The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 252 Backlash (8K please subscribe~)

"Danzo-sama, what do you want from me?"

In the forest of Konoha, Aburame Shimi stared at Danzo in front of him with a somewhat ugly expression.

Although the Aburame clan is not a big family in Konoha, it is definitely a family with a name and considerable strength.

Therefore, Aburame Zhiwei has access to a lot of information, and he naturally knows very well what kind of character this damn old man standing in front of him is.

This guy is the head of the most mysterious organization in Konoha, the Roots.

Moreover, what this guy did can be described as evil. He did not know how many of his own people were suspected, and there were many innocent people among them.

In addition, this guy actually assassinated Hokage, which was beyond Aburame Shiwei's imagination.

Even if this thing is a rumor, he is more willing to imagine that all this is true, because this guy Danzo can really do these things.

The most important thing is that this guy Danzo has asked for people from the Aburame clan more than once, and Aburame Shiwei is really angry about this but dare not say anything.

This time Danzo found him again. Even though he hadn't said anything yet, he had already guessed what Danzo was thinking, which made him really resentful.

"My purpose of coming to you is very clear."

Danzo could see that Aburame Shiwei was dissatisfied with him, but he didn't care at all. There were many people in Konoha who hated him, but they didn't dare to resist him at all. This was enough.

"The roots have been expanded. This is not a secret. After all, the ANBU is doing this.

So I need more people to make the roots stronger so that Konoha can be better protected.

Since we have a good cooperative relationship, I hope you will consider it carefully. This is something that will benefit everyone. "

Good working relations?

Good for everyone?

Aburame Zhiwei's face turned extremely ugly when he heard this. He really couldn't imagine how shameless this guy had become.

He didn't even think that there was any good cooperative relationship between him and Danzo, that damn guy.

Danzo had always used the power in his hands to oppress him, forcing him to make certain choices.

In this way, Aburame Ryoma left the family and went to Danzo's hands. This incident made Aburame Shiwei depressed for a long time.

Now the genius of the family has simply returned home, and has basically no contact with the family. There is no conclusion whether he is dead or alive.

This was such a heartbreaking thing, and it also made Aburame Shiwei firmly remember Danzo.

"I'm sorry, Danzo-sama, but there are not that many available talents in the family right now."

Although Aburame Shiwei hated Danzo in his heart, he also knew that he had no way to fight against Danzo.

Therefore, he could only control his emotions and negotiate with Danzo patiently. He was really unwilling to hand anyone over to Danzo. This was a responsibility to the family and to himself!

"No?" Danzo's face immediately darkened when he heard this: "Aburame Shiwei, I hope you can think carefully about it. I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm just telling you this. .”

"But..." Aburame opened his mouth slightly to say something, but Danzo didn't give him any chance to speak.

Danzo turned around and said slowly while walking forward. The cold voice passed directly through Aburame Shiwei's ears and pierced his heart.

"I'll give you three days to think about it. You only have three days. If you don't give me a reasonable answer after three days..."

After saying this, Danzo paused for a moment, turned his head slightly and looked at Shiwei Aburame calmly, and then he slowly spoke.

"Then I will take some action, and you will be responsible for the consequences."

After saying this, he turned around and left the place. At this moment, several ninjas dressed in black and wearing masks quietly appeared behind him.

They looked at Aburame Shimi silently, and then followed Danzo's footsteps and left the place together.

Aburame Zhiwei's face looked a little pale. This was already a naked threat, and it was a threat that he could not bear.

He was really full of resentment in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it, because he was facing a villain who had no friendship with his fellow villagers.

Especially since this villain is a high-ranking official in Konoha and holds unimaginable power in his hands.

He can resist, but the cost of resisting is really unimaginable, especially since he knows that behind this guy is probably the Hokage!


With a helpless sigh, Aburame Shiwei left here silently. He really hated Danzo, but he was really helpless.

Although the root is mysterious, the mystery behind it cannot escape the control of the Hokage. This is an iron-clad fact that cannot be changed.

He now hates Hiruzen Sarutobi in his heart. Without Hiruzen Sarutobi's acquiescence, how could Danzo Shimura be as unscrupulous as he is now?

What's more, this damn guy Shimura Danzo has been dismissed before, but now he's back. If it wasn't for Sarutobi Hiruzen, how could he come back?

Now Konoha has reached into the family unscrupulously, which can be regarded as breaking the unspoken rules of the ninja world.

