Time flies so fast. After all, Konoha is still a chariot that keeps moving forward. It is naturally impossible for it to stop because of something.

Orochimaru's influence has been somewhat difficult to overcome under the dual public opinion guidance of roots and ANBU.

However, this public opinion war is essentially a huge exchange of dirty water between the two sides.

The roots led the people to believe that the ANBU was mainly responsible for this incident, because the only achievement that the ANBU could achieve was that Natsuhiko defeated Orochimaru and took back Uchiha Itachi.

In other respects, they didn't even notice Orochimaru's actions, which resulted in Orochimaru easily attacking the Uchiha.

And when Orochimaru escaped, he didn't take any effective action at all.

This attack made many people in ANBU feel a little guilty, especially Kakashi, the person mainly responsible for this matter.

He kept thinking that if he hadn't been on vacation that day, he should have known about Orochimaru's actions, and in this case, the current results would not have been caused.

However, Xia Yan comforted him a lot, because it was Xia Yan himself who really wanted to investigate the cause.

In the final analysis, Orochimaru was able to move so smoothly because Natsuhiko was giving him a free ride. Without Natsuhiko's help, this guy would not have been able to do this anyway.

Even Uchiha Fugaku turned into a one-eyed dragon, which was actually a good thing Natsuhiko did.

Orochimaru almost fell to his knees in the hands of Uchiha Fugaku. The power of the Mangekyo Sharingan is no joke.

It can be said that Xia Yan had a hand in this from beginning to end, which led to the current result.

After comforting Kakashi, Natsuhiko naturally fought back. He had never been a person who stood still and took a beating.

Under the control of Danzo, the people in the root began to throw dirty water on the ANBU, so Natsuhiko would directly throw dirty water on Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen!

It's also very interesting to say that although Danzo has returned, he has returned to people's view with some notoriety.

There is now a rumor in the village that Danzo participated in the assassination of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and such rumors have dealt a huge blow to Danzo.

And Natsuhiko also got a very interesting result from this incident, that is, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others were not united and friendly.

But if you think about it carefully, this is normal. Danzo caused so much trouble, and it was only Sarutobi Hiruzen's helpless move that he could stand up again.

Asking him to stand up does not mean that it is costless. He must pay a sufficient price before he can regain the corresponding rights.

In terms of checks and balances, Sarutobi Hiruzen has always done quite well. Danzo came back with the reputation of an 'assassin', which also means that this position is his end.

If he wants to take a step up, I'm afraid Konoha as a whole will not allow him to do so!

"Let an 'assassin' come up to show your generosity, let Orochimaru go to show your nostalgia for the past? I really don't know whether you think too much or you are too optimistic!"

Naturally, Natsuhiko would not let go of such an opportunity. He struck back hard at the painful feet of Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

For example, Sarutobi Hiruzen was completely old, and he even let Orochimaru go regardless of reality and what he did.

Even regardless of what this guy Danzo Shimura did, after all, this guy dared to assassinate even the Hokage.

So does he also dare to do something more terrifying, such as something related to Orochimaru?

Rumors sometimes need to be spoken firmly, and sometimes they need to be right or wrong. Even if Xia Yan was not a news reporter in his previous life, he had heard of it at least.

In addition, in his previous life, his homeland was surrounded by a group of netherworld news stations. Even if he didn't want to know about such double standards, it would be difficult for him to know.

Therefore, under his operation, the two sides can still communicate with each other.

But that's all. Going one step further is not that simple. The consumption of manpower and material resources is huge.

In addition, they themselves have no influence on messing up Konoha, so this is the limit.

Xia Yan was quite satisfied with the result. After all, it was the Hokage over there, and they held huge power.

On the ANBU side, Natsuhiko's perfect performance, plus Sarutobi Hiruzen's performance this time was really disappointing, so they can compete.

If both sides continue to fight, even if a winner can be determined, the loser will be Konoha.

However, this was a reminder to Xia Yan. As a time traveler, it was impossible for Xia Yan not to know the importance of public opinion guidance.

He didn't have the chance to do it before because he didn't have the resources and strength, but it's different now.

Therefore, he decided to do something good, such as establishing a propaganda agency of his own and of Anbu!

Anbu operating a propaganda agency on his own is not actually in compliance with the rules.

