The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 216 Are you ready (please subscribe)

Planting new seeds, and high-grade seeds, has really not had as big an impact on Xia Yan as he imagined.

Especially since he still had Dragon Vein Chakra to rely on, the consumption on him was greatly reduced.

Of course, his biggest reliance is actually the power of Little Kyuubi.

At this stage, his Nine-Tails Chakra mode is obviously slightly more powerful in comparison.

Although the overall strength is almost the same when compared vertically, even with the combination of his Immortal Technique and Wood Escape and the Flying Thunder God, he is more efficient at killing enemies.

But the most important thing is that for now, there are not many places in Konoha that require his hands-on, so he doesn't need to be so scrupulous.

This is the benefit brought by strength. If it were him before, he would not dare to plant it without completely ensuring his own safety.

But now, he has two combat modes and combat systems. Although they are both his powers, they can show two completely different effects.

This is also a place where he has confidence, and this is also a sign of his improvement!

"But, why does one feel like an agile combat method and the other feel like an agile stabbing method?"

Natsuhiko's two states are very interesting, they both have their own chakra modes.

One is sage mode and the other is nine-tails chakra mode.

In addition, their common feature is that they are extremely fast, and there is no problem in saying that they are agile.

Of course, what is really faster is the flying thunder god technique. After all, flying thunder god is the speed of traveling through space.

But even if you don't consider the Flying Thunder God, Xia Yan's speed is still guaranteed. This is the ability that he relies on for survival.

In the world of martial arts, only fast ones cannot be defeated. This sentence is really very reasonable.

As long as your speed is so fast that no one can hit you, and you can easily launch an attack, then you will always have a terrible initiative.

Xia Yan felt that after his advanced magical chakra was truly cultivated, he could use it with the techniques of Wood Release and Flying Thunder God.

I'm afraid even if I use the Nine-Tails Chakra mode, it will be really difficult to fight against it!

In addition to the seeds of advanced magic being planted, Xia Yan also planted other seeds that could be planted this time.

Although intermediate seeds also consume a lot of chakra, compared with high-level seeds, they are really not worth mentioning.

Xia Yan had experienced this feeling himself, and at that time he had planted multiple seeds together.

"The intermediate chakra seeds of Wind Release and Fire Release have been obtained, and there are high-level seeds after these two seeds.

This left a lot of trouble for me, but I still haven't found the advanced thunder escape chakra.

In addition, I now also have to consider the issue of chakra fusion. "

Sitting in the ANBU office, Xia Yan held his head with one hand while his thoughts began to wander.

At this time, some time had passed since Orochimaru was attacked, and during this period, as he thought, the entire ninja world was calm.

As the ANBU minister, he was putting more energy into building the ANBU at this time.

There is no need for him to cause trouble for the time being. He also has to wait for his planting to be completed.

Although fusing chakra is not the most troublesome problem he faces now, it is definitely a problem he will inevitably encounter in the future.

It is impossible for him who pursues the Blood Succession Snare not to know what the so-called Blood Succession Snare synthesis method is.

However, the difficulty here is indeed unimaginable. You must know that there is only one blood stain in the entire ninja world that has been eliminated.

The Blood Successor Elimination is just a fusion of three types of chakra, but the combat power it displays is really impressive.

To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the overwhelming combat power, Onoki's technique wouldn't be able to defeat Madara Uchiha at all.

Otherwise, if the resurrected Uchiha Madara was really hit, it would not be as simple as breaking off a hand.

But how to integrate chakra is giving Xia Yan a headache.

It's not that he hasn't tried it himself, but his chakra development level is too high.

Although the degree of development is high, it means that his understanding of chakra of this attribute has reached the extreme.

But correspondingly, his understanding and operation of this chakra were also limited.

"Is it possible that I want to touch the seeds of the Blood Successor Snare?

Just kidding, even if I get the Ten-Tails' chakra out, I still have the potential to brew this seed.

