The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 230 Bloodstained Elimination (8K please subscribe~)

"This bastard..."

Terumi Mei and Qing looked at the figure who crushed the signal bomb with his kick and exuded golden chakra. Their faces looked a little ugly.

As ninjas, they have long been aware, and they are not afraid of death.

The only thing they find difficult to accept now is that it seems difficult for them to deliver the intelligence back.

After receiving such incredible news, such news that would be a huge turmoil for the ninja world, they no longer cared about their own life or death.

All they had to do was pass the news to the village and to people they trusted.

But the strength of this arrogant guy in front of him is really beyond imagination.

His speed, strength, reflexes, or chakra intensity are all truly terrifying.

When such Ka Fai Oh appears in the village, no matter how you think about it, you don't think he will be well-intentioned.

After all, that is the power of the Kyuubi, and it is really not something that ordinary ninjas can deal with.

To deal with such a guy, I am afraid that only by letting Ying and the masters from the village come together can we at least suppress him!

I have to say that these two people are relatively clear-headed.

Even though they had just played against each other, they already had a good understanding in their hearts.

In fact, Xia Yan's use of Kyuubi's power to deal with these enemies at this stage really feels like overkill.

If it wasn't for the purpose of constantly mastering this kind of fighting state and achieving the maximum intimidation and threat effect, he would be too embarrassed to use it.

Judging from the original work, although Naruto and Sasuke's growth trajectories are both fast and slow, they can still find a balance point.

From the very beginning when the ball hit the Chidori and the curse seal hit the tailed beast's coat, the two of them had reached a delicate balance.

Later, Naruto had Sage mode, but Sasuke also killed Itachi and obtained the Mangekyō Sharingan, and their powers were once again relatively balanced.

Perhaps the only thing that widened the gap was when Sasuke obtained the Eternal Eye, and Naruto's power to control tailed beasts was similar to Natsuhiko's now.

But regardless of whether it is similar or not, at least to some extent, Naruto can still deal with Sasuke who has not completely released Susan.

When Naruto completely released the power of the Nine-Tails, he reached the so-called second mode of the Nine-Tails Chakra.

And after combining senjutsu with it, Sasuke finally unleashed the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, and they regained true balance.

As for the final battle, it was basically a fight between gods.

One has absorbed the chakra of the nine tailed beasts to match the final state of Susanoo, and the other has the nine kinds of chakra given by the tailed beasts, plus the ability to absorb the power of senjutsu.

The final battle between the two of them was essentially a draw, but it also convinced Uchiha Sasuke.

Judging from this horizontal comparison, the Nine-Tails Chakra mode used by Natsuhiko should be compared to the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

If one had to calculate it more carefully, it should be the Eternal Kaleidoscope that had just gained eyes and was still familiar with its own power.

But even so, the Eternal Kaleidoscope is already a power beyond common sense!

It can be said that Xia Yan went too far by using this kind of extraordinary power to deal with these enemies who were far from reaching their peak.

But Xia Yan didn't care how much it went too far. There was a saying that said, if you don't feel embarrassed, it's other people who are so embarrassed.

Although Natsuhiko is happy to be like Uchiha Madara, crushing the enemy while constantly making some risqué remarks.

But when Xia Yan doesn't use these powers, the system rating doesn't seem to be particularly high.

Be careful and use your crushing force to deal with the enemy, so you won't overturn easily.

Besides, he is playing a super villain now, why should he worry about these things.

"It seems that you have no way out." Xia Yan said in a peaceful but indifferent tone: "Then I will give you a choice in good faith, but don't waste my time."

As he spoke, Natsuhiko shot the kunai in his hand directly at Terumi Mei and Ao.

The kunai accurately landed between the two of them, and this move also made the two of them feel uneasy.

They seemed to have guessed what Xia Yan wanted to do, and the anger in their hearts became even more intense.

But Xia Yan didn't care what they were thinking, he just continued.

"One person can live and do something for me, and the price is to kill another person.

Of course, you can also choose to refuse, but trust me, I have other means at my disposal. "

The other method is of course forced control.

In fact, strictly speaking, Xia Yan didn't think that the control methods he had could cause any trouble to the two ANBU elites.

But if he says it like this, no one will know whether it is true or false.

After all, he has already shown such terrifying power. Generally, few people doubt him about a strong man of his level.

Terumi Mei and Ao looked at each other, and then Ao directly pulled out the kunai.

His eyes looked decisive, as if he had already made a decision.

"Then let me do it."

