In the Konoha ANBU office, Natsuhiko stood quietly by the window and looked outside.

At this time, the sun in the sky has just risen, and the entire Konoha has begun to look energetic.

However, this kind of vitality has not yet been fully developed, because it is still a bit too early.

For Xia Yan, since he became the captain, he rarely went to work so early to report.

Because he had already left the executive level and entered the management level, it was naturally impossible for him to work as hard as the executive level and treat himself so badly.

However, there was something special about today, which forced Xia Yan to come to the office early to wait and prepare. He had to pay attention to the current situation at all times.

"I don't know what it will be like today."

Xia Yan murmured softly, and then he stopped thinking so much. Everything will be answered naturally when the results appear.

It had been a long time since Natsuhiko defeated Nagato, and the impact of what he had done and his personal gains were great.

In fact, Xia Yan himself didn't want to make too much noise, but he had no choice. He really played a bit too hard that time, and Nagato's reaction was also a bit too cooperative.

Super Shinra Tenzheng versus Natsuhiko's pure eye chakra mode combined with the arrival of the tree world of senjutsu. These are almost two jutsus that can destroy a huge ninja village. The shock caused by this is unimaginable.

Even though these two techniques did not cause any trouble or losses to any cities or small towns, the ripples caused by these two techniques still spread to many places.

Centered on the place where they fought, violent vibrations could be felt in the capital of the Fire Country and the Leaf Village.

In addition, the River Kingdom, Sand Hidden Village, even the Rain Kingdom, and even some borders of the Earth Kingdom can also detect such vibrations.

The Land of Fire is not a place where earthquakes occur frequently. Even if there are earthquakes, they cannot be of such intensity.

Especially the people in the perception classes of each village clearly felt the chakra fluctuations that made them despair to the extreme at this moment.

This also proves that the earthquake this time was not an earthquake at all, but someone was fighting!

But, what kind of person can actually make such a noise while fighting?

It's a pity that no one will tell them the answer, not even Xia Yan, the initiator, will tell them this.

Therefore, they could only investigate by themselves, and Xia Yan had to send some Anbu personnel to collect intelligence and information.

What Xia Yan didn't expect was that originally he just let these ANBU go through the motions, but these ANBU were so confident that they actually found traces of Orochimaru!

You must know that that ghost place has been completely destroyed because of the battle between Natsuhiko and Nagato. The fact that traces can still be found under such circumstances can only be said to be that the ANBU trained them very well.

"Does this count as cheating yourself?"

After seeing this information, Xia Yan could only shake his head helplessly. Fortunately, they did not find any traces of himself, otherwise it would not be easy to explain this matter.

Natsuhiko admitted that he was very strong now, so strong that even Pain who would come to Konoha to attack Konoha in the future would not be his opponent.

A little further up, he would most likely be able to compete with Naruto's first stage Nine-Tails Chakra state.

He might be able to fight against Sasuke's Eternal Eye state, but it would be a bit fanciful to win completely.

Of course, it is impossible for Sasuke to solve him. The final result will most likely be a stalemate between the two sides. Even if Natsuhiko is at a disadvantage, he may not necessarily die.

Strictly speaking, this kind of strength is very strong and invincible, but it is a bit unsightly when compared with a fierce person like Uchiha Madara.

What Uchiha Madara faced was not just Naruto or Sasuke alone, but the joint attack of these two!

The most terrible thing is that when Sasuke with the eternal eye faced Madara without eyes alone, he was stabbed with a knife and left there to die.

Such crushing strength is really unimaginable. In addition to the fact that the tailed beast was drawn out and Naruto was about to die, if there were no Six Paths to kill him, Madara would have achieved the achievement of destroying the savior!

"So, my strength is not enough for Madara. I have to develop it slowly."

While his strength was still so sufficient, Xia Yan felt that it would be better if he was a little more cautious.

Even he himself knew that his performance in Konoha was already high-profile enough at times, but he didn't want to suppress everything simply by relying on his strength.

Suppression of strength will make people surrender, and it will make people fear and completely obey your orders, but this kind of obedience is largely limited to the surface.

In fact, whether using power or strength, using the most brutal means to suppress everyone is always the lowest and most useless method.

After Danzo used his power, what he was very good at was coercion by force. He used this skill whether it was his enemies or his own people.

