The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 218 How to choose the blood stain elimination

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

"Analyze data, special fusion seeds."

Fusion special seeds?

Xia Yan felt the feedback the system gave him in a daze. To be honest, he didn't really understand what it was.

But it seemed that the system also knew this, and soon the system passed more information to Xia Yan's mind.

And just this information instantly made Xia Yan stunned.

According to the description given by the system, Bai Jue itself was transformed into what it is today through a special power transformation thousands of years ago.

Natsuhiko understands this, because he knows that Bai Zetsu is actually a weapon made by Kaguya Otsutsuki.

To be more precise, these White Zetsu are actually the troops used by Kaguya Otsutsuki to prevent and defend against other Otsutsuki!

The essence of these White Zetsus is actually the existence that is fused with the power of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Their originally human wills were trapped in the eternal illusion, and their bodies were transformed into beings with very special powers.

Xia Yan is not sure what these powers are specifically. After all, their performance in the original work is very bad.

But it is undeniable that apart from their worrying IQs, these Bai Jue are full of treasures.

Not to mention the special chakra that contains Kaguya Otsutsuki.

And after the improvement of Black Zetsu, the cells and power of Senju Hashirama still exist in their bodies.

There is also their unparalleled special adaptability - once your body can withstand their power, he can even use them to replace various organs.

Both Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito have done similar things.

If the hand is broken, just take another hand from their body and use it.

Or maybe it was Naruto later. His arms seemed to have been re-attached based on White Zetsu's body research.

It can be said that it is impossible for any time traveler not to be interested in them.

The system seems to have noticed this after their power was integrated into the trees, allowing Xia Yan to extract something more special through the trees.

According to the system, the most special and mysterious adaptability, or fusion, of this kind of power!


Xia Yan's mouth twitched as he continued to feel the information fed back to him by the system.

Bai Jue's body contains too many secrets, but no matter how many secrets there are, they have no meaning to the system.

Because it doesn't need to know these secrets at all, and it can't even use them.

It will only analyze, extract and ultimately brew for Xia Yan based on some of the most prominent characteristics of these secrets.

Obviously, from the system's perspective, Bai Jue's body has many benefits, but the most significant benefit is not the others, but its unparalleled adaptability!

After this adaptability is extracted, it can also be regarded as fusion in humans.

The definition of this kind of fusion is very broad. According to the system, once Xia Yan obtains the fruit, he can try some fusions.

For example, if Xia Yan loses his hands and feet, then he can try to use other people's hands and feet to cooperate with the power of the fruit to achieve a perfect fusion.

Beyond that, it’s all about other aspects of integration.

Because the system does not seem to limit the power of this fruit. After all, Bai Zetsu has the power of Kaguya Otsutsuki in his body.

Kaguya Otsutsuki is the chakra ancestor of the Naruto world. Strictly speaking, except for the Senjutsu Chakra, all other powers in the entire Naruto world are more or less related to her.

Therefore, this kind of fusion also includes the fusion of chakras with different attributes!

To be honest, if it was about other aspects, Xia Yan might not be so shocked that it made him look dumbfounded.

But this fusion is definitely his most desired, most troublesome, and at the same time the most incredible power!

"You can actually fuse chakra?"

What it means to be able to fuse chakra is really self-evident!

In the ninja world, in addition to the most special Uchiha, Senju, and Hinata, there is also the Kaguya clan in front of them.

These are most likely the descendants who directly inherited Kaguya's power, or inherited the power of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura.

Others rely on chakra fusion to form a unique-looking blood inheritance boundary.

Although they are said to be unique, these things are not mysterious at all, and even many blood successors have certain similarities.

The only difference is probably that the way, order and proportion of their fusion are different, and the power they create is also different.

But don't forget that the Blood Succession Snare relies on the fusion of chakra to complete!

Xia Yan had been thinking about how to integrate chakra. Originally, it seemed to him that he might have to slowly explore it on his own.

