When Xia Yan opened his eyes, he found that nothing seemed to have changed.

The world is still in color, and there is no world where red and black, or black and white, are intertwined.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan was completely relieved. This meant that there was nothing wrong with his eyes, and he had his own eyes.

Especially when he took out a kunai and let the kunai reflect the moon's luster to form a reflective surface, he was completely sure that his eyes had not changed in any way.

"I just inherited the power, but my eyes haven't changed?"

Xia Yan thought silently, and then he stood up with some difficulty.

He had been sitting there from morning until night. Fortunately, as a ninja, his physical fitness was a bit too good. Otherwise, it would have been dangerous for others to sit up now.

Chakra circulated rapidly in Xia Yan's body, quickly alleviating his internal discomfort, and his body also regained its activity at this moment.

However, he did not choose to leave here, but still stood there staring at the mirror-like kunai in his hand.

Although there was no change in his eyes, he could feel the huge power contained in his eyes.

This power contains the destructive power he felt before, but now this power is very honest.

They stayed quietly and quietly in their eyes, without any abnormal movement.

And as if he was born with it, Xia Yan seemed to know how to control his eyes, and the strange thing was that he seemed to be very aware of the power of his eyes.

"However, if you want to be completely familiar and understand, do you need me to open these eyes?"

Feeling all this silently, Xia Yan took a deep breath. As a Senju, he really never thought that he would get a pair of eyes.

But fate wanted to play a joke on him. With the help of the plug-in, he really got something that Senju should not have originally.

It's just that this step he took was a bit too much. Even if he wanted to do this, his reference target should be Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara broke the thousand-year barrier between the powers of Indra and Asura, and fused them together to create the universe.

Although his approach may not be suitable for Natsuhiko, in any case, Natsuhiko knows all the information about the Sharingan!

Even he knew where he would get a pair of eternal Mangekyō Sharingan in the future.

But instead of getting the power of the Sharingan, Natsuhiko got a pair of eyes that had the Byakugan mutated to an unknown extent.

This made him look a little dazed again after his excitement calmed down.

"I originally took the Byakugan back to see if I could extract the power belonging to Otsutsuki from these eyes?"

Xia Yan recalled the first time he killed Qing and got the Byakugan, and what was he mentally planning to get from this eye.

As a result, after so long, he almost forgot about it, especially after he got a new pair of eyes, he seemed a little carried away.

But now that the matter has come to this, he has nothing to complain about, not to mention that he doesn't seem to have lost anything at all.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan suppressed the restlessness in his heart. He planned to give his eyes a try.

Based on the information fed back by these eyes, he began to slowly guide his chakra.

Xia Yan had to be careful when opening these eyes for the first time.

Carefully controlling the chakra to enter his eyes, Xia Yan instantly felt that the power in his eyes was activated at this moment.

The destructive power was constantly beating, but his eyes seemed to have become a prison for these powers, preventing them from doing whatever they wanted.

And with the influx of Xia Yan's chakra, he suddenly found that his vision began to change.

Although the color in his eyes still maintained the normal color state, he suddenly found that he could see very far!

"And, if I want..."

Natsuhiko said to himself, and in his sight, his eyes were already locked on a team of Konoha mission ninjas.

It could be seen that they had just completed their mission and were preparing to return to Konoha, and in Natsuhiko's sight he could clearly see the chakra fluctuations on these people.

The most interesting thing is that he can completely see the different colors of chakra on these people, not just a single blue!

"Is this... the attribute of chakra?"

Xia Yan guessed it right away. After all, when he looked carefully, he could see the colorful colors.

Based on the fruits you get after planting seeds, you can basically guess what the chakra corresponding to those colors is.

"The sight distance can be controlled very far, and the state of chakra can be clearly seen. This is considered the ability of the Byakugan.

But being able to distinguish the properties of chakra doesn't seem to be Byakugan's ability.

In addition, these eyes do not seem to have the ability to copy and release illusions, as well as the ultimate insight.

It seems that this has nothing to do with Sharingan. "

In Natsuhiko's perception, the biggest feature of the Sharingan is actually not the ability to copy or release illusions.

Of course, these are also very powerful, but when it comes to real fighting, the most powerful thing is actually the unparalleled insight!

