The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 215 Advanced Immortal Technique Chakra Seeds


Along with the roar of the earth, there was a muffled sound on the ground, and a giant snake suddenly appeared here.

The giant snake opened its mouth, and Orochimaru jumped out of the giant snake's mouth.

He looked intact at this point, but his chakra had reached an extreme new low at this point.

He took a few deep breaths, then stood up and wanted to leave here quickly.

Although he collapsed the underground laboratory, he believed that people with that level of strength would never worry about such a predicament.

Orochimaru's purpose for doing this is actually very clear, that is, to leave the laboratory surrounded by seals.

In that laboratory, I'm afraid they won't be able to attract Konoha's ninja even if they fight with hatred.

Only when he comes out can the people in the perception class and ANBU notice it, so that he can provide support!

Orochimaru is a rational person, at least now he is a rational person. He knows that he is not an opponent, so he will not think about fighting alone.

And he had a deeper idea, which was to rely on the power of Konoha to catch this guy, so that Orochimaru could study more secrets about this guy.


However, before Orochimaru could run far, the ground trembled crazily in an instant, and then a suffocating chakra pounced directly on Orochimaru.

"Warning! Warning!"

In the perception class in the Hokage Building, a perception ninja suddenly shouted crazily.

"Kyuubi's chakra is sensed in Konoha Village! Repeat, Kyuubi's chakra is sensed in Konoha Village!"

Not only him, but all the ninjas in the Sensing Class were aware of this chakra.

They had only felt this power not long ago, and this power was still fresh in their memory!

They really didn't expect that they would feel such power again.

Feeling that the chakra was suffocating them, they quickly started functioning, and soon someone informed Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"What, Kyuubi?"

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly heard the report from the ninjas of the Sensing Class, and he was completely stunned.

Hasn't the Kyuubi been sealed?

Moreover, Kushina and Namikaze Minato are both in Mt. Myoboku, and it is impossible for them to come back to attack Konoha.

Could it be the chakra of Kyuubi?

He would understand if it was Kyuubi's chakra. After all, many people studied Kyuubi's chakra.

For example, this kid Natsuhiko has some Kyuubi chakra in his hands.

But the current situation doesn't seem to be as simple as the Nine-Tails Chakra!

"Inform the ANBU and ask Senju Natsuhiko to dispatch as soon as possible."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and he quickly took out his battle armor.

"Also, notify the guarding ninjas to gather together and set off."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!" The ninja immediately responded loudly, and then hurriedly ran out.

Konoha was already in chaos at this time, but Natsuhiko appeared calmly in front of Orochimaru.

He already knew Orochimaru's purpose, and he had to say that this guy's reaction was really fast enough, or that he had already thought of a way out from the beginning.

Orochimaru summoned a giant snake to lurk. He had long sensed it, but the snake never moved and Xia Yan didn't care.

In addition, although the basement was strong, it could not withstand the bombardment of the two of them.

It is not a strange thing to be directly destroyed by Orochimaru's ninjutsu.

However, Xia Yan felt that this was fine, as there was no point in continuing the fight, so he took this opportunity to stop.

"I have to say, you are indeed interesting, Orochimaru."

Natsuhiko walked calmly in front of Orochimaru, his golden chakra still dazzling.

“The basement was deliberately collapsed to lure me out.

If I use the chakra of the Kyuubi, you Konoha will be able to find me, and you will have time to escape without me.

Especially when I use the Kyuubi's chakra, you Konoha happened to be attacked by another Kyuubi.

I have to say, your ant did bite me, which is interesting, very interesting. "

"You are indeed strong, but I don't believe you can deal with a village."

Orochimaru endured the pressure of Natsuhiko's momentum but still maintained his own style. He licked his tongue before speaking slowly.

"You are very strong. I'm afraid other villages wouldn't be able to deal with you that easily.

But there is a wood escape in Konoha, and you found me instead of him, which means you are also afraid of him.

As long as we lure him here, then..."

"That's a good analysis, but just because I'm afraid of him doesn't mean I'm afraid of you."

Xia Yan was actually a little funny in his heart. He said that he was afraid of himself in front of Orochimaru. Although it was a bit shameless, Xia Yan still found it quite funny.

But fun is fun, Xia Yan still needs to solve the problem quickly, so he looked at Orochimaru indifferently and said softly.

"I remember your chakra, and I know and am sure what you are doing.

Give me what I want, and I can guarantee that if you don't mess with us in the future, we won't cause trouble for you.

