The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 241 Mangekyō Sharingan! (8K please subscribe~)

Orochimaru has always been a person with strong action ability. Once a goal is established, he will immediately take action.

After noticing those Uchiha people coming, he immediately made a gesture to the other root members.

Although he had already thought about taking action, he knew that he still needed to wait for Uchiha Fugaku to be completely in place.

As the dead assistants of Uchiha Fugaku, these guys came here first to ensure the safety of this area.

This is not the first time Orochimaru has come here to explore the situation. He is quite familiar with these guys' routines, so he must remain calm now.

The inspections of these Uchiha ninjas were not very thorough and careful. They probably felt that this was Uchiha territory.

However, their negligence gave Orochimaru a chance. He had already discovered this situation when he came here to investigate before, and he naturally wanted to take advantage of it this time!

Waiting quietly, the root ninjas did not lose their temper. They were already ready when they received Orochimaru's gesture.

By the time the Uchiha ninjas came to inspect, they had quietly bypassed the inspection area.

After their not-so-detailed inspection was completed, these root ninjas quietly returned to the ambush site and waited.

Orochimaru watched all this quietly, and the figure of Uchiha Fugaku appeared in his sight, which made a smile appear on his lips.

Uchiha Fugaku was still here to train his son, and Orochimaru's eyes naturally fell on the brat.

This kid is obviously Uchiha Itachi, and he seems to be an Uchiha genius.

"It's a pity that I haven't heard of him opening the Sharingan, otherwise he might also be a good material."

Orochimaru was thinking silently. At this time, the two people had completely reached the small lake, and the Uchiha's deadliest servants were hidden in Orochimaru's forest.

Orochimaru licked his tongue, the chakra in his body had begun to brew.

In his opinion, Uchiha Fugaku was already considered Natsuhiko, and there was basically no possibility that he would use him for experiments.

In order to ensure his own experiments, Orochimaru could only find ways to get some experimental materials by himself. So what is the best material that can be obtained? The answer is self-evident.

Naturally, these are the deadpools who are responsible for protecting Uchiha Fugaku and also have good strength!

Even if we don't know how open these guys' Sharingan are, we don't know what their specific strength is.

But Orochimaru, who had reached this point, didn't have much choice. He was already a little hungry.

"Actually, they are also a good choice, and there are quite a few of them!"

Thinking of this, Orochimaru quickly pressed his hands to the ground. In an instant, his chakra was submerged into the ground, and he himself rushed out quickly after doing all this.


An Uchiha Deadpool suddenly noticed something moving behind him. He quickly turned around and looked over, but a snake had already burst out of the ground and bit his leg!

The intense pain and numbness left him speechless. At this moment, Orochimaru rushed to his side, and he hit the guy's neck directly with his knife.

It can be said that this Deadpool didn't react at all. He didn't even open his Sharingan and was solved without sending any signal.

But Orochimaru rushed to the other person's side without stopping. His previous sprint caused a slight movement, which also made the other Deadpools slightly alert.

But such vigilance was obviously not enough when facing Orochimaru. The moment Orochimaru appeared beside him in an instant, the snakes hidden underground suddenly burst out.

There was a Deadpool who didn't even respond and was taken away by Orochimaru once.

Orochimaru followed suit, and when he got to the fifth person, this guy was already clearly on guard!

After all, he had already lost four teammates. Even if he was confident that this was Uchiha's territory, he would still be far behind.


The moment Orochimaru appeared, his Sharingan had been opened, and the three scarlet Sharingan magatama were slowly rotating.

His ninja sword was also unsheathed at this moment. In the flash of lightning, he had cut off the poisonous snake rising from the ground, and then he quickly swung the sword towards Orochimaru.

He didn't feel panic at all when he saw that the enemy was Orochimaru, nor did he have any extra thoughts. He just simply picked up the weapon and attacked!

"Oh? Have you been discovered?"

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows, but soon an expression of joy appeared on his face. Even though he was exposed now, he couldn't control his emotions.

Three Magatama Sharingan, this is a pair of Three Magatama Sharingan!

What Orochimaru's experiment needs most is a person with the Three Magatama Sharingan, and now this guy appears in front of him, how can he not feel happy?

Originally, he had a lot of complaints about Natsuhiko's intention to take away the Sharingan and the foreseeable restrictions on his experiments in the future.