The ability to see the enemy's attack methods and attack directions clearly in an instant seems to be endowed with extremely dynamic vision. It is really effective in high-intensity battles like ninjas, where a ninja may fall in the next second.

Xia Yan does not have that kind of insight, so his fighting is not elegant. He cannot instantly find the enemy's weakness and then kill the enemy with a single blow.

What he can perceive with his perception is the enemy's position and the approximate direction of his attack. Just because of his performance in Sand Hidden Village and Kirigakure Village, he can already be regarded as a monster.

Look at Madara Uchiha who has used his Sharingan to its full potential. Facing thousands of ninja troops watching, he is like a butterfly dancing through flowers, defeating the enemy elegantly and cruelly.

This kind of thing is really something you can't envy. It's due to talent. If you don't have it, you really don't have it.

But Natsuhiko wasn't too disappointed. Who said this ultra-high explosive mode couldn't defeat Uchiha Madara?

Just look at Naruto's performance and you will know it, just look at Kai. Isn't the Eight Gate Dunjia, which is directly equivalent to suicide, a super explosive state?

"After all, I have Nine-Tails Mode and Sage Mode, both of which are super explosive states."

Xia Yan thought silently, and his eyes also withdrew from the ninja in the distance, and then fell on the kunai that he used as a mirror.


When Xia Yan's eyes fell on Kunai, even though he had been mentally prepared for it, he was still stunned at this moment.

Because he found that his eyeballs had turned into a light blue, and there was still this ray of brilliance shining in the blue pupils!

He seemed to have seen eyes like this in anime. They were the so-called pure eyes of Naruto's son, Boruto.

Xia Yan really doesn't know what kind of eyes Jingyan belongs to.

But if you really want to make a serious inference, Xia Yan thinks that this is probably another variation of the white eye.

After all, Boruto's mother is Hinata. As the purest white-eyed princess, Hinata's fighting power seems a bit weak, but her bloodline and talent are undoubted.

It would be strange if the child born from the union of Naruto, the inheritor of Asura's chakra, and Hinata, the Byakugan Princess, wasn't a little special.

The appearance of the Pure Eye is perhaps the best explanation and expression.

It's just that Xia Yan doesn't know what the power of the Jingyan is. After all, he has never been to Inflammable. The only thing he knows is the appearance of the Jingyan.

"Is this my pure eye?"

Natsuhiko couldn't help but think about this. Naruto was the successor of Asura's chakra, and Natsuhiko was the one who directly obtained Asura's broken power.

When combined with the power of the Byakugan, it doesn't seem strange to have a pair of pure eyes.

But what is different is that Xia Yan remembers that the conjunctiva of the eyeball of Jingyan seems to be black. If you don't look carefully, you will even feel that it is the sequelae of reincarnation in the dirty earth!

Xia Yan's eyeball conjunctiva is still white and looks very normal, which means there are some changes in his pupils.

If you look carefully, you will see that it really means something like the reincarnation eye in the future!

"But the center of the pupil of the reincarnation eye is black, while mine is still light blue. It still looks a lot different."

Xia Yan quickly mentally compared his own eyes with the Pure Eye and the Reincarnation Eye in his memory. Although the result was gratifying, it also made him helpless.

Happily, his eyes seemed not simple at all, especially after he opened these eyes, other information about these eyes began to appear in his mind.

For example, some special abilities and the like, this information also made Xia Yan feel very happy.

But unfortunately, these eyes seem to have both the appearance of the Pure Eye and the meaning of the Reincarnation Eye. Combining these together is very troublesome.

Because this means that Xia Yan has no reference at all to think of ways to improve his eyes!

Just like the blood stain he fused was eliminated, Hesitation didn't have any information at all, so he could only think of ways to develop and improve it on his own.

"The headaches are coming one after another. Could it be that the system knew that I planned to set up a laboratory and also had the idea of ​​developing ninjutsu, so it gave me such an eye?"

Xia Yan was really unable to complain about such things. Of course, this was just complaining.

The system has no self-awareness at all, and there should be no logical algorithms or anything like that.

Xia Yan got these things. To put it bluntly, he got them by drawing cards. As for whether they are European or non-European, this can only depend on future development.

But for now, Xia Yan is relatively European, especially after the information about these eyes in his mind has been completely digested by him.

These eyes were similar to the information analyzed by Xia Yan, but what he analyzed was only the most basic content.

