Starting from the beginning, I deliberately expanded the benefits of this matter from personal development to the village, thereby stimulating Kakashi's sense of responsibility.

Strictly speaking, this approach is not really glorious. After all, Xia Yan really has no intention of extending it to the entire village.

The ninja itself is an extremely cruel elimination system. When such elimination is continuously weakened, the ninja's ambition will naturally be lowered.

What's more, Xia Yan himself also has selfish desires, so the more mysterious the power, the better!

Even if it were to be taken out, it would only be given to some specific people who had truly made great contributions to Konoha.

That's pretty much it. The rest of the matter basically revolves around the establishment of a laboratory that truly belongs to ANBU and a more in-depth investigation of Orochimaru.

Xia Yan didn't need to worry about these things. Xia Yan even found that as he continued to expand the Government Affairs Office and established the Secretariat, his work became extremely easy.

He only needed to formulate an idea for the ANBU to move forward and set a strict time as a node. He didn't need to worry too much about the rest.

The two secretariats will bring over all the managers of the Government Affairs Office and the three captains of the operational forces for overall coordination and discussion.

After getting a similar result, the Political Affairs Office and the Operations Office will go back to their respective homes, and then convene their respective subordinates for discussions and meetings.

Various management offices of the Government Affairs Office will discuss how to allocate personnel and how to complete the set goals and instructions without affecting the growth and flow of the ANBU.

The three captains of the Operations Department will call the squadron leaders together, and then discuss their respective plans and tasks together.

This set of rules was prescribed by Xia Yan. According to his previous life, it is called maximizing one's subjective initiative.

After all, a person who has lived on the shoulders of giants for more than 20 years has come to a world without even basic political classes. There is really too much he can do and change a little bit.

Xia Yan doesn't need to worry too much about how his subordinates plan. As long as they don't violate ANBU's rules and regulations, Xia Yan won't care.

What he wants is very simple, that is, a result.

"So, this kind of thing doesn't require me to do everything. Even the shadow clone doesn't need to be used!"

Xia Yan thought happily as he walked slowly in a hidden forest in the Land of Fire.

Especially when he thought that Sarutobi Hiruzen was buried in a sea of ​​documents every day and couldn't extricate himself, he was even more happy.

It seems that Sarutobi Hiruzen has a high degree of concentration of power, and he also seems to be very serious and responsible.

But in fact, this is basically a problem with one's own body. In addition, a person's energy is also limited. It is difficult to say whether there will be any mistakes when dealing with so many things.

Once an error occurs, the impact and damage caused may not be visible at once, but it will be fatal in the long run!

In addition, in Xia Yan's opinion, the efficiency of handling everything by one person is no longer as simple as low. It is no different from a tortoise crawling.

"The worst thing is to build a simple cabinet system. Anyway, the Ministry of Government is basically compiling various documents and materials, so why waste their ability?"

Wouldn't it be better to build a simple cabinet and let people from the Ministry of Government handle it, so that they can make simple suggestions and retain the final decision-making power?

To be honest, if it weren't for the complicated matters that the Government Affairs Office was responsible for, the orders issued by the Hokage would basically be handled directly by them, and even some foreign affairs would be handed over to them.

Otherwise, Xia Yan felt that if Nara Shikaku and the others were asked to compile information and documents, this guy with an IQ of over 200 would have run away long ago.

Shaking his head slightly, even if Xia Yan had these thoughts in his mind, he didn't intend to tell Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Anyway, even if he said it, Sarutobi Hiruzen might not change anything.

Power is poison, especially for ninjas whose strength is constantly declining due to age. Power is an important bargaining chip to ensure that they can still stand at the top of the ninja stage!

"After all, not everyone is Ohnoki. The older he gets, the more powerful he becomes."

Ohnoki is almost an exception in the whole world. As time goes by, he has more experience and wisdom.

He can see through many things at a glance with his rich experience. He can fully understand what he wants to do and when to show persistence.

And as the years went by, not only did the old man's strength not weaken, but he became even more terrifying because of the dust escape and super light heavy rock techniques.

Of course, he is not without his own weaknesses. For example, in terms of his personality, I don't know whether it is his old age or Iwagakure's characteristics that make him extremely stubborn.

There is also the physical aspect. Due to his age, he basically has no physical combat ability.

But the flaw is that his existence has allowed Yanyin Village to develop steadily. He is Yanyin Village’s biggest sea-fixing needle!

Xia Yan walked leisurely in the forest. Although he had been thinking about some messy things in his mind, when he came to the 'plantation', his thoughts had completely returned.

