Faced with this sudden sword attack, Xia Yan acted extraordinarily calm.

He has experienced too many battles, and it is really difficult for him to react to such a level of surprise attack.

Especially when he clearly felt that the ninja sword that was slashing at him didn't seem to have much killing intent.

He easily dodged the knife by turning slightly sideways, and then he slightly distanced himself and did not fight back immediately.

He wanted to see what the purpose of these two guys was in causing trouble for him.

"The response is pretty quick."

At this moment, a voice sounded behind Xia Yan, and then a figure landed steadily behind him.

The purpose of this position is obvious, which is to block Xia Yan's retreat route.

In front of Xia Yan, another ANBU quietly appeared, and one after another, they completely trapped Xia Yan here.

The ninja standing in front of Xia Yan was not tall, and he seemed to be young.

Judging from the body shape, it seems to be a woman, but ninjas are not divided into men and women. They are all killing machines.

"Who are you?" The female ANBU standing in front of Xia Yan stared at Xia Yan and asked in a dull voice: "Why did you come here in the middle of the night?"

"I'm here to find someone." Xia Yan thought for a moment, then he said with a smile: "The friend I'm looking for is in the Kaguya clan in front of me. Speaking of which, what's going on, why... "

"Take off your mask."

The female ANBU standing in front of Xia Yan began to speak harshly, and the ninja sword in her hand was pointed forward at Xia Yan's chest.

"Don't pretend to be pretentious with me. Who are you? I've never seen your mask before. Why are you here?"

"Didn't I already explain it?"

Xia Yan sighed slightly, but his voice remained calm.

"I'm always looking for someone, and is it normal for me to wear a mask? After all, the Kaguya clan is so xenophobic, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome if I don't prepare."

There is nothing wrong with Natsuhiko's statement. After all, the Kaguya clan is famous for being violent and xenophobic.

After being discovered by their people, it is hard to say whether it will cause some trouble, even if they are on the spot, they are still ninjas.

After remembering your appearance, you will be even more troublesome in the village.

However, just as Xia Yan finished speaking, the next moment the female ANBU standing in front of Xia Yan suddenly stabbed him straight with her sword.

This time, there was murderous intention on her blade. It was obvious that this woman really planned to kill.

This time Xia Yan didn't dare to stand still. He jumped to the side to avoid the knife.

Then he looked at the woman in front of him with curiosity, and finally he spread his hands and asked in confusion.

"That's weird, why did you attack me?"

"Are you still pretending?"

The female ANBU remained alert, and the ANBU behind Xia Yan also pointed his weapon at Xia Yan, ready to surround him at any time.

"I have to admit that you are indeed calm enough, and the reasons you gave are too good.

But to be so calm like you is too suspicious, after all, Kirigakure is now..."

After saying this, the female ANBU stopped, and Xia Yan immediately knew why he was exposed.

This made him shake his head helplessly. The reason why he was exposed was because he acted too normal and too calm.

Kirigakure Village is in such a state of chaos, and it is unceremonious to say that everyone is now in panic.

But Xia Yan was as quiet and calm as if he was watching the excitement. Even when he met Anbu, he was very calm.

This kind of behavior is really very different from the residents of Kirigakure Village in this period. After all, Xia Yan comes from a peaceful place.

At least, it's really peaceful relative to the environment.

"So this is ah."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then spread his hands indifferently.

"Thank you for reminding me. It is true that the condition of this village is too bad, and I was in a hurry and did not observe it carefully. Such mistakes will not be tolerated."

"You are indeed not from the village, you are not even from the Kingdom of Water!"

The female ANBU was even more alert at this moment, and the chakra on her body began to float faintly.

"Who are you? I won't give you any more opportunities. Either tell me now or I'll take you to ANBU!"


Xia Yan suddenly smiled. He wanted to say something but in the end he shook his head slightly.

"Forget it, I originally planned to come here quietly and make a decision after finding the target, but now I'm afraid I really have to change some strategies."

"I don't know whether to live or die, take action!"

When the female ANBU heard Xia Yan's words, her face changed slightly, and then she called directly to the ANBU behind Xia Yan.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. According to the ANBU's operation, he should send a signal at this time.

Especially since there are many other ANBU lurking around here, the actions of these two people are obviously not in line with the ANBU principles that Xia Yan knows.

But soon he seemed to realize something interesting, these two ANBU were not the same as the other ANBU.

Before Natsuhiko entered Kirigakure Village, his idea was to kill an ANBU and then pretend to be that ANBU and move around in Kirigakure Village.

