"It's too big...the gap is too big. Can we really win against this monster?"

Seeing his companions falling down one after another, but unable to do anything about it, a Mist Ninja couldn't help but said in a daze.

At this moment, fear had quietly spread in his heart.

Not only him, but I don't know how many Mist ninjas also have the same thoughts as him.

They have all heard of and even seen tailed beasts more or less.

But they have never seen such a completely anthropomorphic tailed beast!

They also have no idea how powerful the tailed beast is in this state.

But now they know that this huge guy not only has unmatched strength, but also has terrifying flexibility!

Originally, they were still thinking that even with a huge body and full strength, they would not be able to achieve this step in terms of flexibility.

But now they find that they were completely wrong.

After this Nine-Tails was completely anthropomorphized, the speed at which his legs burst out was truly despairing.

The killing continues, and no one can stop it.

And Natsuhiko was suspended above Kyuubi's head, looking at the mist ninjas who kept dying in his hands, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional in his heart.

Especially these ninjas who had been killed by him until they were almost demoralized, but still rushed towards them, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Tailed beasts are war machines, there's really no doubt about that.

And Susanoo is a war machine even more terrifying than the tailed beasts, which Uchiha Madara also told the world through his actions.

Natsuhiko can't do the most terrifying tailed beast, but he can make the tailed beast transform into Susanoo's form.

The overlapping of the two war machine forms makes this killing ability even more terrifying!

"Little guy, when will you completely let me master this power?"

While controlling the huge nine-tails to continuously clean the surrounding fog ninjas, Natsuhiko couldn't help but ask secretly in his heart.

"Such power is really incredible. I don't want to be limited to a few minutes of fighting."

"There's nothing I can do about it."

Xiao Jiuwei's voice sounded a little tired, but he was still full of energy.

"The power I absorbed can indeed bring me growth, but this power doesn't quite match my attributes.

It would be fine if it was just pure chakra, but the problem is that there is such a huge natural force in it.

This also means that I cannot fully control it, after all, I am not you. "

"Well, it seems I can only wait for you to continue to grow."

When Xia Yan heard Xiao Jiuwei's words, he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

But his mentality is still very good, at least he has experienced the second state of Nine-Tails Chakra!

What's more, the power he has at his disposal is getting more and more complete, and he doesn't need to focus entirely on one ability.

In terms of his identity as 'Senju Natsuhiko', he possesses the art of flying thunder god, has celestial beings and is immediately a high-level celestial being.

In addition, he also has Wood Release that he can use. It can be said that from single combat to group fights, the identity of "Senju Natsuhiko" is everything.

The only pity is that these powers are not strong enough, and he needs to use more brains and thoughts to fight.

As for the current vest, from the beginning it could only use physical skills, but later it could control the size of the tailed beast jade.

Now that he can use the tailed beast state, he almost has all the abilities.

Even if he doesn't use the tailed beast state, Xia Yan still has a blood successor elimination that can be used as the bottom of the box.

In terms of pure strength, Xia Yan's vest doesn't require much thought when fighting.

Just rely on your own strength to crush the past, just like now.

Xia Yan became increasingly clear about how he was going to separate the intertwining of these two identities.

Perhaps for Xia Yan, it is a good thing that his true identity is slightly weaker!

However, being slightly weaker does not mean improvement. Xia Yan hopes that both of his identities can stand on top of the clouds!

"However, it's better not to use Aizen's name on this vest. There is really a big difference in personality."

Xia Yan silently muttered something in his mind. Although he wanted to use the name Gintoki at first, he gave up the idea after changing his hair color to black.

Later, he considered using indigo dye, but he didn't use hairspray, and the character displayed by this vest didn't quite suit him.

But soon he thought of a person, that guy in the world who controlled souls and almost made himself look like a god.

Anyway, I have used his catchphrase so many times, so even if I borrow his name, it's not a big deal.

"However, it's better to deal with the matter at hand now. The second stage of Nine-Tails Chakra mode will not last long."

After feeling a little bit about Kyuubi's current state, Xia Yan decided to speed up.

Controlling the nine-tailed Natsuhiko, he hammered the ground hard, and the ground began to tremble crazily under the powerful force.

I don't know how many ninjas couldn't stand still at this moment and fell directly to the ground.

There were also many unlucky people who fell directly into the deep pit caused by Xia Yan before!

Xia Yan also took this opportunity to jump back. When the huge nine-tailed body fell to the ground, Xia Yan raised his right hand.

The black chakra gathered crazily once again, and the desperate power with endless destruction fully bloomed in the second stage of the Nine-Tails Chakra mode.

