The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 240: Pharmacist’s pocket and hands-on (8K please subscribe~)

Natsuhiko didn't care what Orochimaru would do, because all he wanted was a result.

However, he will still provide appropriate help, such as reducing his pressure from the ANBU level, or he can choose to help at the last moment!

Of course, his actions are limited to the fact that Uchiha Fugaku has indeed mastered the Mangekyō Sharingan. If not, there is no need.

And Uchiha Fugaku doesn't even have a kaleidoscope, if Orochimaru and the others are no match.

Then Natsuhiko really has to seriously consider whether Orochimaru is qualified to cooperate with him at this stage.

Orochimaru in the future will be the one who masters the truth, but he is really not that powerful now.

At least to Xia Yan, his current actual value is really not very good!

No longer paying attention to Orochimaru's affairs, Xia Yan also completely focused on planting seeds.

I don't know if his current strength has been enhanced a bit too much. His planting speed on intermediate seeds has been so fast that he was surprised.

I think it would have taken him at least half a year or even longer to plant the intermediate seeds. In addition, he had committed suicide and carried out multi-line operations. It was normal for him to spend several years.

But now, just a few days after Xia Yan planted it, he found that the maturity of his seeds had reached 20%!

You must know that this is without affecting Xia Yan's combat effectiveness, and he still planted several at once.

"Sure enough, if you become stronger, even these seeds won't go against me."

Xia Yan thought with some humor that according to his estimation, these seeds would be completely mature in a week.

At that time, he can also use these fruits to do some experiments to confirm whether his idea is reasonable.

Stretching slightly, Xia Yan fixed his gaze outside the window. The weather today was pretty good, and Konoha was still in perfect harmony.

But who knew that under such harmony, there would be such a frightening undercurrent?

Konoha, Uchiha, Anbu, Roots, Danzo Orochimaru and Natsuhiko himself.

They are all about to step into a silent but hugely influential whirlpool together.

Now Xia Yan wants to see whether Danzo can be the winner, or whether Xia Yan can be the winner.

But normally, Xia Yan feels that his chances of winning are still very good. After all, dogs can't change their habits.

Natsuhiko doesn't think Danzo will really make some far-reaching changes in a substantial sense.

“So at the end of the day I’m still pretty likely to be winner takes all?”

A slight smile appeared on Xia Yan's face, and his fingers began to tap lightly on the table.

The winner takes all, Xia Yan is confident about this. After all, Danzo's weakness is obvious.

Regarding the next handling of this matter, Xia Yan believed that he could control it well.

"Mr. Minister." At this moment, Lianhua and Qiong entered the office together.

After Xia Yan saw the two of them, he immediately calmed down his emotions a little.

Before this matter was completely finalized, he didn't want anyone to notice it because of his messy emotions.

Especially this involves Uchiha Fugaku, and Natsuhiko has Uchiha Qiong and Uchiha Shisui beside him.

"Is it today's document?" Xia Yan asked curiously, "Are there so many? Is there anything difficult?"

"It is true that there are a lot of things, and many things may need to be decided by the Minister."

Qiong smiled and put a pile of documents on Xia Yan's desk, and then she spoke softly.

"It's about Yunyin Village. There are some changes in that village now."

"Cloud Hidden Village?"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that this matter would also involve Yunyin Village.

"What's wrong with them? I remember that their fourth generation Raikage is reclaiming their rights. Has this step been completed?"

The name of the Raikage in Hidden Cloud Village seems to have always been the same, and it has been passed down from the first generation to 'Ai'.

Whether there is some other meaning in it, Natsuhiko doesn't know and doesn't want to know. What he knows is that Kumogakure and Konoha have never signed a peace agreement.

What they have between them is just a 'truce agreement' that can be torn apart at any time and then attack each other again.

Therefore, Konoha has always been paying close attention to this one of the five major villages that is separated from them by the Kingdom of Yu. This is the most violent and bellicose village.

Since the end of the Third War, the Fourth Raikage has been consolidating the power in his hands. He has aggressively chopped off some old people in the village who are greedy for power.

This also made his entire government system become unusually young. Xia Yan remembered that some situations occurred in various villages on the eve of the Five Shadows Conference.

Although Konoha is also young, people like Koharu and Mito Kaden who have transferred to the dormitory still exist.

Needless to say, Iwagakure and Kirigakure, anyone of the age of Onoki and Genshi who are present can be their parents or even their grandparents.

