The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 230 Return to Konoha (8K please subscribe~)

"Good morning, Mr. Minister."

"Good morning, Qiong, there is also Lotus."

In the ANBU office, Xia Yan greeted Qiong and Lianhua with a smile.

Perhaps it was because he slept outside for a month and a half, but now that he has returned to Konoha, he feels really good.

Especially the harvest he has gained in the past month and a half has really made him full.

Recalling the final battle with Obito, after the kid hid in advance, no one gave him any hints.

Therefore, Xia Yan took advantage of the vacancy in his sight and hid the shadow clone underground in advance.

Then he deliberately did something similar to Namikaze Minato's, just to anger Obito.

What did not disappoint him was that Obito was indeed successfully angered, and he could be considered a clever copy of Namikaze Minato's method of dealing with Obito.

Even if he didn't use a technique like Flying Thunder God, the effect of Natsuhiko's instant body technique under the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode was absolutely breathtaking.

Obito, whose right arm was cut off by Natsuhiko, had no intention of continuing in the end.

He just stared at Xia Yan with angry eyes, and finally disappeared from the place with his whole body twisted.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, carefully and carefully explored the surrounding area with his senses for a while before sealing Black Zetsu's white body.

He also took the other right hand that Obito had left with him, and then quickly left the Kirigakure Village.

To be honest, Xia Yan really offended this kid Obito this time.

Not only Obito, but also the Kirigakure Village, he caused unimaginable damage.

Although there is no complete information, Xia Yan can estimate it.

After all, the battle took place in Kirigakure Village, even in the fringe area, but Natsuhiko's Tailed Beast Jade headed directly towards the Mizukage Building.

There are a lot of people near the Mizukage Building, both civilians and ninjas.

What's more, it's the central area, and those who live in that area are probably the upper echelons of the village.

If you're lucky, maybe Natsuhiko could also affect many senior Kirigakure officials.

In addition, the destruction caused by Natsuhiko and the Fourth Mizukage's tailed beast jade is unimaginable.

The number of ninjas who subsequently supported them was not large at all, even if there were not particularly many ninjas stationed in Kirigakure Village.

However, the number of mission ninjas is still sufficient, that is, they protect the shock wave caused by the Tailed Beast Jade hedging.

Otherwise, if it spread to the center of the village, it would not be as simple as just heavy casualties.

Of course, in fact, for Kirigakure Village, everything they encountered has been a simple failure.

The political significance contained in it really makes people feel a little desperate from the bottom of their hearts.

The Mizukage Building had been completely turned into ruins, which was a completely devastating blow to Kirigakure Village.

In addition, so many people died. If the other four ninja villages take action together, it is difficult to say that Kirigakure Village will be completely excluded from the so-called five major ninja villages.

Speaking of which, Kirigakure would have to thank Obito, if it weren't for Obito's "closing off the country".

I'm afraid what Xia Yan did will be spread throughout the entire ninja continent through various spy channels the next day!

"It seems that you must be careful when going to Kirigakure Village in the future, whether it is your true identity or that vest."

Although Xia Yan's destruction this time, the people in Kirigakure Village were stunned.

But every village will do something like exaggerating hatred, especially when the village suffers such crisis and humiliation.

Use this kind of hatred to divert conflicts and stimulate the ninjas' motivation for revenge.

In addition, this world seems to reflect a certain country in Xia Yan's previous life. The characteristic of that country is its selective forgetting of history.

Konoha has demonstrated this very well. Look at the current village and see what other stories there are about Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Not to mention anything else, even matters related to the Second-generation Hokage are rarely mentioned in the village.

When Xia Yan did what he did, he only caused huge damage to Kirigakure Village and an unforgettable hatred that everyone could punish.

Then the next time Xia Yan goes for Vulpix, he may face revenge until death.

It's easy to dodge an open gun but hard to defend against a hidden arrow. Xia Yan knows this very well.

No matter how strong you are, you are still afraid of being stabbed in the back. This is the reality of ninjas.

Even though Xia Yan was fighting, he didn't care about those random attacks at all.

That's because he is in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode. In this state, his defense has indeed increased too much.

But he didn't have the habit of 'shining the holy light' anytime and anywhere. Not to mention him, Naruto, who was the first to master the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, obviously didn't have it either.

Maintaining a fighting state anytime and anywhere is a heavy physical and psychological burden.

Stretching slightly, thinking about what he had gained in the past month or so, he couldn't help but smile again.

First, he unexpectedly got a supercilious look from the clan, and then he caught Kimimaro.

Byakugan is the core strength of the Otsutsuki clan, and this eye seems to have unique variability.

