The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 237 I don’t regret it (8K please subscribe)

Whether Obito thinks this way or not, Natsuhiko is actually very, very clear that this guy is now in an advanced stage of psychosis and he wishes the world would be destroyed.

In the original book, Obito was involved in the annihilation of the Uchiha clan. How could he hope that Kakashi would protect the family?

But Obito is apparently dead now, so Natsuhiko can take advantage of this.

Not only can it shed some light on Kakashi's somewhat over-the-top mentality, but it can also help him understand that everything he did was still correct.

After all, in his opinion, even Obito thinks this way!

Dead people don't need to have thoughts, even those who are pretending to be dead.

Natsuhiko was relieved that Kakashi's problem was solved, but he knew that there would be more problems waiting for him later.

"For example, this kid's chakra is a big problem. He is now like a kid who has a weapon but can't swing it."

After all, this kid is not a real Uchiha. His physical condition makes it difficult for him to use ordinary Sharingan.

But now, Natsuhiko induced the kaleidoscope state in advance. The most terrible thing is that Kakashi himself can't control it at all.

As a result, he is afraid that chakra will become even more scarce.

Natsuhiko was counting on Kakashi to do his job. It would be very depressing if his work efficiency was reduced because of a chakra problem.

"I look more and more like I was hanged from a street lamp."

Just thinking about this question, Xia Yan couldn't help but reveal a wry smile. He found that he was really becoming more and more capitalist.

Other things are not taken into consideration first. What is considered is whether the person can continue to work and create income for himself.

Shaking his head helplessly, Kakashi could only observe this problem, or think of other ways to improve his chakra better.

"I wonder if I can plant some of the fruits I already own and give them to others later?"

Xia Yan has actually considered this issue a long time ago, but he has never done it due to his own reasons. You must know that his chakra was not enough before.

In addition, there is the issue of trust. He himself is not sure whether he can trust the person he gives it to, and how to deal with it if he can't trust it is another big problem.

But now it seems that there is no need to think too much about all this. Believe it or not, his strength can solve these problems!

And his chakra seems to be quite sufficient. On the basis of ensuring the three-tail cultivation and his own strength, cultivating some intermediate seeds is not a problem for him now.

"Perhaps, I can do an experiment with Kakashi. After all, this kid's current situation may not be very optimistic."

Natsuhiko is a person who is wary of danger in times of peace. Although he must admit that he has the idea of ​​​​Kakashi doing experiments, he does have some considerations for Kakashi.

In the original work, Obito didn't get back Kakashi's eyes. On the one hand, it was because of his pride. He didn't think that he would be worse than Kakashi at this time.

The second point is that he also exists, completely severing this bond and not letting Kakashi know the fact that he is still alive.

Especially in the original work, there is no existence of Natsuhiko, let alone the existence of 'Asakura Hao' who controls the power of the Nine-Tails and goes on a rampage.

This guy Obito had already been beaten up by Natsuhiko in two identities. In fact, the second time, he madly grabbed his missing eye and launched an offensive.

And Xia Yan can fully imagine that they may have more conflicts in the future, and Obito will most likely be taught a lesson by him.

Or use different vests and different methods to teach him an unforgettable lesson!

In the final analysis, his weakness is controlled by Xia Yan. If he can't find a way to make up for this, then he can only be controlled by Xia Yan.

Therefore, Natsuhiko really needs to be careful. This guy jumped over the wall in a hurry, ran in front of Kakashi and dug out his eyes to make up for himself.

In this case, it is obviously necessary to improve Kakashi's strength, and it is also a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

Maybe Kakashi won't be afraid of Obito as his strength increases. After all, there will be no virtual Obito in the future Kakashi.

Moreover, Kakashi can do more things after his strength increases, fully displaying his value in the ANBU.

In addition to these two pieces, the most important thing is if you can improve Kakashi's strength.

Then Xia Yan can rely on his special ability to win over a large number of people!

Lone wolves are never easy to get along in the world of Naruto, otherwise Madara Uchiha wouldn't think of getting some White Zetsu to help him.

Xia Yan has no intention of being a lone wolf in this world. He made a lot of friends when he was in school.

But since he was deeply involved in the ANBU, he really couldn't get to know these friends well enough.

In addition, he only stayed at the school for three years and then left. It was really not possible to develop a comprehensive friendship.

"Although I am now the head of ANBU, I have a large group of ANBU ninjas working for me, especially since I have expanded the entire ANBU.

