The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 229 Do you agree or disagree (8K please subscribe~)

The night was as dazzling as the day, and under Xia Yan's world-destroying blade, the three tails showed no resistance at all.

The sound also became weird at this moment, it seemed deafening and soundless.

The huge three-tailed mouth opened up at this moment, and he was wailing silently, while his body was twisting wildly.

With this miserable look, it's really hard to believe that he will be the top tailed beast in this world!

Xia Yan's expression was quite calm, and he had an estimate of the power of his sword.

When he tried this move before, he naturally knew how powerful it was.

Even the last time he used this move, he didn't use it with the power of the nine tails.

But as a ninja with nine tails, Natsuhiko is still certain about his own power.

He can probably predict what the power limit will be once he cooperates with the power of the Nine-Tails and uses the self-created blood successor elimination of 'Konohana Sakuyahime'.

Now it seems that all this has completely met his expectations, and even far exceeded his expectations!

In the intertwined golden and white blades, Sanwei's body was constantly twisting.

And during this twisting process, cracks visible to the naked eye continued to appear.

In the end, when such cracks reached their extreme, Sanwei's body was completely reduced to pieces!

The golden and white intertwined blade did not stop after completely cutting the three tails in half.

It continues to extend outwards, seemingly without end.


As if at this moment, the disappearing voice completely returned to reality, a roar sounded!

In the distance, a towering mountain peak was cut into two pieces in front of everyone's eyes!

The earth was like tofu at this moment, with a long and bottomless ravine neatly cracked.

All the surviving fog ninjas looked at all this blankly. They were really frightened by what they saw.

No matter how brave they are, they can stand up without hesitation when facing the destruction of their homeland.

But facing such a god-like existence, they would really be afraid, and they would feel unparalleled despair in their hearts.

What they feel now is that they are facing a god, or more appropriately, a terrifying Shura!

This is an existence that they are unable to resist, and this is not an existence that they can face.

Xia Yan silently watched the Goju Yagura fall from the sky to the ground, and then his eyes swept across the mist ninjas.

What surprised him was that the fog ninjas looked so panicked and embarrassed when they faced him.

Many people even stepped back involuntarily, seeing that the battle between Xia Yan and Goju Yagura had completely shattered their inner courage!

"It's really small." Xia Yan said softly, as if sarcastically.

His voice was not loud, but under the influence of chakra, it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

His words immediately caused the expressions of all the Mist Ninjas to change slightly, and a feeling of shame and indignation continued to pass through their hearts.

But they really didn't dare to do anything. They didn't even have the courage to look at Xia Yan.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and then he stopped focusing on these fog ninjas.

He walked slowly towards Gouju Yagura, and then his senses quickly probed this guy's body.

Goji Yagura's current situation is very bad. After Xia Yan's knife, he almost only had half his life left.

If it weren't for the fact that the damage from that sword was basically borne by the three tails, and he himself also enjoyed the dividends brought by the three tails.

I'm afraid that at this moment, this guy has been sent to the Pure Land by Xia Yan!

"But this time, the connection between him and Obito was temporarily severed, and the chakra in his body was also a little too chaotic."

After Xia Yan silently sensed it, he already had a certain understanding of the situation of Goji Yagura.

The three-tailed guy's chakra is now very chaotic and disordered. Xia Yan himself is very surprised by such chaos.

He really couldn't imagine whether a person could survive if the chakra in his body was like this.

All I can say is that the jinchuriki is indeed a jinchuriki.

After Xia Yan sighed silently, his perception was also locked on his shadow clone.

His shadow clone was there to collect the chakra that escaped from the three tails.

After receiving the lesson of Bai Zetsu's body and Senju Hashirama's flesh, he was extremely careful about the cultivation of this kind of chakra.

When he was not sure whether it was a question of quantity or quality, he felt that he should make up for it in all aspects as much as possible.

He personally dealt with the three tails, and his purpose was naturally the chakra on the three tails.

The role of the shadow clone is to collect the chakra that escapes and belongs to the three tails.

Xia Yan will choose to plant both forces, but make a comparison from this planting.

In the end, Xia Yan used this comparison to get a more accurate answer.

This will save him from having to plant the material in the future, only to find that he can't even plant it.

He was tricked by Senju Hashirama's cells and Shiro's cells. He had to solve this problem.

"I have to say, you really disappointed me."

Xia Yanxin was thinking, but he spoke again.

"It really disappoints me that a guy like you became a Jinchuuriki but can't even unleash the power of a tailed beast."

