"It's actually possible to do this..."

Xia Yan felt the chakra expression in Qiong and Lianhua's bodies, and at the same time felt the chakra being aroused in himself, and he couldn't help but have a playful expression on his face.

He discovered that he could use his own chakra to activate the chakra in Qiong and Lianhua!

Xia Yan really didn't expect such a result, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that everything was not so difficult to understand.

Xia Yan's abilities were indeed given by the system, which he had never denied.

Therefore, he would never say that he is a talented player, but would actively admit that he is a plug-in player.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to admit this kind of thing, you have to be realistic and seek truth from facts, not to mention there is nothing wrong with cheating.

In Xia Yan's understanding, the strongest thing in the world of Naruto is not ninjutsu, eyes, or even blood.

The most powerful thing is the plug-in!

Look at these two guys, Naruto and Sasuke. Before they had any plug-ins, they were already in the second stage of the Eternal Eye plus the Nine-Tails Chakra mode.

In the end, they were still beaten unconscious by Uchiha, and both of them ended up dead - if the Sage of Six Paths hadn't killed them, the story of these two people would have ended.

The two people who got the plug-in just skipped the stage of adapting to and mastering power at this moment, and then they joined forces to fight against Uchiha Madara.

Such a change process is simply unimaginable, and of course it is something that others cannot envy.

In fact, even Uchiha Madara is considered a wall hanging in Natsuhiko's opinion.

There is no denying that he has worked hard enough, but after all, he is the reincarnation of Indra, which is a huge cheat.

And this guy later gained the power of Asura, which made up for the cheats.

It can be said that Uchiha Madara is the combination of Naruto and Sasuke.

In addition, he obtained the Ten-Tails, an even more terrifying cheat, which made Naruto and Sasuke, who had obtained the cheat, behave in such a panic.

If Uchiha Madara hadn't been overconfident and believed he had everything under control, and ended up having a heart-wrenching chat with Black Zetsu, no one could say what would have turned out.

The power of plug-ins is so terrifying. Xia Yan's plug-in is simply not impressive compared to them. Even if Xia Yan gets the power, he can master it.

But he also needs to go through some familiarity with the power in his mind, understand the process of power change, and to use these powers skillfully requires constant fighting.

What's more, if he wants to obtain these powers, he still needs to go through a long period of planting and cultivation, otherwise he will not be able to obtain them all.

Fruit is the embodiment of these powers, even the fruit can be regarded as the way of systematic presentation.

But the fruit was born after Xia Yan's cultivation and nourishment by his chakra!

It can be said that this fruit completely contains the essence of Xia Yan's chakra, and it is Xia Yan's private property.

Xia Yan gave them to others, which essentially left traces of Xia Yan's in other people's bodies.

The Chakra belonging to Natsuhiko brewing in the fruit, while helping others improve their strength, is also completely integrated into their Chakra.

But Xia Yan's chakra is not that easy to deal with, and he doesn't know whether it is because he is so powerful that he has unique abilities at this stage, or whether the system is still helping him.

Even though these chakras are no longer in his body, he can still control these powers very well, or as long as he can feel these powers, he can find ways to control them!

"If this is the case, then many problems will be solved."

A smile appeared on Xia Yan's lips. He could control these chakras, which meant that he didn't need to worry about those who got his power choosing to rebel!

Once someone has bad thoughts and starts taking action, and Xia Yan notices it, he can completely control these forces to stop feedback and supply to them.

This also means that at that moment they may lose the support of Xia Yan's power.

Of course, this is also the simplest operation method. If the enemy is not subject to such restrictions and control, then Xia Yan's operation will still be useless.

But Xia Yan feels that it is not impossible for him to carry out some small development and research. For example, based on the technique he has mastered to detonate shadow clones, he can completely try to detonate the chakra left in other people's bodies!

Once it detonates from the inside, even if it is noticed and suppressed, the final result is completely foreseeable!

This is equivalent to something similar to the life and death talisman in Xia Yan's memory, but his is even more terrifying. He has completely buried a landmine in someone else's body!

"I really didn't expect it to have such an effect."

Xia Yan himself was extremely emotional. He never thought that the fruit he created would be used to help people he trusted improve their strength.

In the end, this was a two-way development. The purpose of improving strength was achieved, and the loss of strength after betrayal was also achieved.

