When the two tailed beasts collided at such a close distance, a white light suddenly appeared in the dark night.

This white ray of light radiated all around, instantly dispelling the surrounding darkness, turning the deep night into bright day!


The sudden appearance of white light and the suffocating power that continued to emit made all the mist ninjas present seem a little sluggish at this moment.

As a Mist ninja who can stand here, the lowest positions here are all powerful chuunin. None of them are mediocre people who don't know what to do.

In addition, they had a fierce fight with Xia Yan before, and they all knew very well how terrifying this man with golden chakra blooming all over his body was.

In fact, when the Fourth Mizukage attacked, they didn't have much confidence in their hearts.

Otherwise, they would not have chosen to stay and assist the Fourth Mizukage in dealing with Xia Yan.

They really didn't know that they might become a hindrance, but they really didn't have much choice.

In fact, before they saw Xia Yan break away from the crowd and summon a fox head to condense the black power, they began to have speculations in their hearts.

But this guess is not reliable. Even if they are indeed mortal enemies of Konoha, it is impossible for Konoha to do this?

But now they no longer have the slightest doubt. When the Fourth Mizukage frantically gathered the tailed beast jade, they were completely sure that they were facing the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki!

"But, why is the state of this Jinchuuriki completely different from the state of the Fourth Mizukage?"

This question echoed in the minds of all the fog ninjas, but they really couldn't think about these things now.

There is only one thought in their minds right now, and that is to run away!

If you continue to stay here, you will definitely be blown to death by the conflict between these two forces.

Under the impact of such a force, they had no chance of surviving.

This is no longer a force that they can touch, this is completely not a force that they can resist!


Along with the huge roar, the ground began to tremble crazily.

The white light reached its extreme at this moment, and the continuously released shock waves crazily devoured the slow-running fog ninjas.

These mist ninjas were clever enough to use ninjutsu quickly to resist such an impact.

But there are still many people who don't even know what happened and just turned into fans.

Many people's bodies did not even change after being hit by the shock wave, but they fell to the ground and were unable to get up.

Because their internal organs had been completely shattered by the impact, they had no hope of survival.

Such horrific scenes are happening all the time in this battlefield.

And such impact and vibration not only spread in this small area, but can be clearly felt in the entire Kirigakure Village.

Countless residents of Kirigakure Village stopped what they were doing at this moment.

I don't know how many ninjas stopped their original mission, and then looked into the distance.

They had no idea what was going on, because nothing would be unexpected in this turbulent village.

However, compared to the ordinary residents who quickly closed all the doors and windows, the Kirigakure ninjas quickly rushed towards the place where the incident occurred.

The day-like light slowly dissipated, and everything around it had been completely destroyed!

All the houses of the Kaguya clan collapsed, and the surrounding trees had no green leaves, leaving only bare trunks and burning flames.

Even the water in the small lake not far away has been completely evaporated!

This scene, which was like an annihilation of the world, constantly impacted the hearts of the mist ninjas who had just arrived, and even more shocked the hearts of those who survived.

What they saw in front of them really exceeded their imagination, and it really made them almost use their courage.

"Is this a human or a ghost?"

"Is this the power of a tailed beast, the power of a jinchūriki?"

"Is this really something a ninja can do..."

"Asshole, why is there such a monster!"

After experiencing the Tailed Beast Jade attack at such a close range, the countless surviving Mist Ninjas were already in a state of mental collapse.

Strictly speaking, Konoha was also frightened by the tailed beast when facing Kyuubi.

It's just that Konoha has Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato.

One of them directly blocked the Tailed Beast Jade with Wood Release, and the other directly sent the Tailed Beast Jade away through teleportation.

This did not cause much damage to the ninjas of Konoha, and naturally there was no inner collapse.

However, in the current battle between Natsuhiko and Goju Yagura, even the Tailed Beast Jade they used was not very powerful.

But the tailed beast jade is a tailed beast jade after all, and the devastation caused by such a close distance is unimaginable.

It can be said that this collision took place directly in front of these fog ninjas, and the damage caused was unimaginable!

When the smoke dissipated quietly, Xia Yan was already standing quietly, with terrifying light golden chakra still overflowing from his body.

Only this time, the chakra in his body became stronger.

His whole body was wrapped in a huge fox head, and under the protection of this fox head, his whole body was unharmed!

In contrast, Gouju Yagura's current state is a bit hard to describe.

In such an impact, he was severely thrown dozens of meters away.

His whole body was still wrapped in dark red chakra, but his aura seemed particularly weak at this moment.

