The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 225: Ninja Technique·Tailed Beast Jade (8K please subscribe~)

"What exactly is going on?"

Obito was in an office in the Mizukage Building, his voice sounded hoarse and full of doubts.

And among such doubts, there is also a lot of indignation.

Who knows what that damn mysterious guy was thinking. That violent vibration, like an earthquake, really caused an unknown amount of trouble in Kirigakure Village.

In particular, many ninjas have discovered that such vibrations actually contain terrifying chakra fluctuations.

Even though this kind of chakra fluctuation is so weird and unfamiliar, no one would think that this is a natural event.

Obito would never think like this. After all, he knew that there was an outsider and terrifying guy in Kirigakure Village.

If there were no accidents, this thing must have been done by that guy, but could this guy be fighting someone?

Such power suddenly burst out, and it was still a relatively sensitive matter now. How could Obito not be confused and angry?

Also confused is Black Zetsu, even Obito can think of so many things, let alone him who has lived for thousands of years.

He didn't think that the mysterious Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki's sudden attack would be purposeless.

Could it be that this guy is really testing their attitude?

Or, is it to mobilize their attention to achieve their own goals?

Or is it a deliberate demonstration to achieve his goal?

Hei Jue thought hard and couldn't figure it out. He didn't even think about whether this guy was practicing some new moves.

After all, normal people would never do such a thing in the enemy's hinterland.

"I don't understand either." Hei Jue shook his head and sighed slightly: "This thing is very strange, but this guy's strength is really terrifying."

"It's indeed terrifying. It's really not something ordinary people can do to cause such damage." Obito nodded, recalling the reports he had seen, he couldn't help but frown.

Even though it was only the first time that Natsuhiko used 'Konohana Sakuyahime', it was the most effective use of his chakra.

Even without using celestial magic and nine-tailed chakra to assist himself.

But what he used was on the same level as Chen Dun, a blood-stained elimination that combined three types of chakra!

Ohnoki used Dust Release regardless of the cost, but it completely crushed Uchiha Madara's "Wood Release: Arrival of Flowers and Trees Realm".

This allowed the Five Shadows to escape from the predicament, otherwise all five of them would have been poisoned to death by the flower poison.

Natsuhiko's chakra quantity may not be as good as Ohnoki's, but Ohnoki had also gone through a round of battles at that time, and his chakra reserves were not necessarily that good.

As for Xia Yan, his chakra is in perfect condition. Using his chakra with such maximum power, even without systematic development of power, is absolutely disappointing!

According to Natsuhiko's own estimation, the power of his sword is probably about half as powerful as the sword of Uchiha Madara's complete Susanoo when he faced the Five Kages.

Uchiha Madara destroyed several mountains with one sword, but Natsuhiko felt that he could only cut off one at most, and the remaining power of the blade was basically gone.

"Forget it, leave him alone." Hei Ze thought for a long time, and finally he shook his head helplessly: "He probably doesn't know our situation yet. He is probably here to find the Fourth Mizukage."

"Indeed, he is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. His purpose here is probably to find the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki." Obito nodded slightly. He had already guessed Xia Yan's purpose: "It seems that we still have to wait for this Guys just have to do it themselves.”

"Actually, I have a way to make him jump out on his own initiative." Hei Jue thought for a while, and then he suddenly laughed.

His pitch-black face combined with that captivating smile looked weird.

"Oh?" Obito felt sick to his stomach when he looked at him like this, but he still asked politely: "What do you think?"

"The Kirigakure Village is so stable, I don't know what he will do, but what if the Kirigakure Village suddenly becomes chaotic?"

Hei Jue's expression was extremely gloomy, and his voice was hoarse and low, but with a strange magnetism.

"Kaguya and those people killed our ANBU, and they haven't given a reasonable reason until now.

Attacking people from the same village is equivalent to judging the village.

What's more, this family has never obeyed our management.

How could they be gone and attract more people who are detrimental to the village? In that case..."

After saying this, Black Zetsu stopped and looked at Obito with a sinister look on his face.

Obito, on the other hand, kept staring at Black Zetsu, and the two of them fell into an inexplicable silence for a while.

After a long while, Obito asked with slight confusion: "What's wrong? If that's the case, what next?"

"..." Hei Jue wanted to rub his brow in distress, but he forcibly restrained his actions.

He knew that Obito's brain was not particularly bright. After all, he basically relied on him to arrange many things.

But even after saying this, Obito still hadn't fully reacted.

In his opinion, this is no longer not a lack of intelligence, but a problem with his brain!