But it’s hard to say how many people here are completely willing to follow me.

But if I have a way to improve their abilities and even help them improve their chakra attributes and cognition, then..."

Then this will definitely make Xia Yan gather a group of people who are absolutely willing to stand behind him!

However, he himself knew very well that such power must not be exposed easily, otherwise it might cause huge disaster to him.

Therefore, when choosing the right person, Xia Yan must carefully understand all the information, and he must even have a suitable entry point.

Otherwise, once the power is given, he turns around and sells him out, and it will be useless even if Xia Yan is killed by him.

“So I’d better start with people around me who I trust, and then slowly expand.”

Currently, the only person Xia Yan can completely trust is Lianhua. After all, this woman's mother is in his family, and they are from the same family.

Next is the four Senju group that Natsuhiko can trust, followed by Kakashi, Ye Cang and Qiong.

The number of people is not too large, but it is not too small either.

At least it is completely normal for a person like Natsuhiko, who has almost no foundation, and relies on calculation and strength to become an ANBU minister.

And these people are also the ones that Xia Yan needs to consider. He plans to try on these people, especially Lianhua and Kakashi.

If the result is good, then he can continue. If the result is not good, then he can brake in time.

"It seems that we need to find some seeds again, especially low-level seeds..."


The search for low-level seeds was put on Xia Yan's agenda, so he would naturally handle it well.

And Kakashi, who got a satisfactory answer that made him feel extremely excited, no longer felt guilty about what he had done before.

On the contrary, he was still a little regretful, regretful that he had behaved so badly and that he had not understood the meaning of the changes in his eyes at all.

But it is obvious that he does not need to do anything next, because Xia Yan has no intention of killing everyone.

In this situation, Kakashi could only sigh, and he could only wait for the next opportunity - although he vaguely felt that he might not have another chance.

"Let's break up."

After Natsuhiko figured things out, he spoke directly to Kakashi.

"Go back and get familiar with the power of your eyes now, even if he can't master it yet.

But after all, it is Obito's gift to you, and the help it can give you in the future is unimaginable. "

"Yes, Captain."

Kakashi nodded slightly, then he seemed a little hesitant, but in the end he leaned his head and said to Natsuhiko.

"I'm sorry, Captain."

"Okay, it's okay."

Natsuhiko waved his hand gently, showed a smile, and looked at Kakashi quietly.

"You don't need to apologize for this, after all, I didn't tell you everything.

And it is normal for you not to have access to more information about the Sharingan.

But Kakashi, always remember one thing.

You are no longer an ordinary ninja, you are a ninja who has stood at a sufficient height.

And I believe that in the future, you will stand taller.

But the higher you stand, the greater your responsibility. Your thinking must keep up with where you are.

Sometimes you can't be too emotional, even if you have thoughts in your heart, for example, you are not satisfied with today's actions.

You can also leave leeway in completing tasks so you have more room to negotiate.

Don’t be too emotional when doing things in the future, got it? "

At this point, Xia Yan stopped talking and turned around, the chakra in his body began to vibrate slightly.

It is said that this is enough, there are many things that need to be understood by oneself. In fact, Natsuhiko also knows that he should not tell Kakashi these things.

But Kakashi is someone Natsuhiko can trust, and if possible, he has even considered handing over the ANBU to this guy after he becomes Hokage in the future.

The ANBU minister he hoped for could neither be as ambitious as he was nor be someone like Takumi Murashima.

This requires learning and training by oneself. While respecting Konoha's rules and one's own orders, one also needs to have one's own character.

Kakashi froze in place, watching Natsuhiko's body pause slightly and then disappear in place, he covered his Sharingan with one hand.

Everything he experienced tonight was really like a dream. Not only did he get the gift Obito gave him, but he also knew how bad his performance was.

What Xia Yan said to him really hit him hard, and it really made him realize how bad his performance was.

Not to mention whether he can really defeat Uchiha Tatsumi, his attitude alone seems to have a big problem.

"Perhaps I am really too disappointing..."

Kakashi murmured softly, but soon his eyes became firm again.

"But I won't let you down anymore, Natsuhiko, Obito..."


Within the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Sora and Uchiha Zhen stood there in silence.

After Natsuhiko solved the problem, Uchiha Sora finally caught Uchiha Shen and others.

It's just that things didn't go well this time, and their performance can really be said to be a bit bad.

Of course, not only were they bad, but the ANBU support staff also performed poorly.

In particular, the captain Kakashi was also defeated, but Kakashi's performance was really far superior to those of them.