The black balls were gathering crazily, but in an instant, a huge tailed beast jade had condensed in his hand.

"Get out of the way!"

Xia Yan's move immediately made all the fog ninjas aware of the danger.

Especially those mist ninjas who had already experienced a tailed beast jade collision, they ran faster than anyone else.

Even Master Yuan's expression changed, and he immediately moved and did not dare to stand still.

But he had been observing as he moved, where the tailed beast jade would probably be launched.

"Damn it!"

Just for a moment, he seemed to have discovered something, and his face immediately became extremely ugly.

"This guy's goal is the Mizukage Building!"

With the roar of the Yuanshi, all the Kirigakure ninjas reacted at this moment.

But it's all too late, because Xia Yan's Tailed Beast Jade has been completely condensed!

"Ninja Technique: Tailed Beast Jade!"

Along with the crazy movement of Xia Yan's chakra, this dark chakra light ball burst out, and it rushed forward fiercely.

This black ball of light went crazy, destroying everything in its path.

Regardless of whether it is a person or an object, almost the moment it touches it, it is crushed into powder by the extremely condensed chakra.

The breath of death hung over everyone's heads, but they were unable to stop it at all.

They could only stare at the huge black ball of light that seemed to swallow everything.

After clearing all obstacles, he rushed towards the towering Mizukage Building in the distance among the thick fog, symbolizing the highest power of Kirigakure Village and their spiritual totem!

In Kirigakure Village, all the residents and some less powerful ninjas stayed at home. They did not dare to go to the front line to fight.

They were also very surprised as to what happened to cause such a situation to occur in the village.

Some well-informed ninjas knew that a family in Kirigakure Village might completely disappear tonight.

They sighed inwardly over this kind of thing. The village now is so chaotic and the atmosphere is so terrible.

However, they are also very confused in their hearts. Does the Kaguya clan have any trump cards?

After all, the battle lasted for so long, and there was that extremely terrifying light that was as bright as day.

Along with the violent vibration, the situation really made people feel extremely uneasy.

But both the villagers and the ninjas were able to keep their minds calm.

Regardless of whether they knew what was happening in the outside world, they all believed that the village could solve the trouble, especially since so many ninjas had already run away.

"Well, what is this?"

However, the battle seemed to be beyond imagination. When they vaguely saw a huge golden figure in the distance, they unconsciously became worried.

Especially the terrifying vibrations and the suffocating chakra breath that spilled over to them made their uneasiness even more intense.

They don't know what happened, but they know that this time the situation may be unusual.

"Should it be okay?"

"I believe the village should be able to solve the problem."

"Why are you fighting in the village? What happened to all this?"

Countless people are filled with doubts, and their hearts are really full now.

"Damn, what is that!"

However, at this moment, some ninjas standing on the street suddenly saw a black ball of light flying towards them quickly.

The clarity full of death and destruction seemed to swallow them up completely!

The black ball smashed everything on the road to pieces, whether it was houses or trees, they were like nothing in front of the black ball.

Seeing dumbfounded, these ninjas all stayed where they were.

The villagers looked confused, they had no idea what was happening.

Until the black ball flew past them crazily and rapidly, and slammed into the towering water shadow building.

They seemed to understand something then, but at this moment it was too late!


A huge roar echoed across the sky, and the dark night once again shone with the light of day.

This flash of daylight lasted for a few seconds, and then orange and black fire suddenly appeared in front of the eyes, and the whole world seemed to have lost all sound at this moment.

Violent and extremely hot light shone in the sky, and an extreme light continued to disperse towards the surroundings. Under the cover of this light, everything was swallowed up and everything was destroyed. The majestic water shadow building suddenly disappeared at this moment. And the ninjas nearby also saw their splendor disappear in an instant!

And this ultimate light is still spreading, it continues to engulf everything around it, and it continues to completely destroy everything around it.

Master Yuan watched this scene from a distance, and at this time he was completely angry. But while he was angry, his heart was also filled with sadness. Kirigakure Village was really slapped in the face by a person, and its dignity was completely trampled under its feet by a person! This guy really used his own power to completely destroy the spiritual totem of Kirigakure Village.

Not only the Yuanshi, but also the ninjas of Kirigakure Village are not going anywhere at this moment.

Their hearts are full of confusion and sadness, as well as helplessness and despair.

This kind of power completely exceeded their imagination, and this kind of power also completely destroyed their faith.

However, after such confusion, a more powerful feeling of hatred rippled in their hearts.

All of them turned around and glared at Xia Yan, their eyes full of hatred and anger, as if they wanted to kill Xia Yan completely!

