"Oh? You actually rejected me?"

Natsuhiko sat in the office and looked at the report of the ANBU ninja who was obviously from the Uchiha clan. He couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

He felt that this guy Uchiha was really interesting. Faced with such a strong self, he actually dared to do such a thing. Xia Yan really admired his courage.

Not everyone has such courage, especially the cruelty and strength shown by Xia Yan in the whole incident. If it were others, they would have kneeled on the ground.

But Uchiha, or the entire Uchiha clan, is not that easy to give in.

Natsuhiko could also see that although Uchiha had violated his orders in details, he had not violated them on the whole.

This can be regarded as a kind of resistance, and he still fully shouldered all the responsibilities on himself.

His purpose in asking Uchiha ANBU to come over and report this matter was actually very obvious, that is to tell Natsuhiko that this was his own decision and it had nothing to do with anyone else.

Just like Xia Yan heard from Qiong that when they were discussing the whole matter, he deliberately separated everyone involved in the ANBU from him. The purpose was to protect these people.

"It's really a big deal."

Xia Yan leaned back slightly, looking very relaxed and casual, but the ANBU in front of him still lowered his head obediently, not daring to look at him at all.

It can be seen that this guy is very nervous now, and he seems to have an unspeakable fear of Xia Yan.

In fact, not only him, but many people in the entire Anbu were afraid of Xia Yan, but Xia Yan himself didn't know how he got such fear.

After all, he has always been very kind in ANBU. Even though he is already the minister, he still doesn't seem to have shown much change.

It's the same as what he has been doing in the ANBU since he became an ANBU.

Probably the only outrageous thing he did in his ANBU career was killing Takumi Murashima in front of everyone, right?

As for fighting the owl at the ANBU headquarters, that's not a big deal.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan was too lazy to think about this problem anymore. Although fear is not a good control method, it is not bad for now.

If you want to reverse all this, you can only wait slowly. Xia Yan is not in a hurry anyway.

As for what Uchiha really did, Xia Yan was not very angry. The path had been made clear to him, and it was his own business to do what he wanted to do.

What's more, strictly speaking, the strategic significance required by Xia Yan has been achieved, so he doesn't care about the details at all.

And Uchiha didn't stupidly hide the matter, but told Natsuhiko through the mouth of the ANBU in front of him, which also showed his attitude.

But this incident also made Xia Yan feel that this guy seemed to have a deep misunderstanding of him.

Xia Yan asked him to be obedient, but this obedience was just to make it easier to achieve the final goal.

What he wants is an Uchiha that can be controlled, not an Uchiha that doesn't even have a mind of its own.

A family that doesn't even have a mind of its own, what's the difference between that and puppet slaves?

All Xia Yan can do is work without thinking about anything. He has no vitality or any spirit of job hunting and exploration. What's the point of Xia Yan picking them up?

"What I want is a qualified subordinate, and even this subordinate can become a collaborator.

Rather than a person who has no clue what he is going to do and can only wait to obey orders. "

Xia Yan has always been very clear about what he wants. Even if it is ANBU, all he does is cut off their connection with the third generation, and he does not interfere too much in other matters.

"Go down, I know this." Xia Yan casually waved his hand to let the ANBU in front of him leave.

"Yes, Sir Buchou." The ANBU raised his head at this moment and glanced uneasily, as if he was hesitant to speak.

But in the end, he lowered his head in silence, turned around and left the office.

Xia Yan didn't say a word the whole time, or he didn't need to say anything at all. After all, to him, this was just the way it was.

He didn't even think of punishing Uchiha, but if he didn't do it, it didn't mean that it would reassure Uchiha and the others.

After all, Xia Yan also knows that doing nothing is sometimes a silent deterrent.

This means that I know what you did. I just let you go this time but I will keep it in my heart. Next time, I will settle old and new scores together!

"So, I am still a good person."

After the ANBU went out, Xia Yan stretched hard, and the matter was already settled for him.

As for what will become of the Uchiha clan, he will only watch silently, watching what methods and tricks this elder has to integrate the entire family.

Normally, he should be targeting the Security Department now. After all, Uchiha Shin's 'death' left such a huge power vacuum.

If he didn't seize the security department first at this time, and if Uchiha Fugaku reacted and directly used the name of the minister to force his own people in, then his efforts would be in vain.

What's more, Uchiha Shen is now controlled by Uchiha Zhen. It's not difficult to use his residual power to help him control the remaining security department.

It can be said that Uchiha has really opened up the situation at this time, even better than Natsuhiko expected.