It's just that he dared not speak out in anger at that time, and in order to make everything go smoothly after leaving Konoha, he had to agree to Xia Yan.

But now that he has such a clear user of the Three Magatama Sharingan, Orochimaru's inner dissatisfaction has basically subsided, replaced by an invisible joy.

With this guy and those Deadpools, why should he worry about not being able to do his experiments well?

In an instant, Orochimaru's speed became faster, and he no longer cared about being exposed or not.

Those members of the root also realized that they must deal with this guy as soon as possible, otherwise if it takes a little longer, Uchiha Fugaku leaves or sends a signal, they will be in complete trouble!


In an instant, all the members of the Roots jumped out. They threw out kunai and drew their ninja swords, and then swarmed forward.

But Orochimaru couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene. He didn't think about killing this guy, so his speed became a little faster.

Orochimaru didn't try to avoid this guy's ninja sword attack at all. He directly faced it without giving this guy any chance to react.


Almost instantly, Orochimaru grabbed this guy's ninja sword, and then he ignored the blood overflowing from his hand, and the chakra in his body surged rapidly.

A small snake shot out of his sleeve like flying, and then bit the guy's wrist hard!

Severe pain and numbness emerged in this guy's body, and Orochimaru left the coverage of his blade as lightly as a snake.

"Damn it."

Facing the kunai that had almost flown in front of him, the Deadpool turned his body violently and quickly avoided the attack of these kunai.

But the faster he moved, the heavier the numbness in his body became, while Orochimaru standing aside showed a chilling smile...


"I'm going to test your fire escape today. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Father."

Uchiha Fugaku brought Uchiha Itachi to this position where they often exercised. Looking at his son Uchiha Fugaku, he felt a little helpless in his heart.

His son was so special, and this kid's intelligence really gave him a headache.

No matter what this kid learns, he is very fast, so fast that it feels incredible. Even if he wants to master it, he doesn't need too much time.

Such a talent really makes Uchiha Fugaku extremely happy. Such a genius will inevitably become the pillar of the family in the future, and he will inevitably reach a height that is difficult for others to reach.

It's just that there are many things that give him headaches. For example, this kid seems to have a somewhat withdrawn personality, and he doesn't seem to have made many friends in school.

What's even more serious is that he also discovered that his genius son sometimes used shadow clones to deceive the school, and he himself didn't know where he went!

This approach seemed really bad to Uchiha Fugaku, even though he had never thought about what his son could learn in school.

In fact, all the children from big families send their children to school without expecting that they will really learn anything there. After all, every family has its own characteristics.

These characteristics of theirs will not be handed over to Konoha, and these things can only be taught to their children by the family itself.

Sending children to study is actually to hope that they can make more friends, whether they are some civilian geniuses or children from other families.

These are people worth making friends with, and they will be a valuable asset in their lives, even in family, politics, etc. in the future.

This kind of friendship and bond can only be best cultivated during this time period - of course problems may arise, such as two imps from rival families playing together.

But once they grow up and have their own cognitive and judgmental abilities, even when family interests and personal interests are involved, it will be difficult for such bonds to form, and they will not be able to truly play any implicit or explicit role. .

Uchiha Itachi is so smart, but he is a bit too bad in this aspect.

Maybe he's just too smart, which is why he can't play with other children?

But no matter how he was in the past, Uchiha Fugaku planned to correct it.

This time I brought him out not only to check his homework, but also to have a good chat with him about this matter.


When the two of them walked to the lake together, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly frowned in alarm, and then he immediately turned around and looked behind him.

And Uchiha Itachi also turned his head to look curiously, he still didn't understand what was going on.

But soon, when a man in black clothes and a mask staggered out of the woods, he immediately realized that they might be in trouble.

"Father, this is..." Uchiha Itachi asked in a low voice.

But at this moment, Uchiha Fugaku didn't answer him at all, but pulled him behind him.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy. Uchiha Fugaku looked at the figure slowly walking out in the distance with an indifferent expression, and a little anger suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Orochimaru, he recognized who this guy was almost immediately.

But as soon as he recognized it, his face became extremely ugly. It was obvious that he realized that the previous rumors and speculations were correct.

Eighty or ninety percent of the children of their Uchiha clan were abducted by Orochimaru!

Moreover, this guy now came to me unscrupulously. Could it be that he wanted to attack his son?