Qing said indifferently. He stood up and took a few steps forward, then pointed the kunai at his chest.

"If I die, she can live, right?"


Xia Yan nodded slightly, but there seemed to be some amusement in his eyes.

"As long as you do me a few favors and it's not against the interests of your Kirigakure Village, I can let her go."

"I hope you can do what you say." Qing nodded silently, and he began to take a deep breath, as if to give himself more courage.

However, at this moment, strong chakra suddenly burst out from behind Qing.

A water dragon burst out of the ground in an instant, roaring and biting Xia Yan.

Qing also immediately shot the kunai in his hand at Xia Yan, and then he immediately formed seals with both hands quickly.

"Ninjutsu: Kirigakure no Jutsu!"

Along with his seal, the thick fog containing super chakra quietly rose at this moment.

When he finished all this, he didn't stop at all.

With a determined look on his face, he immediately made a gesture to Mei Terumi, and then ran in the other direction without turning his head.


Terumi Mei gritted her teeth. Qing's intention was obvious, that is to let her evacuate quickly.

As for Qing himself, as an attraction, he will slowly retreat in another direction.

The fight is obviously unwinnable. There are always people who need to stay behind to break up the rear, and there are always people who need to go back alive to pass on information.

Terumi Mei was not injured, so it was natural for her to deliver the information.

Qing's own situation is very bad, and it is normal for him to choose to sacrifice himself.

Terumi Mei sighed helplessly and ran behind her quickly.

However, before she could run away, a kunai was inserted into her shoulder silently...


After Qing Zai and Mei Terumi separated, he turned around and ran towards the location of the Kaguya clan.

To him, death is really not scary. What is scary is the damage that may be caused to the village if such important information is not passed on!

Although Kirigakure Village has become like this now, the performance of the Fourth Mizukage makes people feel helpless and painful.

But no matter what, the village is his home, and there are also elders like Yuan Shi in the village.

He is willing to sacrifice everything for his family, including his own life.

"It's just a pity that I have such a blank look."

Qing silently thought that his white eyes were the village's treasure, and the village's trust in him was reflected in giving him these eyes.

But now he couldn't even send the eye away, which made him feel extremely helpless and guilty.

"Forget it, there's no use thinking about it now, but even if I die, I have to destroy this eye!"

Qing thought very clearly that he would rather do it than leave his eyes blank to his enemies.

But now is not the time to completely destroy his eyes. His eyes are covered with seals and can be activated at any time.

He still needs to fight now, he still needs to continue to persevere, and he still needs to delay for more time.

Thinking of this, Qing once again used his Byakugan to explore the situation of the mysterious guy.

To be honest, what they are doing now is actually a bit risky, because the arrogant guy is too fast, and it is difficult to say that both of them will be caught accidentally.

But now they don't have much choice. The flares have been destroyed by that guy. What else can they do?


When Qing used his Byakugan to observe, his expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Because he was shocked to find that the arrogant guy actually used his shadow clone to capture them separately!

For a moment, he really thought this guy was a ninja from Konoha.

With both Kyuubi and Shadow Clone, it was really hard for him not to associate this guy with Konoha.

But for the shadow clone technique, it is said that every village actually has a reserve.

Because this technique is so useful in practice, many ninjas used it to collect intelligence during the war.

After these ninjas were caught, they were naturally tortured severely. It was not unusual for them to obtain shadow clones.

It's just that the shadow clone not only needs to have enough chakra, but the body of the clone will also be aware of the damage it suffers.

In addition, each ninja village also has its own clone technique, so naturally few people from other villages use shadow clones.

It's just that the guy in front of him is different. He possesses the power of the Nine Tails, and he obviously doesn't worry about the negative effects of the shadow clone at all.

And he is so strong, the shadow clone technique is really extremely practical for him!

"No, we have to speed up!"

Qing gritted his teeth. Although he could see it, he forced himself not to pay attention to Terumi Mei's situation.

Concern leads to chaos. He must forget the situation over there, and he must speed up and rush into the territory of the Kaguya clan!

Only by causing greater commotion can the village's attention be drawn.

But at this moment, a kunai shining with golden light came through the air and went straight to the tattooed vest.

Qing knew that he would be dead if he didn't hide, so he had to think hard and turn sideways to avoid the kunai.

At this moment, the golden figure had arrived in front of him.

"Water Release: Green Dragon's Handy!"

Another shot from Qing Long's hand, Qing's white eyes flashed, and he stabbed Xia Yan fiercely.

