orochimaru.

But these are all things for later, Xia Yan still has other things to do now.

For example, he planned to visit Danzo's laboratory again.

Natsuhiko has been waiting for Obito's arms to brew the seeds for so long, but his arms never seem to be able to do this.

This made Xia Yan wonder whether his approach was wrong, or whether the arm was of no use at all.

In order to prevent such a thing from happening, Xia Yan must make more preparations.

Therefore, he couldn't help but think of Danzo and this good old man again. His first real fortune was due to Danzo.

This time he planned to search again to see if he could find some materials!

In addition, Xia Yan also wanted to try to see if he could find something more valuable.

Just like the experiment list he wanted to find last time, but couldn't find it at all!

If he finds this thing, then Natsuhiko has definitely reached Danzo's Achilles' heel, and he can kill him whenever he wants.

"Psychic art!"

When Natsuhiko approached a laboratory where intelligence showed traces of Orochimaru and Danzo's actions, he quickly formed seals to summon two lizards.

Xia Yan picked it up and put it on his body. As his chakra vibrated slightly, he instantly resonated with the lizard.

Then his eyes fell on the other lizard, and he spoke slowly and softly.

“I will leave a mark on you, and your mission will remain the same as last time.

While looking for materials, I found some pieces of meat from last time.

Once you find out, use your chakra to activate the mark, and I will get there.

Finally, remember to avoid calling when there are people around, okay? "

The little lizard licked his tongue, and then he crawled directly towards the laboratory.

Xia Yan stood there silently. He did not follow him. His perception could ensure his connection with the lizard.

Now his strength is no longer what it was before, and now his status does not need to be so worried and feared, and he does not need to follow the lizard in circles like before.

Activating the lizard chakra that can communicate with animals, he can now hear the sounds of various animals everywhere.

But this place is really quiet and eerie, as if the place is shrouded in death. Xia Yan really doesn't like this feeling.


But at this moment, Xia Yan suddenly felt the little lizard activate his mark, which refreshed Xia Yan.

However, he did not act rashly. In order to avoid some minor troubles, Xia Yan decided to make some preparations.

He put on a mask and black gloves, and also put on a black cloak.

When everything was ready, he gently touched his mask, and with the vibration of chakra, he disappeared instantly...


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