The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 232: The Art of Resurrection (8K please subscribe~)

Xia Yan probably didn't expect that he would be like a villain in the eyes of others.

Although he does have the vest of a heinous villain, he has always had a positive image of sunshine and gentleness in Konoha.

He really couldn't understand that even though he had done nothing, the Uchiha people always seemed to think that he was up to no good.

Even if he really has evil intentions, he must at least show his worth to the Uchiha clan.

Worrying when nothing is of any value is, at best, a warning of danger in times of peace, but at worst, it's just a bunch of fools worrying about things in vain.

But Natsuhiko doesn't know these things now. He and Kakashi are dealing with the captured root ninja.

Speaking of which, this ninja is relatively lucky, but at the same time he is extremely unlucky.

Xia Yan's order was that if they resisted, they would be killed without any hesitation.

It's just that he had just placed the order, and Kakashi and the others might not have been officially appointed yet, so this guy was lucky enough to survive.

But sometimes surviving may not be a real good thing, especially when they have some information and are caught by ANBU people, this is a very sad thing.

This is obviously the case with this root ninja. Although he is still alive, Kakashi is not an easy person to talk to, especially when Kakashi believes that he has information.

"Buchou, why are you here?" Kakashi looked at Natsuhi a little strangely, but the entire ANBU belonged to Natsuhi, and it seemed that it was nothing strange for him to be there.

"I came to see that kid Hidan, but I didn't expect you to be here." Xia Yan spread his hands indifferently, and then asked: "Is there any result?"

"I have just started, how can there be any results." Kakashi shook his head helplessly, but he still said seriously: "But I plan to use the Sharingan to see, after all, they are also a type of ANBU."

Using the Sharingan to obtain information is indeed a very good choice, especially using the illusion of the Sharingan to interrogate information is a very good idea.

However, Xia Yan did remember that people at the base seemed to have curse marks on their tongues.

Simply asking them to tell or write information would probably directly detonate the seal, eventually causing the person being tortured to die on the spot.

In this case, the final result is naturally nothing, even if Xia Yan is not that interested or concerned about the information this guy can reveal.

But now that Kakashi has caught someone, it doesn't seem good not to take advantage of it a little bit.

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko took a step forward. Under Kakashi's slightly puzzled eyes, he caught the face of this root ninja and made him open his mouth.

In just an instant, Kakashi's expression changed slightly, because he clearly saw a curse mark on the mouth of this root ninja!

"This is....."

Kakashi asked in surprise, he really neglected to check his tongue.

He just made sure that this guy had no suicide poison, no brain seal, and finally sealed the chakra.

After all, he has relatively little contact with the root ninja, so he doesn't know so many things.

"Characteristics of roots."

Xia Yan shook his head gently, and then he let go of his hand and hit the guy's neck with a knife.

The root ninja was knocked unconscious by him, and Natsuhiko turned to look at Kakashi.

"So, I think you should not be anxious. At least wait until the torture squad removes the seal from his tongue."

"It seems that this is the only way."

Kakashi sighed helplessly, he was still thinking about getting some information to make his investigation go more smoothly.

After all, Uchiha was involved this time, and Kakashi himself naturally felt a sense of indebtedness to Uchiha, which was why he acted so positively.

In fact, it was because of this sense of indebtedness that Natsuhiko decided to leave this matter to Kakashi.

But Kakashi may be a little disappointed this time, as he didn't get any information.

"Okay, don't make such an expression. There is a new task for you."

Natsuhiko smiled, then he turned around and walked towards Hidan, and Kakashi immediately followed.

After all, there was no way to review this guy Genbu, and Xia Yan was going to give him a new task, so he was naturally full of curiosity.

"What mission, Mr. Minister?" Kakashi asked directly.

"Don't worry, I know you are very concerned about the problems on the Uchiha side, so this task is still yours to carry out and stay close to."

Natsuhiko said directly, and the two of them had already arrived at the door of Hidan Prison.

"And there is a new order. Originally, Qiong or Lianhua should have given it to you, but now that you have met it, I will tell you directly.

From now on, when you encounter people at the root, capture them alive if you can, and kill them if you can’t. Do you understand? "

"Yes, Minister!" Kakashi nodded directly after receiving this order. He had no good impression of those guys at all!

"Also, this time you take Ye Cang with you."

"I understand, I will never disappoint the Minister."

Kakashi obviously understood, and he immediately understood what Natsuhiko meant.

