The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 231 Uchiha’s actions (8K please subscribe~)

Although Orochimaru's incident was somewhat outrageous, especially in Xia Yan's opinion, it was no different from going against the wind.

But people who want to commit suicide cannot be stopped, especially this kind of thing is of huge benefit to Xia Yan.

Therefore, in his opinion, no matter whether Orochimaru did this or not, he must finally make it final!

Completely lock this matter on Orochimaru, so that this guy will never have a chance to turn around again.

The Orochimaru who stayed in Konoha was definitely not a good Orochimaru.

Only Orochimaru who left Konoha is a good Orochimaru who perfectly suits his own interests.

"It seems that I have to work hard myself."

After Xia Yan thought about it silently, he felt that this matter needed to be strengthened.

And when the critical moment comes, it's not impossible for Xia Yan to forge some evidence himself!

In fact, strictly speaking, Xia Yan doesn't need to do this kind of dirty work himself.

According to his current status, he can command a bunch of people who want to climb up to help him accomplish this kind of thing.

But Xia Yan has always believed that it is better to do some dirty and tiring work himself.

This has nothing to do with trust or not, but the fewer people who know, the lower the possibility of exposure!

The more people know, the more risk there will be.

In Xia Yan's memory, President Frank knew this very well.

To deal with an enemy according to his status, he only needs to use his words and someone will come to help him, and there is no need for him to die personally.

But he had no intention of borrowing from others, because he was too aware of some things and the stakes involved.

The same is true for Xia Yan. The Hokage is a person who cannot have scandals. Naturally, Xia Yan aims at the Hokage and cannot allow himself to be burdened with any scandals.

The price of exposure was too high, and since he was strong enough, he naturally had no idea of ​​finding anyone to deal with it.

To put it bluntly, the people he may be looking for may not be as powerful as him!

In this case, there is no need for him to find someone else to do it for him.

Especially since he was a ninja born in Anbu, it would not be easy to find someone more professional than him.

Orochimaru's affairs are basically settled, that is, execution and operation, and this part does not require him to worry too much.

After receiving the instruction, Qiong will turn to discuss with Lianhua according to Xia Yan's instruction.

The private secretary will not come into contact with the execution ninja. This is a rule set by Qiong himself.

Natsuhiko's shadow clone had informed him of this matter. During the time that Natsuhiko left Konoha, many wonderful things actually happened in Konoha.

For example, within the Anbu, with the continuous expansion of the two secretarial systems, the number of people in the two secretariats has also begun to increase.

In order to ensure that the secretary's power was too great, Xia Yan also began to consider further countermeasures.

But what he didn't expect was that before he could do anything further, Qiong and Lianhua came up with some plans they had thought of in a tacit understanding.

This plan planned the scope of responsibilities of the two secretariats in more detail, and also marked all overlaps and ambiguities.

When it comes to women being attentive, sometimes men really can't compare to them.

And Xia Yan himself felt that, on a relative level, he was making strategic decisions rather than tactical decisions.

After all, what he knew was far ahead of his time.

What he has to do is to guide others on what to do, not to formulate how to do it on this road.

He hasn't really reached that point yet, so he still has to control a lot of things.

Fortunately, as his status improved, talents under him also emerged, and he could focus more on other aspects.

In addition to the continuous expansion of the two secretariats, other government departments have also made good progress.

The number of people in the Government Affairs Office has also begun to increase. Even if so many people are not necessarily needed now, this can be regarded as preparation for the future.

In addition, the rest system of Ninja has basically been fixed.

Xia Yan originally left this matter to the Secretariat, but later the Secretariat saw that many people in the Government Affairs Office were too relaxed.

Therefore, after discussion between Qiong and Lianhua, they passed Xia Yan's decision and handed over the matter to them.

And they can be regarded as completing a very good thing during the 'trial training' period.

It can be said that all departments within the ANBU are thriving, except for the operations department.

Due to the number of people in the operations department, it is not that easy to expand.

But it's not without good news. The current third brigade, the brigade where Xia Yan has been the captain for several months, has completed basic expansion.

Even in many squadrons, the personnel are actually not complete.

But with Natsuhiko's experience of taking Kakashi alone on missions, some powerful team captains have not completely completed the expansion.

But overall, the third team performed very well under the leadership of Kakashi.

As for the other two brigades, although they are continuing to complete the designated plans, the progress is really slow.

