The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 247 Special Chakra without attributes (8K please subscribe)

The boy Shisui took the initiative to expose his identity to Itachi, which Natsuhiko probably didn't expect.

Of course, he is not in the mood to pay attention to this inconsequential disappearance.

He probably wouldn't even pay attention to it, because Itachi was so grateful to the ANBU.

At this stage, Xia Yan has completed many things, but correspondingly, new problems have also come one after another.

"Sending Orochimaru away and letting him settle in the Living Country makes it very convenient for me to find him and let him assist me in doing some valuable experiments.

Giving Kabuto to Orochimaru for training is the best result. After all, I need a microphone, and Kabuto can only grow better if he follows Orochimaru.

Finally, there is the newly born propaganda agency. Although it is the product of some whims, it takes into account its value and the possible wars in the future.

The birth of this organization has more advantages than disadvantages, and if it is well controlled, it can earn more money to further expand the ANBU. "

The expansion of ANBU is a good thing but also a bad thing for Xia Yan. After all, it has to be done in stages.

As the ANBU minister, Natsuhiko naturally hopes that the ANBU will continue to grow stronger so that he can get more resources to fight against guys like Danzo.

But from the Hokage's perspective, this decision is not necessarily a good thing.

If the tail is too big to fall off, this will be an extremely troublesome problem, and it will not be a simple matter to deal with it later.

But it's too early to consider this now, not to mention that the entire ANBU is under Xia Yan's control. It's not impossible for him to split it up by then!

"So the focus now is on the establishment of the laboratory and the establishment of the publicity agency."

The establishment of the laboratory is still in the planning stage. After all, it is not easy to choose candidates. However, with Kakashi helping to take charge of this matter, Xia Yan can rest assured.

Therefore, he felt that more of his energy should be placed on the establishment of the publicity agency.

After all, there are a lot of things like laboratories in this world. The ANBU itself has one there, and Kakashi can definitely use that laboratory to build it.

However, there is no such thing as a propaganda agency in this world, and doing long is just a prototype placed there.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Xia Yan to focus his energy on this. After all, he also hopes that his organization can play its role sooner.

"So, we use paper to publish what we need to publish, and this kind of thing is called a newspaper."

Sitting in an office, Xia Yan spoke calmly to the people in front of him. He now needed to go further and tell something more in-depth.

The people attending this meeting are very different from those before, because the people who can appear here this time are basically the people who have decided to take over this task in the future.

It is quite interesting to say that ANBU is originally an intelligence agency that also takes into account violent operations. If such an agency does not expand its propaganda department, it is really unscientific.

"Newspaper?" Qiong took a pen and carefully recorded: "This word is quite interesting, but Mr. Minister, what is your specific definition of newspaper?"

"Of course it is a print publication that is mainly for publishing news and commentary on current affairs and is distributed to the public."

Xia Yan thought for a while, and then gave a more positive definition more rigorously.

"Normally, we can regard it as a carrier of mass communication, with the function of reflecting and guiding public opinion."

Newspapers, or media, are essentially products that serve the public.

It is only because of its functionality that it is exploited.

Xia Yan was not a good person to begin with. He had no intention of keeping the newspaper in his hand neutral and objective. What he wanted was for these things to serve him thoroughly.

What he wants is to guide others' value orientation and guide others closer to themselves. In other words, what he wants is nothing more than a weapon in the war of public opinion.

"This is a bit like a bulletin board." Lianhua also recorded: "If there are any internal policies within Hokage that need to be told to everyone, just write them on the bulletin board for everyone to read."

"It's almost the same, except that we need stronger penetration, greater convenience, and wider coverage."

Xia Yan directly expressed his thoughts and concepts, and he also talked about his other ideas without any subtlety.

“After all, our goal is to control and influence the audience, influencing their beliefs, thoughts, psychology, etc.

Of course, effective public opinion building can inspire people's hearts, inspire fighting spirit, and generate strong cohesion.

But the negative public opinion offensive can control their thoughts, destroy their beliefs, and erode their will to resist. "

Everyone present knew the specific meaning of Xia Yan's seemingly contradictory words.

The newspaper he mentioned was definitely a good thing. If placed in a neutral and objective position, it would definitely benefit the entire ninja world.

But the person who masters it is not so innocent, so it is a weapon that kills people invisible, a weapon that can completely destroy a country!