"Do you know what you did?"

Yuanshi's deep voice slowly sounded, and at this time, chakra was completely surging throughout his body.

"Do you know how much damage you have caused and how many innocent people you will harm?"


Xia Yan waved his hand gently, looked at Yuan Master in the distance indifferently, and then smiled disdainfully.

"Really speaking of innocence, it seems that you have done much more cruelly than me.

What was the situation in the Country of Waves back then, and what was the situation in the Country of Whirlpool back then.

So, could you please tell me? "

The Kingdom of Waves is where Naruto and the others first met Zabuza. As a country of great strategic significance, it was really harmed by the Kingdom of Water.

As for the Kingdom of Whirlpool, it goes without saying. Xia Yan personally went to the Kingdom of Whirlpool during the Third War, and he had seen what it was like there.

Moreover, the current miserable situation of the Uzumaki clan, apart from the fact that Konoha itself has no rescue, is really thanks to the good deeds done by Kirigakure Village.

Of course Xia Yan had no obligation to avenge those in the Kingdom of Whirlpool, but he didn't care about the damage he caused.

Because strictly speaking, they are now at war!

"How can there be no death in a war?" Master Yuan clenched his scepter tightly and shouted angrily.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he paused because he knew he had said the wrong thing!

Therefore, he had no plan to continue talking to Xia Yan. He raised the scepter in his hand and shouted loudly.

"All warriors of Kirigakure Village, now that we have reached the point of life and death, feel the hatred in your heart and release all the hatred!"

"Yes!" All the mist ninjas present roared collectively.

This time their breath was more terrifying than before, and this time their voices were louder than before.

I have to say that hatred is indeed something that can enhance one's momentum.

When the ninja villages want to start a war, they all like to use hatred to stimulate emotions, because it is the simplest and most effective.

In addition, the Mist Ninjas at this time are really like soldiers in mourning, and such grief can be transformed into unimaginable power.

"Go back quickly." After Yuanshi had mobilized the emotions of all the fog ninjas, he immediately pulled a ninja beside him and said. "What just happened must have alerted many people. Let everyone enter the underground bunker immediately. We must be quick!"

"Yes, Great Elder!" The Jonin who was pulled by Yuanshi immediately replied. He turned around and ran quickly towards the center of the village.


At this moment, Goju Yagura, who had been behind Natsuhiko and the others and was undergoing a complete tail beast transformation, suddenly moved.

Violent chakra burst out all over his body, and under such a chakra riot, a huge smoke suddenly appeared around him.

Such smoke quickly enveloped everyone, whether it was Xia Yan or the fog ninjas. In the smoke, everyone could clearly feel that a monster was coming out.

"Three tails, it's three tails!"

"Is it Yondaime-sama, is he finally here?"

"Damn you bastard, you have to stay in Kirigakure today!"

As the intense chakra continued to spread in all directions, the mist ninjas could no longer restrain their hearts.

The tailed beasts still need to be solved by the tailed beasts. They believe that the Fourth Mizukage has completely transformed into a tailed beast and is cooperating with their harassment and attack.

We can definitely get rid of this damn guy who dares to invade Kirigakure Village!

But what they didn't know was that under the fox mask, Xia Yan had a smile on his face...


I have to say that Obito is really slow. Natsuhiko has waited for so long before he has completely transformed into a tailed beast.

This all made Xia Yan wonder if this damn guy just wanted him to help clean up more Mist Ninjas, so he went about the transformation so slowly and leisurely.

But Xia Yan didn't bother to care about him that much, at least for now, his goal had been achieved.

The smoke slowly dissipated. Xia Yan looked at the behemoth three tails and tilted his head slightly.

The height of this three-tails lying on the ground is about the same as Natsuhiko's standing up when he controls the nine-tails.

You can completely imagine how huge this guy's body is.

Just in terms of how huge they are, judging by the quality of their chakra, these three do not seem to have reached the same level as Xia Yan.

This guy is still suppressed. Under Obito's strong control, the chakra conversion rate is probably not even 50%.

I'm afraid that in Natsuhiko's memory, the only one who can achieve complete transformation of chakra in the tailed beast state is Kirabi.

"Have you completely transformed into a tailed beast?"

Xia Yan's soft voice slowly sounded, and his tone was still so calm, but this time it seemed that he had a little bit of teasing.

"But why do I feel your chakra is so weird?"

Suddenly, Xia Yan's body moved slightly. Under his control, the Nine-Tails, which was more than ten meters tall, dodged and rushed directly in front of the Three-Tails.