Although this matter is desperate, Xia Yan doesn't think it's impossible. After all, he is also someone who can use Wood Escape.

Even if it's just elementary Wood Escape, it still combines the power of Earth Escape, Water Escape and Yang Escape.

He can completely find some patterns through the fusion and interweaving of these three forces, and then act on other chakras.

He didn't know how much time it would take to do this, but he knew very well that he had to do it.

However, now he can completely leave the fruit hatched by the system and fuse the chakra he needs together!

However, the system prompts also make it very clear that the fusion limit that this seed can breed is only three types of chakra.

"Three kinds, it seems pretty good."

He forced his emotions to cool down. Created by the fusion of three chakras, it was also eliminated by blood stains!

The most important thing is that in this kind of integration, Xia Yan himself can clearly understand the entire integration process and the various improvements that occur during the integration.

Just like when he used other pure fruits, his system gave him more than pure power.

Rather, it allows him to know all about his power, where he comes from, how he uses it, and how powerful it is.

What he has to do is to make himself more skilled and more suitable for use in battle.

Xia Yan can clearly understand the fusion of the three chakras, which will be beneficial to him in the future when he fuses other chakras.

"In addition, I seem to know how to get the seeds of chakra fusion.

There is a high probability that it is Bai Zetsu, or a higher quality Bai Zetsu!

In this case......"

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's eyes became profound...


Natsuhiko has always been clear about one thing, that is, the white Zetsu created by Black Zetsu and Madara Uchiha actually has huge differences in it.

For example, some Bai Zetsu can only be used as cannon fodder, but some Bai Zetsu can possess people and use Wood Release!

Obviously, when Uchiha Madara was conducting experiments, or in other words, the experiments were conducted under the covert intervention of Black Zetsu, the difference was actually quite large.

The more powerful White Zetsu are basically surrounded by Obito and Black Zetsu, and as for the others, they are probably not that good.

Xia Yan remembered that it seemed that other Bai Zetsu normally acted as investigators.

After all, their stealth is too strong, and they seem to have good perception, so it is perfect for them to collect intelligence.

As for combat effectiveness, this is probably not that good. After all, they are basically mindless things.

However, there is one thing that Natsuhiko remains suspicious of, and that is that although the White Zetsu body he obtained this time came from Obito.

But he knew very well that Obito's arm had actually melted after being beaten by Namikaze Minato.

He once again faced Obito but was still intact, which meant that Obito might have changed his arm.

It's really hard to say whether the origin of this arm is an ordinary White Zetsu or a more powerful White Zetsu.

But no matter what, Xia Yan has already set his sights on Obito.

In fact, Natsuhiko always knew that as long as he stayed in Konoha, he would inevitably get involved with Obito.

In fact, this is exactly the case, whether it is the direct confrontation with the Nine-Tails incident or the battle with the Akatsuki organization.

In essence, it was all a confrontation between him and Obito.

Moreover, in the previous confrontations, Natsuhiko was often passive, and it was not at all that he intended to cause trouble for Obito.

But this time, Xia Yan's mentality changed subtly.

If he didn't go to Obito before, first of all, he was not strong enough, and secondly, he still had a lot of things to be busy with.

And for now, he and Obito don't have too many conflicts of interest.

But it's different now. Xia Yan's eyes are fixed on Bai Jue, so they will inevitably have a conflict.

And such a conflict is likely to cause Xia Yan to take the initiative to find trouble for them!

"You have to think of an excuse, and it can't be too abrupt."

Natsuhiko touched his chin, and he carefully recalled what Uchiha Obito was doing during this time.

After thinking about it, he found that Obito seemed to have been in a dormant stage for the past twelve or three years.

In other words, he is currently controlling the water shadow in the Kingdom of Water to cause trouble!

The hatred between Obito and the Kirigakure Village is self-evident. It can be said that he has reached this point and is inextricably linked to the Kirigakure Village.

