The moonlight was cold and cold, and Orochimaru was walking slowly in a hidden forest in Konoha.

His eyes were calm, seemingly unaffected by the attack by the mysterious man not long ago.

It's just that he doesn't really think so in his heart, especially since he can clearly feel that his current situation is a bit complicated and troublesome.

That confrontation obviously attracted attention, especially Xia Yan, who was even more sensitive.

The fight in that kind of place, plus he also captured the experimental subject, Orochimaru didn't think that guy had other ideas.

Facts also proved this, he seemed to feel that there was no one around him.

Although these people have obviously undergone rigorous training and have not shown any signs of weakness at all.

But it is really impossible for a ninja like Orochimaru to be defenseless, but he just doesn't want to pay attention to it.

He had a high probability of guessing that these guys were probably from Anbu, because besides Anbu, he couldn't think of anyone else who would dare to do such a thing.

The situation in ANBU is more complicated than everyone imagined, or in other words, the situation in Konoha as a whole is very complicated now.

But Orochimaru didn't take this kind of thing too seriously. Maybe he was really stimulated by Natsuhiko.

He really felt now that it was difficult to get what he wanted in Konoha.

His dream of becoming a Konoha ninja had been extinguished more than a year ago when Namikaze Minato officially became the Fourth Hokage.

And his current desires and dreams are greater and nobler, at least that's what he thinks.

It's just that he doesn't want to be restrained, but he doesn't think about falling out with Sarutobi Hiruzen, at least he doesn't have this idea yet.

"At least, it will give me an insight into the power of the Thousand Hands Clan, so that I can be sure to make those guys afraid."

Orochimaru was thinking silently while thinking about it. Natsuhiko's unexpected meeting with him actually left a very deep mark on him.

Now that he has suffered such a big loss, Orochimaru naturally has to find a way to deal with it all.

Orochimaru believed that since those guys were worried about Mu and Senju Natsuhiko's power, there were only two or three things he could do.

The first is to win over Senju Natsuhiko and strive to reach a certain agreement with him to obtain asylum.

This method is the simplest and the fastest to get results.

Second, that is to study the secret of Mu Dun by yourself, so that you can deal with those guys with your own strength.

This method is relatively difficult, and he may not even be able to do it in his lifetime.

But Orochimaru is Orochimaru, no matter how difficult it is, he will never give up!

As for the last solution, that is to be reincarnated in the dirt.

Orochimaru doesn't think that the power of Natsuhiko Dun can be compared with the first generation Hokage.

If he uses Earth Reincarnation to summon the First Hokage, then this must be his most effective way to protect himself.

The first method is the least reliable in his opinion. From a standpoint, they are basically hostile.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to feel that the ANBU people were investigating him!

Secondly, what he did will definitely annoy Xia Yan, and then he may be really in danger.

Therefore, there are only two paths that he can actually choose, not to mention that there is no conflict between these two paths for him!

It is acceptable whether you study Wood Release and Earth Reincarnation at the same time, or you concentrate on studying Earth Reincarnation and then learn about Wood Release through the First Hokage.

“However, I don’t know how to reincarnate in the dirty land yet, so I may not be able to achieve my goal.

And the person summoned will not completely listen to my words, and will probably say nothing.

In addition, there are issues with the accuracy of the reincarnation control and materials issues.

It seems that the main focus should be on the research of cells and wood escape, followed by the reincarnation of dirty soil. "

Orochimaru thought for a moment, and he already got the answer he wanted.

In fact, he has been asking such questions and seeking such answers since he encountered Natsuhiko in the Nine-Tails state.

I have to say that the crushing result of that battle really left a deep impression on Orochimaru.

Comprehensive crushing in terms of speed, strength and perception, no matter what you do, in the eyes of the other party, it is just playing house.

The other party can even watch you do it with disdain, and even control your life and death!

This feeling is really terrible.

"Lord Orochimaru."

When Orochimaru entered the laboratory, the root ninja who stayed here immediately nodded to him.

Orochimaru just glanced at it and didn't say anything.

He knew that these people were probably just recruited, they were still in the reserves and were recruited by Danzo.

After Danzo was dismissed, his power was much reduced, but he still had some skills. At least he could recruit a group of people to listen to him honestly.

But relatively speaking, the quality and strength of these people cannot be compared with the previous guys.

Speaking of the conflict between the root people and the ANBU, it seems that it also started when Natsuhiko showed his power in the ANBU.

When he was still the captain, he personally killed his teammates. Aburame Ryoma was a loyal and powerful ninja.