It's a pity that he can't do anything, he can't do anything at all, because Naruto is there and Sarutobi Hiruzen is there!

If he had a choice, he would never do this.

"I'm afraid I'm not the only one who feels this way, Konoha..."

Aburame Shiwei, who was sulking alone, walked into the center of Konoha silently. His heart was really desolate now. While desolate, he also began to helplessly think about candidates.

As he walked, he found that Konoha seemed different today than usual. Whether they were civilians or ninjas, they were all holding a large piece of paper in their hands and looking at it.

And such investment really made Aburame Zhiwei feel a little confused. What on earth is going on?

"Shall we understand the situation first?"

Aburame Shiwei quickly decided that he would rather find something else to do to distract himself.

He also didn’t want to keep thinking about that damn Danzo and his extremely bad selection of personnel, because no matter who he chose, the fate of that tribe was basically doomed.

"Newspaper, what is this?"

When Aburame Shiwei got some information through the bug, his face looked a little strange.

Because he discovered that in just one morning, something very inexplicable appeared in Konoha.

And this thing seems to be very interesting. It seems to contain a lot of interesting and valuable information.

This information also caused all the residents of Konoha to rush to buy and read it. What exactly is recorded in it?

Thinking of this, Aburame Zhiwei simply bought a copy for himself. Only then did he discover what the so-called newspaper was.

"Is this... a different kind of announcement?"

Looking at the thick black fonts, Aburame Shi raised his eyebrows slightly, but when he turned to the official content on the first page, he was stunned.


Or is it information specially provided by ANBU?

What the hell is this?

No wonder he is confused now, can he really talk nonsense about Orochimaru?

As the patriarch of the family, he naturally knows that there are many things involved behind Orochimaru. This kind of thing is a secret of Konoha, and it is still biased towards dark things.

This cannot be messed with under any circumstances, nor can it be messed up with.

"What on earth does this mean? Could it be..."

Aburame Zhiwei pondered for a moment, and he immediately began to read the entire article quickly.

His reading speed is very fast, and he is a powerful ninja after all. His long-term missions have cultivated his excellent reading and thinking skills.

It didn't take him long to finish reading the entire article, and after reading it, a thought kept flashing in his mind.

That's Konoha, isn't it really crazy?

Although this article talks about Orochimaru throughout, the report on this topic is relatively objective.

But this article said in a subtle way that there is someone behind Orochimaru!

what does that mean?

This meant that someone was attacking Hiruzen Sarutobi and the others when they said yes, and he could also see that Hiruzen Sarutobi would never dare to suppress this report easily.

Not only was the ANBU reporting this on the platform, but there was also the youngest Fourth Hokage behind the ANBU. Once they broke up, it would be a disaster for Konoha.

However, Aburame Shiwei can now see that the fighting within Konoha is really fierce. In addition to the high intensity, there are also many tricks.

The Anbu and the Third Hokage, represented by the Fourth Hokage, were at odds in the village over who was responsible for Orochimaru's affairs.

Later, things calmed down, and everyone thought that everything was over. However, they did not expect that the ANBU would use their strength again and come up with such a method to target Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others.

"It's really breathtaking."

Aburame Shi shook her head slightly. Just when he was about to continue scrolling down to see if there was any other content, he suddenly stopped.

ANBU, the Fourth Hokage, against the Third Hokage?

This series of thoughts suddenly appeared in Aburame Zhiwei's mind, and these thoughts took root and sprouted in his mind like a seed.

The Aburame clan has been following a neutral line for a long time. To put it nicely, they will never take sides easily and maintain the principles of neutrality and objectivity.

To put it bluntly, they don't have many principles of their own, and they will only help the winner.

Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with this approach, because every family has its own rules of survival.

Nara, Akimichi and Yamazaka, aren't they like this?

They said they would never participate in the fight between either party, but in fact they went even further than the Aburame clan because they would send personnel to both sides.

When whoever wins in the end, they can use a high-sounding slogan - adapt to work needs in advance to help the ultimate ability person transition everything.

Aburame Zhiwei is not limited to choosing sides, and he does not want to take sides because he knows very well how strong their family is.

Even if you can get unimaginable rewards if you succeed in taking a team, this approach also means that one careless move will cause the whole game to be lost.

The Aburame clan is not a big family, nor does it have such high prestige. They really don't want to make this choice.

But now, Aburame Zhiwei felt that she had to think about it carefully.