But Natsuhiko and Hiruzen Sarutobi were no longer friends for a long time, so he didn't care that much.

Of course, he can do what guys like Sarutobi Hiruzen can do, just like he can expand ANBU, he can also expand natural roots.

But Xia Yan has never worried about competition. He still doesn't believe it. A modern person can't play with public opinion and propaganda in this world!

"So, do you really want to do this?"

In the ANBU office, the three ANBU captains, several important secretaries from the Secretariat, and people from the Government Affairs Office all sat together.

These people are regarded as the highest authority of the Anbu. They cover all major departments of the Anbu, and the people sitting here are the main leaders of these departments.

They all looked at Xia Yan in astonishment. In fact, this matter had caused such a big fuss, and they also expected that their minister would fight back.

But they really didn't expect that their minister actually planned to set up a propaganda agency of his own.

Even if they have never been in contact with the propaganda agency, they just heard the name, plus the previous rumor war between them and the root.

They had almost guessed what this organization was used for.

But the problem is that such an organization was created just to compete with the Third Hokage?

The person who can still stay in ANBU after such a long time is basically someone who has completely stood by Natsuhiko.

Except for Kakashi and others who were completely focused on following Natsuhiko, many others were still a little helpless.

They naturally knew how bad the relationship between this minister and even the Hokage after the minister was with the Sandaime.

They actually don't want to get involved in Naruto's disputes, but sometimes it's really not something they can do whether they want to or not.

What they can do now is to help Xia Yan strive for the final victory, otherwise they will not be happy in the future.

That is to say, with this kind of thinking, they also hope that Anbu can develop better and put more money in more important places.

Instead of using it for publicity work, this is a waste of money!

However, Xia Yan's attitude made them very helpless, as if he was determined to do this.

"I know some of your concerns and thoughts. I think many of you actually feel that setting up this publicity department is a waste of money, right?"

Natsuhiko glanced at everyone present. Except for Kakashi who didn't care at all, everyone else had their heads lowered more or less and didn't know what they were thinking.

Obviously they are not particularly optimistic about Xia Yan's move, but they have no way to fight against Xia Yan.

Indeed, what Xia Yan also needs to admit is that sometimes it is really expensive to set up a publicity agency. Doesn't it just cost money to make money?

Since he dared to raise this matter, he had obviously already thought about how to deal with it, otherwise he wouldn't waste time here.

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much about these issues. And let me ask you a question. Apart from strength, what is the most important thing in a ninja battle?"

"Of course it's the acquisition of intelligence."

This question was answered quickly. Even if the people present were from the Secretariat and Government Affairs Office, they were still ninjas at heart.

It is impossible for them not to know the importance of intelligence, but what is the connection between propaganda and intelligence?

Is it possible to tell others false information through propaganda?

What a joke, the enemy is not a fool, how could he believe such a thing!

"Very good. It seems that everyone has a very clear understanding. Then I would like to ask everyone if in addition to intelligence, do we have other methods that can make it easier for us to win?"

Xia Yan crossed his hands in front of his nose, and his hands also covered all the parts below his nose.

"Aside from information?" Lianhua had been thinking about Xia Yan's words. She looked at Xia Yan curiously and asked, "Could it be that the Minister meant this propaganda agency?"


Xia Yan nodded. Although it was unclear what his face looked like, his voice seemed to be smiling.

"Actually, everyone has been wrong about one thing, and that is that the propaganda organization I created does not only affect us in Konoha.

Intelligence is a key means that allows us to defeat the enemy, but sometimes propaganda can achieve a better effect.

Propaganda work is carried out in conjunction with intelligence work. For example, the village of Sunagakure wants to go to war with us. Naturally, mobilization is required when war begins.

At this time, our publicity can have a very interesting effect.

This time Danzo wanted to throw dirty water on us, but we used propaganda to push back.

If in Sunagakure Village, they want to mobilize but we don't want to fight.

We can use the huge impact that may be caused after the war, and then use historical achievements to weaken their will.

Of course, if it is good for us for them to go to war, then we must not stop easily by forcing them through propaganda.

Mastering public opinion is not just about mastering the public opinion in our own village, but also the public opinion in other villages.

In this way we can better control and mobilize them to achieve our goals! "

Xia Yan's words were very plain, but at this moment it was like opening the door to a new world!