Orochimaru was quite impressed with him, but this guy had been dead for a while.

"The roots are really getting worse now, and I don't know if they can be restored to their previous level."

Orochimaru muttered silently, and soon he walked into the laboratory. But at this moment, a wave of chakra suddenly came from above the laboratory.

Immediately afterwards, all the root ninjas stationed in the laboratory became alert, and they quickly ran out of the laboratory.

Orochimaru watched all this quietly, his brows furrowed involuntarily.

But he didn't speak, he just stood there quietly.

He was waiting for the final results to confirm his conjecture.

Soon, the commotion subsided, and a root ninja quickly came to Orochimaru.

"Lord Orochimaru, it seems he is from ANBU." The root ninja was half-kneeling on the ground. He lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "But they are very alert and have left now. Do we want to close this place?"

"There is no point in closing it." Orochimaru suddenly laughed. He couldn't help but lick his tongue and then turned and left: "Except, you won't choose to tell Danzo, will you?"

"I'm sorry, Orochimaru-sama." The root ninja still lowered his head and said in an indifferent voice: "I am Danzo-sama's subordinate. It is impossible for me to hide it from Danzo-sama."

"So, it doesn't mean much whether it's closed or not." Orochimaru smiled indifferently: "Go down and talk to Danzo about this matter..."

After saying this, Orochimaru stopped talking nonsense, because he probably guessed the result.

After all, Orochimaru is a ninja who almost became Hokage, and his thinking and logic abilities have always been very strong.

Although Natsuhiko is young, he can become the head of ANBU. Orochimaru does not think that he is a simple person.

Since he is not a simple person, he naturally has his own purpose in doing things.

Put yourself in Xia Yan's shoes, what would you do if your identities changed with Xia Yan's?

Obviously, Orochimaru already got an answer.

If he provokes Danzo, he will inevitably analyze Danzo's character and methods.

After all, there is an ANBU in hand, and there is so much information in it, so naturally there are documents recording Danzo's information.

After understanding this guy Danzo, you can use some interesting things to make them mess up on their own.

Orochimaru is naturally aware that rumors of him appearing in Konoha Village more than a year ago are definitely not a simple matter.

It's just that his character is arrogant. If he does it, he does it, and if he doesn't do it, he doesn't do it.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, he will not admit it, let alone deny it!

And now Natsuhiko probably wants to take advantage of this, or take advantage of Danzo's suspicious and willful character.

After all, Xia Yan has the experimental subject in his hands, and this matter has nothing to do with him.

He didn't want to be abandoned, and he didn't want to be entangled in this matter, so he just had to do one simple thing.

If the original rumors are revived again, then this matter will only expand even more.

Because Danzo has been dismissed, it is impossible for him to be involved in this matter. The final result...

"It's really a good idea. Even if I tell this matter, I'm afraid you will let the rumors spread all over the sky."

Orochimaru showed a cold smile for some reason, and he seemed to feel happy.

"Then come on, maybe this is a good thing for me, so..."

Thinking of this, Orochimaru suddenly looked at the root ninja from the corner of his eye.

The smile at the corner of his mouth also became deeper...


"is it finished?"

Early the next morning, Xia Yan looked at Kakashi standing in front of him, and he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Kakashi's ability and efficiency are definitely trustworthy, there is no doubt about this.

Besides, this is not a very difficult task. It is just a simple matter of attracting the attention of Genji and even Orochimaru, and then quickly evacuating.

For veterans of ANBU, they can do it all perfectly.

Normally, Natsuhiko doesn't need Kakashi to report this kind of thing personally.

But what Kakashi needs to report goes far beyond that.

Xia Yan suddenly waved his hand, and all the ANBU in the entire office quickly left the place.

The Internal Affairs Office has also begun to expand its staff, and the ninja Natsuhiko of the Internal Affairs Office has only recruited a few ninjas from the Senju clan for the time being.

In the future, he can expand to other families, but at this stage, what he needs is absolute loyalty, especially at this stage when the ANBU is rebuilding and expanding.

After doing all this, Xia Yan asked in a deep voice: "So, did he do anything strange?"

"No, Mr. Minister."

Kakashi replied quickly, his eyes looking a little cold now.

“I kept following him and observing him secretly. Although he hesitated, he made no move in the end.

But I'm not 100% sure if he doesn't have a more covert way to do something. "

Natsuhiko couldn't help but nodded slightly after listening to Kakashi's report. Kakashi's answer was quite objective. After all, the person he was monitoring was an antelope!