It seems that no matter what kind of samsara eye, reincarnation eye, etc., they are actually evolved from the white eye.

The reincarnated eye is easier to understand. As the power of Otsutsuki Hamura, this eye is simply transformed from the white eye.

The Rinnegan, or Sharingan, is actually a variation of the Byakugan.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo witnessed Haori's death at the time, and as a result, he directly opened the kaleidoscope-level three magatama sharingan.

Then he jumped directly from the three magatama to the messy evolutionary process and directly came to the stage of the samsara eye.

Even in the later period of Incombustible, Xia Yan's memory of those Otsutsuki people he roughly read, no matter how weird their eyes became, they still had white eyes.

It can be said that the Byakugan is actually the essential power of all eyes in the entire Naruto world.

But as time went by, the blood of Otsutsuki in Hinata's body, which had Byakugan, began to deteriorate.

Their use of the Byakugan is limited to the use of physical skills, which has led to their current situation of being unable to move up or down.

And even in terms of physical skills, they have lost a terrifying amount of inheritance.

Think of Kaguya Otsutsuki's Yasugami Air Strike, and look at Hinata's so-called Baguazhang now.

The gap between the two can only be described as vast.

Of course, Xia Yan is also guessing whether it is because the Hyuga clan has lost some specific bloodlines.

In other words, it is the bloodline that is activated and can help them withstand the power of the Byakugan.

According to the combination of Uchiha and Senju, the power of the Six Paths Sage can be combined.

And referring to the power used by Otsutsuki Kaguya, does it mean that Byakugan can actually try to combine with the corpse veins.

In this way, can we obtain the simplest and most basic power of Otsutsuki, and use it to brew and stimulate the power of the Byakugan?

Xia Yan doesn't know these things, but he can definitely give it a try!

After all, he has the special ability to extract seeds. He can get the most pure and fused power within his body.

He was really looking forward to it. Once he was hit by something, would he be able to activate some special powers?

"But all this is a thing for another time. What we have to do now is to slowly wait for time and wait for them to have a complete result."

Xia Yan smiled and took a document from Qiong's hand, then lowered his head and started to read.

After returning to Konoha, Natsuhiko felt relaxed all over.

Probably Konoha is his territory, and he can feel more at ease and at ease when he returns here.

Even though he has not yet completely grasped Konoha in his hands, he believes that this day will not be far away.

In addition to the happiness of returning to Konoha, there is also the body of Bai Zetsu that was planted along with Byakugan's eyeballs.

The Bai Zetsu bodies he got this time were both of high quality. One was the arm of White Zetsu, and the other was the half body of Black Zetsu.

Even though Natsuhiko wasn't sure whether this half body and arms were the two guys who were able to escape with wood escape carefully trained by Madara Uchiha.

But no matter what, the ones who can be used by these two guys will not be simple guys.

Especially after Xia Yan got it, he could clearly feel that the chakra and life breath contained in the material he got this time was stronger.

This thing is definitely much better than what Xia Yan got last time.

Therefore, Xia Yan stuffed them directly into the tree without hesitation, and they were the strongest ones in the art.

Even though there was no immediate reaction, Xia Yan could already feel the chakra brewing, which was definitely a good thing!

It only takes some time, and Xia Yan is sure that he will gain everything he wants!

But when good things happen, naturally there are some things that make him feel troublesome.

That's that kid Kimimaro. This kid definitely has unlimited potential, Xia Yan has no doubt about this.

But the problem is that this little guy is only three or four years old now, and he has not fully activated his blood inheritance at all.

Moreover, his life as a child was also very miserable. When Natsuhiko grabbed Terumi Mei and took this kid out, he was locked in a dog cage.

Xia Yan really couldn't understand why this child, who had the last bones of the Kaguya clan, was treated like this.

"Could it be because even though everyone is Kaguya, the loss of blood has caused them to lose the power of blood now.

Among them is the patriarch of the Kaguya clan, so there is a person of such blood, but he has become an existence that is incompatible with the clan?

In other words, is the leader of the Kaguya clan planning to completely tame Kimimaro like a dog and make him his loyal dog? "

Xia Yan couldn't understand these things, so he didn't bother to think about it anymore.

Anyway, he has got this kid.

It's just that this guy's current placement problem is more difficult to deal with, and the kid's bloodline activation level is too poor.

He could get the bone out, but the fragility of the bone was simply outrageous.

Kimimaro in the original work, the bones he released are so hard that they can be used head-on with ninja tools.

Now, Xia Yan didn't even need any chakra mode to break this kid's bones, he could just crush them with his hands.

Using such bones to plant, Xia Yan still planted it, but he didn't have much expectations at all.

