"what is going on?"

Within the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Zhen looked at his son solemnly, while Uchiha Sora also looked confused.

Not long ago, a violent fire suddenly appeared in the back of the Uchiha clan. Such fire was obviously not normal.

Therefore, Uchiha really asked his son to send someone over to check, especially since they knew that Uchiha Fugaku was heading that way, they needed to be more careful.

As they captured Uchiha, and Uchiha showed compassion and did not eradicate Uchiha, he also received unimaginable rewards.

Uchiha is really a radical, but he is not a person who is ignorant of current affairs.

After learning about the huge gap between Konoha and Uchiha, especially knowing that the ANBU minister and the third generation of the Senju clan could not deal with it.

Therefore, Uchiha Shen plans to assist Uchiha Zhen and help Uchiha Zhen achieve these things, so that the Uchiha clan can return to the big stage of Konoha!

Under his secret contact, Uchiha Sora was able to control more and more security departments, and some die-hard Uchiha Shin also quietly began to turn to Uchiha Shin.

It's just that all this takes time. Uchiha Shen is a 'dead man'. He can't appear in public anymore. He can only pass some obscure information to his former subordinates.

But no matter what, Uchiha can use more and more power in his empty hands, Uchiha's real power is becoming more and more powerful, and the pressure they can put on Uchiha Fugaku is getting deeper and deeper.

Therefore, when they sensed that Uchiha Fugaku was in danger, they sent people there as soon as possible.

However, more than ten minutes had passed, and there was still no response from the other side, which made them frown a little.

The most terrible thing was that the one who was attacked this time was Uchiha Fugaku, the clan leader who was basically publicly known to have huge differences with them within the family.

"How many people did you send?" After Uchiha Zhen walked back and forth a few times, he turned directly to Uchiha Sora: "Why haven't you responded yet?"

"Father, I sent four patrol teams over." Uchiha Shinya frowned: "Four patrol teams are not a small number. You must know that they are family patrol teams."

The family patrol is a special team to ensure the peace of the family. The strength of these people is considered to be the most powerful members of the family.

After all, it is to protect the safety of the family. If the strength is not good, it is basically useless.

However, such a team did not give back any information at all, not even a signal flare!

This really makes people extremely confused, what happened there, and what is the current situation of Uchiha Fugaku?

Uchiha Fugaku really can't let anything happen to him, especially at this stage.

After thinking about it, Uchiha finally gritted his teeth and said: "Hurry up and go there, take all the people who have not yet set out, and set off together and go over immediately!"

"Yes, Father!" Uchiha Sora nodded, and then he quickly stood up and hesitated: "Should I inform the ANBU? After all, they..."

"Hey..." Uchiha sighed helplessly, and then he nodded: "Let's inform them and see if they can come over quickly for support."

Uchiha was really helpless. After his son's last battle with Uchiha Tatsumi, and after witnessing Kakashi Hatake's performance, he seemed a little less confident.

This is definitely not good news, but Uchiha really has nothing to do.

In addition, this matter is likely to be involved in the message. Orochimaru wants to attack members of the Uchiha clan, so it is better to approach the ANBU for this matter.

Even if Uchiha really didn't want ANBU to continue to interfere in his family's affairs, he had no choice.

Seeing his son's slightly reassuring eyes, Uchiha felt even more helpless. In the end, he simply stopped looking and turned back to wait for the results.

"You go inform the ANBU, and the others will follow me."

Uchiha Zhen immediately turned around and spoke to the few ninjas around him. Then he waved to the large army, jumped up and headed towards the back of the forest.

He was not a fool, so he could naturally see that his father was very disappointed with the way he handled it.

In fact, he is not willing to do this if he can. To some extent, his approach can be regarded as relying on the ANBU, and even completely relying on the ANBU.

However, the last battle really touched him a lot. Not only did he see the strength of ANBU, he also saw his own shortcomings.

This shortcoming made him very helpless. He longed for change but didn't know how to change it.

He knew that he had some psychological problems to some extent, but he didn't know how to break these problems. After all, the power of Anbu was really inside his psychology.

His only thought now is that he hopes his daughter will not be like him.

Fortunately, Qiong seemed to be appreciated by the ANBU minister.

The minister has a person like Kakashi under his command. This person who is not from the Uchiha clan but has used the Sharingan to its extreme, may be able to teach his daughter well.

