The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 236 Thank you, Obito (8K please subscribe)

Doing what you say is also a kind of tolerance, and Xia Yan very much recognizes this.

Even he himself knows that if this sentence is applied to him, it is likely to become a "kill your whole family, kill your whole family" style.

But to him, it wasn't a big deal. After all, he was an ANBU. Even though they didn't do much to destroy the whole family, it was still a basic job.

But this doesn’t mean that they can’t do it. Even if they want to, they can do it more like an accident!

Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Tatsu quietly in front of him. The blue chakra all over his body looked like a god.

The chakra mode of Jingyan is different from Natsuhiko's other chakra modes. The nine-tails chakra mode can completely identify who a person is.

The clear facial features and face can never be mistaken for a person.

But this Pure Eye Chakra mode is different, and it's very interesting to talk about. Even if he looks forward in this state, he can still see himself.

At this time, he looked so unreal, and the thick power of the pure eye completely enveloped him, making it impossible to see clearly at all.

The overall appearance was similar to that of Toneri Otsutsuki in his memory.

And now wrapped in this power, Xia Yan found that he seemed to have accidentally come into contact with something he had dreamed of.


Even though he didn't master Yin Escape himself, he was actually aware of the power that acted on mental power that was completely opposite to Yang Escape.

But what he didn't particularly understand was that he was clearly aware of this power, and he knew that he could also control this power.

But these powers gave him the feeling that they obeyed him but did not belong to him.

"Do I have to possess such power myself before I can fully master it?"

Xia Yan thought silently, he really didn't take guys like Uchiha Chen seriously.

Because Xia Yan can feel that even if he is only in the initial state now, his power is no longer weaker than the Nine-tails Chakra mode!

Just look at the miserable situation in Kirigakure Village to see how much the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode is hated, not to mention that this Pure Eye Chakra Mode also has a very interesting feature.

That was powerful, making Xia Yan feel indescribably inclusive.

"In the Pure Eye Chakra Mode, can I still use the Nine-Tails Chakra and Senjutsu Chakra without any hindrance or side effects?"

Such characteristics are really suitable for Xia Yan. You must know that Xia Yan's own strength may be limited by his age, which has led to him being only classified as a quasi-shadow until now.

Of course, he had very serious doubts that according to the system's evaluation, the so-called Kage would reach the level of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara?

His chakra reserves have increased many times compared to what he had a year ago, but he only jumped from chunin to quasi-shadow, and then couldn't take a step forward.

If that's the case, I'm afraid that even judging from the amount of chakra alone in the entire ninja world, there won't be many people who can reach the so-called Kage level.

In order to bring his overall strength to the level of a shadow, Xia Yan developed or acquired basically amplifying power.

If these powers can be fused together and used, then the increase in Xia Yan's power will be absolutely unimaginable.

"It's just, why can't I fly?"

After feeling it for a while, Xia Yan suddenly thought of another problem, that is flying!

In his memory, it seemed that both the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation eye actually had the ability to fly.

But Xia Yan's pure eye didn't seem to have this ability, which made him a little depressed.

But soon he thought of something. It seemed that whether it was the reincarnation eye or the reincarnation eye, their flight was controlled by the repulsion force.

Xia Yan could vaguely feel that he seemed to be able to control the repulsion, but such control was too weak to achieve the purpose of flying that he wanted.

"It seems that everything can only happen slowly."

Mentally muttering silently, he had reached a position less than five meters away from Uchiha Tatsu, while Uchiha Tatsu's face was full of vigilance, and he had no idea of ​​launching a surprise attack.

At this time, he was facing Xia Yan as if he was facing a monster that made him fear from the bottom of his heart.

This kind of fear seems to come from blood, the illusion that it is like a natural fear of high-level creatures!

He didn't understand why he felt like this at all, but the feeling was really crazy and surrounded him, making him feel depressed and suffocated from the bottom of his heart.

