Today, Konoha has gotten rid of the destruction caused by the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Even though the residents still feel sad in their hearts, life is still going on.

Sadness cannot stay in the heart forever, and this winter-like sadness is slowly melting away in the heat of early summer.

However, at this time, Konoha has fallen into a new haze, and that is about Orochimaru, one of the candidates for the Hokage election.

Over a year and two years ago, there was a rumor that appeared during the selection of the Fourth Hokage.

That is Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, who seems to have been secretly conducting human experiments!

Such rumors have triggered extensive discussions, and many people have argued over it with red faces.

However, there was always a limit to this matter, and eventually such rumors began to die down, and were completely eliminated when the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato came on stage.

However, just recently, such rumors have once again appeared in people's ears.

The intensity of the turbulence even exceeded that of the past!

Orochimaru is too special, and his experience and status in Konoha are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

He was the most likely person to ever become Hokage, and he was one of the last remaining Sannin of Konoha left in Konoha.

Moreover, he was also the senior commander of Konoha during the three battles, and led Konoha to defeat enemies one after another.

He has a unique personality and charm, and he also has many extreme controversies.

But it is undeniable that Orochimaru is the symbol of the goal, and he is Konoha's strong guarantee.

Perhaps it was because of Orochimaru's special nature that everyone was extremely interested in the various rumors about him.

Whether true or false, they are willing to communicate, discuss, and use their imagination.

Natsuhiko sat talking and watched all this with a smile, and his actions made Uchiha really aware of something.

Turning around, he saw a group of ninjas who were obviously drunk and making loud noises.

And the content of their quarrel revolves around Orochimaru!

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

A Konoha ninja's face was slightly red, and he looked very angry.

"Yongan Haruto, I warn you not to talk nonsense, otherwise I will never be done with you!"

"Why am I talking nonsense, Senior Yuzhen."

The other younger Konoha ninja looked unhappy, but he still maintained restraint.

"Is there anything wrong with what I said? Besides, this is not what I said. This is something that the whole village is discussing.

Although Lord Orochimaru is respected, but...but the news is so big this time, it can't be groundless, right? "

Orochimaru's incident this time was indeed very serious. After a long period of covert and slow propaganda by AN, the entire Konoha knew about it.

Even though there is no pressure from the Hokage election for the time being, the Fourth Hokage has now cultivated himself, and the Third Hokage has regained power.

With a little guidance of public opinion, it is easy to get them to think in certain directions at once.

In addition, Orochimaru was already very topical, and this time it once again aroused public discussion.

However, these ninjas were very restrained in their discussions, and they never said anything in the direction of Hokage.

Because there is no need, even if they think so mentally, they will not say it out loud.

Therefore, the direction of their discussion always revolved around whether Orochimaru had conducted human experiments.

And this matter has become more and more outrageous. Those who psychologically support Orochimaru naturally do not believe this matter from beginning to end.

Regardless of whether the Hokage was involved, they would not acknowledge such rumors.

Others didn't care at all, they were more concerned about the nature of Orochimaru's matter.

"I'm warning you, don't say anything like that in front of me again!"

The ninja named Yuzhen was full of anger at this time. He slapped the table hard and stood up.

"How can you evaluate Orochimaru-sama? Do you know how terrifying the war in the Country of Whirlpool was at that time!

Not only are we low on supplies, we are also short on personnel.

If it weren't for Orochimaru-sama's command, which stabilized the war in the Kingdom of Whirlpool and preserved enough strength for the front line, how could you be here today! "

This guy's words almost made Uchiha's blood pressure rise.

It is true that the battlefield of the Kingdom of Whirlpool does rely on Orochimaru's coordination and command.

But you must know that the main force in the Kingdom of Whirlpool at that time was Uchiha and those white-eyed Hinata.

And it was these two families that paid the most in the first place. How come these ordinary ninjas say that all their victory was due to Orochimaru?

However, Uchiha didn't speak. He seemed to understand what Natsuhiko meant.

But the ninja named Yuzhen didn't have any words yet. He pulled his clothes apart, revealing his bronze skin.

There are various scars on this bronze skin, which are so dense that it is frightening, and they also represent his battles in life and death.

There was a scar in the center that extended all the way to the abdomen, which was unusually deep.

This scene made many ninjas beside him secretly dumbfounded, wondering how he survived such an injury in the first place.