But being stupid has the advantage of being stupid, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to deceive this guy.

"In this case, we can more thoroughly clean up the unstable factors in the village."

Hei Jue forced himself to calm down, and then organized his words to say everything he wanted to say.

“To put it simply, you want to take revenge on Kirigakure Village, and this is an excellent opportunity.

Let's tentatively predict that the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki will attack the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and we specifically throw the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki onto the battlefield.

This might cause more damage, right? "

"this is a good idea!"

Now that Obito combined with Black Zetsu, he finally understood what he was thinking.

I have to say that this is indeed a vicious, but very practical plan!

Thinking of this, Obito stood up directly: "Killing a Kaguya clan can also induce an unstable factor, and at the same time make other families react. Very good, very good!"

At this point, Obito almost gritted his teeth.

He has never forgotten the moment when Kakashi was stabbed in the chest by Lin, and he has never forgotten that it was the ANBU of Kirigakure Village who were chasing them and escaping.

He will not let go of those involved and related to this matter.

Whether it is Kirigakure or Konoha, whether it is his teacher or Kakashi, or these ninjas of Kirigakure Village.

He will liquidate them one by one, He will solve them one by one!


In the central area of ​​Kirigakure Village, Yuanshi sat quietly in a slightly quaint room.

He silently looked at the two burnt masks placed in front of him, his face was calm but his heart was full of sighs.

Qing is dead and Baiyan is lost.

Terumi Mei died, and the person he was most optimistic about and also the one with the most potential was turned into a pile of coke.

Such a blow was really big for him.

He really couldn't figure out why all of this happened, and how Terumi Mei and the others got involved.

"Kaguya clan, Mizukage..."

Master Yuan suddenly sighed, but there was no emotion in his sigh, but an inexplicable coldness.

According to the most preliminary investigation, it seems that the Kaguya clan and the Anbu people collided, which also led to a fierce fight between the two sides.

And in such a fire, everyone died, and no one was left alive!

Of course, this is based on the preliminary investigation of the scene. It is not known whether there are any survivors.

Maybe, but they are also from the Kaguya clan, or from the Mizukage.

Yuanshi really didn't expect that an extremely simple task he assigned would actually cost the lives of two outstanding ninjas.

No matter who did it, this filled Master Yuan's heart with anger.

If it was the Kaguya clan, then everything would be explained.

These brainless guys would definitely do something like this when they find out that they are being monitored!

If it were the Anbu of Mizukage, all this wouldn't be unreasonable. The power struggle between the Mizukage and the elders has always existed.

Especially when the current Mizukage is dictatorial and has carried out drastic reforms in Kirigakure Village, they are already standing on the sharpest opposite side.

In such a confrontation, it is completely understandable that the Anbu on the Mizukage side used the Kaguya clan as a cover to quietly kill some of them.

It's just understanding. Master Yuan cannot accept such a thing at all.

The reason why he remains calm now is entirely because he is still pretending to be in Kirigakure.

He knew that once he made a move, the Mizukage would have reasons and excuses to kill them.

Moreover, although he has the ability to command most of the ninja troops in Kirigakure Village, they are nominally capable of commanding them.

But in fact, which ninja would clearly side with the elder when making a choice between the shadow and the elder?

The accumulated strength is not enough, and the name is not orthodox enough.

If they take action at this time, then they are really seeking death.

Silently closing his eyes, Master Yuan continued to force himself to calm down.

Ninjas must remain calm at all times. Only with enough calm can they deal with various problems.

"Elder." At this moment, there was a knock on Master Yuan's door, which also brought his thoughts back to reality.

"Come in." Master Yuan sighed silently, and then he spoke with dignity.

Soon, a ninja in ANBU uniform walked in quietly. He quickly knelt on the ground and handed a scroll to the Genshi with both hands.

"Elder, this is the result of further investigation." The ANBU whispered, and the Yuanshi nodded and took the scroll.

Quickly opening the scroll, Yuan Master's eyes suddenly changed.

Because on this scroll, there is absolutely shocking news!

According to the investigation, there was more than one battle scene on the Kaguya clan's side.

There was more than one scene, which meant that it was probably either Kaguya's people or ANBU's people.

Or maybe none of their own people actually died in each other's hands!

Was there someone else present, and that person was cruel to everyone for some purpose of his own?

If this is the case, then the person doing this is really scary.

Master Yuan thought silently. The person who took action was definitely very thoughtful and so powerful that no one could resist.

Ao has Byakugan and is a ninja who has experienced many battles. His strength is completely trustworthy.

With him and Terumi Mei, a ninja with two blood successors, having such problems, one can imagine how terrifying the person who took action was.