But how long should I brew seeds of that level? "

Xia Yan shook his head, he actually sighed.

Blood Succession Snare is a difficult road, but it is also a road he must take. No matter how difficult it is, he must continue!

Xia Yan shook his head, no longer thinking about this matter.

Now that he hasn't even gathered the high-level chakra of three attributes, it's obviously not appropriate to think about such a thing.

Maybe in the future, he might actually get the plant he wants with the 'fusion' ability from something special.

This is really not Xia Yan's delusion, after all, his system can always give him all kinds of incredible experiences.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Xia Yan looked at the documents on his desk.

During this period, ANBU was also undergoing earth-shaking changes. With sufficient funds to operate, and Natsuhiko's initial policy of liberalizing the ninjutsu library began to be implemented, this really ignited the enthusiasm of the ANBU ninjas.

Especially these ANBU ninjas know one thing, that is, the ANBU is expanding now.

The expansion means that there will be a vacuum in more senior positions, from squad leader to squadron leader. These are all things worthy of their challenge.

Combined with the policies promulgated by Xia Yan, all of them seemed very motivated at this moment.

If you have motivation, you will naturally have vitality. If you want the donkey to run without giving you a carrot, there is no such thing as a good thing in the world.

Xia Yan has always believed that pie will not fall in the sky. If you want others to pay, you must first show sincerity.

Facts have proved that, at least for now, his approach is still very good.

With the efforts of Kakashi and others, the expansion of ANBU is now proceeding in an orderly manner.

And Senju Xiangzhen also began to mobilize his own connections and contact small families who were once willing to follow the Senju clan.

In addition, Senju Xiangzhen also began to formally visit some more valuable families.

He chose the time very well, it happened to be the launch of Xia Yan's new policy.

Cooperating with the publicity of these family members, this gave the big families in Konoha a good impression of Xia Yan.

A good impression coupled with a certain amount of power is an extreme temptation for those big families.

This also helped Xia Yan reduce a lot of pressure when recruiting new ANBU members, and also allowed the ANBU to speed up its expansion.

"In addition to the achievements in this area, what I didn't expect the most was that the Government Affairs Office, Secretariat and Intelligence Class actually developed faster."

Xia Yan continued to look at the report in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Although this information was really not that surprising, he couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded after looking at it carefully.

The Government Affairs Office alone has nearly twenty ninjas, while the Secretariat may have just been established, so the number is slightly smaller.

But even so, there are already ten official secretaries, so normal operations can be maintained.

In addition to this is the intelligence class. The intelligence class has now been fully expanded and can now match the expanded number of people in the action team.

If it was just like this, Xia Yan might not be so concerned and happy.

What really makes him happy and happy is that many of the people added this time are from Nara and Yamazaka!

I have to say that the acumen of Zhuludie is really strong, and they seem to be very good at making some investments.

Xia Yan discovered the name of the Akimichi clan in the action force, but he didn't take it too seriously.

Because there are many people similar to Inuzuka and Aburame, and there are even a few people chosen by Uchiha Makoto and a member of the Hinata clan.

Therefore, Akimichi's attention has naturally plummeted.

But combined with the Government Affairs Office and the intelligence team, it is obvious that Zhu Ludie has noticed something.

How they noticed it, Xia Yan didn't know and didn't want to find out.

He even knew that these guys were willing to send people here. In addition to Senju Xiangzhen doing his job well, they also wanted to express an attitude to the Fourth Hokage.

From the establishment of Konoha to the present, Inokacho has gone through three Hokage regimes, but it still firmly occupies a certain say in Konoha.

This is not only a reflection of their ability, but also that they know how to maintain their status.

"But it is a pity that the person you are loyal to is actually me, not Namikaze Minato."

It's impossible for Xia Yan to guess what they were thinking. After all, this result was almost caused by Xia Yan.

Namikaze Minato's retreat became his best shield, and he always acted in the name of Namikaze Minato.

