"What kind of power is this?"

Orochimaru stood on top of the ruins, looking at everything in the distance with a dull expression on his face.

In his career as a ninja, he had never seen such large-scale destruction, because the effects of a group of ninjas performing a jutsu during a war were absolutely unimaginable.

Even if he wanted to cause large-scale damage, it would not be difficult.

But like today, he really never thought he would see such a level of destruction caused by the two people just because of fighting, not even once!

Even if they were just a simple collision of physical skills at first, such a collision has completely surpassed ninjutsu.

But now, their collision in terms of skills is even more intense, and it makes people feel that the breath of death is so close.

"That guy with the Samsara Eye is in a very scary state right now, so it's better to stay away."

Orochimaru looked at everything in the distance, felt everything in the distance, and decided to stay away from this place.

He might not worry about what happens next, because his own life-saving ability is still very strong, but the kid next to him can't bear it.


However, the next moment, a vast power completely exploded!

This force completely collided with Xia Yan's Mu Dun, and the color of the world changed in an instant, and then a shock wave that could not be reached in seconds spread crazily in all directions.

Such an impact is indescribable, and such destruction is beyond imagination. The speed at which the destructive power spreads may not even be spared by Orochimaru!

"These two guys..."

Xie was looking at everything from afar in the woods in the other direction, and his face now looked extremely ugly.

The moment the two men took action, he realized that the destructive power caused by these two men was beyond his reach.

Therefore, he had no idea of ​​getting close to these two guys, and he didn't even look for Orochimaru's trouble.

What he really didn't expect was that even if he had run far enough, the impact of the battle between the two people still seemed to be able to affect him.

Perhaps influenced by Xia Yan's vest, Xie completely experienced the feeling of being enveloped by death.

Even though he is a ninja who has been tested by life and death for many years, the extreme powerlessness makes him unwilling to face it again.

But what he really didn't expect was that even if he had opened enough distance, the radiation and coverage range of the battle between these two guys was really too wide.

"It's so bad!"

Xie shook his head fiercely, and then he immediately controlled the puppet of the Third Kazekage to appear. What he had to do now was to protect himself.

He was too close to death last time, and he didn't want to experience it again!

"Boom, boom... boom..."

The ultimate white light expanded to the surface again. When it completely merged with Mu Dun, the deafening sound became the main theme of this land!

Endless cracks appeared crazily on the earth, and abyss-like ravines spread rapidly, seeming to expand all the way to the horizon.

Xia Yan stood quietly surrounded by Mu Dun, and he couldn't help but click his tongue when he felt the terrifying power in front of him.

Especially when the earth-destroying impact touched his Wood Release, he felt a sense of tightness in his heart.

Such destructive power, such powerful power, this is what the Samsara Eye should show!


Under the endless impact, the outermost part of Xia Yanshu Realm suddenly turned into powder. This scene made him frown slightly.

"This kind of power is really beyond imagination."

Xia Yan muttered silently, this time the Wood Release he used was an immortal technique combined with the Chakra of the Pure Eye, and that's how he got to where he is now.

But even so, he could feel that his Wood Release seemed to be unable to withstand Nagato's attack.

But on second thought, he didn't seem to think it was a big deal. He didn't even use one-tenth of the chakra in his body when he performed this technique.

Strictly speaking, his chakra control is relatively powerful, but compared with Nagato's method of gathering almost all the chakra, which can be considered as damaging to his own life, he seems a bit insignificant.

What's more, one-tenth of the chakra mobilization is really nothing to a person with super high recovery ability like Xia Yan.

It can be considered a matter of course for others to go all out and even risk their lives to reach this level.

"It seems I have to be more serious."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan silently began to control his chakra crazily, and the originally huge tree turned into a towering giant tree at this moment!

The earth rumbled continuously, and Xia Yan's trees reached into the sky, completely blocking everything in front of him.

At this moment, Xia Yan clearly felt that the impact from Payne began to weaken, even though his trees were still being weakened, and some were even directly broken.

But now he no longer feels the sense of danger that made his heart palpitate before.

"Moreover, this kind of impact, or this kind of repulsion, seems to give me some inexplicable feelings."

Facing such Shinra Tianzheng, Xia Yan did have an inexplicable feeling. In fact, when he first got these eyes, he discovered that he should actually have some special abilities.