Then he punched Sanwei on the head without hesitation!

The golden fist made a sound of breaking through the air, instantly causing a hurricane to form all around.


When his fist hit Sanwei's head hard, a muffled sound suddenly sounded.

A wave of air that was almost visible to the naked eye quickly spread out from Kyuubi's fist towards the surroundings.

After the huge three-tailed beast let out a roar, it took a few steps back.

However, Sanwei was obviously unwilling to accept this situation. Although he was severely punched in the head, his will was completely controlled by Obito.

With a roar, Sanwei's tail swept towards Xia Yan fiercely.

The violent wind exploded wantonly, blowing away all the mist ninjas who were already staggering around.

Xia Yan reacted very quickly. He almost jumped back before the strong wind hit.

Even if Xia Yan wasn't afraid of this guy's attack, he didn't want to take it.

The three tails flicked in the air, but he obviously didn't care about this. He had already expected that his attack would fail.

Therefore, under Obito's control, after stabilizing his body and taking advantage of Natsuhiko's retreat, he opened his mouth without hesitation!

It's the Tailed Beast Tama again. Obito obviously doesn't have the slightest concern that he is starting a battle in Kirigakure Village.

Xia Yan was an outsider, and based on his true identity, he and Kirigakure were enemies, so it was understandable that he would be so ruthless.

But Obito's situation is completely different from his own. It can only be said that Kirigakure Village really made him extremely angry.


The huge tailed beast jade quickly spurted out from Sanwei's mouth. This time, the speed at which he condensed the tailed beast jade was countless times faster than before!

And Xia Yan was not a vegetarian. He raised his hand again, and the huge chakra began to condense instantly.

The dark tailed beast jade was also completed by him in an instant, but this time he couldn't help but frown slightly.

Because he found that his Nine-Tails Chakra pattern seemed to be stagnant.

"Are you reaching your limit?"

Xia Yan silently thought that this feeling made him a little disappointed.

The power of the second stage Nine-Tails Chakra mode is truly beyond imagination.

Not to mention anything else, just being able to condense the giant Nine Tails is enough for Xia Yan to solve many, many problems.

But unfortunately, this state cannot last, at least now he cannot.

"Although I am also disappointed, there is nothing we can do about it."

Little Kyuubi's voice rang in Xia Yan's mind.

"I don't know how many months it took me to gather this chakra, but you consumed it all in just a few minutes. I think you'd better not complain."

"I'm not complaining, I'm just sorry."

Xia Yan replied helplessly, he was just a little depressed now.

"After all, I was halfway through enjoying myself and suddenly realized that I couldn't do it anymore, and I was far from having enough. This feeling is really bad."

"When my power is restored more completely, maybe you won't need to be so depressed."

Little Kyuubi didn't know what other interpretations there were to Xia Yan's statement, so he just replied matter-of-factly.

"Okay, the tailed beast jade is here, and now you have to maintain your first state to deal with it."

Xia Yan didn't reply, he just calmly shot out the tailed beast jade in his hand.

He doesn't care at all how much damage he causes in this village. Since Obito is willing to play, he will accompany him to the end!

"Run! Get out of here!"

"Ninjas who know earth escape, use earth escape together immediately to resist this impact!"

"We must not let this explosion spread to the village!"

Looking at the black sphere that appeared again, these mist ninjas had already learned how to do it, and they immediately ran quickly around.

And while running, they also quickly gathered together, and then immediately used their strongest defensive ninjutsu to block the direction towards the center of the village.

The moment the two tailed beast jade were put together again, the terrifying impact was more exaggerated than ever before.

Xia Yan took several steps back, and then he completely concentrated his chakra to resist the aftermath of the explosion.

The defensive power of the Nine-Tails Chakra mode in the second state is still very strong. Even though it is at the end of its strength, it still blocked this impact!

Boom, boom!

A violent explosion once again erupted on the edge of Kirigakure Village, and the entire earth was shaking violently.

This explosion could be felt even outside the village.

In the town closest to Kirigakure Village, they could all feel the vibration, even if it was not considered serious enough here.

"What's going on? It seems to have been shaken several times tonight, and this one was the worst."

"I don't know, I hope it's just an earthquake..."

The ninjas stationed here looked at each other. They had no idea what was going on, but they could sense that something was not right this time.

The ninjas and civilians who had already started to take action because of the bombing of the Mizukage Building, and who had been reminded by Yuanshi, hid in the bunker collectively.

After they felt the violent, almost suffocating vibration again, they hugged each other in fear.

Such despair makes it difficult for anyone to be strong.