It even did something even more terrifying, something that could directly kill people.

"If that's the case, then if I secretly give this thing to Danzo or Sarutobi Hiruzen, wouldn't I be able to assassinate them silently?"

As soon as this thought came to Xia Yan's mind, he immediately threw away these questions.

Assassination is never the best way to achieve political goals. After Xia Yan masters Flying Thunder God, he can cooperate with Lizard to do these things.

But he didn't do it because he knew that playing tricks was a way to break the rules.

He doesn't let himself become someone like Danzo - even though he knows that sometimes they are quite similar, but Natsuhiko still abides by the rules most of the time.

He doesn't intend to use terror and coercion to control everyone, so naturally he has to stop himself from doing things he shouldn't do.

"Knock knock knock..."

Just as Xia Yan was thinking, the door to the office was suddenly knocked again, which brought Xia Yan back to his senses immediately.

Looking at Qiong and Lianhua again, it was obvious that they had not woken up so quickly, so Xia Yan simply walked out by himself.

"What's the matter, Phoenix?" Xia Yan glanced at the person in front of him and immediately knew who she was.

Ye Cang, her current code name is Phoenix.

This code name not only has some connection with her abilities, but also has a meaning, which means that she has been reborn from the ashes and completely severed ties with the Ye Cang of Sunagakure Village.

"Mr. Minister, someone wants to see you." Ye Cang bowed slightly and said softly.

"At this time, are they from the Hokage's side?" Xia Yan couldn't help but frown when he heard this. He didn't expect Hiruzen Sarutobi to come back to see him.

But it was obvious that he was wrong. Ye Cang gave the answer directly: "No, it's Aburame Zhiwei."

"Oh?" When Xia Yan heard the name, his mind was slightly moved: "Is it him?"

"Yes, Mr. Minister, he came in secretly, and he seems to be worried that his actions will be discovered by others."

"Is that so? I understand. Let's bring him in."

"Yes, Sir Minister, come to the office?"

"No, go to the conference room."


In a small conference room in the ANBU, Aburame Shiwei sat in it a little nervously and uneasily.

After he was discovered, he was detained outside the ANBU, and after asking for instructions, he was brought here.

Naturally, he could tell that this was a conference room, which made him very uneasy.

The conference room was even just a small conference room, which meant that the ANBU minister didn't take him seriously at all!

If you really take it seriously, it should be in the minister's office.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh deeply. If he hadn't experienced this series of things, he really wouldn't have expected that the Aburame clan would have fallen to this point.

But even though he had many thoughts in his heart, he still remained calm and restrained.

"Perhaps the newly appointed minister of the Senju Clan did this because he thought I was on the side of the Third Hokage?"

Aburame Zhiwei comforted himself silently. All he had to do now was to wait honestly for the arrival of the minister.

This kind of waiting was very uncomfortable, but he still insisted on restraint. He didn't know how long it had passed, but suddenly he heard footsteps coming from outside the door.

The footsteps immediately cheered her up, and he knew that someone might be coming.

He didn't care who came over, he put on an extremely serious attitude, he really put himself down now.

And his behavior did not disappoint him, because when he saw a young man without a mask walking in, he knew he was waiting for the right person this time!

He has never met Xia Yan, there is no doubt about this, even if Xia Yan has indeed not been particularly low-key.

But as an ANBU, even if his identity is made public, there is still a hint of confidentiality.

Perhaps to a real big family, his little secret is nothing at all, but to the Aburame clan, his affairs are a bit rare.

However, this rarity does not prevent him from being recognized. After all, he is the only person in ANBU who can move around without wearing a mask!

"Mr. Minister." Aburame Zhiwei stood up immediately, and then bowed slightly to Xia Yan respectfully.

"Your Majesty the Patriarch, it doesn't have to be like this."

Xia Yan looked at Aburame Zhiwei with such a humble attitude. He was really stunned for a moment, but he soon smiled and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Patriarch, for arranging for you to meet here. There are people in my office, and they are formulating some... documents.

Therefore, I hope you can forgive me for my slow treatment. "

"No...no, Minister, you're too polite."

When Aburame Zhiwei heard the explanation given by Xia Yan, he immediately shook his head in flattery, and he found that Xia Yan's attitude seemed to be much better than expected.

