The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 219 Look with your heart and listen with your heart (8K please subscribe~)

"That person just now was Senju Natsuhiko, our ANBU chief, right?"

In a corner of this barbecue restaurant, Nara Shikaku looked at Akimichi Choza who had just sat down and asked softly.

Yamanaka Haiichi, who was also sitting nearby, also cast his gaze. He seemed a little embarrassed and worried at this time.

Nara Shikaku and Akimichi Teiza really don't have much contact with Natsuhiko, but he actually knows Natsuhiko.

At that time, Xia Yan was not yet a minister, not even a captain.

Therefore, he has a fairly comprehensive understanding of Xia Yan's information, and they have also dealt with him head-on.

Yamanaka Haiichi will never forget that he was the one who tried to induce Xia Yan to reveal many secrets.

Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen asked him to do this, he was essentially the one who offended Xia.

He told Nara Shikaku and Akimichi Tingza about this matter very carefully and secretly.

Some of the solutions he got were that the three of them worked together to transport ANBU personnel.

In their opinion, Natsuhiko should be standing behind Namikaze Minato. Supporting Natsuhiko can be seen as supporting Namikaze Minato, and it can also be regarded as easing their relationship with Natsuhiko.

There is no way of knowing whether there is any specific meaning to doing so, or whether Xia Yan has changed some of his views.

But it's better than doing nothing and watching silently while others make decisions.

Being passive at any time is not something people like. Even if you have to fall into passivity, you must find a way to make up for it.

This is what they are doing now, especially when the three of them join forces to transport personnel. To a certain extent, they also put pressure on Xia Yan and tell him that they are not separate.

"Yes, it's the new minister." Akimichi Tingzao nodded, and then he sat down: "He is here for a dinner. Guess who invited him?"

"How do I know?" Nara Shikaku spread his hands. He was still very casual with his old friends and associates: "After all, I am not familiar with him, and I don't have more specific information."

"From the Uchiha clan." Akimichi Dingza lowered his head slightly, and then whispered.

"I met the elder of the Uchiha clan before, but I didn't expect that he brought his granddaughter to see Minister Natsuhiko.

It is said that his granddaughter is a classmate of Minister Xia Yan, and Minister Xia Yan even admitted the meeting. "

"Uchiha?" Nara Shikaku and Yamanaka Haiichi were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes immediately looked around with some vigilance.

It is not a common operation for the Uchiha clan members to meet with the ANBU minister.

After all, Uchiha's situation in Konoha is very delicate, although everyone pretends not to know.

But in fact, no one who can gain a foothold in the high-rise swamps of Konoha is blind.

They knew very well what was going on with Uchiha, and as an ANBU unit directly under the Hokage, meeting Uchiha was really a bit confusing.

It is really difficult to define such a meeting as a simple meeting. There are probably many unknown secrets in it!

Even though, they seem to have been in contact for a long time.

When they thought of this, both of them couldn't help but start to observe the crowd around them.

The ANBU is invisible. Even if someone from their family enters the ANBU, they will honestly say nothing in the end.

Of course, they don’t dare to ask or listen.

Once caught, not only one person will be unlucky, but the whole family may be affected.

They are smart people and they all know what to do.

However, their positions would also come into contact with ANBU, especially Yamanaka Haiichi who dealt with ANBU more often.

Therefore, they all know more or less the style of ANBU. It is difficult to say that all the normal-looking diners in this barbecue restaurant at this moment are actually members of ANBU!

If this is the case, they must be careful when talking.

After all, no one knows whether some of the things they say will lead to huge trouble.

Although Anbu is different from Root, the things that Root can do can also be done by Anbu.

This minister, in particular, is a truly ruthless master.

"Are you too careful?"

Akimichi Dingzao couldn't help but shook his head speechlessly when he saw this scene, and then he said helplessly.

"Actually, I think you can rest assured, because I just noticed that they used a sealing barrier, and I guess they don't want others to hear it."

"Is that so?" Nara Shikaku nodded slightly, but Yamanaka Haiichi still remained vigilant. Obviously, this could not make him relax too much.

"I understand." Suddenly, Nara Shikaku showed a smile: "It seems that Minister Natsuhiko is not worried about what he did today being noticed. After all, he has already had some contact with Uchiha, right?"

"That's true, but before that it was just an association and there was not enough evidence."

Yamanaka Haiichi said with some difficulty, even though he also thought so.

"Although he took the initiative to do this this time, no one knows what his true purpose is."

"I think it's better not to think about the purpose, because it will make things too complicated."

