Orochimaru's current situation is very bad. He has thought that he might fail. After all, ninja is a profession with thousands of possibilities.

Maybe a person who only has the title of Genin possesses unparalleled power.

Perhaps an extremely powerful person was stabbed in the back by someone obviously weaker than him, resulting in his final death.

But he really didn't expect that Uchiha Fugaku would be so difficult to deal with, and that this guy's eyes would be so dangerous.

Although Orochimaru has never dealt with the Sharingan, after all, he is also very aware of some of the characteristics of the Sharingan, so he has been as prepared as possible.

But this kind of defense seems to be so weak when facing Uchiha Fugaku. He can't really cause any trouble to this guy!

All his movements were seen through, and all his offensive methods were neutralized. The most terrible thing was that Uchiha Fugaku's eyes were exuding some strange power all the time.

And these powers are spreading and affecting him crazily, causing him to have hallucinations from time to time, and sometimes even causing him to make serious misjudgments.

At this moment Orochimaru understood that even if he didn't look into Uchiha Fugaku's eyes now, he had already been affected by this guy's illusion.

This illusion that affects him all the time has caused serious problems in his battles. He doesn't know how long he can last.

But he knows that even if he persists, his end will definitely not be good!

"Is this the power of the kaleidoscope?"

Orochimaru gritted his teeth and dodged Uchiha Fugaku's attack. He could see that Uchiha Fugaku was mentally worried now. This guy seemed to be still worried about the relationship between Konoha and his family.

This allowed him to not be cruel from beginning to end, and this also allowed Orochimaru to persist until now!

Just after thinking about these things clearly, Orochimaru's face turned very ugly, and a hint of anger appeared on his pale face.

What he was angry about was not that he was suppressed by Uchiha Fugaku, what he was angry about was himself.

He was angry that he didn't have enough knowledge to turn this knowledge into power, which also caused him to be at a disadvantage in a series of recent events.

The experiment was frustrated by the attack of a mysterious man possessing the power of the Nine-Tails, and the coercion of Danzo.

This resulted in him having to take the risk of seeking skin from a tiger, thus reaching a cooperation with the ANBU's Senju Natsuhiko, which ultimately led him to this situation.

His heart is really full of helplessness and resentment. Now he is even more determined. He must control his own destiny!

And Uchiha Fugaku is not feeling very well now. Even though he has the initiative now, he has not taken action for too long.

Ever since he inherited his father's mantle and became the leader of the Uchiha clan, his chances of taking action began to decrease sharply.

Even when he went to the Country of Grass to deal with the defeated Rock Ninjas, he never took action seriously. Now that he encountered an opponent like Orochimaru, he was really powerless.

If it weren't for his Mangekyo Sharingan, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been unable to deal with Orochimaru, but would have been dead!

What's more, he didn't dare to kill him, after all, Orochimaru was a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"We have to speed up!"

Uchiha Fugaku thought silently, and then the chakra in his body surged crazily.

He stepped hard on the ground with his feet, and in an instant he was at Orochimaru's side.

In the blink of an eye, a ninja sword picked up from the root ninja pierced the sky, and it sliced ​​towards Orochimaru's left foot very quickly and strangely.

It is very unrealistic to directly abolish Orochimaru, so let's weaken his mobility first.

Orochimaru's reaction and movements were not slow either, almost at the same time as Uchiha Fugaku.

He jumped sideways and backwards, while holding a kunai in his right hand, he drew towards Uchiha Fugaku at a strange angle.

It’s just that his actions were completely seen through by Uchiha Fugaku. Having the Sharingan and not having the Sharingan are two different experiences, especially the Mangekyo Sharingan!

Uchiha Fugaku's swift left hand stretched forward, and when Orochimaru's kunai was about to reach over, his hand suddenly moved upward.

That trajectory was precisely aimed at Orochimaru's wrist!

Orochimaru seemed to have guessed what Uchiha Fugaku was thinking. His body turned strangely in the air and immediately accelerated back.

But his hand still remained raised, as if he intended to let Uchiha Fugaku catch it.


Just for a moment, Uchiha Fugaku also took his hand back, because he clearly saw that under Orochimaru's sleeve, a poisonous snake was already spitting out nods!

But this time, he stopped and did not catch up rashly. He quickly formed seals with his hands, and the hot breath quietly emerged around him.

"Since you want to retreat, then keep retreating!" Uchiha Fugaku shouted, and his seal has been completed: "Fire Release: The Art of Fire Dragon!"

A huge fire dragon suddenly rose from the ground with the surge of Uchiha Fugaku's chakra, and then roared and rushed towards Orochimaru.