It's just that Xia Yan only tilted his body slightly in the face of this blow, and then he twitched and shot a kunai directly towards the water on the side.

The water surface rippled, and then it transformed into a human form and jumped fiercely to the side.

"Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique!"

In the process of retreating, Qing completely ignored his body's injuries. He fiercely began to perform the most dynamic and most consuming technique.

However, the injury still affected him, or Xia Yan was too fast.

Just when Qing was about to complete the seal, Xia Yan rushed in front of him with the pale golden chakra.

He grabbed Qing's hand that was forming the seal, and then twisted it hard in the opposite direction.


With their fingers connected to their hearts, severe pain was instantly transmitted to Qing's body, and he cried out loudly uncontrollably.

In fact, he really wished he could shout louder now, so as to attract more people to know that the situation was critical.

However, Xia Yan didn't give him this chance at all. He grabbed Qing's neck and didn't let him make even a single sound.

"Shh, don't yell in my ear, I don't like this feeling."

Xia Yan said softly, but the strength in his hand began to increase, and at the same time, the other hand had completed the gathering of chakra.

In an instant, he injected the sealing technique into Qing's body, making it impossible for him to mobilize chakra at all.

"I know you want to be a bait and protect that woman, so I will help you.

But unfortunately, I know the shadow clone technique, and I am confident that that woman cannot break my shadow clone.

As for you..."

Xia Yan paused for a moment when he said this, and then his eyes couldn't help but look into the distance.

Soon, one of his shadow clones ran over with Terumi Mei, who had lost his fighting ability.

At this time, Mei Terumi had an obvious wound on her shoulder, and there was no fluctuation of chakra on her body.

It goes without saying that this woman had her chakra sealed by Xia Yan.

She looked at Xia Yan with anger and despair in her eyes, knowing that it was all over!

"I noticed your eye roll a long time ago. In fact, I wanted you to make a choice at the beginning, and I had no intention of attacking your eye roll.

And by doing this, at least one of you can survive, and you can also reveal some information back. "

Xia Yan withdrew his gaze, and his tone seemed unusually indifferent at this moment.

“Although doing this, the essence is not a good thing for us.

But at any rate, we also missed Konoha. I personally hate this kind of behavior, like a rat in a stinking ditch.

But if you seem to regard my good intentions as weakness, then you are really desperate.

Rolling eyes is of no use to me, or even to us, but I wouldn't mind having such a research product. "

At this point, both Ao, whose neck was stuck by Natsuhiko, and Terumi Mei felt deep despair in their hearts.

But Xia Yan showed no mercy at all. He exerted a slight force on his hand, and then pulled hard first to the left and then to the right quickly!


With a crisp sound of bones breaking, Qing's neck was twisted directly by Xia Yan!


Terumi Mei couldn't help but scream in sorrow. She wanted to get up from the ground, but Natsuhiko's shadow clone didn't give her the chance to do so.

Gently taking off the mask on Qing's face, Xia Yan coldly placed his hand on Qing's eyes that were blocked by the seal.

Then he pressed his fingers hard, and blood quickly stained his gloves.

"Go deal with the ANBU and Kaguya's people who came over."

Xia Yan said something to the shadow clone while handling Qing's body.

"We all know what to do, just keep it clean."

"I am your shadow clone, so I naturally know what you are thinking."

Xia Yan's shadow clone smiled casually, and then he disappeared in a flash.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, took the bloody white eyeball and looked at his face for careful observation. After confirming that there was no problem, he looked at Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei looked a little dull at this time. She stared at everything in front of her blankly. It wasn't until Xia Yan came to her side that she stared at Xia Yan with cold eyes.

"The eyes are very nice. If you were an Uchiha, maybe I would have to be more careful with you."

Xia Yan teased Terumi Mei nonchalantly, and then he knelt down and continued.

“The previous agreement is still valid, killing him is just a punishment for you.

If you want to take the information back alive, then you must be honest and obedient..."

"After all, it is my way of ninja to do what I say..."


Just when Natsuhiko ran away to deal with Ao's body, he asked the shadow clone to deal with ANBU and Kaguya and fake the scene.

In the Mizukage office of Kirigakure Village, a guy with a yin and yang face slowly emerged from the ground.

Sitting on the Mizukage's seat was a man wearing an orange whirlpool mask and a black robe. This guy was Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Obito has been controlling Kirigakure Village for some time.

After Lin died, he accepted everything about Uchiha Madara, and he had a plan in mind.

Although he was very confused at the time, why was Uchiha Madara unable to stop all this despite being so powerful in the Kingdom of Water?