As long as he can steadily control Uchiha Shen, he will soon be able to compete with Uchiha Fugaku, and he will still be on the side with the advantage!

"I'm really looking forward to what will happen next, but at this stage there are more important things to do."

Putting aside the Uchiha matters for a while, Natsuhiko began to think about what he wanted to do, and suddenly he realized that his matters seemed a bit outrageous.

Orochimaru's matter still needs further follow-up, and what follows up with Orochimaru is naturally the matter in the laboratory.

These two things are not simple things. Can Xia Yan foresee how troublesome this will be.

The second thing is about the fruit. Xia Yan needs to find seeds to plant for the next experiment.

Finally, there is the issue of his personal strength. His eyes need to be further developed, his three-tailed chakra needs to be further strengthened, and the little nine-tails needs to continue to grow.

In addition, the chakra of other tailed beasts is also a problem, and he needs to find other jinchuriki to plunder chakra.

It can be said that apart from the trouble of finding jinchūriki, other things will basically appear in the near future and need to be done.

"It seems that my life will not be easy at all."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly. He felt that he was really too busy, but at this moment, a series of rapid footsteps made him wake up immediately.

Then there was a knock on the door. Although it was restrained, you could still feel the anxiety in it.

"Come in." Xia Yan said directly, and soon the door was pushed open, and he asked with some surprise: "Ye Cang? What's going on?"

"Mr. Buchou..." Ye Cang took a breath, and then she continued: "We found it, we found Orochimaru's laboratory!"

"Oh?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. He really didn't expect to get such news: "What an unexpected surprise."

It is indeed an unexpected surprise, or a surprise is more appropriate.

After all, for Xia Yan, the degree of shock was more serious, and the degree of joy was slightly lower...


In the prison, Xia Yan and Ye Cang stood together, and in front of them was a guy who could no longer be considered a full human.

Xia Yan's expression is as weird as possible. This guy has a very tough mouth.

But since the Tongue Seal was removed, the taboo door has been opened to him, and he can say anything without restraint!

Therefore, the people in the ANBU torture class worked hard, and the final result was that this root ninja became what he is now, and he also said some things that needed to be said.

Natsuhiko really didn't expect Orochimaru to be so brave. The last time he attacked the Uchiha people, it was him.

And now he has set his target on those Uchiha with three Magatama Sharingan!

You must know that Uchiha with the three Magatama Sharingan has never been so easy to deal with, even if Natsuhiko is so calm and calm when facing Uchiha River.

But in terms of power conversion, his Pure Eye Chakra Mode is almost the same as the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode.

The first state of the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode is between the Kaleidoscope and the Eternal Eye. It can be said that it is a complete crushing situation for Xia Yan.

In addition, as a member of the Senju clan, he knows how to deal with Uchiha very well. It is like a memory burned into DNA.

Add these two characteristics together, and Uchiha Tatsumi is truly a ghost!

But how can Orochimaru deal with Uchiha?

It's okay to challenge him individually. Orochimaru is strong enough, but if he is discovered by ANBU in the village, everything will be ruined.

If he wanted to do all this quietly, after thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that the only option was to be surrounded.

Uchiha with the three Magatama Sharingan have not yet reached the level of Mangekyou. Even if they can deal with the pursuit and interception of powerful enemies, they are definitely not as strong as they are in single combat.

Unless the kaleidoscope is really turned on and reaches a state where there is no fear of quantity at all, it will be quite troublesome.

Not everyone can use the Sharingan to the extent of Uchiha Madara, and no matter how powerful people in this world are, they are afraid of backstabbing.

But are Orochimaru available to so many people?

After all, Danzo has been dismissed from his post for more than half a year, how much roots does he have left?

Natsuhiko was really curious about this. Until Danzo was dismissed, the root ninjas in his hands were still wiped out by Natsuyan when he went to the capital of the Land of Fire.

And now he is even more closely watched by the Anbu, and he even allows Kakashi and Yegura to kill. Normally, Danzo shouldn't have so many talents.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan didn't bother to care about how many people Danzo had hidden, nor did he bother to think about how much money he had made.

No matter what kind of ninja organization it is, it won't be able to function if it doesn't have money.

Foundation maintenance costs money, and ninja training tools, medical care, logistics, etc. all cost money.

Xia Yan didn't think that without Konoha's support, he could still afford such a huge amount of money under normal circumstances.

In addition, Xia Yan also became more and more satisfied with Orochimaru.