After carefully scanning the seals around him, Xia Yan made sure that the barrier he had set had not been compromised before he walked in calmly.

It has been more than a week since Xia Yan came back and planted the power he brought back.

After Kyuubi made a fuss last time, Natsuhiko made huge gains the next day, but after experiencing the incident with Obito's arm, he couldn't help but start to become conservative.

He would rather stay up longer than run here day after day and get nothing.

The feeling was so bad that after Xia Yan experienced it once, he really didn't want to experience it a second time.

What's more, at that time, Xia Yan was arranging plans for inspecting Orochimaru, setting up a laboratory, etc., so he might not be able to get away at that time.

This time he planted Kimimaro's bones, Ao's Byakugan, Black Zetsu's half body and Obito's arm.

In addition, there are three-tailed chakra, as well as the body parts of Senju Hashirama who were buried here last time.

It can be said that all the trees in this area are a mess.

“The last time I came here, Senju Hashirama’s corpse seemed to be almost healed, but I don’t know what the situation will be this time.

Also, the advanced senjutsu chakra seed in my body is basically completed, but I haven't checked it yet.

I just don’t know what kind of harvest I can achieve this time. "

When he thought about being able to harvest so many things at once, Xia Yan couldn't help but pick his brain.

Especially when he was close to these trees, the strong chakra fluctuations made him know that his harvest this time was unimaginable!


At ten o'clock in the night, within the Konoha Uchiha clan, Uchiha Makoto and Uchiha Sora stood in the room, and also in the room were Shisui and Qiong.

The atmosphere in the entire room seemed particularly dull, as if a storm was silently brewing.

After such a long period of planning and preparation, Uchiha Zhen had basically arranged all the things that should be arranged, and they decided to take action.

This is indeed a difficult choice for Uchiha, after all, this time he has to attack someone in the family!

The people in this family include Uchiha's former comrades-in-arms, as well as his current enemies.

Although they may not have any problems for their comrades, such an approach is definitely a chilling thing.

As for his former political opponents, he also decided to completely follow the ideas and ideas provided by Xia Yan before and send them to the Pure Land!

They are very good people and they are excellent leaders of the family.

Their living is a kind of hope, living is a kind of symbol, and people who uphold the same philosophy as them will always move closer to them.

Their prestige can easily make human beings give up their weapons, or pick up weapons!

This symbol of spiritual power is definitely not what Uchiha really wants. He is extremely eager to cooperate with them if they can cooperate.

But he knew that the differences in their positions doomed them to be impossible to come together. This was a war destined to kill you and me.

Either kill them yourself and make them stop completely, or they kill themselves and lead the family completely into the abyss!

It is absolutely impossible for Uchiha to let them roll into the abyss with their family, so he can only be the executioner himself to make them stop.

"Although I am extremely reluctant to come to this point, we must take a step forward now."

There was helplessness and sigh in Uchiha Zhen's tone, as well as a hint of pain and determination.

His eyes looked at Shisui and Qiong, and then he closed his eyes slightly.

"Qiong, Shisui, you are not my grandson and granddaughter now.

You are the representatives of ANBU, and you represent Natsuhiko Senju.

Now I need to confirm again what the attitude of your ANBU is. "

Shisui was a little confused when he heard Uchiha's true words, but Qiong immediately understood what his grandfather meant.

My grandfather's level of caution was indeed high enough. This was the ANBU's attitude in the end, and it was also to protect them and completely exclude them from this action.

Probably because they don't want them to have too much burden, the burden of attacking their own kind.

"Anbu will definitely support the true elder's actions."

Qiong nodded slightly, and she put on a tone that completely followed the ANBU:

"Four temporary teams from the Second Squadron of the Third Anbu Brigade are already being deployed. They will cooperate with the actions of the Security Department. Please rest assured, true elder."

If Uchiha really wants to take action, naturally the people they can use are those they can trust, and these people are naturally from the squadron of the Security Department!

It is a pity that the squadron in the hands of Uchiha Ma is not available to everyone.

Ever since Uchiha Makoto and Uchiha Fugaku had a falling out, many clan members in his squadron seemed to have a somewhat uncertain attitude.

In addition, the reform of the Security Department led by Makoto Uchiha resulted in many Uchiha tribesmen having to leave the army, which also made many people in their squadron dissatisfied.

Therefore, there are not many people that Uchiha can really use and completely trust, let alone the people who can be mobilized this time.

Without the assistance and help of ANBU, Uchiha really wouldn't dare to take action.

But even with help, Uchiha was still beating the drum in his heart, because the enemy they faced this time was really very difficult to deal with.