"I just don't know what Qiong is responsible for in ANBU."

Qiong keeps everything he does in the Anbu secret. Even Uchiha Zhen has only a partial understanding of it and has no specific concept at all.

After all, the Secretariat is a newly established department by Xia Yan. Others have no idea how much power this department has, or even its existence.

Therefore, it is normal for Uchiha to really not know or understand.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Uchiha frowned, and he immediately made a tactical gesture to stop everyone.

The quality of these Uchiha ninjas who followed him were also very high. They stopped almost instantly, then kept a distance from each other and were alert to everything around them.

The Uchiha moved forward quickly. He turned over the grass and stared at an Uchiha member collapsed inside. His face became extremely heavy.

Other Uchiha also saw this scene, and they also felt great pressure.

Especially as they began to search continuously and found unconscious figures in the grass one by one, their hearts became even more heavy.

Killing these people silently is already an exaggeration, but knocking them all out quietly without being discovered is even more exaggerated!

"What the hell happened?"

Uchiha gritted his teeth. He stood up quickly and looked not far away. After a brief hesitation, he immediately ordered.

"Everyone, follow me, we..."

"Go and rescue the patriarch..."


Facing Uchiha Fugaku, Natsuhiko's performance was still very vigilant.

However, this kind of vigilance did not reach the extreme. After all, his eyes were already interested in Uchiha Fugaku's current state!

Xia Yan really didn't pay much attention to the ability of super insight at first, because he didn't know how far this ability could change things.

But now he knows that the value of this ability seems to be beyond imagination.

In addition to basic abilities such as clairvoyance, which has been directly discovered by Xia Yan, he can see the attributes of the enemy's chakra. He found that he could also see too many things.

Just like a person's specific state, just like he could see everything that was trapped in the illusion before.

These are all unimaginable abilities, but Xia Yan has it in his hands now. In other words, I'm afraid all illusions are ineffective for him!

After all, once he falls into the illusion, Xia Yan can easily discern the difference between the illusion and the real world, so he can immediately take countermeasures.

This means that he can tell what attributes a person's chakra is, and then immediately use counterchakra and techniques to make himself invincible.

Such an ability is indeed a super insight!

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku's condition seemed very unsatisfactory in Xia Yan's eyes.

Although the chakra in his body is still full, this filling is far behind compared to Xia Yan.

The most terrible thing is that the strange black power in his eyes seems to have some debilitating power.

What's even more interesting is that Natsuhiko seemed to see through his own eyes that there was some very special power in the deepest part of Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

These powers are white, and these powers are also dissipating at a very, very slow speed.

Xia Yan felt that if his guess was correct, those white things might be the so-called kaleidoscope's pupil power, right?

"Don't waste it all. I don't want to plant useless eyes."

Xia Yan thought silently, and he rushed out like lightning. He still restrained himself and did not use the Flying Thunder God technique.

Even though he had used it before when he came to Orochimaru, Uchiha Fugaku's attention was all on Orochimaru at that time, and it was impossible to notice him easily.

But now this guy probably only has eyes for himself, so Xia Yan is really in trouble if he is so unscrupulous.

With a swing of the knife, Uchiha Fugaku reacted immediately. Even though he was not in good condition now, his insight was still great.

However, Xia Yan had no intention of letting him go. He immediately pressed forward again, and the ninja sword in his hand drew an exquisite arc.

At the same time, his other hand quickly hid behind his back, and a slight chakra shock emerged in his body.

The kaleidoscope in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes rotated slightly. Not only did he see through the direction of Natsuhiko's attack, but he also saw Natsuhiko's hidden hand.

He didn't know what Xia Yan was going to do, but he immediately put one of his hands into a seal.

"Sure enough, I was fooled."

Natsuhiko immediately saw an abnormality in the movement of chakra in Uchiha Fugaku's body, which made him realize that his deceptive trick was successful.

He naturally knows that his tricks are invisible to the Sharingan, but since you can see it, why not use his tricks to let you see clearly?

"Huh? No!"

Uchiha Fugaku seemed to have reacted at this moment, because although Natsuhiko's chakra was surging, it didn't look like it was about to explode.

This situation can only mean one thing, that is, the masked stranger in front of him is deceiving him!


