"You're late, Orochimaru."

The smiling greeting reached Orochimaru's ears, and Orochimaru became nervous instantly.

But soon his mind was relieved, because he heard who the owner of the voice was. It was obvious that this person was Xia Yan!

Looking up, Xia Yan was not dressed the same as before. His mask had been taken off and his blue eyes had turned black.

At this time, he looked so gentle, as if someone was bathing in the spring breeze. This attitude also made Orochimaru breathe a sigh of relief.

"Well, it's indeed a bit late."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, he stopped and looked at Natsuhiko on the treetop, and then glanced vaguely at the trees beside him.

"Minister Xia Yan didn't come quickly, otherwise I wouldn't be so embarrassed."

"No, everything is up to you. You need to find a way to escape on your own."

Natsuhiko jumped down from the tree gently. He walked slowly towards Orochimaru, and his eyes were locked on Itachi Uchiha.

“If you escape, then we are collaborators, and everything we did before will be handed over.

But if Lord Orochimaru does not escape, then as the ANBU Minister, I must also fulfill my obligations as the Minister. "

Natsuhiko's words were cruel and realistic, but Orochimaru had no idea of ​​refutation because he also guessed that things would turn out like this.

Xia Yan has always been such a cruel guy, and any choice he makes is extremely biased towards himself.

He will help you if you have something of value, but if you have something of no value, even if he won't kill you, he will definitely not help you again.

So when it comes to cooperating with Xia Yan, as long as you have enough value, you will definitely get his help.

But once you have no value, then you need to protect yourself in the future.

Xia Yan may give you more or less sympathy, but for a proud person, it is really better not to give you such sympathy!

Shaking his head, Orochimaru was too lazy to think about these things. He directly placed Uchiha Itachi on the ground, and then slowly retreated backwards.

"After a confrontation with the Minister, I finally realized that reality cannot defeat the Minister, and I can't leave quickly if I continue to take this brat with me."

Orochimaru licked his tongue. He had already retreated to a distance of about ten meters, and then he quickly formed seals with his hands.

The chakra in his body surged crazily, and then a giant snake appeared in their sight.

Under his control, the giant snake swung wildly at a location not far from them, and the surrounding trees were directly broken under his destruction.

And Orochimaru didn't stop at all. He formed seals with his hands again, and the earth began to shake in an instant. Countless earth escape ninjutsu intertwined here, directly changing the appearance of the ground!

This kind of destruction looks particularly scary, but it also looks very real, as if it is caused by high-intensity fighting.

Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction. Orochimaru was really good. What this guy did was actually telling everyone that they had already fought.

Xia Yan naturally cooperated very well. The magic chakra in his body surged rapidly, and then he completed a seal with both hands.

"Wood Release: The Tree Realm is coming!"

This is really the first time he has used advanced magic. He has had this power for a while, but he has never tried to use it.

Because for him now, many battles really don't need to be so nerve-wracking.

After his strength increased, he was able to solve a lot of troubles with the Pure Eye alone, not to mention that the Pure Eye also had a chakra mode.

This gave Xia Yan more methods and made him more able to deal with all kinds of troubles more calmly.

However, he will never forget the power of celestial magic, let alone use it. After all, this is the power that can damage Xuejialuo. This is one of the ultimate powers standing in this world!

When the roaring giant tree rose from the ground and covered everything around it, Orochimaru's giant snake quietly disappeared in place.

On the earth, countless trees were swallowed up, and then new trees filled with Xia Yan's chakra grew.

Xia Yan looked at everything in the distance calmly, then he clapped his hands gently, and soon a child with glasses who looked about ten years old came out.

"This child is responsible for the communication between us, and you are also responsible for teaching him well." Natsuhiko said calmly, and Orochimaru also turned to look at the kid.

For a moment, Orochimaru really thought that this kid had something to do with Natsuhiko.

After all, the two of them have the same hair color, but he won't comment on this kind of thing casually. All he has to do is follow Xia Yan's words, and everyone will be fine.

"I understand." Orochimaru nodded and said with a smile: "I will teach him well. After all, he is the person that Minister Natsuhiko likes."

Natsuhiko nodded. He ignored Orochimaru's words. He turned to look at Kabuto again, and Kabuto had already walked to him with some fear.

"I know there's fear in you."

Natsuhiko said, he took out a kunai and handed it to Kabuto.

"But you'd better overcome this fear. I think highly of you, and I also hope you can achieve something.

I believe you will do a good job. After all, if you do a good job, you will get a lot of rewards at the orphanage.