Not to mention other things, Xia Yan felt that he should be able to control gravity and repulsion. He could find similar things in his eyes, but he just couldn't activate them.

However, now when facing Nagato's attack, Xia Yan could clearly feel that some of the abilities in his eyes seemed to be pulsating.

And as the impact of Nagato's Shinra Tenzheng became stronger and stronger, the movement in his eyes became more and more active, and at the same time, he seemed to understand something more and more clearly in his heart.

"So, is that so?"

As the impact of Shinra Tianzheng continued to intensify, Xia Yan's inner feelings became deeper and deeper, and the brilliance in his eyes became more and more dazzling.

At this moment, he seemed to have stronger control over his eyes, especially as he seemed to realize that he had some special power.

The essence of this kind of power is inherent with his eyes, but it is only because his control over his eyes is not strong that it is not fully displayed.

But now, with the help of Nagato, he has gradually realized this ability, and he has mastered it!

"Sure enough, Nagato is also a good person."

Xia Yan murmured to himself, and at this moment, the devastating impact slowly stopped...


Tiandao Payne took back his raised hand. He still looked at everything in front of him expressionlessly, but there was a rare hint of fatigue in his eyes.

Under the power of destroying the world, everything around Nagato has been completely reduced to nothing, and the smoke and dust that is so thick that it is suffocating has covered everything around him.

He couldn't see what was going on in front of him, but he believed that with his power, no matter how terrifying the Mu Dun was, it would be nothing more than a joke.

He has such confidence because his eyes are the reincarnation eyes of the Immortal of Six Paths!


Inaudibly, Tiandao Payne suddenly gasped slightly. He felt very tired now, or Nagato was very tired now.

The Shinra Tensei that had just gathered all the chakra and emitted it had completely consumed his body beyond the limit that he could bear.

However, he believed that no one could withstand such an attack, even that guy seemed to have a pair of powerful eyes.

In the smoke-filled ruins, the remaining walls were slightly loose. Orochimaru kicked the broken rocks away, and then he climbed out of the ground with Kabuto.

They looked very embarrassed, and at this moment, both the young Kabuto and Orochimaru had incredible expressions on their faces.

They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. It was difficult to imagine that the smoky ruins were the lush forests of the past.

The huge forest had completely disappeared at this moment, leaving only a huge round pit that looked lifeless!

In this huge pit, all life seemed to have completely disappeared, and it all happened in just an instant.

"Is this really possible for humans?" Orochimaru murmured softly, and then fell into endless silence.

But his heart was not as silent as his expression. At this moment, his heart was so active and excited.

He was not sure whether this could still be regarded as human power, but when faced with such power, his heart palpitated and he was filled with yearning and desire!

"The power of Mu Dun makes people yearn for it, but Senju Natsuhiko's power seems to be even more desirable. Those eyes are probably not the result of Senju's bloodline, but are they a special case of Natsuhiko?"

Orochimaru licked his tongue slightly, his eyes suddenly filled with desire.

Kabuto, who was standing next to him, could not help but tremble all over. He knew that the ANBU minister was very strong and terrifying.

After all, he had experienced the Kyuubi incident before, and he had witnessed the towering giant tree making it difficult for Kyuubi to move even an inch.

Even though he didn't know that the person who did all this was Natsuhiko at that time, after he was recruited into ANBU, he understood who the person who did all this that night was.

Strictly speaking, he also resented Xia Yan for taking him out of the orphanage almost forcibly.

Because of what Xia Yan did, he left the village, his friends and relatives, and everything he was familiar with.

He was forced to come to Orochimaru, who was being hunted by Konoha and experimented on Konoha villagers.

He thought about resisting, but he knew that he couldn't do it now. But many things in the future were hard to say, and Kabuto still had some expectations.

But at this moment, all the resistance in his heart disappeared without a trace along with the violent impact of power.

He knew that he had no chance, and he might never have the chance to resist the minister in his life.

The guy with the same hair color as himself comes from the Thousand Hands clan and looks like a demon!

Silent fear spread around Kabuto, and he involuntarily lowered his head slowly, not daring to look at what was ahead.

"It's so damn..."

Xie angrily climbed up from the ruins, and he was now extremely embarrassed.