I have to say that Namikaze Minato's name is really useful sometimes, and Natsu Yan was really comfortable eating silently in the back.

But even though he still had plenty to eat, he also knew that it was time to start feeling a little excited.

For example, regarding Orochimaru.

"I said, can you stop thinking about these conspiracies for a day?"

At this moment, the little nine-tailed voice angrily spoke in Xia Yan's mind.

"I can feel your malice even when I sleep. You are really more evil than us tailed beasts."

"Please, shouldn't you be the aggregation of all malice?" Xia Yan replied to Xiao Jiuwei with a puzzled look on his face: "Isn't my evil just suitable for you?"

"Hmph, I'm not that big guy." Xiao Jiuwei snorted disdainfully in Xia Yan's head, and then he climbed down again. "Also, the things you do are depressing."

"Don't mind, do you want me to use my identity as Senju Natsuhiko to cause trouble?" Natsuhiko smiled and shook his head. He knew exactly what the little Kyuubi was complaining about.

Obviously he was complaining about Xia Yan's decision to use his power whenever he did something bad in the future.

After all the calculations, Xia Yan has only used his power twice now, but the things he has done are not small.

The first time they faced the Akatsuki organization, they were stunned. He didn't know the specific casualties of the Akatsuki organization, but thinking about it, it should be uncomfortable.

The second time was to deal with Orochimaru directly, and he simply did it in Konoha.

Orochimaru's incident also caused quite a stir. For example, the top brass of Konoha now know that there are more than just tailed beasts in the ninja world.

According to Orochimaru, the person who attacked him could perfectly master the power of the Nine-Tails.

In terms of personal strength, both speed and strength are beyond imagination, and he even has terrifying perception.

Such a narrative really made the top management of Konoha seem a little panicked. If Orochimaru's status was not high enough and his strength was guaranteed, they would actually prefer to imagine that Orochimaru was talking nonsense.

Although the simple tailed beast is scary enough, it can still be dealt with.

After all, simple tailed beasts rely on the instinct of beasts to act, and they do not have the thinking ability and fighting style of ninjas.

Otherwise, ninjas would not create existences like jinchūriki in order to bring out the maximum combat power of the tailed beasts.

It is simply unimaginable that a perfect Jinchuuriki possesses both the fighting qualities of a ninja and the power of a tailed beast.

Especially now that there are no tailed beasts in Konoha, the Nine Tails followed Namikaze Minato and Kushina to Mt. Myoboku.

Once such a guy goes crazy in Konoha, the devastation is foreseeable.

Fortunately, according to Orochimaru, that guy was a little afraid of Natsuhiko and was unwilling to really face Konoha.

Such a statement naturally made Xia Yan severely slapped in the face by Konoha senior officials, even if this was not his intention.

He himself never thought that he would become a "nuclear deterrent" existence inexplicably.

But anyway, this is a good thing. And Orochimaru's words immediately made Natsuhiko realize that he could take the next step.

"Well, at least use your power to let people know what a real Jinchuuriki should be like."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile and muttered silently, and at the same time he continued to comfort him.

"While the other jinchūriki were still half-tailed beasts, we had already entered chakra mode.

Even transforming into a tailed beast in chakra mode, doesn't this subvert your cognition and show your power? "

"Tch, it sounds like I care a lot."

Xiao Jiuwei's tone was still so disdainful, but he was still quite proud in his heart.

"But don't be proud. How can you be considered a perfect Jinchuuriki?"

"Say it like it's my problem."

Xia Yan stretched, stood up and walked to the window. He looked at the Hokage Rock outside the window and said with a smile.

“If you want to fully unleash your power, it’s you who should work hard, not me.

What's more, my high-level immortal seeds will still take some time to mature. "

After saying this, Xia Yan stopped talking, and Xiao Jiuwei did not respond.

But Xia Yan can feel that this little guy will probably work harder to absorb and adapt to his own power.