If Kirigakure hadn't suddenly come to the Country of Grass to obstruct the negotiations, they wouldn't have targeted Lin and arrested her.

If they hadn't sealed the three tails in Lin's body, Lin wouldn't have died at the hands of Kakashi!

Obito's heart was naturally full of hatred. He wondered why Minato Namikaze didn't provide timely support at that time, and let Lin die even though he had mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique.

He wondered why Kakashi didn't protect Lin at that time, so that Lin was finally caught and decided to understand himself.

And the one he is most cruel to is the Kirigakure Village in the Kingdom of Water. If it were not for the Kirigakure Village, all this tragedy would not have happened.

Therefore, his revenge on Kirigakure Village is also extremely cruel now. Even though he inherited it, it was Uchiha Madara's influence in Kirigakure Village.

But just by the fact that he blocked the Water Country and blocked the Water Country's economy, some clues can already be seen.

In addition, he also severely upgraded the "Blood Mist Policy" left by Uchiha Madara.

This has also led to the current policy of Kirigakure Village, which is so terrible, so bloody, and so frightening.

Think about it, students who have been together day and night in a class learn at the time of graduation that only one of them can graduate and the one who is still alive.

What kind of impact this will have on these students? It can be said that this fundamentally distorts the nature of a ninja.

Even if the ninjas trained in this way are of high quality, it is unimaginable. For example, Kisame is a real ninja.

But also in such an environment, a terrifying number of rebellious ninjas were cultivated.

For example, Zabuza, who beat up the savior team 7, is one of the most typical representatives.

In addition, this kid Obito also ruthlessly attacked the blood successor ninjas of Kirigakure Village.

Each and every blood family that had left a great reputation in Wuyin Village was wiped out and weakened by him.

Even the Ghost Lantern Clan, a family that has made some appearances, seems to be in a more subtle situation. One can imagine how ruthless his methods are.

To put it bluntly, Obito is really risking his life to destroy Kirigakure Village from the political, economic, educational, military and other aspects.

If it weren't for the existence of the Byakugan, which caused Obito to slip up and be forced to leave, it might not be impossible for Kirigakure Village to be played to death.

Ninjas must be loyal to the shadow. This is a rule that cannot be broken.

Even if the shadow is unqualified, ninjas can generally only try to use methods within the rules.

After all, if a large-scale coup d'état or merger occurred in the village, it would not be as simple as being embarrassed.

Even the entire village will be in crisis, and it is not impossible for other villages to take advantage of the situation and directly attack it.

Besides, it's not like Obito didn't tell others what the consequences would be if he wanted to have a coup.

The Kaguya clan, which may not have been wiped out yet, is the most typical case.

"The Kingdom of Water, and the Kaguya clan?"

Xia Yan touched his chin, he seemed to have some thoughts.

Since he wanted to find a result to trouble Obito, he couldn't let Obito focus too much on 'Senju Natsuhiko'.

Then his jinchuriki vest seems to be of great use.

And the reason seems to be quite easy to find. After all, the third Mizukage is a Jinchuuriki.

As a different Jinchuriki, it doesn't seem strange to attack other Jinchuriki.

In addition, it seems that the Kaguya clan is not a family that cannot be explored.

After all, it was a fusion of three major non-chakras, originating from the power of the body's own blood. Xia Yan was really interested in it.

It's not easy for him to take action on Sharingan and Byakugan now. In addition to the fact that he doesn't have a specialized medical research team, another thing is that he still remembers that he is a Konoha ninja.

However, the formation of the research team Xia Yan is about to begin. In fact, ANBU already has such a team.

It's just that the scale is too small and the position is unclear, so Xia Yan doesn't trust them.

"It seems that something happened after that."

Xia Yan thought silently, and then he integrated the seed of fusion attributes into his body without hesitation.

In just a moment, he felt that his chakra seemed to be slightly drawn as the seeds entered.

