The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 239 The fearsome Senju Natsuhiko (8K please subscribe~)

Late at night, Natsuhiko walked slowly and quietly on the streets of Konoha.

While walking, he would also check the surrounding trees. This feeling made him go back to more than ten years ago.

Xia Yan's system is very interesting, that is, it will not actively analyze the seeds that he has already obtained, except for seeds with basic attributes.

But at this stage, Xia Yan really doesn't have much need for seeds with basic attributes. It's not that he doesn't want to continue improving, but that his body has reached its limit.

It can be said that he has reached the limit of one stage. Before his age and body grow and mature to the next stage, he will have no way to use it.

Because using it will cause damage to the body, Xia Yan cannot do anything stupid under such circumstances.

"If I can still get hints by touching them, I don't need to use the Thousand Hands Secret Technique to hit every tree."

Xia Yan complained mentally. His hand was already placed on a tree. Green chakra light surrounded his hand, and the tree in front of him also trembled slightly.

Soon, the tree gave Xia Yan some feedback, and Xia Yan raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

"Intermediate chakra seeds?"

Taking out his hand and looking at the seeds in his hand, Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded slightly.

His harvest tonight was pretty good. He found two fire-attribute seeds, one earth-attribute seed, and one intermediate-level thunder-attribute seed, plus the current chakra seed.

It can be said that this kind of harvest has made him feel very satisfied.

Even if he didn't touch a high-level seed, it was completely acceptable to him.

Because he had never thought about touching high-grade seeds for other people to use. After all, the trouble of planting high-grade seeds was too great, and Xia Yan himself couldn't bear it.

"It feels like it should be enough, I'll keep Lei Dun for now, maybe I can use it myself.

Chakra can be reserved for Kakashi, Fire Release can be given to Ye Cang and Qiong, and Earth Release can be given to Linlang. This is just right. "

Xia Yan put the seed away, and then he couldn't help but look at the sky. The moon was now hanging high in the sky, and the surroundings seemed particularly quiet.

Except for some dogs barking and babies crying, there were no other sounds.

Xia Yan himself still likes this kind of quietness, because the quiet environment is conducive to his thinking.

But now is not the time to stay outside and think about life. Xia Yan held the tree seed in his hand and the chakra in his body began to surge.

But at this moment, he suddenly paused. His eyes glanced around, and soon he noticed a small white snake spitting messages at him!

Xia Yan looked at this scene and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He knew very well what this snake represented. The only one who could control such a snake was Orochimaru!

But he was also extremely confused, what was Orochimaru's purpose in finding him?

After all, for both of them, they are always on opposite sides because of their positions.

What's more, now the ANBU that Natsuhiko said he was controlling were launching an offensive against Orochimaru.

He didn't believe that Orochimaru didn't know anything about it, and the rumors all over the village were that Anbu had done it.

Even if you don't know, you will more or less have some guesses, right? But with such serious hostility, why would he come to find me?

"It's really interesting."

Xia Yan tilted his head, then he collected the seeds in his hand and turned towards the snake.

If Orochimaru wants to see him, he must give face to the Konoha Sannin no matter what, right?

After seeing Xia Yan's movements, the snake swam directly towards a forest behind it.

Its speed is not slow, but in Xia Yan's eyes it is really not worth mentioning.

Fortunately, Xia Yan is not in a hurry now, he can spend time with Orochimaru slowly, and he even has some expectations, whether Orochimaru will cause trouble for him.

After spending some time, Xia Yan followed the snake to a relatively remote place in Konoha.

I have to say that Orochimaru is really good at choosing places. This is a park, but this park has very little traffic and has long been listed as a place for improvement.

Generally, ANBU would not have many ninjas patrolling this kind of place, but the flow of people in this kind of place is very sparse.

This was a reminder to Xia Yan that places like this really need to be carefully inspected in the future.

The darker the place under the lamp, the easier it is to make mistakes. Xia Yan has firmly remembered this.

Walking slowly towards the inside of the park, Xia Yan's perception locked on a person before long.

He was absolutely certain that this guy was Orochimaru, but what Xia Yan found interesting was that the aura on this guy was very weird.

"Minister Natsuhiko, long time no see." When Natsuhiko came to Orochimaru, Orochimaru turned around and licked his tongue and said with a smile.

"It's been a long time indeed, but Orochimaru-sama doesn't seem to particularly want to see me."

Xia Yan still had the familiar gentle smile on his face, but his words didn't sound so kind.

"Using a clone to meet me, I wonder what Orochimaru-sama thinks?"