Unfortunately, Uchiha Fugaku didn't have time to think too much. Natsuhiko's ninja sword slashed across his face, and then Natsuhiko's speed increased sharply, and he punched Uchiha Fugaku hard.

There were some problems with his actual combat experience, and because he was out of shape and his attention was deceived, he had no time to react effectively. He could only cross his hands to block Xia Yan's fist.


With a muffled sound, Uchiha Fugaku was directly punched away.

However, this guy's body coordination was very good. Even after being knocked away by a punch, he still spun half a circle in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

The moment he landed, his hands were already staggered together, and the chakra in his body was surging crazily. It was obvious that he had still completed the seal.

"Fire Release: The Art of Fire Dragon!"

The huge fire dragon roared towards Xia Yan, its huge body and hot breath were extremely suffocating.

And Uchiha Fugaku quietly squatted down and began to form seals with his hands. Almost no one could see his movements under the cover of the huge fire dragon.

But it is a pity that this fire dragon is just a fake in Xia Yan's eyes. He can clearly see everything behind it through this fire dragon.

He could even clearly see all the structures of the fire dragon in front of him, including its chakra division and its weakest point!

The blue eyes under the mask flickered slightly, and Xia Yan took one step and rushed directly towards the fire dragon.

His dynamic vision is obviously not comparable to those of Uchiha perverts, but his speed and shooting speed can make up for some weaknesses!

The ninja sword slashed towards the weakest point of the fire dragon's chakra without hesitation, and the roaring fire dragon passed by Xia Yan between the lightning and flint.

But the next moment, the dragon fire actually split into two halves, and all the remaining flames were blown away by the wind!

The chakra composition in its body had been completely destroyed by Natsuhiko's ninja sword, but Natsuhiko's ninja sword was also burned by this damn fire dragon.

But Natsuhiko didn't care at all, and he didn't even care that Uchiha Fugaku in front of him quickly rushed in front of him.

He turned around lightly to avoid the attack in front of him. The next moment, a kunai suddenly appeared in his hand. This kunai stabbed directly into the ground with blue chakra.


Screams suddenly sounded at this moment, and a pool of blood emerged from the ground where Natsuhiko Kunai was stabbed!

Natsuhiko watched all of this calmly, without any surprise or surprise. After all, Uchiha Fugaku had no information about him, let alone his fake Jingyan.

Otherwise, he would never have made the move to sneak underground, because Xia Yan could see through everything...


"Damn, what's going on over there?"

Feeling the constantly fluctuating chakra in front of him, Uchiha gritted his teeth and moved forward quickly.

After finding the knocked-out Uchiha clan members, he had already realized the seriousness of the situation, but now it seemed that the situation was even worse.

When they set off, they had already felt the strong chakra fluctuations, but such fluctuations disappeared without a trace in an instant.

This gave them all a very bad premonition that this time the battle was over, and the situation might be very ugly.

They had no choice but to keep accelerating. Under the leadership of Uchiha Sora, they quickly ran towards the small lake.

In fact, Uchiha Sora was unwilling to rush over like this. He knew his father's purpose, so it might be a good thing that Uchiha Fugaku was really in trouble.

But the problem is that the situation in the family is so complicated now. Once something goes wrong with Uchiha Fugaku, the whole thing will become more troublesome and difficult to deal with.

So Uchiha Fugaku and the others had to go to support, even if the ANBU hadn't come yet, they had to go.

"Why don't you hold on longer, Mr. Patriarch!"

Uchiha Sora thought with some anger in his heart, but no matter how angry it was, it was of no use. Now he could only bite the bullet and keep moving forward.

The chakra in his body was surging as he ran, and his eyes turned into a scarlet three-magatama at this time.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Sora worked hard to overcome the fear in his heart. Maybe he would be unsatisfactory in combat, but with so many of them holding him back, it should be no problem.


Uchiha Sora gritted his teeth and jumped out fiercely. However, what he never dreamed of was that there were no enemies in front of him!

Looking from a distance, there was only one figure left there, lying in a pool of blood, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha breathed a sigh of relief at first, and then his heart involuntarily made a 'thump' sound.

Looking at that person's clothes, it's obviously their clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku!

This guy is lying here now, surrounded by blood. Does this mean that their mission has failed?

When he thought of this, the trace of relaxation in Uchiha Sora's heart suddenly rose again, and he looked around vigilantly.

