Natsuhiko, who has activated the Sage Mode, has completely reached the level of an elite Jonin.

Not only that, his perception and basic abilities have been greatly improved!

Although he has not reached the level of accurate shooting, Xia Yan feels that he is not far behind.

However, it is very difficult for Xia Yan to reach this point, at least for Xia Yan now, but he doesn't care so much. After all, he still has plug-in help.

With the help of plug-ins, it greatly helped him reduce the time it took to master his powers and develop them.

All he has to do is to use these powers skillfully and let his fighting consciousness match his own strength.

Although Xia Yan felt that Anbu was really not a place for people to live, he had to say that without the training of Anbu, he would never have been able to reach this point.

Facing this Sunagakure ANBU, Natsuhiko's power had almost reached its current limit, but this ANBU still made him raise his eyebrows.

"The reaction speed is very fast, and the use of jutsu is also very sharp. I can only say that I am worthy of being a jounin. Especially..."

Looking at the sand in front of him, Xia Yan seemed a little surprised. He already recognized what this technique was.

If I'm not mistaken, this should be the placer gold of Magnetic Escape!

In Xia Yan's memory, there are not many people who know this technique. This is considered a blood inheritance limit.

The person who took this blood inheritance limit to the extreme was the third generation Kazekage of Sunagakure Village who was killed by Scorpion.

After him are the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, and her wife Garura. Even Gaara is actually an ability given to him by Garura.

Who is this guy, and why is he such a blood heir?

Also, when Xia Yan looked at the Anbu that had been cut open by his own knife, revealing its true face, he suddenly felt something very familiar.

This guy is very young, has yellow hair, and is quite handsome.

And that gentle look and slightly melancholy expression always made Xia Yan feel like he had seen this guy before.

Suddenly, Xia Yan seemed to remember the ANBU information, and he seemed to know something.

"Magnetic shield?" Xia Yan looked at him calmly: "Are you Yashamaru from Sunagakure's special hunting force?"

"..." Yashamaru didn't speak, but he suddenly took out a few kunai while Natsuhiko was talking.

The next moment, these kunai were suspended directly as if they had life.

Seeing this scene, Natsuhiko was almost 100% sure that the guy in front of him was Gaara's uncle Yashamaru!

"Don't want to talk?"

Xia Yan looked at the silent Yashamaru and couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

His voice was still gentle, as if he were facing an old friend, but his words made it impossible to calm down.

"Then take your silence and go to hell."

As the words fell, Xia Yan's figure suddenly flashed, and he came to Yashamaru's side as if teleporting.

The ninja sword in his hand stabbed Yashamaru's neck in a strange way. The whole movement was so fast that it was almost impossible to react, but it was also unusually smooth.

Yashamaru obviously couldn't keep up with Natsuhiko's speed, but he had no intention of surrendering.

His reaction was extremely fast, and his body suddenly swayed slightly to the left like a willow, barely dodging Xia Yan's knife.

At the same time, those suspended kunai flew out like lightning and stabbed Xia Yan fiercely!

However, it was impossible for these kunai to hit Xia Yan. With a few simple evasive movements, he avoided these kunai.

The rest was accompanied by a sonorous sound, and the ninja sword and kunai passed by each other, creating a small but gorgeous spark.


Suddenly, Xia Yan frowned slightly. In sage mode, he was extremely keenly aware of some abnormalities in his ninja sword.

Even if it is only very small, with such perception, no clues can be escaped!


Xia Yan thought silently, but he completely pretended not to know and continued to attack Yashamaru.

Yashamaru was really powerless against Natsuhiko's speed, but he could only take out a kunai to constantly resist Natsuhiko's ninja sword.

Kakashi also arrived on the battlefield at this time. Before he came, in order to prevent the two sand ninjas from escaping, he knocked them out.

However, he hid aside and did not take action. He was now also curious about Xia Yan's condition.

Through the Sharingan, he discovered that Natsuhiko's chakra at this time had reached a very terrifying point. The quality of such chakra was completely beyond imagination!

In addition, his speed is even more elusive.

To be fair, Kakashi felt that even if he had the Sharingan, he would never be able to resist such speed!

This guy Xia Yan is really too strong. Why didn't I notice him in school back then?

But, why is his chakra amount so small?

Kakashi felt a little weird inside. He thought it was his age that caused this situation, right?

Looking at the two figures flashing on the battlefield, Kakashi could tell that even though Natsuhiko had a small amount of chakra, he was better in quality and had the advantage of speed.

The guy who seems to be named Yashamaru is no match for Xia Yan, and failure may be a matter of time.

However, did his captain realize that his ninja sword had been tampered with by that Yashamaru?

Just as Kakashi was thinking, Yashamaru suddenly left the battlefield with a teleportation technique, and then formed a seal without even waiting for Natsuhiko to get close.

"You lost." Yashamaru said calmly: "Although you are strong, you can only stop here."

"Really?" Xia Yan smiled slightly: "I'm curious where you get your confidence."

"You will know." He finished his words, and Yashamaru immediately formed a seal, and the chakra in his body surged out quickly.

Xia Yan's expression suddenly changed, because the ninja sword in his hand didn't obey his orders at this moment, and then he reversed the angle and stabbed him!

Without the slightest resistance, and seemingly without any reaction, the Ninja sword stabbed Xia Yan fiercely into Xia Yan's abdomen.

When Yashamaru saw this scene, a smile appeared on his lips, while Kakashi looked a little strange.

From Yashamaru's point of view, the Konoha Anbu in front of him was completely finished.

Kakashi clearly saw through the Sharingan that Natsuhiko had already discovered the abnormality and had already used shadow clones and substitute techniques to hide in advance!

Obviously, this guy is waiting for a sneak attack.

"I said, you're done here." Yashamaru slowly put down the hand of the seal, and he sighed slightly: "I'm sorry, everyone is their own master, please rest in peace."

"Thank you." Just as Yashamaru finished speaking, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Just this, did you say it too early?"

Yashamaru's pupils dilated rapidly, and he almost instantly raised the kunai in his hand for defense.

However, a kunai stabbed his chest fiercely...


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