After thinking about it, Natsuhiko decided that he should bring this brat back to Konoha.

It's better to arrange for a trustworthy person and then bring him back 'by chance'.

Xia Yan decided to let the people in the Internal Affairs Department do this. After all, the Internal Affairs Department is basically composed of Senju people now.

Even if Xia Yan doesn't completely trust them as members of his own race, these guys are a little more trustworthy than others.

"Mr. Minister, you seem to be in a good mood today?"

Just when Xia Yan was slightly distracted looking at the document in his hand, Qiong's voice rang in his ears.

"It's okay, I'm always in a good mood."

Xia Yan turned his head with a smile, looked at Qiong and said softly.

"By the way, just the two of us can call me Xia Yan. After all, we are classmates, so we don't need to be so serious."

"I can't promise you this."

Qiong showed a smile, but she shook her head slightly.

"Although we are classmates, there is a distinction between us in ANBU.

I can be a little 'wild' after get off work, but I can't do that at work.

Lianhua, isn't it the same? She calls you "Mr. Minister" at work. She is your fiancée. "

"Hey, fiancée."

Speaking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head slightly, but he didn't seem to be dissatisfied.

"Strictly speaking, I don't like the existence of a fiancée who, in order to protect the tradition of the family bloodline, does not respect the foundation of the relationship between the two parties at all.

But its existence must have its own meaning, and as a vested interest, maybe I shouldn’t complain. "

"Xia Yanjun doesn't like Lianhua?"

"No, Lianhua is a good woman. She can do housework and government affairs. I just don't like this system."

Xia Yan spread his hands. Although the topic was provoked by him, he really didn't want to go further into this topic.

There is no doubt that Lianhua is a good woman. Even if this woman is a little cold, no matter how cold she is, she can't resist her advantages.

Especially her appearance is in line with Xia Yan's aesthetics, but what Xia Yan is pursuing now really makes him not have too many ideas about whether a woman is beautiful or not.

What's more, Xia Yan is a time traveler, and he really doesn't like "arranged marriages".

However, Qiong will never fully understand what Xia Yan is thinking.

After she glanced at it in surprise, she suddenly had some thoughts in her heart.

However, this idea was very vague, and she kept it deep in her heart.

She looked at the documents on the table with a smile, and then said softly: "In fact, the Minister can do something about this kind of thing. After all, the Minister's status is the person who can make decisions no matter where he is.

But the most urgent thing is that the Minister should take a good look at the documents. This matter is really quite extraordinary. "

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded with a smile, and then started to read the documents seriously.

Just after reading it for a while, Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, because this document was about Orochimaru...


Orochimaru looked intently at the boy in the experimental vessel in front of him. This boy was one of his experimental props.

Ever since he was defeated by the guy who had mastered the power of the Nine-Tails, he had begun to study the power of Senju Hashirama very seriously.

And while he was researching, he was also constantly learning and improving the technique of filthy earth reincarnation.

It's just that the reincarnation of dirty soil is very easy to get started, but it is very difficult to fully exert its power.

Orochimaru was certain that he could summon the first Hokage.

But after being summoned, it may not be very strong. What's the point of summoning it in such a situation?

Especially as Orochimaru continued to study and explore in depth, he suddenly realized that in order to summon the person who best met his needs, he really needed to continue studying Senju Hashirama's cell fusion.

Only by solving the problem of Senju Hashirama's cells and letting the carrier possess such power can he summon Senju Hashirama who is closest to full strength.

In addition, if he is not strong enough after summoning, he will have no way to control these summoned ancestors.

All the troubles eventually returned to Senju Hashirama's cells, which forced Orochimaru to calm down and start studying these things.

Only by studying the Senju Hashirama cells can we get a better carrier.

And eating through these cells can also enhance his own strength.

Only in this way can he control the ancestor shadows summoned by him!

But fortunately, Orochimaru is indeed a genius.

Senju Hashirama's cells are so violent that he must find a way to suppress them.

In that chaotic era, the only one who could be compared with Senju Hashirama was Madara Uchiha.

Therefore, Orochimaru made a guess, that is, is it possible that only the power of Uchiha can restrain the power of Senju?

With this idea, Orochimaru also began to try his own research.

He quietly captured a member of the Uchiha clan, which was not difficult for him at all.

Especially with Danzo helping to cover this matter, it is even less of a troublesome matter.

Although Danzo was dismissed, this guy still had some political advantages such as connections and connections.

Even if Orochimaru disdains cooperation with Danzo, Orochimaru will never miss it if he can use this guy.

This time, what he did was no longer to satisfy his curiosity, but more of a kind of self-protection.