Before the power is fully activated, its function is similar to the combination of Byakugan and Sharingan, but it is a weakened combination.

Insight and far-sightedness are retained, but they are not top-notch, but once fully activated, the power of these eyes will fully bloom!

For example, after being fully activated, he can obtain a state of super insight. However, Xia Yan is also very depressed at how far this super insight state has reached.

According to the systematic description, he can see everything he wants to see, and there is no other explanation.

I have to say that this is really in line with the system's consistent behavior. It will never explain it clearly to you, and you have to figure out some things by yourself.

Fortunately, Xia Yan has long been used to it, and he believes that he can figure it all out during the battle.

And his main focus now is not on this so-called super insight state, because he also has an extremely special ability.

That is the chakra pattern belonging to these eyes!

Xia Yan really didn't expect that these eyes also had chakra mode.

Especially since he knew that his eyes were full of calculations but had four stages, and each stage had its own unique abilities.

The stage he is currently in is considered the initial stage, and has not even reached the so-called first stage.

But even so, he can turn on the chakra mode. One can only imagine how much potential these eyes have!

"However, I'm afraid that the current chakra mode's growth rate and duration are not satisfactory. After all, it's only the initial stage."

The improvement of strength is a step-by-step process, which Xia Yan already knows very well, so he doesn't have many complaints.

What's more, he discovered that he was really, really destined to the so-called chakra pattern.

Sage mode is also a chakra mode, not to mention the nine-tails chakra mode. Now that he has got another one, is this considered a gathering of three flowers?

Feeling the destructive power in his eyes, Xia Yan slowly closed his eyes.

This power is probably the key to building a chakra model, and the quality of this power really makes Xia Yan feel a little intimidated.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan slowly closed his eyes, and then looked at other trees.

I have to say, today is indeed a fruitful day.

These eyes were a huge harvest for him, but it was not over yet. After all, he had planted more than just this.

He was also looking forward to what Kimimaro's bone, which was considered to be born from the corpse bone vein, could bring him.

And in addition to the corpse bone veins, he also planted the power of the three tails.

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan also walked towards other trees...


"Really, what on earth do you want to do!"

In a room within the Uchiha clan, Uchiha looked at the few people in front of him who were about the same age as him indifferently.

They could never forget that a few hours ago, when they were gathering together to discuss a plan, they were suddenly raided by Uchiha Sora.

Their techniques were clean and neat, and Sora Uchiha was also very powerful, plus they themselves cleared the surrounding area.

Therefore, no one noticed that they were completely controlled with only simple guards!

Seeing their angry looks and their disbelieving eyes, Uchiha sighed silently in his heart.

These people were once his comrades-in-arms, even his friends!

They have known each other since they were children. They have similar beliefs and have common goals.

But now they have reached such a point, even if they are not drawing swords at each other, they are not far away.

He could feel that the friendship between them had been completely broken tonight.

He was also very sad in his heart, but he had to endure no matter how much grief he suffered, and he also had to be ruthless and face it all indifferently.

Ever since Uchiha accepted Natsuhiko's suggestion, he knew that sooner or later this scene would happen, because the path he chose could only be understood and supported.

Otherwise, no matter how good the relationship is, in the end it will just be a stranger, or even a real fight!

"What I want to do is naturally for this family."

Uchiha looked at the old friends in front of him calmly, and then he said slowly.

"The family has reached an important juncture of life and death, so we may not be able to perform well now.

But I can tell you very seriously that we have been targeted for a long time. "

"so what!"

An Uchiha elder looked at Uchiha Makoto angrily.

"This is not a reason for you to betray the family or even go against the patriarch!"

"You can catch us today and clear the way for yourself, but tomorrow you can kill some people who are more against you?"

Another elder yelled loudly. He looked at Uchiha Makoto angrily, and his eyes seemed to be about to burst into flames.

"I will never agree with your approach anyway. I'm afraid you already want to attack the clan leader, right?"

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows what will happen in the future?"

Uchiha didn't admit it, but he also didn't object.

His remarks made the Uchiha elders present feel a chill in their hearts. They couldn't understand why Uchiha had become like this.

He kept saying it was for the family, but was it really necessary to do this for the family?

They admitted that Uchiha's reform of the Security Department was indeed very effective, but what was sacrificed was the interests of the clan!

