The sword flashed away, and a long wound suddenly appeared on Kakashi's neck, but as the wound spread, he quickly turned into a piece of wood!


Uchiha Tatsu stood silently looking at the wood in front of him, then turned to look at a tree aside. Kakashi was standing on the tree and ignoring him.

Of course Uchiha Chen saw Kakashi using the Substitute Technique. He was very fast and had already left the place when he completed the Substitute Technique.

But none of this could hide from Uchiha Tatsu's eyes, but he didn't pursue it.

However, he was a little curious. This Kakashi seemed to react quickly, but he knew that everything this kid did was actually more like being prepared.

He seemed to have expected that he would do this, so he used the Substitution Technique so quickly.

"It seems that you are much more interesting than I thought." Uchiha Chen looked at Kakashi quietly, and then he asked in a deep voice: "Have you ever fought someone with a Sharingan?"

"No, you are the first." Kakashi shook his head. He jumped down from the tree and said calmly: "But I have seen the moves you used before."

Kakashi will never forget that during the first sparring session between him and Natsuhiko, he was tricked by Natsuhiko in a similar way.

Use ninjutsu to block the Sharingan's sight, and then attack through the flanks to achieve the goal. This is the best way to deal with the Sharingan one-on-one.

Kakashi is not proficient in using such methods, because he has never encountered any enemies with Sharingan.

But having seen it once, he already knew the general idea, and he was always on guard against such methods. Facts have proved that his defense was really effective.

"Is that so?" Uchiha Chen nodded, as if it wasn't too surprising. "It seems that you have done a lot of research on our Uchiha, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Uchiha Tatsu's figure suddenly flashed, and he rushed forward again. His ninja sword drew an arc in the air and went straight to Kakashi's throat.

"That's it for you!"


Kakashi snorted coldly, and the ninja sword in his hand quickly attached, and the two of them fought again at this moment.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The sound of metal collision kept ringing in the woods. The fight between Kakashi and Uchiha Tatsu became more and more fierce, and their speed became faster and faster.

But the strange thing is that there are still no wounds on the two of them.

Their movements are all so smooth and their techniques look so simple and elegant.

But beneath such elegance, there is also an indescribable edge and murderous intent.

Their expressions seemed to be calm, but underneath this calmness, they looked completely different.

Uchiha Tatsu was really surprised now. He already knew who the kid in front of him was. If there were no accidents, this kid should be Kakashi Hatake, a disciple of the Fourth Hokage.

Only this guy, as a foreigner, possesses the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan.

However, this boy's mastery and use of the Sharingan seems to have surpassed many of his clansmen. This kind of fighting performance is really incredible.

The most important thing is that he has clearly seen this boy's Sharingan through the mask, and it has actually reached the level of three magatama!

“It’s really incredible that a foreigner has such a talent.

But the power displayed by excessive talent will also make other people have greater greed. "

Uchiha Chen thought silently, and the strength of his Natsuhiko's hand began to become more cruel!

Although Kakashi looked a little calm and calm, he didn't know what was going on. He felt that his eyes seemed to be getting weirder and weirder.

Although he could see clearly during battles in the past, he was definitely not as able to see everything as clearly as he is today.

In his eyes, everything seemed to have slowed down a lot, but what made him extremely depressed was that his speed at seeing people had slowed down, but he himself had also slowed down.

But his body didn't seem to be able to follow his eyes so easily. He could see and know what to do, but his body couldn't perform these actions at all.

The most terrible thing is that the chakra absorption rate of this Sharingan is really too high now.

He almost didn't use ninjutsu in this fight, but his chakra was almost unbearable now!

"How is this going?"

Kakashi was a little confused about all the changes, but he knew very well that he had to stay calm.

Although his chakra continues to decrease, his insight has been greatly improved, and he can still continue to fight.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The two of them were still standing. At this moment, Uchiha Tatsu seemed a little tired of this kind of confrontation. He suddenly took out several kunai and shot them at Kakashi.

Kakashi immediately opened all these kunai, and Uchiha Tatsuya grabbed the gap and formed seals with his hands instantly. He had completed the powerful fire escape!

"Fire Release: The Art of Fire Dragon!"

"This move again?"

Kakashi couldn't help but frown when he saw this. Looking at the fire dragons roaring from three directions, he knew that he might not be able to run away.

The most important thing is that he also knows that the guy named Uchiha Tatsu may have discovered the problem with his chakra.

Sharingan is an eye that can see the flow of chakra, so it doesn't seem strange that his situation is noticed.