And I'm afraid Konoha is not less involved in this matter!

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the ninjas lined up behind Orochimaru and slowly approaching them, wearing ANBU uniforms, and his expression became even darker.

These people are probably Anbu or Genbu. After all, they are people at the clan leader level. He knows the existence of Genbu.

But whether it is the root or the dark part, it is essentially the sword that Konoha said he mastered!

These knives have been swung towards him, and the things hidden inside are self-evident.

"Is Konoha planning to attack us Uchiha?"

Uchiha Fugaku secretly thought that his eyes had turned extremely scarlet in just an instant, and the three magatama slowly rotated in his eye sockets.

"Lord Orochimaru, I wonder what you mean by doing this?" Although Uchiha Fugaku had some guesses in his heart, he still decided to test it out.

"What do you mean?" Orochimaru licked his tongue and said nonchalantly: "Actually, the meaning is very clear, why do I need to ask another question?"

"No, I mean..." Uchiha Fugaku's chakra has begun to circulate, and his tone has become a lot more indifferent: "Is this what Konoha means?"

"Konoha?" Orochimaru raised his eyebrows. He suddenly found that Uchiha Fugaku was really interesting.

Faced with the siege of so many ninjas, he actually still cared about some unimportant things?

Is it confidence, or is it because you want to find out before you die?

Or do you want to understand the stance and situation of Uchiha and Konoha from the perspective of the village and family?

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Fugaku quietly, and suddenly he licked his tongue. Since he wanted to know, there was nothing he couldn't say.

Anyway, he will leave Konoha after this time, there is nothing bad to say about it.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru crossed his chest with his hands, his eyes were full of teasing, and his tone was still so hoarse and low.

"The plan to attack you is really not what my teacher thought." Orochimaru licked his tongue, and he showed a smile: "But there are other people who want to use the body to do something."

"Shimura Danzo?" Uchiha Fugaku heard Orochimaru's words, and when he saw those ninjas in ANBU costumes, he immediately thought of one person!

"It doesn't matter who it is, after all, it's over." Orochimaru neither denied nor admitted. He raised his hand slightly and asked calmly: "Are you ready?"

"Why do you think..." Uchiha Fugaku sighed, already thinking.

He closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, the scarlet Sharingan and the three magatama in his eyes were completely connected together!

"Can you convince me?"


"These eyes..."

When Orochimaru saw the huge changes in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes, he was suddenly shocked.

At this moment, he could easily feel a terrifying aura emanating from Uchiha Fugaku's eyes!

This kind of breath was very deadly and terrifying, and a vague sense of destruction was no longer around him.

"Mangekyō Sharingan..."

In just an instant, some information appeared in his mind. As a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he naturally knew a lot of information that others could not know.

For example, the Uchiha clan doesn't even know that there is actually a pair of eyes above the three magatama that are more powerful and more terrifying.

That's the Mangekyō Sharingan!

Orochimaru was not interested in knowing why the Uchiha clan buried the news themselves. It was obvious that these eyes were so powerful and terrifying that ordinary people could not deal with them.

Even when he faced these eyes, he suddenly felt an unspeakable fear!

But it doesn't matter if it's buried, at least the current Uchiha is not as scary as he imagined.


Facing Uchiha Fugaku at this time, Orochimaru immediately asked these root members who came with him to take action immediately.

He didn't dare to take action at will, not to mention he had other things to do.

These root ninjas obviously didn't quite understand what the change in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes meant. They rushed out immediately after receiving Orochimaru's order.

They attacked in groups of three and three from different directions, completely surrounding Uchiha Fugaku in a very small area.

"Watch carefully, Uchiha needs to cooperate with the Sharingan to exert his power."

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes moved slightly. He whispered to Uchiha Itachi beside him, and the next moment he moved!

He didn't bring any weapons. After all, if he was taking his son out for training, he couldn't be fully armed.

But for him, in fact, his best weapon is his own eyes, and other things are essentially unimportant!

In an instant, Uchiha Fugaku had rushed in front of a root ninja. Facing this powerful sword, his eyes turned slightly.

The root ninja suddenly paused slightly, as if he had lost consciousness at this moment, and Uchiha Fugaku quickly disarmed his weapon.

With a slight deflection, he dodged the attack of a kunai as if he had eyes on his back.

