The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 2234 Brand new power! (8K please subscribe~)


Obito looked at Hei Zetsu in confusion. For a moment, he really felt that there was something wrong with Hei Zetsu's brain.

Obito is probably one of the people who knows who the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki is.

To put it bluntly, the fact that the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki has now become two is entirely due to him!

Namikaze Minato sealed the Kyuubi, but Kushina's physical condition was poor, so he chose to divide the Kyuubi into two halves for each of them.

As a result, there seemed to be some problems with the seal, causing the two of them to leave Konoha to rest.

Obito knew this news, and Black Zetsu told him this.

Now Black Zetsu suddenly came over and told him that another Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki came to Kirigakure Village. How could Obito believe this?

Could it be that his teacher or master's wife spent more than half a year learning how to control the Kyuubi.

However, he also found out his identity, and finally went to Kirigakure Village to find trouble for him, right?

Obito looked at Hei Zetsu with a strange expression, and Hei Zetsu himself was extremely depressed inside.

Seriously speaking, he should actually be the person who least believes it.

As the third most mysterious son of Otsutsuki Kaguya, he really knows how the tailed beast came to be.

But wasn't the Ten-Tails divided into nine by that Otsutsuki Hagoromo? Now the jinchūriki of these nine are all there.

So this sudden extra one looks extremely weird no matter how you look at it.

Sometimes he also wonders, is it possible that there is still a Ten-Tails in this world?

No one could answer this question for him, and he didn't dare to tell his inner secret.

"It is indeed the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki."

After Hei Jue calmed down a little, he said seriously.

"There's nothing wrong with this. I misremembered Mr. Ban's will, so naturally I won't forget the aura of Kyuubi. That means Kyuubi is right."

"But the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki is not now..."

Obito looked at Black Zetsu like this, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Could it be that they are here?"

"No, not their chakra aura."

Black Zetsu shook his head decisively. He went to Konoha with Obito at that time, so he would not be mistaken about this.

"It's someone else. This chakra is somewhat familiar to me, but it's completely different. It's a very strange feeling."

I have to say that Xia Yan's cover-up theory is indeed pretty good. Chakra is the easiest evidence to identify who this person is.

Natsuhiko, on the other hand, directly tampered with these 'evidences'. When fighting Obito, he used senjutsu chakra to cover them.

Now he is completely covered with Kyuubi's chakra. Although the 'evidence' he perceives is somewhat similar, the difference is even greater.

After all, they all use Xia Yan's own chakra as a blueprint, so it would be strange if they weren't somewhat similar.

It's just that Natsuhiko's own chakra is the model, but the main body is closer to the senjutsu chakra, or the chakra of the Kyuubi.

For this reason, neither Orochimaru before nor Black Zetsu now completely noticed anything.

But regardless of Xia Yan's true identity, Hei Jue now really has to seriously think about how to deal with this matter.

Just imagine if there really were other Ten-Tails in this world.

Does that mean that there are other existences similar to mothers in this world?

In his mind, Otsutsuki Kaguya is the most supreme existence, and she is the real god!

If someone suddenly appeared who could challenge his mother's status, it would not be a happy thing no matter how you look at it.

However, Hei Jue is still very calm, and this matter still needs serious investigation.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to obtain enough information just by relying on these conjectures.

Without enough intelligence information, he could not conduct analysis, let alone make subsequent arrangements.

"No matter what, this guy is here, and we must entertain him well."

Black Zetsu looked at Obito who was silent. He thought carefully before speaking.

“After all, this is a Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails, you shouldn’t have too much trouble dealing with him.

However, considering that his use of Kyuubi's power is very exaggerated, he must be careful. "

"Then I use the Fourth Mizukage's order to gather ninjas?"

Obito thought about it carefully after hearing the words, and it took him a long time before he spoke.

"Now that he's here, let's try to keep him. After all, it's the power of Kyuubi, we..."


When Black Zetsu heard Obito's words, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and he immediately retorted.

"Normal arrangements are enough, there is no need to go too far, and don't even think about keeping this guy here.

All we have to do is figure out some intel on this guy and determine a few things and that's enough.

Think about it, since there is a Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, are there also Eight-Tails and Seven-Tails?

There are even nine guys like him who came together..."

At this point, Black Zetsu stopped, and Obito's face under the mask couldn't help but twitch slightly.

One-on-one, they really don't have to be afraid, after all, Obito's ability is so weird.

What's more, they also have the Mangekyō Sharingan, which has a certain restraining effect on tailed beasts and jinchūriki.

