The resurrection technique is still very attractive to Orochimaru. In fact, it is not only Orochimaru, but probably everyone.

After all, as a ninja, a profession that licks blood on the tip of a knife, it is normal for them to face death at the next moment.

If there is a backup player who can save oneself at a critical moment, no one would want to miss it.

However, Orochimaru was quite vigilant. This vigilance was entirely because he did not trust Xia Yan at all. After all, Xia Yan put too much pressure on him.

"Minister Xia Yan, this is not a simple matter." Orochimaru looked at Xia Yan pretending to be calm, and he slowly asked: "Resurrection has never been a simple thing, even if I am interested, it is not necessarily It can be done.”

"What if you already have a complete idea, and all you want to do is to verify its authenticity?" Natsuhiko looked at Orochimaru with a smile, and then he took out a scroll and handed it over directly.

What Natsuhiko gave to Orochimaru was a copy of the reincarnation technique, although Natsuhiko did intend to start this work in Konoha.

But the problem is that the restrictions in Konoha are too great, and the medical department is not under Natsuhiko's control.

This also means that Xia Yan does not have any research talents, and even cultivating them step by step is a process that takes time.

Xia Yan had time, but even if he had time to take his time, he still hoped to get some substantial results.

It is inevitable that Konoha will start work, but Orochimaru will also start work. Only in this way can Xia Yan be completely reassured after the results are mutually confirmed.

After Orochimaru took Natsu Yan's scroll, he first glanced at Natsu Yan, and then slowly tore it open.

But after he took a look at the contents, his expression changed slightly, and he began to become serious.

He casually found a seat and sat down. He was not even observing the Uchiha in the experimental vessel. He was completely attracted by the documents Xia Yan gave him.

Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle when he saw this scene, and then he stopped disturbing Orochimaru, but turned his head and began to observe Orochimaru's experimental materials.

The Uchiha clan member in front of him seemed to be in bad condition. He looked so pale and his body was trembling unconsciously.

It was obvious that he was suffering unimaginable pain now. This scene looked really scary, but Xia Yan could face it all very calmly.

"It seems that the confrontation was a bit fierce. I don't know if my eyes can see more things."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his eyes had turned into a pair of blue!

Under the glance of his eyes, he could clearly see that there was a strange power spreading in this Uchiha's body.

These powers are very similar to Xia Yan's powers, which belong to the Thousand Hands clan.

On the other side, there is a relatively unfamiliar but coming from the guy himself. It can be seen that if there are no accidents in these powers, they are Uchiha's powers.

The two forces collided with each other and fought against each other. For a while, no one could do anything to the other, but Natsuhiko could see that the power belonging to Uchiha would not last long.

"Is the Thousand Hands clan too powerful?"

Xia Yan touched his chin and thought for a while before shaking his head.

"No, it's not that the power of the Senju Clan is too strong, it's that the power of Senju Hashirama is too strong, it's that the pressure from Mu Dun is too strong."

Natsuhiko has already gotten the answer he wants through his own eyes. There is no doubt that he can see that this guy's Sharingan is a pair of magatama eyes.

In fact, most of the power in his body comes from the power of the Sharingan that emanates unconsciously from his eyes.

And this kind of power is the real power that can resist Mu Dun, and thus achieve a balance with Mu Dun.

But it's a pity that there is still a big difference between double magatama and triple magatama.

Even though the power of the Wood Release that Orochimaru injected into it is not particularly large, it is probably not something that the double Magatama can compete with.

Natsuhiko remembers very clearly that in order to resist the power of a large amount of wood escape, that guy Danzo in the future buried a lot of Sharingan in his body to compete.

This allowed him to avoid the explosion of wood escape power, thus changing from Shimura Danzo to Shimura Shuito.

Look at the end, after Danzo lost his arm and Sharingan, he activated his power to seal Sasuke and Obito. The end result was that he beat him with power and then sealed the entire bridge.

"Adjusting the mix according to a certain proportion can definitely get a better result. Adjusting and trying this proportion requires a little experimentation, but..."

However, in Xia Yan's eyes, he could clearly see whether the changes in these proportions were balanced.

This means that if Xia Yan wants to do a similar experiment that requires two objects to reach balance, he can use his own eyes to complete it easily!

"It's really interesting. I didn't expect my fake eyes to have such a function."

Xia Yan touched his chin and found that the help his eyes brought him seemed a little too much.