"The Third Hokage indulged Danzo, which brought an unimaginable blow to our family.

Especially since he had disregarded the rules of the ninja world and forcibly reached into the ninja family.

If this continues, no one knows or can guarantee what it will look like. "

Aburashi lowered her head slightly and pretended to read the newspaper, but she was already thinking about a lot of things in her heart.

As the patriarch of the family, although he cannot see deeply what impact the things in his hands will have on the ninja world.

But he can see what this thing will become in the village, but this is enough, because he can make choices that are beneficial to the family based on these contents!

Just like...

"It seems that this time I have to choose to take sides. Even if the risk is high, we must stop all this!"

Aburame Zhiwei's inner thoughts became more and more intense. You Qi just sat there and watched the outstanding clan members being taken away and entering places where no one could be found at all.

In the end, they become neither humans nor ghosts, and they are persecuted all the time and have no peace all day long!

Thinking of this, Aburame Zhiwei gritted his teeth, he had already made up his mind.

Compared to Sarutobi Hiruzen's current ruthless treatment, why didn't he get closer to his former teammate Minato Namikaze?

Moreover, Namikaze Minato is a person who values ​​love and justice. It is definitely better to follow him than to follow Hiruzen Sarutobi, even now Sarutobi Hiruzen still holds the power of Hokage!

But so what, legally the world now belongs to Namikaze Minato, and Sarutobi Hiruzen is just an acting Hokage!

"You forced me to do this, so don't blame me!"

At this moment, Aburame Zhiwei knew what he was going to do. He turned around and walked in the direction of a family.

He must think carefully and think of some countermeasures.

Even if he makes a decision, there are some things that he must think carefully before taking action. But what is certain is that he has chosen Team Namikaze Minato!

Not just him, but many small families who were persecuted by Danzo had an idea after they picked up the newspaper with sadness.

Rather than being subjected to such endless oppression and not daring to call out Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others for crossing the line, it would be better to fight.

Anbu is a very good choice, at least this choice can bring them shelter!


"Mr. Minister, the results are out."

At noon, in Xia Yan's office, Qiong and Lianhua ran over with the first report.

Both of them looked very excited now. Xia Yan could guess their expressions even without reading the report. I'm afraid the profits this time will not be bad.

Of course, Xia Yan never imagined how bad the effect would be this time.

After all, things like newspapers have never appeared in this world. Xia Yan's attempt to bring him out felt like a bit of a dimensionality reduction blow.

Especially in his previous life, he was in an information explosion environment. Even if he didn't study news editing, he probably knew how to catch other people's attention.

The entire newspaper this time was basically designed according to his thinking logic, and his idea was very simple, that is, to catch the readers' attention enough.

A guy like Orochimaru is interesting enough, right?

Confessions of an ANBU ninja, will this interest people who are already curious about ANBU?

First-hand outside news, can this satisfy people's comparison mentality and exploration mentality?

In addition, he also secretly joined in promoting ANBU, cracking down on his opponents' private lives, and at the same time leading people to think, 'It's because ANBU does well that everyone lives so peacefully'.

It can be said that Xia Yan has added everything he can think of.

But he still has some integrity, at least he didn't do anything shocking, and then he could go to work on a website the next day to catch people's attention with his headline.

But even so, this information covers almost all aspects. Xia Yan really doesn't think these things will arouse the interest of others.

"Looking at your appearance, the result shouldn't be bad." Xia Yan smiled slightly, and then he asked: "Do you have the specific values? Let me be surprised too."

"We printed a total of 50,000 copies, and in just one morning, 20,000 copies were sold!" Qiong's face was full of smiles, and she was really proud of it at this moment.

"And it's not the peak period yet. It can be foreseen that sales may be higher at noon and afternoon." Lianhua remained calm, but it was obvious that she was also very excited now.

After hearing the values ​​reported by the two of them, Xia Yan silently calculated and nodded.

The permanent population of Konoha is about 150,000. The share of 50,000 seems a bit conservative, but Natsuhiko also has to take into account the problems of children and the elderly.

In addition, we must also consider the issue of those ninjas who are not in the village when performing tasks and are stationed at the border for a long time.

Of course, the presence of illiterate people must also be taken into account.

There is no doubt that the literacy rate in Konoha is very high, but there are people who can't read in Gao, right?

At the same time, he must also beware of people on Sarutobi Hiruzen's side from buying his newspaper, and one person buying it and multiple people watching it together.