After all, the two ANBU teams in the village wore masks and it was hard to say they knew each other.

Even in Konoha, ANBU may not know people in the Roots, but people in the Roots know people in the ANBU.

However, he was not very lucky and had been following that team.

When he wanted to act alone, he didn't have much time and space.

That's why he chose to destroy that identity and disgust Obito and the others.

Now he bumped into two more Anbu, even if he didn't know what they were.

But he knew that these two people had much more maneuverability than the previous identity he used.

If he wanted to continue acting in his previous identity, the first thing he needed to do was to kill the entire team.

But he didn't know those guys at all, and he didn't collect any reliable information, so naturally he had no chance to do so.

But now, it's possible that the two men acted alone, and if that's the case...

Facing the oncoming ninja sword, Xia Yan's eyes were slightly blurry, and his eyes had become dangerous.

Then his body turned slightly, and the moment he avoided the Ninja Sword's attack, he had completed the formation of the Earth Escape and Earth Dragon Spear.

Countless earth thorns rose from the ground at this moment. They bypassed Xia Yan's body and stabbed fiercely towards the female ANBU.

At this moment, the male ANBU behind Xia Yan also rushed over.

I saw strange chakra emitting from his hand, and then he pointed at Xia Yan's soil thorn fiercely.

"Water Release: Green Dragon's Hand!" Along with the weird chakra, Xia Yan's relatively huge earth thorn was directly stabbed to pieces by this guy in just a moment!

"Concentrate the chakra on your fingers and attack the weakest part of the earth thorn chakra?"

Xia Yan naturally noticed everything that happened behind him, and he was really surprised.

Surprisingly, this is not the method of this ANBU. It is similar to the ability to concentrate chakra at one point and then explode it quickly. Natsuhiko also has the ability.

He was a little surprised that this guy could find the weak point of the technique he used so accurately.

If it's not a big deal just to defeat one, just think of it as stepping on dog shit.

But this guy kept attacking the weak spots, which surprised Xia Yan.

In addition to the fact that this guy surprised Xia Yan, another thing that made Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows was that the rest of the ANBU were obviously aware of the movement here.

They have begun to come here in batches. This situation is not bad for Xia Yan, but it is definitely not much better.

Even though he had never thought about how low-key the things he wanted to do in the Kingdom of Water would be at the beginning, he was looking for Obito to be high-profile.

“Fortunately, this is not the central area of ​​the village, and even here is a sparsely populated environment.

Even if the ANBU saw the signal and wanted to come over for support, it would not be an easy matter. "

Xia Yan thought silently, but soon he noticed that in his perception, the Kaguya clan was also aware of the situation here.

After all, they weren't that far apart. If they couldn't detect it, then they really deserved to die.

After muttering a few words silently in his mind, Xia Yan already had plans and decisions, although it was not what he wanted for things to turn out like this.

But who gave the opponent such a keen sense of ninja, and he had no good way to prevent it.

Feeling the approaching figure behind him, the chakra in Xia Yan's body vibrated slightly, but in an instant, a touch of pale gold appeared on his body!

Now that we have decided not to use the Flying Thunder God Technique easily and to make a mysterious organization vest with peace of mind, the best way to solve it quickly is the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode.

"This is....."

When Natsu Yan's body suddenly burst into golden chakra, the male ANBU paused for a moment.

Especially in his eyes, he seemed to see something terrifying, so much so that his movements actually stopped.

"Nine...Nine tails? Nine tails! How is it possible? How is it possible!"


Xia Yan was even more surprised at this moment. He turned his head and looked at the ANBU curiously, and finally asked in confusion.

"Have you seen Kyuubi before, or can you see Kyuubi now?"

"Now, get out of the way!"

Just when Xia Yan looked at this guy in confusion, the female ANBU behind him suddenly shouted loudly, and then Xia Yan noticed something strange.

"Melt Escape·Monster Melting Technique!"

Liquid with high temperature emitted like magma spewed out and quickly spread towards Xia Yan.

The scorching temperature and the highly corrosive acid shocked him, because the soil spikes he had placed were corroded by the terrifying magma in an instant!

But Xia Yan was not a vegetarian. Although he was shocked by the scene in front of him, his reaction speed would definitely not be wrong.

When he landed firmly in the safe area, he couldn't help but look at the female ANBU. He seemed to already know the identities of these two people.

"Terumi Mei, Kazuo?"

Xia Yan looked at these two guys. If it was these two people, then everything before would make sense.

If there were no accidents about that magma-like technique, it might be the so-called molten escape.

And if he was still discovered despite being so careful before, it was probably the fault of that guy Qing.