Great Elder Uchiha Shin, this guy was once the hero of the Uchiha clan. He performed well in the first and even the second Ninja War.

Although his old body can no longer exert the power it once had, as a great elder he still has a lot of protection.

For example, there is a very powerful guard beside him, and no one knows who this guard is.

But that guy is like a god, and he has helped Uchiha Shen block many dangers and disasters.

He was like an evil ghost, secretly helping Uchiha Shin kill countless people.

With this guy here, it's really troublesome to take action against Uchiha Shen, and Uchiha Shen is a guy who has to die!

"Thank you for your strong support, but I still have some questions."

Uchiha thought seriously for a long time before he looked at Qiong seriously and asked with a complicated expression.

"In addition to a few teams, does the ANBU have any other support?"


Shisui also calmed down now, and he almost understood the meaning of the previous conversation between Uchiha Zhen and Uchiha Qiong.

This is to protect them, comfort them, and completely separate them from everything that happened today.

But in his heart, he really didn't want this to happen.

But as an ANBU, even if he doesn't understand it, he must obey it all.

Especially when it comes to the third elder who raised him, he completely regards Uchiha as his grandfather.

He really has too much hesitation and uneasiness in his heart, but he must abide by his responsibilities.

He made a decision in his heart, and after everything was over, he would take a closer look at what was going on here.

However, the most urgent task is to solve the immediate trouble first.

"Sir...what the real elder means is that there are very troublesome enemies here?"

Shisui took a deep breath, although he also asked in an ANBU tone.


Uchiha glanced at Shisui with some relief, and then he said helplessly.

"There is a Shura on the side of the Great Elder Uchiha Shen. I'm afraid that guy won't be able to easily do what we want to do.

Even if we could do it, there's no guarantee of silence. "

To complete this operation quietly, so that while getting rid of his political opponents, he could also push all these problems to Orochimaru. This was the reason why ANBU was willing to assist.

Of course, the key is to push all problems to Orochimaru. The Anbu may not go back to participate and understand, whether Uchiha really kills people or arrests people.

If he wasn't worried about the chain reaction, Uchiha would actually be more willing to do it step by step.

But he knew that no matter which side he moved first, it would cause huge alarm.

"Don't worry, true elder." Qiong watched this scene quietly, and then she slowly spoke: "The minister has already made a plan, and there will be a captain to assist when necessary."

"Is that so?" When Uchiha heard this, he couldn't help but nodded seriously: "The last question, those members of the temporary team..."

"They are all elites of the ANBU, and they are also members of the family."

"I understand, I know how to do it."


Uchiha really remembered Natsuhiko saying that he needed to do this kind of thing himself.

Therefore, when he learned that Xia Yan would send ANBU team members to assist, he was extremely confused.

However, after hearing about the so-called 'temporary team', he probably guessed something, and now that he got Qiong's confirmation, he understood what Xia Yan meant.

This matter is purely an internal problem of the Uchiha clan and has nothing to do with ANBU!

If the matter is successful, it will be a test for himself and Uchiha, and then they will naturally gain more trust from Xia Yan.

If things fail, these people belong to Uchiha and have nothing to do with ANBU, and his own failure has doomed Uchiha's future.

"No wonder I kept reminding myself that this is my own business. No wonder I sent someone here now. As expected of you, Natsuhiko Senju!"

Uchiha Zhen had always known that Natsuhiko was ruthless, but when the ruthlessness of the city reached this level, he really shuddered.

But he knew that he had to do it and do it all well, otherwise no matter whether the Anbu intervened, it would be tormented by the hawks.

When the time comes, the fate of the family will basically be the same!


Natsuhiko really didn't know that he had become a ruthless person again for no reason. He sent those Uchihas there just to help.

That's all!

In addition, in order to ensure the safety of things developing, he also specially asked Kakashi to be on standby.

Kakashi's progress is obvious to all. Even though he lacks blue, he is still moving forward bravely on a downhill road without brakes.

However, after training in ANBU for more than a year, his strength has grown really fast, and his use of the Sharingan has also reached a very good level.

Although Natsuhiko and Kakashi were both busy and did not engage in much confrontation and discussion, he also gave Kakashi a lot of advice.

Ever since Natsuhiko broke his inner defense, Kakashi's trust in Natsuhiko has always been very high, and he has always followed Natsuhiko's suggestions seriously.

The current Kakashi is not the one in the original work. He has completely become an Uchiha - first testing the physical skills, then covering the ninjutsu, and finally Chidori solves the problem.