Then a violent explosion sounded near the small lake, and the fire shot into the sky, still looking so dazzling and eye-catching even in the daytime.

The flames continued to spread, and Orochimaru stood on the edge of the flames in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

He almost dodged embarrassingly close to the fire dragon, but when the fire dragon started to explode, there was not much room for him to escape.

His body and hair were now burnt, and there was a faint smell of paste floating in the air.

"It's really bad."

Orochimaru subconsciously licked his tongue with a gloomy face. The chakra in his body began to surge crazily. He had completely decided to retreat!

There was no way to complete Xia Yan's mission. He knew he was in trouble, but he had no other choice now.

Uchiha Fugaku created such a large fire dragon, probably just to attract other members of the Uchiha clan.

If he continues to stay here, he will inevitably be surrounded, and his end will definitely not be very good.

Moreover, he planned to leave Konoha directly this time, and when leaving, he quickly performed the Orochi Style Substitution Technique to completely cut off the connection with Natsuhiko.

After seeing Uchiha Fugaku's pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, he guessed that Natsuhiko asked him to come here just for these eyes!

Even if he uses those three Magatama Sharingan to give Natsuhiko, I'm afraid there won't be any good results.

Therefore, evacuating here quickly is the best option, no one!

"Damn it!"

However, Uchiha Fugaku didn't give him this chance at all, and Fugaku rushed in front of Orochimaru with a big stride.

The ninja sword in his hand once again cut through the sky, slashing hard at Orochimaru...


"Is the commotion so loud?"

Xia Yan stood on the edge of the woods, looking at the soaring fire not far away, and his face became slightly ugly.

In fact, he was not optimistic about the confrontation between Orochimaru and Uchiha Fugaku, but the failure of the battle really made him a little disappointed.

With such fire escape, such coverage and scope, it is difficult not to attract other people's attention.

Xia Yan almost didn't need to think about it, he knew that Orochimaru was probably planning to run away now.

After all, Orochimaru is really sensitive and very smart.

These two points are very good features regardless of whether they are looked at alone, but once the two are combined, they are placed at a special point in time.

Then this is not a good thing.

"This guy saw Uchiha Fugaku's kaleidoscope, and after recalling the curse mark I left, he specifically emphasized the need for Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

I'm afraid he will definitely think wrong and worry that I did it on purpose, and after he failed the mission, he will also worry that I will retaliate against him severely. "

It has to be said that even though Natsuhiko had a lot of contact with Orochimaru, he did accurately capture what Orochimaru was thinking.

And he would never let this happen. If Orochimaru escaped, who would he do experiments on himself for?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan took action decisively and immediately took out a mask.

This mask is very special. It has no eye holes and completely covers both eyes.

At the same time, he quickly took out some medicine to change his hair color to black. Finally, he put on a black robe and walked slowly outside.

He did not go to the center of the battle immediately. Under the mask, he had opened his eyes, and he could see the current battle situation between Orochimaru and Uchiha Fugaku.

He could even see the Uchiha ninjas who had come to support and ran to the outskirts of the woods.

"Clean up these guys first, and then go find Orochimaru."

Xia Yan thought silently, the chakra in his body swayed slightly, and the next moment he disappeared from where he was.

And in this forest, one after another Uchiha members quietly fell to the ground...


The battle between Orochimaru and Uchiha Fugaku is still going on. Orochimaru is being suppressed more and more severely, and he can't find a chance to escape.

Under those damn Mangekyō Sharingan eyes, he felt that every move he made was clearly seen.

He must find a way to avoid the gaze of these eyes, so that he can find a way to escape from here.

Orochimaru is also very smart. He has never thought of using earth escape to block his sight, giving himself a chance to retreat.

But Uchiha Fugaku's speed is not slow at all. Every time he uses the earth flow wall, this guy doesn't just follow up and defeat him.

Just use the fire escape attack very simply, and then the main body rushes in from the side.

Facing such a fighting style, Orochimaru was really at a disadvantage, and besides, he was completely unaccustomed to fighting without looking at his eyes.

And there was still Uchiha Fugaku's chakra in his body that was affecting him, which made it really harder for him.


Another knife struck directly at Orochimaru's body. Orochimaru immediately turned around to avoid the knife, and then he quickly jumped back.

When Uchiha Fugaku saw this, he immediately stuck up. Even if his condition was not good, the burden brought by these eyes was still very heavy, but he knew very well that he was the stronger one now.

If you don't defeat your opponent as soon as possible when you are in a strong position, you will have endless troubles.