Even in this state, it was impossible to tell whether he was really injured or not.

But according to his weak mood, he told everyone unabashedly that his condition at this time was very bad.

In this round of competition with Xia Yan, he was completely at a disadvantage!

His tragic situation was also one of the reasons why all the mist ninjas present were heartbroken.

"Is that the only extent?"

Xia Yan slowly withdrew the power of the nine tails in his body, and then he said a little arrogantly.

"It's really no surprise that you are so insignificant.

It seems that you are indeed not suitable for the power of tailed beasts, then..."

Having said this, Xia Yan began to walk forward slowly.

His speed is very slow, but every step forward seems to bring endless pressure.

More and more Mist Ninjas are gathering here, but none of these Mist Ninjas dare to take action easily.

They could only watch Xia Yan, watching this monster with golden chakra emanating from his body walking towards their shadow.


However, at this moment, a kunai with a sound of breaking through the air was inserted directly in front of Xia Yan.

Xia Yan stopped slightly unexpectedly. He didn't expect that someone would have the courage to throw a kunai at him.

He raised his head slightly and saw a bald old man walking out of the crowd.

He held the scepter in his hand tightly and stared at Xia Yan with cold eyes...


"Damn guy!"

In the scorched earth not far from the battlefield, Obito's angry curses continued to sound.

There were too many changes in this battle, and because he remotely controlled Gouju Yagura to fight, he was unable to fully demonstrate his strength.

Regardless of his own strength or the strength of Goju Yagura, he did not hesitate to choose to use the tailed beast transformation to fight.

He decided to follow Hei Zetsu's idea and make contact slowly, and finally let the three tails come out after the complete tailed beast transformation.

But Natsuhiko's control and mastery of the power of the tailed beasts really exceeded his imagination.

He originally thought that Natsuhiko's state was at best similar to that of a tailed beast's chakra covering, and the power he displayed was only that much.

But seeing how easily Xia Yan was controlling the Tailed Beast Jade, even if he wanted to use it, he had to put in a lot of effort.

He knew that this matter had completely exceeded his imagination!

It looked like the tailed beast jade was about the same size as the Rasengan, but the power it displayed was no better than his own, or even stronger than what he had used.

This really subverted Obito's thoughts. He even doubted that the so-called Jinchuuriki fighting mode should actually be about the guy in front of him.

Rather than what he had known before, releasing the tailed beast to control and resolve the battle!

But no matter what, he was really stunned by Natsuhiko's tailed beast attack, which was like a suicide attack.

His original idea was to quickly transform into three tails after blasting the tailed beast jade, so as to use the tailed beast to deal with Xia Yan.

But now, Gotachibana Yagura, who had been severely injured, began to have problems, and his consciousness began to fiercely resist Obito's control.

In addition, even the three-tailed beast started a crazy counterattack. This damn tailed beast obviously did not want to be controlled.

This forced Obito to use more pupil power and spend more energy to solve this series of troubles.

If it weren't for the fact that his body had been transformed and he had the power of Senju Hashirama in his body, he might have collapsed by now!

The person who caused all this didn't seem to care about the results of his victory at all. He kept approaching, which had completely plunged Obito into a desperate situation.

But fortunately, the guy named Yuanshi who made him irritated and disgusted the most arrived.

The appearance of this guy can be regarded as giving Obito some breathing room, so that Obito will not be unable to resist the triple pressure and ultimately fail.

"It seems that that guy is more dangerous than we thought."

Hei Jue naturally knew what all this was about, and he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Also, I never thought that someone would be able to use the tailed beast to this extent after so many years."

"What's the meaning?"

Obito gritted his teeth and asked with difficulty. He really hated that guy now.

"Have you met this guy before?"

"Many years ago, someone did this."

Hei Jue immediately realized what he had said, but he quickly rounded off his words.

"These are Madara's memories. I will talk to you slowly after everything is over. Now you should focus on dealing with the guy in front of you."

Obito couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words, and then the kaleidoscope in his eyes rotated even more.

Seeing this, Hei Jue couldn't help but feel slightly relieved.

After meeting that mysterious guy, he really felt more and more that maybe there really were people like his mother in this world.

No matter how bad it is, the strength of these guys is almost reaching the limit of a ninja.

Because the last time Black Zetsu saw something similar, he could completely use the power of the tailed beast to this extent.

There are only former Asura and this guy's direct descendants.

However, Black Zetsu felt that the guy in front of him was not a Senju, let alone a descendant of Asura.

Because he didn't notice any power mixed with Yang Escape from this guy at all...


