In the ANBU office, a shadow clone of Natsuhiko was sitting there looking at the report in his hand.

Naturally, when the main body leaves, he must leave a clone behind. After all, what he did is not a good thing, and the necessary separation from the relationship is still needed.

But now there are no troublesome things to deal with in the ANBU. In addition, the difference between the shadow clone and the main body probably lies in who is more durable.

Therefore, Xia Yan was still very confident about using such abilities. At one time, Xia Yan even believed that the Shadow Clone Technique was definitely the greatest and most practical technique invented by Senju Tobirama.

When fighting, it can tempt the enemy to make wrong judgments, and when dealing with daily affairs, it can truly achieve "dual-line operation."

Even on top of the interest in life, it may also play an unimaginable role.

Just like a man saying to his wife, can I deal with you plus your two shadow clones?

Of course, in addition to the shadow clone, the Flying Thunder God also has good use value. After all, it takes into account elements such as offense, running, and rushing.

Natsuhiko was even considering whether to reincarnate Senju Tobirama after he became Hokage.

This not only gives Konoha a strong fighting power, but also his scientific research talent is so good, it would be a waste if he doesn't put it to good use!

"Just like why criminals don't pay taxes, you know they also work and create wealth and value.

Isn’t it natural to give them shelter and food and pay all the value created as taxes?

In this case, why can't dead people get up and work for me even after death, thereby creating social wealth and value?

After all, this is the world of ninjas, can they be resurrected even if they die? "

Xia Yan thought for a moment and then shook his head. He suddenly felt that he was getting closer and closer to the street lamp and the rope.

This was before he really became Hokage. After he really became Hokage, he was a little afraid to think about it.

Of course, all this is still far away, and many things will have to wait until he truly ascends to the position of the Fifth Hokage.

Putting down the document in his hand, Xia Yan's shadow clone couldn't help but look out the window.

At this time, he really didn't know what his body was doing and how far it had reached.

The only drawback of the shadow clone is probably that it consumes too much energy and makes the main body bear the pain when the clone is fatally injured. It is that it cannot synchronize information at all times.

But that's not important. No technique is perfect. Maybe he can solve this problem in the future after he pulls Senju Tobirama out of the Pure Land to work.

"Mr. Minister."

At this moment, a slightly urgent voice suddenly sounded, and then Ye Cang rushed in slightly anxiously.

After Ye Cang came in, Qiong and Lianhua also came in together. Their offices were right next to Xia Yan, so it was very convenient to contact them.

Secretaries are meant to serve the minister Xia Yan, and it is only normal for them to be on call.

"Don't worry, take it easy." Xia Yan said softly, but he had some answers in his heart.

It's very possible that Orochimaru, or even his own body, has been noticed.

However, he still waited patiently for Ye Cang to see what she was going to say.

"Mr. Minister, Orochimaru has taken action." Ye Cang quickly recovered herself, and then she immediately said: "According to reports from the Uchiha clan, his target this time is even Uchiha Fugaku!"

"What?" Qiong was quite surprised when she heard this. She really didn't expect this result: "Is it the clan leader?"

"It seems that Orochimaru has great ambitions." Xia Yan nodded slightly. He seemed a little surprised, but there was no fluctuation in his heart.

He had known this result for a long time, but what made him confused now was what happened.

But soon, he seemed to feel something. His expression changed slightly and then he immediately spoke.

"You guys set out immediately, call the Anbu who are on vacation, especially Kakashi, and then immediately support the Uchiha clan."

"Yes, Mr. Minister!" The three nodded immediately, and then they quickly left the office.

At this moment, Xia Yan's shadow clone relaxed slightly. He turned his head to the window. At this moment, the window was opened and Xia Yan walked in directly from the outside.

Obviously, the previous shadow clone felt the arrival of the main body, and then hurriedly asked everyone to leave here.


Along with a burst of smoke, the shadow clone disappeared without a trace, and Xia Yan also understood the information conveyed to him by the shadow clone.

This allowed him to know everything that happened while he was away, and also the general situation of the Anbu at this time.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan nodded slightly with satisfaction. Orochimaru's matter has basically reached the final step.

From attacking him to spreading rumors, to threatening and intimidating him, he finally accidentally obtained the Mangekyo Sharingan, and also reached a consensus with Orochimaru on certain things.

It can be said that everything went very smoothly, and Xia Yan basically achieved his initial goal.