Ye Cang was almost taken away by those guys at the root. If Xia Yan hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

They hate the roots, and will never show any mercy when performing such tasks, and will not even consider whether they are Konoha ninjas.

But Kakashi is also a little worried in his heart. Will doing so arouse the dissatisfaction and disgust of the Third Hokage and others?

However, this question just circled in his mind and was quickly swept away by him.

He is an ANBU ninja, and he must be confident in the ANBU's missions and orders. What's more, this time the matter involves Uchiha, and Kakashi must figure it all out no matter what!

Seeing Kakashi's attitude, Natsuhiko nodded with satisfaction, and then his eyes were locked on Hidan.

Hidan had been imprisoned for such a long time. Although he didn't look embarrassed, his mental state was very poor.

He seemed to feel someone coming, but he didn't pay much attention at first.

But when he saw clearly that the person coming over was Xia Yan, his whole body couldn't help but tremble. Apparently Xia Yan left a deep impression on him!

"Long time no see, kid." Natsuhiko stood in front of the gate with his hands folded on his chest, while Kakashi was one step behind Natsuhiko and stood quietly behind him.

"It''s you..." Hidan swallowed. He was really scared now: "What do you want..."

"Kid, let me ask you a question." Xia Yan didn't care about Hidan's attitude. He asked slowly: "Do you want to be free?"

"Even if this freedom is subject to some restrictions to some extent..."


Freedom is precious to anyone, especially when the person has lost his freedom for a long time, and his desire for freedom is even more intense.

Even though Hidan was still young, during the time he was imprisoned, he really longed to leave this small cell.

Therefore, after Xia Yan made his request, this guy agreed without any hesitation.

He was not at all curious about where his teacher had gone. Perhaps he had been let go. After all, he had also heard the negotiation between Xia Yan and his teacher.

Maybe he's dead, after all, Hidan doesn't really trust someone like Natsuhiko to let go of a guy who is like an enemy.

But no matter what, it's other people's business to be free, and he doesn't have any freedom at all!

Seeing how cooperative this kid Hidan was, Natsuhiko was extremely satisfied. Even though he knew that this kid was not really honest and obedient, what kind of place was Anbu?

Being disobedient is not a terrible thing in Anbu. The members and instructors of Anbu will teach these disobedient people how to be obedient honestly.

"It's just Minister, why did you let that guy out?"

After leaving the prison and watching Hidan being taken away by other ANBU personnel, Kakashi looked at Natsuhiko inexplicably.

He remembered that this boy was brought back by Xia Yan, and this boy seemed to have a teacher who escaped from prison on the night of the Nine Tails.

There were certain rumors about this matter within the ANBU. However, the ANBU was facing a huge change at that time. After all, the minister was dead and everyone was focusing on this.

That's why no one cares about that guy's situation, and no one cares about Hidan's situation now.

But Kakashi seems to have heard that this boy, like his master, has the ability to be close to immortality.

This is the highest intelligence within the ANBU. Kakashi can read it because he has a good relationship with Natsuhiko, otherwise the average captain would really not be able to read such a thing.

But he also knew that this kid's ability was far behind his teacher's, and he was simply not the type who had mastered it.

That's why he was curious why Xia Yan released this kid.

"It is true that he is not good now, but now does not mean in the future, not to mention all his teacher's information is in my hands."

Xia Yan looked at Hidan who had been taken out and the empty cell, and then said with a smile.

"All the information?" Kakashi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his face became weird: "Could it be that that guy..."

"It's not escape, it's death." Xia Yan nodded seriously, and then he turned to look at Kakashi: "In other words, he died in my hands."

Natsuhiko's words made Kakashi's face become even weirder. He didn't care that Natsuhiko killed such a prisoner.

Having experienced the war, he had long thrown those messy pities into the sea. For him, protecting the village and his companions were the most important things.

What he felt was weird was that wasn't that guy a guy who couldn't die? How on earth was he killed by Xia Yan?

"Unexpected?" Xia Yan looked at Kakashi's expression and knew what he was thinking, so Xia Yan said directly: "Speaking of which, this is the credit of the Hokage."

"Teacher?" Kakashi knew who the Hokage Natsuhiko was talking about, which made him even more confused: "What did the teacher do?"

"Do you know why Hokage-sama went to Mt. Miaomu to recuperate?" Natsuhiko looked at Kakashi seriously now, and Kakashi's expression changed slightly.

Not many people really knew this secret, because Namikaze Minato had never seriously discussed this issue with anyone else.

