
In the edge area of ​​Kirigakure Village that was blocked by the barrier, the shouts of killing were deafening.

Ninjutsu poured towards the Kaguya clan crazily, while the strong men of the Kaguya clan flexibly dodged these ninjutsu while rushing towards the Kirigakure army crazily.

Perhaps they knew that the two sides were going to fight, so the Kaguya clan really made a lot of preparations.

For example, they dug a lot of basements and allowed the women in the clan who had no fighting ability to hide in them, as well as the children who had not yet grown up.

This move was very effective in defending against the ninjutsu raids in Kirigakure Village, which allowed the lunatics of the Kaguya clan to fight without any worries.

Blood is flying all over the sky, and the members of the Kaguya clan have almost lost the power of their corpse veins.

But the terrifying power brought by their strong bodies and their dazzling speed also caused great trouble for the Kirigakure ninjas.

In particular, these ninjas from the Kaguya clan have basically been on the battlefield. They are really experienced in facing such a large-scale encirclement.

They rushed directly into the crowd like loaches, forcing these Kirigakure ninjas to engage in hand-to-hand combat with them.

If you use ninjutsu in a crowd, you will hurt yourself!

Perhaps for ANBU, they don't care about so many things, and completing the mission is the key.

But ordinary ninjas who have not yet fully completed the 'Blood Mist Policy' do not have such a ruthless attitude.

For a moment, the large army of Kirigakure Village was in a stalemate with these Kaguya ninjas.

"You're doing quite well, aren't you?"

Obito controlled Goji Yagura and looked at everything at the scene, and he couldn't help but sigh softly.

This scene really made him feel like he was back on the battlefield, but he was too weak and powerless at that time.

If he had the power he has now at that time, he wouldn't have watched Lin die in front of him.

"Indeed, they performed quite well." Hei Jue said with a sinister smile from the side: "But the better they perform, the greater the casualties Kirigakure will suffer. I think you will be more satisfied."

"I'm indeed satisfied, but I'm a little confused." Obito nodded, but soon he frowned again: "Do you think the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki will come again?"

"I don't know, but I think it will be." Hei Jue said relatively confidently: "Actually, you don't need to worry so much. I have left a clone. I will know what happens over there."

Obito nodded, this time he took the risk and sent out the Fourth Mizukage as bait.

In addition to bait, of course, there are many purposes. According to Hei Jue, it is to cause a chain reaction that is beneficial to them.

But Obito doesn't care about these things, he is more concerned about more practical things.

For example, how much damage can be caused this time, and whether the damn Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki can be deceived.

After all, it has only been about two years since Obito's transformation to the present.

It was obviously impossible for a guy who was fourteen or fifteen years old, and who had been the weakest person in Konoha school before, to undergo the most complete transformation in two years.

After all, some things need time to accumulate before they can become mature, rational and wise step by step.

Obito is obviously not qualified yet, even if he has started to study seriously, but it really takes time to hone.

Fortunately, he still has Hei Jue's help. Even if he doesn't trust Hei Jue at all, this does not prevent him from using Hei Jue.

After all, he doesn't even trust Uchiha Madara!

"Huh?" At this moment, Hei Jue suddenly made a surprised voice: "That guy took action!"

"Really?" Obito immediately restrained his thoughts after hearing this. He closed his eyes slightly and immediately began to control Goji Yagura.

At this moment, Obito felt an extremely oppressive chakra rushing towards them through Goju Yagura.

Not only that, the three tails in Goju Yagura's body seemed to have some faint traces of rebellion at this moment.

It was as if it had discovered something terrible, but at the same time it was afraid and wanted to get closer. Even Obito could feel such contradictory emotions.

Such changes also made Obito more and more certain of one thing. The power in that guy's body was basically the Nine-Tails, otherwise the Three-Tails wouldn't be like this!

Thinking of this, Obito's body began to become blurry, and he shuttled towards the place where he stood.

But at this moment, a vast and despairing chakra suddenly appeared.

After all, Obito was the one who had faced the Kyuubi directly. At this moment, he clearly felt what this power was!

"Is this...tailed beast jade?"

The moment Obito felt this power, he couldn't help but cursed secretly.

This guy is actually so ruthless that he directly uses Tailed Beast Jade to bomb in the face of such a barrier?

But he soon realized that something was not right, because this tailed beast was not as violent as it seemed when he controlled the nine tails.

It seemed very restrained at this moment, but its power was not small at all.

This situation instantly made Obito realize something. It seemed that the guy who controlled the Kyuubi had reached an extreme level of control over his power!