But facing such a large area and such a fast fire escape, Kakashi could only bite the bullet and push forward, so he could only form seals quickly.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

With his chakra rippling, Kakashi knew at this moment that he couldn't think about saving chakra now, he had to find a way to win quickly!

When the earth wall rose from the ground, Kakashi quietly placed a hand on the ground. His chakra, which was not much in the first place, became even less at this moment.

But his focus was not on that, he was more focused on what was behind him.

The defensive power of the Tuliu Wall technique is indeed very strong, but its shortcoming is also very obvious, that is, it is impossible to defend in real time from behind.

The most important thing is that Kakashi knows very well that the purpose of this guy using this technique is to cover up his Sharingan and launch a surprise attack from a more secretive angle!


The first fire dragon arrived as expected, and it hit Kakashi's earth flow wall hard.

In an instant, the fire burned wildly, and with the violent impact, Kakashi's earthen wall immediately began to crack, and the roar also sounded violently at this moment.

Kakashi didn't move. He didn't have time to consider whether such an explosion would attract the attention of other Uchiha, because the second fire dragon had already rushed over!

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi quickly injected his chakra into the earth wall again, and the cracked earth wall also eased slightly.


There was another loud noise, and the earthen wall that had just been slightly repaired by Kakashi once again cracked, and this time its upper half had disappeared.

Kakashi gritted his teeth, but he still didn't move because he hadn't found the location of Uchiha Tatsu yet.

But this time, he didn't use chakra to repair this earth wall, which was basically in danger. He knew very well that no matter how much repairs were made, it would be of no use.

He squatted on the spot quietly, his Sharingan looking at the roaring fire dragon through the cracks in the earth wall. He was also extremely nervous now.

But he knew that if he moved randomly, he would probably cause trouble. Even if he wanted to move, he had to move at the moment when the fire dragon touched the earth wall!

Suddenly, Kakashi seemed to notice that the fire dragon was getting slower and slower.

At this moment, there seemed to be some strange lines in the intertwined world of red and black in his Sharingan eyes.

These lines appeared on the fire dragon that was 'slowly' approaching him, and such lines continued to deflect on the fire dragon's body along with a strange arc.

This seems to be telling Kakashi that by attacking along this line, he can defeat this fire dragon!

Kakashi was a little confused, he didn't even know what was going on.

What he didn't even know was that at this moment, in his eyes, the three magatama were constantly rotating and starting to merge!


Suddenly, Kakashi seemed to notice something moving, and this situation instantly made him exit the previous state.

In the red and black incident, the originally clearly visible line suddenly disappeared, and the fire dragon's 'slow' speed began to become faster in vain.

But Kakashi didn't have time to think too much. Just when the fire dragon was about to hit the wall, Kakashi jumped up and dodged.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Several kunai cut through the smoke and penetrated into Kakashi who was staying in mid-air, while Kakashi's ninja sword flew quickly, blocking these kunai one by one.

"Got you!"

However, behind him, Uchiha Tatsu's personnel had already rushed over. The ninja sword in his hand tore through the air and went straight to Kakashi's throat!

Kakashi was unable to escape in mid-air, but in the face of this powerful sword, his expression remained calm.


When Uchiha Tatsu was less than five meters away from Kakashi, the ground suddenly cracked and another Kakashi suddenly rushed out from the ground.

A sound like a thousand birds chirping instantly resounded throughout the small courtyard. Kakashi emerged from the ground with a terrifying electric arc on his hand, and he stabbed Uchiha Tatsu directly in the chest. .

Uchiha Tatsu didn't have time to think too much, he swung his ninja sword directly at this Kakashi, but when his eyes looked at this Kakashi, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

Because in his Sharingan eyes, he clearly saw that this Kakashi was basically a clone, and it was also a lightning escape clone!

It's a pity that Uchiha Tatsu is no longer suitable to sheath the sword at this time. The most important thing is that he can't sheath the sword now because Kakashi's thunder clone has already rushed towards him.

His body tilted slightly to the side, and then his ninja sword slashed open Kakashi's thunder escape clone in front of him!

In an instant, endless thunder and lightning spread crazily towards his body. He thrust the Ninja sword directly into the ground, but the severe pain was still unbearable.


Uchiha Tatsu roared. He seemed to be dying, and Kakashi forced himself to open his Sharingan, and he quickly formed seals again.

The chirping of the Chidori sounded again, and Kakashi sprinted forward with all his strength and rushed directly towards Uchiha Tatsu in front of him.