After all, Qing has a white eye that belongs to the Zong family, and the role this white eye can play is comparable to that of radar.

Xia Yan's perception is very strong, but what he can detect is chakra only.

Even after possessing the Kyuubi, his perception can already sense the opponent's moves, and even some lighter feelings of good and evil.

But perception and 'seeing' are completely different things. Byakugan is the existence that 'visualizes perception'.

Although the effect it can exert may not surpass the ability of perception, it will definitely not be worse than the ability of perception.

Therefore, Xia Yan's previous actions were completely exposed under his eyes.

Especially after he burst out the Nine-Tails Chakra, he could probably clearly see the little guy inside him.

But surprise is surprise, the enemy is the enemy.

Xia Yan has developed to this stage and basically doesn't think too much about the original work, especially when these people are his enemies.

Thinking of this, Natsu Yan's gaze began to become dangerous, and Mei Terumi had already bypassed Natsu Yan and came directly to Qing's side.

Her eyes were very confused, she didn't know why Qing would stop attacking.

Even she admitted that the mysterious guy's state at this time was a bit strange, and even made people feel as dangerous as suffocation.

But this doesn't make Qing, a battle-hardened ninja, look like he was greatly frightened.

"what happened?"

Mei Terumi asked in a low voice, her eyes a little anxious, and she even started to detect the changes in Ao's chakra.

Unfortunately, to her disappointment, Qing's chakra fluctuations were very stable, and there was no limit to being hit by an illusion.

"It's Kyuubi..." Qing swallowed, and then said with difficulty: "It's Kyuubi! There is a Kyuubi in that guy's body!"

"Kyuubi? How is this possible!" Terumi Mei looked at Ao in disbelief, and she almost blurted out: "Kyuubi is in Konoha, and the jinchūriki uses the chakra of the tailed beasts, how could it be like this?"

Terumi Mei had seen what those jinchūriki would become after using the power of the tailed beasts.

The weird red chakra emanating from his whole body almost burned his skin to pieces.

And she would never forget the way she had to resist the attack of the tailed beast's consciousness.

The guy in front of him, although his chakra is unimaginably stable, and even though he can make people feel dangerous, he will never be as violent as the tailed beast chakra.

However, Terumi Mei soon stopped, because Ao has a white eye, and he rarely sees this kind of thing wrong...


"What's going on outside?"

Within the Kaguya clan, Kaguya Shigeaki, who was sitting on the clan leader's throne, frowned and asked.

Although the Kaguya clan is not very popular in Kirigakure Village, his strength still exists.

After all, it is a family whose ancestors were rich. Even if they are lonely now, they can still get a lot of benefits from the things left by their ancestors.

For example, the barrier to protect one's own family, it is simply unimaginable for them to arrange such a thing.

After all, in their perception, fighting means charging, getting close to the enemy and killing them.

They don't need to think about other things at all, and of course it's not their turn to think about them.

The ancestors may have known this, and they were also worried that the family would run into trouble in the future because of their character.

Therefore, they obtained some warning barriers from other families in advance.

And these barriers also exerted their effects at this moment.

These soldiers, who had little detection ability and would not even think about it, knew clearly that someone was fighting outside their house.

"It's not clear yet, Lord Clan Leader." A thin-looking tribesman lowered his head and replied, "But he should be from the ANBU."

"Hmph, Anbu." Kaguya Shigeaki glanced at this guy with a slight disdain, and then his expression turned fierce: "What a bunch of disgusting guys, all of them."

The thin man was silent when he heard these words, and he could naturally tell that Kaguya Shigeaki also scolded him.

The Kaguya clan is a clan that values ​​strength. People like him, who have weak chakra and little fighting ability, are naturally the targets of contempt.

Yes, this thin man is completely different from the Kaguya clan.

He has not been in good health since he was a child, so he has no way to exercise his chakra.

So he embarked on a path, he studied a lot of things seriously, and he was eager to help the family.

But sadly, the family completely ignored his hard work and did not respect him at all for what he learned.

He is still the humblest person in the family, and even though he is slightly more important because of the Fourth Mizukage's policies, he is still despised by everyone.

This feeling was very bad and very painful for him.

He really couldn't understand why the people in his family became like this.

And in such an environment where people are not dogs, his character began to become distorted.

He is determined to take revenge, and he is determined to prove his worth!

Since he is not popular within the family, no one recognizes his ability or his role at all.

So why doesn't he show himself elsewhere and let the entire family know his value and role?

He lowered his head silently, not daring to reveal any thoughts because he was worried that he would be exposed.