Not only Obito noticed it, but even the fighting ninjas noticed something strange at this moment.

The terrifying power had just condensed, and all the ninjas immediately stopped, and they all looked outside the barrier involuntarily.

In the distance, I saw a figure glowing with golden light, raising his right hand.

And in his hand, a black sphere of suffocating chakra condensed inexplicably.

Immediately afterwards, the sphere hit the sealing barrier under the control of the figure. At this moment, the breath of death filled the entire battlefield!


In an instant, this barrier instantly shattered into pieces like glass!

An invisible force violently shook the surroundings of the battlefield, and the ninjas who were close for a moment were knocked away without any reaction.

They fell heavily to the ground, blood continuously spilled from their noses, ears and even eyes, and they never got up again.

Although the ninjas a little further away were also knocked away, they didn't have any big problems.

But their eyes at this time were already full of fear and uneasiness.

They couldn't understand what kind of power this was, and they didn't know who the guy in front of them was.

The golden figure slowly walked in, and only the ninjas saw clearly that he had a strange fox mask on his face.

His eyes scanned everything around him, and finally his eyes locked on the Fourth Mizukage. The powerful chakra became even more suffocating at this time.

"Three-tailed Jinchuuriki, I've been looking for you for a long time..."


What Xia Yan said immediately silenced all the ninjas present.

At this time, Xia Yan's posture was so high, and the strength he displayed was so intimidating.

More importantly, what he said was so frightening.

The three-tailed jinchuriki, this guy's goal is the three-tailed jinchuriki!

There was no ninja present who didn't know who the so-called Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki was.

That was his Mizukage, their fourth generation Mizukage-sama.

Looking for trouble with the Fourth Mizukage? Or say such words in front of everyone, in front of these Kirigakure ninjas?

This is no longer as simple as not giving face, this is simply ignoring their entire Kirigakure Village and their entire Kirigakure ninja system!

Even for many, many Mist Ninjas, they still have a lot of dissatisfaction with the current Fourth Mizukage.

But no matter what, the Fourth Mizukage is also the shadow of their Kirigakure Village, and is their supreme leader in name and in reality.

Xia Yan's words and actions are, in some sense, a war against the entire system of Kirigakure Village.

The eyes of these ninjas looking at Xia Yan began to change slightly, from the initial shock to silence, to the final coldness and anger.

This transformation only took a few seconds, and within these few seconds, they had completely determined what they were going to do.

Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh slightly when he looked at them. In fact, everything was doomed from the moment he stood up.

To be honest, if such a thing happened in Konoha, Natsuhiko, as a Konoha ninja, would be unhappy with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But in order to protect Konoha's own interests, and as a Konoha ninja's code, he may have to take action to protect the name of the shadow.

If he was there and chose not to move, then that would be bad for him, or for all the Konoha shinobi who made the same choice.

These are unforgivable and impossible to forgive.

"But I have already been mentally prepared. After all, this is also a good thing for Konoha."

Xia Yanxin thought, maintaining the arrogant and indifferent attitude he had always maintained when using this vest, and slowly walked towards the crowd.

His eyes did not look at these crowds at all, but kept staring at Goju Yagura in the distance, and walked over leisurely.

The Kirigakure ninjas responded quickly and consciously separated from the Kaguya clan.

And a small number of people maintained their advancement as ninjas of the Kaguya clan, while others completely focused on Natsuhiko.

"What's wrong? As a three-tailed Jinchuuriki, don't you even have the courage to fight?"

Xia Yan chuckled, and the light golden chakra on his body became stronger and stronger.

He raised his head slightly proudly and looked at everyone with a condescending attitude.

"I have to say I'm a little disappointed, are you going to let these bastards deal with me?

It seems that those of you who have mastered the tailed beasts are not worthy of these tailed beasts in terms of caliber. but....."

Speaking of this, Xia Yan's momentum seemed to have reached its highest point at this moment!

All the Kirigakure ninjas present had different expressions. They subconsciously clenched their kunai, and some even broke out in cold sweat.

They didn't know why there was a panic in their hearts. It was obvious that they were facing only one person now.

But when this person stood there, he seemed to be a Shura, quietly waiting to harvest human lives.

They are now under unimaginable pressure and momentum. Hundreds of ninjas stand together but they do not feel any sense of security!

However, in this flash of lightning, Xia Yan suddenly turned into a phantom.

The golden light rushed towards the crowd with an obvious flowing trajectory!

"Just in time to warm me up."

An indifferent voice sounded in the crowd. Xia Yan didn't give these guys a chance to prepare further. He had already launched an attack!