Maybe you can't see it now, but when you return to Konoha, you will know how meaningful everything you do is.

This kunai is the Flying Thunder God kunai. If Orochimaru has any trouble, you can use it to find me. Remember, only you can. "

After explaining all these messy things, Natsuhiko stood up and walked to Uchiha Itachi's side.

Seeing Uchiha Itachi who was still unconscious on the ground, Natsuhiko picked him up and turned around to leave.

Orochimaru's incident is basically over here. As long as Natsuhiko brings this brat back, he will be a real person with both fame and fortune!

After planning for so long and waiting for so long, it was not a good thing for Xia Yan to get the result he wanted.

Turning around, Natsuhiko glanced at Orochimaru and Kabuto who had already turned away, with a smile on his lips.

"There will be no so-called Sannin in Konoha in the future, because these Sannin have been completely torn apart. There will only be a brand new Konoha and a brand new ANBU."

Thinking of this, the chakra in Xia Yan's body swayed slightly, and the next moment he disappeared from where he was...


In the small conference room of the Hokage Building in Konoha Village, the three people who control the highest authority in the village sit around a square table.

This was a closed-door meeting, and other clan leaders of Konoha Village were not invited because the following topic was not suitable for them to hear.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Koharu and Mito Kaden who had gone to bed. Danzo was not present at this meeting, because the current Danzo was not qualified to participate.

He shook his head helplessly. Sarutobi Hiruzen felt really uncomfortable right now. Orochimaru's incident really gave him a huge impact. Even now, he still hasn't recovered.

"Hiruzhan, you are soft-hearted." Koharu sighed helplessly as he turned to bed, "Although I know what you mean, you really shouldn't do this."

"I think so too. Even though he is your disciple, he has already done something unforgivable."

Mito Kadoyan touched his own gently. His tone sounded very calm, but also a little helpless.

"Actually, if you were more ruthless, maybe the effect would be better, at least you wouldn't let that kid get such a huge advantage."

Sarutobi Hiruzen listened to the two of them in silence. He did not give an answer to this question, but he was also thinking seriously about whether his previous considerations were correct.

In Konoha Village, the three of them hold the highest power.

Of course, excluding Namikaze Minato, who is temporarily unable to fulfill his duties as Hokage, plus Natsuhiko, who has mastered the ANBU.

The remaining people are basically under the control and jurisdiction of the three of them, such as Mito Kadeni and Koharu Koharu. Although they are not mentioned much in the original work, no one can change their top status.

As the old subordinates of the Second Hokage, they now control Konoha's diplomacy and logistics, including finance.

Although some of their responsibilities are essentially matters of the Ministry of Government Affairs, Nara Shikaku is a smart man. He knows where he can intervene and where it is best not to talk nonsense.

Therefore, policies and statements to other villages must be approved by them, but they are not the first person in charge.

It can be said that they have obtained the rights and at the same time very reasonably avoided some unnecessary responsibilities.

In addition, logistics and finance are also in their hands to a certain extent, which is the foundation and top priority of the village.

Perhaps for them, the only time they suffered a big loss was at the hands of Xia Yan. They were severely ripped off by Xia Yan, which was extremely painful.

In general, their rights cover every corner of Konoha, and they are the well-deserved controllers of Konoha!

"Speaking of which, Hiruzen, what role do you play in this matter?"

When Koharu went to bed and saw Hiruzen Sarutobi silent, she couldn't help but shook her head and asked.

"Without your permission, I'm afraid Orochimaru wouldn't have been able to do this, but attacking Uchiha would be too much. Here..."

"I have no idea."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head, he could only speak at this moment.

"To be honest, I have more questions in my mind right now than you, not less. I don't know what Orochimaru has been through!

This guy is really too much! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen was really angry now. Even if he was really mentally prepared for this incident, when he really burst out, it still surprised Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This damn guy actually attacked Uchiha, and he was not satisfied and even attacked Uchiha Fugaku!

What does it mean?

This kid didn't take Konoha seriously at all, didn't take Konoha's system seriously, and didn't take him as a teacher seriously!

But now that the matter has come to this, what else can Sarutobi Hiruzen do, not to mention that he has already let go of people, even if he does feel mentally that Orochimaru's matter is definitely related to Danzo.

But he couldn't figure out what Danzo was thinking. Could it be that he was as crazy as Orochimaru?

"I think it's better to stop here with regard to Orochimaru. Pay attention to it but don't go too deep into it."

Mito Kadoyan interjected. It was really not easy to continue to delve into this matter now, because they had more important things to discuss.