Yes, Xia Yan had long noticed that something was not right about Orochimaru's aura. Although it still seemed that there was nothing wrong with him, there was nothing wrong with the aura.

Xia Yan's perception has become more and more terrifying as his strength has increased.

Even if he doesn't use Nine-Tails Chakra mode, his perception is still beyond the understanding of Superman.

He can easily sense the problems that Orochimaru has in front of him, and he can also determine where the real Orochimaru is now!

However, Xia Yan doesn't have much interest in playing hide-and-seek games now. He is even more curious about the purpose of Orochimaru looking for him in the middle of the night.

"This is just to guard against some unknown things."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, his expression looked so weird.

"You know, Minister, that we are not very harmonious, right? Especially after the Minister spread some rumors."

"Is it really a rumor?"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, and he seemed to be smiling particularly brightly.

"Whether it's a rumor or not, I think you and I both know it. Why would you say something so unreliable?"

"That's right. After all, the Minister is not an ordinary person."

Orochimaru nodded clearly, and then his expression slowly became serious.

"But even if it's not a rumor, the Minister doesn't need to take it too seriously. In fact, from a profit perspective, he has better choices for the Minister."


Xia Yan's expression became a little inexplicable, and he asked curiously.

"I wonder if Orochimaru-sama has any other wise ideas?"

"What do you think of Danzo?"

Orochimaru licked his tongue, and he said a name that made Xia Yan's face become even more inexplicable.


Orochimaru sold Danzo out?

What kind of development trajectory is this?

Xia Yan can't understand the world anymore. Now all kinds of inexplicable things are likely to happen around him.

What are the benefits of Orochimaru selling Danzo?

Xia Yan thought about it, and it seemed that he found that this guy was of no benefit at all, because Xia Yan's purpose from beginning to end was to drive him away.

The essential meaning is the same whether he sells Danzo or not. Natsuhiko will not have any merciful thoughts at all. Leaving Orochimaru in Konoha will leave any hidden dangers for his subsequent plans.

And Natsuhiko doesn't think that a guy as smart as Orochimaru would not think of this, because it's really impossible for Natsuhiko and his teacher to compromise.

So what is his purpose in doing this?

Xia Yan really doesn't understand it, and the more he doesn't understand it, the more Xia Yan wants to understand it. There must be a set of logic in it.

Only by understanding these things can Xia Yan take more initiative and get greater benefits for himself!

Therefore, he did not speak or give any comments. He just looked at Orochimaru quietly, waiting for him to give an answer that satisfied Xia Yan.

"Actually, the reason is very simple, because Danzo is doing something, something that makes me very embarrassed."

Orochimaru glanced at Natsuhiko's expression, and he immediately understood that if he didn't tell him, the minister in front of him might not let go.

But it doesn't matter to Orochimaru, after all, he was already prepared when he came here.

He had no intention of hiding this matter at all. He had already made all preparations when he came here to see Xia Yan.

Although he couldn't figure out what Xia Yan thought, especially how he would choose when dealing with Danzo's plan that had many birds with one stone.

But no matter how you choose, this has nothing to do with Orochimaru.

He told Xia Yan that he actually wanted to help his teacher, but the final decision-making power still rested with Xia Yan.

Especially since his main purpose was to protect himself, the guy who had mastered the Nine-Tails Chakra really put too much pressure on him.

She didn't want to fall into a lot of pursuits immediately after leaving Konoha. That would be too bad.

Therefore, he directly told Xia Yan Danzo's plan and everything he said he had guessed, and Xia Yan listened to it all with questions in his mind.

What does it mean?

Shimura Danzo actually planned to attack Uchiha Fugaku, and the purpose was to restore his own rights, and at the same time to explode against Sarutobi Hiruzen?

At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly felt that he had been seen through by Shimura Danzo, because the plan this guy carried out was exactly the same as his!

I have to say that Danzo and this guy are indeed smart enough.

Although he can be outrageously stupid at times, when it comes to conspiracy, he seems to be completely activated.

He actually cleverly used Orochimaru and Uchiha, and brought down Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

When the three-party game ends, the final result will naturally be that the relationship between Uchiha and Konoha is even more broken.

Orochimaru was forced to leave Konoha because of this incident, and Hiruzen Sarutobi lost his most proud disciple, and with Natsuhiko's strong rise, he had to help Danzo up to contain him.

And Natsuhiko's Anbu reform roots are equally dynamic. Under such circumstances, Danzo can be regarded as making a lot of money!

"What a great guy."