In addition, the guys who took action also took action together with ANBU and members of the Kaguya clan.

The most important thing is that all this actually caused too much noise.

In the end, the corpses were even gathered together, creating a scene that was the result of the conflict between the ANBU and the Kaguya clan.

Maybe the ANBU couldn't see that there was something wrong with it.

It's just that the Mizukage sitting at the pinnacle of power, this is the outcome he hopes for, right?

Suddenly, Master Yuan's heart twitched violently. He even wondered if it was the Mizukage who did all this?

If it was the Mizukage who left all these people defenseless...

Soon, Master Yuan didn't dare to think about it anymore, and he didn't want to think about it like this.

If this is the case, then the consequences of all this are really serious.

In addition to more than one battle scene, this scroll also records one incident.

That is, according to the investigation, it seems that there is one missing body.

It was this information that made Master Yuan unwilling to think about whether it was the Fourth Mizukage.

Who knows, the enemy really came in and disguised himself as a member of the ANBU, then launched a sneak attack or something like that.

What's more, the earth-shaking, vast yet despairing suffocating chakra that appeared recently seems to indicate that none of this is simple.

"How many people have read this information?" After a long time, Master Yuan asked, "Does Lord Mizukage have similar information?"

"Sir Elder, no one else knows about this matter."

The ANBU buried his head deeply and replied in a calm voice.

"It is said that the ANBU has sealed all the information. They are now heading towards the Kaguya clan and there is no investigation at all.

And on our side, only a very small number of participants know about this. "

"I understand." Master Yuan nodded silently, then he stood up and said with an extremely serious expression: "Forget about this matter, completely forget it, and don't reveal it to anyone. Do you understand?"

"Yes, elder!" the ANBU whispered, his tone was so firm.

"Go down." Yuanshi waved his hand and asked the ANBU to leave the room.

Seeing the figure of the Anbu leaving, Master Yuan turned around without much hesitation, and placed the scroll in his hand above the candlelight.

This matter cannot be exposed, at least not yet.

In fact, the best way to keep a secret is to deal with everyone who knows about it.

But Yuanshi will not do this, let alone do it this way.

Whether it's his character or his true thoughts.

Perhaps this is his personality charm, otherwise he would not be able to sit firmly in that position in the Shadowless Era and no one can shake him!


"It seems that this village is finally going to do something."

Sitting in the safe house, Xia Yan felt the message coming from the shadow clone, and he couldn't help but whisper something.

Nearly a month has passed quietly since we started from Konoha and arrived at Kirigakure Village.

This month has really passed quickly for Xia Yan. After all, he was either on the road or practicing during this period, which can be regarded as a very fulfilling life.

And in this month, Konoha has never used the Flying Thunder God's curse seal to summon him.

So this means that there is no problem in Konoha, even if there are some minor problems, his shadow clone cannot be troubled.

Natsuhiko knew that his shadow clone was very powerful. After all, he had poured Senjutsu chakra and Kyuubi's chakra into his shadow clone.

As long as it's not a fatal blow, it won't be a problem for his shadow clone to deal with some opponents who are not particularly difficult.

That night, when Natsuhiko faced the fog ninja Natsuhiko, he had already demonstrated the power of his shadow clone to the fullest.

Moreover, he was still the Minister of ANBU in Konoha. With such a status aura blessing, he was ten thousand times safer than here.

"It seems that there is something good to watch."

Natsuhiko stood up and glanced at Terumi Meihou, who had already woken up a long time ago with cold eyes. He couldn't help but ask in a funny way.

"Aren't you curious about what your village plans to do?"

Terumi Mei didn't answer, she still stared at Xia Yan with her cold, emotionless eyes.

This is a kind of silent resistance, and it is the only thing she can do now.

Facing such a look, Xia Yan just smiled. After all, he had seen looks that were more terrifying to him.

ANBU performs missions all year round, such as certain assassination missions, and the people he defeats stare at him with even more ferocious eyes.

The murderous intention that seemed to materialize surrounded him, and none of this frightened him.

How would he react if a helpless person threatened him with his eyes?

"I've told you before, you're not an Uchiha, you can't kill with your eyes."

Xia Yan shook his head indifferently, and then he reached out and picked up a black windbreaker.

"Strictly speaking, you don't have to hate me so much. I gave you the opportunity, but you didn't grasp it yourself."

"Where's your promise?"

At this moment, Mei Terumi spoke, her voice hoarse like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

"It seems that the promise you made back then didn't count at all."

"Which point?"