He now knew how much Orochimaru was influenced by him. The last time he captured Uchiha was not because of the Sharingan.

According to this basic explanation, he is now concentrating on conquering Mudun.

But the difficulty of Wood Release is also beyond imagination, otherwise Orochimaru would not have only Yamato as a successful test subject.

But his intelligence is unimaginable. Whether he deduced it or learned it after actually studying the data, he seemed to have found an answer.

They have fought with the Senju for who knows how many generations. Their blood lines are indeed Uchihas that truly suppress each other but yet merge with each other!

Xia Yan knew very well that if he wanted to suppress Mu Dun's bloodline, he could only rely on the Sharingan.

Didn't you see that Mirai Danzo's monster-like appearance, the purpose of the Sharingan in his hand is not simply to use Izanagi.

He still needs these Sharingan more to suppress the explosion of Mu Dun bloodline.

"It turns out that he had this plan. No wonder he caught an Uchiha brat before. Now it's completely confirmed."

Xia Yan touched his chin gently, and he realized that he had never wronged Orochimaru before.

But now, he is seriously considering one thing, that is, whether he should help Orochimaru!

That's right, Natsuhiko is not thinking about pushing Orochimaru out at all now. If it were anyone else, he would definitely find Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Then there was a meal of cynicism, and then he forced Sarutobi Hiruzen to catch Orochimaru.

In the end, he would thoughtfully find a hidden corner to witness the rebellion between master and disciple, and finally record the whole process of Sarutobi Hiruzen letting Orochimaru go.

This not only completely cut off one of Sarutobi Hiruzen's hands, but also severely disgusted him in the future. It was a lot, wasn't it?

But now he has no such idea. Although Orochimaru will definitely be pushed out to complete his purpose, this does not prevent Xia Yan from getting more benefits from it.

He had been waiting for the Sharingan. After killing Uchiha Tatsu, he had no chance to touch those eyes.

After all, Xia Yan also had to consider whether his feathers were clean in public.

But the situation is different now. With Orochimaru taking the initiative to block the gun, it would be really unreasonable for Xia Yan not to take advantage of the opportunity.

As long as the person he attacks is not a close friend or relative of Xia Yan, then Xia Yan can ignore some of the things he has done!

"It seems like we need to give this matter a good chance."

Xia Yan thought secretly, and finally a smile appeared on his lips.

"Orochimaru and Danzo are really the same people, the same good people..."


Now that he has an idea, Xia Yan will naturally handle the matter properly.

Orochimaru who stays in Konoha is definitely not a good Orochimaru, but Orochimaru who leaves Konoha is a good Orochimaru who can fully utilize his talents!

For a person like Orochimaru, who is already considered to be an alternative to "the weak flesh and blood, and the ascension of machinery", the constraints of rules and morals are an extreme obstacle to his progress.

Even though he hasn't done anything about reincarnation yet, his research has violated the bottom line of morality.

Of course, Natsuhiko would not say this to Orochimaru. He knew very well that he himself was not a good bird.

His own moral bottom line rises and falls depending on the needs of the actual situation, but at least he will not choose people from the Fire Nation for experiments. This is considered a constraint he has imposed on himself.

Sometimes restraint can stop a person from moving forward, but sometimes it can restrain a person from going to hell!

"When this is over, I really have to thank Orochimaru."

Xia Yan took Ye Cang out of the prison, and he couldn't help but think silently in his mind.

These two guys, Orochimaru and Danzo, are really good people in every sense to Xia Yan. They can bring unimaginable benefits to Xia Yan in the past and in the future.

Natsu Yan kept this in mind, especially Danzo, and Natsu Yan was extremely grateful to him.

Without him, Xia Yan would not have the basic strength of Xia Yan's current strength. Xia Yan's real fortune lies in the 'broken power of Asura'.

Without this power, there would be no Wood Release or Nine-Tails, let alone rushing to Kirigakure Village alone to steal the Bone Pulse, Byakugan, and the Three-Tails' chakra!

As for Orochimaru, Natsuhiko originally thought that he was using what he had done to increase his political leverage, and would try to ask him to help with research in the future.

But now it seems that this guy can also provide things like Sharingan, and his value is much greater.

"Ye Cang, when you get back, do some research on who they are going to attack and make a list for me."

After walking out of the prison, Xia Yan whispered directly to Ye Cang beside him, letting everyone know that he had not planned to do this yet.

"There are not many Uchiha with three Magatama Sharingan. The ANBU has records. Thank you for your hard work."