"Turong Tulong Spear!"

Looking at Uchiha Fugaku who was once again approaching, Orochimaru suddenly quickly formed seals with his hands, and in an instant, he had completed a ninjutsu.

Being pushed so tightly by Uchiha Fugaku, Orochimaru was always thinking about how to counterattack and then create opportunities for himself.

But this time he seemed to see a glimmer of opportunity, so he didn't hesitate at all.

Countless thorns quickly rose from the ground along with his seals, which caused some trouble for the slightly aggressive Uchiha Fugaku.


It's just that Uchiha Fugaku is the one who possesses the Sharingan. He snorted coldly and dropped the ninja sword in his hand in advance, directly cutting off a thorn in front of him.

Then his eyes quickly saw clearly the branches of the surrounding thorns. He was like a ranger's butterfly, dodging and moving among these thorns, and he was also moving towards Orochimaru. Come.

"Ninja Technique: Hidden Shadow Multi-Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru seized this opportunity, and he immediately stretched out his hand. The next moment, countless poisonous snakes flew out of his sleeves and bit Uchiha Fugaku fiercely.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Facing such a huge poisonous snake, Uchiha Fugaku did not take the risk of using physical skills to attack. He quickly formed seals with his hands, and a huge fireball was directly sprayed out by him.

The fireball collided with those venomous snakes, and the neighing sounds of the snakes were heard all of a sudden, and the smell of barbecue could be heard in the air.

Orochimaru didn't seem to care at all that these poisonous snakes were burned to death, but his face looked a little excited because he knew he had seized the opportunity!

"Ninja Technique: Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes!"

He quickly formed a seal again, and the next moment something similar to a psychic array appeared at Uchiha Fugaku's feet.

Countless venomous snakes crawled out again. This scene was really nerve-wracking.

Uchiha Fugaku seemed to have a headache when faced with such a situation. His hands began to wave the ninja sword in his hands quickly, and he cut off the heads of venomous snakes one by one.

However, because there were too many venomous snakes, Uchiha Fugaku had to avoid their sharp edges when faced with the attack of such a large number of venomous snakes.

After cutting off the head of a poisonous snake again, he jumped back quickly. At the same time, his hands began to form seals quickly, and the terrifying chakra rippled crazily.

"Fire Release: The Art of Fire Dragon!"

"caught you!"

At this moment, Orochimaru's face suddenly became excited. This kind of excitement was completely different from his previous thoughts of running away anytime and anywhere.

He formed a seal with one hand, and in an instant, several small poisonous snakes appeared quietly on Uchiha Fugaku's sleeves.

These poisonous snakes spat out nobuko, and then bit Uchiha Fugaku's arm without hesitation!

"Ninja Technique: Evil Snake Wrist Explosion!"

Orochimaru's chakra surged crazily, and these poisonous snakes became extremely restless under the influence of his chakra.

Moreover, these snakes were venomous snakes. After Uchiha Fugaku was bitten, his body immediately felt paralyzed, and he was unable to fight away these venomous snakes.

The chakra induced by Orochimaru became stronger and stronger, and the dangerous aura became stronger and stronger. Finally, under the horrified expression of Uchiha Fugaku, those poisonous snakes exploded!

"It's over..."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, and he took a step forward towards Uchiha Fugaku's position.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku looked so embarrassed that his entire arm was blown off!

He was now lying in a pool of blood, looking like he couldn't hold on any longer, which made Orochimaru sigh in relief.

This guy is so difficult to deal with. If he hadn't made a mistake and acted too aggressively, he wouldn't have had this chance.

Just walking, Orochimaru suddenly frowned, because he suddenly saw a person - Uchiha Itachi!

The son of Uchiha Fugaku, the brat known as the most genius in the Uchiha clan.

Orochimaru suddenly realized that if he wanted to make Uchiha Fugaku unable to resist and captured without mercy, then shouldn't he deal with this brat?

But why didn't he think of this from beginning to end? He even forgot about the existence of this brat!

"Also, the evil snake's wrist blast summons not a small snake, but a giant snake!"

Recalling the battle just now, Orochimaru suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. This was all so weird.

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly revealed a huge flaw. He had forgotten Uchiha Itachi from beginning to end, and he was even capable of making mistakes.

None of this should have happened, but it all happened naturally, and he didn't even realize how it happened!

"Have you been discovered? He is indeed Orochimaru."

At this moment, a soft murmur sounded in Orochimaru's ears, and he felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat!

"This voice, Uchiha Fugaku!"