Even Uchiha Makoto's words, "Is the Security Department the Security Department of Konoha, or the awe of Uchiha?" is very thought-provoking.

But when they have no idea what kind of trouble the family is facing, they are really unwilling and will not support Uchiha's chaos.

"Really, now that we are all like this, can you tell us what happened?"

An Uchiha elder couldn't bear all this. He felt that Uchiha was really crazy, but the trust he had been getting along with for many years made him feel that things were definitely not that simple.

He wanted to understand why everything had come to this point.

And just like what he said, they have been controlled and there is basically no threat. Even if they are unwilling to give in, there is nothing they can do.

There are restrictions everywhere in this room, and their chakra is also sealed. It is almost impossible to leave here.


Uchiha sighed deeply, and then he stared at these people and spoke slowly.

"Now that the matter is over, I can indeed tell you something.

Whether you understand or not, you can’t leave here until I finish all this.

And this matter started more than a year ago when I wanted to send Shisui into ANBU..."


Uchiha Sora was lying on the ground beside him, covering his chest. His eyes were complicated as he looked at the two figures fighting in front of him.

With his father Uchiha Shin's reminder, he already knew that there was a Shura-like person beside the great elder Uchiha Shin, who was silently protecting him.

Uchiha Sora had no idea how strong this person was. After all, he was one of the few people in the family who thought he had the Three Magatama Sharingan.

And he has also been on the battlefield - even if he was protected, he has seen the cruelty of the battlefield and fought for his life on the battlefield.

But when he brought his subordinates and the ANBU who followed them to kill the Great Elder Uchiha Shin, he realized that even with the three Magatama Sharingan, the gap was suffocating!

All their previous operations went smoothly, and no one was disturbed when they cleared the guards along the way, but when they were actually arresting them, that guy appeared.

At this moment, Uchiha truly realized the unprecedented gap.

This man, dressed all in black and wearing a strange mask, with his ghostly speed and control over the Sharingan, knocked the Uchiha out of the air and was unable to fight back.

This is really the first time he has seen someone who can use the Sharingan so skillfully, and who can combine genjutsu, taijutsu and ninjutsu to such an extent!

But who is this guy?

Why is this guy so powerful but no one knows who he is?

Such doubts kept echoing in Uchiha Sora's heart. At this time, he had been defeated by the opponent!

Looking at the figure that kept coming, Uchiha Sora gritted his teeth and prepared to fight to the death, but at this moment, an ANBU ninja suddenly appeared.

This ANBU ninja looks like he is just a junior, with silver hair, and this guy uses a short-handled ninja sword.

Such a look really surprised Uchiha Sora, because he seemed to have seen a similar look almost ten years ago.

"It looks so familiar, a bit like that White Fang."

Uchiha Sora muttered silently, but he was also full of worry.

"Is he a captain at such a young age? But the enemies he faces are really extraordinary. It seems that he is going to suffer this time..."

Uchiha Sora didn't believe at all that the young captain in front of him could really deal with that Shura-like guy. After all, that was the power of the Uchiha clan.

This kind of power is really not something that the so-called captain can deal with.

As a member of the Uchiha clan, Sora Uchiha is really complicated in his heart. He hopes that the captain can win, but he also fully recognizes Uchiha's power.

In such tangled emotions, his expression slowly changed!

"This kid...how is this possible?"


"People from ANBU, as expected, there is the shadow of Konoha behind all this."

When Kakashi appeared in the Uchiha clan wearing a mask, Uchiha Shen, who was standing aside and was blocked by other ninjas from the security department, spoke.

What happened tonight was beyond imagination. He really didn't expect that this guy Uchiha would actually dare to attack someone of his own race!

This decisiveness is really amazing. For the current Uchiha clan, what they lack is this kind of decisiveness.

But when such decisiveness appears in a political opponent, everything becomes a little different.

Uchiha Shen has always been curious before, why did Uchiha's true personality start to change?

After his investigation, he found that Uchiha really seemed to have sent many members of his clan, including the family's little genius Uchiha Shisui, to the ANBU!

The information revealed in this incident is very huge, because it is obvious that Uchiha may have been completely connected to Konoha.

Facts seem to prove all this. Uchiha has really changed very obviously. He has begun to become more confident and stronger.

And everything he did began to clearly fall in favor of Konoha, and he even began to openly challenge the clan leader Uchiha Fugaku!