"No problem, Mr. Minister." Ye Cang shook her head slightly, and her tone was unusually firm: "I will not let you down."

"Don't be so serious. It doesn't matter if you don't find it. At worst, I can just keep an eye on Orochimaru."

Xia Yan waved his hand indifferently, and then he smiled and asked.

"By the way, how have you been during this time? Are you getting used to living in Konoha?"

It has been almost a year since Ye Cang was captured by Xia Yan and then entered ANBU.

Xia Yan took good care of her at the beginning. After all, he brought her back. How could he help her integrate into Konoha better if he didn't provide care and help?

But after he seized the position of ANBU Minister, he had a lot of things to do, so he paid slightly less attention.

So now he really doesn't know much about what kind of state Ye Cang is in.

In his memory, Ye Cang seemed to have been training ANBU, and at the same time, he had been following other ANBU on tasks. As for what he was doing now, he really didn't know.

"It's not bad. With the help of the minister, I can integrate in relatively easily." Ye Cang didn't take off her mask, she said softly: "Whether it's life in Konoha or within the ANBU."

"That's not bad." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he laughed: "Speaking of which, you live next to me, but I always feel that we rarely see each other."

Ye Cang's residence is still in the small house not far from Xia Yan's place, but they live so close that they don't have many opportunities to meet.

Needless to say, Xia Yan was very busy, and Ye Cang himself was also extremely busy.

Anbu's job is no joke. It's normal to stay away from home for a month when you're busy.

Xia Yan himself was an ANBU, and he was very familiar with these things.

In addition to these messy things, there is also the gap between the two people's identities. Normally, there won't be much intersection.

In addition, Natsu Yan is currently operating in Konoha, basically relying on the Flying Thunder God Technique, so it is most normal that they will not meet him.

"After all, the Minister needs to do many more things than we do." Ye Cang was still very good at talking. She shook her head gently: "We are just executing tasks, and the Minister needs to make a series of plans. , this is much more tiring than us.”

"Maybe." Xia Yan was actually a little embarrassed by Ye Cang's words, but he quickly shook his head: "Okay, you can go about your business first. When the Orochimaru incident is over, you can sit down at my house. sit down."

"Huh?" Ye Cang couldn't help but froze for a moment when he heard this sentence: "Mr. Minister..."

"We are friends, aren't we?" Xia Yan interrupted Ye Cang with a smile, then he waved lightly and turned around to leave: "Remember, work hard."

Ye Cang stood there and stared at Xia Yan's back for a long time. After she could no longer see Xia Yan, she silently and quickly left the place.

Xia Yan's words were very casual and calm, but it was this calm attitude that made Ye Cang feel particularly kind and comfortable.

This was the attitude of the Natsuhiko who brought her back to Konoha a year ago in her memory.

Friends, this word is not something Ye Cang really expects, because she knows very well how big the gap between herself and Xia Yan is.

But after living in Konoha for a year, she has gradually adapted to and liked everything here.

Everything in Konoha is different from Sunagakure Village, or in other words, everything in Konoha is more attractive than Sunagakure Village, making people more willing to integrate into it.

"In order to live a better life in Konoha, and in order to bring me back and give me a new life, Mr. Buchou, I must work hard!"


"Has the goal been determined?"

In the root laboratory, Danzo stared at Orochimaru who was sorting out data and finally asked in a deep voice.

"I have prepared several goals, but you know, since you no longer have the root position, this matter is not so easy to handle."

Orochimaru stood aside, arranging the solution in his hands, and spoke to Danzo slowly.

He didn't care at all whether Danzo would be angry when he heard what he said, and what he said was all true. Danzo was really not as helpful as before.

Since he was relieved of all duties, he has been able to maintain Orochimaru's experiments, which is to use cruel methods to control some root-level ninjas to work for him.

This approach seems extremely ugly to Orochimaru. If it weren't for this guy, he would still have such good value, and Orochimaru still needs to verify his idea.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have stopped hanging out with Danzo long ago. There really isn't much of a future for working with such a guy.

Danzo's face instantly darkened when he heard Orochimaru's words, but he did not speak to refute. All his thoughts were about Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In his opinion, if Hiruzen Sarutobi hadn't regained the Hokage's power.

If Senju Natsuhiko hadn't been blinded by money and blocked his plan, then he would have ascended to the position of Hokage at this moment!

Yes, he already knew why Natsuhiko followed Sarutobi Hiruzen to the capital of the Land of Fire.

This guy was just for money. In order to get more money from the daimyo and Sarutobi Hiruzen, he would help set off.