Really, from combat to life, and even to experimental research, these eyes seem to be able to cover everything. With such ability and help, it can only be described as outrageous.

"What's even more outrageous is that I seem to have always regarded them as fake eyes. To be honest, this seems a bit inappropriate."

Xia Yan really needs to think about this issue carefully now. Even though his eyes are indeed named after him, he seems to remember a saying.

That is, in fact, the name of the eye that belongs to Boruto was given to him by Momoshiki Otsutsuki.

As for Xia Yan, he really doesn't know. He hasn't read the legendary "Naruto fan" comics, and he's not particularly sure about some things.

But no matter what, Xia Yan felt that his eyes might surpass Naruto's son's eyes in terms of ability.

In this case, it is difficult to say whose eyes are the real pure eyes!

Xia Yan can completely define what a pure eye is by himself, instead of needing help from others to define it.

"The difference between genuine and pirated copies is actually not as big as imagined. Since I got it first, I deserve to be the genuine one!"

Xia Yan was thinking silently, and the bright blue in his eyes became more and more dazzling...


"Interesting, really interesting!"

Orochimaru looked at the document in his hand, his face becoming more and more excited.

Genius imagination, genius conception, and genius ninjutsu design!

This entire technique is so incredible, and as Orochimaru immersed himself in the design ideas of this technique, he increasingly felt that this technique definitely had the possibility of success!

Whether a technique is feasible or not, in fact, for people like Orochimaru, it only takes some careful inspection and deduction to basically get a pretty good answer.

However, this answer is still a long way from actual operation. Orochimaru knew this well, but he had to admit that he was impressed by the technique given by Natsuhiko.

People like him have long been beyond ordinary people's desire for forbidden magic. Especially when faced with this kind of magic that can resurrect people, he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

But he also knows one thing very well now, that is, he had better calm down, because the master of this technique is Xia Yan of the Thousand Hands Clan.

Turning his head, Orochimaru looked at Xia Yan, and then he was surprised to find that Xia Yan was looking at his previous experiment.

Those blue eyes were emitting bright brilliance. Under such brilliance, for some reason Orochimaru had the illusion that his experiment had been thoroughly understood.

It seems that this guy has seen the trajectory of his experiment, and can also see that he is experimenting with things that he cannot detect.

This feeling is very strange, but Orochimaru believes in his own feeling very much, and his feeling is usually very accurate!

"Don't you know what you think of my experiment, Mr. Buchou?" Orochimaru licked his tongue, and then asked in a low voice: "I am looking forward to your advice, Mr. Buchou."

"Do you expect a Senju to tell you the experimental results you expect?" Xia Yan tilted his head slightly, and his blue eyes immediately locked on Orochimaru.

At this moment, Orochimaru suddenly felt suffocated. Although it was not the first time he faced these eyes, he would feel palpitations every time.

This feeling was very bad, but Orochimaru still endured it forcefully, but his somewhat evasive eyes also revealed some problems.

When Xia Yan saw this scene, he didn't try to embarrass Orochimaru anymore, because there was no need at all.

He slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes had returned to their normal state. There was still a slight smile on his face, and he looked so harmless.

But Orochimaru would never believe him like this, and he would never forget what this guy did.

"Okay, I think it's better for you not to discuss this issue with me. Let's talk about something more valuable."

Natsuhiko twisted his body slightly, looked at Orochimaru with a smile and said softly.

"I think you have finished reading this technique. I wonder what Orochimaru-sama thinks?"

"Genius creativity and design, truly an unimaginable art!"

Orochimaru adjusted his mentality very quickly. After Xia Yan was no longer under pressure, he immediately returned to his normal state.

He knew very well that he was valuable now. Since he was valuable, Xia Yan would never do anything to him.

Of course, he also knew very well that he had to fully demonstrate his value, otherwise Xia Yan might not let him go easily.

"Did the Minister come up with this technique? It's really a crazy design, and the success of this technique is very high."

"I didn't think of it. I'm not good at studying ninjutsu."

Xia Yan shook his head gently. If he was good at it, he was good at it. If he was not good at it, he was not good at it. There was nothing wrong with admitting this kind of thing.

"This technique comes from Chiyo of Sunagakure Village. I think Lord Orochimaru should also know that I have been to Sunagakure Village."

Orochimaru nodded, he knew this for sure, after all, it was that time when he went to Sunagakure Village that the 'Konoha Nightingale' became famous in the ninja world.