"But Orochimaru is really a little cautious, or he is really uncomfortable with being oppressed by himself, so he did such a scene."

Orochimaru took the initiative to negotiate terms with Natsuhiko. Although this incident was somewhat unexpected by Natsuhiko, it was not difficult to accept.

In the end, she reached an agreement with Orochimaru, and even in some subsequent supplements, he promised that if Orochimaru needed to use people for experiments, he could agree to it.

But Xia Yan also has his own bottom line, that is, people outside the Fire Country are his experimental materials.

In the Land of Fire, Orochimaru cannot touch anyone!

In addition, Orochimaru cannot attack civilians. Of course, Orochimaru himself may not have much interest in this.

There may be people with extraordinary talents among civilians, but no matter how talented they are, they cannot compare to a person who has become a ninja.

Instead of using them for experiments, it is better to train them into qualified ninjas and then do what they want to do.

In addition to the experimental content, Xia Yan also placed a little ghost next to him.

This effect is Kabuto Yakushi, who is responsible for monitoring Orochimaru, and Orochimaru is responsible for teaching him.

It's a deal, it's a warning, and there needs to be a liaison between the two parties.

Orochimaru didn't know why Natsuhiko picked an imp, but it wasn't a big deal.

After all, Datou has already agreed, so what else is there to do?


"Hey, Kakashi, do you think we should go to a hot spring?"

On the streets of Konoha, Akai, Kakashi, Aoba Yamashiro, and Raidashi were walking forward together with the four of them.

Kakashi prefers to spend time with his old classmates during his vacation. This is a request given to him by Natsuhiko, and it is also his own inner desire.

Kakashi felt extremely relaxed when he was with them. He didn't need to think about everything in the Anbu or any tedious tasks.

But while he is growing, his old classmates are naturally growing too, and many of them have entered various departments for development.

Or become a mission ninja and team up with others to complete various missions.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for everyone to have so much time, so the people around Kakashi are basically different when he is on vacation.

This time it was the three of them, and next time it might be someone else.

The three of them walked all the way towards the bustling area of ​​Konoha. After noticing the hot springs around them, Akai asked involuntarily.

"Hot spring?" After hearing Akai's words, Yamashiro Aoye's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly: "This is really a good note. Speaking of which, I have never even been to a hot spring."

"How about giving it a try?" Mingzu Lei looked around curiously, and finally asked involuntarily: "We haven't tried it yet, maybe..."

"Um, um..." Kakashi's eyes were also fixed on the hot springs, but he seemed a little hesitant.

To be honest, he had never tried this kind of thing, but he had seen related descriptions in some books.

It seems that this kind of place is more suitable for adults to explore?

Obviously, Kakashi still really can't tell the difference between a hot spring hall and a custom hall, even though he has started to try to get in touch with some literary weekly magazines.

But he doesn't have any practical experience, let alone going to similar places to truly explore.

Thinking of this, Kakashi suddenly had some thoughts in his mind. Although he knew that this was not a good thing, he couldn't help his turbulent heart.

"How about we go take a look?" Kakashi hesitated for a while and finally said this.

"Okay!" Akai patted Kakashi on the shoulder: "I happen to have never experienced a hot spring, let's go and have a look!"

After the words fell, the three teenagers walked side by side towards the hot spring pavilion. However, at this moment Kakashi suddenly stopped, and he frowned and looked aside.

Kakashi's action immediately made the three of them a little confused. They didn't know what Kakashi was doing.

However, soon, something extremely unbelievable happened to them. Several ANBU ninjas quickly appeared in front of them, and then they knelt on the ground.

This scene made them stiff, not only them but also the crowd around them who were attracted by this scene were confused.

They knew these teenagers fairly well, especially Kakashi, they knew it even better.

After all, Kakashi Hatake was promoted by Konoha and was known as the Sharingan Hero. They could still recognize him with his silver hair and his always enigmatic face.

Just why did the ANBU people do this to him? Could this guy have some other identity?

Soon, they all knew the reason because one of the ANBU spoke up.

"Sir Captain, the Minister has ordered that the vacation be ended immediately, the target is in action!"

This ANBU was also extremely anxious. He didn't even bother to care about what was going on around him, because anyone with a brain would know what this incident meant to Konoha!

So now I really don't care about confidentiality anymore. The most important thing is to tell the mission goals as soon as possible and carry out these tasks as soon as possible.