Even Kakashi's Sharingan is countless times better in use and performance than they are in these orthodox Uchiha!

The contrast was really too great, and it made them really ashamed.

In addition, there is another thing that makes them extremely suffocated, and that is Xia Yan's strength!

The guy who defeated Sora Uchiha and Kakashi, his performance was so arrogant and terrifying.

But when such a guy faced Natsuhiko, according to Sora Uchiha, he was just a young child meeting a strong adult.

There is no way to fight back, and no possibility of victory!

Especially since Natsuhiko didn't use the giant lizard he summoned when dealing with the Kyuubi, or the wood escape technique that made the Senju clan famous in the ninja world.

What he used was a technique that no one had seen before, and it seemed to have something to do with his eyes.

"Is he already so powerful?"

Uchiha sighed feebly, but soon he became curious again.

"What do you mean by his eyes?"

"I don't know either, but I can feel an extreme sense of oppression."

Uchiha Sora shook his head, he was even more confused, but soon he spoke cautiously.

"I've never heard of Senju having special eyes. Maybe it has something to do with that adult's parents..."

"Don't talk about this."

When Uchiha heard this, he immediately interrupted his son. He didn't want to let anything slip.

After the Thousand Hands Clan was completely degenerated, although the former clan members would still maintain intermarriage within the clan, most of them still merged with ordinary people.

Therefore, it is difficult to say clearly that there are some special features in the blood of future generations. After all, those civilians who were involved in the war may have had a better life in their ancestors, but now they may have entered Konoha alone.

But it would be wiser to stop this matter. After all, Natsuhiko is the only person in the Senju clan who has inherited the mantle of the first Hokage and can use wood escape for so many years.

If his bloodline was not so pure, the trouble this would cause would be unimaginable.

In addition, this person is the Minister of ANBU and holds huge power in his hands, making him an important support for them in some aspects.

If you really offend him, the fate of these people will definitely not be good.

"Let's end this matter here. Let's go see Uchiha Shin."

Uchiha really shook his head, and then he spoke.

"By the way, how well the family is being appeased? The noise tonight is not small."

"I understand, Father."

Uchiha Sora nodded, he didn't dare to think about these things at all.

"And please don't worry. Although the movement is not small, there will be no problem with the help of ANBU. It's just the follow-up..."

"You don't need to worry about the follow-up, I have a way to deal with it."

"Yes, father."

Following Uchiha Makoto's footsteps, the two of them quickly walked into the room.

After Natsuhiko defeated Uchiha Tatsu, Uchiha Sora captured everyone and imprisoned them together.

Because he knew that his father might have something to talk to these old friends and even old rivals. Whether they understood it or not was what he had to do.

And Uchiha really does have this idea. At this point, it can be said that he has won a hand and has the upper hand. He can face them with a victor's attitude.

When Uchiha really opened the door to the room, he walked in slowly.

These elders looked calm, but through their eyes Uchiha really found something worth pondering.

Some of these people had despair in their eyes, some were deep in thought, and some had faint fears.

There were even some people who seemed to know that the overall situation had been decided and understood the principle of 'winner and loser'. They just looked at Uchiha Makoto with their heads raised, speechless.

"Although I don't want to get to where we are now, the ending seems to be doomed."

Uchiha shook his head helplessly. He walked slowly in front of them and spoke in a calm voice.

He didn't say anything harsh. Even as a victor, he really couldn't say it when facing family members and even some of his old comrades.

"You win, Makoto Uchiha."

Uchiha Shen shook his head slowly, his expression and tone were so calm.

"It was really nice to win, and I seemed to understand a little bit."

"Oh?" Uchiha was stunned for a moment.

Originally, he thought that Uchiha Shen might ridicule him severely, or even refuse to admit defeat, thinking that he only got such a result by looking for foreign aid.

He may also say that he is the person who destroyed the pride of the family and destroyed the family tradition!

After all, even if Uchiha really didn't say it, he did rely on Natsuhiko to achieve everything he did now, and he did join forces with the Senju.

Even if he didn't know Natsuhiko's identity before this, the fact was that Uchiha really didn't have any good excuses or reasons to refute.

However, Uchiha never thought about refuting. After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, he would rather bear some infamy and cooperate with Senju.

He doesn't want the family to fall, and he doesn't want the family to be annihilated!

What's more, the family has actually united with the Senju a long time ago, otherwise where would Konoha come from?