Just for a moment, the roar suddenly sounded, and the screams of the mist ninjas suddenly rose up with each other.

Most of the time, ninjas will fight like normal people, and they can win by relying on numerical superiority.

But sometimes, there are many extreme exceptions.

Whether it was Uchiha Madara or Senju Hashirama back then, or Senju Tobirama, the third generation Raikage, or even the fourth generation Raikage, they were all special cases.

The reason why jinchūriki are strategic-level beings is because as long as they can control the tailed beasts, they can definitely ignore the numbers.

At this time, Xia Yan was like a tiger crashing into a flock of sheep. Golden chakra surrounded his body. The first moment he took action, countless ninjas were thrown high into the air!

The movements in his hands were so light that all the ninjas who came into contact with him flew backwards.

His movements are clean and concise, natural and smooth, and almost every attack hits the vital point!

With one punch, a Mist Ninja flew backwards. With the blessing of Nine-Tails Chakra, he even crushed a dozen companions behind him.

Taking a slight step forward, Xia Yan punched the guy in the chest without waiting for the guy in front of him to slash with his sword.

Then Xia Yan turned sideways, dodged the sneak attack behind him smoothly, and then grabbed the wrist of the sneak attack.

With a slight twist of the wrist, the sneak attacker's wrist had already shown a strange twist.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, pulled the twisted arm and skillfully blocked the blow from the side.


With the soft sound of metal colliding, the two Mist Ninjas suddenly felt a pain in their chests, and flew out without seeing clearly what was going on.

The ninja behind them suffered even more, being knocked upside down by the two men.

But their end was always better than these two, because their sternums had completely collapsed, and blood was pouring out of their mouths.

"How is this going?"

Kaguya Shigeaki was also on the battlefield at this time. Although he and the members of the Kaguya clan were surrounded and isolated, he could clearly see the golden figure.

Watching that golden figure move sideways among hundreds of Mist Ninjas, it was unscathed and at the same time caused so many casualties to the Mist Ninjas.

This kind of strength is really unimaginable, and this kind of power also makes his blood boil.

But the fact that Kaguya Shigeaki can become the clan leader shows that he still has some brains.

He did not cooperate with the golden figure to attack when Kirigakure was frustrated, because he knew very well that once he moved, he would not be able to stay in Kirigakure Village.

He is currently fighting Kirigakure Village because he is dissatisfied with the Fourth Mizukage and wants to replace him before launching a coup.

But if you cooperate with that guy to attack the Kirigakure ninja, you will completely break with Kirigakure Village.

Just because he admires strength doesn't mean he's completely brainless, even if he prefers to use his fists to solve problems.

"Is that guy talking about tailed beasts just now?"

Kaguya Shigeaki was thinking secretly in his heart. He heard Xia Yan's words clearly.

Although he didn't know what this meant, he knew that when everything was over, maybe he could still get some bargains!


Wandering among hundreds of ninjas, Xia Yan showed an attitude of ease.

No one's attack could hit him because he was too fast.

Even though some weird attacks could hit him, the layer of golden chakra on his body could block these attacks.

It can be said that Xia Yan was really invulnerable at this time, but after just a few minutes, countless people had already fallen by his hands.

In addition, he moves too fast and cannot be locked by long-range ninjutsu.

Even if he could, the fog ninja wouldn't dare to unleash his ninjutsu on the crowd!

Kicking the ninja in front of him away, Xia Yan grabbed his right hand and intercepted a kunai quietly.

Then he unceremoniously stabbed a fog ninja next to him in the stomach, and then he turned around and kicked away a ninja next to him.

In the end, he easily dodged left and right, avoiding the attack of the fog ninja who was obviously in a panic, and then he grabbed the guy in front of him by the neck.

As his hands continued to exert force, the mist ninja in front of him immediately felt that he could not breathe, but Xia Yan had no intention of letting go.

"Too small."

Xia Yan shook his head indifferently. Perhaps the strength he showed was really terrifying. Not many Mist Ninja dared to come near him for a while.

Natsu Yan's eyes were once again fixed on the Fourth Mizukage, and the power in his hands began to deepen.

"You still don't dare to take action until now?"

Natsu Yan's calm and indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and he slightly raised his head to look at the position of the Fourth Mizukage.

Since Obito and the others are disgusting with themselves, they will naturally be disgusted with them too.

Xia Yan has always been a cautious person, and this has never changed.

"Looking at your subordinates working hard for you, but you don't even intend to take on the role of a shadow?

I have to say that you, this guy, let me know what a ‘shadow’ is.