Among the ruins, Xia Yan's originally elegant chakra windbreaker had disappeared, replaced by the previous set of golden tights.

He was still unharmed, but everything around him was desolate.

After the tailed beast jade's power raged, all that was left was endless sadness.

The earth was devastated, the entire terrain had become extremely chaotic, and the ninjas fell to the ground in disarray.

Some of them had become bloody and bloody in the explosion of the tailed beast jade collision, and many even their bodies could not be found.

The defense they built with ninjutsu couldn't resist all this, after all, the distance was too close.

Up to now, although the surviving ninjas are not out of ten, there are only three or four levels left.

Master Yuan sat on the ground blankly, looking at the scene in front of him with heartache.

Such a huge loss at one time may not happen even during a great war in the ninja world.

However, this scene appeared in front of him, which made him feel sad and angry in his heart.

Although behind him, the area leading to the center of the village was not too damaged, let alone the more distant center of the village.

But this didn't make him very happy. This was all done at the expense of the lives of the ninjas!

"Is this the power of God?"

Turning his head, when Master Yuan saw the golden figure still standing there, he couldn't help but murmur to himself.

The power of the tailed beast itself is beyond imagination, and it is used as a strategic weapon.

But one person used this strategic weapon to the extreme, erasing all the weaknesses of the tailed beast.

It seems that only God can possess such power.

When he thought of this, Master Yuan's heart was filled with despair. He didn't know what the purpose of this guy was.

But he knew that if things continued like this, Kirigakure Village would really suffer.


However, just when Master Yuan was at his most desperate, the earth suddenly began to tremble crazily again.

The thick smoke was broken at this moment, and something like a wheel slammed towards Xia Yan!

When Xia Yan saw this scene, he immediately jumped into the distance.

Of course he knew what the hell this was, it was a three-tailed move to fight for his life.

However, the flexibility of the three tails exceeded Xia Yan's expectations. The huge body deflected slightly and stuck to Xia Yan again.

"It's really troublesome, Earth Escape: Wanli Earthflow Wall!"

Xia Yan is fast and flexible enough, but he can't stand up to the huge size and exaggerated speed of the three tails.

This guy's rolling in a circle is equivalent to Xia Yan's teleportation technique, so it's obviously not a problem to just dodge.

More importantly, Xia Yan is also a little disgusted with the fighting here.

It was obviously not cost-effective to waste so much time on Sanwei. He still had to find Obito.

If you continue to waste your chakra, this is really not cost-effective.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan stood behind the huge earth wall and slowly stretched out his hand and took out his Ninja Sword.

The chakra in his body surged crazily at this moment.

Especially the power of the three types of chakra condensed together in his body began to resonate crazily with the power of the Nine-Tails.

Then he formed a seal with one hand, and a shadow clone suddenly appeared next to him.

The shadow clone glanced at Xia Yan, then nodded silently, and disappeared without a trace in a flash.


With the violent shaking, Xia Yan's earthen wall suddenly collapsed, and the figure of the three tails appeared in front of him again.

Xia Yan only noticed at this moment that Sanwei was in very bad condition at this time, with many wounds all over his body.

However, this kind of wound is nothing to the three tails. The most fatal wound is probably the guy Goju Yagura.

Sanwei glanced at Xia Yan, and then he arched his whole body again, wrapping his body in the huge thick carapace behind him.

Then huge power radiated from his body, and he rolled towards Xia Yan like a wheel!

But Xia Yan did not dodge this time, and the ninja sword in his hand had already bloomed with a golden and white light.

At this moment, a silver-haired woman suddenly appeared behind him.

This woman's shadow is so arrogant and indifferent.

At this moment, little cherry blossoms rippled on Natsuhiko's ninja sword.

There was an obvious pause in Sanwei's body, and Xia Yan seemed to feel a sense of fear coming from Sanwei's body at this moment.

However, the Three-Tails couldn't struggle at all. He was completely controlled by Obito!

He could only roar and roll crazily, rolling towards Xia Yan desperately.

"Ninja: Konohana Saki Yahime!"

Xia Yan looked at all this indifferently, and swung the ninja sword in his hand fiercely.

The ninja sword cut through the sky, and a silver invisible blade bloomed in the air. This blade cut through the ground and headed directly towards the three tails.

At this moment, the earth began to tremble crazily again, and a huge crack appeared silently in front of Xia Yan!

The bright white and gold intertwined blades collided with Sanwei's huge body. At this moment, the world lost all color.

Yuanshi and the surviving mist ninja looked at everything in front of them blankly. At this moment, they were completely convinced.

"This is the power of God..."


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