Taking a boat from the Country of Waves all the way into Kirigakure was indeed more troublesome than he imagined.

The blockade of the Kingdom of Water is more severe than imagined. It can be imagined that once a Mist Ninja ship is encountered on the sea, the outcome is really conceivable.

None of this is really difficult for Xia Yan. As the ANBU minister, he really knows too many secrets.

The Kingdom of Water's blockade of itself has actually created a huge interest group, and this interest group is the smuggling industry!

After you blockade, many products belonging to the Kingdom of Water will not be able to leave the country. The demand from the outside world will naturally increase, and the prices will naturally start to rise.

Similarly, the prices of foreign goods that are in demand within the Kingdom of Water will definitely skyrocket because they cannot be brought in.

This simple relationship of supply and demand can create unimaginable benefits at a specific time.

Xia Yan knew from studying in his previous life that if the profit was greater than 300%, someone would dare to trample all laws in the world.

Ninjas are humans too and need money to support themselves.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Water now naturally has a large number of smuggling industries supported by ninjas, and the benefits are so huge that people are excited.

With such information, it would be much easier for Xia Yan to deal with it.

He only needs to control a merchant ship belonging to this smuggling business, and then follow them into the Kingdom of Water through the safest sea channel.

Although Xia Yan noticed the presence of ninjas among these merchant ships, this was not a problem at all to him.

"It's just a little troublesome to deal with it later."

Looking at the sinking smuggling ship, Xia Yan murmured and then turned around and left the place.

Sinking a ship directly was a novel feeling for Xia Yan.

Strictly speaking, this was his first time going to sea, having been active in the interior of the Country of Fire all year round.

However, in his previous life, he had visited Hainan and took a boat there, so he didn't feel any seasickness at all.

However, taking a boat is too time-consuming. Xia Yan will never choose such a leisurely way when he goes back.

Along the way, he used kunai to leave the mark of the Flying Thunder God on many small islands or rocks, just to prepare him when he went back.

Heading all the way towards Kirigakure Village, Xia Yan was too lazy to replace some necessary things.

Although strictly speaking, it is very necessary to prepare some local clothes.

After all, there are certain differences between the handmade products of the Land of Fire and the handmade products of the Land of Water.

There is also a huge difference in the materials used, these small details can prevent him from being exposed in advance.

But Xia Yan was simply looking for trouble, and his perception could help him avoid unnecessary searches.

He only needs to dye his silver hair black.

The white hair is indeed very good, and his appearance is also good. His skin is close to that of the Second Hokage, and he looks very handsome.

But sometimes this is really eye-catching, so Xia Yan will cover it up if he should.

If it doesn't work, he can't pretend to be Kakashi.

He was very fast. Even if he kept stopping and gathering information along the way, it only took him less than three days to reach Kirigakure Village.

But as he continued to get closer, he felt more and more that the Kirigakure Village seemed to have entered a 'special' alert state.

Especially the kind where even the ANBU was dispatched, and the intensity of interrogation of any strangers began to increase. The closer to Kirigakure Village, the stronger this feeling became.

You must know that this stranger is from the Kingdom of Water, or even from the village or town next door!

"It seems that Obito's control over the Kingdom of Water has reached an extreme. This is completely dividing the Kingdom of Water."

Completely artificially separate the towns and villages within the Kingdom of Water, blocking all communication between them.

With this kind of division, the residents' vision and consciousness may be limited to a very small corner.

If it is properly promoted, over time they will only recognize the world they speak of, and will no longer have any overall concept of the Kingdom of Water.

I have to say that Obito's move really made Xia Yan think highly of him.

But he soon felt that this method was probably not Obito's idea.

There is an old monster beside Obito who has lived for thousands of years. Although he is a rat in the gutter, his vision and IQ are not comparable to Obito's.

"But this is not an option. The investigation in Kirigakure Village is so intensive, which makes it not easy for me to enter their village."

It is not impossible for Xia Yan to enter Kirigakure Village, but the problem is that he is not familiar with the seal of Kirigakure Village.

It's not impossible to break in by force, but it's easy to cause some uncontrollable troubles.

Therefore, Xia Yan has already begun to consider whether he should do something.

Like pretending to be a ninja from Kirigakure Village and then following him in?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly had more detailed ideas.

In this case, kill an ANBU ninja and then enter Kirigakure disguised as this guy!

After all, Natsuhiko is an ANBU ninja himself, and he is too familiar with the ANBU's tricks.