Saying this, Xia Yan exerted force on his hands.

Along with the sound of bones cracking, the neck of the mist ninja caught by Xia Yan was broken by him in an instant!

All the Mist Ninjas' faces turned ugly now. On the one hand, they were extremely angry at what Xia Yan said.

But on the one hand, they were indeed affected a lot, and they couldn't help but look towards Gouju Yagura.

Dissatisfaction continued to surge at this moment, and they now needed an answer.

"Haven't made a decision yet?"

Xia Yan threw away the body in his hands, sighed slightly and shook his head.

"In that case, let's be a little more serious. After all, it's enough to warm up to this point."

With his soft whisper that everyone could hear, Natsuhiko suddenly jumped up and jumped out of the range of Kirigakure's large army.

He quickly formed seals with his hands, and majestic chakra surged within him instantly.

A golden Nine-Tails head appeared on his arm, and suffocating chakra began to gather here crazily.

"With this kind of chakra, is this guy... really a human?"

"That fox's head is the same as his mask. Is this...Kyuubi?"

"Is Konoha causing trouble for us? Damn it, what on earth is the Fourth Mizukage-sama thinking?"

"Are we finished...?"

Feeling the suffocating power and looking at the gathering black spheres, countless desperate emotions gathered at this moment.

Even though they were ninjas who had experienced countless lives and deaths, it was their first time to face death without any resistance.

What hurts them the most is that their water shadow remains indifferent from beginning to end!

"This damn bastard!"

Black Zetsu had quietly appeared beside Obito, his expression extremely ugly.

He knew that their situation was really troublesome now!

Originally, they arranged for Xia Yan to figure out Xia Yan's identity and purpose, and let this guy help them solve some troubles.

But that guy actually saw through their purpose easily, and now this guy was about to counterattack them.

Either take action and face this guy who seems to be extremely troublesome, so that these troubles can be solved smoothly.

Either expect this guy to kill everyone present, or if one of them returns alive and reveals that Mizukage didn't do anything today, Obito's rule will inevitably be shaken.

Once shaken, they can only choose to leave.

In fact, giving up Kirigakure Village was not unacceptable to Hei Jue. What was difficult for him to accept was that he was actually being fooled around by others.

Obito seemed to have a 'killer instinct' at this moment, and he also saw what the purpose of the guy who was exuding Nine-Tails Chakra was.

For him, Kirigakure Village must not be given up, at least for now, he will not give up Kirigakure Village.

Because he has not yet completed his revenge, because he has not completely destroyed Kirigakure Village.

It would be absolutely impossible for him to evacuate now, and he would not accept it under any circumstances.

But that damn guy had left him no choice.

Originally he thought he could control everything, but he found that he had no control over anything at all.

Even the arrangements he made are just things that can be used in the eyes of others!

"It seems that there is no other way."

Obito sighed deeply, and in his exposed Sharingan, the three black magatama began to rotate.

In just a moment, these three magatama were connected together, forming a unique kaleidoscope pattern.

"Indeed, there is nothing we can do now."

Hei Jue sighed helplessly, and then he said seriously.

"I'll give you a suggestion. After a little fighting, just use Tailed Beast Transformation."

"I know."

Obito nodded, he knew exactly what Black Zetsu meant.

There is always a reason for not taking action for such a long time, and this reason is to prepare for the tailed beast transformation.

For him, actually letting Gotachibana Yagura transform into a tailed beast doesn't need to be that troublesome at all.

But there's nothing wrong with performing a little, at least it can save yourself some trouble.

Thinking of this, Obito's chakra also exploded slightly.

At this moment, the chakra in Goju Yagura's body also changed. He jumped out of the crowd and quickly came towards Xia Yan.

Xia Yan was already concentrating. He was always paying attention to all the changes in the field, especially the situation of the guy Goju Yagura.

When Goju Yagura suddenly burst out with powerful chakra, Natsuhiko knew that this guy Obito couldn't stand it anymore.

This made him sigh a little. He had really planned to throw a tailed beast jade directly at these mist ninjas.

He has never truly witnessed how harmful the tailed beast jade can be to ordinary ninjas.

Of course, even if he really throws them out, he won't drive everyone away.

He also expected these people to run out and disgust Obito again.

But Obito took action, and there was nothing he could do to continue.

But that's fine. Natsuhiko's mission was to obtain the Three-Tails' chakra. Obito took action, but it was more convenient for him.

With almost no nonsense and no hesitation, Goju Yagura came to Xia Yan with a teleportation technique.

The weapon in his hand moved slightly and quickly, drawing an arc in front of the black tailed beast jade.