Everyone present looked at Xia Yan blankly. They never expected that it was just a smear campaign within the village, or even a quarrel.

How could they, the minister, think of so many things?

Kakashi didn't care much about this kind of thing. He still regretted why Orochimaru took action on the day he was on vacation.

But now that he heard Xia Yan's words, his attention was immediately attracted.

As a ninja, he knew very well that once what Xia Yan said came true, the devastation it would bring to other villages would be unimaginable!

Not only him, but also Lianhua and Qiong's eyes lit up slightly, because they both thought of more things at the same time.

For example, on weekdays, they can promote and guide other villages according to Konoha's needs, so that they can control a village's relationship with them.

And once the relationship is under control, they will have an unimaginable external environment.

Even if they don't have the ability to do this for the time being, they can't take other more interesting methods.

"In this case, following the minister's assumption, we are at war with Sunagakure Village, so can we influence the village through such propaganda?"

Qiong spoke now. Although her voice was still gentle, she couldn't hold back the excitement in her tone.

“For example, we can use this kind of publicity to influence Iwagakure Village and make them believe that Sunagakure Village will never succeed.

In order to prepare for the defeat of Sunagakure Village, they plan to get a share of the pie here in Sunagakure Village, instead of letting them feel that they can gain benefits by attacking Konoha. "

Lian Hua also thought clearly. She directly took over Qiong's words and completed the rest.

It can be said that after the two of them narrated, everyone's minds became particularly bright!

If Xia Yan really expands this matter, it can completely turn into a new form of war. This can be called a public opinion war.

Guide and control other people's thoughts and policies, influence the mentality of residents and ninjas in a village, and even achieve unexpected effects in certain circumstances!

It can be said that the advantages of this matter definitely outweigh the disadvantages, which is good for Anbu and even Konoha as a whole.

"It's just that it seems too expensive to do this, right?"

At this moment, a Nara ninja from the Government Affairs Office couldn't help but scratch his head. He agreed with this plan, but he also had to raise some objections.

“In addition to costing money, this plan also requires a lot of manpower. Although we should have enough manpower, problem expansion is also a problem.

The Minister's idea is a very good one, but how do we unfold this?

It may be okay inside the village, but we may not be able to enter other villages easily. "

"I've thought about this issue too. In fact, everyone has fallen into a misunderstanding."

Xia Yan smiled, knocked on the table gently, and then slowly spoke.

"Who said we must have a lot of manpower? We can also hire villagers to do some things."


Xia Yan's words immediately made everyone present frown. The Anbu matter was not an ordinary matter.

The importance of this propaganda organization is simply unimaginable. Isn't it asking for death to let people like the villagers who have basically not received training in resisting interrogation enter?

However, although they were full of doubts, they still remained quiet.

Xia Yan's prestige has been thoroughly engraved in everyone's mind during the time he became the minister.

Although he is as gentle as the sun on weekdays, he is warm and full of kindness.

But such kindness does not mean that you can easily refute him, especially when he is saying something important.

He will accept opinions, and he treats other people very well on weekdays, but he is a minister after all, and if he is messed up, this kindness may turn into nuclear kindness.

"Yes, villager."

Xia Yan smiled and nodded. He touched his chin and continued with a smile.

“So I say that everyone has fallen into a misunderstanding. Although this plan requires manpower and financial resources.

But there is another very interesting aspect of this plan, and that is self-sufficiency.

Why don’t we set up an organization, an organization that specializes in reporting and publicity in all aspects?

For example, every day we share some things that villagers care about, are interested in, and even some interesting stories.

For example, some stories highlight the heroic battles of our ANBU ninjas, lurking, hiding and finally killing the enemy to protect Konoha and so on.

Of course, you can also add something like, ‘We are in darkness, serving the light, everything is empty, everything is allowed’.

All in all, it is to arouse everyone's interest, and while arousing everyone's interest, it can also quietly achieve publicity and influence.

Let everyone think you are good, think you are awesome, want to join you and get close to you involuntarily, but completely believe in you. "

Speaking of this, Xia Yan stopped deliberately, while others listened with some rapt attention. They seemed to have found the state!

Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded slightly when he saw this scene. To put it bluntly, the method he used was actually the simplest method.

That’s media propaganda!

Fortunately, there is no such thing as the Internet in this world so far, otherwise Xia Yan might be able to do it better.