Fortunately, none of the people present are pure and kind people. After all, how can people who have entered ANBU still have so much kindness to speak of?

In their opinion, even if it is indeed better to place such a thing in a neutral position, they can better exert its value by mastering it themselves.

"So what are our establishment steps?" A ninja from the Nara clan raised his hand and asked: "Although the minister already said it yesterday, many details were not covered. We..."

"Is that why we have such a meeting today?"

Xia Yan smiled and nodded at him before continuing.

"I don't know your specific responsibilities in the future, but I am very responsible to tell you that you will change the world.

When we make this newspaper, let’s call it Ninja World Daily. We can divide it into different sections.

For example, hot news is usually the most eye-catching news of the day, such as what changes have occurred in Konoha.

Or maybe the Daming Prefecture has some ideas, etc. During the war, they must secretly favor Konoha.

Next, you can make local news, national news and international news. I don’t think I need to say more about these things. Just try to pick some interesting and more attention-grabbing things.

Finally, there is also some entertainment news, such as what new movies are about to be released, etc.

Or an exclusive interview with a certain ninja, telling his life experience, including some important mission details, etc. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused for a moment. He glanced at the ninjas who were all taking notes carefully, and couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

In Xia Yan's previous life, newspapers were basically something that was about to be eliminated. After all, in Xia Yan's era, they basically relied on the Internet.

Compared with the extremely convenient thing like the Internet, this kind of physical news serialization really has no advantages at all.

I just didn't expect that in this era, what Xia Yan said was simply a blind spot in their knowledge. The difference was really outrageous.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan took a deep breath, and then he lightly knocked on the table.

“Everyone, in addition to the above things, there is another most important thing.

That is, no matter how you report, the report must be fair and objective, and the core of the report needs to be close to us.

Only when you have the right to speak can you find ways to control everything. Do you understand? "


Under Xia Yan's guidance, the concept of 'news media' has quickly begun to form in the minds of some ANBU people.

Although this consumes Xia Yan's time, because everything needs to be started from scratch and taught to them step by step.

Even some copywriting must be polished by Xia Yan.

But no matter what, everything is on the right track. Xia Yan believes that it won't be long before the first 'Ninja World Daily' will be released.

No matter how you look at it, this is a happy thing, although this 'first newspaper in the history of the ninja world' still needs to be tested.

But no matter what, if you take this step, everything that follows will be much easier.

After all, they are relying on the huge intelligence agency ANBU. After all, the most indispensable thing here is all kinds of intelligence information.

"Give the ninjas something that can be decrypted or something that is outdated, and it will definitely arouse their interest."

People's interests are often very strange things. The more things they can't see in daily life, the more things they need to keep secret, and the more they are willing to explore and expose them.

Xia Yan is very happy to take advantage of this to earn a lot of eyeballs and attractions, and then slowly guide the transformation, and finally achieve his own goals.

"But now that they are producing and recruiting staff, I can finally take a good rest."

Walking slowly in a forest in the Country of Fire, Xia Yan felt the vitality emanating from the forest, and he couldn't help but smile.

After being busy for so long, he was finally able to take a break and deal with his own affairs properly.

He has never left Konoha since he defeated Uchiha Fugaku, and now he has some free time.

In the final analysis, it was because the atmosphere in Konoha was not as tense as before, so he did not need to keep staring at the relaxed atmosphere for fear of missing a small detail.

Walking all the way to those trees, Xia Yan soon stopped and felt for a moment that he found that these trees had completely lost the chakra fluctuations.

This discovery made Xia Yan nod involuntarily, although the lack of chakra fluctuations may mean that there have never been chakra fluctuations.

Just like Kimimaro's bone, Natsuhiko wasn't very hopeful.

After all, Kimimaro's level of awakening is too low now, and he is simply treating this time as an experiment.

There is also no fluctuation of chakra, which may indicate that the planting has been completed, such as the white body of Bai Zetsu and the meat pieces of Senju Hashirama.

"I hope there will be a good result this time!"

Thinking in his mind, Xia Yan quickly reached out to the first tree, which was the tree with the corpse of Senju Hashirama embedded in it.

The moment his hand touched the tree, the system in his mind began to react.

"Special energy has been detected and is being analyzed."

"Analysis results, intermediate wood escape seeds, are they extracted?"