After confirming that no one was there, he quickly left and rushed over with his men.

Crouching next to Uchiha Tomi, Uchiha Sora carefully used his Sharingan to explore everything on his body.

He has discovered that Uchiha Fugaku is not dead, but his experience on the battlefield tells him that his teammates are the most dangerous at this time!

When he was on the battlefield, Uchiha Soma had often seen situations where he and other teammates were killed just because his allies were still alive.

The most common method is to deliberately beat the enemy in front of you to death when you know that the enemy is pursuing troops.

However, various traps are placed on the enemy, such as detonating charms or poisons.

Once the enemy catches up to the location and begins to rescue the injured, these traps can definitely produce unimaginable effects!

Uchiha Sora had often played similar tricks and tricks in order to avoid being hunted back then. Now he had to be more careful, who knows if he would encounter any big trouble.

"It's okay? It seems that the other party either didn't have time to prepare, or has never encountered such a thing on the battlefield."

After Uchiha Hollow thought for a moment, he immediately began to rescue Uchiha Fugaku. Under his Sharingan eyes, he already knew that his clan leader was still alive.

Although his abdomen was injured, and the injury was not minor at all, he could see that the injury was not fatal.

But after Uchiha Sora completely turned Uchiha Fugaku over, his body stiffened slightly, and then a rage of anger burned crazily in his heart.

Not only him, but the other Uchiha ninjas who came with him were also similar. They gritted their teeth and their bodies trembled involuntarily. They were really pissed off by the scene before them!

I saw that one of Uchiha Fugaku's eye sockets looked particularly empty, and blood was uncontrollably overflowing from under this eye socket.

Obviously, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes were taken away!

What is the final and most important thing for the Uchiha clan? It is naturally the power of their bloodline and the power of the Sharingan.

Over the years, their eyes have almost never been taken away. Only Uchiha Obito gave his eyes to Kakashi.

And now someone has almost snatched away the Sharingan belonging to the Uchiha clan in front of them. This is more than just a shame for them!

Even if Uchiha Fugaku is at odds with Uchiha Sora and the others, he is still their clan leader.

For the Uchiha clan, this is both a shame and a provocation. This is completely disrespectful of the Uchiha clan.

"Hurry up and rescue. Don't let anything happen to the clan leader."

Uchiha Sora took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down and handle all this well.

After all, he was also an ANBU squadron leader. After all, he had also been on the battlefield. At this moment, he completely showed his demeanor.

"First bandage it on the spot, and some people quickly go back and notify the people in the family who know medical ninjutsu to come over.

Then ask some people to contact the ANBU. If possible, contact the minister as much as possible, but if not, be sure to let the ANBU know the importance of the matter.

Finally, the remaining people..."

Uchiha Sora clenched his fists and said viciously.

"All the rest of you, let me go. We must find these damn guys!"



"Go back by yourself."

In a hidden forest in Konoha, Natsuhiko and Orochimaru appeared here without any warning.

Natsuhiko still wore a mask. He looked at Orochimaru calmly and said, but his voice sounded calm, but his heart was extremely happy.

Uchiha Fugaku's defeat also means one thing, that is, he has obtained the Mangekyō Sharingan!

Although it can be said that he and Uchiha Fugaku have no grievances, and even from some standpoints, they could have been together.

But Xia Yan didn't choose him, because Xia Yan knew very well how indecisive this guy's character was.

In addition, what worries Xia Yan the most is that this guy is clearly a self-sufficient Voldemort with a severe mental illness.

Before that, he was not sure whether this guy had Sharingan, so he simply regarded him as a psychopath.

After all, he could watch his whole family being killed without doing anything. In the end, he 'understood' his son's thoughts and chose to die while saving the child and his whole family.

To cooperate with this kind of person, Xia Yan felt that unless he had no choice, or he was from the Uchiha clan and was sure to control him.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing.

In addition, Natsuhiko was really approached by Uchiha, so Uchiha Fugaku was already his enemy in a certain sense, and Natsuhiko would not show any mercy when facing him.

However, Natsuhiko didn't completely finish the matter. He just took away one of Uchiha Fugaku's eyes and didn't really kill this guy.

Even if this is too much, it is better than letting this guy leave early.

After all, it is really much better to leave this guy alive to Uchiha Makoto and the others than to deal with him by yourself.