Looking at the boy in the vessel, Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction, but his expression soon changed slightly.

Because the boy in the vessel seemed unable to hold on any longer, and eventually branches sprouted all over his body!

"Failed again?"

Orochimaru's expression quickly returned to calm, and then he took out a pen and paper and began to record the experiment seriously.

“The cells exploded faster than expected, and it only took a week for the cells to explode completely.

With such sensitivity, it seems that Senju Hashirama's cells indeed react in an unimaginable way to those of the Uchiha clan.

In addition, this kid lasted long enough, even if he failed.


As he wrote this, Orochimaru paused slightly, his expression extremely serious.

The deeper he studied, the closer he felt that he was getting closer to the truth.

"So, is that a hypothesis?

Hypothesis 1: The bloodline of ordinary Uchiha cannot withstand such a large force, and the cells of Senju Hashirama must be weakened before further experiments can be carried out.

Hypothesis two, I said that the quality of the captured Uchiha members was too poor, and we must find ninjas with higher quality in all aspects.

For example, a ninja who has opened the Sharingan.

Both hypotheses can be carried out simultaneously and are just material for experiment..."

After recording this, Orochimaru stopped his hand slightly, and at the same time he also frowned.

Experimental materials are indeed a huge headache.

Whether it is the body of Senju Hashirama or the members of the Uchiha clan, it is extremely embarrassing.

He still has the body parts of Senju Hashirama, but as the experiment continues, no one knows how long these things can last.

The only good thing is that he can use these materials at will.

But for Uchiha members, especially those with good quality, this is a very serious problem.

In Orochimaru's view, at least an Uchiha with Sharingan is needed.

And if you want to maintain the efficiency of the experiment, Sanmagatama must be the best!

However, the Sharingan is a rare commodity for the Uchiha clan, and members with three Magatama Sharingan are the treasures of their family.

What's more terrible is that the delaying strength of these guys cannot be underestimated. Orochimaru does not dare to be 100% sure that he can defeat them.

At this moment, the door to the laboratory was suddenly pushed open, and a person walked in quickly.

After Orochimaru glanced at it, there was nothing. The only people who could come here were Danzo's guys.

Danzo was not polite at all. He walked directly to Orochimaru and took a look at the record, and then said directly: "Is it still a failure?"

"The experiment never succeeds."

Orochimaru said nonchalantly, and then he put away all the pens and papers before looking at Danzo.

"But I already have an idea, and I think it will all be easy."

"Things, your ideas are just looking for death!"

Danzo's voice was low and hoarse, and you could tell he was dissatisfied.

"Do you know how tight the wind outside is now?

It's already troublesome enough to cooperate with you in catching one Uchiha brat, but you actually want to catch more people, and you even set your sights on Sanmagatama? "

Danzo naturally saw Orochimaru's notes, but it was because he saw him that he became extremely dissatisfied.

This guy is really going too far, and the requirements of the experiment are getting higher and higher.

Danzo himself had no problem with attacking Uchiha and using them for experiments.

He originally hated, even hated these guys, so he didn't feel any psychological pressure.

But now that the outside world is so loud, he actually makes such a request. He is really looking for death!

"It's my decision how to do the experiment, but it's your decision whether to do it or not."

There was no wave in Orochimaru's tone, as if he was talking about something insignificant.

"I'm just responsible for doing experiments and telling you the time and results.

Although it is only the first time to experiment with Uchiha, I have already obtained a very good result.

Whether you want to go deeper or not is your business, not mine. "


Danzo's expression changed slightly, he looked at Orochimaru intently, and it took him a long time before he asked in a low voice.

"Are you sure? I don't want any accidents to happen. You must know that it is not so easy for me to control Uchiha now.

And your current situation is also very bad! "

"The data is here. Even if it fails, it will be much better than before."

Orochimaru said calmly, then he turned around and walked outside without looking back.

"As I said before, I decide the direction of the experiment, and you decide whether to do the experiment, that's all."

"I see."

Watching Orochimaru leave, Danzo finally gritted his teeth and said.

"Just wait, but there is something you must understand.

Once exposed, you will and must be the only one to bear everything! "


Orochimaru licked his tongue and walked outside nonchalantly.

So what if he had to bear everything? He no longer cared about these messy things.

And there is one thing he didn't tell Danzo, that is, whether Danzo agrees or not, he will try to do it!


"Uchiha members are missing. Do you suspect that it was Orochimaru's hand?"

Natsuhiko knocked on the table lightly. He didn't know about this, or maybe even the Uchiha clan themselves didn't know about it.

According to the investigation, this boy from the Uchiha clan went on a mission, but disappeared after that.

That's right, it's missing!