There are really not many people in Konoha who know about this matter. Even Kakashi, a disciple, is not sure why his teacher was injured so seriously.

He wanted to ask his teacher, but unfortunately his teacher had already gone to Miaomu Mountain, and this became an unsolved case.

Now that Natsuhiko, the only person who fought side by side with his teacher and finally defeated Kyuubi, was willing to tell him this, Kakashi was of course looking forward to it.

Especially now, he is also curious about how the nearly immortal guy died in Xia Yan's hands.

"Actually, it's very simple. Lord Hokage used the technique of sealing away ghosts." Natsuhiko said softly, and Kakashi's eyes suddenly changed when he heard this!

"Sealing the corpses? How is this possible!" Kakashi spoke loudly almost subconsciously, but soon he noticed his tone, and he immediately lowered his voice: "Is there a mistake? The sealing of the corpses is not possible!" .....”

"The art of dying together?" Natsuhiko shook his head slightly. He patted Kakashi on the shoulder and whispered: "No art is actually perfect. Since there is a way to perform it, there is also a way to undo it."

At this point, Xia Yan paused for a moment. At this moment, he suddenly showed a smile again, but this smile made Kakashi's hair stand on end.

“There is naturally a way to undo the sealing of corpses, and this method requires an extreme form of self-mutilation.

After I discovered that Lord Hokage had used the Ghoul Seal, I immediately thought of a way to unlock it.

So I took Tsuya away and promised that I would give him his freedom as long as he did what I said.

He said yes and did so, and I planned to keep my promise.

But what I never expected was that this technique would actually kill him..."

Natsuhiko leisurely told Kakashi about Tsutani Hiroshi, and Kakashi listened with great concentration. This was the first time that he knew that there were so many things happening in the night of the Kyuubi.

Moreover, there is a special solution to the almost insurmountable art of sealing the zombies to death together, and even this solution is a bit chilling.

If Xia Yan hadn't accidentally caught this guy Tsugu Kuan, his teacher might have died!

Even if Tsutani Hiroshi died in the end, it still proved the danger of this method of unlocking the technique.

Even though this guy has abilities comparable to immortality, he is still powerless against attacks on the soul.

But this is fine, at least it proves that those so-called immortal techniques still have flaws.

As for why Xia Yan knew the solution to the corpse ghost sealing, he really wasn't that curious. After all, Xia Yan was a member of the Thousand Hands clan.

"So, do you plan to train him now and use his power?" Kakashi naturally thought of these things after he figured out everything.

Now that we already have the secrets of the so-called immortality of the Evil God Cult, and also know the methods of restraint, it seems reasonable to cultivate them.

It is true that things like the soul are troublesome, but attacking mental power is not impossible. Destroying a person's spirit is basically equivalent to destroying a person's soul!

There are Uchiha members in the ANBU. As long as they make good use of their power, Hidan may not be able to stand up.

Not to mention those Uchiha, even Kakashi himself has a Sharingan, so he might be able to do it.

"It is indeed using his power, but it's not what you think."

Natsuhiko thought for a moment, then took out a scroll and handed it to Kakashi.

"This is top secret, something even the Hokage doesn't know about. It was originally just something I blackmailed, but now it seems I can try it."

"Teacher, don't you know?" Kakashi raised his eyebrows, then he opened the scroll and started to read it seriously.

After just looking at it for a moment, his expression changed slightly.

Because the information he saw recorded a technique, and this technique can actually resurrect the dead!

Seeing all this, Kakashi's body began to tremble involuntarily. He never dreamed that there was such a technique, and that such a technique was placed in front of him!

"This is..." Kakashi's voice started to tremble a little: "What's going on?"

"Do you remember when we went to the Kingdom of Wind?" Xia Yan chuckled softly: "That old guy Chiyo, I have to say that he is really powerful. I made a deal with her using the information of the guy who was suspected of being a scorpion, and this technique That’s part of the deal.”


When Kakashi heard this name, he immediately recalled the guy he and Natsuhiko met when they rescued Kusunoki, the captain of the third team, after finishing Lizard Maru.

That guy's puppet technique really left a deep impression on Kakashi, especially the puppet that seemed to be the Third Kazekage, which was still fresh in his memory.

Is that guy a scorpion?

Kakashi's eyes were a little vague. If it was really Scorpion, then by exchanging that guy's information with Chiyo, it was very likely that he could really get something useful in exchange.