Xia Yan sighed slightly. It can be said that in a sense, Danzo saw through Xia Yan's plan.

The only thing he didn't see through was that Natsuhiko knew the original work, knew Danzo's inner disdain for the rules, and knew that he would use the toughest method to recruit family ninjas.

I have to say, Danzo, this bastard, does have a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

After finding out what Danzo was thinking, Xia Yan basically determined what role Orochimaru played in this incident.

But if you guessed it, you still need to confirm it carefully. Xia Yan never believed that pie would fall from the sky, and he never believed in getting something for nothing.

Just like the system he has, even if he can obtain power, how to use it to the extreme requires his own efforts.

"Tell me the news. What do you want?"

Natsuhiko looked at Orochimaru calmly, with a smile still on his face.

"I don't believe Orochimaru-sama would be so kind and tell me the news without needing anything, right?"

"Of course I have my needs."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, stared at Natsuhiko and then spoke slowly.

"I can give all my research to Minister Xia Yan, but I hope to get a guarantee in exchange.

That is, after I leave, Minister Xia Yan can shelter me to some extent. This is what I need. "

"Protecting you?" Xia Yan was really stunned when he heard this sentence.

But he soon guessed what the reason might be, and he felt a little dumbfounded in his heart.

There is probably only one reason for seeking Natsu Yan's asylum, and Natsu Yan doesn't think it is because he is worried about Konoha's pursuers.

He was never afraid in the original novel, and I'm afraid he won't be afraid now either.

Then what he is worried about is probably Xia Yan's vest, the vest that masters the power of Nine-Tails Chakra!

At that time, Natsuhiko used his vest to brag about himself, and Orochimaru was also taught a harsh lesson by him.

I'm afraid he is also worried that he will not be able to conduct experiments safely after leaving Konoha, right?

Although Orochimaru has always been the kind of person who is not afraid of anything, and he will definitely find a way to solve troubles by himself.

But before there is a solution, he will not resist foolishly. The most rational way is to cooperate with people who can deal with the enemy first, and then deal with it himself when he has a way to deal with it!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan already knew what he was going to do. A smile appeared on his face, and then he crossed his hands on his chest.

"Are you protecting Lord Orochimaru?"

Xia Yan said with a smile. He tilted his head slightly and then said with a smile.

"I don't think my strength can really protect Lord Orochimaru.

And does Orochimaru-sama know that I actually have other ideas? "

"Oh?" Orochimaru glanced at Xia Yan strangely, and suddenly he seemed to realize something. "Minister Xia Yan, could you..."

"Actually, Lord Orochimaru, what Danzo did was not what I expected."

Natsuhiko interrupted Orochimaru calmly, and his words made Orochimaru's expression change slightly.

He had noticed that Xia Yan looked a little weird before, but he didn't think about it carefully, but now that he thinks about it, maybe this is what Xia Yan is waiting for!

He didn't know why Xia Yan did this, but as the ANBU minister, Xia Yan must have his own purpose.

Perhaps, he felt that Danzo was easier to deal with than himself, or perhaps he had a deeper plan.

"But I like the information Lord Orochimaru provided, and I also think we might be able to cooperate more deeply."

Before Orochimaru could think clearly, Natsuhiko spoke again, which made Orochimaru immediately pull back from his thoughts and look at Natsuhiko seriously.

Cooperation, cooperation with one's teacher's biggest political enemy, this feeling is really amazing.

"I wonder what you want to cooperate with, Mr. Buchou?" Orochimaru licked his tongue and asked in a low voice.

"It's very simple, I want the Sharingan." Xia Yan said straightforwardly: "Even if I hold this thing without any use, this is still a certificate of submission."

"Are you submitting your name?" Orochimaru understood what Xia Yan said and what Xia Yan meant.

The cooperation between the two of them started as Natsuhiko protected Orochimaru, so Orochimaru must also show his value!

Natsuhiko didn't say whose Sharingan he wanted, but the fact was self-evident, it was Uchiha Fugaku's.

Orochimaru needs to get Uchiha Fugaku's Sharingan before the two of them can possibly cooperate. After all, Orochimaru has to show his worth.

But this incident made Orochimaru frown. He also wondered what position Xia Yan was in, and what did Xia Yan want?

"Actually, Orochimaru-sama should be relieved."

Xia Yan looked at Orochimaru with a chuckle, his eyes had become a little sharp.

"I know that Lord Orochimaru is very confused, confused about my position, confused about my purpose, and even more confused about what I am going to do.

But I can tell Lord Orochimaru that I have already thought of everything Danzo thought of.