Although Xia Yan would not touch the antelope easily, he also told Lianhua that this would be an assessment to see if he could be used by him.

But Xia Yan will not trust Antelope casually. After all, this guy's position is too vague. If he doesn't handle it well, Xia Yan will cause trouble for himself.

Therefore, Xia Yan can still do the necessary monitoring, which can be considered part of the assessment.

"I understand, Kakashi." After Xia Yan thought for a moment, he smiled: "By the way, I heard that you haven't taken a vacation for a long time, right?"

"Mr. Buchou!" Kakashi couldn't help but raised his head when he heard Natsuhiko's words: "Now is a critical period for ANBU, I..."

"Now that you are on vacation, I approved it, so you don't need to call me minister." Natsuhiko interrupted with a smile before Kakashi could finish his words: "You should also relax at work. If you work hard all the time, your spirit will be relaxed." If both your body and your body are exhausted, then the gains outweigh the losses.”

Having said this, Natsuhiko stood up and walked to Kakashi, then stretched out his hand and took off his mask.

Kakashi lost his mask and suddenly didn't know what kind of expression he should show.

Fortunately, he still had a mask covering his face, so that he wouldn't be too embarrassed.

After Natsuhiko finished all this, he put the mask directly on Kakashi's hand, and then said with a smile.

“And working in ANBU for a long time will affect your personality.

The darkness needs light to dispel, and you now need a normal human environment to change yourself a little.

I don't want my friend to change completely because of the things I arranged.

In this way, not only can I not forgive myself, but the Fourth Hokage will not forgive me, let alone those friends in the Pure Land. "

After saying this, Natsuhiko looked at Kakashi with a smile, and Kakashi fell into silence.

After a long while, he suddenly raised his head, and his eyes turned into a pair of crescent moons at this moment: "I understand, Captain Xia Yan, then I will go back and rest first."

"Go ahead and get together with your old classmates more during this time." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "Relax more, look for those ordinary and beautiful feelings, and then when you have had enough rest, you will devote yourself to getting busier. It’s official business.”

"Yes, Captain." Kakashi nodded with a smile, then turned around and left the office with his mask on.

It is inevitable that work requires relaxation.

In Xia Yan's previous life, those guys who were supposed to be hanging on the street lamps all knew that they had to take one day off a week and didn't play around with anything.

Of course, 996 was actually quite excessive, and he suffered deeply from it back then.

But now he can make all ANBU members perform 996, or even complete 007.

But he didn't want to cause any complaints. He planned to ask the people in the secretariat to study the rest rules.

After all, there are many ANBU, and it is necessary to keep enough people at their posts while the other group is resting.

This is a mathematical problem, and Xia Yan was a liberal arts student in his previous life.

His math proficiency would probably make a junior high school teacher jump with rage, let alone a high school teacher.

The world of Naruto seems to also teach these things, but it is more about calculating the resistance of the wind and the angle at which the kunai is thrown.

Xia Yan doesn't think there is any need to calculate this thing. In his opinion, it is completely a reflection of personal strength. Even if it doesn't work, practice makes perfect.

"Okay, Kakashi's problem has been dealt with.

Let’s leave the matter of vacation to Qiong and Lianhua when the time comes.

After all, they were all top students in school at the time. "

Xia Yan lazied slightly, and then he left a shadow clone and a little bit of Nine-Tails chakra, and left here as a flying thunder god.

Work requires relaxation. This sentence is not only said to Kakashi, but also to himself.

As a minister, you naturally need to practice hard, and you must take a good rest when it's time to rest.

And what he wants to do is also a very important thing, it is about improving his own strength.

Along with a slight fluctuation of chakra, Natsuhiko had left Konoha Village and entered a dense forest.

He glanced at the lush forest in front of him and made sure that there was no problem with the seals he had placed around him.

His eyes were also locked on the towering tree in front of him.

Xia Yan didn't dare to plant things in Konoha, so the place he chose was naturally as far away from Konoha as possible, while at the same time within the range of his Flying Thunder God's perception.

This forest suits Xia Yan's needs very well. The most important thing is that there are no roads to walk near it.

Looking at the big tree in front of him, Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He had stuffed Obito's entire arm inside this tree. After so long of brewing, there was no movement at all. Xia Yan began to wonder if something was wrong.

Only since last month, he noticed a very strange chakra appearing in this tree.

This weird chakra was a power that Xia Yan had never felt before, but the key was that the feeling of this chakra did not make him feel dangerous.