"Who are you?" After a long while, Uchiha Tatsumi slowly said, "Aren't you from the Senju clan? Why..."

"What does this have to do with you?" Xia Yan interrupted him directly before he could finish his words: "Dead people should look like dead people. I don't need to give you an answer. Maybe the gods in the Pure Land will help you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Yan's body moved slightly, and the distance of five meters was like teleporting under his explosion!

Without any warning, he had already arrived at Uchiha Tatsu's side, and then he punched out, his fist hitting Uchiha Tatsu's chest with a terrifying sound of breaking wind.

Uchiha Tatsu's reaction speed was also extremely fast. His Sharingan caught some traces of Natsuhiko almost the moment he moved, which made him immediately raise his ninja sword to defend and counterattack.

But his heart was extremely shocked, because he found that even with the Sharingan, he could only see a vague shadow!

This is the Sharingan!

And it’s also a pair of Sharingan that has reached three magatama levels!

Such a pair of eyes could only see a vague movement trajectory when this guy didn't use the Flying Thunder God. How fast was this guy?

However, this was just the beginning. Just when he was extremely shocked by Xia Yan's speed, the next moment Xia Yan made him feel the despair that was like a winter version!

Natsuhiko's fist, wrapped in the pure eye chakra, directly hit Uchiha Tatsu's ninja sword with the utmost understatement.

At this moment, a vast force directly passed through the Ninja Sword and crashed into his body, and his Ninja Sword also turned into pieces!

Isn't this guy not only suffocatingly fast, but also incredibly powerful?

Uchiha Chen's heart was full of horror, but he was an excellent ninja who had experienced countless killings. The moment he flew upside down, he adjusted his body in mid-air.

When he was about to hit the ground, he pushed hard to turn his body over in mid-air, and then he landed firmly on the ground.

However, he had just landed and Xia Yan had already arrived beside him, followed by another seemingly random punch.

This punch was still suffocating, and Uchiha Tatsu also showed his strong ability as an Uchiha. He knew that he could not resist Natsuhiko's fist, so he went to other methods.

With the help of the Sharingan, he was able to see the strange behavior of Natsuhiko with great reluctance.

It can only be said that the Sharingan is worthy of the three magatama state, and Uchiha Tatsu's personal ability is also excellent enough, so he adopted a relatively risky, but practical enough method.

He tried to remove the force of Xia Yan's blow instead of simply defending against such power.

He knew very well that he couldn't resist it at all, and I'm afraid he would fall if he took a hit!

Only by avoiding such an offensive could he find a way to counterattack.

Quickly reaching out his hand, Uchiha Tatsu resisted Natsu Yan's terrifying impact and directed his power outward. In an instant, he immediately took out his kunai and stabbed Natsu Yan towards him.

Xia Yan didn't expect that this guy could fight back in such an extreme situation, but it was a pity that such an attack was really not worth mentioning in Xia Yan's eyes.

The improvement brought about by the Pure Eye Chakra Mode is completely beyond what Uchiha Tatsumi could imagine. In this state, which is almost equivalent to the first stage of the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, Natsuhiko is really like a god!

Faced with Uchiha Tatsu's movements, Natsuhiko didn't even think about evading. He just made a row of his body and knocked Uchiha Tatsu's kunai away.

Then he punched him again without any pause. Although Uchiha Chen still saw it this time, he really couldn't keep up with such speed.


Xia Yan punched him in the abdomen, and suddenly he felt like his abdomen was turning upside down, as if everything in his stomach was twisted together.

However, Natsuhiko's offensive had no intention of ending. He quickly reached out and grabbed Uchiha Tatsu's wrist, and then gently twisted it towards the outer ring.


With the sound of bones breaking, Uchiha Tatsumi's wrist suddenly fell down weakly. However, the guy remained silent and hit Xia Yan with his other hand without hesitation.

When Xia Yan saw this, he also slightly admired his ninja skills. He had already seen how painful it was to break the bones of the wrist on many people.

