The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 249 Xia Yan takes action with all his strength

"Is this the troublesome person that the soft-bodied creature said?"

When the smoke dissipated, Xie looked at the figure walking towards them indifferently and frowned involuntarily.

He hates people in Konoha, so he is extremely disgusted when Orochimaru defected, but for him, what he hates most probably has to add some specific conditions.

For example, Konoha ninjas have white hair, are good at using swordsmanship and so on.

By coincidence, Xia Yan had taken all the options that he hated. If the ANBU were also included, then Xia Yan would be 100% the person Xia Yan hated the most!

In fact, what Scorpion hates is not Natsuhiko, what he hates is Hatake Sakumo who once killed his parents, and naturally he is also very unhappy with Kakashi.

As for Natsuhiko's mask, except that he has no Sharingan and no Thunder Release, he can completely disguise himself as Kakashi and do many things.

Of course, Xia Yan himself also had a lot of grudges with Xie You. Including Ma Jia, Xia Yan had attacked Xie twice.

"Who are you?" Payne looked at Xia Yan indifferently. His reincarnation eyes stared at Xia Yan. For some reason, he felt that a danger was spreading to him.

"I, I'm just a passerby." Xia Yan shook his head indifferently, with a smile on his face: "Of course, you can treat it as a polite comment, but what you just did was very dangerous. "

"Really, let me put it another way." Payne's expression became even more indifferent. He felt that he hated the attitude of the person in front of him very much: "What is your relationship with Orochimaru?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Caused a lot of trouble.”


This word is definitely not a good word, especially looking at this guy's attitude, it seems that he is having some trouble with them.

This situation was somewhat beyond Nagato's expectations, but he seemed to be sure of one thing, that is, this guy might be their enemy!

It is an enemy, so there is not so much nonsense for Nagato. It is just because of Orochimaru that Nagato did not take action immediately.

Besides, it's not a big deal even if they are enemies. If they have enough strength, it's not impossible to convince this guy to join them.

But before that, some things still need to be clarified, so he turned his attention to Scorpion.

Xie Xie also frowned a little at this time. He always felt that the guy in front of him looked very familiar, and this familiarity also contained a sense of deep disgust for him.

He looked at Xia Yan and thought for a long time, and suddenly he seemed to think of something.

"Are you the kid who let the lizards go?" Xie frowned and said, "Or, are you the Konoha Nightingale who belongs to the Senju Clan?"

"Konoha Nightingale?" Nagato was not unfamiliar with this name at all.

After all, this name has proven itself no matter what it did in Sunagakure Village or the Nine-Tails Incident!

And according to the latest information, this Konoha Nightingale is already the minister of Konoha Anbu. No matter how you look at it, he is a very dangerous person.

The Flying Thunder God Technique and the Wood Release Technique, no matter which one of these two techniques it is, people will feel a little worried.

But this is nothing more than worry for Nagato, because he is a god on earth!

With the Samsara Eye, it is absolutely impossible for him to be frightened by these two techniques, let alone be defeated by this technique.

"It's me." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and the chakra in his body began to ripple: "You guys are really lingering. I can meet you everywhere."

"I really didn't expect that the ANBU minister would actually get involved with the rebellious ninja of Konoha." Xie looked at Xia Yan indifferently. He was still the same as before, regardless of whether he had mood swings or not, his expression was like a dead man.

No surprise, no joy, no life.

Strictly speaking, the two guys standing in front of Xia Yan at this time have this virtue, because these two people can be regarded as examples of the living dead.

Speaking of the living dead, Xia Yan thought of that guy from Kakuzu again. Although that guy was considered a living person, his physiological structure had little to do with a living person.

After being severely punished by Xia Yan using the power of Nine Tails last time, he didn't pay attention to what happened to these guys.

But Xia Yan doesn't have much thought to pay attention to this kind of thing, after all, for him now.

There is only the difference between useful and useless. There is no such thing as this guy needs to be alive because of the plot mission.

"What should I do? Do I still need to explain to you, the rebellious ninja of Sunagakure Village?"

Xia Yan shook his head disdainfully, and then his eyes fell on Nagato again.

"The Samsara Eye? It's really an interesting eye. I used to think that the story of the Six Paths Immortal was a legend, but now it seems like it's true."

"Why is the legend not necessarily true? You are worried that it is true, just because you have no way to fight against it."

Nagato controlled Tiandao Payne with a very calm tone, and his eyes did not waver, but it could be seen that he did not take anyone seriously at all.