Otherwise, I will let you die. "

Orochimaru smiled, the guy in front of him was really arrogant to the extreme.

However, Orochimaru also knew mentally that the person in front of him really had such arrogance, and at the same time, he also believed in what the guy in front of him said.

His research on wood escape could not stand up to the investigation, especially after Senju Hashirama's body was discovered, there was only one end for him.

That is defection!

He had no other choice but to defect and leave Konoha, because even his teacher would not protect him in such a thing.

And once he leaves the protection of Konoha, if this guy finds him with his perception, he will be in trouble.

But having said that, Orochimaru didn't have much resistance to leaving Konoha.

Konoha could indeed provide him with enough shelter, which was not a very good thing for his development at that time.

What he desires is to study more unknown things, whether it is blood inheritance, secret techniques or life!

But these things that need to be touched are often things that Konoha does not allow him to touch, at least on the surface.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have cooperated with Danzo, otherwise he wouldn't have hidden underground.

Maybe without this incident, he would have chosen to leave Konoha in the future.

And now that this happened, he really needed to make some choices in order not to be hunted down by a scary guy in the future that would prevent him from doing research quietly.

"Do you want a research report?" Orochimaru licked his tongue and nodded calmly: "No problem, what else?"

"Simple. To be safe, I need your experiment list and some of Senju Hashirama's body parts."

Natsuhiko probably guessed what Orochimaru was thinking, and he directly said what he wanted.

"Don't try to bargain, because you have no qualifications in front of me!"


"What a great harvest."

Xia Yan appeared at the other end of the village with a lot of documents and Senju Hashirama's body parts.

He left in front of Orochimaru, and his deception had to be comprehensive. He symbolically used psychic skills.

But this didn't summon anything, just a burst of smoke.

He used the smoke to directly use the Flying Thunder God, causing the effect of reverse channeling and left here.

As for whether Orochimaru believed him or not, that was not what he cared about.

At worst, when taking Orochimaru in the future, just make your own natural chakra more intense.

His previous contact was completely covered with Kyuubi's chakra, so he didn't need to worry about being exposed at all.

However, after changing his identity as Senju Natsuhiko, he had better be honest and let Kyuubi's chakra be hidden.

Even if you can't hide it completely, at least don't act so exaggeratedly.

Anyway, Xia Yan believed that he could handle it well, and Xiao Jiuwei also gave him a satisfactory answer.

"As I now absorb and become more familiar with this chakra, I have gained some control over my own power.

Although it is not completely familiar, concealing the aura of chakra is not a problem.

But I also discovered one thing, that is, the chakra you absorb contains terrifying natural power.

This is somewhat similar to your immortal mode. No wonder you can seal it in your body without being affected much. "

The scent of natural chakra?

Xia Yan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he heard this. He had never really felt the chakra of the dragon vein carefully.

After all, he regards Dragon Vein Chakra more as nourishment, or even as something to scare people. He cannot constantly absorb and explore them like Kyuubi.

But according to what Kyuubi said, if this thing is really natural chakra, can Natsuhiko use them in sage mode?

Xia Yan will not miss any method that can improve his own combat effectiveness.

Forget it if he didn't know before, but now he knows that if he doesn't do something, then he will really be sorry for his status as a time traveler.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but think that his immortal mode was still in an intermediate state.

He still hasn't touched the advanced immortal mode seeds, which is not good news for him.

Because he really didn't have much of a clue. He even searched for it after the last battle with Jiraiya, but the result also disappointed him.

But now is not the time to dwell on these things, especially since he already has enough plans.

In addition, the things he has in hand now are enough to make people excited, so there is no need for him to think about other things.

I have to say that Orochimaru is a smart man, and the saying that a wise man is a wise man is reflected in him.

No wonder this guy killed the Fourth Kazekage, attacked Konoha, and even provided the ‘core technology’ for the Fourth War.

But for such a guy, nothing happened in the end!

He had no intention of bargaining at all and completely took out everything Xia Yan wanted.

And this also allowed Xia Yan to get enough of the body parts of Senju Hashirama he wanted, as well as his experiment list, experiment process and results report!

In fact, for Xia Yan, it was enough to just get the list and body parts, but Xia Yan knew very well that he had to do everything in a show.

Even if this information is useless to Natsuhiko, it can still create something for Orochimaru to attack him.

In this case, it basically has nothing to do with Xia Yan.

"I am also a Konoha ninja after all. How could I attack a Konoha ninja?"

Xia Yan quickly turned the black hair on his head back to silver, and at the same time sealed all the clothes and masks he had worn before in the scroll, and finally burned them all with fire.