But now Uchiha Shen's attitude is really puzzling. Uchiha really doesn't understand what this guy is.

But such confusion only lasted for a moment. He seemed to understand something instantly.

The reason why Uchiha Shin became the elder of the family was not only because of his outstanding performance on the battlefield, but also because of his smart mind.

For a family to be stable, it not only needs sufficient military support, but also smart people to lead the family members to move forward.

Uchiha Shin is one of them, and just because he is such a person, and his thoughts are too extreme, otherwise Uchiha would really not be willing to attack him.

"I mean, I kind of understand why you attacked me."

Uchiha really raised his head, his eyes seemed very clear at this moment, and there was even some free and easy meaning in his eyes.

"But I have a question to ask. It's the person from the Thousand Hands Clan you took the initiative to find, right?

But when did you find him, and who was behind him? "

"When I found him, he didn't even use the surname Senju."

Uchiha sighed, then he shook his head with a wry smile, thinking back to the first meeting with Natsuhiko, it was really not a good memory.

But it was that meeting that led to the second meeting, and it slowly developed to the present.

"As for the person behind him, at first I thought it was the Sandaime, but later I found out that it was the Fourth Hokage."

Shaking his head, Uchiha continued to speak slowly.

Having reached this point, Uchiha Shinya no longer had to hide anything. This was originally the purpose of meeting these people.

After Uchiha Shen heard all this, an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

He had determined many things, and these things also allowed him to fully understand Uchiha's true intentions.

"I understand, it's not easy for you either."

Uchiha Shen suppressed his smile slightly, and his expression became much more serious.

"If I'm not wrong, when you sent Shisui to ANBU, he actually didn't give you the answer the first time, but then he agreed, right?"

"Yes." Uchiha Shen nodded, and he said without concealment: "And that was the first time I knew that he was the captain of the ANBU."

"Anbu captain, you are really young and incredible."

Uchiha Shen sighed and nodded. To reach this point at such a young age, one can imagine how extraordinary this guy is.

"My guess is that when you found him again later, he agreed with your idea.

But at that time, he should have given you two choices.

Either continue the stalemate, and they will openly support you, causing an even greater rift between you and us, thus causing the family to completely sink.

Or there is another way, a more terrifying way, so that there is only one voice in the family, so that the family can make a completely smooth transition.

I think I shouldn't have guessed. "

Uchiha Shen looked at Uchiha Zhen with lively eyes, and Uchiha Zhen nodded vigorously in admiration.

That day, those two choices, those wild ambitions spreading in his heart like weeds that couldn't be contained with the arrival of spring.

Uchiha will never forget all this, that day completely changed him!

"It seems that I guessed it right, then I know everything next."

Uchiha Shen's expression seemed much calmer at this time. He probably understood and guessed the full extent of Uchiha Zhen's changes, and he suddenly felt relieved.

"Your choice of the second one, the intersection with the first one, caused the family to fall into complete rupture. According to your style, you will never accept it.

And you absolutely cannot miss this opportunity to grow your family, so you chose the second one.

Therefore, Shisui entered the ANBU, and many people even entered the ANBU because of this. I think those who acted together tonight include them.

I have to say that this is a good move. After all, Namikaze Minato is not Sarutobi Hiruzen. It is indeed much better for you to choose him than Sarutobi Hiruzen. "

Having said this, Uchiha Shen stopped, his eyes still staring at Uchiha Zhen, as if hoping to get his reply.

He has indeed calmed down now. Uchiha has really undergone a huge change, and he was attacked tonight.

All of this once surprised him, made him angry and even made him hate it, but after everything happened tonight, he found that he seemed to understand a little bit.

What I understand is not only the change in Uchiha's attitude, but also why Uchiha did this!

"That's right, as expected, Shen."

Uchiha was silent for a long time, and then he suddenly laughed.

"You are still so smart, and you still understand everything at once."

"It's a pity, I'm still old."

Uchiha Shen shook his head. He completely ignored the looks from other elders and still spoke calmly.

"Especially after meeting that... Senju Natsuhiko, right?

After seeing his power, it became clearer to him why you did what you did.

At first I thought you wanted power. After all, only with enough power can you have a big enough voice.

Later, I thought that you were completely subdued by Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others, and completely betrayed the Uchiha clan.

But now I understand that you are still the same person, but the way you choose has never been understood.

I'm afraid the family really can't resist Konoha's attack, especially Konoha and this ANBU captain. "

Uchiha Shen's voice was not loud. It seemed that he was speaking for himself, but it also seemed that he was speaking for everyone to hear.