Orochimaru licked his tongue. He had been listening to their conversation behind Natsuhiko, and now he was completely aroused.

Samsara Eye?

Do these legendary eyes really exist?

Such eyes immediately gave Orochimaru some desires that shouldn't appear in his heart. He had always been interested in unknown things.

But Orochimaru is still very calm now. Although he knows the legend of the Samsara Eye, he also knows the legend of the Six Paths Sage.

But after suffering successive setbacks at the hands of Natsuhiko and the mysterious man who controlled the Kyuubi, he knew that there were some things that he had to be more forbearing.

And Xia Yan also has a pair of eyes, a pair of strange blue eyes that make people full of fear and reverie.

Orochimaru didn't know what those eyes were, because he had never heard of them in any literature.

The most important thing is that Natsuhiko is a member of the Senju clan, and Orochimaru has never heard that Senju also has a pair of special eyes.

A pair of eyes that are not afraid of even the Mangekyō Sharingan and can defeat it!

"It's really exciting."

Orochimaru licked his tongue slightly. He felt that Xia Yan might want to take action, but he didn't know why he wanted to do this.

But he knew that there might be something good to watch.

"You know I can't fight it."

Xia Yan chuckled and looked at Nagato and Xia with interest.

"You know, in my opinion you are the one who came to me and gave you these eyes."

"Really, then it depends on whether you have this ability."

Nagato controlled Pain. At this moment, the chakra had been concentrated to its peak. He raised his head slightly and his tone was still so indifferent.

"It is extremely stupid to provoke a god. I am the god walking on earth!"


Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then he smiled. He closed his eyes gently, and the strange chakra was already brewing.

"I really want to see if you are qualified as a god!"

After the words fell, Xia Yan had already opened his eyes, and a bright blue bloomed in his eyes...


"What kind of eyes are these?"

In a forest not far from the battle, a strange color appeared on Nagato's face.

Through Yahiko's body, he clearly saw the silver-haired Konoha Nightingale, whose eyes turned from pitch black to azure!

With the appearance of these eyes, he felt an unimaginable sense of oppression coming towards him.

What kind of eyes are these? It seems that the intelligence has never mentioned it. This Konoha ANBU minister actually has such eyes.

These eyes gave him a very strange feeling, that is, these eyes were probably not inferior to his own reincarnation eyes!

He didn't know why he felt like this, and it made him unhappy.

Because in his opinion, the reincarnation eye should be the only one in the ninja world, and no pair of eyes is worthy of being compared with the reincarnation eye.

"What's wrong, Nagato?" Xiaonan stood beside Nagato. She noticed something strange about Nagato, which made her curiously ask.

"It's not a big deal, I just encountered some interesting things." Nagato took a deep breath and said calmly: "The problem will be solved soon, soon."

"Nagato, are you really okay?" Xiaonan frowned, she knew Nagato too well.

Nagato's appearance was what made her feel that something was wrong the most, but she also knew that if Nagato didn't want to say anything, forcing herself would be useless.

Sighing helplessly, Xiaonan only hoped that there would be no trouble this time. In fact, normally speaking, there should be no trouble for their operation this time.

Although Orochimaru is as famous as Mr. Jiraiya, Konan doesn't think that Orochimaru can deal with Nagato no matter how famous he is.

Because Nagato used the Rinnegan, he relied on the Rinnegan to kill Demigod Hanzo!

With such strength, Xiaonan still believes in him.

But one thing is that Xiaonan is still very calm. She doesn't think Nagato is a god. Even though she has never mentioned this issue, she really doesn't think so.

In her opinion, there is no such thing as a god, and even if there is one, it shouldn't be like Nagato. How can a god be completely crippled by his own power?

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Nagato didn't know what Xiaonan was thinking, so he calmly replied: "It's just a little trouble, I need to concentrate now."

"Be careful, Nagato." Xiaonan hesitated, but in the end she nodded without saying anything more.

On the other side, Tiandao Payne's chakra has been completely condensed. He looked at Xia Yan carefully. The guy in front of him gave him a really bad feeling.

But Xia Yan obviously didn't give him too much time to think, when a strange and other chakra suddenly bloomed and covered Xia Yan's body.

Whether it was Pain, Scorpion, or Orochimaru, they all had a throbbing feeling, and they couldn't help but start to panic.

They have long felt that such emotions should never appear in them again.