Nara Shikaku had thought things through completely, and he suddenly smiled and said.

“Once anything is complicated, the outcome may not be good.

And if the ANBU really dispersed this place, I don't think they would let us stay, even if you, Dingzuo, are the boss here.

So don't think too much and just act as if everything is normal. "

Nara Shikaku has indeed thought clearly that it is not a good thing for some things to be too complicated.

What's more, in his opinion, although Natsuhiko contacted Uchiha as a member of the Senju clan, it was weird no matter how he looked at it.

But if you think about it carefully, the person standing behind Xia Yan is the fourth generation Hokage, so it is normal for the fourth generation to contact and win over various families.

Of course, there were some things he didn't say, that is, it would be much better for Natsuki to focus on Uchiha than on them.

"Is that so?" Yamanaka Haiichi was still convinced by his old friend Shikaku. He was silent for a while before asking: "Then, shall we deal with it normally?"

"Of course it's handled normally." Lu Jiu smiled and nodded, then he picked up a glass of sake and took a sip silently: "Besides, I think Minister Xia Yan has more important things to deal with now."

"Uchiha?" Yamanaka Haiichi is also an extremely smart person. He immediately knew what Shikaku meant: "Indeed, they are the ones who need to be dealt with most now."

"Look at what our minister is doing." Lujiu put down the teacup and his smile faded slightly: "If necessary, maybe we can help the Fourth Generation..."


Nara Shikaku used a very euphemistic way of saying it. After all, helping the Fourth Hokage is helping Natsuhiko, at least that's how it seems for now.

After all, Nara Shikaku is the Minister of Konoha's Government Affairs Department. In terms of the size and importance of the department, it can even be said to surpass the ANBU.

But in terms of authority and department strength, naturally the ANBU would crush them.

In particular, they also know that the Anbu is expanding now, and after the expansion, the Anbu will double in size.

And this department has completely stood behind Namikaze Minato, which naturally occupies a great advantage.

The Hokage will continue to change, this is inevitable.

How to ensure the survival of himself and his family after the complete transfer of power from Hokage, and not to be affected by such a change, is the most important thing.

What's more, Nara Shikaku also guessed that Uchiha's situation is really not optimistic now.

You can guess it just from the previous situation in the Security Department. After all, if one detachment is open and other detachments are isolated, it is obvious that the hearts of Uchiha are not unified.

Such disparity is very dangerous, and it is difficult to say that the division of the family started in such an environment.

And Nara Shikaku thought even more. He was wondering when this decision started. Is there the shadow of the Third Generation in this?

After all, if the Sandaime doesn't agree, I'm afraid it will be difficult to accomplish this.

The reason why the Sandaime agreed was probably to split the Uchiha clan from within so that they could weaken themselves.

But Uchiha, who has weakened himself, will naturally not have so much trouble, which is in Konoha's interests.

However, this may not necessarily be in the interest of the Fourth Hokage.

The Fourth Hokage and the Third Hokage are different, everyone knows this even if they don't say it.

The most powerful thing is to win over a complete family to make the power in your hands stronger.

No matter what happens, he must let the Uchiha who is willing to get closer to Konoha stand on his side.

So Xia Yan began to contact them, began to provide them with help, and began to guide them on how to do it.

Even in Nara Shikaku's mind, Natsuhiko might be ready to help them complete the change of power within the family!

"If that's the case, then it would be interesting. Maybe I can find a way to help them in a subtle way."

Nara Shikaku put down the sake in his hand. Although he analyzed a lot of things in his heart, his expression remained as calm as ever.

This kind of thing should not be talked about casually, and even if he wanted to help, he would have to help in a place where the Third Hokage could not notice, but where Natsu Yan could clearly notice it.

Or, the people from the security department should tell Xia Yan that he has received help.

Doing this is a little difficult, but this difficulty is not a big deal in Nara Shikaku's opinion.

"Tell me, what will happen if the Uchiha elder comes to see Minister Natsuhiko this time?"

Nara Shikaku touched his chin, and he suddenly said in a funny voice.

"I'll take a gamble. It's a matter within the security department."

"Tch, betting with you is the most boring thing."

Akimichi Dingza shook his head boredly, glanced at Shikaku and said angrily.

"You can win every time. It's the same from childhood to adulthood. It's not interesting at all."

"that is."

Perhaps feeling a little relieved, Yamanaka Haiichi also smiled.

"Speak quickly, or I will tell your wife about some of the things you secretly hid in the living room..."