After figuring out these things and changing into new clothes, Xia Yan directly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned to the previous forest.

Before, he was an unknown ninja who attacked Konoha, but now he is Konoha's ANBU chief Senju Natsuhiko.

Quickly walking towards the place where the previous battle broke out, Natsuhiko soon realized that Orochimaru was still there.

I don't know if he believes that he won't cause trouble for him, or if he is still strong enough to hold back the nine-tailed self.

However, Xia Yan was too lazy to think so much. He slightly aroused the celestial chakra in his body, but kept himself from entering the sage mode.

After making such preparations, he quickly walked towards Orochimaru.

"Lord Orochimaru, why are you here? Are you okay?"

Natsuhiko appeared next to Orochimaru like a ghost, a gentle smile appeared on his face, looking so cheerful and sunny.

"What happened here? Why did I feel Kyuubi's chakra before?"

"It's Sir Natsuhiko. It's our first time meeting you. I haven't even had time to congratulate you on becoming the Minister of ANBU."

Orochimaru felt the sudden chakra coming from behind him, and he couldn't help but become cautious.

But when he noticed that this chakra contained a special natural aura, he probably knew who was coming.

Orochimaru turned his head and looked at Natsuhiko, and then he said in his hoarse voice.

"It was Kyuubi. To be precise, someone controlled the power of Kyuubi and attacked me."


Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, deliberately showing a surprised look.

"The power of the Kyuubi?

It seems that there are quite a lot of ambitious people in this world. Some time ago, the Sandaime-sama and I recovered some of the Nine-Tails chakra from the daimyo. "

Orochimaru couldn't help but twitched his lips when he heard this. If he only had the chakra of the Nine-Tails, how could he be so embarrassed?

Even facing a threat to his life, what if he had to hand over something to save his life?

However, this matter is really hard to explain. There is more than one nine-tails. What this means is simply self-evident!

Tailed beasts are strategic-level weapons, and such strategic-level weapons can exert incredible power on an individual.

If these guys don't encounter anyone who is particularly difficult to deal with, they can definitely challenge the five major ninja villages.

This is simply an existence that breaks the balance of the world!

"Master Xia Yan, it's better not to be careless."

Orochimaru shook his head slightly, he licked his tongue and then turned around and left directly, he said as he walked.

“The world is too big and we are too small.

This will lead to a lack of knowledge on our part, and it will also lead us to a state of ignorance.

But Xia Yan-sama should be okay, after all, you have the ability to scare people. "

After saying these meaningless words, Orochimaru left without telling anyone.

Xia Yan looked at him quietly. When he disappeared completely, a smile appeared on the corner of Xia Yan's mouth...


Not long after Orochimaru left, Sarutobi Hiruzen arrived here with the guarding ninjas, and members of the ANBU also gathered here.

But when Sarutobi Hiruzen noticed this place, his expression changed instantly.

He immediately asked everyone to just surround the place and not allow them to get close, while he walked in himself.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the center of the battle between Natsuhiko and Orochimaru. Looking at the remaining chakra around the collapsed laboratory, Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart tightened slightly.

Especially when he saw a figure standing there, also observing everything around him, Sarutobi Hiruzen's heartbeat increased even more!

"Boss Natsuhiko, are you here already?" Sarutobi Hiruzen controlled his emotions and walked towards Natsuhiko: "Where is Orochimaru? Why didn't you see him?"

"He left, Hokage-sama."

Xia Yan turned his head and chuckled, then he sighed slightly and said.

“However, this place really surprised me. I didn’t expect that this place was actually a laboratory.

That guy Yamato was born in a place like this, right? "


Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, he didn't know what Natsuhiko's words meant.

"Who is Yamato? Minister Natsuhiko's words make me a little confused."

"Sorry Hokage-sama, it's my problem."

Xia Yan smiled and shrugged, and then said in a serious tone.

"Yamato is the kid who can use wood escape, I just gave him a name.

By the way, Hokage-sama, this is very dangerous.

It would be better for Hokage-sama to go back and leave it to our ANBU to take over. "

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard Natsuhiko's words, he immediately understood what they meant, and his eyes became alert.

go back?

What a joke!

Did he really go back and let ANBU take over the place, then watch them turn the place upside down to get some evidence they shouldn't have?

And what on earth was Orochimaru doing? He left so quickly without explaining the situation. Everyone had no idea what was going on.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very unhappy now, but he could still endure it.