At this point, Xia Yan stopped, then stretched out his hand and pressed it directly on Goji Yagura's lower abdomen.

Suddenly, with the help of the Nine-Tails, the chakra of the Three-Tails continued to flow into his body.

At this moment, the surviving fog ninjas also moved towards Xia Yan.

But this time, they did not dare to attack. Even though they looked fully armed, their state of fear could no longer be concealed.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of killing him."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly and said calmly.

"If I really wanted to do it, he would have died long ago, whether it was with you or not, because you really can't stop me."

Xia Yan's words were extremely plain, but extremely true.

Perhaps because the strength he displayed was so exaggerated, all the Mist Ninjas believed his words almost immediately.

Indeed, there is no need to lie to them when their strength reaches this level.

For the guy in front of him, they ninjas might not even have the need to be deceived!

Xia Yan didn't know that these Mist Ninjas had been 'tamed' by him inexplicably, and they could also inexplicably make up so many things in his mind.

But he didn't have that much time to play with them now. After he absorbed enough chakra, he took out a sealing scroll and sealed the three tails' chakra into it.

Although he stood silently to survive, he put away the scroll that had stored chakra.

It was just such a normal action, but it immediately made all the fog ninjas unconsciously assume a fighting posture.

This look made Xia Yan helplessly shake his head, but soon he quickly formed seals with his hands.

Then, a bloody mouth suddenly appeared at his feet.

These mist ninjas didn't seem to see clearly what they were, so Xia Yan jumped directly in and then disappeared without a trace.

This scene is like a dream, which makes people feel extremely unrealistic. That Shura-like man just left like this?

But the abyss-like chasm, the aura of destruction emanating from everywhere, and the fourth-generation Mizukage still lying on the ground with unknown life and death.

Tell these mist ninjas that all this is true, that they have really encountered a being who is like a god or a Shura...


"What a scary guy..."

Obito stood there blankly, his mind still recalling the devastating sword.

The defensive power of the three tails is one of the best among tailed beasts.

Especially after entering the 'Shadow Fear' state, the hard armor completely blocked the direction of all attacks.

But even so, that damn guy actually hit the three-tails with one strike, causing the chakra to disperse!

Of course, Obito also knew that the chakra conversion rate of the Three-Tails was not high due to his control.

But even so, this is not something ordinary people can deal with.

"He is indeed a terrifying guy." Hei Jue sighed slightly. He would not deny this.

Especially since he was able to watch the entire battle through Bai Fei's clone.

Now his mind is full of doubts, and he will never forget when the mysterious guy swung the knife.

The woman who appeared behind him was a woman who was indifferent and arrogant to the extreme, with a temperament just like his mother!

Who is that woman?

He knew very well that it was definitely not his mother, but that woman looked so much like his mother.

Who are these mysterious guys?

Is it really what he guessed?

Hei Jue's mind is really messed up right now. Even if he had already made a guess, it was just a guess.

When he now saw the woman transformed by chakra, he was absolutely sure that there was probably a member of the Otsutsuki clan behind these mysterious guys.

The power they possess definitely comes from that woman, and the tailed beasts in their bodies are also the ten tails of that woman!

Is that woman the mother's master?

Is she looking for her mother?

Are they friends or foes?

Hei Jue's mind is now full of questions, but he doesn't dare to expose it at all.

He had no idea what his mother's specific situation was.

He has only one purpose after being created, and that is to rescue his mother from the seal of his two unfilial brothers!

Other than that, he really didn't know anything.

So now he doesn't dare to take risks at all. He is worried that it will harm his mother.

"By the way, how is that guy doing now?"

Obito sighed helplessly, he turned to look at Black Zetsu, and then he frowned.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so distraught?"

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something. After all, the two Kyuubi are too weird."

Hei Jue came to his senses and immediately explained casually.

After hearing what he said, Obito just nodded silently as if he understood.

Indeed, two Kyuubi are too weird.

Obito once wondered if this was his teacher, but now he wouldn't think so at all.

He knew very well how his teacher fought, and his teacher was not as arrogant and cold-blooded as this guy.

Black Zetsu glanced at Obito, and then he began to use Black Zetsu's body to explore Natsuhiko's location.

He was also curious about where this guy was going now. However, Xia Yan's expression suddenly changed.



However, before Hei Jue finished speaking, the sharp blade had already cut him into two pieces!

The white and black bodies fell to the ground on the left and right respectively, looking so weird.

When Obito saw this, he instantly entered an illusory state. Only then did he notice a figure that had come to them silently.