But this guy was able to resist saying a word and even counterattack quickly. I have to say that this kind of willpower is really admirable.

But I admire you, but Xia Yan never hesitates when it’s time to take action!

He gently raised his right hand to attack this guy, and with just an understatement, this guy's attack came to nothing.

The next moment, Natsuhiko's body turned slightly to one side, and his right foot hit Uchiha Tatsu's stomach as hard as a whip!


This time, Uchiha Tatsu could no longer hold on. He let out a muffled groan and flew backwards.

It's just that even if this guy was knocked away, he was still thinking about how to fight back.

With the help of Jingyan, Natsuhiko could see very clearly that while Uchiha Tatsuya was flying upside down, he quickly used his uninjured hand to form a seal with one hand.

The majestic orange-red chakra began to brew rapidly in his body. It was obvious that this was a fire escape!

"He's really tenacious."

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. He found that this guy was indeed quite tenacious.

In addition, he also found that when he was in the Jingyan state, he didn't seem to need to pass other people's seals at all. He only needed to look at the color of chakra in other people's bodies to know what type of technique he was using.

I have to say that this is really an extremely convenient ability. Predicting the enemy's opportunity is the specialty of the Uchiha clan.

But Xia Yan didn't have the insight to predict the enemy's offensive and see the enemy's weaknesses instantly. However, although his insight was a little off, the effect seemed to be good.

"Normally, I should use water escape in conjunction with your performance, torture you step by step, and break your fighting spirit bit by bit. What a pity..."

It's a pity that Xia Yan has no intention to continue playing with him, especially since Xia Yan noticed that this guy has a lot of chakra brewing. It is obvious that he wants to use a large ninjutsu.

Within the Uchiha clan, even if the ANBU and the security department jointly block an area, a large ninjutsu is enough to expose everything.

Not to mention whether you can feel the boiling of chakra, the strong firelight alone can definitely attract the attention of many people.

This kind of situation is really not what Xia Yan wants to face. Even if he is not afraid of this kind of thing, it is better to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Thinking of this, the chakra in Xia Yan's body also rippled rapidly at this moment, but in an instant, countless wood escape seeds under the surface had emerged with curse seals!

After Xia Yan ate the intermediate sealing fruit, his carving of the sealing curse had reached an extraordinary speed.

He was basically able to do it easily. The moment the seeds were condensed by him, the curse seal was already burned on them.

The chakra in Uchiha Chen's body surged stronger and stronger. Facing the Senju clan boy in front of him, he had no idea of ​​defeating him.

It was too scary. He could tell that the other party wasn't even serious. You must know that this kid didn't use either the Flying Thunder God or the Wood Release.

But even so, he still had no choice. This was not a dimensional battle at all.

"But I can't deal with it alone, so let's attract everyone's attention and deal with you together!"

Uchiha Chen thought silently, but the next second he was completely stunned.

Because he found that the boy from the Thousand Hands Clan was really like a ghost!

Silently, without any warning but suffocatingly, he actually appeared beside Uchiha Tatsumi as he was flying backwards.

Then he grabbed his hand-marked fingers and twisted them hard!


There was another crisp sound of bone cracking, and the severe pain was also stimulating his nerves crazily at this moment.

The most terrible thing is that his seal has been halfway completed, but the chakra in his body has already gathered.

Now that the seal was suddenly interrupted, the chakra in his body could no longer be controlled!

These surging chakras lost control, and they began to hit Uchiha Chen's body like crazy headless flies.

This huge number was constantly twisting and rotating, rushing through his meridians in a disorderly manner. He could clearly feel that his meridians had a lot of damage.

It is completely conceivable that if he continues like this, he will die in his own hands without anyone else doing anything!

"Is that the Flying Thunder God..."

A thought flashed through Uchiha Chen's mind, and his body had hit a wall hard.