After all, Kyuubi-chan is also an extremely strong guy.

Not only must he be strong, but he is also extremely close to himself. He does not want his power to be surpassed by other powers, causing Xia Yan to use his power less.

In addition, he was also very dissatisfied with Xia Yan using his power to do bad things, because Xia Yan would not be able to use his power honestly at all.

But Xiao Jiuwei just complained, and he would not refute Xia Yan.

No matter how strong or weak he is, the person closest to him is just Xia Yan...


"Mr. Minister."

In the ANBU minister's office, Senju Renge and Uchiha Qiao stood upright.

And beside the two of them stood the three ANBU captains: Kakashi, Trout, and Antelope.

Although Kakashi and Yuu are strictly speaking, they are only acting captains.

But everyone seemed to agree that the two of them could actually take the position of captain stably.

After all, the longer the two of them serve as captains, the more experience and prestige they accumulate.

It may be really difficult for other challengers to challenge them.

"Okay, everyone is here, right?" Xia Yan nodded calmly, and then he showed a gentle smile: "Everyone, sit down, this is just a simple meeting, there is no need to be so serious."

"Yes, Mr. Minister." The five of them answered in unison, but they did not actually find a place to sit down.

The easygoingness that Xia Yan showed is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. After all, this is the persona he has set for himself, and he will not change it.

But even though he appeared to be easy-going, the vast majority of people in the ANBU were in awe of him.

Except for the new ANBU ninja, others will not forget that he personally killed Takumi Murashima.

Especially this guy, in front of all the ANBU, directly sent the former minister to the Pure Land with a single blow!

And he said that the strength he showed was worthy of awe. He was the one who protected Konoha and sealed the Nine-Tails.

"Okay, since you're not going to find a place to sit, let's get started."

Xia Yan knocked on the table lightly and asked directly.

"First of all, how are you following up on Orochimaru's matter? I remember that I had already issued an order before his accident."

"There are some results, but we don't dare to rush forward."

This question was a very difficult one, and Kakashi finally took a step forward and answered it.

"There seems to be someone with roots around Orochimaru, and he is very cautious now. In addition, we seem to have found some connection between him and Danzo."

Natsuhiko nodded. He knew that investigating Orochimaru was actually very difficult, so he had nothing to blame for the ANBU's low progress.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to be particularly anxious about this matter, unless Orochimaru has completely given up, otherwise this guy will definitely show his flaws.

But now that he has made up his mind to mess with him, Xia Yan must take some action.

The Yamato card cannot be completely played for the time being, but there is still no problem in placing some smoke bombs.

"I know, this matter is really difficult to handle."

Xia Yan smiled and knocked on the table lightly.

"Relax everyone, there is no need to be nervous.

What you have to do next is a bit troublesome, but I believe you can handle it well. "

"Yes, Sir Minister."

The five people once again answered in tacit agreement, without even asking what the matter was.

"The village is too quiet. We need some noise to wake everyone up."

Xia Yan changed his posture slightly. He crossed his hands on the table and covered his nose and mouth at the same time.

“Kakashi, you should be clear about what your subordinate Yamato told you.

Then delete it a little bit and then find someone you can trust to publish it, secretly publish it, and we’ll see how it works. "

"Yes, Sir Minister."

The three captains nodded in response, but Kakashi still frowned.

"It's just Minister, will this act as a warning to others?"

"You're right, I just want to alert the enemy."

Xia Yan's expression remained calm. He nodded slightly, and his voice began to become a little indifferent.

"Orochimaru can't do these things alone, there are naturally people around him.

But we may not be able to touch these people, and even if we do, we may not be able to move them.

Therefore, we can only choose the simple way, which is to point the Hokage at Orochimaru and warn them that we have noticed them.

Now if you spread this news, someone will definitely be more anxious than us.

After all, this technique is not the first one we use, is it, Kakashi? "

Natsuhiko paused deliberately, and then asked Kakashi casually.