"Did you see it? It's this scar. It was the scar left by me after I was surrounded by the Mist Ninja's troops this time in the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

I could have said there was no hope at that time, but Orochimaru-sama did not give up on me, he let me return to the human world!

Even a ninja like me, Orochimaru-sama, has not abandoned me. Why do you believe that Orochimaru-sama would do such a thing just because of some rumors? "

Youzhen was still cursing angrily. He really almost died on the battlefield during the third battle.

That was his darkest and most desperate time, but Orochimaru gave him light.

Let him see the hope of life and return to Konoha alive.

There are many, many people like him. They all respect Orochimaru from the bottom of their hearts, and they do not allow anyone to slander Orochimaru like this!

What he didn't expect was that the young ninja was also angry at this time.

Ninjas, especially young ninjas, always care about face.

How could they stand being pointed at the nose and scolded for something that everyone was talking about?

The young ninja who had just started speaking blushed, stood up and roared angrily.

"Even so, everyone is saying, why do you still want everyone to shut up? I have said that many things cannot come out of nowhere. Who knows whether such a thing has happened!"

"What did you say, kid!"

"What else do I need to say? This kind of thing is being spread throughout Konoha now, do you need me to repeat it again? I said that this kind of thing can't come out of nowhere, otherwise why hasn't it been stopped yet? Could it be that this is really a lie? "

"Kid, are you looking for death?"

"That's the truth!"

The two got into an argument about this, and as they both drank, the verbal conflict intensified.

In the end, I don’t know who made the first move, and it quickly turned into a fight.

The ninjas watching gathered in a circle and cheered each other.

However, as the disputes between each other became more and more serious, more and more people took action, and the situation became completely chaotic.

Xia Yan and others had been silently watching what happened, and a smile appeared on his lips involuntarily.

Qiong and Lianhua also watched all this with cold eyes. They may have had their hand in such a thing. It can be said that they were fully involved in this matter!

Uchiha Makoto sighed silently, he already knew what Natsuhiko meant.

This method is very inferior and very simple, but I have to admit that this method is really effective.

"Go deal with it, true elder."

Xia Yan knocked on the table lightly and said with a smile on his face.

“This is ultimately a matter under the jurisdiction of the Security Department, so show a good attitude and don’t be annoying.

It's best if you set a code of conduct after you go back. You must strictly follow the code in the future. Do you understand? "

"I understand, Natsu Yan-kun." Uchiha nodded seriously, and then he said quietly: "I have become more discerning today, and I hope Natsu Yan-kun will give me more advice in the future."

"Advice doesn't count, it's just some small tricks that don't make sense."

Xia Yan spread his hands indifferently, then picked up a piece of barbecue and put it into his mouth.

"There is a saying that is very interesting and I think it is very correct."

"What words?"

"It's easy to spread rumors, but it's hard to refute them. I don't like to use rumors to describe my actions. I prefer to call them controlling public opinion."

When Xia Yan said this, he couldn't help but pause slightly, and finally he continued in a positive tone.

“It’s shameless, but it’s very practical.

After all, people like us must have a flexible moral bottom line..."


Natsuhiko doesn't care whether Uchiha really understands what a flexible moral bottom line is.

All he knew was that what he wanted to do had already taken shape.

The more serious things become with Orochimaru, the deeper the blow to Sarutobi Hiruzen and others will naturally be.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't bear it anymore, Natsuhiko would naturally not wait for him to take action, but would directly force him to cut off Orochimaru's arm!

After losing his arm, how many people can still use Hiruzen Sarutobi?

The most important thing is that once the chain effect occurs, trust is also a key issue.

Natsuhiko watched all this silently, and the three Nara Shikaku also noticed this scene.

In fact, they had long noticed that there were some special voices about Orochimaru in Konoha, but such voices did not attract enough attention at first.

What's more, neither the ANBU nor the Third Hokage tried to stop such sounds.

As time went by, they didn't care so much anymore.

But now it seems that the harm caused by such a sound is really terrible.

When Akimichi Tingza saw this scene, he immediately planned to stand up and stop it all.

But Nara Shikaku, who had quick eyes and quick hands, grabbed him and didn't let Ding Za rush up to do anything.

Shikaku's approach also made Dingzao full of questions, but he still sat down honestly.

After all, this good friend of mine would never harm him, and his actions must have his own reasons and meanings.

"Do not impulse."

Sure enough, Shikaku spoke directly after Ding Zai sat down.

"You don't need to take care of this matter, don't forget there is an Uchiha here.