"The target has taken action?" Kakashi was originally very dissatisfied with this ANBU's approach, but after hearing his words, he immediately understood.

And seeing how anxious the ANBU looked, he guessed that the movement Orochimaru made this time might be a bit scary.

Thinking of this, he immediately nodded and prepared to leave, but soon he thought of something again and couldn't help but turn his head.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't accompany you this time." Kakashi said with a hint of apology and helplessness: "Things are a bit complicated, so I'm leaving first."

"Okay...Okay." Akai and the other three said slightly numbly. They only recovered a little after Kakashi left completely.



Kakashi is actually an ANBU captain?

This information really shocked them. They never thought that their classmates could stand in such a high position!

No wonder this guy never said what he was doing specifically. No wonder he was always so mysterious. It turned out that he was a ninja from ANBU.

"I didn't expect it to be like this." After a long while, he sighed and said.

"Yes." Yamashiro Aoba also said with emotion on his face: "I didn't expect Kakashi to be at such a height."

"Damn it, this guy Kakashi has thrown us all away!" Akai suddenly clenched his fists. He seemed a little lost but full of fighting spirit: "I have decided, I must work hard. Just catch up or even surpass this guy!"

"It's true. I don't know if it's possible to catch up with him and surpass him, but he did throw us all away." Yamashiro Aoye shook his head, and suddenly his body stiffened slightly.

Because he thought of something, something that made his scalp feel numb!

"What's wrong, Aoba?" Ningzu Lei noticed his friend's vision, and he couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's your expression?"

"We now know that Kakashi is a member of the ANBU and is also the captain." Yamashiro Aoba swallowed: "But do you still remember that Kakashi used to be called captain all the time?"

"The person Kakashi calls captain?" Akai was stunned for a moment and quickly gave the answer: "Isn't that Natsuhiko? This guy is... um..."

Akai also realized at this moment, Kakashi is the captain of the ANBU, and Natsuhiko, who has always been called the captain by Kakashi, what is his identity?

When they thought of this, all three of them fell silent.

They really feel that they really don’t understand their old classmates at all...


Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting in the office and reading the reports seriously. For him, such a monotonous but slightly boring life was indeed the best state of life.

There is nothing wrong with Konoha. Everything is going well, which is naturally the best. What worries him the most is what is happening in Konoha at this point in time.

After all, Konoha is really not that stable now. Although the situation in the entire ninja world is moving in the direction of peace, the internal waves are still clearly visible.

It's just something that gives Hiruzen Sarutobi a headache. Whether it's in the form of Konoha or the entire ninja world, he has to spend more energy.

He must be more cautious and tread on thin ice so that he will not make mistakes easily.

The reason for all this situation was naturally that the ANBU was ripped away from him.

For Kage, Anbu is definitely not a separate violent execution agency. It is also an important agency responsible for intelligence collection.

Without Anbu, this is also a very headache for Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Especially now that the Roots are starting to struggle due to Danzo's departure, he really doesn't have that much energy to take care of both the power of Hokage and the development of the Roots.

With a helpless sigh, Sarutobi Hiruzen no longer thought about so many things. At this point, he had no choice.

"Hokage-sama." At this moment, a voice quietly appeared in the Hokage's office.

This voice immediately made Sarutobi Hiruzen pause slightly. He had already recognized who the owner of this voice was.

Senju Natsuhiko, the man who stripped the ANBU from his hands, the boy who mastered Danzo's secrets and was so powerful that it was suffocating!

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen has always been thinking about why this kid Natsuhiko Senju is so terrifying.

He mastered both Flying Thunder God and Wood Release very well. This is basically a combination of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

Other than that, this kid's character seems to be the same as Senju Hashirama, but his castle and methods are indeed Senju Tobirama level.

The difficulty and troublesomeness of such a person is really suffocating. Even Sarutobi Hiruzen has to admit that he is really unable to withstand this brat.

Even when facing this brat, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he was really old.

"Minister Nightingale, why are you here?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was deeply moved, but when facing Xia Yan, he almost subconsciously became alert: "What you are doing seems a bit unreasonable, right?"

"Indeed, after all, Hokage-sama is my direct superior. It is really not good to use the technique to come in directly." Natsuhiko looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen calmly, with a smile on his face: "Then, I need my subordinates to retreat. Are you going out and coming in?"

"Don't go too far, Minister Natsuhiko." Hiruzen Sarutobi frowned slightly. He didn't know what Natsuhiko meant by coming here.