His eyes were faint, and he knew that he could hardly hold on anymore, especially when he saw that the guy who was exuding blue chakra and looked a bit unreal had quietly come to his side.

He really didn't want to understand how this guy activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

At the same time, he didn't think clearly about what those blue eyes were, and why he, who had the three Magatama Sharingan, was so vulnerable...


In the forest behind the Uchiha clan, Natsuhiko and Kakashi walked aimlessly forward.

The Uchiha clan's matter has been resolved. After Natsuhiko defeated that Uchiha Tatsu, his Pure Eye Chakra was also released.

I have to say that the effect of this state is indeed very good, and the power it can display is also very objective.

But the shortcoming is also obvious, that is, the durability seems to be much lower than he imagined.

It's not that the power stored in these eyes is insufficient, the power in these eyes is still very strong, and it can even continuously recover on its own.

But the problem is that this kind of power also has certain requirements on the strength of Xia Yan's eyes, and those are full of destructive power, let's call it the Pure Eye Chakra.

When it covers his body, it is also a burden on his body.

He knows that his strength is probably not strong enough, or his eyes are not strong enough.

At present, he cannot control these powers better, so that his eyes will not be uncomfortable, and these powers will not cause harm to his body.

So stopping is the best choice, not to mention he doesn't need to worry so much about the next thing.

The most troublesome person has been solved by Xia Yan. If Uchiha Shen and his tribe can't solve the remaining problems, then these guys are really not qualified to continue to cooperate with Xia Yan.

So Natsuhiko took Kakashi directly and left here. He promised to tell Kakashi something, especially now that he was very curious about Kakashi's eyes.

In his memory, Kakashi entered the 'WiFi password' correctly, and that was already fourteen or five years later.

But now he is showing similar signs, which makes Xia Yan not curious.

"Is it possible that this guy has already activated the power of the kaleidoscope, but he didn't even realize it?"

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that this was the only reason that could explain these things clearly.

After all, Kakashi's kaleidoscope opened with Obito, so it's not strange for him to actually activate such power.

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko suddenly stopped, and Kakashi, who had been following him, also stopped.

Kakashi's mind is now full of doubts. He has been thinking about what happened tonight.

But Kakashi is not a fool, especially after staying in the ANBU for so long, especially when Natsuhiko asked him to act as the captain, which also greatly improved his thinking ability.

He can see a lot of information that he couldn't see before, and he can access a lot of things that he couldn't access before.

Therefore, he knew that the situation of the Uchiha clan was not as optimistic as imagined.

At the same time, he also knew that those who entered the ANBU, as well as Shisui who had been with him for a long time, actually belonged to the same faction.

What he is dealing with tonight is probably another faction that is not siding with Natsuhiko or even Konoha!

But Kakashi had been favored by Uchiha after all. Even if he thought about it clearly, he could only sigh helplessly. After all, Natsuhiko really didn't tell him what he was going to do in advance.

What's more, there was something wrong with his eyes tonight, which seemed to imply that he shouldn't get involved.

"Okay, I know you have doubts in your heart, and you may even have some wild thoughts."

Natsuhiko turned his head and looked at Kakashi's eyes, and he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

"Actually, I think you should have guessed a little bit about the purpose and reason for your action tonight.

It's actually very simple. You should have read the information. There are two voices in the Uchiha clan.

One voice likes to be close to Konoha, close to Konoha and reintegrated into Konoha.

According to what we call this group of people, they are doves. They do not want the family and the village to continue to be divided, because they see the future very far.

If this continues, there will definitely be no good fruits for the family.

Uchiha is really the representative of this faction, and he was the one who sent the boy Shisui in to establish a communication bridge with Konoha. It's just a pity that the Hokage has gone to Mt. Myoboku. "

Xia Yan's tone was neither fast nor serious, and there was even some unique laziness in his tone.

However, when he talked about Namikaze Minato, he still had some small fluctuations in his heart. After all, he was the one who personally sent Namikaze Minato to Mt. Myoboku.