"Who are you, and what is your purpose in coming to Kirigakure Village?"

Yuanshi spoke with a cold and indifferent voice, and his appearance seemed to immediately make all the Mist ninjas find their backbone.

They all know who Yuanshi is. This is the great elder who has the same power as Ying!

At this moment, whether it was the fog ninjas who had just ran over, or those who were lucky enough to survive.

They unconsciously moved closer to the Yuanshi, especially those Mist Ninjas who had just come over. They were even more poised and ready to attack at any time.


Xia Yan glanced at Goju Yagura, whose chakra was gathering crazily, and after mentally assessing this guy's next move, he turned his attention to the Yuanshi.

"I'm just a nobody. I didn't expect Kirigakure Village to be so aggressive in dealing with me."

"If you are just a nobody, then what do we mean?"

Master Yuan shook his head slightly, and finally said with cold eyes.

"The power you use seems to be Konoha's Nine Tails, so can I understand that you are a Konoha ninja?

And the opponent you attacked is our shadow. Do you want to provoke the Fourth Ninja War? "

Genshi is really not talking nonsense. Once the Kirigakure Village declares war on Konoha, Konoha's defense force will inevitably be closer to the east.

In this case, there will be a large enough gap in other places, which will also give other countries that hate Konoha and attempt to invade the territory of the Fire Country have unreasonable ideas.

Hatred and desire combine with each other, and what will happen next is the Fourth Ninja War!

However, Xia Yan didn't care. He knew that Master Yuan was just a test, and he never hesitated to use his vest to tell the truth.

"Is that so? Then I will be a Konoha ninja."

Xia Yan suddenly chuckled, and then he nodded seriously.

"Then please declare war on Konoha, Your Majesty. We are all waiting."

"It seems that your purpose is not as simple as imagined."

Master Yuan sighed slightly. He was just testing it just now. In fact, he already had a clearer answer in his heart.

Using Kyuubi's chakra, he does seem to be a ninja of Konoha, but can he still know what's going on in Konoha now?

Even if they blocked the Kingdom of Water, the information could not be transmitted effectively at all.

But he also knew very well that Konoha now definitely longs for peace to recover from the trauma caused by the three wars.

In other words, Konoha may have lost the power of its tailed beasts, or this guy got some of the power of the tailed beasts from somewhere.

And he has only one purpose, and that is the three tails, and that is their shadow!

"Whatever your purpose is..."

Master Yuan had already analyzed a lot of things in his heart, but his expression remained calm and cold. He raised the scepter in his hand high and suddenly asked loudly.

"Ninjas of Kirigakure Village, do you still remember the oath you made when you became ninjas?"

"Remember!" Almost all the fog ninjas shouted in unison at this moment.

The first oath any member of a ninja village takes after becoming a ninja is to do their best to protect their village!

"Do you still remember, as a Mist Ninja, what attitude should we maintain when facing the enemy?" Master Yuan continued to ask loudly!

"Remember!" All the Mist Ninjas answered in unison again, and this time their voices were louder!

"Remember, our pride?"


"Remember how we treat our enemies?"

"Remember! Remember! Remember!"

After just a few questions, even if the Yuanshi didn't use a very passionate tone, the momentum of all the Mist Ninjas present had changed.

That bloodthirsty, angry emotion, and that attitude of disregarding death have been completely aroused.

Xia Yan watched all this silently, and he couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

This was the reason why he had been careful before. Once he attracted the attention of the entire village, the consequences would be obvious.

Unless you reach the level of Uchiha Madara or Senju Hashirama, acting rashly is just making yourself uncomfortable.

"Ah! Kill him!"

I don't know who suddenly shouted loudly, and then the ninja troops who came to the scene broke out. Everyone roared and rushed towards Xia Yan crazily.

The most important thing is that this time they have put aside their scruples.

Perhaps it was because they believed that the Fourth Mizukage in this state could withstand the impact of ninjutsu.

Therefore, their ninjutsu also poured out at Xia Yan at this moment, and the aura of chakra filled the surroundings crazily for a while.

Xia Yan couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene. The current situation was really not friendly to him.

He found that his taunting ability seemed to have always been very strong, and he could attract so many troops to chase him when he was in Sunagakure Village.

If he changed his vest and ran to Kirigakure Village, he would end up in even greater trouble. Although he knew very well that the ninjas in front of him probably didn't have a thousand in total.

After all, the Kingdom of Water is an island country, and he must guard all coastlines to prevent someone from suddenly landing.

In addition, the blockade policy of Obito Nong has caused many ninjas to patrol the surrounding areas, resulting in the number of resident ninjas in Kirigakure Village not being particularly large.