But one thing is very clear, that is, Xia Yan's attitude makes him very dissatisfied.

But no matter how dissatisfied he was, Sarutobi Hiruzen could only hold it in because he had to bear the pressure because of Danzo's matter.

"I know. In fact, I have always respected Hokage-sama."

Natsuhiko sighed slightly, walked slowly to Hiruzen Sarutobi's table, and then waved directly.

In an instant, the ANBU hidden in the hidden corner of the Hokage's office all appeared behind Natsuhiko, and then they left the Hokage's office in an orderly manner.

For a time, only Sarutobi Hiruzen and Natsuhiko were left in the entire office, and the atmosphere between them became extremely solemn at this moment.

Natsuhiko's actions made Sarutobi Hiruzen look very ugly, because in some sense this had really provoked him.

To put it bluntly, this was mocking him, mocking him for losing control of the ANBU!

It's just that Sarutobi Hiruzen is a very calm person after all, and he can understand Xia Yan's actions as requiring the two of them to talk alone, so he did not choose to explode.

"Lord Hokage, I don't know what you think of Lord Orochimaru."

After all the ANBU left, Natsuhiko spoke calmly, and this sentence immediately caused Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression to change slightly again.

What do you think of Orochimaru?

What else can he think? Although he gave a lot of support to this matter in the early stage, now it is basically out of his control.

And now that there are rumors all over Konoha, the situation is getting worse and worse for Orochimaru. What kind of judgment can he make?

"I wonder what you think?" Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and looked at Xia Yan with a slightly confused tone: "Minister Xia Yan."

"It's very simple. Orochimaru attacked Uchiha Fugaku. I don't know what the Hokage thought."

Natsuhiko smiled slightly, crossed his arms and looked down at Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"That's the leader of the Uchiha clan. As a disciple of the Third Generation, doing such a thing is really embarrassing.

In addition, according to the news I got, it seems that even Uchiha Fugaku's son, the young genius Uchiha Itachi, was taken away by him.

Hokage-sama, this matter is really more interesting than imagined. "

"What!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's face suddenly became extremely ugly when he heard this.

Uchiha Fugaku?

Is this guy Orochimaru so crazy?

Not only that, he also took that brat Uchiha Itachi away. Was he planning to use that brat as his experimental material?

From this point of view, the missing Uchiha last time was really what this guy did!

Is this guy just crazy?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious. He immediately stood up and stared at Natsuhiko fiercely.

"Are you sure?" Hiruzen Sarutobi almost gritted his teeth and asked, "Is this really the case?"

"Hokage-sama should be the most familiar with ANBU's intelligence network, right?" Xia Yan smiled softly: "All this happened not long ago, I think Hokage-sama still has time."

"Hmph!" Hiruzen Sarutobi snorted, and then he took off the Hokage's robe, revealing the combat uniform underneath.

He rushed out quickly, but he was extremely angry inside now.

Orochimaru is his only disciple left in Konoha, but now it seems that even he can't be saved.


In Orochimaru's underground secret room, he quickly collected and burned various materials.

He naturally needs to take away the useful information, and he plans to burn the useless information on the spot.

In the nutrition supply vessel next to him, a young man was soaking in it. His whole body looked extremely pale. It was obvious that he had been dead for a long time.

This boy was the Uchiha boy Orochimaru captured last time. He did not choose to dispose of the body because he had a premonition.

He had a premonition that he might still need the body, so he kept it.

Facts have proved that his hunch was still correct, and he really can use this body now.

He cleaned up all traces and then walked to the vessel. Looking at the young man in front of him, he couldn't help but shake his head.

He was about to leave Konoha, and for some reason he suddenly felt a little reluctant to leave. In fact, he knew that participating in this experiment was doomed to something.

Especially after he attacked this Uchiha, everything became more dangerous.

But if he attacks Konoha's children directly, I'm afraid his own teacher will never let him go.

But he still did it in order to explore the truth, especially in order to explore the power of Mu Dun, he was willing to take risks.

Now he has paid the price for it, but he has no regrets at all.

"There will always be sacrifices on the road to truth. Although I am indeed a devil to you, who can say clearly what will happen in the future."

Orochimaru licked his tongue. He kept this person here just to bear the whole responsibility of this incident.

After all, he was leaving Konoha, and he knew that Xia Yan needed to bear all this, so he wouldn't care about the so-called reputation.