Therefore, printing 50,000 copies and selling them individually in Konoha is actually a very reasonable range.

Of these 50,000 shares, 20,000 were sold in just one morning, especially since the morning is not a peak period.

Everyone is in a hurry to start work and go to work, and some people have just finished get off work or have just completed their tasks.

They were all rushing home to rest, so it was naturally impossible for them to buy newspapers to read.

But when these people take a break at noon or have rested enough, after learning about the existence of newspapers, they are probably a group with strong purchasing power.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel more satisfied.

What cultural output and public opinion control require is sufficient dissemination, and for a newspaper, an important manifestation of dissemination is the intensity with which it is purchased.

The more retail investors buy it, the greater the chance that what Xia Yan wants to spread will be delivered to all kinds of people.

However, Natsuhiko is relatively calm. He is just a Konoha now. Even if his achievements are worth being proud of, it has to stop here.

"Very good, keep working hard."

Xia Yan smiled and nodded, and then his face turned slightly serious.

"But this is not enough. What I hope is that the Ninja World Daily can really spread to the entire Ninja World like his name.

Our current results are good, but we are only at the beginning. Our future challenges are huge. "

"Yes, Sir!" Qiong and Lianhua immediately calmed down their emotions and said in unison.

"The performance in Konoha is pretty good now, so let's gradually expand into the Land of Fire."

Xia Yan thought for a moment before continuing.

"Attention, we must maintain the quality of the content. It is better to have less but not to overstate the content. After all, the Sandaime and the others are watching us.

I don't want to become their wedding dress, then it will look like we have failed too much.

In addition, there is the issue of cost. Our budget should be enough, but it should not be wasted like this.

We also need to follow up on the matter of undertaking advertising. We can slowly discuss the price when the time comes. Do you understand? "

"Yes, Sir Minister."

Seeing the serious expressions of Qiong and Lianhua, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile and nodded again.

Although he doesn't have many thoughts in his heart, the feeling of watching beautiful people working around him is indeed better than having a group of grown men surrounding him.

Xia Yan is not a person who likes to 'force men to lock down men'. As a straight man, he still prefers the feeling of attraction between opposite sexes.

Although the rectal temperature is not bad, Xia Yan does not intend to experience it.

As for these two girls, Xia Yan thinks it's better to let nature take its course. Maybe there will be a clear result in the future.

"Okay, that's the end of this topic for now."

Xia Yan raised his head and looked at the two girls, and then he thought about Youyou's opening.

"Everyone else get out and don't let anyone get close."

As his words fell, there were some sounds in the office, but they soon disappeared without a trace.

Natsuhiko's actions immediately made the two girls become more serious. He cleared the protective ANBU to see them alone. It was obvious that he had something important to say.

"I know you have doubts, but you have to guarantee something before I say anything."

Xia Yan looked at the two of them calmly, and his tone became more severe. Neither Qiong nor Lianhua had ever seen such a scene.

"What I am going to give you next, you must promise not to reveal it to anyone.

If I find out that you haven't done it, then I can guarantee that there are things I can do that are even more extreme than Danzo.

I don't like to use force to coerce people, especially those close to me, but what I discovered this time is really important.

Can you do it? Can I trust you? "


At ten o'clock in the afternoon, Aburame Shiwei quietly walked towards the Hokage Rock.

His goal is very clear, he is going to the ANBU headquarters!

As one of the most terrifying forces in Konoha, ANBU itself is highly confidential, and even the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan may not be able to find it.

But no matter what, Konoha still has many powerful families, and they can use various methods to locate the ANBU's location.

Just like the Inuzuka clan who rely on scent to find their enemies, or the Aburame clan who can use tiny bugs to find their enemies!

Aburame Shiwei actually didn't want to do this, because the consequences of doing so might lead to hostility from the ANBU.

But after thinking clearly in the morning, he returned home and discussed with other members of the family, and the result he got was that he still had to keep a low profile.

They couldn't afford to offend Danzo, especially Danzo who was being protected by Hiruzen Sarutobi. They were really helpless.

In the original work, it can be seen that Danzo can proudly ask Aburame Shino to enter the root directly in front of him.

Under the protection of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo really brought his unscrupulousness to the extreme.

If Aburame hadn't taken the initiative to choose Shino Obito to follow in the footsteps of his father Aburame Shiguro, I'm afraid the Twelve Little Strong in the future would have had nothing to do with Shino.