Taking a deep breath, Sarutobi Hiruzen said seriously: "Captain Natsuhiko doesn't need to worry about it. I think I can handle this matter."

"Really?" Natsuhiko raised his eyebrows. He looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a smile on his face: "Hokage-sama, are you sure you don't need my help? This is Konoha's matter, and as an ANBU I have a duty. "

"Boss Natsuhiko." Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression became serious: "Since you know this is Konoha, you should also remember that I am the Hokage, so don't go too far, you have not become the Hokage yet!"

"Is that so?" Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he said with a smile: "I understand, but Hokage-sama must be careful, don't catch anyone or anything other than Yamato for me."

After saying this, Xia Yan didn't look at Sarutobi Hiruzen's already livid face at all, he turned around and left here neatly.

It's enough to talk to this extent, and it hasn't completely turned away.

It's not that Natsuhiko isn't strong enough, it's that his accumulation in Konoha isn't enough.

Problems can be solved with fists, but there are also a lot of troubles that come with it.

As someone who had received comprehensive education in his previous life and had learned political lessons known as the 'dragon-slaying art' that other countries would never let go of, it was impossible for him not to know this truth.

"Anyway, I still have time, so I can play with you slowly."

Xia Yan thought for a while, and then quickly left here.

But he didn't plan to go home, but planned to leave the village!

The effect of this battle was indeed very good, but this effect made Natsuhiko realize that his power as a 'Konoha ninja' seemed to need to be strengthened.

The combat power he displayed in Nine-Tails Mode was truly terrifying. Even without the Flying Thunder God Technique, he could still crush one side.

In comparison, the combat effectiveness of his 'Konoha Ninja' seems to be a little stretched.

He does have the Flying Thunder God Technique, the help of Wood Release, and Lizard Maru to help.

However, Xia Yan is very clear mentally. He has such fighting power mainly because he relies on the immortal mode.

There is no doubt that his intermediate sage mode surpasses Kyuubi in terms of chakra level.

After all, even those at the Six Paths level can ignore ordinary chakra, but they will be injured by fairy chakra.

But in terms of quantity, there is no way to compare.

Especially against ordinary ninjas, in fact, whether it is senjutsu chakra or ordinary chakra, the effect is the same.

In such an environment, the explosive power and chakra amount of the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode is really much stronger than that of the Sage Mode.

Therefore, improving one's immortal mode is also an urgent matter.

Especially the Sage Mode is the key to improving his other abilities, and he urgently needs a more powerful Sage Mode.

"If you find the chakra seeds of advanced magic and use the dragon vein chakra that originally contains natural power to brew it, the effect may be better, right?"

Thinking of this, Xia Yan quickly created a shadow clone.

The shadow clone nodded to Xia Yan, and then walked all the way in the direction of the ANBU.

Xia Yan put on a mask again, and then he quickly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and disappeared...


At dusk, Qiong slowly returned to the Uchiha clan.

She seems to be in a daze now, after all, what she came into contact with today really shocked her.

If everything that happened yesterday was like a dream, she was shocked that her classmates became ANBU ministers at such a young age.

So everything she came into contact with today was truly shocking.

She finally understood why her classmate could reach this point. It really wasn't just about relying on strength.

It also requires a clear enough mind, a bold enough idea, and a terrifying enough wrist!

His classmate actually killed the previous minister with his own hands on the night of the Nine-Tails, and then got the support of the Fourth Hokage before he came to power.

But before taking the position, he showed his strength and cooperated with the Hokage to seal the Nine Tails.

It can be said that the former minister refused to go out and was killed by him, as well as his performance in the Nine-Tails incident, which brought him great popularity.

With such a reputation and display of strength, he has achieved his current status!

In order to control the Anbu well and improve the strength of the Anbu, he also did a lot of things, many things that made Qiongdu's hair stand on end.

This was really a completely different person from the Xia Yan she remembered who always had a smile on his face.

"Qiong, are you okay?" Just after Qiong returned home in a daze, Uchiha Mana's worried voice came through.

"Huh?" Qiong came back to her senses, and then she shook her head gently: "I'm fine, just a little..."

"It's okay." Uchiha sighed in relief before Qiong could finish his words: "In the afternoon, the Nine-Tails' chakra fluctuations appeared in Konoha again, and you were in the ANBU, so I was still worried... ..”

"Don't worry, Grandpa." Qiong was now completely awake, and she forced a smile: "I won't participate in such a mission. I'm safe."

Uchiha Qiong's words instantly stunned Uchiha, and he became excited after thinking about it for a while.