But if all nine of them attack together, they may have no choice but to run away, and the Kingdom of Water will probably be sunk by them by then!

Obito really hates Kirigakure Village. If there is nothing else, he would be happy to watch Kirigakure Village and the Kingdom of Water sink together.

But he really can't do this, at least not for the time being.

If he is taken care of by those lunatics, then all his actions in the future will be impossible to complete.

Now, the growth of the reincarnation eye, which is the most critical thing for them to deal with the tailed beasts, is far from enough. He still needs more time to lie dormant.

Thinking of this, Obito couldn't help but nodded helplessly.

Black Zetsu was relieved when he saw this scene. He was really afraid that Obito would go crazy and catch that guy.

In fact, Hei Jue hopes to do this in his heart, but he is an extremely tolerant and restrained person.

He will carefully consider the pros and cons before doing something. Just like the ideas he instilled in Obito, he is also worried about whether the other party has nine people.

And what he worried about was deeper and more hidden.

For example, if there really is another Ten-Tails, then the situation will not be good.

"Okay, I understand, I will..."

Obito sighed helplessly. He finally thought about it and asked, but before he could finish his words, there was a knock on the office door.

Obito frowned, and soon he disappeared into a whirlpool, and Black Zetsu was quickly buried in the ground.

After the two of them left, the Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura suddenly raised his head slowly.

His eyes were dull and mechanical, and soon he said to the door: "Come in."

"Mizukage-sama, something happened."

An ANBU quickly pushed open the door and then half-knelt on the ground.

"The ANBU from the Kaguya clan clashed with them, and now..."


Goju Yagura's tone was very indifferent, but there seemed to be some doubts in his voice.

"What's going on? Did they take action?"

"Probably not."

The ANBU shook his head, he sighed and continued.

"But it should be soon, because our people and theirs are all dead,"

"Are they all dead..."

Goji Yagura nodded silently, completely unable to tell what his attitude was, but in the end he gave the order.

"Then, let people prepare. Once they take action, we will take action..."


Xia Yan felt the strange power that entered his body and began to interact with other chakras. He took a deep breath and quickly formed seals.

As the smoke lingered, a shadow clone appeared beside him.

The location he chose has already been decorated with many sealing barriers.

But for safety reasons, he also needs to use the shadow clone to help him activate the Flying Thunder God to send her back.

He has not forgotten where he is, let alone how disgusting that Black Zetsu is.

After he had prepared all this, he calmed down and began to feel his own power seriously.

That special pulling force has begun to calm down now, and it does not cause turbulence in Xia Yan's chakra after entering his body like before.

However, its calmness also made Xia Yan feel and understand more things.

He now knows how to control these powers and how to fuse these chakras.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan slowly began to mobilize his chakra.

In an instant, the power of fire escape, wind escape and earth escape began to surge in his body.

The essence of these three huge forces of chakra is Xia Yan's own, so although they operate together, there is no problem.

But it is obviously impossible to get them together.

The laws of each chakra flow and the characteristics they contain are completely inconsistent.

In addition, the deeper everyone's understanding and use of a single chakra, the deeper their fixed understanding of it will be.

This also causes that when different chakras are fused, it is easy to fall into the inherent cognition of oneself.

Without imagination, there is no creativity. The more fixed it is, the more thoroughly it is understood, the more likely it is to make changes.

Thoughts, if you don't understand it thoroughly, your performance may be better, but if you don't understand this type of chakra thoroughly enough, how can you control chakra for fusion?

It can be said that this is an extremely contradictory situation, which also explains why the general blood inheritance limit only requires the fusion of two chakras, but there are still so few.

"But my situation is not ordinary. Although integration is really difficult, there are still more flexible ways to work around it."

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, and then he immediately controlled the power containing the fusion characteristics that he had just absorbed and began to wrap the three types of chakra.

This force is silent and has no power at all.

But when they completely enveloped the three chakras, Xia Yan clearly felt that there seemed to be some changes in the three chakras.

It's just that this change is not particularly obvious. If Xia Yan's chakra mastery had not reached an advanced level, he might not even be able to feel it.

It is so subtle and difficult to detect.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan began to try to blend the three types of chakra.

They did not choose to fuse two types first and then integrate the remaining one.

This is actually the safest in his opinion, but it is also very time-consuming.

According to the efficiency of the system's power, assuming that it takes the same amount of time to fuse two types as to fuse three types, Xia Yan must be the one who chooses the less time.

If he were in Konoha, maybe he wouldn't do this, but that's not the case here.

"Huh? Did you react?"