After Xia Yan heard the system's beep, his whole body paused slightly, because he really didn't expect that he would actually get the seeds of Mu Dun!

In his previous thoughts, the improvement of Mu Dun probably requires the development of bloodline and the continuous improvement of Yang Dun's power before he has the opportunity to go further.

But now it seems that I was a little wrong at the time.

"However, it seems that I am not completely wrong."

Xia Yan didn't hesitate at all. He directly extracted the seed. Looking at the lightly shiny seed in his hand, he quickly integrated it into his body.

His previous thoughts were based on the strength and upper limit of Wood Release, as well as the strength and upper limit of bloodline given by the system.

But he has always ignored one problem, that is, the techniques given by the system may not be a simple increase in power in some aspects.

This kind of improvement is comprehensive, such as the understanding and use of the technique, the chakra structure that constitutes the technique, etc., which are all combined to achieve a wave of improvement.

And this kind of improvement is all-round, and the final result can also make the power of the technique more terrifying and terrifying.

Intermediate wood escape seed, the fruit that can be obtained from this seed can definitely improve Xia Yan in more than just wood escape.

I'm afraid some of the understanding and control in earth escape, water escape, and Yang escape can be improved.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but lament that the system was really powerful, and it also didn't give him any chance to be lazy.

"After I get the fruit, I have to get familiar with it. I also have to get familiar with the various powers of earth escape and water escape. It's really not easy."

Xia Yan complained on his lips, but in his heart he was very satisfied with this harvest.

He was looking forward to what kind of sparks this would create with the intermediate Wood Release and the advanced Immortal Mode.

Slowly moving forward, Xia Yan looked at the white Zetsu he had chopped off from Black Zetsu and Obito, and then he directly stretched out his hand to touch it.

With the jackpot of Intermediate Wood Release Seeds, Xia Yan is now very much looking forward to good luck in the future.

As for what these two Bai Jue bodies can bring, Xia Yan is also full of curiosity.

There are so many things that Bai Zetsu's body can provide, and from a physical point of view, the modified Bai Zetsu's body has the attributes of Senju Hashirama.

And the combination of such attributes is simply the most suitable existence for Xia Yan now.

In addition, Xia Yan is also looking forward to the unique fusion attribute appearing again. After all, he now hopes to fuse more chakra.

As the chakra in his body pulsed slightly, a strange color appeared on Xia Yan's face the next moment.

"Special energy has been detected and is being analyzed."

"Analysis results, special fusion power, have you extracted it?"

"The analysis results show a trace amount of special chakra without attributes. Are you extracting it?"


After Xia Yan heard the sound of the system, he was stunned involuntarily.

The result this time was very good, it can be said to be very good, after all, he once again obtained the special power of fusion.

Xia Yan had already demonstrated this thing last time. The blood successor he named had not been eliminated from the beginning to the end, and the mountain peak cut off by him could remain in his mind.

Therefore, Xia Yan was naturally very happy to have obtained this special chakra fusion power again, which meant that he could once again develop a new blood successor and eliminate it!

The blood successor developed last time was eliminated, and the one developed by Xia Yan now is actually not particularly good.

Even though Xia Yan had gone through a lot of rigorous study during the process of integrating the blood-stained elimination into his body, he had too few opportunities to use this power.

There are not enough usage opportunities, and naturally there are no good enough development opportunities.

But he doesn't particularly care. After all, this power is used by his vest, and he will definitely have opportunities to develop it in the future.

As for the name, this is actually not a big deal. After all, Xia Yan is a time traveler, and his knowledge has already surpassed that of ninjas in this world.

He knew that for Otsutsuki, any escape technique actually had no meaning in naming it, because they could only be regarded as a category of "technique".

Xia Yan's goal is Otsutsuki, the ultimate power like the Blood Successor Snare. Naturally, he does not need to give a name to a Blood Succession Limit.

Of course, it was not that he had not considered it, but after all, his thinking was still closer to the name Dongfang in his previous life, and he was afraid that the name he picked out would be a bit off.

But this time he gets this power again, and he plans to use it for his body, which means that this is the power that belongs to Senju Natsuhiko.

He could try some more interesting techniques, or he could simply copy some proven techniques.

"It's like Dust Escape."

Xia Yan is quite optimistic about the power of Chen Dun, and Xia Yan is also very clear about its fusion formula.