Especially after becoming the Minister of ANBU, he had a better understanding and mastery of many of the rules.

Moreover, it is easier for Anbu to hide his identity by wearing a mask. If Natsuhiko is asked to pretend to be an ordinary mission ninja, he may not be able to act very naturally.

And another advantage of disguising as an Anbu is that there is more than one Anbu in Kirigakure Village.

"Although the sense of déjà vu to me is a bit like the relationship between the dark part and the root, the essence is still very different."

Xia Yan thought silently as he walked straight towards the ninja team that he had noticed long ago.

The ANBU in Kirigakure Village was indeed split into two, which he got from the ANBU's intelligence library.

Or to put it simply, the power of the Mizukage of Kirigakure Village is not complete.

Because they also have a very interesting system, maybe they are worried about what problems Mizukage will cause if he monopolizes power.

Therefore, they created a great elder position, which has the same power as Mizukage, and now this great elder is the Yuanshi!

Xia Yan, the Yuanshi guy, remembered it very clearly. He was the bald old man holding a snake-shaped wooden staff in his hand and looking like he was about to die at any time.

That is to say, during the more than ten years of his absence in the Hidden Mist Village, he firmly controlled all the rights in his own hands.

He did not choose a new Kage, perhaps because the third and fourth generation Mizukage really caused too much damage to Kirigakure Village.

Or maybe it's because this guy has other ideas in his heart, so he firmly grasps this right that belongs to the shadow.

Until later, when the Five Shadows Conference was held before the Fourth War, Master Yuan probably felt that it was inappropriate for him to attend the conference as an elder.

The second is that he is too old and is unlikely to continue to participate in such actions.

Therefore, he handed over the throne of Mizukage to Terumi Mei, and personally brought Terumi Mei a bamboo hat to hold the shadow that had been dusted for decades.

There are still decades before the future Mizukage is born again, and as someone who also has the power of Mizukage, Genshi actually controls part of the Anbu.

"If there are two Anbu, there will be a huge information gap in between. This will also make my actions easier."

Thinking like this, Xia Yan has already approached the ninja team, which Xia Yan has already sensed and encountered before.

He knew very well what the upper limit of this team was, and he knew even more clearly that this team was a standard ANBU team...


"Captain, if we do this, what will happen..."

On the edge of a small town in the Land of Water, a team of ANBU ninjas were monitoring everything they could see.

They have been under such surveillance for a long time, and they themselves are very confused.

As ANBU, they must carry out orders from above, but as residents of the Kingdom of Water, they clearly feel that something is not right with this mission.

This kind of something wrong has been filling their hearts, making them feel extremely confused.

An ANBU ninja seemed to be a little unbearable, and he couldn't help but ask his captain.

Normally such questioning of the mission is absolutely not allowed, but the current situation is obviously too special.

Not only was this ANBU ninja filled with doubts, but the entire team, the entire ANBU and ordinary ninjas who came to perform the mission would also be filled with doubts.

Although they also experienced the Blood Mist Education, they still emphasized protecting the village and the Kingdom of Water at that time.

The ANBU squad leader couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded when faced with such a question, because he already had an answer in his mind.

"Shut up."

But he still shook his head and severely interrupted the team member's words.

"We're just ninjas, and we're ANBU ninjas, so we don't have the power to choose.

All we have to do is perform the task, even if the task seems a little unreasonable. "


This ANBU ninja wanted to say something more, but when he saw his captain's eyes behind him, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and nodded.

"Yes, Captain, I understand."

"Continue patrolling." The captain sighed slightly, and then he shook his head helplessly: "Focus on the mission, and don't forget our identities."

"Yes, Captain." All the ANBU answered the Captain's words, but there was no passion in his voice.

Not to mention passion, there wasn't even a hint of determination in their voices, it was just a perfunctory answer.

But the captain didn't care. He knew that everyone felt uncomfortable right now, so saying anything more would only make everyone feel more troubled.

Soon the members of the ANBU team dispersed, and the ANBU who asked the question at the beginning also ran away angrily.

Little did he know that his every move had already been seen.

This ANBU was very fast, perhaps because he was feeling very uncomfortable. He was obviously not working hard enough.

He randomly found a place without anyone and hid directly. He felt so painful and helpless now.

If it weren't for the mask covering his face, his sadness would have been fully revealed.

ANBU needs to be strong, and ANBU needs to show their coldest side in front of everyone.

Obviously he knew he was breaking the rules, but he was in so much pain right now.

"It's hard, isn't it?"