Sunagakure is really too young - after all, after being reorganized, there are only two or three kittens that Gaara can fully trust.

In the entire Yunyin Village, Xia Yan didn't even see any old people. It was basically dominated by young adults.

Moreover, the fourth generation Raikage was the master of the whole Cloud Hidden Village, and his power could be said to be displayed to the extreme. In addition, Natsuhiko, who was sitting in the ANBU, also knew some of the situations in the Cloud Hidden Village.

This made him basically guess that those who had different opinions and were greedy for power would have been cleaned up by him!

"That's right. Although our ANBU is not qualified to lurk in other villages, we still have enough intelligence sources."

Lianhua also spoke now, her expression still so cold.

"According to the report of the action ninja, Kumogakure has now begun to redeploy and train the border guard ninjas, and the Iwagakure village has already responded."

"That guy Onoki has been guarding against Kumogakure."

Xia Yan chuckled, but soon his expression became a little more serious.

"I know about this. I will take a closer look at the documents later. Yunyin Village is an extremely dangerous village after all."

Natsuhiko will never forget that there will be a silent contest between Kumoyin Village and Konoha in the future.

And in that battle, Konoha or Hiruzen Sarutobi was completely defeated!

Now the interests of Natsuhiko and Konoha are closely related. He can't let Konoha suffer a disastrous defeat, but he can let Sarutobi Hiruzen suffer a disastrous defeat.

"But this matter is still a long way off, and even if it comes, we need to plan carefully."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan focused on those documents.

Instead of thinking about such far-off things, it's better to deal with the things you need to deal with quickly.

And at this stage, his most important thing is to find a good opportunity for Orochimaru...


In fact, Xia Yan already had some ideas on how to find opportunities for Orochimaru.

Speaking of which, he also needs to thank himself. If he hadn't come up with an interesting ANBU vacation schedule, he might not have had such a good opportunity!

That's right, Natsuhiko was focusing on the Anbu's vacation time.

Every ANBU will have their own vacation period, and such vacation periods are very disordered, especially when it comes to squadron leaders and group leaders, there is no regularity at all.

This method was not thought up by Xia Yan, but by Lianhua and Qiong who were responsible for it.

Their reason is also very simple, which is to prevent some people with bad intentions who have not been discovered and entered the ANBU from easily grasping the rest time of the powerful ANBU and doing some not-so-good things.

And the only person who knows all this, apart from the framers like them, is Xia Yan, the ANBU minister.

However, they probably would never have dreamed that the one who 'led the rebellion' this time would be the actual person in charge of the ANBU!

"Why do I have a sense of déjà vu as to why His Majesty rebelled?"

After Xia Yan carefully read the recent report of Yunyin Village, he looked at the vacation list, and then he couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Sure enough, it is always the top management of a department who are most convenient to sell out their own interests.

Look at how Danzo sold Konoha, and how Sarutobi Hiruzen signed an agreement with Iwagakure after the third battle.

Sir Humphrey will tell you the truth, a boat never leaks from below, but from the top.

"Unknowingly, I made a guest appearance as Danzo."

After stretching slightly, Xia Yan suddenly stood up. He had finished reading today's report, and he also had a certain plan.

Kakashi's vacation time is staggered with Ye Cang's, but this does not affect Natsuhiko's decision.

He planned to tell Orochimaru about this, and the next thing would depend on Orochimaru's performance.

No matter how he tried to convince Danzo, Natsuhiko would not care about these things. All he wanted was for Orochimaru to take action within the designated time.

"But after Orochimaru leaves, I have to be prepared. It seems that I have to prepare some interesting people."

When Orochimaru left Konoha, he was essentially out of his supervision.

Even if this guy will definitely stay in the Country of Fire because he needs protection, Natsuhiko can't completely pay attention to him even if he's not in Konoha Village.

Therefore, he needs someone to stay with Orochimaru, whether as a spy, an assistant, or simply as a messaging tool.

This is very, very necessary, and it is also a move to tell Orochimaru not to mess around.

Such a person is really not particularly easy to find. After all, to be loyal to him, you must be willing to leave Konoha and become Orochimaru's assistant if possible.

These two restrictive conditions basically blocked a lot of people.

But Xia Yan is not helpless. In his memory, there is such a smart and malleable guy who will become a big BOSS behind the scenes in the future.

The most important thing is that this guy has an extremely deep bond, which can completely guarantee the loyalty Xia Yan needs.

And this guy is Kabuto Yakushi.