Looking back on Natsuhiko's performance tonight, the fact that he defeated Uchiha Tatsumi in a calm and calm atmosphere is something that Uchiha Shin cannot forget.

What's more, he also knew full well that this Senju Natsuhiko didn't even try his best!

To put it bluntly, judging from the power shown by Natsuhiko on the Night of the Nine Tails, if Konoha wants to clean up the Uchiha clan, I am afraid he can do it alone!

If the Senju and Uchiha clan don't deal with it, this guy will never hold back if Senju Natsuhiko comes.

When the time comes, the entire family will be burned to the ground, probably overnight.

What can a family really do against a village?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Shinzhen felt bitter in his heart.

The truth is so cruel, so cruel that it is unimaginable and unacceptable.

If Uchiha hadn't made this choice, the family would have continued on a dangerous path!

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Shen tried to calm down his heart. He had lost, which also meant that he had lost everything.

But he didn't want to look like he had lost all his dignity, like a lost dog.

"He is no longer a captain."

Uchiha Zhen stared at Uchiha Shen, he hesitated a little in his heart, but in the end he seemed to have made a decision.

"On the night of the Nine-Tails, he personally killed the former ANBU Minister Murashima Takumi. Now he is the ANBU Minister of Konoha."

"What?" Uchiha Shen was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on his face grew stronger: "He is really a deep-seated guy with cruel methods."

"And the task he gave me was not just to make the family have only one voice."

Uchiha looked at Uchiha Shen seriously, and he spoke slowly word by word.

"The clan leader is not a qualified clan leader, and we also united to reject Uchiha Madara back then!"


At this moment, Uchiha Shin's smile completely disappeared. He looked at Uchiha Shin in complete disbelief. He really didn't expect to get such a result.

"Do you know what this means?"

"I know, because I agreed and I also had such thoughts."

Uchiha raised his head slightly, his expression indifferent and serious.

"Modern people can abandon hatred and unite, why can't we do the same?

We ourselves have rejected the patriarch, why can't we reject or even replace him this time?

I know that my cooperation with him will be under his suppression from beginning to end. I know that through such cooperation, I may become his vassal.

But I know better that without cooperation our future will be gloomy, and even the family will cease to exist!

So I agreed, whichever of the two powers benefits each other, whichever is more important, and whichever of the two powers harms each other, whichever is less important.

And I will bear all this myself, and I will never leave this to the descendants of Uchiha! "

Uchiha really stopped when he said this, his eyes were so firm, this was exactly what he felt.

All the elders who were captured by him looked at him in silence. After the exchange between him and Uchiha Shen just now, they had a clear understanding of why Uchiha would do this.

And now they understand Uchiha's inner thoughts more clearly. All of this is so heavy, but all of this is so necessary.

After a long while, Uchiha Shencai smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It seems that this time I really lost, completely lost. No matter in terms of means, size, or character, I lost to you. Ah, true."

"Actually, we all lost to the Nidaime Hokage."

Uchiha Shin closed his eyes slightly, then he took out a kunai and looked at Uchiha Shin calmly.

"Are you ready?"

"Of course it's ready."

Uchiha Shen smiled and nodded. He seemed to have no regrets at this moment.

"I know why you want to kill me, because of my influence right?\

,""Yes, Senju Natsuhiko told me that some people must die. These people are the core of opposition to me. They can command the thoughts of a group of people."

Uchiha Shin nodded, raised his kunai and aimed it at Uchiha Shin's neck.

"You can get them to be quiet, and they'll be quiet, but what if you get them to take up arms?"

"So, I do need to die." Uchiha Shen suddenly smiled proudly. "But I have a merciless request. Can you please let me solve the problem on my own, and you can be my fault-finder?"

"Sorry, I refuse." Uchiha rejected the proposal directly, and the kunai in his hand suddenly glowed with blue light.

Uchiha Shen shook his head helplessly, and then he closed his eyes.

The sound of kunai breaking through the air suddenly rang in his ears, but the next moment he was shocked, the kunai actually passed by his ear, and then stabbed him heavily in the back!

"From now on, you are dead." At this moment, Uchiha's real voice sounded again.

"I refuse because I know that I alone cannot resist Senju Natsuhiko's influence. I refuse because I don't want to be completely suppressed and become a vassal.

So I need someone to help me. Although this is my rebellion against him, it may also cause huge trouble.

But, I don't regret it! "


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