At this moment, a gentle voice suddenly sounded behind him.

This voice immediately made the ANBU stiffen slightly, and he immediately turned his head alertly.

As a result, he saw a young man with a gentle face and a black cloak.

This young man looks to be only about fourteen or fifteen years old, but his gentle appearance makes people feel close to him.

However, such a sense of closeness made him extremely wary. To come behind him silently like this was definitely not an ordinary person!

"Who are you?" The ANBU slowly began to express his expression and bent down, and his hand also touched the ninja sword behind him.

"In fact, you don't need to care about who I am." Xia Yan looked him up and down, and then he began to speak: "He is not very tall. It seems that there is no need to specially adjust the height of the transformation technique. The clothes are also just right. I am used to it. It’s good that my hand is right, so I seem to be lucky.”

"Buzz!" There was no nonsense at all. The ANBU ninja immediately slashed at Xia Yan with a knife.

No matter how stupid he is, he still knows that he may have encountered an enemy!

However, what surprised him was that the young man didn't dodge at all. He just stood there quietly.

Although the ANBU was surprised in his heart, he would never miss such an opportunity.

But the next moment, his eyes couldn't help but show a hint of shock, because Xia Yan had disappeared in front of him the moment his Ninja sword was about to touch him.

The ANBU ninja suddenly felt a pain in his back, and his mouth had been covered and he couldn't make any sound at all.

"How pitiful." Xia Yan sighed slightly, and he slowly said in the ANBU's ear: "Then, I will help you get rid of it!"

When the ANBU heard Xia Yan's words, he couldn't help but struggle even more fiercely.

It wasn't that he was afraid of death, but he was horrified to find that this young man was actually using his voice!

It was already obvious what this guy meant.

However, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from this hand. He only felt that he was getting weaker and weaker, and his head was getting more and more dizzy.

His lungs felt as if they were going to explode, but he was powerless to resist it all.

After a long time, the ANBU ninja finally gave up struggling. He lay quietly on the ground without any possibility of moving.

Looking at this guy's body, Xia Yan couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Strictly speaking, this kid's death was unjust, but in the cannibalistic world of ninjas, there is no such thing as unjust or unjust.

Some are just predators of the weak, and some are just life and death.

Natsuhiko knew why Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, and Jiraiya always wanted to change the world.

"Because this world is indeed too hopeless. Of course, it would be even worse if there are more people like me..."


"Master Elder."

In an office in Kirigakure Village, two young ninjas half-knelt in front of an old man.

These two young ninjas are a man and a woman. If Xia Yan were here, he would know their identities immediately.

Because one of them is Terumi Mei and the other is Ao!

The faces of these two people are not very good now, which has something to do with the mission they said they received.

They are all ANBU subordinate to the Elder Genshi, and what they are doing now is betraying Mizukage to some extent.

Ever since the end of the third war, they had already suspected that something was wrong with Mizukage.

Because Kirigakure Village’s policies are becoming more and more extreme and terrifying. This is not strengthening Kirigakure Village’s strength at all, but weakening it!

What is especially incomprehensible to us is that the Mizukage actually had the idea of ​​​​three tails, and they even took action.

But fortunately, in the end, I just used chakra and not the real tailed beast.

Otherwise, the Fourth Hokage would probably be dead long ago.

As jinchūriki, once the tailed beasts are mobilized, they naturally cannot survive, so they must use the chakra of the three tails.

But even if it's chakra, it's the tailed beast's chakra, and this is already a very serious matter.

When the war ended and the Fourth Mizukage came to power, they thought things would change slightly.

At least, it won't change for the worse.

But what they never expected was that instead of getting better, everything was getting worse.

The blood mist policy is constantly being expanded, and I don't know how many young ninjas will be tortured.

The Kingdom of Water was closed, which seriously affected the economic development of the country and the village.

There is also the domestic blockade of cities, towns, and villages, which is basically to separate the entire village.

There are wise men in every village, and there are many sober-minded people in every village.

What Mizukage is doing now is really unbelievable, which makes them have to find a way to deal with and solve all this.

"Get up." Master Yuan looked at the two young people in front of him quietly. He couldn't help but sigh: "Now, how is the situation over there?"

"very bad."

After Terumi Mei hesitated for a moment, she took the initiative and said: "You know the people of the Kaguya clan, it is impossible for them to just surrender after being wronged like this.