Sneak attacks, assassinations, and even massacres of clans. The ultimate backlash of such practices was that when this guy died, Konoha did not beat gongs, drums, or firecrackers, which was considered a sign of respect for him.

Xia Yan is not worried about Danzo and allows him to continue to act recklessly because Xia Yan knows that this guy will inevitably be swallowed up by extremeness and arrogance.

I'm afraid it won't be long before Danzo becomes a guy who is hated by gods and ghosts and is planned and rejected by everyone.

And once it reaches this point, this guy and Sarutobi Hiruzen behind him will suffer!

In addition to Danzo, there are some guys similar to him, such as Madara Uchiha, Kaguya Otsutsuki, and even Nagato, who was taught a lesson by Natsuhiko some time ago.

These guys are so cold, arrogant, and condescending. They say that the attitude they show is always contempt for ordinary people.

Such an attitude will naturally arouse everyone's instinctive resistance. A great man once said that wherever there is oppression, there is resistance.

Especially human beings are intelligent creatures. Each one has his or her own unique soul sparkle, and they all have their own ‘humanity’.

Soul, will and human nature, these things are more like spiritual qualities. They have nothing to do with strength but can determine many things.

After all, no one likes to live in fear and shadow.

Natsuhiko's current strength is actually invincible in the entire Konoha, and even in the entire ninja world - unless enemies come from the sky or from the ground.

He can completely follow his own ideas and use his power to suppress, eradicate and even exterminate those who resist him!

But what you get by doing this is just a puppet-like world that is lifeless and lifeless.

And the ultimate result of doing so is to deeply plant the seeds of hatred, or castrate the entire world into a soulless world.

To be honest, this is not as good as the traditional skill of the Otsutsu clan - knocking everyone off the tree.

Although Xia Yan would use his power and strength to suppress some disobedient people, that was just an exception.

He mostly acts within the rules. After all, it is foreseeable that his methods will be gentler in the future.

“So whether it’s because the enemies in the future are too powerful, or because I can better control the village in the future, I have to be more honest.

It's just that although I won't be hung on a tree by a big tube tree, I always feel that I am more and more suitable for hanging on a street lamp, right? "

Looking at more and more people outside the window, Xia Yan couldn't help but think secretly, but at this moment Qiong and Lianhua entered Xia Yan's office together.

"Mr. Minister, everything is ready."

"Really? Then let's get started. You will need to be more busy today."


Today is indeed a busy day for ANBU, because today is the first day that the propaganda agency founded by Xia Yan officially has results.

In fact, Xia Yan sometimes has to be grateful that the ninja world he is in is a world where communication and exchange of information are relatively convenient, and it still has extraordinary abilities.

If it were an ancient feudal dynasty, Xia Yan's propaganda agency might not be able to continue operating.

After all, information transmission is not convenient enough. Once the policies he wants to convey in the future are inconsistent with local interests, it is very likely that he will be intercepted by local squires or even officials.

The timely transmission of intelligence and information is always the best way to deal with opponents. This has never been changed throughout the ages.

If there are errors in information, it can easily cause all kinds of troubles. Of course, this will also give rise to all kinds of people who use information to make money.

This phenomenon is actually common in the ninja world, but this type basically focuses on the confrontation between ninjas.

Other relatively common information transfers can still be timely and effective in this world.

"Of course, there is another most critical reason, that is, Konoha is not particularly big, and people with extraordinary abilities are concentrated in the Ninja Village."

Using the power of ninja to ensure the correct transmission of information is an excellent protection for Xia Yan's newspaper.

Without this power, I am afraid that these newspapers would not be able to spread their propaganda.

Sometimes force is not used for offense, but is also a very necessary means of protection and defense.

"Except for those who are currently performing tasks, all ANBU have gone out to help publicize it. All we have to do now is wait silently for the results."

Xia Yan watched Qiong and Lianhua leave the office, and then he stretched slightly. He was thinking about whether he should go out and take a look.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it would be better if he stayed here and waited for the report. In this kind of matter, he felt that it would be better if he stayed calm.


"You heard, there seems to be a new store in Konoha. That store sells more interesting things, it seems to be called newspapers."

"Newspaper, what is that?"

"It seems to be a relatively new product, but there are all kinds of interesting things recorded on it, from various places, right?"