Xia Yan had actually wanted to take action against Yaoshi Kabuto for a long time, and he really didn't want to miss such a talent.

But at first, he didn't have enough status to do anything. After he became the Minister of ANBU, he got into a lot of trouble.

After doing so much, he even forgot that this kid was still in the orphanage.

Now that he has remembered it, he naturally has no excuse to let this kid slip away.

Strictly speaking, this kid is already eight or nine years old.

If it weren't for his own intervention, I'm afraid he and Yakushi Nonou would have been suppressed by Danzo with Orochimaru and Yuru Ryoma, and finally both entered the root and started a tragic career.

But now, Yuru Ryoma has long been dead, Danzo has been dismissed from his post by himself, and Orochimaru is on the verge of rebellion.

He can be regarded as a hidden good person for once, even if no one will know all these changes.

But if you do it, you do it. Xia Yan is a narrow-minded person. If you don't think of it, forget it. If you think of it, you must be rewarded.

Let the boy Kabuto skip all the messy experiences, go directly to follow Orochimaru and feed information back to him, it will be Natsuhiko's reward for helping him change his destiny.

"I'm such a good person."

Standing not far from the Konoha Orphanage, Xia Yan silently lamented everything he had done silently before continuing to walk towards the orphanage.

At this time, a group of children were playing happily at the entrance of the orphanage. When they saw Xia Yan, they all stopped involuntarily.

What surprised Xia Yan was that he could clearly detect the vigilance in the eyes of these children.

It can be seen that over the years, especially in the years of frequent wars, there may not be many people disturbing their peace.

Both Konoha and the family like to select suitable seedlings from these orphans, and then take their roots for cultivation.

Now these little guys will probably be frightened when they see strangers. After all, the companions who left with the stranger never came back.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but show a kind smile, but his face froze the next second.

Because after seeing his smile, the children in front of them not only did not feel at ease at all, but instead became more alert and frightened.

This is the first time Xia Yan has encountered such a situation. Why is his all-win attitude useless when facing these children?

"Are all children more sensitive?"

Xia Yan thought about it over and over, and finally came up with this result. Children are often much more sensitive than adults.

They don't think about who this person is, especially if they don't know the person, and they tend to trust their own consciousness more.

I'm afraid that the chilling aura in Xia Yan's body, coupled with some of the characteristics acquired from staying in ANBU for so long, are really difficult for these children to accept, right?

"Hello, Mr. Ninja."

At this moment, a woman with yellow hair and glasses rushed out.

After she glanced at the children for the first time, she bowed slightly to Xia Yan.

"I'm sorry that I'm late. I wonder if Mr. Ninja is here for anything."

Xia Yan looked at this woman calmly. He already knew who this woman was, and her movements were also very interesting.

She almost subconsciously stood in front of all the children, and she deliberately got closer to Xia Yan while maintaining a safe distance.

This approach completely focused Xia Yan's eyes on her, thus protecting all the children.

It's a very simple and smart approach, especially since this distance is enough to deal with the distance of ordinary ninjas.

What's more, the chakra in this woman's body is not simple. She is really not an ordinary ninja.

"Excuse me, Ms. Nonou, my Majesty Senju Natsuhiko, please give me some advice."

Xia Yan is still as gentle as ever, even though his status can make everyone here be honest and obedient, even though he just suffered a defeat from those children.

But unfortunately, when he said his name, the woman in front of him instantly became uneasy.

It's obvious that she knows Xia Yan's identity, whether it's the surname Senju or the energy behind the name!

"It turns out that it's the Minister of Anbu..."

Pharmacist Nonoyu smiled bitterly and shook her head, and then she bowed slightly to Xia Yan respectfully.

"My pharmacist, Nonoyu, has met the Minister."

"Oh? You know me?"

Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little curious when he saw the reaction of the pharmacist Nonoyu. This was the first person to directly know his identity.

Speaking of this, the pharmacist Natsuhiko Noono is quite clear. After all, she is quite famous in Konoha's ninja system, especially in the ANBU system.

The title "Walking Miko" is also a legend in ANBU. Xia Yan often heard her stories when he first entered ANBU.

It's a pity that she followed the wrong person back then, and she made every wrong step. In the original book, she couldn't even quit the ninja system if she wanted to.

"I know, after all, I used to be a ninja at heart." Yakushi Nonoyu replied with a wry smile. She knew there was no point in hiding this matter.