As for Mizukage-sama... he seems to be planning to use them to establish his power, and the situation is starting to get a little out of control. "

Genshi couldn't help but sigh silently after hearing Terumi Mei's words. The village now had indeed become extremely strange and scary.

He could faintly see that the Mizukage had the idea of ​​drastically changing Kirigakure Village and the Kingdom of Water.

But what Mizukage did was really hard to agree with. Even Master Yuan had been thinking about it, and he didn't understand why Mizukage did this.

This is not changing the village, it is defrauding the whole village.

And now that there are voices of opposition in the village, Master Mizukage will naturally show off his skills.

The Kaguya clan is not a small but not very big family in Kirigakure Village.

If it were in the past, the Kaguya clan would definitely be a terrifying existence.

But since the limits of their blood inheritance began to wither, they seemed to have the courage to charge.

However, this family still maintains its former pride, and they are filled with dissatisfaction in the face of Mizukage's stimulation.

It has even reached this point, as if they are planning a coup.

Mizukage is really good at picking people out. Kaguya doesn't have the same strength as before, but she still has a good reputation.

Then they can intimidate other people in the village who are ready to take action, and they can also continue to expand their actions.

This kind of skill is really admirable, but no matter how much I admire Master Yuan, he doesn't want this to happen.

Because once it happens, other big families will be in danger, and the village will begin to move towards an unpredictable future.

He sent his ANBU to investigate the matter, and also asked them to secretly contact the Kaguya clan.

But now it seems that this mission has failed.

"I understand." Master Yuan shook his head slightly, and then he said vigorously: "You continue to follow and observe, and do as much work as possible."

"Yes, Mr. Elder." Qing immediately lowered his head and replied quickly and firmly.

"Elder..." Terumi Mei did not give an answer right away. Her eyes looked a little hesitant and a little confused.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Sir Elder, you can actually stop Mizukage-sama. After all, you also control half of it..."

"Don't talk about this again."

Before Terumi Mei could finish speaking, Genshi interrupted her directly.

"I know, you're curious why I don't try to stop him with my own powers, right?

In fact, all this is easy to understand. Although I have mastered half of the power, I am not a shadow after all.

I am an elder and I am Shadow's subordinate. This will never change no matter when or where.

If I do this, and others who take over my position in the future will do the same, won't Kirigakure Village be in chaos?

Always remember, a shadow is a shadow! "

At this point, Master Yuan stopped. In fact, there was one thing he didn't say.

That is, once he moves blatantly, the consequences will be truly unimaginable.

I'm afraid it's not impossible to go back to fifty or sixty years ago and stage the wars fifty or sixty years ago in the Kingdom of Water.

There is no Uchiha Madara or Senju Hashirama in the Kingdom of Water.

If they had, they wouldn't have been driven into the water country by Uchiha Madara.

The most terrible thing is that once he moves, those who oppose Mizukage will lose their protection.

Once Mizukage attacks him, all of them will perish collectively.

No one really knows what Kirigakure Village will become in the future.

"I understand, Mr. Elder." Terumi Mei lowered her head and said in a deep voice: "I will set off with Qing immediately to watch them."

"Go." Master Yuan sighed: "What the Kingdom of Water will become in the future depends on us, and more importantly, on you..."


After disposing of the body, Xia Yan followed the team to perform the mission as originally planned.

He must also thank the dead ANBU for not being in a bad mood recently, which also allowed Xia Yan to avoid a lot of trouble.

If you are in a good mood, you will naturally not want to talk nonsense, and if you don't talk nonsense, you will not make mistakes.

Xia Yan didn't have that much time to thoroughly observe some details of this guy.

All he could grasp was this guy's voice, and his dominant hand was still the same as his. Other than that, there wasn't much useful information.

After a week-long blockade and testing, it seemed that it was time for them to hand over the task, and Xia Yan followed them towards Kirigakure Village.

After entering Kirigakure Village, Xia Yan's plan was half completed, but now he needs to act alone.

It's just that the ANBU is still very busy, and Xia Yan must make some preparations for this, such as how to make him die in a reasonable way for his current status.

Only death can Xia Yan get rid of some minor troubles.

"It's really spectacular."

Late at night, Xia Yan looked at the blazing fire in the house belonging to the ANBU ninja, and he gently adjusted his black cloak.

He put his hood on his head, put on a fox mask that he had not made himself, and set off silently.

This ANBU can be considered to have played a key role. He was the one who allowed Xia Yan to sneak into Kirigakure Village smoothly.

So after Xia Yan killed him at that time, he sealed him with a sealing scroll.