I have counterattacks on everything Danzo wants to do. After all, that guy is not as difficult to deal with as Lord Orochimaru.

Just like now, Lord Orochimaru actually came to me, which I didn't expect.

But since Lord Orochimaru is here, it would be a pity if we did not reach a consensus on some aspects.

So Lord Orochimaru must do something, aren't you planning to deal with Uchiha Fugaku?

Then it’s him, bring his eyes, and after Orochimaru-sama leaves, I will protect Orochimaru-sama as long as he is within the Fire Country.

It's just that when the time comes, Orochimaru-sama will also have to help me do something. "

Natsuhiko spoke very slowly and softly, but when these words fell into Orochimaru's ears, he frowned deeply.

He found that he still underestimated the ANBU minister, even though he had always known that the young ANBU minister was very smart and the city was very deep.

But now it seems that all the overestimations he had for Xia Yan were still underestimated!

Inexplicably, he began to be curious about whether Natsu Yan was going to deal with Danzo, and at the same time, he was also curious about what Natsu Yan wanted him to do.

Taking a deep breath, Orochimaru nodded slightly.

It is very dangerous to cooperate with this powerful and dignified minister, but I have to say that it is also very challenging.

"Okay, I will find a way to help Mr. Buchou bring Uchiha Fugaku's eyes."

Orochimaru smiled and nodded, and his eyes became serious.

"Similarly, I will also find ways to help the Minister research some of the things you want.

But I have a question, Minister Natsuhiko, how do you plan to deal with Danzo? "

This question is Orochimaru's only doubt, and it is also what Orochimaru is eager to know.

Only by knowing Xia Yan's thoughts can he make better judgments, and he can also better control the troubles he needs to deal with in the future.

Orochimaru has never been a person who just surrenders. No matter if he is in trouble or danger, he will always find a way to solve it.

If he could know what Xia Yan was thinking, although he wouldn't be able to find a way to restrain Xia Yan, at least he wouldn't be so passive.

"That's a good question, but..."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he closed his eyes slightly. When he opened them again, his eyes had turned into bright blue!

The appearance of these eyes immediately alerted Orochimaru, but he was also filled with astonishment. He had never known that Xia Yan actually had such eyes.

As a member of the Thousand Hands clan, why does he have such eyes?

But Orochimaru didn't have time to think too much, because Natsuhiko suddenly turned his head and looked in a certain direction, and then the chakra in his body turned slightly, and he disappeared in an instant!

Orochimaru's body looked in shock at Natsuhiko, who appeared in front of him like a ghost with a pair of blue eyes.

The aura that was so powerful that it was suffocating filled the air crazily. This aura had completely locked onto Orochimaru, making it impossible for Orochimaru to move at all.

This kind of oppression that seemed to be aimed at the soul really made Orochimaru tremble a little, and he felt that it was difficult to breathe.

But at this moment, Xia Yan stretched out his hand, and his finger directly touched Orochimaru's body, leaving a deep mark of the Flying Thunder God.

"But this is best discussed in person, isn't it?"

Natsuhiko's slightly calm voice sounded in Orochimaru's ears, and at this moment Natsuhiko withdrew his hand.

"Don't let me find out that you used your substitute technique to break away from my mark, at least during the cooperation period.

As for how I want to deal with Danzo, it's very simple, I just need to target his character.

And what you have to do is to take a good look, do a good job, and prove your value well.

That’s all…”


The development of things is sometimes so full of magic that Xia Yan really didn't even expect it.

This matter turned a corner on Orochimaru, and finally took a detour in this direction.

But no matter what, this is a good thing for Xia Yan, because Xia Yan can gain enough from this!

He was not afraid of Orochimaru biting him back, because Orochimaru didn't have any evidence at all. Even if he told the conversation between them, so what?

As long as Xia Yan denied the prisoner's desperate behavior, there wouldn't be any major problems.

After leaving the park, Xia Yan did not return to his home immediately. Instead, he found the limit of his eyes' observation range and took a good look at Orochimaru through his eyes.

He left the curse mark, but he planned to take a good look at Orochimaru's immediate performance.

He could see that although Orochimaru was very dissatisfied, he still chose to leave the place after some struggle.

He did not choose to peel off the curse seal through the special Orochimaru substitute technique, at least for now it is enough.

Because at this moment, Orochimaru has no secrets for Natsuhiko. At least at this moment, he has the intention to continue to cooperate.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan returned to his home through Fei Lei Shen, and now he was somewhat excited inside.

"I actually delivered it to the door myself. It seems that my vest has established a good prestige."