Of course, once you use this power, you must be careful about being targeted by guys like Onoki. After all, this power belongs to Iwagakure Village.

Ohnoki is probably unwilling to tolerate the power of his own village blooming in the hands of others!

However, Natsuhiko felt that he didn't have to worry so much. After all, his status as Senju Natsuhiko didn't necessarily require him to leave the village.

Besides, if he really gets this power, it will be a huge boost to his and Konoha's reputation.

But there is no need to be too anxious about this matter. He can take it slow and finally make the most correct decision.

The power of fused chakra is easy to understand, but the 'special chakra without attributes' is a bit confusing to Xia Yan.

Because of this power, his system did not give much explanation, leaving Xia Yan to think and guess on his own.

"A special power that can act on all forces."

This sentence was the only comment given by the system. Xia Yan was really confused.

Acting on all powers, is it possible that this kind of chakra can be integrated into all the powers that Xia Yan currently controls?

What about after the fusion enters?

Do you want to improve your own strength?

Xia Yan thought about it, and it seems that this is the only explanation that can explain it clearly. What is the most likely use of this power.

"It would be interesting if that were the case."

Xia Yan silently thought, if this is really the case, then this will give him greater motivation to rob Obito!

Xia Yan's current power, except for senjutsu, chakra and attribute chakra, which has reached advanced levels, is either elementary or intermediate.

This situation makes Xia Yan very embarrassed. Even though his power is now so strong that it is suffocating, why doesn't he want to go further to climb Genting when he is already standing at a high peak?

People are always greedy, and Xia Yan himself has never denied that it is his own greedy character.

He longs to be at the top, and he longs to be like this in every aspect!

Whether it is strength or power, he is working hard towards this goal, and he has never stopped.

"Just give it a try."

Xia Yan made a mental decision silently. These powers were only a trace amount, but they would definitely bring some improvement anyway.

As for Xia Yan's own identity, in addition to the escape technique, sealing technique, flying thunder god and wood escape, the powers he can display are immortality technique and pure eye.

He has basically reached the full level of Escape and Immortal Techniques. The Flying Thunder God technique is not provided by the seeds. He must find a way by himself.

The sealing technique is still at the intermediate level. This is a power that can be considered. Mu Dun has just obtained the seeds. Xia Yan does not need to put these powers on it.

Apart from that, there is only one pure eye left.

Comparing the Purifying Eyes and the Sealing Technique, Xia Yan knew very well what he should choose, and it was naturally his pirated Purifying Eyes!

"It seems there isn't much to worry about anymore."

Xia Yan took a slight breath, and then he guided this special chakra power into his body, and then quickly directed it toward his eyes.

Regarding his eyes, Xia Yan was really confused because he had no idea how to improve his eyes.

He only knew that his eyes were still in the initial stage, but even in the initial stage they were already ridiculously strong.


When this power met Xia Yan's eyes, these powers were directly integrated into his eyes.

At this moment, he felt that his eyes seemed to have changed slightly. This change was very short-lived, but this change made him feel unusually comfortable.

He could feel that his eyes seemed to become clearer, as if he used them, his insight would definitely become stronger!

This made him eager to open his attribute panel. He wanted to see what specific changes he had made now.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Quasi-shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (huge chakra reserves) (a small amount of sealed dragon vein chakra)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (initial stage) (development level: 50%)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique), Bloodstain Elimination (Unnamed)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant high-level Nine-Tails Fruit to grow) (intake too much chakra, continue to grow)

Seeds: Elementary three-tailed chakra (forty percent), intermediate wood escape seeds (one percent)

Fruit: Intermediate Fire Escape Fruit (2), Intermediate Water Escape Fruit (1), Intermediate Earth Escape Fruit (2), Special Fusion Power

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (29% progress)

Looking at his attribute panel, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little silent.

The fruits he used for experiments have matured, and the three-tails' chakra power has reached 40%.

Of course, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that the development of his pure eyes has been directly increased to 50% because of that trace amount of special chakra?

This result really made Xia Yan indescribably excited. He really didn't have much idea about how to improve his eyes.

But now he seems to know, and he also has a clear goal!

"Obito, you are such a good person..."


There is no doubt that Obito is a good man, no matter how abominable the things he has done.