"Really? But isn't it the same as the book?"

"It's different. It is said that this information will be the most authentic and timely content."

On the streets of Konoha, I don't know when discussions similar to this began. No one knows where such discussions started or what they are talking about.

But it has to be said that such a discussion immediately aroused the interest of many residents of Konoha.

The literacy rate of Konoha residents has never been low, so the sales of various anecdotal books sold in Konoha have always been pretty good.

It's just that the books recorded are basically things from the past. For them, topics like timeliness are basically passed on by word of mouth or directly through Konoha.

They have basically never taken the initiative to obtain similar information, or they have no way to proactively obtain some real-time things.

But now, they seem to have discovered that there seems to be something that has such an ability, and it still records various interesting contents. Why aren't these Konoha residents interested?

Kawamitsu is a civilian. Although he took the ninja school examination when he was five years old, the sad thing is that he has no way to become a ninja.

But he was optimistic. Even if he couldn't become a ninja, he could still live happily in Konoha.

And being unable to become a ninja may be a lucky thing for him, after all, Konoha has been at war these years.

The war was finally over, and something like Kyuubi happened again, which was really embarrassing.

But this was nothing. What made him feel most depressed was the pride of being a civilian ninja. Namikaze Minato, who became the Fourth Hokage, had to cultivate himself because of the Nine-Tails incident.

This also caused Konoha to once again return to the control of the Third Hokage. He did not hate the Third Hokage, but he preferred the Fourth Hokage.

Now they have no way of knowing what happened to the Fourth Hokage. Even a little bit of information has not been revealed, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

"I don't know about this thing, is it a newspaper? I wonder if there will be any information about the Fourth Hokage."

Chuan Guang thought silently, and then he felt that it didn't matter if he just bought a copy and took a look.

Of course, if it's too expensive, he can't afford it. After all, he's not a ninja, so he can't have that much income.

"Why is it so cheap?"

However, what he never expected was that the so-called newspaper was not expensive at all. Although the thickness could not be compared with the thinnest books, the content on it seemed to be quite a lot.

Such a price makes Chuan Guang a little worried. He is worried that the contents inside will be all messy things?

But when he looked carefully in, he suddenly found himself fascinated.

Just the opening content had attracted him, because it had been authorized by ANBU and decrypted some things about Orochimaru!

Orochimaru is one of the three ninjas of Konoha. Even though he is now defined as a traitorous ninja, many things in it have never been explained clearly.

In other words, no one knows the inside story of Orochimaru. After all, it is too far away for them.

But now, this newspaper actually directly stated these things. This really shocked Sichuan Guang and greatly stimulated his inquiring mind.

"Can these things really be written down? Forget it, read it quickly, in case it disappears in the future."

Thinking of this, Chuan Guang began to read seriously. Not only Chuan Guang, but also countless people who got the newspaper at this moment were attracted to it.

They crazily absorb everything in the newspaper, and the information in the newspaper seems to be attracting them crazily.


"So this is what happened to Lord Orochimaru."

In a meatball shop, Akai, Yamashiro Aoba, Anko, and Hong sat together. They all looked at the newspapers spread out on the table seriously.

It has to be said that they were also attracted by the contents of the newspaper, especially Anko. As a former disciple of Orochimaru, she naturally paid great attention to all this.

She actually didn't believe that her teacher would do such a thing at all. Even though it later seemed to be confirmed that Orochimaru attacked Uchiha Fugaku, she was more willing to believe that there were other reasons.

But now, some information within the Anbu has been decrypted, which makes Anko realize that it seems that all of this may be true.

She originally didn't believe in the ANBU department, but since it was revealed that Kakashi was the captain.

Especially since the head of ANBU was probably well known to them, their former classmate Senju Natsuhiko, they also began to quietly change their attitude towards ANBU.

What's more, the information provided by the Anbu this time was complete and detailed, and it also implicitly stated that Orochimaru wanted to do all this, but he simply could not complete it alone.

This also means that Orochimaru was probably controlled by someone to do such a thing.

The person who controlled Orochimaru is still at large. Although the ANBU is investigating, the other party has great power, and the ANBU can only continue to conduct in-depth investigations.

Of course, the idea of ​​being controlled is limited to those who believe in Orochimaru. I don't know if other people will see it this way.