Glancing at Uchiha Itachi who was still unconscious, Orochimaru licked his tongue. He really wanted to take Uchiha Itachi away.

But he knew this was impossible because he and Xia Yan had negotiated.


At this moment, Orochimaru's laboratory was broken by a powerful force. Hiruzen Sarutobi rushed in with several ninjas. The first thing he saw was the young man in the vessel.


Sarutobi Hiruzen roared, his voice full of complex emotions, including disappointment, heartache, sadness, anger, etc. mixed together.

Especially when he saw Uchiha Itachi lying on the ground, his heart felt extremely heavy. He knew that this time Orochimaru was really hopeless!

Orochimaru turned around calmly. His body was still stained with fresh blood, but of course it was not his own.

He looked at the angry Sandaime and couldn't help but chuckle: "Sarutobi-sensei, you are here."

There was no panic in his tone, and he looked just like when he saw Sarutobi Hiruzen on a daily basis.

Such an attitude made Hiruzen Sarutobi extremely angry. This guy actually had no regrets. How could he accept this?

"Why...why do you do this? What good will it do to you?" Hiruzen Sarutobi said these words tremblingly, clenching his fists tightly.

Orochimaru glanced at the young man in the vessel, and then at Uchiha Itachi who collapsed on the ground.

He licked his tongue and smiled nonchalantly: "Maybe... it's for the truth."

"Truth? What a ridiculous reason!" Hiruzen Sarutobi gritted his teeth and formed a seal with his hands instantly: "Psychic technique!"


A loud noise erupted from Orochimaru's laboratory and spread far and wide throughout Konoha.

The loud noise brought up huge smoke, and in the smoke, a black shadow quickly jumped out and fled out of Konoha.



In a forest in the Land of Fire, Orochimaru panted quietly and walked step by step towards the base he had prepared in advance.

He was covering his left arm, and blood was constantly spilling from his shoulder. He was not walking very fast, because he had to look back from time to time to deal with the traces of his walk.

He didn't dare to use the Orochi-style Substitution Technique, because Xia Yan still needed to come to the door, and his use of the Substitution Technique would probably make the curse seal disappear.

His escape from Konoha was not smooth, probably because of the outbreak of the Nine-Tails Incident, which made Konoha's defense a step further.

He really encountered a lot of troubles along the way, plus he fell in love with him and took Uchiha Itachi, Sarutobi Hiruzen pursued quickly, and he was seriously injured in the process of breaking out.

If it were just Sarutobi Hiruzen, he might be able to deal with it.

After all, his teacher is old. Even if he is not in good condition, he still has a chance.

However, in Konoha Village, they faced an unknown number of ninja troops.

He was alone and all he could think about was how to escape, which was naturally extremely difficult.

Fortunately, he had escaped now. Although there were many ANBU ninjas chasing him behind him, he was confident that he could escape.

"It's a pity that my information has not been processed."

Orochimaru glanced around, and after making sure that he was temporarily safe, he couldn't help but shake his head.

The Third Hokage brought the people here too quickly, and the speed of arrest was too decisive.

This left him with a lot of things that he couldn't burn in time. Fortunately, he had anticipated that such a day would come many years ago, so he had already transferred a lot of information.

"Forget it, now that it's over, it's more important to leave the Country of Fire as soon as possible."

Orochimaru thought as he slowly walked forward. He had noticed that his teacher had stopped chasing him, which in some sense meant he had been let go.

Sarutobi Hiruzen showed mercy after all, and he actually had a deep purpose for doing so.

Orochimaru caused too much trouble this time. He actually attacked the Uchiha clan. Such an impact was too bad.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen used the coldest method, which was actually the most appropriate method.

But if you are too cold, even to your own disciples, then it will leave a very bad impression.

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally chose to let go. He let Orochimaru leave, which actually showed his tender side.

A warm and nostalgic Hokage is the best way to win people's hearts for the previous Hokage who has the next generation of successors.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was actually unwilling to do this, but the pressure from Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato was too great, and he had to make some choices.

As for the genius boy of the Uchiha clan, I'm afraid Sarutobi Hiruzen can only sigh. Of course, he may have done this on purpose.

After all, it was the Anbu's task to capture Orochimaru, and this time the Anbu did not take action, so the Anbu's responsibility was huge.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen probably never dreamed that Natsuhiko would already be at Orochimaru's side at this moment...


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