Kakashi, on the other hand, seemed a little silent. He had not forgotten what happened to his father back then.

Such verbal criticism, such an unbearable experience, even if he wanted to forget it, he couldn't really forget it.

His silence also made others look at him involuntarily. They had more or less heard of Kakashi's previous experiences.

It’s just that they didn’t think too much about it at the time, or they didn’t dare to think too much about it.

But now that Xia Yan mentioned it like this, they couldn't help but start thinking in some bad directions.

"By the way, before we alert the enemy, let's finally let the ANBU reveal that we are investigating Orochimaru."

Xia Yan didn't pay attention to the strange silence of the five people. He thought for a moment and continued to speak.

"Expose it first, and then use it to publish some information. You all know what to do, right?"

"Yes, Sir Minister." The three captains immediately knelt down and replied seriously.

"Then this matter will be left to you to discuss and handle on your own." Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction: "Fortunately, you can control the strength of the selection yourself. There is no need to be too anxious. After all, the expansion of ANBU does not happen overnight."

"Yes, Mr. Minister." The three of them replied in unison again, their eyes looking very serious.

"Go down." Xia Yan stood up, and then he said with a smile: "I only look at the results, not the process, so don't let me down."


Xia Yan is indeed not a person who likes to watch the process. From his position, he thinks more about the results and the benefits brought by the results.

But he also believes that Kakashi and the others can handle this matter, especially in his opinion, it is not difficult.

The three captains quickly left the office, and for a while only two women, Xia Yan and Qiong and Lianhua, were left in the office.

As Xia Yan's secretaries, these two women would naturally not leave so quickly.

"Mr. Minister, can you trust Antelope?" At this moment, Lianhua suddenly spoke: "His position is not clear yet. Leave such a task to him..."

"This is a test for him, a test that is dangerous but can yield results." Xia Yan smiled, and then he continued: "Besides, he is my old boss, how could I be so ruthless?"

Lianhua was very busy during this period, and Xia Yan gave her two choices - one as a personal secretary and the other as a permanent secretary.

She must choose a position within these two secretarial systems.

Her original idea was to choose a personal secretary, because this would allow her to be closer to Xia Yan and make it easier for her to demonstrate her abilities.

However, after understanding the responsibilities of a permanent secretary in detail, she finally chose the permanent secretary position.

In fact, both the personal secretary and the permanent secretary are the same, they are the people closest to Xia Yan.

It's just that the two positions are responsible for different directions. One is close to the government system, and the other is close to the fighting ninja system.

As a member of the Senju clan, Renhua believes that no matter whether Natsu Yan is a minister or not, she must find a way to make all fighting ninjas listen to Natsu Yan.

Therefore, she chose the permanent secretary. She wanted to build the Anbu into a department where no matter who came, the essence would be close to them.

Therefore, the personal secretary fell into Qiong's hands. After all, he was from the Uchiha clan, and Natsuhiko also wanted to win over them.

After taking over as permanent secretary, Qiong naturally gained countless knowledge.

Even though she was already very busy at work, she still had no idea of ​​relaxing.

Now she has basically figured out the simple network of relationships in the huge ninja system of ANBU.

For example, who were Xia Yan's former teammates, and who were Xia Yan's former bosses.

Of course, the focus is on Xia Yan, and she will also get to know the others well.

Standing in such a high and powerful position, she would never relax at all.

"I understand, you really can't be too harsh on your old boss." Lianhua nodded, and then she said seriously: "But, what if he fails the assessment?"

"Then I need you to provide a list." Xia Yan said without hesitation: "As a permanent secretary, you should have a number of who is suitable and who is not. Of course, it needs to be assessed by me in the end."

"Yes, Mr. Minister." Lianhua lowered his head slightly: "I will find out and carefully select the right person."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, saying that was enough.

Lian Hua is a smart woman, but she is also definitely a hard-working woman.