The explanation Black Zetsu gave him at the time was that although Uchiha Madara had a strong influence, the one with the most say in the Land of Water was the Mizukage.

He was so blinded by hatred that he did not carefully identify these things.

But with such a huge political legacy, it would really be unjustifiable if he didn’t make good use of it.

His plan is to control the Mizukage and make himself the 'actual' Mizukage!

Only in this way can he truly take revenge on the Kingdom of Water. He must take revenge for the woman he loves most in his heart!

This is what Uchiha Obito is doing now, not to mention he is not acting alone.

It is not an easy thing to control someone and make them listen to you completely.

He is not Uchiha Madara, and he only has one kaleidoscope.

Although he is confident that he can do it in the future even if he only has one eye, he absolutely cannot do it now.

But if the opponent is a Jinchuuriki, and he is an Uchiha who has learned the complete method of controlling tailed beasts, and also has a kaleidoscope.

Then everything will become completely different!

Goju Yagura is the three-tailed Jinchuuriki, which gives Uchiha Obito a great opportunity.

With the help of Uchiha Madara's concentrated will, the long, dark and gloomy guy, Gouju Yagura was successfully controlled by him.

To be precise, the Fourth Mizukage's weak willpower, which was fighting against the Three-Tails, was unable to resist Uchiha Obito's genjutsu attack.

Uchiha Obito only needs to use genjutsu to mix the consciousness of Goju Yagura with the three tails.

Unless they wait until the day they can trust each other and stop conflicting with each other, it will be really difficult for this guy to release such illusion control.

With Mizukage in his hands, and after a period of study, Uchiha Obito has more confidence.

In addition, with the help of Black Zetsu, a guy who is disgusting and seems to have no other power except reconnaissance ability.

He successfully brought Kirigakure Village to an extreme, and now the situation is getting worse and worse!

Of course, this period of time was not all good for him. At least he could remember the two people firmly.

One is his teacher Minato Namikaze, and the other is his former classmate Natsuhiko Fukami.

Perhaps, it would be more appropriate to call him Natsuhiko Senju now.

With the initial attempt to control the three-tailed jinchuriki, and the fact that he accidentally learned from Kakashi the time when the nine-tailed jinchuriki was produced, he did not hesitate to choose to do something big in Konoha.

But he didn't expect that he failed, and the defeat was so ugly and so complete!

He first lost to Namikaze Minato, and then lost miserably to Senju Natsuhiko. This time it was really a big blow to him.

Although Uchiha died early and he learned many things from Black Zetsu, he was full of hatred and had the motivation to learn.

From this, he also learned about the hatred between Uchiha and the Senju clan, and learned about certain things that happened that year.

This also made him feel extremely angry about losing to Natsuhiko Senju!

Is the cycle of fate about to begin again?

Uchiha Madara lost to Senju Hashirama back then, and now he has inherited Uchiha Madara's name. As a result, Natsuhiko has Wood Release.

The final result was that he, Madara Uchiha, once again lost to Senju's Wood Release.

Since that tragic defeat, Obito seemed a little depressed when he returned to Kirigakure Village.

And this depression also made him become more intense, bloody and cruel towards the internal methods of Kirigakure Village.

He seemed to be venting all the grievances and anger he suffered in Konoha on this damn village, Kirigakure.

The Kaguya clan is now his target, and it is also the most reasonable and suitable target to attack.

He is now waiting for the results and the opportunity to take action.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with those guys in Kaguya?"

Uchiha Obito tilted his head and looked at this guy Black Zetsu, and asked in a neither cold nor indifferent voice.

"Because I found some interesting information." Hei Jue said in a calm voice.

He was actually unhappy with Uchiha Obito's current tone, but in his opinion, this was normal.

These Uchiha clan members are all insane.

Although he was beaten like a defeated dog in Konoha, here Uchiha Obito is actually the Mizukage, and it is normal for his attitude to become so domineering.

"Intelligence?" Uchiha Obito frowned: "What information? Tell me. Could it be that those guys had a chance to stage a coup?"

"No, it hasn't started yet but it will be soon."

Hei Jue shook his head cruelly, and then he spoke in a low voice.

"But this time I came here not because of this, but because I discovered a strange and interesting thing in the village, something that made me feel incredible."

"Whatever it is, please tell me clearly. I hate people who talk half-talk."

"I'm afraid you won't believe it, but I actually found a Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki!"