The moment the three chakras began to intersect, Xia Yan immediately felt the strong sense of repulsion from these three chakras.

This kind of rejection seems to be innate, and even the vibration caused by this kind of rejection makes Xia Yan feel a little uncomfortable in his body.

The concept of chakra fusion is not like compound chakra ninjutsu.

Compound chakra is the interweaving of two powers that can be coordinated and have completely separated from the body's transformation technique.

In essence, they are not integrated together, but simply interact with each other.

But what Xia Yan is doing now is to completely combine these chakras of different properties and powers!

And this is not an independent problem, even the rules of operation are completely different.

In addition, with the 'battlefield' inside the body, the level of danger is simply unimaginable.

But just when these three types of chakra collide with each other and continue to expand the power they burst out.

Those powers with fusion properties began to quickly penetrate and integrate into these three types of chakra.

These powers seemed to be pervasive, and they were frantically and rapidly searching for the 'gaps' among the three chakra powers.

No matter how small such ‘gaps’ are, they can fit into them.

And such integration will not cut off the connection between them and other parts.

In just a moment, this integration has been completely completed.

In Xia Yan's perception, his body is now filled with three colors of yellow, green, and blue chakra, completely wrapped together by a transparent power!

"Is the first step completed? So..."

Sensing that his strength had reached this point, Xia Yan quickly began to take further actions.

What he has to do now is true fusion!

The power in the body began to surge continuously, and at this moment, the transparent power began to wrap around the three chakras and merge with each other.

At this moment, Xia Yan clearly felt a more violent shock in his body.

Such shocks have even spread to his internal organs, and the meridians that bear the chakra are extremely painful.

But pain is always the most ignored thing for ninjas.

Because ninjas always face various injuries whether they are training or fighting, they naturally ignore pain.

I am afraid that for ninjas, the most unbearable thing is the pain from the heart.

Slowly and continuously controlling the three chakras to approach, with the help of the transparent power, these three chakras were slowly and completely dispersed!

However, this is scattered. But it's not really broken.

Xia Yan could clearly sense that they were still independently connected.

But at this moment, with the help of these transparent powers, Xia Yan could very intuitively and clearly feel the more detailed division of rules among these three types of chakra!

"The power of water escape is very tolerant. This tolerance comes from the simplest application of water escape, but it also seems to be the most intuitive expression.

And under this tolerance, there is also unique flexibility, adaptability, etc.

Similarly, wind and earth also have their own distinct characteristics.

These characteristics may be intuitive or secretive, but they are real. "

Feeling these powers that were completely broken and refined to the extreme, he seemed to have a very special understanding at this moment.

Originally, he thought that after possessing high-level chakra, he should have an unimaginable understanding of this kind of chakra.

But now he found that he didn't seem to understand it deeply at all!

There are so many secrets in splitting a single chakra.

And when these chakras are split and intertwined with other different types of chakras, the special secrets involved will be more complex and huge.

Xia Yan is not a person who doesn't like research. After all, after the system gives him power and the simplest instructions, it really depends on him how to make better use of these powers.

But he really has no way to deal with more profound powers. After all, he doesn't have the equipment or that much money.

The most important thing is that no one endorses him. If what he does does not get support, there will be problems sooner or later.

The fusion of the three types of chakra in the body continues, and Xia Yan seems to have opened a mysterious and novel door.

He is extremely hungry to absorb all the power, and he seems to understand Orochimaru's research mentality now.

Curiosity about unknown things has always been human nature.

Discovering new secrets, deciphering new secrets, mastering these new secrets, and then increasing one's own strength are the instincts that drive a ninja to keep moving forward!

No matter what you are studying, when this curiosity and exploration are connected with personal desires, this desire to explore will become stronger.

"Besides, I probably understand why the Blood Successor Snare is so powerful."

Feeling the constantly intertwined power in his body, Xia Yan mentally smiled bitterly.

It is true that the Blood Succession Limit has indeed surpassed the existence of ordinary chakra.

But if you just describe the Blood Succession Network like this, it would really insult this power.

The intertwining and fusion of the seven forces has indeed pushed this force to an unimaginable height.

But more importantly, no matter what kind of power you use, you can't escape the scope it covers!

Blood Succession Snare analyzes all the laws of chakra operation, the rules of the essence of power and the characteristics of power. In the face of such power, any technique is useless.

"The blood inheritance snare..."

The ninja world is the ninja world of blood ninjas, and even the stage where the Otsutsuki clan and his descendants dance alone.