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Nara Shikaku suddenly coughed, and he directly interrupted Yamanaka Haiichi before saying with an unhappy face.

"Why are you so annoying? Well, I'll admit defeat. I think it's the Security Department's business.

However, it is not just a matter of the Security Department..."


Indeed, the trouble Uchiha is encountering now is really not just a matter of the security department.

On the one hand, the security department has already made him overwhelmed, and the problems within the family also make him unable to let go.

More importantly, the Fourth Hokage is not in Konoha, so he does not get any strong policy support.

Without such support, he would not be able to recruit many people for the security department.

After all, the impression the Security Department had left on Konoha residents was really bad, which made countless people doubtful. They didn't know that there were other situations within a family.

The civilian ninjas did not dare to go, and the family ninjas did not know whether Uchiha had a brain convulsion or received some support.

They didn't dare to make a decision easily. Everyone knew that if they were on the wrong team, they would be doomed.

Therefore, during the period when the Guard Department was open, they really didn't recruit many people.

The second point is the family issue. After that clan meeting, Uchiha really broke with everyone else, including the clan leader.

This kind of breakup is incredible and terrifying.

This has also led to the fact that even doves now dare not support him 100%.

It can be said that Uchiha is really in a bit of a difficult situation now.

He really wanted to get rid of his dependence on Xia Yan and avoid being controlled by Xia Yan, but sometimes he had to choose to compromise.

Because form is stronger than people, if you don’t compromise, you will have to wait for death!

Natsuhiko really opened up an idea for Uchiha, leading him to a path he had never imagined.

However, this road is definitely not easy. At least for Uchiha Makoto, the dangers and difficulties on this road are really far beyond his imagination.

"Elder Zhen, what happened to Uchiha recently is very interesting."

Xia Yan waited for the waiter to bring all the dishes and completely left the soundproof barrier before he suddenly spoke.

"Opening a detachment so that civilian ninjas can come in has to be said to be a return to the essence of the security department. The consciousness of the true elder is indeed admirable."

"Minister Xia Yan..."

Uchiha really looked at Xia Yan carefully. Although he looked extremely tough during this period, he was really fed up with the torture in his heart.

He is really worried now whether Xia Yan is mocking him because what he did is really not very good.

"But on this matter, I actually have some different views."

Just when Uchiha was really suffering the most, Natsuhiko spoke again.

"I wonder if the true elder is willing to listen to my nonsense?"


"How could Minister Xia Yan's words be nonsense?"

After Uchiha heard what Natsuhiko said, he suddenly became a little relieved.

nonsense? How can this be!

If Natsuhiko really said some nonsense to him, then Natsuhiko would not be able to let his granddaughter enter the ANBU, let alone start recruiting some Uchiha ninjas to join the ANBU.

In his opinion, Xia Yan made such a gesture to save some face for himself.

After all, Qiong is here, and Xia Yan seems to have great trust in Qiong, even though he doesn't know what Qiong is doing in the ANBU.

"If that's the case, then I will simply express my own views,"

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and after seeing Qiong and Lianhua taking the initiative to grill the meat, he lightly knocked on the table and spoke slowly.

"What the true elders do is indeed open source. After all, only in this way can Uchiha control the security department while also finding ways to integrate into Konoha.

However, true elders sometimes need to be more flexible in their methods. "


Uchiha raised his eyebrows, and then he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

He was thinking about what Xia Yan meant by flexibility. Could it be that what he did was too radical?

Or is it that he didn't start from other aspects to make himself appear smoother?

"True elder."

At this moment, Lianhua slowly spoke while grilling the meat.

"The flexibility in Xia Yan's words probably also means flexibility. I think Qiong can also understand this."


Uchiha looked at Qiong with uncertainty. For a moment, he really couldn't figure out what these young people meant.

He didn't tell Qiong what he and Xia Yan planned to discuss during this meeting. Could it be that Xia Yan had already guessed it and communicated it with his granddaughter?

But he soon felt that something was not right, because he seemed to be a little confused.

But soon this confusion turned into thinking, and finally into a touch of confidence.

Uchiha really saw Qiong's changes in his eyes. He really found that his granddaughter who still needed to secretly consult him on some things had changed a lot.

"I think I kind of get it."

Qiong nodded slightly, looking at her grandfather with a smile and confidence.

"Actually...Xia Yan's meaning is very simple, that is, grandpa follows the rules too much."

"Too much compliance with the rules?" Uchiha was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he seemed to have something on his mind: "What do you mean..."