He didn't understand the operation of ANBU, but after hearing Xia Yan's explanation, he felt it was reasonable, because Xia Yan's attitude at this time was so good.

I have to say that Xia Yan's attitude is really deceptive.

With his gentle attitude, few people would know what he was thinking in his heart, especially when they met for the first time, it was really difficult to feel any ill feelings.

"Perhaps Anbu likes to bring people together to discuss problems and deal with them together, right?"

Aburame Zhiwei directly thought of an answer for Xia Yan, and then he stood aside calmly, waiting for Xia Yan to ask.

Xia Yan looked at his silent look and immediately understood what he meant, which made him feel a little funny.

To be honest, although he has not met many clan leaders, he is definitely not too few.

This was the first time he had seen Aburame Zhiwei be so humble.

However, he also understood that although he only got a few words from Ye Cang, Xia Yan had already guessed the general context!

His analytical ability is already very strong, and there are only a few people in Konoha who can make a clan leader fear like this.

Just like the Third Hokage, just like the leader of the root.

The combined power of these two people is still very powerful, and they are probably the only two people in Konoha who can make a family like Aburame feel endless pressure.

Of course, the so-called combination is actually just what Aburame Zhiwei thinks about. After all, some people or things really need to be looked at together.

Regarding the relationship between Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen, I am afraid that no one would be willing to treat them separately, and no one would dare to treat them separately.

The natural effect of this is that no matter what Danzo does, it will be regarded as having Sarutobi Hiruzen's platform.

Although this was indeed the case before, the situation is different now. The reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen has no time to pay attention to Danzo is entirely due to his limited energy.

It's just that Xia Yan doesn't intend to explain this kind of thing to others. He hopes that this misunderstanding will be as deep as possible.

Natsuhiko didn't know how Danzo and Hiruzen Sarutobi reported, but what he did know was that he had never reported to Hiruzen Sarutobi what Danzo had done!

"Okay, Mr. Patriarch, let's talk about some serious matters."

Xia Yan slowly walked to his seat and sat down directly.

"I don't know what your clan leader wants to do this time when he enters the Anbu to see me in this way?

After all, the method used by the Patriarch can easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

This is ANBU, not a playground or a back garden. "

"What the Minister said is that I took the liberty this time."

Aburashi sighed slightly, then gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Yan seriously.

"Mr. Minister, if I were not forced by the situation, I would not make such a decision.

I came to see the Minister this time because I want to have a good chat with the Minister. "

"Oh, I wonder what the patriarch wants to talk to me about?"

"Let's talk about cooperation, deeper and more detailed cooperation."

"Really, I think I'm interested, so please give the patriarch a detailed explanation..."


In the minister's office, Qiong and Lianhua opened their eyes one after another. They both looked a little confused now, and in addition, they also looked a little bit in pain.

But their eyes soon became clear, and it was obvious that they had completely woken up and recovered.

Everything that happened before was really like a dream to them. When Xia Yan took out a strange fruit, they had no idea what it was.

But as Xia Yan explained that these fruits could enhance their strength and allow them to better understand chakra, they all felt extremely incredible.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the person who told them these things was Xia Yan, they would probably think that the person in front of them was probably crazy!

How can there be such a thing in this world that can improve a person's strength and improve a person's perception of chakra?

However, they did not refute Xia Yan's trust, but when faced with such a fruit, they all still looked at him with more or less suspicion.

But Xia Yan's expression and his tone seemed to confirm the authenticity of this matter.

"Try it, maybe it's really something powerful, and Xia Yan probably won't lie to us."

Such thoughts echoed in their minds at the same time, and in the end they did not refute Xia Yan and chose to accept such a fruit.

But when the two of them ate the fruit, they immediately regretted it.

It tastes terrible!

They swore that they had never eaten anything so unpleasant since they were young!

Such a bad taste almost made them spit out all the remaining parts of the fruits.

Just out of trust in Xia Yan, they finally gritted their teeth and swallowed all the fruits, even though their faces were extremely ugly.

Trust can sometimes make people blind, and may even be used by people with ill intentions, but Xia Yan has absolutely no intention of deceiving them.

Because trust is a very luxurious thing, even Xia Yan must cherish it all.


When all the fruits entered their stomachs, they suddenly felt that the fruits seemed to be digested quickly and began to arouse their chakra!