Now is not the time, at least not yet.

He still needs to wait, waiting for the final opportunity to arrive.

"Let someone go and see it."

Kaguya Shigeaki didn't know what the weak and incompetent guy in front of him was thinking. He thought about it and made a decision.

"No matter who came here or even spied on us, there's a price to pay!"

"Yes, clan leader!" All the people in the Kaguya tribe here couldn't help but shout loudly, and the thin man also shouted together.

But his heart was so cold. Looking at the unruly Kaguya Chongming, he closed his eyes.

He was eager to see if this guy would be so arrogant when he was locked in a cage like that child.


"What's going on over there?"

On the other side of the Kaguya clan's surveillance position, a group of ANBU gathered together and asked strangely.

These Anbu have been setting up here some time ago, and their target is the Kaguya clan.

They are all troops who obey Yokage, and many of them actually don't have a good impression of the Kaguya clan.

Therefore, they had no intention of rejecting such a task.

However, the Kaguya clan has always been relatively quiet, which may have something to do with their lack of detection methods.

In addition, they also have internal support, so they feel that this task is really easy.

Normally, a family should be the most united. As long as there are no accidents, there will be almost no traitors.

But what is very interesting is that there is such a traitor in the Kaguya clan, and he can be said to help the Anbu in all aspects.

This also reduced a lot of pressure on the ANBU members, and they were even happy to come to the Kaguya clan to control them.

It's just that their ease made them obviously careless. They didn't realize that there were other people beside them who were also monitoring the Kaguya clan.

"I'm not sure. It wasn't caused by the Kaguya clan." The ANBU who led the team said with a frown. After thinking for a moment, he made a decision: "Teams 1 and 2, come with me to have a look. Team 3 Four, continue to monitor where you are."

"Yes, Captain." The ANBU immediately answered, and the named ANBU immediately stood up and followed the captain.

After all, they are still qualified ANBU, and there is absolutely no problem with their professionalism.

This incident was more like an unexpected incident. Who knows if it was accidentally caused by the Kaguya clan themselves.

With such a mentality, or perhaps because of their confidence in their own strength, they did not release the signal flare first to notify the people at the headquarters.

Their speed is not very fast, and they have to keep moving forward quietly.

The movement just now probably attracted Kaguya's attention, and they had to be careful to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.


At this moment, the captain suddenly made a gesture, and then all the ANBU stopped.

The captain stared forward, and finally shook his head helplessly: "It's Kaguya's people. They also took action. There are not many people, about seven or eight."

"It seems that this matter is a little troublesome. Should we inform the headquarters?" A member of the ANBU thought for a moment, and then asked in a low voice.

"Sending a signal now will probably make Kaguya's people more vigilant." After the ANBU captain thought seriously for a moment, he finally shook his head: "Everyone, please be quieter. Let's move closer slowly."

"Yes, Captain." The ANBU replied in unison again, and then they continued to move forward silently.

Just as they walked, they inexplicably felt a stronger chakra reaction.

This chakra seems to be full of negative emotions, and the intensity of this chakra is also very strong.

Just when they felt that things were getting weirder and weirder, suddenly a golden figure appeared in front of them like a ghost...


"So...this is really Kyuubi?"

Terumi Mei looked warily at Natsuhiko, who was standing not far away, exuding golden chakra. Her voice seemed a little difficult.

Every village must be extremely careful about the power of tailed beasts. This is something everyone has grown up hearing about.

The Nine-Tails is the scariest and most dangerous of all tailed beasts. How can Terumi Mei not feel worried about this situation?

But she couldn't figure out why the Jinchūriki of the Kyuubi came here?

Did Konoha lose its tailed beast?

All kinds of thoughts were swirling in her mind, but she knew that this information had to be passed on to the village!

"Are you done?"

Natsuhiko walked slowly towards Terumi Mei and Qing, his eyes scanning the two people back and forth, his eyes full of arrogance and calmness.

"If the words are over, then go with peace of mind."

"Are you a ninja from Konoha?"

At this moment, Qing suddenly asked.

"The Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki is in Konoha. Although the intelligence shows that the Jinchuuriki is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan,..."

"Ignorance is a fatal thing."

Xia Yan shook his head gently before Qing finished speaking.

“After the Kingdom of Water was blocked, you couldn’t even get any news?

Konoha's Nine-Tails is still a descendant of the Uzumaki clan. Although there have been some accidents, it is still in her body.

As for my nine tails, who told you that there are only nine tailed beasts in the world? "

"Tailed beasts, more than just those nine?"