In addition, this kind of chakra constantly attracts animals around, which arouses Xia Yan's vigilance.

Therefore, Xia Yan deliberately used small lizards to specifically talk to the animals that were close to him. The answers they gave were very general but very unified.

That is to feel a very strange force that makes them come closer involuntarily.

As a ninja, Xia Yan will remain alert to anything that happens.

If it can attract animals, it must also attract humans.

"It's just that these powers are not life forces, so why do they attract animals?"

Xia Yan stood in front of this tree. This was not the first time he thought about this problem.

But when he felt the chakra emanating from the tree, he couldn't help but start thinking seriously.

This kind of power also attracts Xia Yan, but it can only be said to be very weak.

Obviously this power is not Yang Dun's special life force. As a person who can control life force, Xia Yan is no stranger to the power of life.

He could only feel a subtle pull from such power, but nothing else.

Xia Yan couldn't figure out why, so he could only wait silently.

Judging from the chakra that this tree is currently emitting, I'm afraid it won't be long before it can brew something incredible.

And Xia Yan secretly felt that what he was brewing might be of great help to him.

Turning his head, Xia Yan looked at another tree.

In this tree, Xia Yan also put the new pieces of meat that he had brought to Senju Hashirama.

What also made him feel helpless was that the tree had no reaction after so long.

For situations like this, Xia Yan usually only has two ideas.

First, he has already obtained part of Senju Hashirama's power, and it is impossible to go further.

Second, like Obito's arm, it takes longer to brew and integrate.

But before getting the exact result, Xia Yan could only wait silently.

Apart from that, he had no better way.

After all, his system has no intelligence.

"Having said that, if the system really has any intelligence, I'm afraid I have to be more careful. Who knows if the system will become the one who dominates me."

As someone who had read countless novels in his previous life, Xia Yan remembered that he had seen many protagonists turn against the system.

Therefore, he is quite taboo about this kind of thing, because once you turn against the system, everything you get will be recycled.

And such an end was simply unimaginable, at least Xia Yan didn't dare to imagine it.

There is no intelligence, everything is mechanized, and it always looks like Xia Yan got it.

It only provides its own abilities and nothing else.

"Forget it, it seems that today is not the right time to come, even if the chakra is already very strong now."

Xia Yan observed silently for a while, then he shook his head slightly and prepared to leave.

From when he got Obito's arm on the Night of the Kyuubi, to when he stole Senju Hashirama's tissue and pieces of flesh a few months later.

During this period, Konoha has quietly reached Konoha forty-eight years, especially when the summer wind has begun to blow.

Natsuhiko will never forget the thrilling forty-seven years of Konoha, but he is also full of expectations for the current forty-eight years of Konoha.

No one knows what happened in the original Konoha Forty-Eight Years, but Natsuhiko knows that such peace is definitely a good thing for him!

How many years ago did Orochimaru rebel against Konoha? No one knows the specific time.

Even if Xia Yan is a time traveler, he still knows nothing about this matter.

But he can control these things, for example, he can let Orochimaru leave Konoha within this year!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan silently activated his chakra, as there were some things that he couldn't rush.

Whether it's the seeds he needs, or Orochimaru's final outcome.

But just when he was about to leave, he suddenly realized it in surprise.

The giant tree that was constantly exuding chakra suddenly stopped all its movements...


"Nonsense, I will never agree to this matter no matter what!"

In a secret meeting room of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village, it was as lively as a vegetable market.

But such excitement seemed like a farce to Uchiha Makoto!

He sat there silently, looking at those people who kept yelling at him and shouting, 'Uchiha's honor is inviolable'.

His face was expressionless, but his mind had begun to sneer continuously.

What a bunch of ignorant and fearless guys. Can't they see clearly what's going on in Konoha now?

Not to mention anything else, just one ANBU can make them die without burial!

The head of the ANBU is Senju Natsuhiko, a man from the Senju clan who has mastered the Wood Release.

This person has already taken the position of ANBU minister at the age of thirteen or fourteen. He has ruthless methods, high IQ, and can also deal with the Kyuubi.

His willingness to cooperate with Uchiha shows that he really wants to bring peace to Konoha, and at the same time, that is what the two families should have.

But once something happens here, maybe he will endure it now and find a way to handle the matter by himself.

And once he takes care of it, it will be a real disaster for the Uchiha clan!

Uchiha really didn't dare to have any contempt for Senju Natsuhiko.

Every time he saw this young man, even though he had overestimated Xia Yan in his heart, in the end he found that he still underestimated this young man.