This is the mysterious guy from before!

This guy stepped directly on the white body, and his eyes scanned Obito and Black Zetsu.

"Do you really think I can't sense that you two rat-like guys are controlling the three-tailed Jinchuuriki?"

Xia Yan raised his chin slightly, and spoke calmly and indifferently.

In fact, he was quite surprised. He remembered that Hei Jue's perception was very strong.

Why did he get hit directly after being attacked by me this time?

But he was too lazy to think so much. It was useless to think about it after everything had already happened.

"I think you are the mouse."

Obito glared at Natsuhiko, and his kaleidoscope had begun to spin rapidly.

"It's a good idea to use Konoha's power mysteriously!"

"Who told you that the power of the Nine-Tails belongs to Konoha."

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, although he laughed out loud.

“Ignorance has always been a person’s biggest shortcoming, and the second one is self-righteousness.

Unfortunately, you have both. You are truly an ignorant and fearless guy. "

Xia Yan paused slightly when he said this, and his eyes inadvertently glanced at the white body at his feet.

At the same time, he did not forget to stare at half of Obito's body. He knew that his heart was really full of greed at this time.

But there's nothing he can do about it. With such a large amount of resources placed in front of him, it would be really strange if he wasn't greedy.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan directly took out a kunai, and then directly nailed the half body of Bai Jue under his feet to the ground.

His eyes were slightly cold, and the chakra in his body exploded crazily at this moment.

Obito and Black Zetsu's expressions suddenly changed. They knew how terrifying this guy was.

Even though Obito can enter the virtual state at any time, the opponent's strength and speed are beyond imagination.

It would be really bad if Obito didn't react immediately.

Thinking of this, Hei Jue's body began to sink directly, and he ignored Bai Jue's body.

He had to be careful, otherwise he would be dead if this guy caught him!

Obito, on the other hand, said nothing. He wanted to face everything calmly.

But when he thought that he controlled the Fourth Mizukage and was beaten like that, he felt a little weak inside.


There was no nonsense at all. In an instant, a cold light flashed across Obito's neck.

As fast as a ghost, Natsu Yan and Obito passed by each other.

As an ANBU ninja, no matter how strong Natsuhiko is now, he still maintains many habits.

In particular, his grasp of the fighter plane is absolutely suffocating. As long as the opponent is not careful for a moment, he will take action without hesitation.

Unfortunately, Natsu Yan's sword indeed passed between Obito's neck, and it didn't feel like it had hit the real thing at all.

"Oh? Physical attacks are invalid?"

Xia Yan pulled away in a flash, and then deliberately said with a hint of doubt.

"Illusion? No, I can detect it if it's an illusion. It seems like you have some interesting secrets."


Obito snorted coldly and looked at Xia Yan with slightly angry eyes.

"A rat like you won't understand the power that truly belongs to Uchiha. I will send you to a place, a place that truly belongs to you!"

Obito's anger was indeed justified, but it wasn't because Natsuhiko beat him violently across the wolfberry tree.

Instead, Xia Yan used their plan to put Gouju Yagura into an extremely embarrassing situation.

After finally waiting for him to turn around, Xia Yan turned around and left Goju Yagura with a half-dead look.

If Gotachibana Yagura survives, but cannot recover due to severe injuries.

Then the position of the Fourth Mizukage is naturally not guaranteed, and Obito has no way to continue to use the identity of the Fourth Mizukage to destroy Kirigakure.

If Goju Yagura dies, it will be a result that makes him angry.

Even though Hei Ze had already greeted him in advance, it seemed that this guy was not here for the three tails at all.

In this case, if Gotachibana Yagura dies, only Obito will lose. He has completely lost the ability to retaliate against Kirigakure.

Under such circumstances, how could Obito hate Natsuhiko?

After all, Obito is still the relatively calm Obito in the future. He has only inherited everything from Uchiha Madara for about two years.

"Go to the Pure Land!"

This time Obito took the initiative, and when these words rang out, he also came to Natsuhiko's side!

A kunai appeared silently in Obito's hand, and then he stabbed Natsuhiko directly in the throat.

"It's quite fast."

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then he slashed out with the knife without hesitation.

As expected, the knife passed directly through Obito's body.

But just when Natsu Yan drew his knife and was about to withdraw, Obito took advantage of this and put a detonating charm on Natsu Yan's wrist with his left hand.


"Instead of caring about whether I am an entity, you might as well care..."

Obito gritted his teeth and said harshly, but his expression changed in the next second.