Xia Yan called out his name as soon as he came over, which already showed that the ANBU minister definitely came here after some understanding.

Therefore, any pretense on her part would be a recipe for death. It would be better for her to admit something cheerfully, which would be better for both her and the orphanage.

"It's very honest, I like it very much." Xia Yan nodded lightly, and then he asked knowingly: "Do you know what the purpose of my coming here is?"

"I know..." Yakushi Nonoyu sighed deeply, her hands hidden under her sleeves clenched into fists: "Sir, you are here to recruit Anbu ninjas, or you are here to recruit me. of."

"So, what do you think?" Xia Yan looked at the woman in front of him with interest, especially when his eyes turned away.

When he saw a boy with silver hair similar to his own and wearing glasses like Medicine Master Noonoyu, the smile on his face became a little wider.

"Sir, they are just children..." Pharmacist Nonoyu gritted her teeth. Although her voice was a little trembling, it was also extremely firm.

She didn't finish some words, but Xia Yan knew what she meant.

They are still children who need Nonou's care. They are still children and should not have to endure the darkness and pain from ANBU, let alone destroy their humanity.

Xia Yan tilted his head slightly, and he could see that the pharmacist Nonoyu really recognized her identity as the director of the orphanage, and she really loved these children.

Because whether these children join the family to be trained as Deadpools, or join the ANBU and become qualified ANBU members, this is not a fact she is willing to accept.

Likewise, her departure will make the orphanage even less protected. After all, she is a 'walking witch', and some people have to think about it when she is here.

But such an identity is of no use to Xia Yan, so she has to be so cautious and humble.

"I understand." Xia Yan stared at her and nodded for a long time: "Sorry, although the truth is cruel, I think there is nothing we can do about it, right?"

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and then he slowly walked to the silent Nonoyu.

His eyes swept over the children who looked a little frightened, and then he spoke softly next to Nonoyu.

"They are all poor people, without the support of their parents, and this is their home.

But don't forget, this place also belongs to Konoha, and they also belong to Konoha.

Some of them need to work for Konoha to ensure that subsidies and supplies continue to be provided here.

After all, they just made a choice. "

After Xia Yan said this, he couldn't help but fell silent. He suddenly felt that he was more and more suitable, so he found a street lamp and hung himself up.

Even if what he said was true, it didn't seem right to say it directly with such cruelty.

In particular, Natsuhiko discovered that it seemed that he had sent Namikaze Minato to Mt. Myoboku, and at the same time he had obtained Sarutobi Hiruzen's fatal flaw.

In addition, his strength continued to improve, and after causing huge damage to Sunagakure Village and Kirigakure Village, his character became more and more powerful.

In the past, he might not have been able to say such a thing, but now he had never considered using a euphemistic way to express such a fact.

Maybe he has really changed. Whether it is strength or power, he is constantly changing inadvertently.

However, such a change cannot be said to be bad. At least now Xia Yan no longer needs to be submissive and cautiously lower his head and look at everyone's faces to do things.

He can hold his head high and not let anyone have to lower his head due to the gap in power, strength, etc.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with what he said. It's impossible for the village or people like the Third Generation and Danzo to support you in vain.

You need to give something so that more people like you can survive.

In fact, according to Konoha's finances, it can completely provide for this orphanage.

But it's a pity that Konoha needs the efforts of these 'rootless duckweeds'. They need these people to do more dangerous things.

And these orphanage members have no right to choose at all. They can either wait for death, or they can only be obedient.

"I understand..." Medicine Master Nonoyu's body was shaking a little, and it took her a long time to calm down: "I will go with you, don't embarrass these children..."

"No, you're mistaken."

Xia Yan suddenly shook his head. He put a hand on Nonoyu's shoulder, and his voice was still so calm and gentle.

“You stay, the children need your care.

I only need one person. Although the task he has to perform is dangerous, he will definitely survive if he is smart enough.

And if you stay, you can take better care of these children. At the same time, the ANBU can also help you, but you also have to help the ANBU.

The world is not that peaceful, and everyone has to pay. In this case, why don't we cooperate in another way.

What do you think, Lord Witch? "


Natsuhiko finally relented, so he came up with the idea of ​​letting the orphanage cooperate with ANBU.

The ANBU provided money to make the orphanage live better, but the same pharmacist Nonoyu also had to speak good words for the ANBU and mobilize the enthusiasm of these children to join the ANBU.

Orphans are one of the largest groups in the world, because there is never any peace in the ninja world.