There will be no mission, which means that Qiong is not a front-line combat team.

In this case, I am afraid that my granddaughter's safety is indeed guaranteed.

However, there were quite a few ANBU logistics teams involved in torture, intelligence classification, and government affairs. Uchiha was really curious about where his granddaughter was.


If it's government affairs...

"Your future job position..." Uchiha became a little cautious after getting really excited: "Can you reveal it a little bit? Of course, if confidentiality regulations are involved, there is no problem not to say it."

"I asked, I can disclose it appropriately." Qiong knew what her grandfather wanted to ask, and she had indeed asked this question in advance.

The answer given by Lianhua is very clear, that is, you can reveal a little, but you must not reveal too much.

ANBU has its own inspection mechanism, which Qiong has carefully studied and understood. She understands what 'can't reveal too much' means.

Moreover, Lianhua also told Qiong that this was Xia Yan's decision.

"So?" Uchiha Zhen's body was trembling a little, and he asked suppressing his emotions.

"I work in the Government Affairs Office." Qiong gave a direct answer at this moment: "I'm sorry, grandpa, I can't tell you what you do specifically or what information you have. This is a rule."

"Hahahahaha!" Uchiha suddenly laughed loudly, and he laughed very happily.

For him, this answer is enough!

Rules are rules, you can't say more without saying anything. Uchiha really doesn't mind this kind of thing at all.

Qiong entered the Government Affairs Office, which was an area that the Uchiha clan had not touched for decades. How could this make him unhappy?

Even if it was limited to ANBU, Ji Qiong's status might not be high.

But this is enough, this is the beginning for the Uchiha clan to break free from their shackles!

Qiong couldn't help but smile when she saw her grandfather's happy and excited look. If her grandfather knew what she really wanted to learn and do, he would probably be happier, right?

But after the joy, I'm afraid there will be unprecedented pressure.

In fact, Qiong also felt the pressure, because what she wanted to do was to get access to the core secrets of ANBU.

Once something goes wrong, not only she will be severely punished.

Her family might also be hostile to the ANBU, or even Konoha as a whole.

But she was still determined to do it well, she didn't want to lose this opportunity...


"We really came to the right place, but it seems we arrived too late."

Standing in the forest below the Valley of the End, looking up at the Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara carved by huge stone sculptures, Natsuhiko had a smile on his face.

He immediately came to the Valley of the End after Konoha.

In fact, he had passed by this place many times, but he had never stopped to search carefully.

After all, he didn't have the Flying Thunder God Technique at the beginning, but after having the Flying Thunder God Technique, he was quite busy.

In addition, he had to concentrate on dealing with the Nine-Tails incident before, so he didn't dare to explore.

He was afraid that after he found the seeds, he would not be able to resist his luck and choose to plant them.

People's luck mentality is the most terrifying. Even if Xia Yan is a battle-hardened ninja, he will not be able to control his thoughts.

But today, he had enough preparations and enough time, so he chose to search.

As for the search results, Xia Yan was satisfied, but after all, so much time had passed and what he could find was really limited.

"But even though it's limited, I got what I wanted."

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Quasi-shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (huge chakra reserves) (a small amount of sealed dragon vein chakra)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant high-level Nine-Tails Fruit to grow) (intake too much chakra, continue to grow)

Seeds: Fire attribute advanced chakra seeds (not planted), wind attribute advanced chakra seeds (not planted), senjutsu advanced chakra seeds (not planted)

Fruit: None

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (22% progress)

Xia Yan looked at his panel quietly, and he couldn't help but smile.

In addition to the five major chakra attributes, he has obtained all the other advanced chakra cultivation except Lei Dun.

I don't know if there aren't many people in Konoha who can use Thunder Release, or if the guy who uses Thunder Release hasn't fully grown up yet.

Even the day after the great destruction of the Nine-Tailed Night, he ran to the center of the battlefield and found no similar seeds.

However, Lei Dun can be obtained from those in Yunyin Village, and he believes that he will definitely have no problems in the future.

Apart from that, he didn't have any good results in Yin Yang Escape.

Perhaps his way of growing up still requires him to obtain the broken power of Indra or Asura.

When he collects all the chakra, the most troublesome and difficult road will begin.

That is to fuse these chakras to achieve the level of blood inheritance snare!

The path Natsuhiko wants to take is to rediscover the power of those Otsutsukis, and at the same time gather the power of the tailed beasts and the power of the blood inheritance snare.

With his foundation, he also believes that he can do all this!

"But before that, let's get the power of magic first..."


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