Because he suddenly realized that the chakra situation of the guy in front of him was not quite right.

Here he could realize that the person in front of him was probably a shadow clone!

"When?" Obito really didn't notice all this, but his body had entered the Kamui space again.


What Obito never expected was that the shadow clone in front of him suddenly had a chakra riot, and the next moment he blew himself up!

This kind of explosion is combined with the detonating talisman attached by Obito himself, and the explosion produced by the superposition of this effect is more objective.

However, no matter how powerful such an explosion is, it is not a problem at all for Obito whose body can be deformed.

However, this feeling of being teased is really terrible.

"Is that really the case?"

At this moment, Xia Yan's voice sounded again.

Obito took the lead to look and saw Natsuhiko standing on a tree looking down at him.

That arrogant look made Obito really grit his teeth.

“Your mask shows eyes on one side but not on the other.

I was just wondering if you only have one Sharingan.

Sure enough, after I tested it a little bit, you behaved exactly as I thought.

And there are strange patterns in your eyes. This eye should be the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Your ability is very strange, and it is most likely related to this eye.

As for your ability, I have also seen through it. You can probably make your body enter virtual reality, or a special space.

A very powerful ability, there is absolutely no problem in evading fatal attacks.

But if you launch an attack, your body must enter the physical state. "

After saying this, Xia Yan deliberately stopped, and then he looked at Obito with interest.

Obito still looked calm, but inside he was extremely horrified.

How long has it been since the fight?

It takes less than a minute to complete the calculation!

But this guy had completely seen through him in less than a minute?

He now understood why the guy in front of him suddenly turned into a shadow clone.

It turned out that he was testing his left eye, and he took advantage of the lack of vision in his left eye to use the shadow clone.

Now Obito really feels like his whole body is getting cold. What kind of monster is this guy! Why does he still lose to so many people even though he has gained so much power? First, his former teachers, and then his former classmates. Now this guy has no idea how he just appeared out of nowhere, and at the same time he has mastered the extremely violent power of the Nine-Tails, as well as his unconstrained analytical ability. Taking a deep breath, Obito forced himself to calm down. He had to deal with this guy well now.

"Are you ready?" At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly spoke slowly. "I'm coming."

As the words fell, Obito saw a faint golden chakra suddenly flash in front of him, and then swung the knife directly at him...


"Damn, what's going on out there."

In the wooden house at the other end of Kirigakure Village, Terumi Mei climbed up from the ruins with difficulty.

Terumi Mei, who has been locked in this damn wooden house, has no idea what is happening in the outside world.

But what she knew was that something terrible had definitely happened tonight.

The constant vibrations and the chakra full of destructive aura.

Especially the last violent roar and the vibration that directly destroyed the wooden house were not a good thing no matter how you looked at it.

But we must be grateful for such a shock, otherwise Terumi Mei wouldn't know when she could leave here.

I silently felt my own chakra. Although the seal was still there, it began to weaken.

From this she could tell that that damn guy really had no intention of killing her.

However, Terumi Mei would never feel grateful. She knew that this guy had a purpose for keeping her.

Moreover, this guy killed so many ninjas in Kirigakure Village, and also killed Qing, his best friend.

This damn guy, Terumi Mei will definitely kill him if given the chance!

Taking a deep breath, Terumi Mei stood up unsteadily. The seal kept disappearing and her chakra kept returning.

Although there is still very little that can be used, it is enough for her to act quickly.

Jumping up fiercely, Terumi Mei jumped onto a tree. She had to confirm the direction.

But when she jumped to the tallest tree, she was suddenly frightened by everything in the distance.

At this time, the fog in Kirigakure Village seems to have faded a lot, and the Mizukage Building that originally stood in the center of Kirigakure Village has quietly disappeared!

All that was left was a ball of fire. There seemed to be more fire in the distance. Even from a distance, she could feel that the village was severely damaged at this time.

"What exactly happened here....."

Terumi Mei murmured in a low voice, but she soon recovered and gritted her teeth and ran forward quickly.

Although the village is very big and Terumi Mei doesn't have much chakra, she simply can't care about that much now.

She moved forward at full speed, and even though she felt her body becoming more and more uncomfortable, she had no intention of slowing down.

I don’t know how much time it took, but Terumi Mei finally made it back to the center of the village.

What made her feel a little relieved was that the damage in the center of the village did not seem to be serious, but the people walking on the street were in a very low mood.

And behind these people, there was a large group of people with scars all over their bodies.