After all, each of them is a ninja who has experienced hundreds of battles, and each of them is a person who has struggled on the edge of life and death countless times.

However, now, they really felt the fear and the long-lost heart palpitations, which made them all realize that Xia Yan is very, very dangerous now!

"Are you ready?"

Xia Yan suddenly spoke slowly. His whole person looked so blurry now, and he couldn't even look at his original appearance.

But now he looks a little more ethereal, a little more mysterious.

"I said that if you run up to me now, it's like giving the Samsara Eye to me. In this case, I will accept it without mercy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Yan turned into an afterimage and rushed directly towards Nagato!

This time, Natsuhiko was in full power. Although he did not use the Nine-Tails Chakra mode, he was still using both modes together.

I have to say that the compatibility of Sage Mode is indeed ridiculously strong. It seems that every state in Naruto can actually be used with Sage Mode.

In the original work, Naruto has shown that the Nine-Tails Chakra mode can be used together with the Sage mode, and in the end, Natsuhiko has some doubts about whether his Six Paths mode is paired with the Sage mode.

But Xia Yan remembered that when Naruto felt the power of the Ten-Tails, what he felt was endless natural power!

The Ten-Tails belongs to the Six Paths level. Can this be understood to mean that after truly entering the Six Paths, the power itself is no different from the force of nature?

Xia Yan was not sure about this, but what he knew very well was that when he used the Pure Eye Chakra mode at this time, he felt no discomfort at all when combined with the Sage mode!

"Damn it!"

Nagato's reaction speed was very fast. After all, he was a person with the Samsara Eye. He had already caught traces of Xia Yan the moment he acted.

The chakra in his body spread crazily, and his eyes burst out with terrifying power in conjunction with these chakras.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

In an instant, a powerful repulsive force spread crazily around him, and at this moment Xia Yan's fist arrived!


At this moment, the world seemed to freeze. Natsuhiko's fist stopped less than ten centimeters in front of Nagato, but at this moment he could not move forward.

Around his fist, countless strong winds overflowed crazily, and this torrent of power stirred everything around crazily.

The earth was shattered crazily at this moment, and the trees that were originally pushed away by Pain Shenluo Tianzheng were torn into pieces by the power stirred by Xia Yan's fist wind!

When Scorpion saw this scene, he had already jumped up and ran towards the back. Orochimaru and Kabuto also evacuated frantically in the other direction.

He didn't dare to leave this kid behind. This kid was left to him by Xia Yan. After seeing such a collision, he didn't dare to provoke Xia Yan.

Because that guy, with those blue eyes, seemed to be a lot scarier than he imagined...


"Did you respond quickly?"

Xia Yan looked at Nagato, who still looked indifferent, and he couldn't help but smile.

In fact, of course he knew that the guy in front of him was a corpse. Unless he beat this guy into a twisted state like Naruto, his expression would not change at all.

But this didn't stop him from teasing the guy in front of him, because at this time Xia Yan felt that he seemed to have everything under control!

With the cooperation of the Sage Mode, the already ridiculously powerful Pure Eye Chakra Mode has once again been horribly improved.

Just like Naruto turns on the second stage of Nine-Tails Chakra mode and fights in Sage mode, he can even deal with Obito of Six Paths.

Natsuhiko didn't feel that he had reached Naruto's level at this time. After all, Jingyan was still at the most elementary stage.

However, Xia Yan feels that the growth curve of his eyes will not be low, because now his eyes can be compared with the first stage of his Nine-Tails Chakra.

"Just think of it as a low-end version. Naruto can beat Pain violently in sage mode. I don't think I can't do it!"

Xia Yan already had the answer mentally. It was absolutely impossible for this guy to deal with his current self unless he could use all his abilities within one body.

But he can't be careless. It's really hard to talk about ninjas.

And this time, he wanted to go all out, he wanted to feel it out, and he wanted to know what he could do!

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan suddenly disappeared in front of Payne, and the next second he appeared directly behind Payne like a ghost.


Another punch suddenly flew out, and this time Xia Yan's power became even more powerful. With the help of the immortal mode, his power had reached a peak.

"Damn it!"

Payne's body shook slightly, and such a shock immediately caused Nagato, who was controlling it from a distance, to curse.

You must know that Payne at this time is still under the protection of Shinra Tianzheng. However, under such protection and under such terrible repulsion, Xia Yan's fist can still shake Payne's body.

How terrifying is this guy's power?