And I'm afraid there are other shadows behind this matter, so it's best to just wait and see. "

"Other shadows?"

Yamanaka Haiichi frowned. He thought for a moment and immediately thought of something.

"You're saying that something is very wrong with Orochimaru-sama's rumors this time?"

"It's always been wrong, but we just haven't thought about it seriously."

Nara Shikaku sighed slightly, and then he whispered extremely seriously.

“But now it seems that this matter is really weird at every turn.

Even the struggle here is beyond our imagination. "

"Is that so?" Dingzuo frowned, and then he fell silent.

In fact, he has always hated political things, but it is indispensable to stand in their position when there is no choice.

Without a stable political rule, it is almost impossible for the village to exist, and everything will return to the era of endless wars.

Fortunately, they had the help of the Nara family, otherwise he didn't know whether he could survive in this swamp that eats people without showing blood.

Yamanaka Haiichi also began to think carefully, and suddenly he seemed to notice something.

"You mean, Orochimaru-sama, this matter is likely to be a confrontation between the two Hokages?"

After all, Yamanaka Haiichi is still in the intelligence class, and he has access to a lot of things.

"Yes, if there are no accidents, it should be."

Nara Shikaku nodded slightly, and then he said silently.

"Don't forget, similar rumors surfaced more than a year ago.

But at that time, the rumors stopped abruptly and did not cause much sensation.

But the situation is different now. The rumors haven't dissipated yet. Maybe the Hokage has some ideas. "

"That is to say..."

Yamanaka Hai took a deep breath, lowered his head and asked softly.

"It's very possible that Lord Orochimaru has really been discovered, and the Sandaime is also hesitant about what to do.

We can even guess whether Lord Orochimaru discovered something, allowing Lord Sandaime and others to release him. "

Yamanaka Haiichi's analysis immediately made Akimichi Tingzao, who was used to squinting his eyes, widen his eyes. Saying this sentence was really incredible.

The rumors spread by the Sandaime Hokage himself were used against his disciples?

Is there any other way to do this?

Although Yamanaka Haiichi was very careful to add speculation, such speculation was enough to make Akimichi Choza feel numb.

He really never thought that something could be done like this.

However, according to the character of the Sandaime, it seems impossible to do this, right?

But before he spoke, Nara Shikaku nodded and sighed: "Yes, I guess it is also possible. After all, there is Danzo under Lord Sandaime."

"Danzo?" Akimichi Dingzao murmured, and finally he couldn't help but ask: "Didn't Danzo be dismissed? Why..."

"The meaning of Danzo's existence is not that simple."

Nara Shikaku shook his head slightly, and then his expression became serious.

"Forget it, let's do our own thing, after all, we are all outsiders.

When it’s time to assist the ANBU minister, we should assist him, and when it’s time to serve the Sandaime, we should serve him. After all, this is our way of survival..."


Sarutobi Hiruzen sat in the Hokage's office a little tired. He sighed involuntarily when he looked at the news that had been delivered recently.

However, this sigh was quickly stopped by him. His eyes couldn't help but glance at the hidden corners of the office, and finally he focused on the documents again.

There were ANBU in the office, which made him feel extremely depressed.

Once upon a time, he was the one who used Anbu to observe Nam Feng Shui, but no one expected that just a year later, he would reverse his offensive and defensive due to various reasons.

Not only did he lose his ANBU, he also became the subject of ANBU surveillance!

The most terrible thing is that he can't fall out with the person behind Anbu yet.

Because the kid from the Senju clan behind Anbu was actually holding something that made him scared.

Looking at the rising silver moon outside the window, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Now his situation is too passive, so passive that he already has some plans to deal with some people around him.

He didn't want to lose friendship, nor did he want to lose the shadow he had carefully cultivated.

But if it really comes to a last resort, then he can only choose to do something.

He blamed himself internally because he felt that he had led his friend to a path of no return.

It was he who made that friend bear too much, the darkness that should originally belong to Hokage.

But things have come to this, and he has no way to change anything. He still needs to continue walking on the road ahead.

But soon, when he noticed a document about Orochimaru, his blood pressure rose again.

Recently, the number of people fighting due to rumors about Orochimaru has begun to rise.

This is definitely not good news, and it is a serious blow to his reputation!

It's just that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't deal with it. It wasn't that he didn't want to but that he couldn't do it for the time being.

The best person to do this is Danzo, but Danzo has been dismissed from his post.