And that time, he single-handedly defeated hundreds of Sunagakure ninjas, including almost half of the Anbu, and even the entire sealing squad was rumored to be included.

It can be said that Natsuhiko has done something unimaginable by others. Orochimaru was shocked when he heard the news.

However, after seeing Xia Yan's Mu Dun, he seemed to feel that this matter was not too exaggerated.

Even though Natsuhiko didn't show off his Wood Release in Sand Hidden Village, it's not surprising that a person with this level of strength would use any method to achieve his goal.

"It seems that the Minister has concealed a lot of what he did in Sunagakure Village."

Orochimaru sighed slightly. He thought that what Xia Yan had done was terrible enough, but now it seems that there are still many hidden problems.

"Isn't it weird to hide something?"

Xia Yan smiled nonchalantly, and his eyes couldn't help but look at the Uchiha ninja soaking in the vessel.

"Lord Orochimaru has hidden a lot of things. If I hadn't been lucky enough to seize this opportunity, I probably wouldn't have learned so much."

Orochimaru licked his tongue. He was not suitable to answer this question, and he also did not intend to answer it.

He looked at the jutsu in his hand and began to think quickly. He didn't care what method Xia Yan used to grab the jutsu from that old woman Chiyo.

What he needs to think about now is how to get Xia Yan a satisfactory answer.

But he didn't need to think about this question for too long, he already knew how to answer it.

"I know what to do, Minister."

Orochimaru licked his tongue and his eyes became serious.

"The purpose of giving this technique to me, the Minister, is to allow me to verify the authenticity of this technique and to continuously develop this technique.

I will increase the weight of the research on this technique, and I will definitely give the Minister a satisfactory answer. "


Xia Yan immediately nodded with satisfaction after hearing this answer, but he also showed a puzzled smile.

"Then I have to thank Orochimaru-sama. But will Orochimaru-sama do this, will it affect his research progress?"

"If you pay hard, you will gain. With the protection of Mr. Minister, I think I am relatively safe now."

Orochimaru also smiled, he looked very serious.

"Besides, I'm also looking forward to the effect of this technique. After all, no one will miss this opportunity."

"In that case, it's a pleasure to cooperate."

“A pleasure to work with.”

This time, their smiles were very consistent, but the next moment their facial expressions were surprisingly consistent.

Because both of their smiles froze...


"Are you sure, right here?"

On a remote forest path in the Land of Fire, two men wearing black and red cloud robes were walking slowly.

At this moment, the man who took the lead suddenly spoke.

The sun shone down from the trees, and their faces became extremely clear.

The person taking the lead was a man with short orange hair, lavender eyes and circles of rings like reincarnation.

The other one was a young man with red hair and a stiff and cold expression.

If Xia Yan is here, he will be able to instantly recognize who the two of them are. These two people are Tiandao Payne and Scorpion!

Following Tiandao Payne's words, a white figure suddenly emerged from the ground. He glanced ahead and then spoke slowly.

"Yes, that's it, about five hundred meters ahead in the ground."

"What a gutter rat, hiding underground."

Scorpio shook his head disdainfully, seeing that this guy actually didn't have any good impression of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru did defect, but this guy was originally a ninja belonging to Konoha, especially Orochimaru, who participated in the Second Ninja War.

Under such circumstances, it would be a shame if Scorpio could have any good feelings or say any kind words.

Tiandao Payne did not stop Xie. He just glanced at Xie indifferently and then focused on this guy who emerged from the ground.

This white guy is obviously Bai Zetsu. Ever since Orochimaru defected, Nagato began to think of ways to find Orochimaru's whereabouts.

Nagato was not good at searching for people, so he thought of the person who had contacted him and claimed to be Uchiha Madara.

Obito Black Zetsu has actually always been in the Kingdom of Water, so naturally there is no way to meet him, but when Obito contacted Nagato, he left White Zetsu behind.

This Bai Zetsu is responsible for contact and monitoring how guys like Nagato are performing.

And this White Zetsu has now naturally become Nagato's best candidate to search for Orochimaru. It is impossible for him not to know the reason why this guy stays here.

But Nagato didn't care. This guy was still useful, so it wasn't a big deal if he stayed.

Now is the time for this guy to show his value, or in other words, it's time for Obito and the others to show their value.