As for Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Shen actually didn't like him at all.

He is indecisive in doing things and making decisions, without any responsibility as a clan leader. He is always thinking about how to balance the family instead of making an obvious choice.

There is absolutely no problem for such a person to become the patriarch if the family is in a period of peaceful development.

But now that the family's situation is clear, this guy hasn't made any decision yet, which is really disappointing.

But disappointment is disappointment. This guy is still the clan leader, so Uchiha Shen still has to respect him, especially now that this guy has been really forced by Uchiha to get close to them.

Kakashi didn't speak when facing Uchiha Shen. He just looked solemnly at the man who looked like Shura.

He didn't understand what was going on in the Uchiha clan, and Natsuhiko didn't explain much to him.

However, after arriving here, he could probably guess that this was probably an internal fight within the Uchiha clan, and Natsuhiko's voice might also be involved in the internal fight this time.

He actually didn't want to get involved in such a thing, but since this was Xia Yan's order, he would only choose to follow it.

The most I can do is to go back and ask Xia Yan properly after everything has been dealt with.

Standing there quietly, Kakashi remained motionless, but at that moment his scarlet Sharingan began to rotate slightly.


In just an instant, he suddenly turned around, and the ninja sword in his hand was unsheathed in an instant. With the blue chakra covering it, he quickly blocked the ninja sword behind him!

The sound of metal colliding rang out in the empty yard. Kakashi closed his right eye slightly, and the scarlet Sharingan rotated rapidly.

At this moment, a figure holding a ninja sword appeared strangely behind him, and the figure standing in front of him suddenly began to increase his power.

At this moment, Kakashi had no way to retreat. The ninja sword behind him stabbed directly into his body without any hesitation!

However, when the Shura-like guy saw this, he quickly drew his knife and jumped to the side.

The next second he acted, Kakashi burst out of the ground, and the ninja sword in his hand struck this guy fiercely!

"Clone technique?" After this guy dodged Kakashi's ninja sword, he couldn't help but slowly said: "It's good. You can actually see through my technique. Is it that eye?"

"These are Obito's eyes." Kakashi held the blade in silence for a while, and then slowly said.

"My name is Uchiha Tatsu, remember my name." This Shura-like man - Uchiha Tatsu said calmly: "It is really rare for an outsider to use the Sharingan to this extent, but this eye Also Uchiha."

"Then it depends on your ability!" Kakashi's eyes began to become indifferent, and the chakra in his body began to surge crazily.

The next moment, Kakashi suddenly sprinted forward, and little arcs of electric energy appeared on his body.

He swung his Ninja Sword fiercely, and the Ninja Sword had already cut through Uchiha Tatsu's neck in the flash of lightning!

However, Uchiha Tatsu's reaction was unimaginably fast. He leaned forward to dodge the knife, and then his ninja sword struck Kakashi quickly.

For a while, the sound of metal collision was endless, and the speed displayed by the two of them was almost impossible to capture.

They were like two streams of light constantly colliding. The fighting skills they displayed and their various predictions during the battle were dazzling.

Uchiha Sora sat on the ground in a daze. He really didn't expect that this young captain actually had such strength.

There is only one thought in his mind now, how on earth did this brat reach this level of cultivation?

He already knew who the captain was. After all, an outsider had Uchiha's Sharingan, and there seemed to be only one person in the entire Konoha.

But at this moment, the two people who were constantly colliding suddenly separated. They both looked unscathed, as if everything they had just seen was an illusion.

Kakashi slightly adjusted the ninja sword in his hand, and the next moment he rushed towards Uchiha Tatsu again.

But this time Uchiha Tatsu didn't follow up. He stood on the spot and quickly formed a seal with his hands: "Fire Release: The Art of Fireball!"

"Hmph!" Kakashi snorted, his steps paused slightly, and then he jumped directly to the side.

But at this moment, a warning sign suddenly occurred in his heart, and then his whole body suddenly exerted force, and with a slight tap of his feet, he floated several meters to the side and forward.

At this moment, a kunai flew past his clothes with a crackling sound. Kakashi knew without even looking that his clothes had definitely been torn open by this guy.

And the moment he landed, Uchiha Tatsu had already rushed to his side, and the ninja sword in his hand fiercely wiped Kakashi's neck...


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