But to Xia Yan, this guy is an out-and-out good person!

His level of a good person can be compared with that of Danzo. Xia Yan is grateful to him from the bottom of his heart and praises him from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, Xia Yan didn't mean to be sarcastic at all. After all, he was not the free city next door in his previous life.

Before traveling through time, Xia Yan actually didn't quite understand why the people at Free Beacon were so anti-intellectual and didn't listen to their government at all.

If you ask them to wear masks, they won’t. If you ask them to get vaccinated, they won’t.

As a result, he later learned through a friend that from their point of view, their country’s free stuff could not be trusted at all.

If they say it requires money, then this thing can be believed. After all, their country has done many very bad things.

Therefore, when some countries say that wearing masks is necessary, they subconsciously assume that this thing is useless and ignore it.

When their country suddenly told them that there was no need for you to wear a mask, they panicked and went to put on a mask themselves.

"It feels like you have a date with a girl, and then she tells you that you don't need to bring an umbrella. You will subconsciously feel that you should need two."

Even if you didn't even think about using such a thing at first.

"It's true that life in the Free Beacon Country should be understood for them."

Natsuhiko really didn't think the opposite way. After all, Danzo provided him with the opportunity to rise, and he was also the one who helped him dig into Sarutobi Hiruzen's foundation.

And Obito is the person who can make Natsuhiko continue to become stronger in a true sense and continue to move towards the ultimate position!

He was truly grateful to them from the bottom of his heart and had no thoughts of doing the opposite, even though he might cause unimaginable trouble to these two people in the future.

Good people are good people, but are enemies still enemies?

Xia Yan stretched slightly, the chakra in Xia Yan's body swayed slightly, and he disappeared in an instant.

This visit and harvest had achieved its purpose, so naturally he needed to leave.

Although Kimimaro's bone was just as he thought, he didn't get anything of value at all.

But in other aspects, he said that the gains he had made had completely made up for this, and even gave him a huge inspiration!

That is the value of Bai Jue. It is truly beyond imagination. Xia Yan's desire for Bai Jue has reached an extreme.

But he has to be patient for a while, at least until he absorbs the power this time, he needs to be patient.


In a hidden forest in the Land of Fire, there is Orochimaru's laboratory.

He had never told anyone about this laboratory, not even his teacher.

People must have their own secrets, and Orochimaru is very clear about this, because no one knows what his future will be like, just like he is now.

Fortunately, Orochimaru was prepared in advance, otherwise he would not be able to deal with such a thing, or he would not be able to stay in the Land of Fire.

Quietly looking at the Uchiha whose body was constantly changing in the container in front of him, Orochimaru could not help but reveal a smile.

It can be seen that his experiment went relatively smoothly.

"Although he is just an Uchiha with two Magatama Sharingan eyes, he has been able to hold on for long enough and even has the hope of continuous success.

It seems that my idea is correct. Even if it is a little conservative, it is still very successful! "

Orochimaru was agitated in his heart. He had been preparing for this experiment in Konoha for a long time, but it could not succeed due to various reasons.

But now, with enough material, he has made enough progress, how can this not make him feel happy?

Even if he didn't have the body to use the Three Magatama Sharingan from the beginning, after all, the Three Magatama Sharingan is extremely precious to Uchiha.

He was also worried that he would fail, so he started experimenting directly with the double magatama, but now he has succeeded.

"It seems that Uchiha and the Senju clan do restrain each other in some sense." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "What a wonderful discovery."

"It's not amazing, otherwise why do you think Senju and Uchiha can fight for so many years?" At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in Orochimaru's ears: "After all, everything is interconnected and interconnected. Be restrained."

Orochimaru stiffened when he heard this voice, but he soon relaxed.

He turned around slightly and looked at Xia Yan, who didn't know when he appeared. Although he was a little shaken in his heart, he still maintained a calm state.

He knew that there were two imprints of the Flying Thunder God beside him, and there was no way he could escape Xia Yan's coverage.

"Mr. Buchou, it really makes me proud that you can come to me." Orochimaru licked his tongue and said with a smile: "I don't know, what important instructions does the Buchou have for me this time? ?”

"It's not an instruction. It should be said that there are some interesting tasks for you." Xia Yan tilted his head slightly: "I don't know, what do you think of the resurrection technique?"


"Yes. Resurrection. Are you interested?"


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