Ten meters away, Uchiha Tatsu was still half-kneeling on the ground motionless, as if he could no longer struggle.

Five meters away, Uchiha Tatsun raised his head slightly, his eyes seemed a bit scary even with various masks.

Three meters away, at the moment when Kakashi was about to attack Uchiha Tatsumi, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

A strong sense of danger lingered in his heart, especially when he vaguely saw chakra gathering in Uchiha Chen's eyes!


Kakashi immediately understood what this guy wanted to do, and his speed couldn't help but become faster.

At the same time, he quickly closed his right eye. After all, his right eye did not have the power of the Sharingan.

However, the moment he closed his right eye, Kakashi suddenly noticed a flash of light in Uchiha Tatsu's eyes, and the feeling of danger became even stronger at this moment.


In an instant, along with the crazy rotation of Uchiha Tatsu Sharingan, a strange chakra pierced Kakashi's brain, which made Kakashi's body pause slightly.

His speed also involuntarily slowed down a little at this moment, but Kakashi woke up much faster than Uchiha Chen expected.

But all this has been decided after Kakashi fell into that illusion!


Almost the same as Kakashi's previous routine, a figure suddenly broke through on the right side of Kakashi, and the kunai in his hand stabbed straight towards Kakashi.

The blow was ridiculously fast, but the moment Kakashi was about to stab him with the kunai, his body suddenly tilted sideways, and the kunai almost hit his neck.

Uchiha Tatsu quickly stood up and kicked Kakashi hard.

Kakashi, who had kept his body in a weird posture because he was avoiding the attack, couldn't resist this attack at all, and he was kicked out directly!


With a muffled sound, Kakashi hit a wall hard, but he soon got up with some difficulty.

He is still on alert, but his current state is already precarious!

"As expected of the elite of ANBU."

At this moment, Uchiha Tatsu suddenly spoke.

"As an outsider who can use the Sharingan to your extent, even members of the Uchiha clan may not be as good as you.

But that's it for you. After all, you are not a member of the Uchiha clan. After all, you only have one Sharingan. "

Kakashi looked at the guy in front of him indifferently, and he had no idea of ​​saying anything.

He knew how he lost. In fact, the reason was very simple. On the one hand, his chakra was not enough to continue fighting.

On the other hand, I only have one Sharingan.

Although his other eye is also intact, the key problem is that this eye cannot resist the attack of illusion.

This also forced him to adopt more risky methods when facing illusions. Such methods also gave Uchiha Tatsu the chance to make the final decision.

He almost created a blind spot in Kakashi's vision, and then launched an attack from this blind spot!

It can be said that although Kakashi's failure is a bit frustrating, there is nothing that can be done about it.

"But what happened to the Sharingan today? Why did that happen?"

Kakashi mentally muttered silently. He didn't show much frustration because of the failure. He just silently took out a kunai from behind, and then used chakra to activate the curse seal on it.

The reason why he came here was that he had already prepared it. This kunai was given to him by Xia Yan, and he had no intention of rejecting it at that time.

Because he knew very well that this time he was on a mission within the Uchiha clan, and even if he was more confident, he would not leave a way out.

Facts have proved that what he did was completely correct, and his confidence was correct. If the Sharingan hadn't suddenly absorbed more chakra, he wouldn't have failed so quickly.

But failure is inevitable, because the guy in front of him is indeed very strong, and his brain is also very easy to use.

Taking advantage of one's own advantages while constantly amplifying the enemy's disadvantages is a technique that is really worth learning, and also really terrifying.

But he is strong, and Kakashi doesn't think he will be Natsuhiko's opponent!

"Furthermore, this battle has caused such a big commotion, and other Uchiha people are coming soon, so only the Minister can solve the current situation."

Kakashi didn't have much psychological burden, or in other words, he was actually unwilling to come to the Uchiha clan to carry out this task from the beginning.

And now that he has failed, he can let Xia Yan handle this matter.

The most important thing is that he can also try to ask what is going on.

He believed in Natsuhiko, and he believed it very much from beginning to end, but after all, this was the Uchiha clan, and it was Obito's home.

"It seems you haven't given up yet."

Uchiha Chen looked at Kakashi indifferently, and then he slowly walked towards Kakashi.

"Fearless struggle, actually I want to see that guy from your ANBU who uses Wood Release.

Unfortunately, there is no way to realize this wish. "

Having said this, Uchiha Chen seemed to sigh a little, while Uchiha Shin on the side shook his head slightly.