There are also many people lying on stretchers who are completely unable to move, and many people are even lying quietly on the ground, with only a layer of white cloth covering their bodies!

Seeing this scene, Terumi Mei's inner uneasiness became more and more serious.

It wasn't until she saw the stumbling Master Yuan that she felt a little calmer.

"Elder!" Terumi Mei suppressed the doubts and uneasiness in her heart and ran over quickly.

"Um, Ming? Are you okay?"

Master Yuan also looked at Terumi Mei with some surprise, and then he smiled reluctantly.

"As long as it's okay, it'll be okay..."

"Elder, what on earth is going on?" Terumi Mei looked at Genshi's current state, and she realized that this time things might be really serious.


Master Yuan sighed deeply. He glanced at the ninjas who were also depressed around him, and finally gave a helpless smile.

"This time, Kirigakure Village is in trouble..."


"Fire Release: Explosive Wind Dance!"

After Obito opened a sufficient distance, he quickly formed seals with his hands. The next moment, the fire escape accompanied by the divine power distorted the surrounding space to form a strange storm.

Just facing such an attack, he didn't care at all. He jumped forward with golden chakra exuding all over his body.

The moment the rotating flame storm was about to touch him, a black tailed beast jade suddenly appeared in his hand.

The dark tailed beast jade crashed directly into the fire storm, and the flames were instantly extinguished by Xia Yan's pure chakra.

When all the flames disappeared, Natsuhiko's Tailed Beast Jade also came to Obito.

However, Obito refused to dodge, and Natsuhiko's body passed directly through this guy.

"Wood Release: Cutting Technique!"

Obito turned around immediately after Natsu Yan crossed over. Countless wooden branches appeared on his arms, and then he stabbed Natsu Yan behind.

"Oh? Did you take the initiative?"

Natsuhiko even had time to say something. He turned around without ceremony, and then slashed Obito's arm with a knife.

Unfortunately, Obito once again activated his Kamui, and Natsuhiko's Ninja Sword failed again.

However, Xia Yan didn't pay attention. He jumped up to the side and quietly formed a seal with his left hand behind his back. Then he stood there and looked at Obito calmly.

"Is the limit five minutes?"

Suddenly, Natsu Yan spoke, and his words immediately made Obito break out in cold sweat.

"The first time, you took action more than four minutes ago. At that time, I thought it was an accident.

The second time, it still took more than four minutes to take action, so this also means that the limit time of your blur is five minutes. "

"A guy who talks nonsense."

Obito replied calmly, the chakra in his body continued to boil, and he looked like he was ready to take action at any time.

"Who do you think you are? You know everything and can see through everything?"

"It seems that I guessed it right again."

Xia Yan smiled nonchalantly, he didn't think he would remember this kind of thing wrongly.

"Okay, I think the game should end here. This time my goal has been achieved. Although I am disappointed, it is time to go back anyway."

"Do you think you can come here and leave whenever you want?"

Obito looked at Natsu Yan with a cold expression, although he wasn't quite sure what Natsu Yan meant.

Could it be that the purpose of this guy coming here was to beat up the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and that's it?

But he has been suppressed by Xia Yan's momentum for too long, and he naturally does not want this to continue.

He has inherited the name of Uchiha Madara, he is the man who wants to change and save the world!


Xia Yan stood there with his hands folded across his chest. There seemed to be a slight smile in his tone, but he was so arrogant and indifferent.


As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Yan rushed towards Obito.

He had already put away his ninja sword, and a black tailed beast jade appeared on his right hand.

When Obito saw this scene, certain images suddenly appeared in his mind.

And such a scene deeply stimulated him, and he roared and rushed towards Xia Yan quickly.

Although the distance between the two was a bit far, since they were both powerful ninjas, the distance between them only shortened in an instant.

Natsuhiko looked straight at Obito, and the tailed beast jade in his hand was pushed towards Obito's head without mercy.

It's just that Obito has been prepared for it long ago, and he still maintains his divine power.

"I failed in this situation once, and I will never fail again!"

Uchiha shouted in his heart, and the kunai in his hand had already stabbed Natsuhiko in the abdomen.

But at this moment, another figure suddenly appeared next to him.

As the sword flashed, Obito was shocked to find that his right hand had been cut off!

But Natsuhiko had landed firmly on the treetops nearby, and next to Obito was a shadow clone.

Xia Yan calmly looked at Obito who had become virtual this time. He directly unlocked his shadow clone technique, and then looked at Obito indifferently.

"So now, do you agree or disagree?"


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