In addition, who is behind this incident is also something Sarutobi Hiruzen is pondering deeply about.

He originally thought whether it was Xia Yan who did it. After all, Xia Yan was the most likely person to do this.

But after thinking about it, spreading such rumors is simply to alert the snake, and it will not do Xia Yan any good.

So, who is spreading such rumors?

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about it, and he felt that Danzo was the only one!

Originally, when Danzo controlled the root, he was very good at doing similar things.

For example, what happened to Hatake Sakumo was Danzo's 'credit' behind it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen initially agreed to this, but he never expected that Hatake Sakumo would commit suicide.

In addition, Danzo also repeated the same trick during the election of the Fourth Hokage a year or two ago.

But that time, Danzo was disappointed and failed.

Therefore, it is really difficult for Sarutobi Hiruzen not to think towards Danzo.

What's more, Danzo has always been quite the Hokage, and now that he has been dismissed, the rumors have basically nothing to do with him.

In the end, the target of these rumors was Sarutobi Hiruzen himself.

"Did you really do this, Danzo?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought silently, he was not 100% sure now.

"I hope this is Xia Yan's conspiracy, after all, that boy can really do similar things.

But if it was really you, then you are so disappointing..."


Natsuhiko doesn't know what Sarutobi Hiruzen's current mentality towards Danzo is. After all, for him, the outcome is the same whether the plan goes well or not.

There was one thing that Natsuhiko had overlooked before, and that was whether Hiruzen Sarutobi went back to ask Danzo.

After all, the relationship between these two people is so special, it is difficult to say that Sarutobi Hiruzen will still go to Danzo.

If this is the case, then part of Xia Yan's plan has been exposed, but it doesn't matter.

At worst, Natsuhiko is just a famous brand, and he just told Hiruzen Sarutobi that I want to touch Orochimaru, but he wants to see what Hiruzen Sarutobi can do.

But now he has no time to pay attention to this. After meeting with Uchiha Zhen, Natsuhiko did not continue to point fingers.

Although in his opinion, Uchiha Makoto was the same as his elder Senju Shouma.

They are all people who are ambitious and courageous, but don’t know exactly how to do it.

The Security Department is indeed a piece of fat. After all, the Security Department still has great strength, responsibilities and power.

However, due to certain policies of Konoha and the Uchiha clan's own suicide, the current security department no longer has the authority it should have.

All Xia Yan can do is to help it recover as much as possible, but such help cannot be too explicit.

Uchiha guys are sensitive and proud by nature. Natsuhiko can help them but can't completely help them up.

Let them know that they can't do it and then come find him, just like what Uchiha Makoto did that night.

In this way, Xia Yan can better control this department, or control the Uchiha he expected.

He sent many members of his family in, actually looking forward to the future when the Ministry of Security would restore its authority.

These tribesmen can stand in a higher position and thus have a better influence on this department.

"However, the current security department is still not good. Qiong's training is pretty good. Although he is immature, he has enough room for growth.

Let her first draw up a course of action for the Security Department according to my wishes.

Then let Lianhua choose a group of good and obedient tribesmen to send in, and finally watch their development secretly.

If they can't even develop like this, they will really be hopeless. "

Standing on a wire pole in Konoha Village, Xia Yan looked at the bright full moon in the sky, and then slowly put on a strange mask.

He had already planned to cause trouble with Obito and make more preparations for his future. Naturally, it was impossible not to take any action all the time.

Now the matter in Konoha has been solved by him for the time being.

The expansion of the Anbu was still going on, and the establishment of the two secretariats was also in progress. He did not need to interfere too much in these matters.

Secondly, the internal department is also slightly expanded. After all, the two secretariats need to be observed and targeted. The importance of this department is self-evident.

In addition, there is the issue of the Security Department, which has a set development direction for the time being, and Xia Yan will not interfere further.

As for issues like contacting major families, Senju Shouma could handle them himself.

In the end, Orochimaru's affairs were obviously still in a state of 'let the bullets fly for a while', so he was in a relatively leisurely state for the time being.

How to stay in Konoha in this state is a waste of time.

However, as the ANBU minister, Natsuhiko cannot truly disappear.

He deliberately left a shadow clone behind, and he injected a lot of senjutsu chakra and Kyuubi's chakra into this shadow clone.

The purpose is to ensure that this shadow clone lasts long enough and can handle some simple battles.

The most important point is that once there is any problem in Konoha, this shadow clone can make him aware of it immediately.