"Let's talk about how we are going to deal with that brat from the Senju family. He really stole the show this time."

When it came to Xia Yan, the three of them couldn't help but fell silent. They were all very helpless because this time they really suffered a big loss.

Because of his own inner considerations, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally let Orochimaru go, and even acquiesced in Orochimaru taking Uchiha Itachi away.

His purpose is very simple, that is, to convey a message of "nostalgia" to everyone in the village, and at the same time, give Xia Yan, the ANBU chief, a scapegoat.

You must know that in the early pursuit, the Anbu did not dispatch at all. Orochimaru ran away and took away the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan, so Natsuhiko would have to bear the responsibility with them.

And as long as they do better in terms of public opinion, then it won't be a problem for the Anbu to take full responsibility. This can be regarded as a means of revenge for them.

However, what they never expected was that the ANBU did not have time to fully mobilize, but Natsuhiko did!

He single-handedly snatched Uchiha Itachi back, and according to his statement, he injured Orochimaru, but Orochimaru still escaped through secret techniques.

Normally, it would be difficult for people to believe his one-sided statement.

But when others saw the place where Xia Yan said they fought, they basically no longer doubted the authenticity of this matter.

It can be said that what Natsuhiko did was to severely score the ANBU, and the result was that Hiruzen Sarutobi suffered a heavy loss.

His original thoughts were good, but now he looks old in comparison. He can no longer protect the residents of the village. This is really fatal to him!

You must know that he is just an acting Hokage. Strictly speaking, the real Hokage is Minato Namikaze, or even a young man.

"We really need to free up our hands to guard against him."

Xiaochun also nodded when she went to bed. She actually didn't have much dislike for Xia Yan, but she also didn't have the slightest fondness for him.

This is a matter of standpoint, and they belong to different standpoints.

"He has mastered the ANBU, but now the ANBU is expanding crazily. Even if Hiruzen wants to limit the power of the ANBU, it may be difficult to do so."

"So we just have to find ways to check and balance."

Mito Kadoyan nodded, he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen seriously, and spoke word by word.

"I admit that Danzo went too far before, but now that he has been leaving for more than half a year, I think he has learned a lesson.

In extraordinary times, we have to use extraordinary measures, and these extraordinary measures are naturally the root cause.

Hiruzen, I'm afraid you can't do anything well now and have the energy to control him, right? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen listened to the words of his two old classmates in silence. Although he stopped here, he had to admit that his heart was indeed moved.

In fact, Natsuhiko had the idea as early as when he expanded the ANBU, but the assassination incident happened at that time, which made him disheartened by Danzo.

But where is their friendship for so many years, and Danzo is indeed the best root controller, so it is not surprising that Sarutobi Hiruzen has his thoughts.

It's just that he needs a step, a step that allows him to make this decision.

Now that both Koharu and Mito Kaden have this idea, and both have set their own standards, Sarutobi Hiruzen can also try to be more generous.

after all……

"Besides, bringing Danzo back will also show your tolerance."

Women's thoughts are delicate, Xiaochun said again after turning to bed.

"A tolerant and nostalgic Hokage might be able to save more things, right?"

"Then it's settled."

Hiruzen nodded, but soon he thought of something else.

"The Roots are also expanding along with the ANBU, but Danzo needs to be restricted."

"Then just reveal some of the things he did."

Mito Kadoyan said softly, his glasses seemed to be slightly reflective.

"For example, he was suspected of attacking Lord Hokage, which led to his dismissal.

What do you think of this, Hokage-sama? "


In the Rain Country, in a room, Nagato closed his eyes tightly and felt everything outside.

The rain in the Kingdom of Rain has long become his detection method, and he will carefully observe everything in the village at regular intervals every day.

This is his village, the place where he was born, where he is normal, and where his best friend is buried.

After he snatched the village from Hanzo, he was seriously managing the village and making the village better.

For him, seeing the residents in the village with smiles on their faces and enjoying such a peaceful and stable life together was indeed more meaningful than anything else.

"Nagato." At this moment, a voice interrupted his observation, and he opened his eyes slightly.

I saw a pair of lavender eyes, with circles of ripples, like reincarnated eyes slowly emerging.

The Samsara Eye is the most top-notch and most deadly eye in the world.

These eyes brought unimaginable power to Nagato, but they also quietly devoured his life.

It's a pity that Nagato didn't know these things. He looked at Konan who was walking towards him, and there was a hint of tenderness in his cold eyes.

There are not many people in this world who can still move his heart, and Xiaonan definitely occupies the most important position among them.