This feeling is very strange, which makes Xia Yan even more eager to wait until the seeds are planted to see what strange effects it will produce.

"However, now I only have Earth Style and Water Style that have reached advanced chakra levels.

However, Wind Release and Fire Release are also being conceived, and this seed can only fuse three types of chakra.

It seems that I will have to study it carefully by then. "


Xia Yan is still not sure which chakra of the three attributes is better for him to fuse.

The most critical reason was that he did not understand the elimination power of the bloodstains he created.

In fact, the safest way is to use Chendun. After all, the power of Chendun has been tested by time.

The old man Onoki is so old, but he can still show terrifying fighting power, which is really indispensable for his dust escape.

Of course, Onoki’s secret technique ‘Earth Release: Light and Heavy Rock Technique’ is also indispensable for this.

If it weren't for this technique, Onoki could reduce his body weight to the extreme, allowing him to fly in the sky without being easily attacked.

Otherwise, with his physical fitness, he would most likely be beaten to death by random punches in a few minutes against a strong young ninja.

What's more, after creating the Dust Release, there is a high probability that Xia Yan can pretend to be the ninja of Iwagakure Village, so as to attract hatred for Iwagakure Village.

But there are risks in doing this, first of all, it is enough to attract hatred.

Although Xia Yan knew that he was very strong, he had no idea to imitate the Third Raikage and fight against tens of thousands of ninjas alone.

This is no joke. If you use Chen Escape to attract the attention of Yanyin Village, then this will definitely arouse their high vigilance.

In order to find out why the most secret technique of Iwagakure Village fell into the hands of others.

And knowing that the enemy is in danger, Ohnoki is likely to take the most dangerous and extreme approach.

Besides, Natsuhiko will definitely try to enter Iwagakure Village in the future. After all, there are two tailed beasts in Iwagakure Village.

So this was where he hesitated. He didn't even know how to choose.

"Forget it, I will already have chakras with four high-level attributes when they are planted. I will just choose slowly when the time comes."

Walking on the streets of Konoha, Xia Yan thought silently in his heart, and then he took Renhua and walked towards a barbecue restaurant.

I have to say that the prosperity of Konoha is indeed beyond people's imagination. It only experienced the Nine-Tails Incident half a year ago, but now Konoha has been basically rebuilt.

You must know that in such reconstruction, ninjas did not exert much effort.

Looking at the Konoha villagers with happy smiles on their faces, Xia Yan felt relaxed in his heart.

Humans are social animals, and humans are also the creatures most easily affected by the surrounding environment.

Staying in Anbu for a long time, especially when constantly carrying out frontline missions, or the darkest assassinations and purge missions, has an incredible impact on a person.

Xia Yan even thought that he could open a psychiatrist class to help these ninjas change their mentality?

After thinking about it, Xia Yan decided to forget it.

Ninjas are strong-willed people, and even illusions may not be able to bring about any huge changes in them, let alone psychological counseling.

"Unless that boy Naruto uses the most powerful illusion - Mouth Release, it won't be easy for anyone to use it."

Natsuhiko thought with a bad taste in his heart that just a few words could make Nagato commit suicide and make Obito see the phantom person.

This guy's Mouth Escape is really quite effective. Other gods may not be as powerful as him.

Of course, it's not like he hasn't met people who don't agree with him, such as Sasuke.

However, Naruto seemed to know how to deal with these proud Uchihas.

All you have to do is convince them - give them a good beating, and they will naturally take it orally.

Uchiha guys are like this. You can't reason with them properly.

Their arrogance is really difficult to understand, unless you can let them know that you are a more ruthless, arrogant and powerful person than them.

Otherwise, no matter how much you say, it's a waste of words. You might as well just punch him.

Just like Uchiha Makoto, although Natsuhiko didn't beat him up, the strength Natsuhiko showed made the old man know that he was not to be trifled with.

The consequences of offending him were definitely not something they could afford, so the old man behaved honestly.