But this is not a small number. After all, he does not have the power of Susanoo.

And with this vest, he couldn't use any wood escape power.

"Have you forgotten me?"

At this moment, Xiao Jiuwei's voice suddenly rang in Xia Yan's mind.

"Don't forget, I'm an expert at dealing with these multiple targets."

"Although that's true, I really don't think releasing you is a good thing."

Xia Yan sighed slightly. At the moment he spoke, he also used the teleportation technique to avoid those dense ninjutsu bombardments.

“That would be too big a goal and I wouldn’t be able to maintain my current form.

The most important thing is that if you face that damn Uchiha Obito alone, it's hard to say that you will be controlled. "

"Who said you were asked to release me?"

Xiao Jiuwei's voice seemed a little dismissive, and he asked seriously in Xia Yan's mind.

"Do you think I won't make any progress?"

"you mean....."

Xia Yan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Xiao Jiuwei's words.

"The second stage of chakra mode?"

You don't have to release the Nine Tails, but you can also release the Nine Tails to cooperate with the battle. To do this, you need at least the second stage of Chakra mode.

Xia Yan is stuck at this stage now, which leads him to still use the most practical but also the most tiring method of physical and ninjutsu when facing large-scale enemies.

His original idea was to use earth escape to deal with these mist ninjas, but now that Little Kyuubi has spoken, he really has no reason not to try it.

"Yes, the second stage, but it won't last long."

Kyuubi said directly, and while talking to him, he had already begun to channel chakra.

"According to my estimate, you may be able to last about ten minutes, but I suggest you end it in five minutes.

After all, you have to materialize me, which will consume more chakra.

By ending it earlier I can retain more chakra to keep you in this state. "

"is that so."

Natsuhiko dodged the attack of a Mist Ninja and stabbed the kunai hard into the back of his heart, and then he spoke directly.

"Then let's get started. I'm going to take a closer look at what the second stage of the Nine-Tails Chakra mode is like!"

As he spoke, Xia Yan jumped up, put his hands together, and the majestic chakra was condensed by him in an instant.

"Earth Escape: Earth Current City Wall!"

Under his control, a huge earth wall carved with a fox head rose from the ground.

This earth wall was directly in front of Xia Yan, quickly forming a huge barrier.

Xia Yan's move immediately made all the attacking Mist Ninjas look happy. In their view, this was a defensive measure taken by the enemy who could no longer hold on.

"Everyone, work harder and break down this damn earth wall together!"

A Mist Ninja Jōnin shouted loudly, and then he quickly formed seals with his hands: "Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet!"

"Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet!"

"Water Release·Exploding Water Wave!"


Countless mist ninjas used crazy ninjutsu at this moment to attack Xia Yan's earthen wall, but Yuanshi was not as optimistic as them.

Although his strength has declined as he gets older, his vision has not changed at all.

He could see that the mysterious man with the power of the Nine Tails didn't seem to be dying at all, but the chakra in his body became more dangerous.

This suddenly made him realize that that guy was probably not planning anything terrible at all.

Thinking of this, he immediately planned to alert all the ninjas, but the next moment the earth wall collapsed.

Behind this earth wall, the mysterious young man still exudes golden chakra.

But his appearance seems to have undergone some subtle changes...


"This feeling is really incredible..."

Xia Yan clenched his fists and felt the changes in his chakra. He couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

Entering the second state of Nine-Tails Chakra, his current appearance has also changed slightly.

Although golden chakra still covers his whole body, the chakra-transformed clothing on his body has become more chic and compact.

And what's interesting is that the fox mask on his face still exists, making him look even more mysterious.

The most important thing is the second state of the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, which is the power that completely corresponds to the eternal kaleidoscope!

Just how powerful the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is is something that needs no elaboration.

Although Natsuhiko's previous power was still powerful, if converted into Uchiha's eyes, it was actually between the Mangeidoscope and the Eternal Eye.

His power doesn't blind him like Kaleidoscope, but his power does not completely reach the level of the Eternal Eye.

But it was different now, when he truly obtained the second state of Nine-Tails Chakra mode.

He found that his speed, strength, etc., had once again been horribly enhanced.

In addition, his perception has become clearer, and he seems to be able to easily feel a person's evil thoughts and good thoughts!

Most importantly, he can now easily mobilize the full power of the Kyuubi.

This also means that he can materialize the Nine-Tails Chakra and control the huge Nine-Tails just like he controls Susanoo!