Obito and the others did not disappoint Nagato. He directly asked Bai Zetsu to take charge of this matter. After all, it was obvious to all that Bai Zetsu's abilities could be used.

It didn't take him much time to successfully locate one of Orochimaru's underground laboratories, which is why the scene like this happened now.

"Is this so?" Tiandao Payne looked ahead, and then nodded slightly: "I understand, then you can leave."

"As a friendly reminder, Orochimaru seems to be with a very powerful person." Bai Jue said to Tiandao Payne indifferently: "That guy is very dangerous. I dare not get close, and I have no way of knowing who he is. .”

"Huh, no matter who it is, it's the same to me." Tiandao Payne turned back to look at Bai Jue indifferently: "Because I am a god!"

Tendo Payne or Nagato has absolute confidence in himself, because he has determined that he is the spokesperson of the Six Paths Sage in the human world.

After all, he was born with the Samsara Eye!

This time he dealt with Orochimaru, which was his second personal action. The first time was when he dealt with Kakuzu, and that time was his first attempt after gaining the ability of the Rinnegan.

And this time is his second attempt, and it is also an absolute respect for Orochimaru.

After all, Orochimaru is a Sannin man like his teacher Jiraiya, so he must have the proper attitude towards recruiting such a person.

Even though Nagato knew very well in his heart that he and Jiraiya had gone on a different path, everything had begun to deflect since Yahiko's death.

But this does not affect his deep respect for Jiraiya. If it were not for this man, they would not be able to follow the path of ninjas, nor would they have the opportunity to change the world.

So he took action personally, even though his body was inconvenient, he still made such a choice.

Now his body is in the forest not far away, Xiaonan is with him, and to show respect, he is using the strongest Tiandao Payne clone.

This body carried the power of heaven. He would not believe that with such power, anyone else could resist his own power!

It didn't take long for him and Xie to arrive at the place pointed by Bai Jue.

Both of them are masters. Even if they are not particularly good at perception, they can still find some clues easily.

"It seems that this is it." Tiandao Payne said indifferently: "Although the concealment is very good, it is just a trick in the end."

"Indeed, the soil here has big problems. It is enough to deal with ordinary ninjas." Xie Ye said calmly: "But he has bad luck, so it is you or me who has to do it. After all, we have to drive away the mice." Just come out."

"We'll see what happens after we come out. I'll do it now." Tiandao Payne looked at him like a scorpion. After thinking for a moment, he decided to satisfy some of this guy's ideas.

He could naturally see that Scorpion was full of dissatisfaction with Orochimaru, and he probably couldn't help but want to take action.

He didn't feel that he needed to object to this situation, because he had never thought that members of the organization had to live in harmony.

In order to recruit powerful guys, he must choose some people who have proven themselves. It is difficult for him to attack in the village, so the best people to attack are naturally these rebellious ninjas!

As for the rebellious ninjas, they are all unruly guys, and it is obviously impossible to completely restrain them.

As long as they didn't do anything treacherous, he wouldn't bother to care about these guys.

He raised his hand slightly, and a vast chakra rippled in his body. This chakra connected to his eyes and quickly formed an indescribable pressure!

When the chakra in his body reached its peak, a terrifying repulsive force rippled out from his hands.

The earth was turbulent at this moment, and everything in front of him seemed to have suffered a terrible attack, with rocks and trees flying backwards.

"Tiandao·Shinra Tianzheng!"


In the underground laboratory, the earth was shaking crazily, and the smile on Xia Yan's face had faded, and he looked straight at Orochimaru.

Similarly, Orochimaru's face is full of seriousness now, and the smile on his face has completely collapsed. He really never dreamed that his place would be attacked!

Yes, he had realized that he was being attacked, and not because of any other problem.

But he really didn't understand why his place was attacked.

The place he chose was very hidden. Not only was it far away from the town, there were no hunters. It could be said that it would be impossible for anyone to find it under normal circumstances.

He has been here for a while, and it can be said that he has clearly investigated everything around him.

However, what he never dreamed of was that Xia Yan would be exposed this time when he came here, which made him wonder, has Xia Yan given up on him?

If you really gave up, then why did you show him the scroll?

Is it overconfidence, or does the minister not understand the situation?

Orochimaru couldn't figure it out, and Natsuhiko couldn't figure it out either.

He was still confused, why he came to look for Orochimaru, and this guy dared to attack him, maybe he was tired of living?