Although 50/50 looks good, Kakashi's chakra does not support him doing this.

Natsuhiko's advice to him was to try to use the Ninja Sword in conjunction with the Sharingan, and suppress it from the beginning in order to defeat the enemy in the shortest time.

Finally, based on the actual situation, decide whether to use Chidori to kill the enemy or capture the enemy alive.

It can be said that even though Kakashi is taking a different path now, his strength is rising rapidly.

"It's a pity that I'm not an Uchiha, otherwise I could teach him more about the Sharingan, so that he might really be able to regain the glory of the 'White Fang'."

Xia Yan was sitting under a tree in the forest. He closed his eyes tightly and was adapting to the changes.

He didn't know how long he had been here, but according to his mental calculation, it was probably already late at night, right?

After arriving here in the morning and feeling the chakra emanating from the trees, Xia Yan decisively decided to stay and get the full harvest.

He could feel that the power he had planted in the trees had reached a limit, and results could be obtained anytime and anywhere.

Faced with such a situation, he naturally wouldn't have many other options.

And all of this was pretty much what he thought. The tree that got him the fastest result was the tree from Senju Hashirama's meat block!

When the tree's turbulent, eye-catching chakra began to calm down, Natsuhiko knew he was on to something.

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

"Analyze the data, Wooden Release Intermediate Chakra Seeds."

When Xia Yan's hand touched the tree, the system's voice suddenly rang in his mind.

Xia Yan was already very familiar with this sound, but he couldn't help but feel emotional every time he heard it.

Without this system, he really wouldn't be able to get to where he is now.

But after finishing his emotion, he couldn't help but start complaining.

The last time I planted Senju Hashirama's corpse, I got some 'Broken Asura Power', but this time it dropped by a huge level.

Natsuhiko already has the Wood Release. Even if he cannot perform to the level of Senju Hashirama, he must consider that Senju Hashirama has the power of Asura!

Xia Yan actually prefers to continue to get the 'Broken Asura Power', because that thing can directly give Xia Yan a huge surge in strength.

He has never forgotten that after he first obtained that power, he was able to face hundreds of sand ninjas at once.

Especially here, there are a large number of ANBU ninjas!

This kind of improvement really made him nostalgic, especially when Xia Yan carefully read the description of Mu Dun, which directly cured his low blood pressure for many years.

"Intermediate Wood Release Chakra Seeds require primary Wood Release and Intermediate Yang Release Secret Techniques to plant."

Intermediate Yang Escape Secret Technique?

When Xia Yan saw this, he immediately felt a little dizzy. He also desperately hoped to improve his Yang Escape control.

Now with just the rudimentary Yang Escape Secret Technique, he can already control the vitality of some trees, thus allowing his body's recovery power to reach an unimaginable level.

Even during the Night of the Kyuubi, relying on this Yang Escape Secret Technique, he ignited the fire of life in Namikaze Minato, and finally saved Namikaze Minato!

But the question is, where is he going to find this so-called secret seed of Yang Escape?

In other words, how on earth is he going to find a way to develop his bloodline power, which is still an intermediate level?

"There's just one thing that's strange. My current bloodline development level is only at the intermediate level, but my ability in Yang Escape Secret Technique is only at the elementary level.

Calculated this way, even if I develop my bloodline to a high level, the Yang Escape Secret Technique seems to be only at an intermediate level.

In contrast, Mu Dun's strength should also be at the intermediate level, could it be..."

This matter really made Xia Yan very confused, because no matter how he looked at it, it seemed that his Wood Dun and Yang Dun were unable to reach advanced levels.

Is it possible that for Senju Hashirama, his Wood Release and Yang Release have not reached advanced levels?

Once this thought appeared in his mind, it was difficult for Xia Yan to get rid of it.

Even though he thought this was basically impossible, after all, as a time traveler, he knew exactly how Senju Hashirama performed.

Then, there is only one such explanation!

"It seems that the bloodline defined for me by the system is not some Otsutsuki and others, but probably the most basic Senju bloodline, right?"

Xia Yan thought silently. Based on Senju Hashirama's behavior, this is probably the only explanation that can be explained clearly.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

He had always thought that the bloodline level assigned to him by the system was probably based on the origin of the Thousand Hands clan's bloodline.

And this source is probably Otsutsuki!

But now it seems that Xia Yan really thought too much. The system did not define Xia Yan according to Otsutsuki's bloodline level evaluation at all.

Even his reference is not Asura's bloodline, but Senju Hashirama!

Even Xia Yan is still thinking whether Senju Hashirama, the reference for his bloodline evaluation, has awakened the power of Asura or not.