Terumi Mei's face changed slightly when she heard the news. This was the first time she heard such information.

"You mean, there were more than just those tailed beasts, and the reason we can only know about them is because the other tailed beasts are in your hands, or in your hands?"

"You can understand it that way."

Seeing how polite Terumi Mei was, Natsuhiko couldn't help but smile softly.

"Although you are ignorant, you still have some brains, which is not bad."

"But why do you want to tell us such information?"

"Do you think adults care about what children think? Also, you deliberately collected information from me to wait for support. It seems that my evaluation of you was too early..."

When Xia Yan said this, his voice paused slightly, and the next moment his figure disappeared directly from the place!

The golden chakra like a stream of light appeared in front of Terumi Mei and Ao, and then Natsuhiko punched Terumi Mei in the stomach.

Terumi Mei didn't have time to react, she was punched away, and Natsuhiko took out a handful and hit Ao directly.

Qing was a battle-hardened ninja after all, and he was almost the fastest to react.

He pressed his body down slightly, narrowly avoiding Natsuhiko's kunai.

"Boiling Escape·Qiao Mist Technique!"

On the other side, although Terumi Mei was knocked away by Natsuhiko's punch, she still endured the pain and quickly formed seals while flying upside down.

An extremely unique mist formed by the interaction of fire and water spurted out from her mouth, and the mist quickly spread towards his location.

Qing also noticed this force, and he immediately rolled his body back, and then he quickly formed seals.

"Water Escape·Water Prison Technique!"

The majestic chakra quickly poured out of his body along with his seals.

Fortunately, this is a country of water, and the water content is so abundant that he does not need to look for any water sources at all.

A huge water prison technique was completed by him in an instant, and then it quickly wrapped towards Xia Yan.

He planned to cooperate with Terumi Mei's technique to completely trap Natsuhiko in place.

But Xia Yan's figure flashed slightly, and the teleportation technique had brought him to a safe area.

"Oh, the limits of two kinds of blood inheritance? It's really interesting."

Xia Yan seemed to have discovered something interesting. His eyes looked at Terumi Mei, and then he shook his head slightly.

"It's a pity. If the intensity could be worse, the technique used could be faster, or your cooperation could be better, maybe I would be worried too."

As he said this, golden chakra suddenly appeared in the kunai in Xia Yan's hand.

The next moment he used the instant body technique again, his target was Qing!

After meeting Mei Terumi and Qing, he knew that he might make a lot of money this time.

Rolling his eyes, this is something Xia Yan has always had in mind, but has not had much chance to do anything about.

Just like the Sharingan, he really didn't have many opportunities or plans to make a move for the time being.

Sharingan may be better, he can find some guys to do it quietly.

But Byakugan, he might have no choice but to go to Hinata's base camp to find an opportunity.

The Byakugan of the caged bird was of no use to him, and without the Byakugan of the caged bird, they really might not have left Konoha.

Such an embarrassing situation even made Xia Yan almost give up his idea of ​​​​white eyes.

But now that he met this Qing, he knew that his chance had come.

No matter what, he couldn't let go of this green one, his target was that white eye!

As for Terumi Mei, it didn't matter to him whether the woman was alive or dead.

She could even help him convey some misleading information while alive, so her value alive would be much more useful than dead.

Xia Yan's speed was amazing, Xia Yan's speed was amazing, and Qing also showed a super high level of combat at this moment.

He turned around deftly, raised the kunai in his hand slightly, and blocked Xia Yan's kunai between the lightning and flint.

Terumi Mei also took action when Natsuhiko took action. She did not launch an attack but quickly took out the flare.

She no longer cares about whether this is the territory of the Kaguya clan, nor does she think about the consequences of this signal bomb.

However, she didn't have time to do all this, Qing flew up and hit her hard.

When Ao blocked Natsuhiko's kunai, he realized that the power in the hands of the guy in front of him was really amazing.

Xia Yan was not surprised that his attack was blocked. He quickly drew out his kunai and continued his attack.

The sound of metal clashing never stopped, and Qing couldn't resist in such a telling and fast-paced confrontation.


With a harsh impact, Ao's kunai was directly stabbed by Natsuhiko!

Faced with this scene, Xia Yan turned around very quickly to gather strength, and then kicked Qing directly on the chest.

The sound of bone cracking was heard, and Aoya flew backwards with this step and hit Terumi Mei, and they both fell to the ground at the same time.

"It looks like it's over."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly. He shook the kunai and then slowly walked forward. His voice was still so arrogant and calm.

"I have to say, you guys are really insignificant..."


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