Before he had time to think about it, Xia Yan disappeared again behind Payne, which made him realize that this guy was now using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Has it reached this level with just physical skills and flying thunder gods?

"Your repulsion has worn off."

At this moment, Natsu Yan's voice suddenly sounded in Payne's ears, and this voice also entered Nagato's ears.

This voice sounded very gentle, like a friend whispering, but this voice gave Nagato an extremely bad premonition!


Sure enough, the moment the voice fell, Payne's body was kicked hard by Xia Yan!

He flew backwards, his body dragging a long trace on the ground, and all the rocks and trees along the way were destroyed by him at this moment.

He didn't seem to show any signs of stopping, because Xia Yan really kicked Xia Yan with all his strength.

He didn't know how long he had been flying outwards, but Payne was finally able to stabilize his body. Fortunately, this body had died long ago and had been strengthened by the reincarnation eye.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this body belonging to Yahiko will really be destroyed in Natsuhiko's hands.

"It's not over yet."

Just when Payne had just stabilized his figure, Xia Yan suddenly appeared in front of him without any warning.

Xia Yan quickly stretched out his hand and pinched Payne's arm, and then he twisted hard without giving Payne a chance to make a move.

But Xia Yan also noticed that there was already a lot of chakra brewing in Pain's eyes, so Xia Yan decisively let go and kicked him out again!


There was another muffled sound, and Payne once again flew out uncontrollably.

But this time he was lucky. There was a mountain peak a hundred meters behind him, and he hit the mountain like a bullet.


In less than a second, a violent roar echoed through the sky!

The mountain, which was not too big or too small, trembled crazily at this moment. Countless gravels fell off from its body, and then fell down quickly.

It took a long time for everything to stop. The mountain peak was already crumbling under the violent impact.

Xia Yan stood in the distance and could clearly see through his clear eyes that the middle of the mountain peak was directly hit by Payne.

In fact, it was not a direct collision, and Nagato was not stupid. When he found that he could not control all this at all, he once again released Shinra Tenzheng.

That is to say, relying on this repulsive force to block the mountain behind him, even if Xia Yan could not eliminate the impact given to him, at least his situation was not too bad.

"It really disappoints me. The Samsara Eye is really wasted in your hands."

Payne slowly walked out of the rubble at the bottom of the mountain. The black robe with white clouds on his body had already become tattered.

His body could withstand such an impact, but his clothes obviously couldn't.

However, he had just walked out of the ruins when Xia Yan's voice sounded in his ears again.

Nagato controlled Pain to raise his head slightly, looking at the figure not far away who was like an illusion, blooming with the same bright blue chakra as his eyes. Although his face was still expressionless, Nagato's heart was filled with anger in the distance. The meaning is much stronger.

He couldn't accept it, he really couldn't accept what he was seeing.

Why on earth does this guy have such power, and what are those blue eyes?

Why, as a god on earth, couldn't he even defeat this guy?

This series of questions flashed in Nagato's mind, but unfortunately no one could answer them for him.

In fact, even if someone answered it for him, I'm afraid he wouldn't listen.

After all, throughout his life, he was the kind of person who thought that he had the Samsara Eye and was the living Six Paths Sage.

Even if he were told that he was just a chess piece and that his eyes were just left to him intentionally by Uchiha Madara in order to resurrect him, he probably wouldn't believe it at all.

"What are your eyes?" After a while, Payne suddenly spoke. His voice was cold, but the emotion contained in his voice was completely different.

"My eyes?" Xia Yan tilted his head, and then he sighed softly: "Actually, it's useless to tell you, because you always think that your reincarnation eye is the strongest, don't you?"

"The samsara eye is the eye of the Immortal of Six Paths!"

Payne's voice became a little louder at this moment, and he stared at Xia Yan.

"Sennin of Six Paths is the God of Creation, he created the entire ninja world!"

"If you are talking about the ninja system, then you are right."

Xia Yan couldn't help but shake his head slightly after hearing his words. He suddenly felt that this guy Nagato was really pitiful.

"If you say you created this world, I'm sorry, but that's not very realistic, and who told you that the Samsara Eye is invincible?

To put it bluntly, your understanding of the world is too shallow and you don’t know anything at all. "

Having said this, Xia Yan also stopped at the right time.

He did feel that Nagato was quite pitiful, but it was just pitiful. Telling him something that he had no way of understanding was a kind of mercy.

As for whether this guy can listen or not, this has nothing to do with Xia Yan.