Xia Yan couldn't guarantee ultra-long distance teleportation, but he could try it.

After all, he has a small part of dragon vein chakra in his body. Even if this part of chakra is brewing seeds, he still has a small nine tails.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's figure moved slightly, and the next moment he disappeared from where he was.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived outside Konoha Village.

His goal is the Kingdom of Waves. He can take a boat directly into the waters of the Kingdom of Water through the port of the Kingdom of Waves, and finally enter the Kingdom of the Sea and even enter the Kirigakure Village.

This road is considered the least guarded by Konoha ninjas. If he goes towards the Country of Waves, who knows if he will encounter some people.

Although based on his strength, he doesn't need to worry about these problems at all.

But by being careful, you can still avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"There are two goals this time. In fact, there is no problem in saying it is one."

Xia Yan was running very fast. After all, he had not left any mark of the Flying Thunder God, so he could only walk.

But this is not a big deal to him. He can just think about what he wants to do while he is on the road.

This time when he went to the Kingdom of Water, his targets were Obito and the Fourth Mizukage.

However, considering that the Fourth Mizukage has been controlled, there is no problem in treating him as Obito alone.

He had some experience in dealing with Obito, but he relied on Flying Thunder God and fairy magic to defeat that battle.

It might be a little troublesome not to use Flying Thunder God this time.

But no matter what, he knew Obito's weaknesses, so there shouldn't be any problems.

The most important thing is that he chose a very good time to go out this time.

In addition to the stable situation in Konoha, there is another thing to be happy about, that is, his seeds are almost mature!

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Quasi-shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (huge chakra reserves) (a small amount of sealed dragon vein chakra)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant high-level Nine-Tails Fruit to grow) (intake too much chakra, continue to grow)

Seeds: fire attribute advanced chakra seeds (99%), wind attribute advanced chakra seeds (99%), senjutsu advanced chakra seeds (80%), fusion seeds ( Ninety-nine percent)

Fruit: None

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (22% progress)

"The two advanced chakra attribute seeds and the fusion seed have reached 99%. This is really good news."

Looking at his panel silently, Xia Yan thought to himself.

I don’t know if I expanded my ‘broadband limit’, which made my ‘download speed’ faster.

This is really the first time for Xia Yan to plant high-level crops, and they have matured so quickly.

You know, he has planted three at once.

When he first planted three high-grade seeds, he was stunned for several years without any results.

Especially in the end, just like 'Thunder', it was stuck at 99% motionless.

Now he can clearly feel that his seeds will most likely mature in the near future.

He himself didn't know why he felt this way, but he believed that this feeling was not wrong.

"In other words, when I really face Obito, I will have another trump card."

Xia Yan couldn't help but smile when he thought of this. He was actually more willing to use this fused power on 'Senju Xia Yan'.

But after all, this power has not been exposed and can be used as a trump card.

Once the situation goes wrong, he can have more options when not using magic or flying thunder gods.

As for which chakras to choose for fusion, he has not yet made a complete decision.

But there was one thing he was basically sure of, and that was not to think about Chen Escape for the time being.

"The power of Dust Escape is great, but the forward motion is still too great. It is easy to be used as a target when standing on the ground.

If I could get Ohnoki's super light heavy rock jutsu, I might give it a serious thought.

But at this stage, it’s best not to think about it. The power of eliminating blood stains is definitely not weak anyway! "

The blood stains condensed by the fusion of the three chakras are eliminated, and the power is not weak no matter how you look at it.

But how to use this condensed blood elimination is a question worth thinking about.

Maybe it can strike from a distance like the Dust Release, or maybe it can be used for close combat output like Raikiri.

But no matter what kind of thing it is, as long as it is powerful enough and the effect is good enough, Xia Yan can accept it.

"And with this fusion experience, maybe after I attack Obito and get a higher-quality White Zetsu body, I can condense new fusion seeds, so that I can also try other blood-stained eliminations."

Xia Yan now also begins to maintain an optimistic attitude towards the fusion of chakra.

He even has an interesting idea, that is, he first separates and fuses chakra into blood successor limit or blood successor elimination.

Finally, use the characteristics of those fusion seeds - fuse two or three attributes, and fuse them with the Blood Snare at once!

This approach is really cheating, but it is also a good idea.

Although it may not succeed, what if it happens?

"It's always right to give it a try. If it doesn't work, you have to think of a solution..."


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