It's quite interesting to say that tonight's barbecue meal was the one he invited Xia Yan to.

Natsuhiko had also heard about what Uchiha Makoto had done recently. After all, he was the head of ANBU, and he would definitely not lack all kinds of information.

Sometimes, a lot of information was already delivered to his desk without him even needing to say anything.

Natsuhiko is not sure how Uchiha is in the Uchiha clan now.

After all, the Uchiha clan is in a closed state, and Uchiha Shisui obviously does not have access to much information.

And Uchiha Qiong also kept his identity secret, so naturally he would not attend any clan meetings.

Besides, Xia Yan didn't intend to get any information from them, so he knew that there wasn't that much internal information.

But looking at external information, a lot of content can be analyzed.

For example, the Security Department has now begun to recruit civilian ninjas for the first time, as well as some ninjas from other families.

This news caused quite a shock in Konoha, but not many people were recruited, and they were basically concentrated in the second team.

The other detachments made no similar move at all, and other detachments were said to have begun to distance themselves from the second detachment.

It can be seen from this that Uchiha's current situation is probably very ordinary. It can even be said to be very bad.

But Xia Yan didn't care. The fact that he could do this showed that he was completely getting closer to Xia Yan.

Even if it seemed to him that he was actually approaching Minato Namikaze, Natsuhiko wouldn't care about this.

After all, Natsuhiko is the one who wants to be Hokage. Aren't they the same in whoever they get close to?

Arriving in front of the barbecue restaurant, the waiter was very happy and politely opened the door for Xia Yan and the others and took them in.

Uchiha Zhen had booked a relatively quiet corner, and he quickly saw the location following the waiter Natsuhiko.

But before he could walk over, a somewhat strong figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Minister Xia Yan? I didn't expect it was really you!"


When Xia Yan heard this voice, he couldn't help but turn his head and look over.

There are really not many people who know that he is the minister. This information is basically limited to the top brass of Konoha and the jounin who can participate in the Konoha Conference.

After all, he is the ANBU minister. Even though he has moved to the front desk, he still maintains a high sense of mystery.

However, after Xia Yan saw the person who called him, he was not surprised by this.

He even smiled subconsciously, making him look extremely gentle in an instant.

"It turns out to be Your Excellency Ding Zuo." Xia Yan said with a smile: "It's our first official meeting. Please give me your advice."

"Minister Natsuhiko is so polite." Akimichi Tingzao also smiled broadly: "This is indeed the first official meeting, and I would like to ask for your advice, Minister."

For the two of them, this face-to-face conversation was really their first official meeting.

They had met before, but only at some meetings held in Konoha.

At that time, they had no chance to talk or even say hello.

However, they were vaguely connected. For example, when Xia Yan was recruiting ANBU, Akimichi sent some of his clan members there.

This can be regarded as a gesture of goodwill, as well as an investment and position.

In fact, Akimichi Dingza is really curious about Natsu Yan, because Natsu Yan's identity and resume seem too mysterious.

In addition to knowing that this young minister was extremely powerful, he was from the Thousand Hands Clan and had mastered the Wood Release.

He really doesn't know anything about other things. Even if he sends people to ANBU, he still knows the rules.

This time, by coincidence, I met this mysterious minister in the family store.

Akimichi Teiza naturally planned to get acquainted a little bit, even if it was just to say hello and leave an impression.

"Minister Xia Yan is here to dine, right?"

Akimichi Tingzao glanced at it, and he immediately said with a smile.

"Then do you need me to prepare something so that Minister Xia Yan can have a better environment?"

"Someone has already made a reservation in advance. I came here by invitation, so I won't bother Akimichi-dono."

Natsuhiko smiled casually, he didn't mind people knowing that he was here to meet with Uchiha, especially Uchiha Shin.

After all, what Uchiha Makoto is doing now is surprising enough, plus Natsuhiko's current expansion of Anbu recruitment will inevitably lead to dealing with various families.