Orochimaru didn't expect that things would turn out like this, but this at least proved one thing, that is, his guess was right.

He fell into the illusion, completely unknowingly, and while he was guarding himself tightly, he fell into the illusion!

It's just that Orochimaru couldn't figure out when he fell into the illusion. He really couldn't understand why he fell into the illusion.

He had already taken precautions to this point, even without looking at Uchiha Fugaku, but he still got caught.

"Is this the Mangekyou Sharingan? It's really scary..."

Orochimaru murmured to himself, at this moment everything around him began to become illusory, and Uchiha Fugaku lying on the ground became extremely transparent.

In an instant, the whole world turned into a world with only two colors: black and white, and the scorching sun in the sky was like a silver moon at this moment!

Uchiha Fugaku stood aside indifferently, his eyes with strange patterns looking at Orochimaru.

"How did you discover my illusion?" Suddenly, Uchiha Fugaku spoke: "I didn't leave any loopholes."

"Your son." Orochimaru's voice became a little heavier: "When I saw your son, I noticed that something was not right."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Fugaku nodded indifferently. He understood what Orochimaru meant.

But after understanding it, his expression became even colder.

Anyone who wants to threaten his family is his enemy!

In his heart, he has almost sentenced Orochimaru to death, and he must make this guy pay the price.

It's just that he is still a little afraid in his heart. He has to figure out some things, such as how many people are involved in this matter.

Only when he has enough evidence can he have the courage to take action.

"How many other people are involved in this matter?"

The patterns in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes continued to rotate, and the special chakra continued to enter Orochimaru's body.

"Also, what is your purpose?"

"There are other people involved in this matter..."

Orochimaru spoke almost subconsciously, but soon he woke up and found that there seemed to be two thoughts running in his mind.

A thought told him in his mind that he must obey Uchiha Fugaku's words.

The other mind is frantically resisting all this, telling him that he must never give in to such control.

Orochimaru gritted his teeth, feeling like he was going crazy. His logic began to become confused, his consciousness began to blur, and he could hardly tell which one was his real thinking.

"Tell me, who else is involved here and what is your purpose!"

At this moment, Uchiha Fugaku's voice sounded again, and this time it echoed directly in Orochimaru's mind!

Pain, disorder and surrender were constantly intertwined, resistance, suppression and finding his own will echoed in his mind.

Under such extremely painful oppression, Orochimaru felt more and more uncomfortable, and an invisible force controlled him more and more.

"The person involved in this matter is Danzo..."

Suddenly, Orochimaru spoke. He was shocked to find that he still had the will to resist and the mentality of not surrendering, but he still spoke.

It seems that he doesn't belong to him at all now, he seems to have been completely controlled, he has been completely controlled by Uchiha Fugaku!


Orochimaru gritted his teeth. He tried hard to resist but was powerless. He could only 'watch' himself keep talking.


Just when he was about to name all the participants, including Xia Yan, a strange force instantly reverberated in the black and white space.

At this moment, Orochimaru seemed to wake up completely. The other thought in his mind was directly dispelled at this moment, and the voice that made him feel like a nightmare also disappeared at this moment!

As if he felt something, he suddenly raised his head and looked up.

At this moment, in this space where there is only black and white, the white moon in the sky is quietly dyed blue, making this black and white space exude the same charm.

And this kind of blue has an unusual and special light, which seems to have infinite attraction, making Orochimaru's soul seem to be trapped.

"What a nice view......"



After Natsuhiko knocked over the last Uchiha ninja who was going to support him with one punch, he immediately moved towards Orochimaru.

He didn't count how many people Natsuhiko knocked unconscious in total, but he knew that more than this number of Uchiha people came to support them.

But he didn't have time to pay attention to them, because in his eyes, Orochimaru's situation became very strange.

In addition to his own chakra, there was more and more black chakra coming from Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

And he and Uchiha Fugaku were completely linked silently, and finally Orochimaru's chakra began to be suppressed.

This was the first time that Xia Yan saw such domineering tactics, especially when Orochimaru's battle began to become extremely chaotic. He continued to attack the air, and Xia Yan knew that he had been completely controlled.

"The power of the Mangekyo Sharingan is really weird. Is this the effect of an illusion?"

Xia Yan silently thought, Orochimaru is not in the same state as he will be in the future.

In the future, his soul has already been damaged during the continuous transfer process, so he will appear helpless when facing illusions.

But there is no damage to Orochimaru's soul now, so he should never perform so badly when dealing with illusions.

Such a result can only show that the Mangekyō Sharingan is too domineering, and its unique eye technique is too fierce.