Xia Yan likes her attitude very much. Only with this attitude can she really help him get things done.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan looked at Qiong.

Qiong has also been conscientious during this period. Although there is nothing outstanding about her work, at least she does not make mistakes.

And she will also help Xia Yan arrange the things that need to be arranged and complete the things that need to be done.

If she hadn't acted really jerky, Xia Yan would have thought she was an old man.

After thinking about it, Natsuhiko felt that she might have asked Uchiha for advice.

"Qiong, how are the documents at the Government Affairs Office sorted out?" Xia Yan thought for a moment and then asked: "And the new guys, how are they doing?"

"The documents should be sent soon. I will go over and remind you later." Qiong replied calmly: "As for the new members, they are very adaptable and have already started to participate in the work."

"Their performance is recorded and summarized by others, and it needs to be used for the examination at the end of the year."

Xia Yan touched his chin, and finally nodded and smiled.

"The same goes for Lianhua, you have to do this well.

Finally, it is a good thing to work hard to establish your own secretariat and be serious and responsible.

However, there is no need to do everything by hand. "

"Yes, Sir Minister."


Xia Yan immediately became more relaxed after giving clear instructions on what he needed to do.

He won't be like the Hokage and other departments who tire themselves out all day long.

In his view, the person in power is the person who sets the macro strategic direction.

As long as he grasps the direction and doesn't make mistakes, he can leave other things to his subordinates to complete.

However, he must have a strict management system for his subordinates, otherwise if something goes wrong, he himself will be the unlucky one in the end.

After stretching, Xia Yan began to think about Orochimaru again.

In fact, the method he used was based on the situation of Orochimaru in the original work. In fact, in the original work, Orochimaru became like that. Who knows if someone was behind it to add fuel to the fire.

Because the rumors about Orochimaru actually appeared during the Hokage selection.

It's hard to say whether Danzo had an idea and secretly leaked the news about Orochimaru's human experiments.

Once Orochimaru's reputation is damaged, he will definitely not be able to become Hokage.

There must be no stain on Hokage, whether before becoming Hokage or after becoming Hokage.

Otherwise, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not have the shadow of Shimura Danzo. To put it bluntly, this guy is actually a professional scapegoat.

A professional scapegoat and a shadow of the Hokage, how could he have the chance to become the Hokage?

But it's a pity that Danzo didn't know. In fact, he had the opportunity to know but accidentally missed it.

Yahiko's death was inseparable from him, and it was because of this incident that he suffered heavy losses.

The roots needed to be rebuilt, and he was naturally missing an important card, so he started supporting Orochimaru again.

However, the final result was that he was trapped in a cocoon.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru have uncontrollable ambitions, and he also has the idea of ​​continuing to control Konoha.

Therefore, the title of Fourth Hokage fell to Namikaze Minato, who was originally the least likely person.

This time, Xia Yan planned to repeat the same trick. He first exposed the ANBU and then let the rumors run rampant.

The purpose is very clear, that is, to make them think that the ANBU is aware of Orochimaru's situation, forcing Danzo to use this method again in order to abandon the car and protect the commander.

Such methods were not only aimed at Danzo, but also against Hiruzen Sarutobi!

Because Danzo was dismissed, Konoha's top brass all knew about it.

Once Natsuhiko digs out more information about these matters, and there is no obvious relationship between Danzo's dismissal, this will inevitably make people look at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Then the final result is either Sarutobi Hiroshi killing Orochimaru, and his reputation will be predictably ruined in the end.

Either give up on Orochimaru but don't kill him, showing that he values ​​his old relationship while also showing that he really has nothing to do with it.

But no matter what, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others have to jump even if they don't want to!

“Some people always show how upright and great they are, and there is nothing wrong with doing so, because everyone wears a mask to a greater or lesser extent.

But once you let me know what the face is under the mask, then you will either get rid of me, or you will always be held by the rope around my neck.

Sandaime, are you ready this time? "


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