He really hates these two people now, he hates these two people deep in his bones!

But he really can't fight with these two people now, after all, he has lost everything now.

"Hmph." Danzo snorted coldly, and looked at Orochimaru with a gloomy expression: "Even if I am not as good as before, you can't do anything without me."

"Yes, yes, it is true." Orochimaru had no intention of quarreling with Danzo. He continued to sort out the things in his hands: "I never deny this, otherwise I wouldn't stay here, right?"

This sentence actually made Danzo's expression soften a little. Indeed, with the decline of his power, there are fewer and fewer people who are still by his side.

He also had to use some coercive techniques to control some people, but Orochimaru was not controlled, and Danzo also knew that he could not control it.

But Orochimaru did not leave. Even if this guy had a very clear purpose of staying here, they were just a relationship of mutual benefit and cooperation.

But no matter what, the amount of Orochimaru left behind still made his face look much better.

"There aren't many targets we can identify."

Thinking of this, Danzo didn't bother to worry so much, he spoke directly.

"After all, Sanmagatama's Sharingan is also a very precious thing in Uchiha."

"so what?"

Orochimaru turned to look at Danzo, who had already processed the solution in his hand.

"Who is your target?"

"Actually, I have an idea."

Danzo said with a cryptic expression, and even Orochimaru couldn't help but frown when he heard his voice.

"What do you think, Uchiha Fugaku?"

When Orochimaru heard Danzo's words, his first reaction was: Could this guy be crazy?

Who is Uchiha Fugaku?

That's the leader of the Uchiha clan!

Not only is it difficult to capture this guy, but the trouble it causes is also unimaginable.

But Orochimaru quickly calmed down, and he seriously began to think about what Danzo was thinking, and soon he seemed to understand something.

Danzo is planning to give up on him completely.

The political impact of arresting Uchiha Fugaku was very large. After all, he was the patriarch of a family. If he attacked him, what would happen next would be unimaginable.

But now he can really be said to be on the cusp of the storm outside. All rumors are pointing at him, and the Uchiha Fugaku incident will inevitably explode everything.

Uchiha will not accept this kind of thing. They will inevitably conflict with their teacher. In such a conflict, the two sides will continue to accumulate hatred.

The image that was finally slightly reversed by Uchiha Shin would probably go bankrupt, and then everything would go back to where it started, or even worse.

And if his teacher couldn't bear the pressure, he would definitely come to find him personally. Once the matter was exposed, he could only leave Konoha.

At the same time, his teacher will also suffer an unimaginable blow. Such a blow may also give Danzo an opportunity.

"Besides, Danzo may have a deeper plan, right?"

Orochimaru's face was full of smiles. He stared at Danzo and seemed satisfied with the idea, but he quickly began to think deeply in his heart.

Behind this incident, ANBU people have always been involved, and with his departure and the teacher's reputation being hit, ANBU will inevitably strengthen again.

Faced with this situation, I am afraid that my teacher must let the roots stand up again even if he is unwilling to do so.

After all, only the roots can restrain the ANBU, especially the ANBU minister who opened a magic box.

After he abolished the long-standing small ANBU unit organization and replaced it with a regular organization with a larger number of people, the root also benefited from it.

As the old leader of the Roots, Danzo is very familiar with and very good at everything. The probability that he will take over the Roots again is very high.

At this point in the analysis of the matter, Orochimaru had basically figured out what Danzo was thinking.

This made Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh. This guy has such a good mind, why doesn't he put this energy on more important things?

But Orochimaru did not expose him. Instead, he showed a brighter smile: "Although Uchiha Fugaku is a little troublesome, I believe the value he brings will be very great."

"I think so too." Danzo nodded expressionlessly, as if he was doing it all for the sake of experiment: "In the entire Uchiha, he is the one with the strongest eyes. If you want to do experiments, you have to use the best." !”

"Then, leave everything to Danzo-sama to arrange." Orochimaru nodded, turned around and said casually: "Just tell me when you are ready, and I will cooperate with your actions."

"Don't worry." Danzo also nodded, his voice still so cold: "I couldn't do this without you."

is not that right?

Orochimaru mentally sneered, and he walked step by step towards the outside of the laboratory, but he had another idea in his mind.

"It seems that we can't continue the experiment with peace of mind, and it's not possible that we can continue to stay in Konoha.

If this is the case, then quickly find a way to seek some shelter! "

Thinking of this, Orochimaru raised his head slightly and looked into the distance.

That direction is the location of the ANBU headquarters...


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