Then he stabbed the neck of the root ninja in front of him with his knife. The moment the root ninja was unconscious, he picked up a kunai.

"Don't want to kill?"

Orochimaru licked his tongue. Although Uchiha Fugaku's movements were ridiculously fast, he could still see clearly.

This guy is still afraid in his heart, but this is good, Orochimaru can more easily recover the bodies of the Uchiha ninjas who were stunned by his poison.

Uchiha Fugaku's battle continued. After he easily blocked the attack of a root ninja with a kunai, another ninja's sword quietly appeared beside him.

What's more important is that behind him, there are several root ninjas already in place, and they stab Uchiha Fugaku in the back without any explanation.

"Are you going to kill me completely?"

The anger in Uchiha Fugaku's heart is also rising, but he knows that he must restrain himself!

Thousands of flowers were spinning in his eyes. The kunai beside him was menacing, but he could see its trajectory clearly.

The moment he was about to come into contact with him, he deftly turned his body and then moved his left hand to grab the hand of this root ninja.


The sound of bone cracking quietly sounded in everyone's ears, and Uchiha Fugaku directly twisted the hand of a root ninja.

At the same time, he took the root ninja's hand and pushed it backwards, turning himself around quickly. At the same time, he used the root ninja's kunai and the kunai in his own hand to aim at these guys behind him.


The sound of metal colliding quickly sounded, and Uchiha Fugaku kicked a root ninja away.

He quickly fired the kunai in his hand, and the kunai was nailed directly to the left shoulder of a root ninja.

He jumped back slightly, and then began to form seals with his hands quickly, and vigorous chakra surged crazily at this moment.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

He sprayed out a scorching fireball, which was two to three meters in diameter. The fireball roared and flew towards the remaining root ninjas.

This fireball is so fast that these root ninjas dare not face this technique directly.

They quickly dispersed in all directions, but because their distance was so close, they had no way to completely avoid the influence of this technique!


Along with the huge roar, the firelight directly reflected the small lake red, and Uchiha Itachi stood aside and watched everything quietly.

This was the first time that he saw his father take action. Even though he had followed his father to the battlefield in the Country of Grass before, his father was still more in charge at that time.

But now that his father had done it himself, the terrifying speed, the sharp grasp of the fighter plane, and the final use of fire escape all made the young Itachi understand that his father's strength was really beyond imagination!

This kind of strength is really scary, and this kind of strength is just a little bit too scary.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't know what his son was thinking. He looked calmly at the root ninja who fell to the ground, and then looked at Orochimaru who had not made any move in the distance.

He frowned slightly and asked in a low voice: "Why don't you take action yet? Although I have reserved my strength, it does not mean that I will let you go. They will probably die here."

"Haha, if your skills are inferior to those of others, you will certainly die."

Orochimaru licked his tongue indifferently. He had recovered all the Uchiha ninjas, so he could also have a good time.

It's just that he really doesn't take the life and death of these root ninjas seriously. He has never taken these guys seriously!

"As a ninja, especially a basic ninja, it is better to die heroically than to let others live in humiliation out of pity after failing the mission.

If they don't even have this awareness, then they really are not worthy of becoming root ninjas. "

Speaking of this, the chakra in Orochimaru's body began to surge crazily.

"After all, this is an order personally issued by Danzo-sama..."


"If there are no accidents, we should take action today. After all, there is not much time left for Orochimaru."

Sitting in the ANBU minister's office, Xia Yan was flipping through documents and thinking silently.

The time limit he gave Orochimaru is until today. Starting tomorrow, Kakashi will resume work, and by then his tracking of Orochimaru will reach an extremely severe level.

In such an environment, unless Orochimaru dared to attack Kakashi desperately and angered Natsuhiko, he could only finish the matter within a limited time.

"I don't know how this guy is doing now."

Xia Yan threw the documents in front of the table. He had basically read these things. The ninja world has been relatively stable recently, and there are not many complicated things.

The only thing that may cause headaches is the movement in Yunyin Village, but now it is just movement, and it has not reached the level of suffocation.

Especially since he didn't need to worry too much about such a matter. Hiruzen Sarutobi and his ninjas from the Ministry of Government wouldn't ignore this matter, right?

"In that case, let me go and see Orochimaru's performance."

Natsuhiko is really curious about what kind of eyes this guy Uchiha Fugaku has.