In addition to the Anbu, Xia Yan was also concerned about the situation of the Security Department.

After Xia Yan left, the members of the Senju clan also gradually entered it through the arrangements of Renhua and Senju Xiangzhen.

And their joining also created a lot of advertisements for the squadron of the Security Department.

Coupled with the disciplinary outline formulated by Yu Qiong, it can be said that during this period of time, this squadron has indeed made Konoha residents have a great change in their perception.

However, this is only a change in one squadron, and the performance of other squadrons is still poor.

And along with the conflicts within the security department, they broke out more deeply within the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha's life is not particularly easy now, but he seems to be actively preparing for something.

"If it is really necessary, let the ANBU people help keep an eye on it."

Natsuhiko secretly thought that he had clearly told Uchiha that sometimes he needed to kill him.

No matter how reluctant he was to do this, he didn't have much choice when he took this path.

It is better for you to die than for me to die, and Uchiha himself knows this psychologically.

Therefore, Xia Yan determined that this guy would definitely do something, but he hasn't taken any thorough action yet.

"But now is also an excellent time. After all, Orochimaru has caused such a thing."

Natsuhiko felt that if Uchiha really wanted to take action, now would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

At this point in time, no matter who in the family disappears, a blame can be placed on Orochimaru's head.

It's really unreasonable not to take advantage of such a good opportunity.

However, Uchiha really belongs to the Uchiha clan, and the most Natsuhiko can do is give him a hint.

What he wants to do is his own problem, and Xia Yan only wants results.

If he can't do such a simple thing well, then this guy is really not qualified to continue following Xia Yan.

Even if he has a very nice granddaughter, that's all...


The affairs of the Security Department did not have much to do with Xia Yan, at least until the Security Department completely restored its rights and interests.

Xia Yan would not be very interested in this department, which was inherited from the family and whose power had shrunk in all aspects.

It is true that providing help in times of need can get more, but at Xia Yan's point, the direction he is considering no longer necessarily involves 'rebuilding from ruins'.

If necessary, the worst case scenario would be to push it all over again.

Wouldn't it be better if the entire department listened to him and divided the cake according to their own ideas?

Of course, that would be time-consuming and laborious, and Uchiha is indeed talented, and Natsuhiko has also received a small number of talents.

This made him choose to continue to cooperate with Uchiha Zhen instead of simply supporting another department and taking over directly when Uchiha fell.

After arranging Orochimaru's affairs, Natsuhiko basically had nothing to do.

There are indeed many things going on in ANBU, but most of them are trivial things.

With the two secretariats here, these things will basically not cause any trouble to Xia Yan.

And after this kind of matter is handled, a memo will be submitted for Xia Yan to check at any time.

The Secretariat does not have the right to deal with relatively important matters directly. Xia Yan only needs to focus on this.

Standing up, Xia Yan stretched slightly, and then he left the office and walked directly towards the prison.

So much time has passed, and although it has not been dealt with, it does not mean that he has forgotten that there is an interesting kid in the prison.

"Speaking of which, the guys in the laboratory didn't seem to draw less blood from him, but they just didn't get any results."

ANBU has its own laboratory, but the quality of the people in this laboratory really disappoints Xia Yan.

After all, Xia Yan has not seen any valuable research results sent by them so far.

Maybe, but it was just sent directly to the Third Hokage.

If it is the first type, it means that they are really useless, and Xia Yan will kick them out if he finds a suitable candidate.

If it's the second type, it means they still have some talent, and Xia Yan doesn't mind giving them some time to recognize the reality.

If they still can't figure out who has the final say in ANBU now, then Xia Yan will kick them out without hesitation.

If necessary, Xia Yan could kill a chicken to scare the monkeys. Anyway, his hands were already full of blood, and he didn't care about more.

Xia Yan was very fast. After smiling and nodding with many Anbu who passed by along the way, he arrived at the Anbu's prison.

What surprised him was that two acquaintances were guarding the ANBU prison.

"Shisui, Yamato?"

Xia Yan couldn't help but look a little strange when he looked at these two kids who were about the same age.

This kid Shisui has been promoted from the reserve team by Kakashi.

Although he is only about ten years old, his potential has been praised by Kakashi.

According to Kakashi, this kid is incredibly fast, and his understanding and mastery of the teleportation technique is no worse than Natsuhiko!