There were three children who depended on each other, but now there are only two of them left.

"Xiaonan, are you back?"

Nagato's hoarse voice sounded slowly. His body was already very thin, and even speaking was a bit difficult.

"Your body has not fully recovered yet, so there is no need to run out in person."

"Actually, things have improved a lot. The organization is also short of people now. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Xiaonan shook her head slightly, her eyes full of determination.

But she was injured, and the injury was serious. Not only her condition, but also Scorpion's condition was not good.

You must know that Xiedu has basically transformed into a puppet, but he was still beaten unconscious.

In addition, they have lived the longest in the Akatsuki organization. They are basically the same people who lived at the same time as the first Hokage. The guy named Kakuzu died on the spot!

Konan still can't forget what happened that day, that huge black chakra sphere, the destructive power that caused suffocation and despair.

It is even more impossible to forget the guy who is suspected of having mastered the power of the Nine Tails and is incredibly powerful.

Xiaonan's insistence on doing the task actually has a purpose, that is, she hopes to find out some information about that guy.

Such a scary guy, especially this guy is probably not a single individual, they probably have an organization.

Either don't mess with such people, and once you mess with them, you don't need to be prepared for anything, especially since they are so scary and scary.

"Well, as long as you're okay."

Nagato sighed slightly. He knew that it might be difficult for him to convince Konan, so he didn't want to dwell on this issue anymore.

Of course he also knew what happened to Xiaonan and the others before, and this incident also made him extremely angry, because that guy almost caused the most important person in the world to die.

But after being angry, there is no other use, because his physical mobility is really not good, and he has no way to find people all over the world.

As for the danger of this guy that Konan and the others mentioned, Nagato really didn't take it too seriously.

After all, he is the owner of the Samsara Eye, and he is the god on earth!

If there was a chance, he would definitely fight this guy to get revenge for Konan and Kakuzu.

"By the way, did you gain anything from going out this time?"

Shaking his head, Nagato completely hid his thoughts and asked calmly.

"If it's that guy, no for now, because he's too mysterious."

Xiaonan shook her head slightly, but soon she provided more interesting information.

"But I heard that Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas of Konoha, defected to Konoha. He seemed to have attacked the Uchiha clan, and eventually things were exposed.

Although he escaped the pursuit of the Third Hokage when he escaped, he eventually met Konoha Nightingale, the ANBU minister of the Senju clan, and he was also defeated. "

"Oh, is Orochimaru as famous as Jiraiya-sensei?"

This news made Nagato suddenly become interested. After all, he was a person with whom he had a close relationship with his childhood teacher.

And this guy also defected to Konoha, why wasn't he interested?

"This is really interesting news."

"So, what do you think?"

"Don't you already know? Find his location and let's go see him.

And, if you have the chance, bring him into our organization! "


"I'm finally back. I've been waiting for you for a long time, Danzo."

Looking at the report in his hand, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

Some time has passed since Orochimaru's defection, and during this period Natsuhiko did not run around, he always stayed in Konoha.

Even the plantation that belonged to him alone, he never went to see it.

Because there were too many troublesome things during this period, he had to sit in Konoha.

The impact of Orochimaru's defection was as he expected, and it was an extremely powerful shock to Konoha.

His departure also symbolized the complete disintegration of the Sannin, which Konoha was proud of.

The most fatal thing is that his departure is different from Tsunade and Jiraiya. In the former, they all left with various "relatively suitable" excuses.

Orochimaru was completely nailed to Konoha's pillar of shame. He experimented on residents of the same village, attacked high-level officials in the village, and forcibly abducted other people's children!

This guy's methods were cruel and the impact was so bad that it's hard to describe, and he became a rebellious ninja in Konoha.

One of the three ninjas became a traitorous ninja, and this guy was once one of the commanders on the battlefield, and even a candidate for Hokage.

There are really countless ninjas who are willing to follow him in Konoha. If it weren't for the selection of the Fourth Hokage, there would be rumors about him, and Minato Namikaze was born.

I am afraid that the position of the Fourth Hokage will really fall on Orochimaru.

Therefore, his departure caused a huge shock in Konoha, which also caused the ANBU ninjas to immediately enter a level two alert state.

If there is a shock in Konoha, all kinds of monsters and monsters will come out. For example, some spies from other countries hidden in Konoha will obviously not miss such an opportunity.

You can imagine how tired the Anbu were during this period. The number of people in Konoha Prison doubled during this period.

At the same time, it seemed that some people began to guide public opinion to condemn the Anbu's performance in this incident.