Compared to his current embarrassment, his third-generation Kazekage puppet, which had been protecting him before, had become extremely tattered under this impact.

This situation really gave him a headache. The Third Kazekage's puppet can be regarded as Xion's most outstanding work, but this work suffered such a setback in this battle.

You know, he has just repaired this puppet!

The last time the guy who controlled the Nine Tails used a Tailed Beast Jade to directly smash it to pieces, Xia had to stop most of the work he was doing and concentrate on repairing his puppet.

For him, the puppet is everything to him, it is his belief and the experience of his strength.

It took him almost half a year to repair the puppet, but now he has almost no experience in fighting, and the puppet has been destroyed again!

Such encounters and feelings really made him extremely heartbroken, but at the same time, he had to lament that the power of those two guys was really outrageous.

Even though they were so far apart, the aftermath of their battle could still be like this. It was really hard to believe what the result would be if it were a head-on battle.

"It's just that something doesn't seem right about that Konoha Nightingale?"

Xie frowned. He clearly remembered that he had fought with that Konoha, but the fighting power that guy showed at that time was really very different from now.

At that time, that guy didn't even seem to be able to fly Thunder God. Apart from summoning that damn huge lizard, he couldn't cause much trouble to himself at all.

But what now?

Seeing the strength he showed, Xie seemed to have no better choice than to retreat, because Xie knew very well that if he faced Xia Yan alone with this strength, his fate would be nothing but death.

Taking a deep breath, Scorpio forced himself to calm down. It was pointless to think about these things now.

Although the fighting in the distance has not completely stopped yet, Xie no longer pays attention to these things, and he must withdraw from this battle.

His puppet has been destroyed, and there is no point in him continuing to stay.

Leave early and find a way to repair your puppet so that you can once again return to a state of sufficient combat effectiveness. This is the real priority!

Once again, he turned back and took a deep look at the battlefield. The thick smoke began to slowly dissipate, and the terrifying towering tree seemed to reveal its ferocious face.

Seeing this scene, Xion didn't dare to hesitate at all, because this scene had explained everything...


"How...how is this possible?"

The thick smoke quickly dissipated with the breeze, and when the rows of ferocious trees hugged each other, and although they looked scarred but still stood upright, they appeared in front of Payne.

No matter how indifferent and confident this guy is, he still feels unable to accept reality at this moment.

He really couldn't accept the results of all this. He had already been working hard to display the Shenluo Tianzheng.

And this time, he believed that the Shinra Tianzheng could easily destroy the entire village even if it was placed within any of the five major villages!

But now, an extremely cruel reality was placed in front of him, that is, everything he did was of no use to that Konoha Nightingale.

How can this be?

Why does this happen?

He couldn't understand or accept why those wooden escapes could block his most powerful attack?


However, he didn't have time to think too much. He only heard a sudden sound of breaking through the air in his ears, and then his whole body was violently knocked out!

He himself didn't know how many meters he flew before he stopped, nor did he know how many things he crashed along the way.

His mind is full of confusion now, and not only that, because of the unrestrained mobilization of chakra just now, he is now unable to use the power of the Samsara Eye properly at all!

"It really disappoints me."

When Payne's body stopped, a light voice immediately came to his ears.

Payne turned his head slightly and saw that the figure, which was exuding blue chakra and looked extremely erratic, had appeared not far from him like a ghost.

It was the Konoha Nightingale. Nagato could see it very clearly through Pain's perspective. In fact, even if he couldn't see him, he was 100% sure that it was him.

That damn voice, that ghostly speed, that god-like posture.

For a moment, Nagato was absolutely convinced that this guy was a god!

He is God, he is the agent of the Immortal of Six Paths in the human world, and he is born with the Samsara Eye!

"I don't admit it! I don't admit it!"

At this moment, both Nagato, who was hiding in the tree hole, and Payne, who was controlled by him, let out a roar.

Although his power didn't return at all, he didn't care about anything!

He still has vitality, and he can use his vitality to forcibly drive the power of the Samsara Eye.

It's just that Xia Yan's speed is faster than him, and in his pure eyes, he has seen Pain's chakra surge again.

Especially this time, the power he was driving included his vitality, which showed that Nagato was really starting to go crazy.