Xia Yan asked funnyly while adjusting his clothes. He stopped after completely covering his head with the big hood.

"I promised not to kill you, and at the same time I could let you go. I did the first point, otherwise you wouldn't be alive today.

As for the second point, I have no intention of breaking the contract, at least until I finish what I need to do.

If nothing unexpected happens, you can leave. "

If there are no accidents, Terumi Mei should be free tomorrow.

After all, according to the information passed back by his shadow clone, the ninjas in Kirigakure Village are being mobilized very frequently now.

And as the leader of Konoha's ANBU, Natsuhiko clearly sensed that the ANBU's movements were beginning to become obvious.

Moreover, evacuation work has also begun and is being carried out secretly.

All of this means one thing, that is, Obito is probably going to take action.

I have to say that with the help of Black Zetsu, Obito is really quite perceptive.

What Natsuhiko did was a help to Obito, and they also used their tricks to completely eliminate the Kaguya clan.

Perhaps Obito really hated Kirigakure Village so much that, driven by his hatred, he even pretended not to notice Natsuhiko and devoted himself to dealing with the Kaguya clan.

Of course, Xia Yan also had to consider whether they had any other plans.

If there was only one single cell like Obito, he really didn't need to think too much.

However, Obito still had an old silver coin like Black Zetsu beside him, so he really couldn't do it without thinking more about it.

But things have come to this point, and no matter how much he thinks about it, the difference is not particularly big to him.

The attack plan and the retreat plan have been thought out, and Kimimaro has been sent out of Kirigakure Village by him.

In general, Xia Yan can now regard this place as his own experimental ground.

The lizard clan has a very special ability. Xia Yan knows about it but he has never used it.

That is similar to Jiraiya's 'Toad Hidden Jutsu', he can let himself enter the lizard's mouth, and then let the lizard take him out of here.

It was this technique that gave Xia Yan the confidence to leave without using the Flying Thunder God.

In fact, Natsuhiko had planned to use this technique the last time he was in Konoha.

But later, because he hadn't completely mastered it yet, and using lizard was his own signature, he really didn't dare to use it at will.

But the current situation is different. Just arrange the lizards in advance.

This way he can rest assured and leave here without any burden.


Terumi Mei also seemed to have discovered the meaning of Natsuhiko's tone, and her eyes finally changed at this moment.

"You mean, Kirigakure Village and Kaguya's clan..."

"Hmm, bonus points for quick reaction."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, then tied his ninja sword around his waist, and then spoke while maintaining his arrogance and smile.

"It seems that you are not useless. Your shadow wants to find someone to establish its authority, so the Kaguya clan is a good choice.

And my goal is to find something I want, which is not inherently a conflict.

Otherwise, no one has looked for me until now. Don’t you think this is strange? "

"you mean....."

Terumi Mei's eyes widened, and she asked almost gritting her teeth.

"Actually, they already knew about your existence? It's just..."

"It's not too late, but it's not too late either."

Natsuhiko shook his head calmly, then he walked to Terumi Mei and took out a kunai.

The kunai quickly cut away the rope on her body, and then Natsuhiko stood up and took the kunai back.

"After all, I still made some noise, there's no way they don't know about my existence.

I've always wondered why Kirigakure's search efforts were so small.

But when I noticed that their attention was still on the Kaguya clan, I guessed everything.

So I deliberately tested it, and sure enough it was exactly what I thought.

It seems that in your eyes, everything can be compromised before political interests, even if you cooperate with me secretly. "

Having said this, Xia Yan stopped decisively.

He is continuing to apply eye drops to Obito. Anyway, there will be no problem in using disgusting methods.

Sure enough, Terumi Mei's eyes seemed to be fluctuating violently now, and Xia Yan could completely guess how complicated her heart was.

But none of this has anything to do with Xia Yan. Put this woman back and let her and Master Yuan continue to fight Obito.

It's best to turn the entire Kirigakure upside down, this is definitely in Xia Yan's interests.

After all, Xia Yan's eyes have always been on Hokage. Everything he does now can be regarded as preparing for his future...


The moonlight shrouded the earth, making the entire foggy hidden village look even more hazy and charming.

But such haziness and charm do not make people feel the slightest sense of beauty, but only a chilling atmosphere.

In the dark night, hundreds of ninjas quickly gathered, and they secretly surrounded the Kaguya clan's station in an orderly manner.

Xia Yan stood silently on a big tree, his eyes swept over these lurking ninjas, and finally, with the cooperation of his perception, he found the Fourth Mizukage.