And just now I wrote a suicide note for him, and finally made him look like he was committing suicide and made him fall into the fire escape.

Natsuhiko knew what he hated, so he didn't mind disgusting Obito.

The general content is that because I don't understand the Mizukage's policies, I can't figure out why the Kirigakure Village and the Water Country have become so bad now.

Then he couldn't bear the pressure and couldn't continue, and finally decided to use his own death to wake up some people.

Xia Yan is not only good at making disgusting people, but he can also do it very cruelly.

Although this is not a good thing, because no matter how you look at it, it seems a bit abnormal.

But Xia Yan never feels any psychological pressure when bringing cruelty to his enemies.

"After all, ever since Uchiha Madara drove those families who originally lived in the Kingdom of Hokage but had no intention of cooperating to build a village into the sea.

After forcing them to come to this place and establish the Kingdom of Water, they would actively declare war on Konoha in almost every ninja war. "

So far, the ninja world has fought three wars.

In each of these three wars, Kirigakure Village took the initiative to declare war on Konoha.

It can be said that in the psychology of Konoha ninjas, Kirigakure is probably the most hated and disgusted village.

Don't look at the fact that Sunagakure Village will cause trouble for Konoha from time to time, and even violate the alliance treaty and go to war with Konoha.

But after all, Sand Hidden Village has a conflict of geographical interests with Konoha, and the covenant is not worthy of belief.

Moreover, after Sunagakure was beaten to a bloody head every time, he immediately surrendered honestly.

People are addicted to food. This may be the best way to influence Sunagakure Village, so Konoha's hatred for Sunagakure Village is not that big.

But Kirigakure Village is different. Every time there is any turmoil in the ninja world, they will find trouble in Konoha.

It's like a mad dog that can't stop at all.

There is no geographical conflict between Konoha and Kirigakure. Not only are they separated by a strait, there is even a Uzumaki Country in the middle of the strait.

Even so, they still come to bite people. It would be strange if the Konoha ninjas don't hate them.

So Xia Yan really has no burden when he takes action, even if they are in a truce now.

"If it doesn't work out, it should be over here."

Xia Yan glanced at his surroundings, and then he continued walking towards the outskirts of the village.

The direction he is heading now is where the Kaguya clan is stationed.

Originally, the Kaguya clan should have lived in the village, but these guys' cerebellums were not well developed.

They are barbaric and arrogant, and I don't know how many people hate them.

As a result, they drove themselves to the edge of the village step by step.

But this also has advantages, because it makes Xia Yan's movements easier.

"Hey, they've been targeted?"

As he walked, Xia Yan suddenly froze for a moment, and his eyes couldn't help but look towards a hidden corner.

In such an environment, Xia Yan would naturally maintain his state of perception.

After all, in the enemy's village, if you are not careful, you will really be beaten.

Xia Yan clearly sensed that several teams were secretly monitoring and observing the family.

The only thing that is unclear is who these teams belong to.

"But it doesn't matter. I'd better be quiet and go look for Kimimaro."

Xia Yan secretly made a decision, and then he started to act more low-key.

His main purpose in coming to Kirigakure Village was naturally to find Obito.

But before dealing with Obito, he didn't mind seeing it as an inheritance, but the severely degraded power came from Kaguya.

In fact, Natsuhiko has always felt that there are only a few families in the ninja world, which can be regarded as inheriting the power of the Otsutsuki family.

One is Uchiha, the other is Senju, and maybe Uzumaki is half of them.

After all, they don't have any obvious bloodline boundaries.

Other than that, it's Hinata and Kaguya.

Without exception, these families show blood inheritance changes in the body, rather than blood inheritance limits evolved from the chakra aspect.

In the end, Naruto and Sasuke seemed to illustrate this point in the battle between Kaguya Otsutsuki.


Xia Yan thought silently, and he was slowly moving forward, but soon his brows could not help but wrinkle.

Because he suddenly noticed two figures running towards his position quickly.

"Sentient ninja?"

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, and then his expression became slightly more ninja-like.

If you are a sentient ninja, you must be more careful.

If they informed others, then Xia Yan would be half exposed, which was not the result he wanted.

However, just for a moment, Xia Yan's expression turned strange.

Because his perception noticed that only these two people were taking action.

As for the other members of the Kaguya clan who were watching, they still stayed in their positions without moving.

"Are you being underestimated, or are you not a stranger at all?"

Xia Yan was thinking silently, and at this moment, a ninja sword stabbed towards him silently...


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