"It's really fate-like abilities. Uchiha Madara has Susanoo, and Senju Hashirama has Wood Release Bokuto.

Uchiha Sasuke has Susanoo, while Uzumaki Naruto has Nine-Tails chakra mode.

And now, I have it all! "

Looking at the ninjutsu that was constantly bombarding him, Xia Yan suddenly smiled lightly.

In an instant, the golden chakra suddenly burst out, and the huge nine-tailed head appeared in front of him with a roar.


Countless ninjutsu hit the nine-tailed head, but Xia Yan was not hurt at all.

And with the continuous mobilization of Natsuhiko's chakra, the head of the Nine-Tails also began to expand!


With a thunderous roar, a fox with nine tails behind it, standing upright, appeared in front of the fog ninjas!

"This...what is this?"

"Damn it, is this Kyuubi?"

"Why is this Kyuubi standing? What on earth is going on?"

"What kind of monster is this!"

Looking at the nine-tailed beast that was more than ten meters tall, these mist ninjas once again became stunned.

Although when they faced the enemy, they already knew that the opponent might transform into a tailed beast.

After all, he is an opponent of average Jinchūriki, and it is normal for him to transform into a tailed beast.

It's just that the state that Xia Yan showed before was completely different from the tailed beast words they knew.

This made them feel a little lucky.

Such a fluke was entirely due to their unwillingness to have a guy like Kyuubi appear in their village.

However, the current state of this guy seems to have completely shattered their illusions, because they discovered that this guy can indeed transform into a tailed beast!

"Don't panic, everyone, this Kyuubi seems a bit small!"

"Maybe he is not as scary as you think, everyone, stay calm!"

"Don't be scared by him, don't forget what is behind us, everyone cheer up!"

However, these Mist Ninjas have adjusted very well. After all, this is all in the Hidden Mist Village. After all, they want to surround their home.

They must not flinch at this moment. If they flinch, they will really have no home!

In the distance, Obito also watched all this blankly. He was almost finished preparing, but Xia Yan's changes really shocked him.

Is this still a tailed beast? Is this the state of tailed beast transformation?

He felt that this scene was somewhat similar to Susanoo!

Obito cannot cast Susanoo because he does not have a complete pair of Sharingan.

But this doesn't mean that he doesn't know the ultimate power of the Uchiha clan!

Now seeing someone using the power of the Kyuubi to almost simulate a state similar to Susanoo's, how could he not be surprised?

Hei Jue stood aside silently. He didn't want to speak at all now.

Controlling the power of the Nine-Tails to this extent, isn't this something only the descendants of Asura can do?

He is now completely convinced that there are definitely other tailed beasts in this world, and those who control the tailed beasts definitely have ulterior secrets!

I'm afraid this secret also involves my mother's family.

"Now, what should we do?" After a long time, Obito suddenly asked: "Is it still a normal attack?"

"Try it." Black Zetsu sighed helplessly, and his eyes became extremely cold: "This guy's target may be the three tails. If it doesn't work, just let Goju Yagura self-destruct."

"But in this case..."

"Stop thinking about revenge against Kirigakure. At least until there is no result, what we have to consider is how to keep this three-tails!"

Obito looked at Black Zetsu silently, and after a long while he gritted his teeth and nodded.

Indeed, Kirigakure Village is not unable to take revenge in the future.

If the three tails fall into the hands of this mysterious man, they may not be able to get the three tails in the future.

Thinking of this, Obito quickly condensed his chakra, and he made a last ditch effort!

At this moment, Xia Yan controlled the golden fox giant more than ten meters high and wreaked havoc among the Mist Ninja troops.

The height of more than ten meters was deliberately controlled by Xia Yan. He felt that he could use the Nine-Tails' chakra to create a giant fox dozens or even hundreds of meters tall.

But in this case, the waste of chakra is really too cruel.

And for the first time using such power, it is best to control everything within a reasonable range.

The tail behind him flicked hard, and a big pit appeared in an instant. His front paws pointed hard at one side, and he opened deep cracks in the cracks.

The silver moon was accompanied by thick fog, and the roar of the Nine-Tails sounded crazily in the Kirigakure Village.

Every time he took action, countless ninjas died.

The ninjas in Kirigakure Village are being consumed at an alarming rate.

They also tried to fight back, but no matter whether it was ninjutsu or taijutsu, the hits were of no use to the huge fox, and there was not even a ripple.

Mist ninjas are indeed not afraid of death, especially when they have the belief to protect the village.

However, the human heart has its limits.

Even if ninjas are far superior to ordinary people in this aspect, they still have it from time to time...


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