But in any case, with such a revelation about Orochimaru, and it was a relatively objective and neutral revelation, most ninjas immediately felt good about the newspaper.

"I hope Kaka... I hope ANBU and the others can have a more detailed investigation report."

Akai touched his chin and finally gave a summary with some embarrassment.

He almost said Kakashi's name again, after all, Kakashi really shocked him that time, and he couldn't forget these things at all.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Yamashiro Aoba probably didn't want to embarrass everyone, so he immediately said: "Let's see if there is any other content. I'm really getting more and more curious about this newspaper now. ”

"Yes, I think there should be more than just these contents, right?" Hong also nodded, she was completely attracted by this kind of newspaper.

The content here can be described as explosive. Although Hong is not considered gossip, she has now been aroused.

She really wanted to know what other content these newspapers had, other more interesting content.

After getting everyone's approval, Yamashiro Aoba also opened the newspaper, and soon their eyes were on a report that was not too big but not too small.

This is not so much a report as it is a ninja's autobiography. An ANBU ninja talks about all the interesting things he encountered during his mission!

It tells a lot of unknown things, such as some ANBU training. Such training is boring and painful, and the content of these trainings is very wide.

Even though these things are not detailed in the text, it still reveals how difficult such training is.

And after training, they may not necessarily become a qualified ANBU ninja. They have to start with the simplest patrol missions.

Only after completing this series of preliminary tasks can he proceed to more advanced tasks.

In the article, this ANBU ninja, who did not reveal any personal information, told about a mission he had performed.

He received a very bloody mission, which required him to kill an ordinary family in a small town in the Country of Fire.

This mission made him extremely confused. As a ninja, why would he attack an ordinary person and kill him regardless of age or gender?

But he didn't question or resist. He could only complete this task with endless pain.

He said that he would never be able to forget that night in his life, and what the expression of the person who died in his hands looked like.

It was only later that he learned more information. This family did not know how much more information they had conveyed to the Kingdom of Wind!

Although the information they conveyed did not contain ninja content, it did contain a lot of important information such as the layout of the city and the divisions of the population.

In addition, as a businessman, he also owns his own factory. His factory houses an unknown number of ninjas from Sunagakure Village.

Such people may not seem as effective as a rebel ninja, but the damage they can cause is unimaginable.

That's why ANBU decided to kill this guy and use the most thunderous means to leave no one alive.

This is also to have the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys. This will not only protect the Fire Nation, but also serve as a warning to others, thereby curbing the infiltration and spread of the enemy.

Overall, this story sounds cliche, but it seems to have a different flavor when told through the voice of an ANBU.

In particular, this article also shows the mental journey of an ANBU, explaining his growth and changes, especially there is a summary at the end.

"At first I didn't know why I did it, and then I figured it out.

We are the messengers of darkness, we are the ones hiding in the darkness to protect Konoha.

The Minister said something, we are all heroes, we walk in the dark night and serve the light. "

After Akai and the others finished reading this sentence, they all fell into silence.

An inexplicable desire emerged in their hearts, and this sentence stimulated them too much!

In fact, it's not just them, countless ninjas in Konoha have some vague thoughts in their hearts after reading the content here.

Such an idea is not mature, but in any case, this article has planted a seed in their hearts.

And after reading this article, they have more ideas to explore other content...


"It's really interesting."

In the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hizu sat at home and looked at the newspaper in his hands, and the whole person fell into silence.

He has read Orochimaru's decryption, which is very interesting and interesting, but as the leader of the clan, he knows all these contents.

He could conclude that what was written in this article was very true, but it was because of this truth that he felt a little stunned.

Strictly speaking, these contents should be kept extremely confidential, because the things involved may very well point directly to the person sitting in the Hokage's office.

This is not a good thing no matter how you look at it, and it may even cause some extreme situations if not handled well!

He is the clan leader, and his perspective and way of looking at things are different from ordinary people. Through such a report, he can see how tense the high-level officials in Konoha are now.

Even though he knew that this kind of confrontation had always existed, but it had developed to this point, it made him feel stunned.

He remains neutral, so he currently has no troubles or problems, but as long as he remains neutral, no one knows what will happen in the future.

Especially the guys with red eyes next door, they seem to have made their choice and begun to change.