He completed the task. Although there was no report in the village, they received the task report sent back by the client.

This was a means to prevent the ninjas from lying about their mission, but unexpectedly it became the key to the incident.

The most important thing is that this boy's name is also in the record of returning to the village!

This time the Uchiha clan broke out directly, which can be defined as missing in the village.

A family member disappeared within the village, which caused the Uchiha clan to explode.

The most terrible thing is that there are still rumors about Orochimaru. How can these Uchiha clan members be relieved?

Uchiha has begun to protest against this matter like the Third Hokage, and they have also organized their own manpower to investigate the whole village.

It was because of their actions that the ANBU got the news, otherwise this document would not have been delivered to Xia Yan.

In fact, Natsuhiko looked confused when he saw this document. In the original novel, Orochimaru was interested in the Uchiha clan.

But the reason for my interest was seeing Uchiha Itachi's performance, and then I got some ideas.

But now it seems that Uchiha Itachi doesn't even have the Sharingan. Why did this guy attack the Uchiha clan inexplicably?

"Your clan leader's son is called Uchiha Itachi, right?" Natsu Yan thought of this and decided to ask tentatively.

"Yes, Uchiha Itachi." Qiong nodded, and then she showed some confusion. "How do you ask this question?"

"I heard that this kid is a genius. Now that the Uchiha clan is in such trouble, please let your family pay more attention to that little guy."

Xia Yan spoke calmly, and then asked the key question.

"By the way, does that Uchiha Itachi have a Sharingan?"

"I understand. I will ask the people at home to pay attention. The Sharingan should not be there yet."

Qiong thought for a while and quickly gave an affirmative answer.

“If it were opened, I don’t think the clan leader would choose not to make it public.

From a political point of view, it is definitely good for him that his children are so talented.

From a family perspective, this is also something to be proud of. "

Xia Yan nodded. Qiong's analysis was basically the same as Xia Yan's.

Although Uchiha Fugaku is considered a low-key person, in the position of the clan leader, he must act with the clan leader's thinking on many things.

What's more, for the Uchiha clan, opening the Sharingan is definitely something to be proud of, and there is no reason to hide it.

Since there is no relevant information in the family, it must be that the current Uchiha Itachi does not have the Sharingan yet.

Then Natsuhiko can basically be sure that if it was Orochimaru who moved his hand, it probably wasn't because of Uchiha Itachi.

"Just, what is the reason?"

Xia Yan knocked on the table again. He was also confused now.

He even wondered if Orochimaru was not the one who took action this time.

However, after thinking about it, the ANBU's information is still worthy of belief, not to mention that only Orochimaru in Konoha seems to have this reason.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan felt that he should still regard Orochimaru as the number one investigation target.

If it was really him, then this time it would really be a 'hand-cutting' operation against Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Xia Yan suddenly realized that he seemed to like breaking other people's hands recently.

Obito was broken twice by him, but Orochimaru didn't break his hand even though he fought with him.

But knocking Orochimaru out of Konoha would definitely be considered as breaking Sarutobi Hiruzen's hand!

But when he thought that sometimes cutting off other people's hands was more terrifying than killing this person, Xia Yan stopped thinking about it.

The Sand Ninja wanted to kill him, spare his life, and even destroy his means of revenge.

Xia Yan still likes this approach very much.

"Let people investigate Orochimaru more, and investigate areas that were previously forbidden to be explored by ANBU."

After Xia Yan figured everything out, he spoke directly to Qiong, and Qiong immediately picked up a pen and began to record it seriously.

“Kakashi and I passed by those places before, but we were intercepted by people from the root.

According to our ANBU, those places are some hidden laboratories.

As for the specific experiments, we don’t know, and now we should find out. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and then continued after thinking carefully.

“Also, once you encounter people at the base who block you, just subdue them directly.

If you resist, just kill them without any thought of showing any mercy. "

Having said this, Xia Yan was still smiling, but the killing intent in his words was clearly revealed.

"These guys from the root are completely different from us. I think you should also know that they have attacked our ANBU base.

Since they can do it, we shouldn't show any mercy. "

"I see."

Qiong faithfully recorded all Xia Yan's words, and then she gave suggestions.

"In this case, Sir, I suggest sending Captain Kakashi and Team Ye Cang to cooperate."

"Both of them?"

Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this.

"That's a really good idea. Let's get the two of them together."

Kakashi and Yakura will never hold anything back, and Natsuhiko will never doubt this.

He wanted to see if it was Orochimaru who did it.

If so, then Natsuhiko wouldn't mind. When Hiruzen Sarutobi reorganized his organization, there wasn't even a qualified veteran team member...


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