Kakashi listened to all this quietly without replying. He had seen all this in the information.

However, Xia Yan is willing to explain this matter more clearly, and he is naturally willing to listen carefully. The more he knows, the better he can make a reasonable judgment on what he is doing.

"As for the other group of people, their thoughts are not simple at all."

Xia Yan found a tree and sat down against it, then continued with a smile.

"We call these people hawks, hardliners can even be said to be coup d'etat."

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly because he saw a slight change in Kakashi's eyes.

But he had no intention of letting Kakashi interrupt him, so he made a silent gesture.

Kakashi immediately calmed down after seeing Natsuhiko's gesture, but his eyes became a little sharp.

"Don't be surprised, although I am sure to tell you that ANBU has no evidence, but you might as well try to imagine it.

Suppose the relationship between your family and the village is getting worse and worse, and the two parties have drifted apart and become almost strangers.

But you don't intend to leave the village, because this village was built with the blood and lives of your ancestors.

However, the times have developed to this day, and you have not obtained your rights at all.

You are even more and more excluded from the village, and even separated from the entire village. So how do you think about this?

The current situation is that people headed by the Sandaime are dissatisfied with Uchiha's attitude towards the village.

They even privatized the security department from a village's public department to a family's private department.

Moreover, what they did also disgusted the residents of the village, which made it difficult to maintain the unity of the village.

The Uchiha clan is not satisfied with their current treatment. As one of the largest families in the village, they cannot even participate in the decision-making of Konoha's top management.

If there is no one to mediate this kind of contradiction between identity and status, the contradiction between the family and the village, the result will be..."

"The result was an explosion..."

Kakashi said with some difficulty, seeing the information he himself saw through Natsuhiko's second speed.

He is absolutely certain that things will really come to that point, and the result will definitely be a war between the village and the family!

Judging from Natsuhiko's words, he is not optimistic about the Uchiha clan at all, otherwise he would not use the word coup.

Thinking about it, if Konoha and Uchiha go to war, the final result may be the complete destruction of Uchiha!

Thinking of this, Kakashi has completely confirmed his suspicion from Xia Yan.

Rather than completely annihilating Obito's family in the long river of history, it would be better to kill some extreme guys.

Let those who are willing to have a good talk with Konoha stay and create a better future together.

"It's just..." Kakashi sighed helplessly: "Why did you choose me, captain, you know, I..."

"Because of Obito, you are unwilling to fight with Uchiha?" Natsuhiko shook his head disdainfully: "And your Sharingan's chakra changed tonight. Do you think it was Obito's punishment for you?"

Having said this, Natsuhiko stood up and walked to Kakashi.

He still had a warm smile on his face, but for some reason, Kakashi felt that Natsuhiko's aura was a bit too strong.

Obviously he didn't mobilize chakra at all, but he just stood there and watched quietly, which made Kakashi a little unable to resist.

"Don't be stupid. In fact, rather than saying it is a punishment given to you by Obito, I think this is a gift he gave you."

Xia Yan's tone was calm and powerful, making people seem to believe it involuntarily.

But Kakashi looked a little confused. Why is this situation called a gift?

Before Kakashi could think about it, Natsuhiko continued to speak.

"The secret of the Sharingan is far beyond your imagination. This kind of eye is like a treasure, making anyone have thoughts in their heart."

Having said this, Natsuhiko stopped slightly, thinking about how to guide Kakashi's Mangekyō Sharingan.

According to what Kakashi said, the situation he faced before seemed to have suddenly appeared while fighting Uchiha Tatsu.

Could it be the mutual attraction between the eyes?

If this is the case, Natsuhiko is in a bit of trouble, because he doesn't have the Sharingan.

But soon, Natsuhiko felt that he couldn't give it a try. Without the Sharingan, he still had the Pure Eye.

Even if this Jingan is also a fake, it is still the power of the Otsutsuki clan... right?