The newspaper in his hand wrote about the current changes in the Security Department!

Promoting the changes in the Security Department is actually promoting the Uchiha clan from another perspective.

He had completely seen how Uchiha had been isolated before - other families did not dare to help them, and they were also hated by the residents of Konoha.

It can be said that they have drifted away from Konoha, and no matter what happens in the future, it is not surprising.

But with the publicity of this report, to some extent, it can restore some of their image. As long as they continue to change, then the future may be really bright.

"In addition to the fights within the village, there is also a lot of content outside the village."

Hinata Hiashi looked at the newspaper in his hand quietly. The content inside the village was very interesting, and the same things outside the village also kept him firmly in mind.

Some of the more sensitive actions in other villages were actually mentioned in the newspapers, even though these things occupied a small space and the contents were not very confidential.

But being able to pay attention to other people's movements at all times shows what kind of behemoth is standing behind this so-called newspaper.

"With such sufficient intelligence information, and being able to deliver it back in such a timely manner, if there were no ANBU in it, I'm afraid no one would believe it."

Hinata Hiashi sighed slightly, whatever the ANBU specially provided, in his opinion, it was simply something done by the ANBU themselves.

Thinking of the mutual accusations against the Hokage and ANBU in Konoha some time ago, he became more and more sure of some things.

"It seems that Konoha will become more exciting in the future, but where will we Hinata go..."


"What the hell does this brat think of ANBU!"

In the Hokage's office, Hiruzen Sarutobi slapped the table hard. He was really angry when he looked at the newspaper in front of him.

As Hokage, he could see that Xia Yan had not revealed any secrets, but he could also see how terrible the impact of this so-called newspaper was on him!

The opening chapter is about Orochimaru's content, even if it is said to be fairly objective and neutral.

But damn it, Natsuhiko actually said that there might be some high-ranking people involved, which made Sarutobi Hiruzen very embarrassed.

You must know that Orochimaru was let go by him in the first place. Isn't he blaming him for doing this now?

In addition, this guy really tried his best to praise ANBU. The confessional article about ANBU ninjas in it was completely promoting ANBU!

There is also some information about other villages, such as where another conflict occurred and how many people died.

Things are not stable again, there are ninja troops gathering and so on.

These contents, combined with the previous ANBU propaganda, will always give people the feeling that 'it was the ANBU that kept these troubles out of Konoha and out of the Land of Fire, so that they could live so safely and enjoy peace.' !

Sarutobi Hiruzen was really numbed by such a newspaper, but he had to admit that it seemed that it was much better to tell some information rather than keep it to himself.

Telling some things to ordinary people can greatly satisfy their desire for knowledge and at the same time show a clear conscience.

Telling the not-so-important things about other villages can tell those villages that you see every move they make, and you can weigh the consequences yourself if you want to mess up.

In particular, Sarutobi Hiruzen also found that this kind of newspaper has really strong control over public opinion. He can fully imagine how high the support of Anbu is now.

Now Xia Yan is gathering public opinion, and he is just promoting ANBU.

But in the future, if Xia Yan uses such public opinion to attack him, will he be able to bear it?

"No, there must be countermeasures."

Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up his pipe and took a deep puff, and suddenly the whole room was filled with smoke.

He had actually considered whether he could ban this so-called newspaper and start one of his own.

But the idea only crossed his mind once and he immediately dismissed it.

He knew that once he did this, no matter how he explained it, it would probably be equivalent to confirming the relationship between him and Orochimaru.

Because I was worried that the Anbu would reveal something, I chose to ban the newspaper.

Therefore, all he can do is to find a way to get something similar by himself.

Only in this way can he gradually try to regain control of public opinion and turn it towards himself.

"Fortunately there are still roots."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed slightly, and he put Danzo back into the position of the root, and Danzo also made the root work again.

This is good news, because with the root, he also has an intelligence source, and he can make some attempts.

"But why didn't this guy Danzo come over and have such a big thing happen?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought silently. He was indeed curious about what Danzo was doing. After all, newspapers were very dangerous things.

What Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't imagine was that Danzo was currently in a forest in Konoha.

In front of him was a man wearing sunglasses. If Sarutobi Hiruzen was here, he would definitely recognize this man as Shimi Aburame...


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