"Water Release·Water Mirror Technique!"

This arc-shaped circle immediately turned into a water mirror when activated by his chakra.

When Xia Yan saw this, the black chakra in his hand immediately disappeared under his control.

He knew the Water Mirror Technique. This technique was even more perverted than Uchiha's fan.

Although I'm not sure whether this Water Mirror Technique can rebound his Tailed Beast Jade, it's still right to be careful.

At this time, Goju Yagura was as cold as a machine, with no emotion in his eyes.

In this state, this guy may be able to ignore the pain, but he also cannot exert any key power.

After all, he is controlled by others, and his skills and adaptability to his own power are completely out of the question.

The only thing that can be done and done well is probably to exert some strength to the greatest extent.

"For example, the power of tailed beasts!"

Natsuhiko dodged Goju Yagura's attack, and then he stepped forward without any hesitation, and a kunai appeared silently in his hand.


This kunai stabbed directly into Goju Yagura's abdomen without any deviation, but Goju Yagura still stared at Xia Yan expressionlessly.


Suddenly, all the chakra in his body seemed to be ignited, and three dark red tails appeared behind him.

And as the dark red chakra appeared, his body began to be covered with this chakra.

"This is tailed beast transformation, so that's what it is!"

"No wonder the Fourth Mizukage-sama hasn't taken action. He is preparing for the tailed beast transformation!"

"It seems that the Fourth Mizukage-sama wants to go all out, so he has been preparing for so long."

"In this case, we must also behave well and help the Fourth Mizukage kill this damn guy!"

"Come on everyone, let's go together!"

After all, the shadow is a symbol of a village, and its role is almost irreplaceable.

Goji Yagura had not participated in the battle before, and when he watched these mist ninjas being killed, the morale of these mist ninjas had already hit rock bottom.

And when Gouju Yagura began to join the battle, their morale was significantly restored at this moment.

They even couldn't help but start to find excuses for Gouju Yagura, and decided to attack Xia Yan again and cooperate with their shadow to kill Xia Yan.

But it's obvious that they did think a little more.

One thing Xia Yan had to admit was that the siege of these guys did bring him some trouble.

But this kind of trouble is not that big. After all, he has been stuck with Goju Yagura. These guys are still worried about accidentally hurting the fourth generation Mizukage.

"You're pretty smart, aren't you?" Xia Yan held Goji Yagura's arm, and then he said in a calm voice: "Let me use my hand to kill these people first. Are you thinking too much?"

Goju Yagura didn't respond at all. Under Obito's control, he pushed hard outwards, and then he hit Xia Yan in Chapter 1.

This palm contained strange power, which made Xia Yan couldn't help but step back.

But during his retreat, several Kirigakure had already rushed behind him.

When Xia Yan saw this, the chakra in his body moved slightly, and the pale golden chakra rolled directly towards a Mist Ninja behind him.

The next moment, Xia Yan directly activated the Substitute Technique, and Goju Yagura's palm had already hit him in front of him.


The mist ninja suddenly let out a scream, and a mouthful of blood was spit out by him.

Moreover, the part of his body that was hit by the palm began to grow coral crazily at this moment.

His body began to stiffen, and it was obvious that he was close to death.

Coral palm, this is considered a relatively signature technique of the Fourth Mizukage, or a technique of the Three-Tails.

Natsuhiko has already made up his mind that Obito intends to fully maximize the use of the three tails' power.

And Xia Yan also noticed that the power of the three tails was further bursting out.

"Are you going to completely transform into a tailed beast?"

Xia Yan mentally nodded silently, and then he took action directly against several Mist Ninjas who were approaching him without hesitation.

But at this moment, Xia Yan suddenly felt a familiar power begin to burst out.

He immediately turned his head and saw Goju Yagura, who was exuding dark red chakra, suddenly raised his head slightly.

A black chakra was rapidly condensing in the area of ​​his mouth. This scene was beyond Natsu Yan's practice. This guy wanted to use Tailed Beast Jade!

"It's really interesting."

Natsuhiko raised his eyebrows slightly, and the kunai in his hand quickly crossed the last fog ninja beside him.

Then black chakra also appeared on his right hand, and this black chakra rotated and condensed rapidly.

This kind of power is exactly the same as Goju Yagura!

When all these preparations were completed, the final gathering on Goju Yagura's side had also been completed.

Xia Yan tilted his head slightly, and the next moment he flashed his teleportation technique quickly, and like a golden phantom, he came to the side of Goju Yagura.

Full of destructive power, spreading wantonly at this moment...


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