However, media propaganda is similar. They express their thoughts in a relatively obscure manner through documentary carriers such as newspapers.

Subtly changing some people's ideas like spring breeze and drizzle, and finally achieving their own goals.

For this set of operations, Xia Yan must also thank the free America on the other side of the ocean in his previous life. If it weren't for them, there wouldn't be so many "springs of so and so".

The importance of information and public opinion is unparalleled. Xia Yan plans to use this method to deal with people in this world. This can be regarded as a very special dimensionality reduction attack.

Not only is it a dimensionality reduction attack, but as long as the operation is done well, the money you can get from it will definitely not be small!

“So we can definitely hire many civilians to work in such an organization, which can be regarded as increasing the number of jobs in Konoha.

And we only need to control the most critical positions, such as review, such as formulating a specific arrangement of articles.

Put the bad content in a big book at the front, and use the simplest sentences at the end to deny the previous views, which can also have a misleading effect.

We can even give specific tips on what we hire to write about and what not to write about.

What content needs to be rewritten and what content needs to be simplified? In this way, public opinion is completely in our hands.

In addition, the content we write and print requires a fee to view. After all, we also need funds to maintain this organization, right?

However, in order to popularize it, we cannot set the price too high. If it is too high, it will restrict a group of customers.

It’s just that the content we print is very instructive and promotional. If we contact certain merchants to advertise on it, what will be the effect?

Once we have good results, can we increase the price and let them compete for and buy our advertising positions?

In this case, wouldn't we have enough money to maintain the operation of this organization and even expand it to other villages? "

Now that everything had been said, Xia Yan didn't mind saying more, and his words made everyone present feel numb.

They are all smart people, and they can all connect from one point to many points, even all aspects.

But this is limited to the ninja level, rather than extending to a model of 'connecting business to intelligence to war'.

And Xia Yan's ability to expand his thinking has completely achieved this step, passing such irrelevant things through some specific institutions and methods.

Let them be connected and interact with each other, and in the end they can have a complementary effect. This is really something they can't do.

After a long while, some of them breathed a sigh of relief, as if they couldn't recover from the shock of Xia Yan.

"I don't think there is any reason not to implement Mr. Minister's plan." A ninja from the Government Affairs Office suddenly said.

"I think so too." A ninja from the secretariat couldn't help but nodded: "Once this plan is implemented, it will be of great benefit to Konoha and the ANBU."


"I agree with the Minister's proposal!"

"I agree, Mr. Minister!"

For a time, the entire conference room echoed with words of approval. It was obvious that these ninjas were impressed by Xia Yan's plan!

Who would have thought that Xia Yan could think of so many things that were so beneficial to Konoha from a rumor exchange in the village?

Xia Yan didn't have much thought when he saw this scene. After all, he came to this world with the memories and knowledge of his previous life.

If he couldn't handle even this, then his previous life would have been in vain.

“Although I don’t know how to prepare gunpowder, nor can I refine copper and make glass, the things I learned are still useful in many ways.

Who says that science students must have an advantage in time travel?

Although science students can indeed do better and even start industrialization, I am not traveling through ancient times. "


When the ANBU led by Natsuhiko was in full swing, in the forest behind the Uchiha clan, a young man's figure stood tall.

Different targets were placed on the surrounding trees, many even in blind spots that were out of reach.

The refreshing forest breeze blows from a distance, and the green leaves make a slight rustling sound in the wind.

A gentle breeze blew, and a fallen leaf fell from the treetop. Suddenly, the boy moved.

His figure suddenly jumped up, and then turned over in mid-air. His eyes had turned scarlet at this moment, and he took in the positions of all the targets while moving left and right.

He waved both hands at the same time, and kunai appeared from different directions, hitting different targets.

An astonishing scene occurred. Several of the kunai actually collided with each other in the air, separated in an instant, changed direction, and headed towards the bullseye in the blind spot.


The young man's figure landed, and with him came the green leaves blowing in the wind. He raised his head and began to check the bullseye around him.

All the targets on the front hit the bullseye, which made him nod slightly. He could easily hit the targets on the front, which was nothing to be proud of.

With a cold face, he continued to move forward to check the targets in the blind spots. The result this time finally made his somewhat cold face thaw.

He has never hit the bullseye before, this time he has hit it all!