It's all over. Although the development of things is a bit dangerous, in general everything has come to a pretty good ending.

However, Uchiha Shen also firmly remembered this time in his heart. Anbu's action meant that Konoha took action. It seemed that they needed to take action on some things!

"No, I think you can make it happen."

But at this moment, a voice appeared in the yard without warning.

And this voice immediately made Uchiha Shen, who had just felt relieved, frown. At the same time, Uchiha Chen also stopped, and they both looked up in unison.

I saw a figure standing there on the wall beside the small courtyard, shrouded in silver moonlight!


A few minutes ago, in the forest outside Konoha, Xia Yan felt his own changes with a satisfied expression.

Especially when he looked at his data sheet, he could no longer control the smile on his face.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Quasi-shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (huge chakra reserves) (a small amount of sealed dragon vein chakra)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (initial stage)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique), Bloodstain Elimination (Unnamed)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant high-level Nine-Tails Fruit to grow) (intake too much chakra, continue to grow)

Seed: Primary Three-Tailed Chakra (1%)

Fruit: None

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (27% progress)

Although the system didn't show much, it just added an additional category of eye skills, Xia Yan's gains were really great!

In fact, just a single pupil technique plus a growing three-tailed chakra, such gains were exaggerated to the point that Xia Yan couldn't help but be happy.

In fact, Xia Yan's pupil technique, like his blood stain elimination, originally belonged to an unnamed state.

It's just that Xia Yan felt that it would be better to give his eyes a name, so he gave them a name.

In fact, at first he wanted to name something like glaucoma, but after thinking about it, he thought it would be better not to have such a special name.

The Tenseigan was really impressive to him, and there was a big gap between his own eyes and the Tenseigan. After all, his eyes didn't have such a dazzling light.

So he simply snatched the name of Boruto's eye. Anyway, the difference between him and Boruto's eye was just a matter of whether the conjunctiva was black or not.

However, Xia Yan himself felt that the black conjunctiva of his eyeballs really looked no different from the reincarnation of the dirty earth, and the white ones like his were better.

"In general, everything is perfect. Except for the inevitable failure of Corpse Vein, I got everything else I should get."

Xia Yan sorted out his thoughts. The only thing he didn't gain tonight might be the corpse veins.

But he didn't care too much about this. After all, Kimimaro's bloodline development was very low, so he wouldn't have too much extravagant hopes in this situation.

Of course, he didn't pull the bone out of the tree. He had time to wait.

"Now my methods, whether it's Senju Natsuhiko or that vest - let's just call him Asakura Hao or Asakura Ye from now on, in this era, I should be standing above the clouds."

Xia Yan does have a lot of power classifications now, but none of them are complicated.

Except for the thunder escape, which he has not touched at all, the four attributes of earth, water, fire, and wind have all reached advanced levels.

In addition, he also has the Nine Tails, the power of blood-stained elimination, the Pure Eye, and the advanced magic chakra and the Flying Thunder God Technique!

Yes, his advanced senjutsu chakra also matured smoothly tonight.

Coupled with the passive Yang Escape control, it can be said that he is fully developing on the road to Otsutsuki's bloodline.

It's just that the power of Yin Escape is still missing here, and he doesn't have many solutions to this problem for the time being.

Maybe he can try to find the answer from Uchiha's Sharingan, but the prerequisite is to get a pair of Sharingan.

"I don't know what's going on with Kakashi and the others, but it shouldn't be a big problem if we send all the Uchiha people to carry out the task, and Kakashi can help hold the battle together."

Kakashi has been in the Anbu for more than a year, and after Natsuhiko's constant reminders, his Sharingan itself is at the level of a kaleidoscope.

Dealing with these people instead of starting a war with Uchiha was not a problem at all to Natsuhiko.

Thinking of this, the chakra in Xia Yan's body began to vibrate slightly. He had already harvested everything he needed to harvest tonight, and he planned to leave and go see that kid Kimimaro.

This kid is now in an uninhabited Orion hut outside Konoha. If there is no accident, Snow Eagle and the others will 'accidentally' find this kid on their way back to Konoha after the mission and take him back to Konoha.

But just as he was about to take action, he suddenly noticed that the mark of his Flying Thunder God suddenly moved, which made him stop all his movements.

His eyes looked towards the distance, which was the direction of Konoha.

"Is there something wrong with Kakashi?"

Natsuhiko tilted his head slightly. He really didn't know what was going on with Kakashi. After all, in his opinion, this matter should not be considered a trouble.