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that he might have misunderstood this guy. Although Orochimaru was very brave and dared to grab the Sharingan eye and the Rinnegan eye, he learned a lesson in the end.

And Natsuhiko doesn't think he is a person who is ignorant of current affairs. It is possible that this matter really has nothing to do with Orochimaru.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh slightly. He found that this time he came out, good things and bad things happened in succession.

It seems that after I got a bunch of rewards, my luck started to turn bad.

Starting from Kimimaro's bone, and now being attacked inexplicably, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

He just hoped that when he left that ghost place, he planted Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyo Sharingan, so that he would not be affected by such a bad luck.

"It seems that Lord Orochimaru, you have many enemies." Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, his tone sounding a little sarcastic.

"It seems so. After all, there are always so many enemies in life."

Orochimaru couldn't help but lick his tongue when he heard Natsuhiko's words.

"And they always appear at unexpected times and cause unexpected results."

"There is no need to test me. In fact, I should question you more."

Natsuhiko immediately understood what Orochimaru meant, which made him shake his head in amusement.

"I think we'd better get out, this place might collapse."

"It's really time to go out."

When Orochimaru said this, he couldn't help but reveal a hint of sinisterness on his face.

"I would like to see who destroyed my laboratory. You know, I have just settled down."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Yan came to Kabuto's side.

Such a violent vibration is simply a nightmare for Kabuto, a person who has not yet trained as a ninja.

Like Danzo, Natsuhiko did not plan to use Konoha's resources to train him. After all, with a qualified teacher like Orochimaru, he did not need to use ANBU to do such a thing.

So Kabuto is just an ordinary person now. If Xia Yan doesn't take care of him, it's hard to say whether this guy will die inexplicably!

The Flying Thunder God was activated instantly. One second, the laboratory was constantly shaking, but the next second, Natsuhiko had already brought Kabuto outside the laboratory.

But when he landed and saw the two figures in front of him, his expression suddenly became strange.

"Why are they?"

Xia Yan really didn't expect that the person he met would be someone from the Akatsuki organization!

Even though he hadn't completely seen who it was, it was hard for him to recognize the black trench coat with red clouds.

For Xia Yan, he is really familiar with the people of the Akatsuki organization. This is not because of the original work, but because he has met them two or three times.

From Kakuzu at the beginning, to Scorpion later, to meeting Kakuzu, Scorpion and Konan in Sunagakure Village, it can be said that these guys are at odds with him.

If Obito is also included, then the hatred between them will probably be even deeper.

"A group of ghostly guys." Xia Yan sighed slightly, and at this moment Orochimaru also emerged from the ground.

He looked at the two people not far away in front of him, and then at Xia Yan. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Does the Minister know them?"

"That's right. After all, it's not the first time I've met them." Xia Yan stood up gently, his eyes scanning the two people, and then his face changed slightly: "Oh, it's really interesting, it's him. .”

"Who?" Orochimaru was becoming more and more curious now.

"An interesting person, someone I'm afraid I'll get into trouble every time I meet him." Xia Yan smiled and shook his head, but his expression became serious as he spoke.

Nagato, or rather Tendo Pain!

As the smoke gradually dissipated, Xia Yan could see clearly who was coming. He really didn't expect that the person looking for trouble would be him.

But when Xia Yan saw who the other guy was, he seemed to understand what was going on.

In the original work, Orochimaru joined the Akatsuki organization, and his recruiters were Nagato and Scorpion.

Is it possible that when I ran over to Orochimaru to discuss some experimental matters, I happened to encounter such an interesting scene?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh softly. He knew that sooner or later he would run into the Akatsuki organization, especially Nagato, who was impossible to avoid.

Of course, Xia Yan never thought about avoiding them, he just didn't know when he would bump into them.

Now it seems that this time seems a bit early.

"But there are advantages to being early, that is, the strength of this guy now is far from reaching the level in the original work."

With this thought in mind, Natsuhiko handed the bag in his hand to Orochimaru, and then walked forward.

In the original work, when Orochimaru faced Scorpion and Nagatendo Payne, he basically defeated them with one move, and then joined the Akatsuki organization.

Of course, this is also related to Orochimaru's greed and the idea of ​​​​the Samsara Eye.

Xia Yan did not deny that he also had an idea, but now what he wanted more was to try the water. He had gained so much power but he had never used it properly.

This time facing this guy Nagato, he planned to let the power of 'Senju Natsuhiko' explode completely...


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