"Xia Yan has said many times that following the rules is a good thing, but following the rules too much can sometimes put you in a cage."

Before Qiong could wait for her grandfather to finish speaking, she gently turned the raw meat on the barbecue and said softly with a smile.

“Under normal circumstances, we have to use rules to restrict our behavior so as not to turn ourselves into an unscrupulous person.

But sometimes when necessary, we can take advantage of loopholes in the rules or even break them to do something that benefits everyone.

What grandpa has to do now is not only conducive to the family's reintegration into Konoha, but also conducive to Konoha's regaining Uchiha and the strength of the Security Department.

So if you adhere to the rules too closely and your actions encounter many obstacles, then this will be a very bad thing. "

Uchiha looked at his granddaughter inexplicably. Even though his granddaughter was repeating Natsuhiko's words, being able to say such words proved her growth.

Even though she is still gentle and calm on weekdays, and compared with other tribesmen, she does not have any radical ideas.

But in essence, she has undergone tremendous changes. Her vision has become higher and her mind has become deeper. ANBU is truly a place that trains people.

"So, what do you think?"

Uchiha really wanted to see what his granddaughter thought, so he simply returned the question to Qiong.

"Lianhua, according to ANBU's intelligence, your family is now scattered.

And there are quite a few people whose surname is not Senju, right? "

Qiong turned to look at Lianhua. They had been working together for a long time and had a good understanding of each other.

"Yes, there are still many such tribesmen. They are still mission ninjas and do not serve in ANBU or other departments."

Qiong nodded slightly, her voice was still so cold, but her attitude was very cooperative.

At this point, Uchiha really understood what it meant.

To put it bluntly, this is a performance in nature, and it also allows Xia Yan to intervene in the security department!

Use a group of members who appear to be civilian ninjas but actually belong to the Senju clan to enter the security department.

Let all outsiders think that Uchiha has recruited civilian ninjas and intends to do this seriously.

At the same time, these people can also be used to secretly form a force to control the security department. The most terrible thing is that he really has no way to refuse this.

Because whether Xia Yan thought of it and asked Qiong to say it, or this was his original plan.

This proposal is very tempting, and it really solves my urgent need.

"However, these people have their own things to do."

At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly spoke. He glanced at the barbecue that was already smelling good and smiled.

"So I can't give you too much, after all, giving too much would seem too deliberate and fake.

All it takes is a signal, a typical example, plus some publicity, and I think that's enough. "

"Is that so?"

Uchiha Zhen felt his face heat up at this moment. Just now, he was still thinking about whether Natsuhiko wanted to control the security department, but when he turned around, he found that the other party didn't have much such intention at all.

Of course, maybe not now, after all, the ANBU is too far behind the desperate security department.

Maybe there will be in the future, but the current problem cannot be solved, and it may not be able to attract the minister's attention in the future.

"I see."

Thinking of this, Uchiha nodded heavily.

"Then I will sincerely invite some civilian ninjas to come in, especially those recognized by Minister Natsuhiko."

"Besides, you have to be ruthless in your attacks."

Xia Yan asked about the smell of the meat, then picked up the chopsticks and picked up some roast meat for Uchiha Makoto, Qiong and Renhua respectively, and then he said with a smile.

“The voices within the family are indeed troublesome, but it is inevitable to eliminate these voices when necessary.

If you can't even unify your thoughts, you won't be able to accomplish great things.

Moreover, after unified thinking, a program of action is also needed.

You need to tell your people what you are going to do, why you are doing it, and what you will get by doing it.

But there are some things you should pay attention to when you are ruthless. The first is not to expose yourself, otherwise it will bring you some trouble in the future.

Therefore, I think true elders should take matters into their own hands. The fewer people who know about it, the less chance they will be exposed.

At the same time, you can't do too much. Your tribesmen are your best support and support, and they are also our most beneficial assistants in the future.

Therefore, the person you want to target is the kind of person who guides the ignorant tribesmen, makes them think that they shouldn't have, and makes their character become radical.

'Beheading' on the battlefield is also the most effective way to demoralize the enemy and destroy their faith.

After all, many times, they don't know why they are fighting.

Finally, I think the guys with you also have different voices.

Then be decisive and let them speak out. Whether you use coercion or inducement, this is all your own business, true elder. "

At this point, Xia Yan stopped.

His eyes glanced at Uchiha Makoto, who was trembling a little, his face was pale and he was sweating a little, and he couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Do not unite your thoughts to do things, and do not know how to formulate an action plan when doing things.

How can there be any results from doing things like this?