This technique of making two kunai collide in the air and change their direction is something that very few people in Konoha can master.

Even among jounin, there are only a handful of people who can do this.

Of course, for ordinary ninjas, kunai is just a killing tool, and it is enough if it can be thrown accurately.

Unless you are a masochist and paranoid man, no one would be willing to do this kind of almost perverted throwing technique.

For most people, if they have time to practice this trivial kunai technique here, it is better to take the opportunity to master two more practical ninjutsu.

Not to mention shooting the kunai in mid-air into the blind spot.

However, this extremely skilled technique was accomplished by a boy of only six or seven years old!

"Is this the Sharingan? It's still a terrifying power."

The young man whispered, and in his scarlet eyes, a magatama was slowly rotating.

To have such eyes at his age can no longer be described as a simple genius!

He raised his head slightly, and the sunlight fell on his face, making his face clear.

Uchiha Itachi, this genius ninja of the Uchiha clan became stronger after the Uchiha Madara era and before the Sasuke era!

This guy personally destroyed the Uchiha clan and led Sasuke's fate according to his own will.

Now he already has the Sharingan. Even though his Sharingan is just a Magatama, he has opened these eyes.

Natsuhiko probably didn't even think about it when he attacked Uchiha Fugaku.

Stabbing Fugaku and gouging out this guy's eyes directly in front of Itachi would really stimulate Itachi.

The result of such stimulation was that Itachi directly opened the Sharingan!

In fact, for Itachi, he didn't like to open such eyes, because the pain he endured when opening these eyes was hard to describe.

He wished his father had defeated Orochimaru and that mysterious guy more, instead of losing an eye like this and looking a little depressed all day long.

Itachi sighed helplessly, knowing that this had already happened and he was powerless to change it.

But things cannot be changed, but people can be changed!

He had to find a way to get back the humiliation his father suffered.

Moreover, his father's state also made Sasuke very scared and uncomfortable.

That's why he works so hard to improve himself.

As a son and an older brother, he must take on everything!

He wants to continuously increase his strength so that he can have the opportunity to face Orochimaru and that mysterious guy.

Even now he knows that he is still far behind. After all, his father failed even though he was so strong, and he was even taken away.

If it weren't for the ANBU minister, I'm afraid he would be just a piece of material in Orochimaru's laboratory at this time.

"Anbu, it would be great if I could join."

Uchiha Itachi sighed softly, and then he put the kunai and the surrounding targets one by one into the backpack he brought and prepared to go home.

"Let's end today's training here and continue tomorrow."

Just as he was halfway loading the things, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and a kunai was instantly held in his hand.

His scarlet eyes looked sideways in one direction, and then he shouted coldly: "Who, come out."

"Not bad, you've grown a lot." From the shadows behind the woods, a masked figure slowly walked out.

Itachi was slightly startled when he saw this figure, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and the expression on his face became a little happy.

"Is that you?" Itachi asked softly, "Shisui?"

"Although admitting is not the right thing to do, but..." Shisui sighed slightly, and then he gently took off his mask: "Long time no see, Itachi."

"It's really you!" Itachi showed a rare excitement.

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui have become friends very early. Even though there is a lot of age difference between them, this does not affect their friendship.

It's just that this guy Shisui suddenly disappeared for more than half a year. Even if he meets this guy, he is mysterious.

No matter how you ask him, he will not tell you where he has been, let alone what he is doing now.

This situation made Itachi very helpless, but he had no choice.

But now Itachi seems to know what's going on. It turns out that his good friend has entered the ANBU, the ANBU who saved him!

But Itachi also calmed down quickly, and his face suddenly became serious: "Shisui, are you so sure..."

"I know what you mean, although it's troublesome, but as long as you don't tell it, it will be fine." Zhisui waved his hand gently, and then he said seriously: "I didn't expect that you have opened the Sharingan, you are really powerful. .”

"If possible, I would rather not open these eyes." Itachi sighed helplessly, and then he looked at Zhisui seriously: "Speaking of which, what is your purpose of coming to me like this?"

"I know what happened to the patriarch will make you feel uncomfortable." Zhisui's expression also became serious: "So I plan to help you."

"help me?"

"That's right, I plan to use ANBU's method to train you. This process will be very cruel. Can you accept it?"

"Anbu's way...that's naturally the best!"


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