After all, Xia is Chiyo’s grandson!

However, Kakashi didn't completely think that Chiyo would give in. He also knew how tough the old woman was. After all, this woman had brought a lot of trouble to Konoha.

It's hard to say whether the information she gave is false.

Or maybe Xia Yan gave her more things, or Xia Yan put more severe pressure on her?

But no matter which one it is, with this information in their hands, it is worth their while to try!

"I understand, Mr. Buchou." Kakashi took a deep breath, and his eyes became deeper: "I will try to keep this matter a secret..."

"It's not your best, it's a must." Xia Yan shook his head and looked at Kakashi very seriously: "Kakashi, I trust you because you are one of my best friends.

I hope you also trust me and don't let everyone know about this document before I don't want it to be leaked.

Moreover, have you ever thought about one thing, that is, letting people who have slept in the Pure Land return to the human world? "

Natsuhiko's voice was very soft and gentle at the same time. When the last words entered Kakashi's ears, his whole body became extremely stiff.

Let people in the Pure Land return to the human world again?

Suddenly, his body began to tremble slightly, and his eyes turned red at this moment.

He knew what Xia Yan meant. Even before that, he had some vague guesses and thoughts in his heart.

But when Xia Yan said this completely, he still couldn't control his emotions!

He thought, how could he not want to?

Whether it's Rin or Obito, both of them died for themselves, or they were the ones who died in their own hands!

He desperately wanted to redeem everything, he desperately wanted to redeem everything, but he couldn't do it at all.

but now......

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi's eyes suddenly became serious.

He is very calm, and as a ninja he always knows that he should remain calm, no matter where he is, no matter what news he hears.

"Mr. Minister, this is an extremely tempting idea." Kakashi said in a hoarse voice: "It's just that there is a very serious problem..."

"I know what you mean." Natsuhiko interrupted Kakashi before he could finish his words: "Lin's body was brought back to Konoha, but she has been sacrificed for too long, so this technique may not work. On top of the bones.

Secondly, Obito's body has not been found, let alone finding a way to resurrect him.

The last point, I think is that we cannot be sure of the authenticity of this technique, right? "

Kakashi nodded silently, Xia Yan had already considered all the issues that needed to be considered.

It was obvious that he had thought it over carefully, so he might as well listen to Xia Yan's answer quietly.

He didn't know what kind of solution Xia Yan would have, but he knew that something deep in his heart had begun to beat!

Even if doing so breaks the laws of nature and seems very unethical.

But everyone has desires deep in their hearts. Kakashi has such desires, and now this desire has been completely ignited by Natsuhiko.

"Actually, there is still a solution, and the key point lies with Orochimaru."

Natsuhiko said calmly, his eyes staring at Kakashi, his expression unusually serious.

"I know that Orochimaru has a technique. Even though it hasn't been long since he started, at least I know it, and that is the cloning technique."

The world of Naruto is indeed quite strange, and the technology tree is a mess.

They have clearly pointed out electricity, communications and other things, and even biological things have been pointed out.

However, in terms of weapon development, it still maintains the status of cold weapons, and kunai is still the main force in combat.

Of course, for ninjas, maybe they are not afraid of guns and other things at all, so they maintain the status of cold weapons, right?

But no matter how messy it was, at least Natsuhiko's ANBU Intelligence Department did mention that Orochimaru had reported a cloning project.

“The so-called cloning technique is to use a person’s genes to artificially create a body that is almost identical to that person.

Of course, there are still certain differences here. Perhaps the stronger the gene strength, the harder it is to clone. "

Natsuhiko explained slowly. He felt that this was the only way to explain why Orochimaru and the others didn't clone the cells of the first Hokage.

Of course, Uchiha Madara did this, but it's hard to say whether he used the cloning technique or not.

"You mean, Lin and Obito's genes are not very strong, so they can use the cloning technique you mentioned to create a new body?"

Kakashi quickly understood what Natsuhiko meant, but his brows furrowed deeper when he heard this.

"But, this is not their original body anymore. It's really hard to say whether the technique in your hand can wake them up."

"So we need another technique to cooperate."

Xia Yan chuckled, and then he spoke slowly.

"The reincarnation of the dirty soil accurately summons the souls, and then finds a way to retain their souls.

For example, the art of spiritual transformation allows them to learn the art of spiritual illusion and maintain the spiritual state into the body.

Then use the reincarnation to communicate the characteristics of the soul, leaving a unique mark on them, and finally achieve complete return! "

The really powerful thing about reincarnation is not using chakra to turn into life force.