It was the first time that Xia Yan became the standard for other people's children, and this answer really made him dumbfounded.

However, Shisui is good at the teleportation technique, and Xia Yan is very clear about this.

This kid from the future plays the teleportation technique as exaggeratedly as the space ninjutsu.

His teleportation technique can separate several afterimages, but the enemy cannot see through which one is the real one.

Because each of his afterimages can cause physical damage.

This kind of attack interval is only a few tenths of a second. I am afraid that even the Sharingan may not be able to see clearly.

Compared with Shisui, Xia Yan felt that he really overestimated himself.

Although his teleportation technique was also very fast, he thought he couldn't reach Shisui's level.

If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't work. Xia Yan will not force these things.

However, Shisui is only showing his talent now, and in Natsuhiko's opinion, his true power has not yet been fully obtained.

Mangekyō Sharingan, without the Eternal Eye, this is Uchiha's strongest power!

Shisui has no brothers, and Mangekyo may be his end.

But this point doesn't mean that he can't overcome difficulties. Xia Yan is a Senju.

But if he wants Xia Yan to do something, he must first prove that he is worthy of Xia Yan.

As for this guy Yamato, it’s quite interesting to talk about.

Ever since he was forced into ANBU by Natsuhiko, he was basically being trained by Kakashi.

Although Xia Yan would not take the initiative to understand this guy's situation, he more or less understood some of the changes in this guy.

Especially after Natsuhiko told Kakashi some of Yamato's secrets - such as his life experience as the only survivor of the experiment, and being brainwashed by Danzo.

Kakashi knew what he should do, and he did it very well.

After more than half a year of training, Yamato has made some good changes.

However, to be on the safe side, Kakashi deliberately placed him and Shisui in the same team.

What this actually means is somewhat self-evident.

"Mr. Minister." When the two men saw Xia Yan, they immediately knelt down and lowered their heads.

"Everyone, get up. Let's talk about why you are here." Xia Yan asked them to stand up directly, and then asked curiously: "Aren't you supposed to be with Kakashi?"

"Mr. Minister, it's like this." Shisui raised his head and explained to Natsuhiko: "Captain White Fang caught a mouse. This mouse seemed to know a lot of things, so Captain Kakashi planned to come to the torture class Before......"

"Is that so?" Xia Yan nodded clearly.

Kakashi is famous throughout the ANBU for his seriousness and enthusiasm in performing tasks.

And after Natsuhiko gave him some advice, Kakashi is now extremely serious and motivated at work.

During vacation, this guy will also take the initiative to contact his former classmates and friends, and then hang out with them to enjoy his vacation.

It can be said that Kakashi has almost become a model of ANBU ninja. Work and life need to be separated,

He cannot bring the emotions brought about by work into his life, and his approach has been followed by many ANBU members.

It's just that many ANBU members don't have as many former friends as he does.

"I'll go in and take a look. You guys can take it here."

Xia Yan turned around in his mind, then waved to Yamato and Shisui, turned around and walked directly into the prison.

His original plan was to meet this kid Hidan and then simply let him go.

That’s right, let it go!

There is no point in keeping this kid locked up, after all, his future abilities are a secret.

Jin Gukuan, the guy who was tricked by Xia Yan, had already told everything.

But letting him go doesn't mean he can leave. At least for now, Xia Yan has no intention of letting him leave.

He also has the art of reincarnation that he borrowed from Chiyo. After thinking about it, this kid is the best caster of this art.

After all, he has almost endless vitality, and he can solve many minor troubles and problems.

Xia Yan can indeed resurrect others by using Yang Escape, but each time he must extract a certain amount of life force in advance.

In addition, he must ensure that the people he rescues still have the fire of life, otherwise everything will be in vain.

A person who can be controlled by him and can provide endless vitality. Why doesn't Xia Yan have him in his hands?

As for this guy being a member of the Akatsuki organization in the future?

so what!

Namikaze Minato survived, Naruto even lost the Kyuubi, and not only did Ao die, but his Byakugan was gouged out by him.

The whole world has already been messed up by him, so he still cares about a future member of the Akatsuki organization?

"But the reincarnation technique has to be put on the schedule. It's a pity that Orochimaru, if this guy is on my side..."

Natsuhiko shook his head slightly. When he walked to the cell, he found Kakashi squeezing the neck of a root ninja...