And now that a decision has been made, ruthless action must be taken.

However, while being ruthless, you must also make a clear distinction. Some people must be won over, while others must be resolved.

Xia Yan must be grateful for the education he received in his previous life, and he even remembered an incident that happened in the country of freedom on the other side of the ocean in his previous life.

The black civil rights leader who shouted "I have a dream" was killed because he was a thought leader.

Think about how he could tell black people to stop when they were rioting, then put on a suit and solve the problem peacefully.

So to understand it from another perspective, is it possible that when peaceful means cannot solve the problem, he can ask people to take off their suits and put on military uniforms?

In addition, there is another very interesting example, that is, the Black Panther Party, which has become the mascot of Hollywood.

Xia Yan seemed to remember that the Black Panther Party at the beginning was an organization with a unified ideology and a clear program of action.

But then, who knows what happened, caused their internal thoughts to split and they were unable to integrate and unify.

Such a split resulted in them not having a clear program of action. Slowly, they became a "non-threatening" organization, and finally went to Hollywood.

Of course, there are too many such examples, and perhaps this is the reason why other countries do not offer political classes.

After all, this thing also has a nickname, also called Dragon Slaying Technique.

Xia Yan gently picked up a piece of barbecue and put it into his mouth. The delicious taste of the meat immediately spread around his mouth.

I have to say that the barbecue restaurant opened by the Akimichi family is indeed delicious. Xia Yan has tried it before, and he likes it now.

"I understand." After a long while, Uchiha nodded slightly: "I will... I will try hard to do it."

"The true elder really made a courageous decision." Xia Yan sighed slightly, and he knocked on the table again: "This kind of thing is just hard work, and hard work often leaves room for success. This can be regarded as leaving room for yourself. Is there a way out?"

"Of course not!" Uchiha gritted his teeth: "I will do my best to do it!"

"Then let's look forward to the good news from the true elder." Xia Yan smiled at this moment: "After all, everything depends on people. After taking this step, the true elder must make some changes."

Uchiha nodded silently. He did not speak this time but was thinking about everything Natsuhiko said.

Qiong silently took some barbecue for her grandfather. She wanted to say something but couldn't.

During the time she entered ANBU, she learned too much and was exposed to too many things.

Especially as Xia Yan's personal secretary, she, like Renhua, has access to almost all the secrets of the ANBU.

And this kind of contact also let her know what the dark side of the world is like.

Although it didn't completely break her heart, it was still affected to some extent.

She is determined now because she knows her grandfather made such a choice.

If you can't be ruthless about this kind of thing, it will definitely not end well.

Although Xia Yan's words were serious, he was still helping his grandfather after all.

Of course, Qiong didn't know if Xia Yan had other ideas.

But at least she knew that without Natsuhiko's help, Uchiha might be in really bad shape.

You know, just some of the arrangements and comments made by ANBU towards Uchiha that she came into contact with were extremely negative!

"By the way, Xia Yanjun."

After a long time, Uchiha really seemed to have slowed down. He raised his head and suddenly asked in a low voice.

"What if the comrades who once stood with me are unwilling to cooperate with me for various reasons.

They even started to turn against me, and I couldn't easily do anything to them.

More importantly, I don't want to be cruel to my former comrades.

What should I do in this situation? "

"Such a situation is really troublesome. In the end, people still have to reminisce about old feelings to be more worthy of following."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and it was indeed worth thinking about such a question.

Sometimes when people miss old feelings, they can create an image that is ‘worthy of following’.

Especially when some people can be killed or not killed, showing this side of yourself will attract more respect and followers from your subordinates.

Of course, this is indifferent and purely based on interests.

From a practical perspective, sometimes it is really difficult for a person to attack certain people.

Just like Natsu Yan, he himself couldn't possibly attack Senju Xiangma who took care of him.

Even if he really annoyed himself, Xia Yan would just let him become a 'free agent' at most.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan planned to express his thoughts, but just as he was about to speak, there was a sudden noise in the barbecue shop.

Such noise made Xia Yan and our table all turn their heads and look over.

But after Xia Yan noticed what they were noisy about, a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

"Actually, what a true elder has to do is very simple, not even difficult."

Xia Yan knocked on the table lightly, his eyes still fixed on those who made the noise.

"What do you mean, Xia Yanjun?" Uchiha looked at those people curiously, and he seemed to have an incomprehensible expression.

"I'm actually doing something similar, and it looks pretty good, so..."

When Xia Yan said this, the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Look with your heart, listen with your heart, and you will know."


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