Is it the pair of three-magatama Sharingan in the manga, or the pair of Mangekyo Sharingan with extremely weird patterns in the anime?

Since Natsuhiko's rebirth, he has had quite a few contacts with Uchiha people, and he has even encountered the Mangekyou Sharingan.

But Obito only has one eye, and no matter how powerful he is, he can't completely form a combat effectiveness. This is why he wants to prevent Obito from going to Kakashi to recover the eye.

And now Uchiha Fugaku obviously has a complete pair of kaleidoscopes. It is impossible for Xia Yan not to be curious about the ability and level of this guy's eyes.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan closed his eyes slightly, and in an instant he locked on the mark on Orochimaru!

"This direction...the Uchiha clan?"

Xia Yan was slightly stunned, but he quickly calmed down again.

As the leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku probably rarely stays outside the clan for too long.

There is nothing wrong with saying that he is an old otaku, after all, his scope of activities is basically within the clan.

However, Natsuhiko still needs to be careful. If Orochimaru is playing tricks on him, it won't be fun.

Regarding Orochimaru, Natsuhiko basically maintained an attitude that he could use it but not trust it.

After all, Orochimaru's wisdom and his ability to jump repeatedly are second-to-none!

You must know that this guy first killed the Kazekage, then attacked Konoha, and finally provided core technology for the Fourth Generation Ninja War.

But the most outrageous thing is that such a guy who can be said to be full of crimes actually came out clean in the end.

The reason is very simple, that is, in the end, he jumped sideways and joined Uchiha Sasuke.

As one of the saviors of the ninja world, Sasuke is the deepest bond with Naruto Uzumaki. No matter how much the other villages hate him, they really don't dare to do anything anymore.

"So necessary precautions are still needed. After all, Orochimaru is not only dangerous in combat."

Thinking quickly in his mind, Xia Yan left a shadow clone and quickly activated a curse seal close to Orochimaru.

The next moment he arrived at the outskirts of the Uchiha clan. After finding a hidden corner, he immediately opened his pure eyes.

His sight instantly passed through many obstacles, and finally stopped at a small river in the mountains behind the Uchiha clan.

There, dozens of root ninjas collapsed on the ground, looking like they had completely lost their fighting power.

But they are all still alive, and it is obvious that Uchiha Fugaku did not kill him.

I don't know if it's because of psychological fear, or if this guy really loves peace.

Orochimaru and Uchiha Fugaku fought completely together. The chakra of these two people was very full, and their speed and strength were a bit scary.

The most interesting thing is that in addition to discovering the existence of Uchiha Itachi, Natsuhiko also noticed Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

"That's the Mangekyo Sharingan?"

Natsuhiko's eyes were filled with blue light, and he could clearly see the strange patterns in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes, as well as the terrifying power overflowing from his eyes.

In Natsuhiko's sight, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes were constantly filled with black chakra.

With such chakra, Orochimaru's performance was somewhat unsatisfactory. He had been suppressed by Uchiha Fugaku, and even kept losing ground!

What's even more fatal is that Natsuhiko also noticed that this kind of chakra seemed to be beginning to appear in Orochimaru's body, and it seemed to have some bad effects on him.

"Is this illusion?"

Natsuhiko murmured softly, the black chakra continued to swim in Orochimaru's body, and the constant stirring finally made Orochimaru's chakra become chaotic.

In Xia Yan's opinion, only illusion can produce such an effect.

Natsuhiko didn't know how Uchiha Fugaku opened his eyes, let alone what this guy was thinking when he opened his eyes.

After all, the Sharingan is the eye that reflects the soul. The power you get after opening the eyes is what you are thinking in your heart at the moment you open the eyes.

"Is it another pair of illusion eyes, or eyes that are biased towards magic?"

After Xia Yan thought about it silently, he made a decision.

Orochimaru obviously couldn't hold on any longer, and Uchiha Fugaku's eyes completely aroused Natsuhiko's curiosity.

The deterrence and influence of the Mangekyo Sharingan are even more unimaginable to the Uchiha clan.

Xia Yan didn't want this guy to completely break his arrangement with these eyes.

Therefore, he had to do something, other than take an eye personally.

In this way, he can get the experimental materials he needs and at the same time curb the intimidation of Uchiha Fugaku. Only by breaking this intimidation can he expose the myth of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Only then can my arrangement in Uchiha run more stably!


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