Within the Uchiha clan, Uchiha sat together with several elders of the Uchiha clan.

It's just that among them, except for the old god Uchiha who is drinking tea, the faces of others don't look very good now.

This is not the first time that something like this has happened in the Uchiha clan, or among those who follow their hope and live in peace with the village.

They want to change the current situation of the Uchiha clan, and they want to get back their rights through peaceful means.

But they never thought about resorting to such extreme methods, even turning against people in the family!

Now the confrontation between Uchiha Zhen and Uchiha Fugaku, after a long period of preparation and his reform of the Guard Squadron, can now be said to have reached a peak.

Some trends within the family have begun to change slightly, and even some important meetings in the family have begun to exclude them intentionally or unintentionally.

Such a result is unacceptable to them, and it is also unbearable for them!

"Third Elder, I don't know what purpose you have in making such a decision."

After being silent for a long time, an old man from the Uchiha clan spoke in a low voice. "

But if we continue like this, we will definitely fall into an unimaginable disadvantage.

In fact, we can't make further changes to the family at all! "

"Yes, Third Elder."

Another old man from the Uchiha clan shook his head slightly, and he looked very helpless.

"Personally, I support what you're doing.

After all, everyone can see how gratifying the changes in the Second Squadron are now.

But the clan leader has begun to abandon the neutrality policy, and if this continues..."

"Did the clan leader give up the neutrality policy and start leaning towards the great elder and the others?"

Uchiha didn't wait for the old man to finish speaking, he suddenly interrupted and asked.

"Then, can we understand that no one from the patriarch actually approved our idea from the beginning?

He was actually close to the Great Elder and the others from the beginning, and he actually wanted to take extreme measures to get them back together? "

Uchiha's words were really sonorous and powerful, but this also made the elders present speechless.

Could it be that it was what Uchiha really did that made Uchiha Fugaku feel that his rights had been violated.

So he is turning the gun and focusing the firepower on himself?

If that's the case, it's not a problem, but it's a big blow to Uchiha Fugaku's reputation.

A patriarch who ignores the interests of his family for his own interests is definitely not a good patriarch.

They are all people who hope that their family can be stable, but they have never thought about going against their patriarch!

Looking at these silent 'comrades', Uchiha suddenly shook his head in disappointment.

He suddenly discovered that the minister of the Senju clan might be the person who knew the Uchiha clan best.

Perhaps the people who know you best are really your worst enemies.

Even though Senju and Uchiha are not enemies now, they have been fighting against each other for thousands of years!

The proposal given by Natsuhiko and the seeds he planted in his heart were enough for Uchiha to make a decision.

"Since everyone has nothing to say, let's leave."

Uchiha sighed slightly, and his eyes began to look a little cold.

"The harmony of the family and the stability of the village are our lifelong pursuit.

But after going through so much, I already have a clear opinion in my mind.

That is, the two are mostly unified with each other, but sometimes they are mutually exclusive.

The family has reached a critical point in time. If you are not careful, the family may be destroyed.

Gentlemen, I hope you can understand me. Even if you can't understand me, I hope you won't hold me back. "

At this point, Uchiha really closed his eyes.

In fact, he shouldn't have said these words at all, but facing his former comrades, he really couldn't say anything.

His words stunned all the Uchihas who stood up to leave. The next second, their faces became extremely ugly as if they understood something.

Standing up quickly, they left the room filled with uneasiness.

Perhaps at this moment, they even doubted whether the third elder was crazy!

"You shouldn't have said that, Father."

After Uchiha Sora watched everyone leave, he couldn't help but sigh slightly and said.

Uchiha Sora is Uchiha's real son, Qiong's father, and the captain of the Second Squadron of the Security Department!

He is usually very busy and rarely has much time at home, so he has never met Xia Yan.

But Uchiha Zhen rarely hides this matter from him. He can be said to be the one who knows everything about Uchiha Zhen and Natsuhiko's plan.

"But, after all, they have been fighting with me for so many years."

Uchiha shook his head slightly, his eyes cold but with a little helplessness.

"Senju Natsuhiko is right, sometimes you have to have consciousness. That guy's consciousness is far beyond imagination. I really can't compare to him."

"Although I have never met him, I am still surprised that such a young person can have such a strong character."

Uchiha Sora looked at his father, his tone was still very respectful.

“However, since he was born as an Anbu, he has seen too many things.