So Xia Yan took the lead. He had just obtained some very interesting powers. Now he would try to see how these powers performed.

He quickly stretched out his hand, and the Chakra accompanied by the celestial eye began to vibrate.

The powerful gravity appeared in his hands without any stagnation, and in an instant the rules of the world seemed to be written.

Countless gravels and broken branches seemed to be summoned, and they flew towards Xia Yan's position crazily.

And Payne couldn't control his body. He didn't even react at all. His body shot towards Xia Yan's palm like a cannonball.

Xia Yan himself was shocked by this scene. This was indeed the first time he used the power of the Pure Eye.

In other words, this ability to control the repulsive force of gravity is something that all high-level eyes have in common, and it can be regarded as a universal skill.

But even so, the power Xia Yan displayed was really scary.

Not only was Xia Yan a little confused, but the pale face of Nagato, who was hidden in the tree hole, became even more ugly.

Why does this guy also attract everything from heaven?

But he also knew that this question was not something he could ask now. He needed to get out of this damn control quickly!

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

He gritted his teeth, and the chakra in his body suddenly deflected. He bluffed outwards with both hands at the same time, and huge chakra exploded, and the repulsive force expanded in all directions.

Shenluo Tianzheng was once again released by him. In fact, he had planned to use the All-Seeing Tianzheng before that. Unfortunately, Xia Yan was one step ahead of him, so he had to change his tactics temporarily.

Such a move was extremely dangerous. At this time, Nagato could no longer control the flow of blood from his mouth and nose.


Konan was extremely worried when he saw this scene, but Nagato didn't pay attention at all. He still seriously controlled Tendo Payne to fight.

Under the invisible repulsion from Tiandao Payne, he finally stopped flying towards Xia Yan.

A transparent halo of light appeared next to him, and the ground beneath his feet collapsed slightly under this force.

However, Xia Yan had no intention of stopping at all, because he found that he seemed to be controlling these powers and would not waste much of his power at all.

And these powers are as docile as a sheep in his hands, and he can control them all easily!

"In that case..."

Natsuhiko smiled slightly, his figure flashed quickly, and then without waiting for Nagato to react, he began to try to change the gravitational trajectory he controlled.

Gravity does not necessarily have to go up or down. If it can be controlled, gravity can be changed in detail according to Xia Yan's thoughts.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to do this kind of thing, but Xia Yan now feels that with his eyes and his control, he can definitely accomplish it!

Without the slightest hesitation, the blue in Xia Yan's eyes became even brighter, and the chakra in his body began to surge more.

With the change in power in his eyes, the rules of gravity seemed to have been rewritten in an instant!

Up, down, left, and right, all the gravity was instantly changed by him. At this moment, the world seemed to become chaotic and disorderly.

Payne's body paused slightly, and Nagato in the distance seemed to feel that strange changes had taken place in the world at this moment.

Even though his reincarnation eye has seen that Xia Yan is causing trouble in all of this, it is just a false reversal caused by the rewriting of gravity.

But Payne's body has actually reacted. The strange gravity instantly caused Payne's body to twist. He said that the repulsive force released also began to become disordered at this moment.

Such changes in gravity were tearing this body crazily. His head was constantly being pulled upwards, and his surroundings were twisting in various directions. The whole world seemed to have changed.


At this moment, Nagato let out an angry roar again, his chakra leaping crazily along with his vitality.

He wants to change everything, he wants to rewrite everything, otherwise his best friend's body may really be destroyed in this place!

His eyes had begun to overflow with blood, and his body became even thinner at this moment. No matter how you looked at it, he seemed to have reached a point where he was exhausted.

It's just that he hasn't given up yet, and he hasn't thought about giving up at all.

But at this moment, the weird and twisted gravity suddenly disappeared, and everything seemed to be back to where it started...



Xia Yan jumped back quickly, and then he covered his eyes.

But between his fingers, a trace of bright red blood flowed out quietly, and it was obvious that his eyes had some bad reactions.

"It's too big."

Xia Yan sighed silently, knowing exactly what his current situation was like.

There was nothing wrong with his body, and his eyes were actually not damaged. The reason why he was in this situation was because the chakra in his eyes began to riot.

He felt that he could control gravity, and control these forces more carefully and subtly.