Although this is also very powerful, after all, it involves the use of Yang Dun, but the most powerful thing is the unique ability to communicate with souls!

There must be a special connection between body and soul. Xia Yan didn't know what this connection was, but he had seen it.

Regardless of the time when Namikaze Minato was saved, the soul would find its own body on its own.

Or the serious exclusivity of Orochimaru's corpse reincarnation. These are all wonderful reactions between the soul and the body.

Xia Yan didn't know whether the cloned body and soul would be exclusive, but it wasn't something that couldn't be studied.

In his opinion, the main reason for such exclusivity should be that there is a soul in the body, so a special mark appears.

These marks exclude other souls from entering, and these marks will also guide his own soul to return.

Therefore, Xia Yan feels that as long as the clone does not show any consciousness and is simply a clone of the physical state, there should be no problem.

It's like building a house without the name of the resident on the property deed.

Only when you completely buy this house and write your name on the real estate certificate will this house belong to you!

Kakashi listened to Xia Yan's words carefully. He now basically understood what Xia Yan meant, and the more he understood, the more excited he became, but at the same time, he also felt embarrassed.

What does Natsuhiko mean by this, is he planning to cooperate with Orochimaru?

But how could they cooperate with Orochimaru in his current state?

"So, let's talk about Orochimaru..." Kakashi said hesitantly. To be honest, Kakashi felt extremely guilty at this moment.

There was hope for Obito and Lin to be resurrected, which he was not willing to miss anyway.

But what troubled him was that what Orochimaru had done had seriously harmed the village, and even involved Uchiha.

If Xia Yan really wanted him to let Orochimaru go, he didn't even know how to choose.

The passage caused by this entanglement really made him extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, he wanted to test Xia Yan. He wanted to see what choice his best friend would make.

"Orochimaru violated Konoha and did such extreme things. How could we as ANBU let him go?"

Natsuhiko raised his eyebrows. He immediately understood what Kakashi meant. He smiled and patted Kakashi on the shoulder.

"Even if the Fourth Hokage is here, he will never let Orochimaru go.

But have you ever considered one thing, that is, how could Orochimaru do this alone? "

"you mean....."

Kakashi's eyes shone slightly, and he suddenly turned his head and glanced outside the door.

"Yamato said that he was born in Orochimaru's laboratory, and then he was adopted by Danzo..."

"So, why Danzo and not Kazuto?"

The smile on Natsuhiko's face became brighter, and his voice lowered a lot at this moment. He was almost whispering next to Kakashi.

"Furthermore, even Danzo doesn't have that much ability, and I seriously doubt that the Sandaime was actually involved.

But this matter cannot be disclosed, you know? "

"Yes, Minister!" Kakashi's eyes immediately became extremely solemn: "It's just that the Sandaime..."

"Maybe he was deceived, but many things are uncertain."

Xia Yan couldn't smear the 'Hokage' too much. Talking too much about some things would have a bad influence.

The Hokage cannot be humiliated, because if there is any black spot in the Hokage, it will cause an unimaginable blow to the Hokage's reputation.

In particular, Hiruzen Sarutobi is kind and harmonious, but he is also courageous and can dedicate everything to the village.

And Namikaze Minato's performance coincides with Sarutobi Hiruzen. Once something goes wrong, it will be a devastating blow to the Hokage. This is already a loss of credibility.

Xia Yan didn't want to have to bear this series of notoriety after ascending to the position of Hokage.

After glancing at Kakashi who was thoughtful, Natsuhiko continued in a low voice.

“But you have to remember, we have a lot to do next.

Orochimaru cannot let go, he must leave Konoha, even if he cooperates with Danzo, the things he has committed cannot keep him in Konoha.

After leaving Konoha, it doesn't matter what experiments he does, as long as he doesn't attack people from Konoha or Fire Country.

In addition, they also need to be a hidden line for him so that he can help us clean up some people or things that should be cleaned up but it is not convenient for us to do it.

Finally, we also need to build our own laboratory, a laboratory established by people we can trust.

I still have a lot of doubts about this technique, so we need to go through some verification and experiments to prove the effect of this technique.

Of course, there is that kid Hidan who still needs to grow up, and he is also the key to time this time.

Our task is heavy, very heavy.

Once successful, it will not only be Lin and Obito who will benefit, but also many more Konoha ninjas.

Do you understand, Kakashi? "


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