Suddenly, as Xia Yan looked deeper and deeper, he found that another world seemed to appear in his eyes.

It was a world where black and white were intertwined, and in that world Uchiha Fugaku was torturing Orochimaru!

Orochimaru was struggling and resisting hard, but his will seemed to be constantly weakened and his thinking was constantly being destroyed.

He had already spoken, but he woke up in the middle of the sentence, but what followed was that the black chakra controlled him again.

"Is it the world within illusion?"

Xia Yan was a little surprised. Illusions have always worked one-on-one. Maybe some spells can affect multiple people, but that would put too much pressure on the caster.

Generally speaking, no one can see what is happening in a one-on-one illusion. Strictly speaking, it is a spiritual collision.

But now, Xia Yan can see everything in the illusion through his own eyes. How can this situation not surprise him?

"This is the so-called super insight, and it's really a terrifying ability."

Xia Yan felt a little emotional in his heart, but the emotion quickly disappeared. He knew that he had more important things to do!

He has figured out what this illusion is. Uchiha Fugaku formed this illusion into a special space, which looks somewhat similar to Tsukuyomi.

But its performance seems to be very different from Tsukuyomi. After all, Orochimaru is still resisting, and Tsukuyomi cannot control people's thinking.

But no matter which one it was, Natsuhiko couldn't let Orochimaru continue talking. Uchiha Fugaku was obviously tortured for some information, and this information definitely included him!

The chakra turned slightly, and the next moment Natsuhiko's figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and when he appeared again, he was already beside Orochimaru.

His eyes suddenly burst out with azure light. The only way to break this illusion was to use the stable chakra system built by the illusion of chaos.

The energy overflowing from the Mangekyou Sharingan can really be broken by ordinary power, so Natsuhiko decisively chose to use the power of his own eyes to break it!

The blue light in his eyes began to surge continuously, and the next moment they were piercing Orochimaru's body. The instant entry of these powers made Orochimaru wake up immediately.

And in this intertwined world of black and white, the sun turned into a silver moon in the sky, and at this moment it also changed into the state of Xia Yan's eyes!

"How can it be?"

Uchiha Fugaku naturally felt the strange power and the strange blue color. When he saw the shining blue planet in the sky, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

His illusion collapsed at this moment, and the world he built quietly turned into fragments at this moment.

The black chakra connecting him and Orochimaru also broke at the moment when the illusion world collapsed.

After Uchiha Fugaku groaned, his eyes began to shed tears of blood uncontrollably.

"Is it really a pupil technique?" When Xia Yan saw this scene, he immediately confirmed something.

The technique similar to the illusion space is obviously a kind of eye technique unique to Uchiha Fugaku. After this eye technique was forcibly broken by Xia Yan, it must have backfired on the caster.

Even though Xia Yan didn't quite know what the name of that illusion was and what its specific effects were, he knew that he had a huge advantage now!

"Who are you?" Uchiha Fugaku ignored the flow of blood, and he still stared at Natsuhiko with his Mangekyo Sharingan.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that your eyes are very interesting." Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Fugaku calmly, and then he slightly lowered his head and glanced at Orochimaru: "Are you okay?"

"If you come late, I'm afraid something will happen to me." Orochimaru licked his tongue and said in a low voice.

He already knew who was saving him. The blue eyes hanging in the sky in the illusion space were the representation of Xia Yan's eyes!

He had seen these eyes before, and the intimidation and oppression these eyes brought to him was unimaginable.

He had no clue what those blue eyes were until today, but today he did understand one thing clearly.

That is, these blue eyes seem to be no weaker than the Mangekyō Sharingan. Otherwise, the eyes just now would not be able to break the illusion that he said he was trapped in, and would backfire on Uchiha Fugaku.

"It's fine." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he continued: "I have to say, I'm a little disappointed. You can't complete Konoha's mission, and you can't do mine either?"

"You?" Uchiha Fugaku keenly caught a word: "Did Orochimaru contact people outside the village?"

"Your village wants you dead, why can't I take this opportunity to get what I want?"

Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Fugaku calmly and said nonsense casually.

"Anyway, after Orochimaru passed this incident, Konoha no longer has a place for him. Instead of giving your eyes to Danzo for free, you might as well give them to me in exchange for protection."

Having said this, Xia Yan quietly glanced at Orochimaru again.

At this time, Orochimaru showed a smile, and then nodded imperceptibly. It was obvious that this guy was already on the road.

In this case...

Xia Yan slowly pulled out a ninja sword, and a vast chakra appeared in his body.

"It's time for everything to end..."


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