Xia Yan had to deal with these matters seriously. After all, there will always be a lot of people to blame if something goes wrong.

However, Orochimaru's departure also left many people 'full and satisfied'.

Just like Xia Yan, he is the one who made the most money in this operation!

Orochimaru attacked Uchiha and escaped by taking other people's children hostage. The Anbu's reaction speed this time was really criticized.

But Xia Yan's performance was recognized by everyone, because he found Orochimaru alone.

He also defeated this genius ninja, one of the three ninjas, and brought back the brat Uchiha Itachi, which immediately reversed the ANBU's reputation.

Especially for Natsu Yan, his reputation is soaring to the sky. Coupled with his status as a member of the Senju clan, people can't help but think of the first generation and the second generation when they see the Hokage Rock!

Konoha Nightingale, ANBU Minister, and a descendant of the Senju clan, Natsuhiko instantly became the most noteworthy and proud person in Konoha.

The electoral system, even if it is a nominally universal electoral system, is essentially an activity to please all voters.

In other words, it is a kind of exposure behavior that pleases everyone and allows everyone to see your awesomeness. Simply put, the more positive exposure you have, the more support you can get.

In fact, in Xia Yan's view, this method can be defined as a show in some sense, except sometimes whether Xia Yan is really trying his best.

In essence, Xia Yan is not familiar with these things, because his country did not do this in his previous life.

And Xia Yan himself didn't think that this kind of election was really as good as the legend said.

Does this kind of person who was elected based on "show" really know how to govern the country? Anyway, after a very unreliable man appeared on the other side of the ocean, Xia Yan began not to believe in evil.

In addition, there is a deep-seated problem with this kind of election, that is, the interest groups represented by each person are not necessarily the same.

Xia Yan was still the beacon of freedom across the ocean in his previous life. One of their interest groups was a tobacco dealer and the other was an arms dealer.

People from these two interest groups will naturally vigorously oppose all policies of their predecessors, otherwise there would not be the famous ‘ABC’ (anything but Clinton).

In Xia Yan's view, this kind of total denial has really greatly interrupted the continuity of certain policies.

Just like some grand strategic policies, they cannot be effective in a short period of time, and all resources and power are tilted.

As a result, as soon as the new leader comes to power, you will be immediately cut off, and money will be wasted. People's lives will inevitably undergo huge changes due to policy modifications.

Xia Yanke remembered how much Sir Humphrey looked down on those so-called parliamentarians, ministers and the like. In some ways, he hated them for changing some policies.

There are also elections in Konoha. Even though the elections are sometimes just for the ninjas to see, now that Natsuhiko has forced them to this extent, the elections really have some meaning.

Natsuhiko's performance in the Orochimaru incident gave him a lot of points, and these points will definitely have feedback in the future.

As for now, although the feedback is not that strong, it is also highlighted on Sarutobi Hiruzen's side.

Danzo's return is the best feedback, which shows that Sarutobi Hiruzen is already a little anxious, and he must find a way to seize part of the power in Natsuhiko's hands.

"It's good to come back. I'm afraid you won't come back."

Throwing the document in his hand aside casually, Xia Yan stretched slightly. It can be said that Orochimaru's matter has ended satisfactorily now.

Xia Yan himself got everything he wanted, and he even got a lot of unexpected gains.

A Mangekyo Sharingan, this is definitely one of Xia Yan's biggest gains so far.

And this kind of harvest is probably no less than the benefit he got from the body parts of Senju Hashirama!

"It's just a pity that I've been busy recently and haven't had time to plant it."

Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyo Sharingan is still sealed in Natsuhiko's scroll, and he plans to wait for the turmoil to subside for a while before dealing with it properly.

As for Uchiha Fugaku, this guy has basically recovered. Natsuhiko was not ruthless back then.

Although this guy lost an eye, it did not affect his life, although his current mental state was not very good.

But this is understandable. Any Uchiha would not feel good if his eyes were forcibly taken away.

"In addition to this guy, Kimimaro has also been 'picked back' in an instant, and has now entered the ANBU."

Kimimaro being brought back to Konoha can be regarded as one of Natsuhiko's scripts. When this brat came back, it happened to be the climax of Orochimaru's storm, and he did not cause much ripples.

But that's okay, after all, Kimimaro is a survivor of the Corpse Vein.

Xia Yan was looking forward to it with great anticipation, as this kid continued to develop his bloodline.

In this way, Natsuhiko might really be able to obtain Otsutsuki's most basic power.

"Everything is moving in a good direction, and the future is really bright..."


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