Such a change really caught them off guard, and what made them even more unresponsive was that these fruits completely turned into a torrent of power and quickly entered their meridians.

"This is....."

They each felt the changes in the chakra in their bodies, and felt the familiar yet unfamiliar power rippling. For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

But soon they had no idea of ​​talking, because as these powers unfolded and spread into their bodies, a stream of information quickly poured into their minds.

This information is very large, but it is not complicated, because this information is to teach them to become familiar with these powers and understand the process of changes in these powers.

Also, teach them how to use these powers!

"No wonder Xia Yanjun is so serious, this kind of thing..."

This was their last thought, and then they fell into the information, and as the information rolled, they continued to familiarize themselves with, learn and master these powers!

I don't know how long it took before they faintly woke up. For them, time seemed to have frozen.

It seemed that they had spent a long time indulging in studying, but the light-transmitting windows in the office and the sun hanging high in the sky seemed to tell that they had not been indulging for long.

Such contradictory feelings made them a little uncomfortable, but this discomfort was quickly attracted by the majestic power in their bodies.

Strictly speaking, they did not increase much chakra, but at this moment, a certain attribute of the chakra in their bodies became extremely pure!

Not only that, they found that they could easily control these chakras, and could complete good deformation and qualitative changes!

"It's unbelievable..."

The two of them thought silently that even if they were not particularly strong, they were still excellent ninjas.

They naturally know what their current changes mean. Such changes may be something that others may not be able to achieve after years of hard work!

But now, the two of them have easily achieved this step by just eating a piece of fruit.

This is really unimaginable, this is really unimaginable for them. Now they really understand why Xia Yan becomes so serious.

No matter who it is, I am afraid that this is news that must be absolutely blocked, and even the slightest bit of information will never be revealed.

"But Xia Yan gave these things to us..."

For some reason, they suddenly thought of this. The most important thing is to think about it carefully. If they got such a thing, would they take it out?

In fact, if they think about it carefully, they will know that if they get such a thing, they probably won't choose to take it out regardless of whether it is of any use to them.

But Xia Yan had no such hesitation. Although his tone was so harsh that they found it difficult to accept, they got unimaginable benefits.

"If you reveal this matter, even if Xia Yan can't bear to deal with you, I will never let you go!"

Suddenly, Lianhua raised her head and looked at Qiong seriously. Her face was so stern at this moment, and it was completely obvious that she seemed to have murderous intentions at this moment.

"I'm not that big-mouthed, and my family isn't that lonely. You'd better think about yourself."

Qiong raised her head slightly. At this moment, she was no longer as gentle as before. When she became serious, she completely showed off her Uchiha indifference.

"Even if you are Xia Yan's fiancée, even if Xia Yanjun is unwilling to deal with you, I will risk being hated by him and deal with you.

Because strictly speaking, you are much more dangerous than me! "

The two women looked at each other indifferently, and it took them a long time to look back. They had already shown their attitude, and this was enough for them.

But they are also a little confused now, where is Xia Yan now?


"I really didn't expect that Danzo would be so arrogant? The Sandaime was too indulgent towards him. It seems that the lesson he gave him was not profound enough."

In the small conference room of the Anbu, Xia Yan frowned and whispered softly.

His voice was neither soft nor strong, but just enough for Aburame Zhiwei to clearly hear what he was saying.

After Aburame Zhiwei heard Xia Yan talking to himself, his expression suddenly relaxed a lot.

Naturally, if you want to cooperate, you need to understand each other's situation. Aburame Zhiwei has already been mentally prepared. Although the family scandal must not be made public, now that it has reached this point, he has nothing to hide.

Therefore, he told everything about himself and Danzo, including Aburame Shiguro, who was taken away by Danzo before he became the clan leader.

There was also the Aburame Ryoma who was forcibly taken away again after he became the clan leader, and the threats he encountered this morning.

He told everything, and he believed that Xia Yan would understand the purpose of his coming here this time.

In particular, Xia Yan can definitely understand what the more in-depth and detailed cooperation he is talking about is.

But now Xia Yan's own words and the attitude he said made him feel slightly shaken.

Even if he knew that ANBU could fight against the roots, he couldn't make an accurate judgment until he was officially protected and saw similar things.

But now he seems to be able to confirm that the Anbu led by Xia Yan are really not afraid of the roots, and Xia Yan and the others even had some conflicts with the roots!