However, Xia Yan didn't take any pause. Following his perception, he quickly located the source. The only thing he can hope for now is not to make things too big this time.

Anbu meddling in a family's internal affairs is not a good thing on any level.

Especially the top management of Konoha basically knew that he was the 'person standing behind Namikaze Minato', and he couldn't even pass the blame to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Thinking silently, he disappeared in the next moment, and when he appeared again, he had quietly arrived in the Uchiha clan's territory!

His perception was spreading wildly around him, and he had to figure out what the current situation was like.

What made him slightly relieved was that the ANBU was still very professional, coupled with the cooperation of the Security Department.

Even though Kakashi and the others did not eliminate the enemy immediately and caused quite a disturbance, those who felt the movement and wanted to rush over were basically stopped.

"Are there only a few fish that have slipped through the net that cannot be stopped around here, and are they quietly lurking around?"

Xia Yan almost instantly used his perception to understand everything around him, but after doing all this, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

He clearly had clear eyes, but when he came over, his first reaction was to use his perception to understand the situation. It's really not that easy to get used to this kind of thing.

"Fearless struggle, actually I want to see that guy from your ANBU who uses Wood Release.

Unfortunately, there is no way to realize this wish. "

At this moment, a voice came directly into Xia Yan's ears, which made him raise his eyebrows.

Wouldn't it be bad if Xia Yan didn't satisfy him?

What's more, he just got the Pure Eyes, and he also wanted to try out the power of these eyes, especially the so-called chakra mode. Xia Yan was even more hopeful.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan didn't wear any mask. He raised his head slightly, and he looked even more arrogant under the moonlight.

But he quickly realized that he was not in a vest state at this time, so he slightly lowered his head a little, and then spoke calmly.

"No, I think you can make it happen."

His voice was not loud, but it made huge waves in this small courtyard like a pebble thrown into the water.

Natsuhiko jumped down slightly. He ignored the look from the masked Uchiha and slowly walked to Kakashi's side.

"What's going on?" Xia Yan asked calmly: "Is there no way to solve this guy?"

"He's very strong, and I'm having trouble with my Sharingan today."

Kakashi closed his Sharingan, and then he spoke tiredly.

"I don't know what's going on, but the consumption of Sharingan today is four to five times greater than before. Maybe...

Maybe Obito doesn't want me to come here either...

I disappoint you, Mr. Minister. "

Natsuhiko couldn't help but frowned when he heard Kakashi's words. He knew that Kakashi didn't want to come here, but the problem was that he didn't know who else was more suitable to deal with these Uchiha.

Kakashi's attitude was really worrying, but his words made Natsuhiko's eyes light up slightly.

Sharingan consumption is four or five times higher than usual?

Does this mean that this guy entered the WiFi secret correctly?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's eyes began to brew chakra, but he remembered that his eyes had the ability to see through everything.

He wanted to see if this ability was really that mysterious.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's chakra began to ripple, and he closed his eyes slightly. When he opened them again, his eyes were already blooming with brilliance.

Kakashi was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he saw Natsuhiko's eyes look like this!

Not only him, but everyone else was also confused by the change in Xia Yan's eyes.

Especially Uchiha Shen and Uchiha Makoto, they all realized who the person was, but when did the Senju clan have such eyes?

Natsuhiko ignored the others, after all, in his opinion, the others were really just dead people, and stared at Kakashi.

At this moment, he finally understood what that super insight meant!

In his eyes, Kakashi's closed Sharingan now showed a pattern like a shuriken.

This pattern seems to have been activated, but he has not really shown his power yet!

"Is this the so-called super insight? It seems to be pretty good indeed."

Natsuhiko mentally murmured, then he patted Kakashi on the shoulder and said slowly.

"I know you have a lot of doubts now, such as why I asked you to come here.

But you don’t need to think too much. Why is Obito blaming you?

No, that's Obito's gift to you.

Have a good rest, I will talk to you later, I think you will understand what I mean. "

Having said this, Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Tatsumi, Uchiha Shin and the guys hiding around.

His chakra surged rapidly, and the destructive power hidden in his eyes surged out in an instant.

These powers quickly covered Xia Yan's body, forming a blue chakra coat.

This terrifying power made Xia Yan look a little blurry. Under such power, these Uchiha people seemed to feel that their breathing was not smooth.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, looked calm, even though his heart was in turmoil.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan locked his eyes on Uchiha Tatsumi, and he suddenly chuckled.

"Now that I'm here, I'll let you have a good experience..."


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