In a secluded farmer's hut in Kirigakure Village, Xia Yan looked at the little kid who was only three or four years old in front of him, and he couldn't help but touch his chin.

He doesn't know that he has been exposed now. He is still thinking about how to extract this kid's power.

The search for Kimimaro, the brat, actually went smoothly, and Mei Terumi was quite cooperative.

Even though she already hated Xia Yan in her heart, her cold gaze seemed to tear him apart completely.

But Xia Yan's words made her decide to take the risk, especially since all Xia Yan wanted was an outcast from the Kaguya clan.

Being an outcast from the Kaguya clan does not affect the interests of Kirigakure Village too much.

And Natsu Yan's words also hit Terumi Mei's heart. She really needed to pass the information back, even if she never believed Natsu Yan at all.

She would not even believe what Xia Yan said, and that it was his way of forbearance that kept his word.

A complete terrorist, a completely evil person. How can anyone believe what such a person says?

Moreover, ninja is a cold profession that completely abandons moral integrity.

As an ANBU, Terumi Mei would never believe in such a thing. The reason why she cooperated was simply because she wanted to find an opportunity to pass on information.

In fact, Xia Yan had already seen through her thoughts, but he was too lazy to say anything.

She can think whatever she likes, this has nothing to do with Xia Yan, and this time Xia Yan really intends to keep his promise.

It's not pity or anything to protect the original character. If he wants to protect Qing, he won't kill him so simply.

What he wants is to let the information about his existence get out. What he wants is a mouth with a certain status.

Only now that the vest halo is bigger, the safer and more stable it will be for Xia Yan himself.

Withdrawing his gaze from Kimimaro, Natsuhiko quickly glanced at Mei Terumi who had been knocked unconscious by him.

After confirming that the woman was still in a coma, he found a place to sit down.

Although the movement caused by this operation was slightly louder, overall everything was still under control.

And the harvest this time was also ridiculously big. Not to mention Kimimaro, the only "corpse bone vein", Xia Yan got a supercilious eye without any surprise.

It can be said that Xia Yan has obtained the power to build a relatively pure Otsutsuki foundation.

But this is just an idea, and it can only be regarded as a basic strength.

If the real Otsutsuki was just that simple, Naruto and Sasuke wouldn't have joined forces and almost overturned when facing a person with basically no actual combat experience.

Xia Yan didn't know what he would become if he planted their power and got the results.

But overall, Xia Yan is looking forward to it, especially...

"Especially now that my other fruits have been completely planted. If I can brew seeds, I can plant them directly!"

He moved his hands slightly, and in an instant several fruits of different colors appeared in his hands.

The fruits grown this time are advanced fire attribute chakra, wind attribute chakra, and the most special fusion fruit.

This also means that Xia Yan at this moment can create a bloodstain elimination of his own!

Although he is still a little confused as to what kind of blood-stained elimination he should create.

But things had come to this point, so there was no need for him to look so confused.

If the effect is good, it will be regarded as an extremely excellent case, and it can provide a more scientific basis for some of his future ideas.

If it doesn't work, that's okay. After all, with such a case, he would know what to do more appropriately in the future.

For example, how to match the attributes of chakra to be more reasonable without any big surprises.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan quickly swallowed the chakra fruits of Fire Release and Wind Release.

In just an instant, along with the extremely bad taste, two powerful forces suddenly appeared in Xia Yan's body.

These two forces quickly entangled in Xia Yan's body, and then quickly integrated into Xia Yan's body.

When these two forces completely quieted down, a special message began to float in Xia Yan's mind.

This is information unique to high-level chakra this time. It thoroughly records the process and results of the ultimate deformation and qualitative change.

The power of the system was fully demonstrated at this moment. It never allowed Xia Yan to get the power, but allowed Xia Yan to understand the power.

When Xia Yan completely absorbed the information in his mind, he also placed the final fused fruit in his hands.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan endured the extremely bitter and strange taste and stuffed the fruit into his mouth.

He has now figured out what chakra combination he wants to use. He has only shown earth escape in this identity so far.

Then Earth Escape must be used. As for the other two, he decided on Wind Escape and Water Escape.

The combination of these three powers may show good abilities, and they should also have good compatibility.

He actually wanted to use Earth Release, Wind Release and Fire Release to match, but considering that Dust Release was also a fusion of those three chakras.

He was really worried that he would crash into the car, so he simply changed the position of Fire Release to the Water Release that he was more familiar with.

After all, this is the first time to fuse, so it is better to use the power that you are more familiar with.

"But what should this thing be called?"


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