Perhaps for the great Ninja Village in a big country, they can feel the atmosphere of peace, but for a small country, a small village, or even a place where there is no Ninja Village.

The despair of this world is unimaginable, and trying to live in this world is extremely suffocating.

Therefore, Natsuhiko thought of a reasonable method, which is to continue to collect these orphans in Konoha's orphanage.

Their basic training - to develop a sense of identity with Konoha and ANBU, and to identify whether they are spies, is left to the pharmacist Noono U.

After all, she was once a ninja at heart, and she would never be bad at doing this kind of thing.

With a sense of identity, these children will join ANBU willingly, which can be regarded as bringing a stable and extremely loyal talent supplement line to ANBU.

And with the ANBU taking care of them, people from other families may not dare to come to trouble them. The ANBU's brand name is very big.

Of course, these children want to have a decent job, and Xia Yan will not allow them to do so.

After all, there may not be that many people with real talent who can enter ANBU.

"Think about it carefully. At least you will only have to face us in the future instead of facing the pressure of the entire Konoha."

After Xia Yan said this, his eyes were completely focused on Yakushi Kabuto.

"I took this child with me. I believe he can fulfill what I need very well.

At the same time, you have one month to think carefully, and be sure not to exceed the time limit.

Finally, I have a message for you. Entering the ANBU is not necessarily a bad thing, after all..."

Speaking of this, Xia Yan suddenly remembered a very interesting sentence, and he didn't mind borrowing it.

"We walk in the dark night and serve the light. All things are empty and all things are permitted."


In the forest behind the Uchiha clan, Orochimaru and the members of the Roots were quietly lurking here.

In order to attack Uchiha Fugaku, they really made too many preparations.

Whether it was to figure out the trajectory of Uchiha Fugaku's actions, or how to launch a sneak attack quickly and thoroughly, as well as the ANBU's possible tracking of them.

These things must be carefully considered and all must be calculated, because if one mistake is made, their fate will be unimaginable!

Orochimaru lurked quietly at the front, his eyes staring at the small lake in the distance.

Choosing to take action today was actually a bit of a gamble, because a few days ago he received a notice from Xia Yan via Little Lizard.

Kakashi, who is following them, will go on vacation in a few days. This kind of vacation is also the only relatively safe thing Orochimaru can do within this month.

Even though there are other ANBU ninjas who are also watching, they don't have Kakashi's Sharingan, so they may not be able to keep an eye on him easily.

Time is too tight, and this time is too powerless, because they cannot be sure whether Uchiha Fugaku will come to this place at this time.

This is the place where Uchiha Fugaku spends time with his son and teaches his son Uchiha Itachi some ninjutsu.

In fact, from Orochimaru's point of view, this place is not a good choice, because it is too close to the Uchiha clan's base camp, and Uchiha people can come to support if there is a slight disturbance.

But there was no way, the time specified by Xia Yan was only three days. If they couldn't do it within three days, then the ANBU's eyes would completely cover them again.

"Why aren't you here yet?"

Orochimaru murmured, waiting is always annoying.

No matter how well-trained Orochimaru is, he will feel a little uncomfortable after waiting here for two days.

He had investigated that Uchiha Itachi was performing a little too well in school, and basically the school had nothing to teach him.

That's why Uchiha Fugaku takes time to teach his son from time to time. Even though the situation in the clan is very complicated now, he takes his family very seriously.

"Did you come here in vain again?"

Another hour passed, and the midday sun was already high in the sky, looking so dazzling.

But no matter how dazzling it was, it couldn't dispel Orochimaru's unhappiness.

It's a terrible feeling to be manipulated to such an extent without being able to resist at all.

If possible, he wouldn't want to encounter such a thing, but some things are really beyond his control, and some troubles are really not something he can solve at will.


At this moment, Orochimaru's expression suddenly changed slightly, because he noticed someone coming towards them!

Looking covertly toward the place where there was movement, Orochimaru found a group of ninjas dressed in black and wearing masks.

When he saw them, Orochimaru's mouth finally showed a cruel smile.

These people are not ANBU, they are Deadpools, Deadpools who belong exclusively to Uchiha Fugaku, and are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect Uchiha Fugaku!

Their appearance also means that one thing is happening, that is, Uchiha Fugaku is coming.

"The materials are available, and the people are coming..."

Orochimaru's yellow snake-like eyes flashed with greed and excitement.

"Then, the next step is to take action..."


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