He really didn't expect that two guys, Obito and Black Zetsu, would actually send the Fourth Mizukage here. This is basically using Xia Yan as a knife!

"It seems that the Kyuubi's chakra was discovered by them, and I was exposed earlier than expected."

Xia Yan stood quietly on the treetop, but he was constantly thinking and analyzing what happened.

Normally, Obito would not let the Fourth Mizukage appear on the battlefield.

After all, the Mizukage was under control. Once something unexpected happened, the fact that Obito and the others controlled the Mizukage would be exposed.

But now Obito is doing this directly. If they hadn't discovered something, Xia Yan would never believe it.

The only explanation is that Natsuhiko's chakra may have been discovered by Black Zetsu when he was dealing with Terumi Mei and the others.

They may guess that Natsuhiko's target is the Fourth Mizukage, because this Fourth Mizukage is the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

So after Natsuhiko helped them advance the destruction of the Kaguya clan, they also took advantage of the situation and made arrangements for the identity of the 'Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki'.

Although it is risky to send the Fourth Mizukage to the battlefield, it can increase the oppression on the one hand and enhance the morale of the ninja at the same time.

After all, being watched by a shadow while fighting, such a boost in morale is unimaginable.

In addition, it is an opportunity for Xia Yan, an opportunity to test Xia Yan's identity and allow Xia Yan to launch an attack.

It's just that with such an attack, Natsuhiko is probably doing something to help the Kaguya clan, which further confirms Kirigakure's 'correctness' of determinedly destroying the Kaguya clan.

Now that Xia Yan has taken action, the next trouble he will encounter may be that he will be besieged by the assembled ninjas.

"You really kill four birds with one stone."

Xia Yan sighed slightly. He realized that although he had thought so much, Hei Jue was not a vegetarian.

However, it is interesting to come and go.

Just like when he was fighting with Hiruzen Sarutobi in Konoha, before that he had always relied on the Third Hokage, who was obviously his enemy, to shield him from the wind and rain.

But now he can take charge of his own business, and he has completely grasped the weaknesses of Sarutobi Hiruzen, which allows him to occupy an unusually proactive position.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan was too lazy to think about these messy things. His perception began to quickly lock on the fourth Mizukage.

If you want to take action, do it, even if you have to face more ninjas than planned, it can be regarded as helping Obito once again.

But Natsuhiko doesn't mind making his 'vest' reputation even bigger, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to let Terumi Mei go back.

While Xia Yan continued to explore his senses, there was also movement from the Kaguya clan.

Countless ninjas from the Kaguya clan quickly gathered and rushed out. Even if they were surrounded by groups, they still maintained a high fighting spirit.

Even when they faced so many enemies, they became more excited and full of fighting spirit.

This is the first time Xia Yan has seen such a scene, and I have to say that this Kaguya clan is really interesting.

No wonder they have gained such a great reputation. Just this lack of fear of life and death and their desire to face battle is something that ordinary people cannot match.

You must know that the current Kaguya clan has basically no blood inheritance limit.


At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because in his perception, he has already noticed the chaotic chakra source of the Fourth Mizukage.

Among the sources of such chaos, Xia Yan clearly found an extremely fine thread.

This silk thread continues to extend backwards connecting the four generations of water shadows, and the farther back the line becomes, the clearer it becomes.

While Natsuhiko was still following this thread to find the root cause, the battle between Kirigakure's ninjas and the Kaguya clan officially began.

The roar that filled the sky and the constantly surging chakra erupted in this area in just an instant.

The barrier began to rise, and death and blood began to spread within this transparent barrier.

Xia Yan, who had been hiding in the dark, suddenly showed a smile, because in his perception, he had successfully found two mouse-like guys!

Their chakras are all so weird, and their chakras have powers similar to Natsuhiko's!

"I finally found you."

Xia Yan knew that he had found someone. These two guys who were neither human nor ghosts were definitely Obito and Black Zetsu!

With the location of these two guys and having memorized their chakra information, Xia Yan now decided to take action.

Even if he knew that this time he would be used as a gunman, but so what?

They can plot against themselves, but Xia Yan can't compromise a little.

What's more, this revenge is exacted in this world, and his target has the three-tailed chakra, and even the white half of Obito or Black Zetsu!

Thinking of this, light golden chakra suddenly appeared on Xia Yan's body.

This light golden power was extremely restrained, and it did not immediately become the focus of everyone even in the dark night.

His eyes crossed the barrier and stared at the Yondaime Mizukage in the distance, and then he raised his hand slightly.

A vast and destructive force instantly condensed on his palm.

"Ninja Technique: Tailed Beast Jade!"


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