Although attacking Orochimaru as a vest was just a precautionary measure for Xia Yan at the time, the benefits brought about by the subsequent development were somewhat incredible even to him.

Because Orochimaru had no way to deal with the power of the Nine-Tails for the time being, and he was also not very confident in the Sharingan, he thought of using the power of Wood Release.

However, the difficulty of Mu Dun's research left him with few options, and when Danzo's purpose was seen through by him, he chose to come to Xia Yan.

"It's just how this guy will conduct wood escape experiments in the future. After all, with me here, he won't have much chance to attack Uchiha."

This did make Natsu Yan a little curious, but if he really needed the Uchiha clan, Natsu Yan was not helpless.

He really didn't believe it. There was no one else in the Uchiha clan who was completely on Uchiha Fugaku's side, and they didn't even have a pair of three magatama!

Natsuhiko really didn't have much objection to Orochimaru trying to decipher the secrets of the Senju clan. After all, he would keep watching and would never let Orochimaru have any chance.

In addition, Natsuhiko's strength is also strong enough, and he doesn't need to worry about Orochimaru really causing any trouble.

With enough strength, all troubles can be eliminated. Xia Yan is in such a strong position now!

"But it is also a huge test for Orochimaru now. After all, the person he wants to attack is Uchiha Fugaku."

Uchiha Fugaku's identity and strength are really a huge test for Orochimaru, but it is also a great opportunity for Natsuhiko.

As the leader of the Uchiha clan, it is completely unimaginable how terrible the impact on Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation would be after he was attacked by Orochimaru.

The most terrible thing is that the chain reaction caused by this incident will definitely make Sarutobi Hiruzen sleepless.

After all, Orochimaru attacked a clan leader, would he dare to do the same to other clan leaders?

All the families have been offended, the patriarchs of all the families are in danger, and Hiruzen Sarutobi is alert and defensive. He, the Hokage, is basically going to end!

It can be said that what Orochimaru is going to do is definitely beyond Xia Yan's imagination, but it is definitely what Xia Yan is looking forward to.

In addition, Orochimaru and the others can help Natsuhiko prove something by attacking Uchiha Fugaku.

That's this guy Uchiha Fugaku. Does he have the Mangekyō Sharingan?

"I remember that when I was watching anime, it seemed like this guy existed, but it didn't seem to be the case in the comics. Now that I have this opportunity to verify it, I definitely can't miss it."

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes are indeed a confusing thing. Now Natsuhiko can use Orochimaru's hand to verify it, why not?

If Uchiha Fugaku does have the Mangekyō Sharingan, then Natsuhiko will adjust his response to many things.

Gathering intelligence has always been essential for ninjas.

And after learning enough information, Xia Yan could make corresponding adjustments.

If this guy doesn't have the Mangekyo Sharingan, then that's the case. You need to be cautious but don't need Natsuhiko's eyes to be completely aimed at him.

If this guy has the Mangekyo Sharingan, but loses to Orochimaru, then Natsuhiko can use all means to get the eye, and will know how to deal with this guy.

If this guy had and defeated Orochimaru, then Natsuhiko would have to deal with it more carefully.

Facing such an enemy, one cannot be too cautious.

"However, if I get a pair of kaleidoscopes, or even just one, then I can try it and see if I can extract the Yin Escape!"

The power of Yin Escape has always been a power that Xia Yan is relatively depressed about, because he has not obtained anything related to it until now.

If he could get what he wanted from this eye, then he would be somewhat relieved.

"But the things extracted from the system are different. If the original power of the Sharingan is extracted, it will be depressing."

Ever since he extracted an original power from the Byakugan and obtained something that was both Tenseigan and Pure Eye, Xia Yan didn't dare to be 100% sure that he could get what he wanted.

After all, drawing power is sometimes really like drawing cards in his previous life. Although Xia Yan is very lucky, he is not the European Emperor.

He can't get what he wants 100% of the time.

"What we have to do now is to wait and see what Orochimaru will do in the end."

Slightly lazy, Xia Yan found a place and lay down. He was really looking forward to the day when Orochimaru and the others would take action.

Orochimaru also returned to his base at this moment. He looked at the mark left on his body and recalled the horrible oppression that made him feel suffocated.

In the end, he shook his head slightly. Those blue eyes were so weird and fascinating.

That blue light seemed to attract everything in, even his soul!

"What kind of power is this..."

Orochimaru sighed deeply, but soon a smile appeared on his lips.

"Natsuhiko Senju, your power is really terrifying..."


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