And as a member of the Senju clan, Senju probably put a lot of effort into cultivating him.

But now I think we should not discuss him. How should we deal with this matter now? "

The last words Uchiha Makoto said were, strictly speaking, something that could never be said.

Because to some extent, this is the most serious leak!

Even if he didn't express his thoughts, even if he didn't express his purpose.

But no one is a fool. Considering what Uchiha has done in the past six months, it is difficult to say whether Uchiha really has any ulterior plan.

The reason why their faces become so ugly is because they think of bad things, or even...

If this matter is not dealt with, once the secret is leaked, Uchiha Fugaku will even be prepared.

So for Uchiha Makoto, this will be a disaster!

Uchiha Sora was actually confused at first as to why his father would make such a decision.

Especially after reaching such a terrible agreement with a kid from the Thousand Hands Clan.

But he is not a fool, after his father told the truth and analyzed the current form of Konoha.

One thing he had to admit was that Uchiha was really in danger now!

"You handle this matter."

Uchiha sighed deeply, and his eyes began to become cold.

"We are going to take action in the near future. This is an excellent time!"

"What father means is..."

Uchiha was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly thought of something.

"Rumors about Orochimaru?"

"Yes, Orochimaru's current situation was caused by Natsuhiko Senju."

Uchiha nodded, his fists clenched tightly.

"Although his purpose is to kill Orochimaru and weaken Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But we can also take advantage of the situation he created and do something for ourselves.

Besides, no one knows whether the missing child was really taken away by Orochimaru! "

Uchiha is actually very concerned about the disappearance of family members.

But unfortunately, their security department's investigation so far has yielded no clues at all.

The child seemed to have disappeared from the world, with no news at all.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Uchiha to really set his sights on Orochimaru.

After all, Orochimaru has not spread such rumors once or twice, even if there are too many political considerations in it.

But many things are not necessarily groundless. Maybe there are really some unknown things in it.

Uchiha Sora couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this, and then took action in the name of Orochimaru. This was indeed an excellent cover-up.

Although Uchiha Sora sighed a little bit by attacking people in the family, he also knew that they really had no way out now.

Moving forward, although it is dangerous, after success, it will definitely be a smooth road.

But if they stand still or retreat, they will face an endless abyss.

At this point, they don't have many choices, but they have a lot to do.

"I understand, Father."

Uchiha Sora's expression also became serious. He nodded slightly and then spoke.

“I will handle this matter well and there will never be any hidden dangers left.

But there are some things I hope to get some confirmation on, such as the ANBU minister..."

"You can go meet him."

If Uchiha really spoke directly, he would not object to this matter.

"As Qiong's father, Qiong is working under him now, so it is normal for you to meet him.

Of course, besides Qiong, as the main participant in this operation, it would be better for you to learn more about him.

I'm old, and all I can do is create a better environment. Everything in the future will be yours. "

At this point, Uchiha really stopped.

If possible, he did not want his son to come into contact with Senju Natsuhiko.

Even if Xia Yan has not revealed anything now, he has the slightest idea about their family and the security department.

But Uchiha really knew that Natsuhiko's terrifying influence had already infected them unconsciously.

Especially Uchiha himself, he really wants to get rid of such an influence.

But the result was that he eventually kept moving closer to Xia Yan.

He didn't want his son to make the same mistake as him.

But the current situation was that he couldn't push it away, couldn't stop it, and couldn't even resist it.

In this operation, Senju Natsuhiko's shadow is really everywhere.

It can even be said that this is a huge transformation of the Uchiha clan carried out by Natsuhiko Senju through the dreams in their hearts!

Shaking his head slightly, Uchiha really didn't want to continue thinking anymore.

He could only hope that the future would get better, and that the children of the future would be able to break the pressure that that terrible man had exerted on the Uchiha clan.

"Sora, then I'll leave the rest to you." Uchiha stared at his son and said in a low voice: "I hope all this can be resolved safely, do you understand?"

"I won't let my father down." Uchiha lowered his head and replied extremely seriously.

"No, it's not just this." Uchiha Zhen looked a little responsible, and he said seriously: "I hope that after we succeed, you can maintain your true intentions in the future and don't be like me."

Having said this, Uchiha really ignored his son's gaze and waved his hand gently to signal his son to leave.

Whether you understand it or not understand it for the time being, the hunting of the Uchiha clan has begun...


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