"Look into my eyes, especially your Sharingan."

Xia Yan closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened his eyes again, bright blue had bloomed.

The constantly flowing light is so dazzling, yet so mysterious and dangerous.

Opening these eyes, Xia Yan immediately planned to mobilize his own aura, especially the aura belonging to Qianju that contained Yang Eun.

A pair of three-magatama Sharingan can make Kakashi's eyes react. His eyes, which originated from the Byakugan, embody the aura of the Senju clan.

He didn't believe it, this couldn't evoke the DNA that belonged to the Sharingan!

However, what he never dreamed of was that before he had time to mobilize these powers, Kakashi's Sharingan seemed to be stimulated and began to rotate slowly.

This rotation is getting faster and faster, and the three magatama seem to be united together.

Kakashi also frowned, feeling his head getting dizzy.

Suddenly, Xia Yan seemed to realize that something was not right, because he could clearly see that the space in front of him had quietly undergone extremely subtle distortions.

The weirdest thing is that he also knows that this distortion does not exist in real space, because you can't see this scene at all!

And the most terrible thing is that this twisted space locks his head!


Xia Yan was already a little alert. The chakra in his body condensed slightly, and his seeds appeared in the ground around him.

He didn't want to have his head twisted off by Kamui, that would be such a loss!

"Can super insight see changes in space? If so..."

For some reason, Natsuhiko immediately thought of Obito and Namikaze Minato.

Both of these guys are good at playing with space, but Minato Namikaze belongs to his side, and he is also familiar with his routines.

As for Obito, I am afraid that under these eyes, I can clearly see which part of him is outside and which part is in the Kamui space!

Time passed slowly, Natsuhiko was still guarding against Kamui's power, and Kakashi felt the pressure on his eyes increasing.

He seemed to feel that the sockets of his eyes were not eyes at all, but a huge hill, a hill that kept swallowing up his chakra!

The tremendous pressure suffocated him, and the endless heaviness made it almost impossible for him to resist.

But just when Kakashi felt that he could no longer hold on, he suddenly felt that his pressure dropped suddenly, and his chakra flow became even faster.

"Are you holding on?"

Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He saw the distorted space in front of him suddenly disappear, which let him know that Kakashi was almost successful.

Looking at Kakashi in front of him, seeing him closing his eyes tightly and motionless, Natsuhiko knew that he should still be feeling the changes.

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko took out a kunai and handed it over when Kakashi opened his eyes.

"Take a good look." Natsuhiko said softly, while Kakashi silently took the kunai.

The kunai was reflected in the moonlight and looked a little blurry, but this did not prevent Kakashi from being able to see everything clearly.

At this moment, he felt that his eyes had become exceptionally clear, and he seemed to be able to see through everything.

In the kunai, he is still the same as before, but the Sharingan in his left eye has completely changed!

"This is..." Kakashi murmured, he didn't recognize these eyes at all.

"This is the Mangekyo Sharingan." Natsuhiko patted his shoulder calmly: "This is the power that the Uchiha clan dreams of. This is the eye that surpasses the three Magatama Sharingan. This is also the power Obito gave you. .”

"Is it the gift that Obito left for me..." Kakashi's eyes turned red quietly: "The Mangekyou... is it the Sharingan..."

"Yes, you don't have any changes on weekdays, but today you have a reaction."

Natsuhiko looked at Kakashi with a smile, his voice was calm and gentle.

"This is Obito helping you. He is such a gentle person and he probably doesn't want problems to arise in the village, nor does he want the family to go to a dead end.

That's why he silently handed over this power to you. He probably hopes that you can help him and help him settle the family. "

"is that so....."

Kakashi lowered his head and murmured softly. It took him a long time before he turned his head and looked at the sky, his eyes becoming particularly determined.

"I understand, I won't be confused anymore!

Thank you, Natsuhiko, and thank you, Obito..."


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