In fact, he did it. He used his imagination to make gravity weird, more elusive and more dangerous.

But this kind of control is obviously a bit too much for him.

He had just realized and mastered this power for less than a minute. Even if he could do it, the level of his eyes could not support him to continue doing so.

This is a silent resistance from his eyes, and it is also a kind of protection for Xia Yan himself. If this continues, Xia Yan's eyes may not be as simple as hemorrhage.

"It seems that I took these powers too much for granted. After all, they are the basic forces that build a planet. Even if they are infinitely weakened, their power is unimaginable."

The force of gravity may seem inconspicuous, but without the existence of this terrifying gravity, a planet would have disintegrated long ago in the torrent of the universe.

On a larger scale, if there was no gravity, there would be no way to form a celestial system. As a result, life forms would not appear.

It is really difficult to completely master and control this kind of power.

"It seems that in order to completely improve this power, my eyes need to continue to evolve."

Xia Yan gently wiped away the blood from the corners of his eyes. He raised his head and looked at Payne in the distance.

At this time, Payne had stood up again, but his current state seemed to have completely fallen into a trough.

The chakra that was originally connected to the black rod on his body was as thin as a thread at this moment, which also caused Pain's movements to look a little stiff.

This is probably the ninja world's version of poor signal contact, right?

Xia Yan shook his head slightly. The results of this test were almost there and he didn't plan to continue playing.

Overall, he was extremely satisfied with this test, especially since he accidentally 'turned on' the 'use switch' of gravity and repulsion through the battle with Nagato.

With this result, even if there was a slight problem with his eyes at the last moment, everything could be considered perfect.

"Gravity has been used, so we have to try repulsion. I hope there won't be any problems this time."

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan began to control his eyes, and suddenly a strong repulsive force formed around him.

The most important thing is that he can clearly feel that this repulsive force is also under his control.

"In that case..."

Xia Yan got a satisfactory answer, so he no longer hesitated. Although he would not learn Nagato's use of repulsion step by step, he would not be as messy as controlling gravity.

He quickly wrapped all the repulsive force under him, and then his whole body began to fly lightly!

He had been looking forward to the power of flight for a long time, but he really didn't expect that such a power could be mastered in this way.

"Okay, the game should be over."

Xia Yan floated in the air. He didn't fly very high. Even if he could do it, he didn't dare to take risks easily.

He looked at the embarrassed Pain calmly, and then a suffocating chakra burst out from his body.

At this point in the battle, Xia Yan's chakra is still unimaginably full, except that his Pure Eye Chakra mode is about to reach the time limit, but this does not affect that he can still perform many interesting techniques.

"All I can say is, I'm disappointed."

He spoke slowly, and at the same time he raised one hand, with his index finger and middle finger standing side by side, making a seal gesture.

"The user of the Samsara Eye is only to this extent, or in other words, the Samsara Eye is only to this extent. I suddenly have no interest in you anymore."

"What are your eyes..."

As soon as Xia Yan finished speaking, Payne suddenly raised his head. He looked up at Xia Yan floating in the air. Although his voice was still as cold as ice, it was also extremely weak.

He is really curious now, curious about what Xia Yan's eyes are, and he is curious about what kind of eyes he lost to.

He was also very curious about Natsuhiko. He didn't know the specifics of Natsuhiko at all. He had never thought that such a person existed in the ninja world, especially in Konoha.

"I'll give you an answer before I die."

Xia Yan showed a smile. At this moment, the earth began to roar crazily, and his voice slowly fell.

"These eyes are called pure eyes. So, goodbye."

"Wood Release·Wood Dragon Technique!"

With the surge of chakra, a hundred-meter-long giant dragon suddenly emerged from the ground, and then pounced on Payne!

"Clean your eyes..."

Nagato in the tree hole closed his eyes. He had lost contact with Tiandao Payne.

This time he was defeated. It is no exaggeration to say that he was completely unable to fight back!

However, he did remember the minister of Konoha ANBU, the guy from the Senju clan known as Konoha Nightingale, and the pair of blue eyes called Pure Eyes.

"Clean your eyes..."

Orochimaru stood in the distance with Kabuto. He licked his tongue slightly and looked a little confused.

But those dazzling eyes were echoing in his mind, and his eyes were so hot at this moment...


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