What he has to do is to strike hard so that he can carefully see where the limits of his strength are in this state.

He would even consider stealing Nagato's Rinnegan if possible!

Of course, he didn't necessarily do it now. He just planted Uchiha Fugaku's kaleidoscope. He didn't know what the results would be.

Even if you can get good things by rashly getting a reincarnation eye, it may not be in line with Xia Yan's long-term development and plan.

Keeping this guy is just like keeping Danzo temporarily, because maybe they will give Xia Yan a huge surprise.

"Okay, that's the end of the gossip. I hope you won't let me down."

Xia Yan smiled slightly at Tiandao Payne, and instantly the chakra in his body surged crazily.

He clasped his hands together, and at this moment the earth trembled again, and such trembling made people feel like they could not stand upright at all!

"Wooden Release: The birth of the tree world!"

There are not many bells and whistles, Xia Yan directly chooses the Wood Escape, which is the most convenient for him so far.

As his chakra surged crazily, countless trees rose up from the ground in an instant, once again filling up the forest that had been destroyed by their battle.

However, the trees Xia Yan summoned this time were even larger in size, and the suffocating trees spread crazily in all directions.

They will entangle all life wherever they pass, whether it is trees or animals, they will not let go.

The trees swept by them withered instantly, and those animals that ran slower were sucked dry!

The endless branches that were as big as tree trunks were heading towards Payne crazily, with that unstoppable attitude that seemed to destroy everything.

"This level of wood escape..."

Looking at the world-ending scene in front of him, Nagato couldn't help but feel a slight fear.

Especially at this time, he was shocked to find that the direction in which the Mudun was heading had his hiding place!

Once these wooden escapes are swept over, he and Xiaonan will probably suffer. He has no doubt about the power of these wooden escapes. This power is not like what humans can use.

"We have to fight!"

Nagato took a deep breath, quickly closed his eyes and carefully controlled the cooperation of Heaven, and the chakra in his body began to ripple crazily.

This move of his immediately caught Konan's attention, because Konan discovered that Nagato's chakra was a bit huge and unbelievable.

She wasn't quite sure what was happening outside, although she felt the constant earthquakes and the deafening sound.

But her mission is to protect Nagato, so she naturally can't go out to see him.

Gritting her teeth slightly, Xiaonan still silently guarded Nagato. She didn't know what happened, but she knew she had to protect Nagato!

On the front line, Pain's expression was still stern, but his chakra at this time was already a bit intimidating.

Xia Yan stood quietly above a branch. In his clear eyes, the chakra that could only be regarded as as thick as a wire and was connected to the black rod on Payne's body from a distance was already at this moment. Becomes like a torrent.

Such a huge amount of chakra made him a little stunned, because he felt that this chakra was probably even greater than the chakra reserves he had now.

"Can I just say that you really deserve to be a member of the Uzumaki clan?"

Xia Yan murmured softly. He knew that he was suspected of being the 'Shame of a Thousand Hands', but he felt that his age caused him not to have enough chakra.

There are so many benefits to having a huge chakra reserve, but there are some things that you really can't envy.

At this moment, Payne suddenly raised his hands, and the majestic chakra had been transformed with the help of the Samsara Eye.

At this moment, Xia Yan seemed to sense the danger. He never dared to be careless about things like the Samsara Eye.

Even the Samsara Eye used by Nagato was the most basic ability from beginning to end, and he never used these basic abilities together completely while he was alive.

But Nagato's failure does not mean the power of these eyes, especially when maximizing the use of one of the abilities of these eyes, the effect can sometimes be so powerful that it is scary.

"In that case."

Xia Yan was not stubborn, the blue in his eyes flickered slightly, and then he immediately made a seal with one hand.

Those trees that were attacking like crazy were like the most obedient soldiers. They immediately stopped in their tracks.

Then all the trees and branches stood up, densely forming a wooden wall, completely wrapping Xia Yan in it.

At this moment, the chakra gathered by Pain burst out!

A blazing white light shone on his body, even surpassing the light of the sun.

The whole world became silent in an instant, the pressure in the air was almost suffocating, and a fear of impending doom surged into my heart.

Immediately afterwards, taking his position as the origin, an indescribable repulsive force suddenly erupted.

At this moment, everything around him was crazily destroyed, and the mountains behind him turned into bare ground. The earth fell downwards, and a ninjutsu that was close to divine punishment came in an instant.

"Super Shinra Tenzheng!"


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