But this question is really sad, even Xia Yan himself doesn't want to think about it.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan could only sigh helplessly, but he soon recovered.

Although this question was very sad, Xia Yan did not lose confidence because of it. After all, he had something that could transcend the limitations of ordinary bloodlines!

But he also had to think carefully about how to improve his Yang Escape and Yin Escape powers.

"Blood Succession Snare requires the fusion of the power of Yin Escape and Yang Escape. My current Yang Escape is only at the elementary level, and Yin Escape has not been developed at all.

Although there is a high probability of knowing where to get the first pass seeds, this matter is also very troublesome, but we should be able to get the final results today. "

Xia Yan reluctantly put away the unplantable Wood Release. He had really dreamed about how high-level Immortal Technique Chakra could be combined with the performance of the Intermediate Wood Release.

However, he was really depressed now. He didn't need to think about the intermediate wood escape for the time being, and the advanced celestial art chakra seeds were almost completed.

Although the income is only half less, overall it is much better than nothing.

Besides, tonight's profit is more than this, so Xia Yan doesn't have to feel too uncomfortable.

"Byakugan, corpse veins and the chakra of the three tails."

After muttering something silently, Xia Yan once again found a place to sit down. He was now curious about what it would be like if he got these two things.

Another thing is, will the little Kyuubi know the real reason why he was hatched through this incident?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel the current situation of little Jiuwei. The result made him dumbfounded. This guy was sleeping soundly.

"Maybe it's arranged by the system. It seems I don't have to think so much."

Xia Yan stretched slightly, but then a power that made his heart palpitate suddenly emitted.

This power seems to be full of suffocating destructiveness, but also full of weird inclusiveness.

This subtle feeling made Xia Yan tremble all over. He had no idea what was going on.

Especially as this power continued to spread, Xia Yan even found it difficult to breathe!

However, this power appeared very quickly and disappeared very quickly. When everything stopped, Xia Yan realized that his back was already soaked!

"What the hell is this...?"

Xia Yan looked at the tree that had completely returned to ordinaryness in astonishment. He still couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He would never forget the suffocating feeling just now.

And if Xia Yan remembers correctly, that tree should be the one where Qing's white eyes were planted!

"Is it possible..."

Xia Yan seemed to realize something, and the next moment his heart was extremely agitated.

The Byakugan is the foundation of the Eye of All Things. Xia Yan is looking forward to what kind of power these eyes can become!

Of course, he didn't dare to ask for anything other than the most primitive eye roll, because this thing couldn't be turned off at all.

But if it could be controlled, Xia Yan would definitely not want to miss such power.

Thinking silently, he quickly walked over. When his hand touched the tree, the system's voice sounded in his mind again.

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

"Analyzing data, original white-eye power (mutated)."

The original Byakugan power?

After Xia Yan heard this title, his face instantly became even happier!

Until now, he has only heard two different sayings about the system, one is seeds and the other is power.

If he gets seeds, then he must consume his own chakra and plant them before he can finally get the fruits to strengthen himself.

But if it is power, these powers can directly act on him, just like the 'broken power of Asura' last time!

"Is it power?"

Xia Yan murmured to himself, this result is really great!

"But this power has mutated, so there is a high chance that what I will get will not still be the uncontrollable eye roll.

But, what kind of power will I get? "

The power of the Byakugan mutation is too much, but no matter how many times it seems that the ceiling of the Byakugan is the reincarnation eye, or the blue reincarnation eye!

Natsuhiko actually doesn't really know yet. The reincarnation eye was actually mutated after gaining the power of the Ten-Tails.

If there is no mutation in the power of the Ten-Tails, the evolution and mutation of the Byakugan may be the rice character of Otsutsuki Ishiki, or the reincarnation eye of Otsutsuki Hamura.

But no matter which one it is, this is something Xia Yan can only meet but cannot ask for.

Therefore, Xia Yan couldn't wait to absorb this power directly into his body, and then he felt unparalleled pain!

The last time he absorbed the 'Broken Asura Power', he experienced it once, but this time the situation was hugely different, because this time the pain came from his eyes.

Sitting there quietly, Xia Yan didn't know how long he had been sitting there. He just felt as if his eyes were melting away.

And then in his melting eyes, a new pair of eyes began to brew again, until the end of it all.

"Is it finally done?"

Feeling that the pain in his eyes had basically dissipated, followed by a very strange power covering him, Xia Yan guessed that his time of 'suffering' was over.

Thinking of this, he slowly began to open his eyes...


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