"Mr. Minister, have you ever had a conflict with Genbu?"

Really overly curious about what all this was about, Aburame Zhiwei couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, if it's confidential, forget it. I also hope that the Minister will forgive me."

"It's not a secret. Anbu did have conflicts with Genbu."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then couldn't help but make a regretful expression.

“Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with your Aburame clan.

More than a year ago, ANBU discovered a very special person, and this person was brought back by us to become an ANBU.

But the people in the base were used to being arrogant. They came to the ANBU and tried to take people away by force, and the leader was Aburame Ryoma. "

"What?" Aburame Zhiwei heard Xia Yan's words and her body couldn't help but trembled slightly: "Then... what happened next?"

"That Anbu was my subordinate, and I was the captain at the time. Naturally, I couldn't let the Anbu do whatever they wanted, especially since they didn't have the Hokage's orders."

Xia Yan shook his head gently, and Aburame Zhiwei seemed to know the answer. As expected, Xia Yan's next words made him close his eyes.

"So I took action, I killed them all, and cut off their heads and gave them back to Danzo.

Among them, including the oil girl Ryoma of your family, I'm sorry, Your Excellency, the patriarch. "

"This matter has nothing to do with the Minister at all. Why should the Minister apologize?"

Aburame Shi shook her head slightly, and he forced a smile, but behind the smile was full of hatred.

"On the contrary, I would also like to thank the Minister for telling me this matter, and I know very well that this matter has nothing to do with the Minister. What the Minister did was right.

If I had to blame, I would only blame that damn Danzo, if he hadn't taken Ryoma away, if he hadn't issued such a mission order.

Ryoma would not have ended up like this, with no bones left.

All of this is Danzo, all roots, all..."

The words stopped abruptly, and Xia Yan looked at Aburame Zhiwei with some amusement.

He knew who the leader of the Aburame clan wanted to scold, and it was obviously the Sandaime Hokage who indulged Danzo.

Xia Yan was dissatisfied with this result. When facing the oil girl Zhiwei, he kept pretending that he didn't understand the whole thing deeply enough.

The purpose was that he wanted to see how much this typical representative who was persecuted by Danzo hated those guys.

Now it seems that such hatred is very deep, and this means that Xia Yan's purpose of deliberately leaving Danzo behind has been achieved!

"You still need to be careful in your words and deeds, Your Excellency the Patriarch."

Xia Yan smiled and knocked on the table lightly, and said in a very calm voice.

"Within the ANBU, everything will be fine, but it won't be any safer than here after we go out."

"I understand, Mr. Minister."

Aburame Zhiwei nodded immediately. He also knew that he had lost his composure just now, even if he reacted.

"I understand how we can cooperate. If the patriarch can trust me, you can send the people they want to the ANBU."

Xia Yan tapped the table with his fingers, and his words immediately made Aburame Zhiwei concentrate.

"Although I will let them perform tasks, I will not go too far, and they will also have the option to retire.

The dark part is not the root. This is actually very clear, and this will never change. "

"I have this idea, and now that I have received the assurance from the Minister, I am even more relieved."

Aburame Zhi nodded slightly. He had similar plans when he came this time.

Sending the people they want to the Anbu to seek asylum is not only a refuge for those family geniuses, but also a protection for their family.

"Very good, but this only solves the problem temporarily."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he continued with a smile.

"But Danzo is still here, or the Third Hokage continues to protect him, which will make things difficult for all of us."


Aburame Zhiwei couldn't help being stunned when he heard Xia Yan's words, and then he seemed to realize something.

"Mr. Minister, what do you mean..."

"Some things must be dealt with properly, otherwise it will be a huge trouble that cannot be ignored from beginning to end."

Xia Yan knocked on the table lightly, and the crisp sound reached Aburame Zhiwei's ears, and even penetrated into his psychology.

Just like an illusion, every word Xia Yan said was deeply imprinted on his psychology, making him unable to calm down for a long time!

“Some voices should be heard by everyone, and some things should be understood by everyone.

Especially the current Hokage of Konoha should be the fourth generation, rather than letting an assassin do whatever he wants. There are already some women whose kindness is not suitable for the old man who continues to sit in this position.

We should unite all those who have been 'visited' by Danzo and find ways to convey our voices. "


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