At first he thought the other party was just a squad leader, and then he was surrounded by ANBU.

When he thought Natsuhiko was just an ordinary captain, just a person who could connect Naruto and Uchiha.

As a result, he was shocked to find that this boy not only ignited his inner desire, but also gave Uchiha a way out.

When he kept giving his opinion on Natsuhiko, the Nine-Tails Incident broke out.

And through this incident, he knew how high Xia Yan's abilities and methods were.

Especially when they met again and found out that Xia Yan was already the minister, he couldn't express the shock in his heart.

Such a person, if he is hostile to the Uchiha clan, then he will definitely find an opportunity.

Even if he doesn't find any good opportunities, it's not like he can't create them.

Uchiha truly believed without a doubt that if Natsuhiko turned against them, he would put extreme pressure on Uchiha, causing the entire family's dissatisfaction to rise sharply.

With such dissatisfaction combined with people like the hawks, the final result is likely to be the emergence of a coup attempt!

With such an intention, the family would be destroyed in an instant.

"Please be quiet."

At this most noisy moment, Uchiha Fugaku, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke.

He stared at Uchiha Makoto, who was sitting there expressionless, and finally he just asked calmly.

"The third elder's idea is indeed very good, but the second elder is right, Uchiha must have the glory of Uchiha.

So I can't support you on this matter, and I hope you can seriously consider it. "

"Master Patriarch, there is actually nothing worth considering about this matter."

Uchiha sighed slightly, Uchiha Fugaku's statement really disappointed him.

It cannot be said that the patriarch's choice was wrong. After all, he wanted to balance the relationship between the families.

However, it was because he kept thinking about balance and the so-called harmony that led to the current split state of Uchiha.

However, Uchiha Zhen had already made a decision in his heart, and this decision was not something to be discussed this time alone.

He was even more determined to pull Uchiha Fugaku from the position of clan leader!

"Master Patriarch, please forgive me for asking a question."

Uchiha Zhen stood up and looked at Uchiha Fugaku with a calm and indifferent expression.

"Is the Security Department Uchiha's Security Department or Konoha's Security Department?

And no matter whose security department it is, there are two voices in the same department arguing endlessly. Lord Patriarch, do you really think this is appropriate? "

"What do you mean?"

Uchiha Fugaku's face also darkened slightly, and he looked at Uchiha Zhen with a little vigilance in his eyes.

He has not forgotten how Uchiha responded to everything during the Night of the Nine-Tails.

I will never forget that during this period of more than half a year, Uchiha Zhen continued to buy houses and take care of those ninjas who were originally at the bottom of the family and were basically considered to have no future, and even served as cannon fodder on the battlefield.

What he did was really weird and unsettling.

"My meaning is very clear, Lord Patriarch."

Uchiha shook his head and sighed slightly.

"If the clan leader thinks that the security department is Konoha's security department, then I have no problem recruiting civilian ninjas in the village.

If the clan leader thinks that the Security Department is the Uchiha's Security Department, and there are different voices in the Security Department by default.

Then the rectification of the second detachment is our own business, and this does not violate the patriarch's intention at all. "

Uchiha's true words stunned everyone present, and many people even had outrageous expressions on their faces.

They never dreamed that Uchiha could actually say something so eloquent. What on earth was this guy thinking?

For a moment, the entire venue fell into an eerie silence.

Only Uchiha Mana's leaving footsteps reminded them that the world had not stopped.

When Uchiha really walked to the door, Uchiha Fugaku calmed down, and his eyes had changed from alert to dangerous.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Master Patriarch, everything I do is within the rules. Do you want to cause us dissatisfaction?"



Xia Yan looked back in surprise, and the chakra that was already surging in his body also stopped.

There is a saying that goes well, playing well is not as good as lining up well. Even the game is a game of luck, not to mention the reality.

Xia Yan really felt that he was very lucky, and he did not expect to encounter such a situation just as he was about to leave.

If it were only a second at night, he might have to wait a short period of time to discover what was going on here.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan turned around and walked back, his eyes also locked on the tree where Obito's arm was planted.

At this time, the tree no longer had the strange attraction it had before. It looked like an ordinary giant tree.

In Xia Yan's opinion, this may be because he has completely absorbed the power of Bai Jue to achieve this effect, right?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan no longer hesitated. He slightly stretched out his hand and put it on the tree.

In just an instant, the system in his mind had already reacted. The answer given by the system made Xia Yan even more stunned...


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