When Orochimaru heard Natsuhiko's words, he couldn't help but lick his tongue gently. His eyes were always on Natsuhiko's mask. For some reason, he always felt that Natsuhiko looked familiar.

However, Orochimaru was still very restrained. He had witnessed with his own eyes how Natsuhiko dealt with Uchiha Fugaku, and he knew very well that he was completely powerless against Natsuhiko at this time.

Especially when Natsuhiko dealt with Uchiha Fugaku before, neither the Wood Release nor the Flying Thunder God were used.

This guy defeated Uchiha, who was best at dealing with taijutsu, just by relying on his eyes that he didn't know the name of and his taijutsu.

If such strength were to be used against him without limits, Orochimaru felt that no matter how many ways he had to survive, he would not be able to survive.

"I understand." Orochimaru licked his tongue. He shook off the thoughts in his mind and said seriously: "I think Mr. Buchou should go find my teacher."

"Yes, otherwise why would I give Uchiha Itachi to you?" Natsuhiko looked at him calmly, and then shook his head gently: "If you want to leave, just leave in a more vigorous manner. After all, you are Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas of Konoha. Woolen cloth."

This kid Uchiha Itachi has been watching from the edge of the battlefield. He was very smart and never took action from the beginning to the end.

Even the moment his father was defeated, he turned around and left here.

Xia Yan didn't think what this kid was doing was an escape in a broad sense. After all, it was better to call him for help than to escape.

If he, a brat, faced such a battle, it might really be the same as dying.

Rather than doing nothing here, it is better to quickly seek help from the ninjas behind him who are likely to have arrived, so that both he and his father have a greater chance of surviving.

It's a pity that this kid met Natsuhiko. Natsuhiko has always been paying attention to the 'Itachi God' of the Uchiha clan.

The moment this guy turned around and left, Natsuhiko caught up with him using the teleportation technique and knocked him unconscious, and finally handed him over to Orochimaru.

After all, this kid is Uchiha Fugaku's son. After all, this kid witnessed Orochimaru's attack.

It would be weird if he didn't do anything wrong, so let him participate in some performances, and the effect will probably be very good.

Orochimaru glanced at Natsuhiko, and then at Uchiha Itachi, who was held on his waist, and he suddenly smiled.

"Mr. Buchou, do you want to save this kid personally?" Orochimaru asked softly: "My teacher came to attack me, and I chose to escape with him. After finally escaping, I was surrounded by the Buchou. I have no choice but to give up on this brat and become a minister, right?"

"If you want to do this." Natsuhiko looked at Orochimaru indifferently, his voice still calm: "I can cooperate. After all, this way you can also reduce the hatred of the Uchiha clan towards you."

"Can it really be reduced?" The smile on Orochimaru's face became even brighter: "That is not an ordinary Sharingan, Mr. Buchou, it is a Mangekyo Sharingan."

After listening to Orochimaru's words, Natsuhiko immediately understood what this guy meant.

In just an instant, Natsuhiko's aura was completely locked on Orochimaru's body.

This vast aura made Orochimaru seem to be facing an abyss. Under this huge aura, the surrounding vegetation began to sway unnaturally.

Orochimaru still kept his smile, even if sweat rolled down his cheeks, he didn't change at all.

What he meant was obviously that he wanted a promise, or a deal.

He can bear all the charges, bear all the responsibilities, and he will not ask for anything even for the Mangekyō Sharingan.

But this time he took the blame for Xia Yan, and he was even willing to give Xia Yan some credit.

But Natsuhiko must also completely fulfill his promise and fulfill his promise to protect Orochimaru.

Otherwise, according to Orochimaru's current attitude, I'm afraid this guy will really be prepared to jump over the wall.

After a long time, Xia Yan slowly regained his momentum. He looked at Orochimaru quietly, and finally nodded.

"Master Orochimaru is truly worthy of being one of the three ninjas. His courage is really admirable." Xia Yan's voice became slightly colder: "I will not break the promise I made to you. After all, I still need you to do it for me." Study something.”

"Oh?" Orochimaru looked at Xia Yan curiously. He now wanted to know how valuable he was: "I don't know, what does the minister want to study?"

"Blood successor, ninjutsu, etc." Xia Yan didn't hide anything, because there was no need to hide it now: "You use your imagination and creativity, and I will provide ideas and necessary materials. What do you think of this plan?"

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