Even if God has indeed given ordinary ninjas a path to transcendence, this path is basically an abyss!

Xia Yan had never fused chakra before, but he knew that it would be very, very difficult.

But now that he knew it, he really felt a moment of silence for those ordinary ninjas.

In fact, even he felt sad for himself.

If he didn't have a system and didn't get the seeds of the fusion characteristics, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to think about taking the path of the Blood Successor Snare in this life.

"Of course, I can't say absolutely. If I can catch that letter, then the follow-up will probably be different, right?"

If there is a system, there will naturally be methods played by systematic players, and if there is no system, there will naturally be methods played by non-system players.

If you have money, you rely on technology, if you don't have money, you rely on mutation. If you don't have technology or hard work, you can only rely on your own efforts.

This sentence is some joke that Xia Yan heard in his previous life, but it is actually very practical to put it here.

There is only one thing that needs to be changed, and that is that no matter whether you are playing technology or playing mutation, whether you are a cheat player or a non-cheat player, you must rely on your own efforts.

Although he has been thinking about these other things mentally, Xia Yan has also completely absorbed the insights in his mind.

Multitasking was another gain from his long career as an ANBU ninja, and now the chakra in his body had calmed down.

The shock and pain completely disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented sense of pleasure.

An extremely special power was constantly forming and improving within his body.

Moreover, in Xia Yan's perception, this kind of power is definitely not as destructive as the power of Nine Tails and Sage Mode!

"What a terrifying force."

Little Kyuubi was also frightened by the chakra brewed by Xia Yan, and his voice echoed in Xia Yan's mind with great emotion.

"The fusion of the three chakras has only been accomplished by very few people over the thousands of years that I remember.

Even Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama have not reached this point in essence. "


Xia Yan couldn't help but smile when he heard Xiao Jiuwei's words, but soon he sighed slightly.

"But the two of them are not afraid of such power at all. The old man in Iwagakure Village also has such power, and his teacher Muya the Second Tsuchikage is the same.

But the two of them humbled themselves and came to Konoha to seek peace. In the end, they were suppressed by Uchiha Madara alone and couldn't even lift their heads. "

The blood inheritance elimination is indeed powerful, but facing the direct inheritance of Otsutsuki's power, even if it is mutated and divided, is obviously depressing.

But if you think about it carefully, one of these two people is the reincarnation of Indra, and the other is the reincarnation of Asura.

And later Onoki overcame his inner demons and showed the power of blood elimination.

In general, even if it is not as good as these perverts, it is definitely the top combat power in the world.

When these three chakras were completely integrated together, Xia Yan felt an even more majestic power rippling through his body at this moment.

He gently raised his hand, and in an instant this power covered his hand.

This is a stream of silvery, slightly transparent chakra that looks very beautiful but is also very dangerous.

"Don't talk about those two perverts. In ancient times, they would have been the most cutting-edge people."

Little Kyuubi looked at the chakra in Natsuhiko's hand, first responded to his previous words, and then asked.

"Is this the power of blood successor elimination? What is its name?"

"Indeed, those two guys are terrifying existences in any era."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then he absorbed the power in his hand into his body.

"As for the name of this power, I haven't thought of it. Even how to use it needs to be explored. But..."

"I think its performance will not disappoint me!"


Xia Yan himself felt that he would not be disappointed. After all, even if this chakra did not form any power, it was definitely enough to scare people.

The strength of such chakra is absolutely beyond imagination, and if such power is combined with the power of the Nine Tails, or the power of senjutsu chakra.

He believed that such an effect would definitely not be as simple as one plus one.

However, there is a good side as well as a bad side, that is, this kind of chakra Natsuhiko still understands that it was brewed by himself.

But the key problem lies here, because it was something he brewed by himself, and there is no reference in the entire history of the ninja world.

This means that even if he has obtained this power, he does not have the matching technique to use it.

He can only figure out how to use these powers to the maximum extent and use them safely.

This is already the minimum requirement. As for better things, such as finding a way to create ninjutsu by yourself, or maximizing the power with the minimum consumption, these are not what he can think about now.

To be honest, Xia Yan found that he had thought of things too simply.

Just imagine, it took Minato Namikaze several years to develop the Rasengan in a semi-plagiarized manner, inspired by the Tailed Beast Tama.

When Naruto upgraded the Rasengan to get the Rasengan Shuriken, he still relied on thousands of shadow clones to help.

One can imagine how difficult it is to develop a single jutsu, and to master a new power requires developing a series of ninjutsu from scratch.