Shino is only one or two years old now, so it is naturally impossible for him to encounter such a thing, but Danzo's unscrupulousness has still reached a new peak.

He regained control of the roots and still got a huge expansion of the roots. This was equivalent to getting rich overnight for him.

It's impossible for this guy to control his desires, and he probably won't be able to control his desires either.

Faced with such a person, Aburame Zhiwei must be careful, even though he is very worried about offending the ANBU, and the end result will be dissatisfaction on both sides.

But if he hits Danzo head-on, or even slaps Hiruzen Sarutobi, his fate may not be easy even if he has the protection of ANBU.

"This is it. Next, I have to sneak in quietly."

Arriving at that bustling street, Aburame Shiwei knew that if she took another step forward, she would completely enter the realm of ANBU.

And once he sneaks in, there is no turning back.

But he still gritted his teeth, and then he sneaked forward cleanly, but when he officially entered this area, he immediately felt the danger!

"Secret Technique·Insect Wall Technique!"

Without any hesitation, he immediately used the bugs in his body to quickly build a barrier. At this moment, an orange fireball crashed into his side.

In an instant, countless insects turned into ashes before they even had time to scream, and wisps of green smoke spread around him.

The black barrier made entirely of insects in front of him was directly burned out into a vacuum!

"Is this... Burning Escape?"

After all, Aburame Shiwei was someone who had participated in the war. During the Third War, he was on the battlefield of River Country fighting against the invasion of Sunagakure Village, so he had actually seen the Burning Escape.

It's just that Sunagakure's Burning Release user has died in Kirigakure Village, and that user has no children. It can be said that the bloodline is almost broken.

However, he didn't expect that there were actually people who used Burning Release among Konoha's Anbu!

"Insect Escape? Are you from the Aburame clan?" Just as Aburame Zhiwei was thinking, a female voice came into his ears.

"Yes." Aburame Shi smiled bitterly and shook her head: "I am from the Aburame clan."

"Why do you do this? Don't you know the consequences of doing this?"

The female voice was getting closer and closer, and along with her voice, several ANBU figures appeared next to Aburame Shiwei.

Aburame Zhiwei really wondered if she had been the clan leader for a long time and her stealth skills had deteriorated. She had just come in and was already caught.

"I know." Aburame Zhiwei shook her head with an extremely ugly face: "It's just that I have a reason to do this."

"Is that so?" The female ANBU had already arrived in front of Aburame Zhiwei. Suddenly she seemed stunned for a moment: "Are you...are you here to see the minister?"

"Yes." Aburame Zhiwei looked at her performance and immediately knew that he had been recognized, which made him even more distressed: "I'm sorry, this is really important."

"I understand, don't worry, there can't be anyone else in this place, and you don't have to make such an expression."

" that so?"

"Your Excellency, Patriarch, you must know that this is ANBU."


In the minister's office, Xia Yan looked at Qiong and Lianhua, who still had their eyes closed tightly, and felt the changing atmosphere in their bodies. He couldn't help but finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Giving chakra fruit to them is a very, very risky thing to do.

First of all, he was naturally afraid of being exposed. Although Xia Yan found something he found by accident, the result really couldn't withstand scrutiny.

Although Xia Yan is not afraid of running into too much trouble, at least he can still rule the world until the big trees in the sky come down and the dead people on the ground get up.

But who knows how much trouble he will cause after his affair is exposed!

The second is the effect of the fruit, which Xia Yan himself is not sure about.

Because these fruits are all conceived by himself and used by himself, will it be effective if given to others? What is the effect?

What to do if there is no effect and there are negative effects, these are what Xia Yan must think clearly.

In fact, the best way is to find a death row prisoner and use them for experiments, but the cost of breeding a fruit is too high, and Xia Yan really doesn't want to waste that time.

"Anyway, I also have the ability to control life. As long as the fire of life is not extinguished, I can save him!"

With this idea in mind, Xia Yan gave the fruit to Qiong and Lianhua, and he also maintained the surge of his own chakra at all times.

He must ensure that if anything goes wrong with these two girls, he will rescue them as soon as possible.

But what pleased him was that his fruit could be given to others to use, and the effect seemed to be the same as when he used it himself.

In addition to digesting and comprehending the changes brought about by the fruit, it takes much more time than him.

Everything else is moving in a good direction.

In particular, Xia Yan also discovered that the fruits he gave out seemed to have some more special effects...


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