There is no need to hide this kind of thing, let alone this kind of thing cannot be hidden.

"Is that so?"

Akimichi Dingza seemed to suddenly realize that he had actually noticed the Uchiha clan for a long time, so he continued to say with a smile.

"In that case, I won't disturb Minister Xia Yan. I wish the Minister a pleasant meal."

"Thank you." Natsuhiko nodded politely, and then continued to walk towards Uchiha Makoto and the others.

It's really interesting to meet Akimichi Choza unexpectedly. What's even more interesting is that Uchiha really chose the Akimichi family's industry.

But if you think about it carefully, many of Konoha's industries actually have the shadow of big families behind them.

For example, many of Konoha's medicinal materials actually come from the Nara clan.

After all, things like deer antler can replenish vitality very well, and they are indispensable for making Bingliang Pills.

There are also some restaurants in Konoha, and there are all kinds of families behind him.

Akimichi needs to preserve fat, so it is normal for them to open a barbecue restaurant.

Even the Uchiha have many industries of their own.

In such a large family, there are not only ninjas, but also many people who cannot become ninjas.

The training of ninjas requires a lot of money. Those who cannot become ninjas also need to survive. Naturally, the family must also find some ways to do so.

Therefore, establishing some industries can not only make up for the pursuit of ninja training, but also give these people who are unable to become ninjas a job so that they can support themselves.

"Minister Natsuhiko, Miss Renhua." Soon, Natsuhiko and Renhua came to Uchiha Ma's position, and Uchiha Ma stood up with a smile on his face.

"You don't have to be so polite, true elder." Xia Yan shook his head gently, and then he gave Lian Hua a slight glance.

Lianhua nodded, she immediately made a slight seal with her hands, and the next moment she completed a soundproof barrier.

Lianhua's talent is still very good. Although her sealing skills are not very good, some simple barriers are not a problem for her.

No one knows what the specific content of this conversation will be, especially since they are on someone else's territory now.

Knowing that this barbecue restaurant is run by the Akimichi family, Xia Yan would be wrong if he didn't make some preparations.

"True elder, long time no see." After Lianhua arranged the soundproof barrier, Xia Yan said with a smile: "I didn't expect to receive an invitation from the true elder. This is really an honor for me."

"Minister Natsuhiko, you are too outrageous to say that." A wry smile appeared on Uchiha's face, and he shook his head slightly: "To be precise, I am honored that Minister Natsuhiko can come."

"Okay, true elder, it's not working time now."

Natsuhiko probably knew what Uchiha's real difficulties were, but he didn't take the initiative to ask. Instead, he changed the topic.

"It's time to rest now. I'm not an ANBU minister, nor am I a Konoha Nightingale.

I'm just your granddaughter's classmate, Senju Natsuhiko. Of course, you can also call me Fukami Natsuhiko, that's fine. "

"This, Minister Xia Yan..."

Uchiha was really embarrassed after hearing what Natsu Yan said. He invited Natsu Yan out this time, but he did it with the help of his granddaughter.

Xia Yan's current whereabouts are too strange and erratic, and it is too difficult and troublesome for him to find Xia Yan.

Moreover, Xia Yan is now the head of ANBU. If he does anything weird, it is hard to say that he will be targeted.

Now I finally met Natsuhiko, but his attitude really made Uchiha a little unsure.

He has taken that step, and now he is a little worried.

But just as he started to speak, Qiong interrupted him: "Okay, Grandpa, Xia Yan said it's time to rest now, there's no need to be so serious."

"Yes, there is no such thing as a minister here."

Xia Yan smiled softly at Qiong, and then slowly knocked on the table and spoke.

"This is just a casual chat between friends. There is no need to be so serious. Of course, there is no need to take some words too seriously."


Uchiha was suddenly stunned when he heard Xia Yan's words, and then he nodded as if he suddenly understood.

"That's right, this time it was just a casual chat, just a chat between friends..."


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