This was simply the abyss nightmare mode. Xia Yan felt his head hurt even if he wasn't desperate.

"But that's good, because I can set the names of various ninjutsu according to my own preferences, and even the effects that appear when they are used."

Xia Yan was enjoying his hardships. In the next few days, he tried to maximize the use of his new power.

Perhaps it was because he had done too well at the beginning. The intelligence collected by the shadow clones he sent out almost all showed that there were no problems.

Of course, Natsuhiko would not feel completely at ease. Perhaps he had provided Obito and the others with a reason to take action.

Therefore, Obito did not completely think about investigating his own existence, but focused more on the Kaguya clan.

The Kaguya clan will rebel in the future, Natsuhiko knows this very well.

As for why they went crazy and rebelled, Xia Yan thought it should be some of Obito's policies and policies.

After all, Obito's actions have caused dissatisfaction among many people, especially the family ninjas.

Therefore, we chose a family that was the most noisy, not very popular in the village, and also had other thoughts.

Then they will be used as objects to establish their authority and directly annihilate them with the most cruel thunderous means. This will allow Obito to establish his authority fiercely.

Similarly, this will also arouse the sympathy of other families who are sad for the death of rabbits and foxes.

Once they have this kind of empathy, if they do something wrong next, Obito can kill them all together.

To put it bluntly, Obito is seeking revenge, but he is just covering it up with a high-pressure policy.

The more people who oppose it, the happier he will naturally be.

Natsuhiko discovered ANBU when he went to the Kaguya clan to look for Kimimaro, and he knew that the Kaguya clan might not be able to live well in a few years.

His own appearance and what he did can be regarded as a trigger.

And according to the recent transfers in Kirigakure Village, maybe this guy Obito will have to thank him properly.

"But that's fine. Then I can use the cover of this kind of thing to go find Obito."

Since completing the first fusion, Xia Yan gained an unimaginable understanding and knowledge of chakra, and he really couldn't wait to do it again.

This improvement not only gave him a new blood-stained elimination, but also gave him a huge improvement in the ninjutsu he can perform alone.

It's a pity that Xia Yan no longer has the materials in his hand. He must find new and more materials.

Standing by a lake in the corner of Kirigakure Village, Natsuhiko was brewing the chakra in his body.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, and a strange pressure suddenly appeared from his body.

He quickly drew out a ninja sword, and majestic chakra gathered into a single silver light emerged on the ninja sword.

In an instant, with the vibration of huge chakra, a silver-haired woman appeared behind him.

If you look carefully, you can still see some shadows of Kaguya Otsutsuki in this shadow.

But this woman is different from Kaguya Otsutsuki, even though she has the same silver hair, the same white eyes, and the same arrogance that makes people suffocate.

Dots of cherry blossoms rippled on Xia Yan's ninja sword, and then he slashed it out with a single blow.

"Ninja: Konohana Saki Yahime!"

The ninja sword cut through the sky, and a silver invisible blade bloomed in the air, and at this moment the earth began to tremble crazily.

A silent crack appeared in front of Xia Yan. The crack extended rapidly towards the distance, and it seemed that there was no end in sight.

And this crack began to spread rapidly, as if it was going to tear the earth apart!

The small lake in front of Xia Yan was torn apart in an instant, and the water poured directly into the ground like a waterfall. In the blink of an eye, the small lake completely disappeared without a trace.

"It looks pretty good."

Looking at the destruction he caused, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile, and then his chakra disappeared directly from the place with a slight movement.

He wouldn't just stand there stupidly. If he made such a movement, someone would definitely come over to investigate.

"It's indeed very powerful, but don't you think it's a bit flashy?"

Little Kyuubi's voice sounded in his mind again, and he seemed to be disdainful of Xia Yan's behavior.

It was obviously just a matter of one knife, but it created the shadow of a woman, and when he swung the knife, he also made some cherry blossoms.

From Kyuubi's point of view, this is simply a waste of chakra, and it is a very serious and complete waste.

He didn't know what was going on in Xia Yan's brain circuit. Although this guy had enough chakra, he wasn't like that, right?

"Don't you understand this? This is to distinguish the difference between 'Senju Natsuhiko' and some 'explosive terrorists'."

Xia Yan nonchalantly responded to the conversation in Xiao Jiuwei's mind.

Whether it is to create some shadow, some cherry blossom effect, or simply use the so-called Sakura Goddess as the name of the technique.

He did all this on purpose. The power of the kaleidoscope is also the name of some so-called Japanese god. Why can't he use it?

What's more...

Being strong and handsome is a lifelong thing...


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