The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 24: Wind Escape Chakra Seeds (Please collect the new book and recommend it~)

Blood overflowed from Yashamaru's chest once again.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and made enough evasive actions, he might have been killed this time!

However, Xia Yan had no intention of letting him go. The moment he avoided his attack, Xia Yan followed up with a kick.

With the help of chakra, Natsuhiko kicked Yashamaru firmly in the abdomen.


Yashamaru couldn't bear it at this moment. He spurted out blood and then flew backwards, hitting the big tree behind him hard.


The big tree couldn't withstand such an impact at all, and it broke and collapsed amidst the roar. Yashamaru struggled a little against the roots of the tree and then passed out.

Xia Yan completed this series of attacks and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. The red eye shadow on his face under the mask also disappeared.

His senses noticed that Yashamaru was now unconscious, and the guy had no chance to use any substitute technique to resist his attack.

Although Natsuhiko did not use any ninjutsu in sage mode, in real battles, taijutsu was the most important way of fighting.

Ninjutsu often plays a supporting role.

Unless there is a decisive finishing ninjutsu, it is better not to use ninjutsu randomly.

This is Xia Yan's experience summarized from his many years of Anbu experience, not to mention that he himself does not have much chakra, and using ninjutsu indiscriminately can only make his situation worse.

"Captain." Kakashi saw that Natsuhiko had ended the battle and immediately jumped out: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry." Xia Yan smiled slightly. Of course, there was nothing wrong with him.

In fact, he had known for a long time that Kakashi was secretly hiding aside, and he had no plans to take action for the time being.

However, he thinks this is normal. Sometimes the effect of taking action is worse than not taking action.

In Xia Yan's previous life, there was a very famous saying, "The nuclear bomb is most powerful when it is on the launcher, not after it is launched."

The same goes for fists. The psychological pressure and fear that clenched fists bring to people is definitely much greater than that of swinging them out.

Kakashi has always been on the side, and such invisible pressure has put Yashamaru much better than him taking action, not to mention Natsuhiko doesn't need him to take action.

He had noticed Yashamaru's trick a long time ago, and it was nothing more than trying to use the characteristics of the magnetic shield.

He kept hitting his ninja sword with kunai, the purpose was to leave chakra on his ninja sword to facilitate control and counterattack.

In fact, he did the same thing, but Xia Yan had already seen through his purpose and thoughts.

Although he had been discovered by Xia Yan before, he felt that this was probably a coincidence, or that Xia Yan had made some arrangements in advance to discover him.

In addition, Xia Yan put too much pressure on him, so he had to find a way to fight back.

But what he didn't know was that Xia Yan waited until the magnetic shield had enough chakra, and then quietly used the shadow clone and substitute techniques.

He let his body hide aside and watched quietly as he activated the chakra on the ninja sword, and finally launched a sneak attack.

"It seems that we caught a big fish." Kakashi couldn't help but look at Yashamaru when he saw this: "Is this guy Yashamaru? The brother of the Fourth Kazekage's wife?"

"If the information is correct." Xia Yan nodded and said with a smile: "And this guy is still an ANBU, and he has much more information than the two Sand Ninjas. It's just..."

It's just that existences like ANBU have the ability to destroy themselves.

Xia Yan suddenly had a headache. Catching this big fish was definitely a great achievement. After all, this was Luo Sha's brother-in-law.

When ninjas perform tasks, in fact, most of the time, a living person is much more valuable than a dead person.

Whether it is for intelligence work or as an exchange of interests, it is an excellent choice.

But the characteristics of ANBU also made Xia Yan helpless, so he began to think about sealing techniques. There was no way to seal this guy's chakra.

"Captain, how about we get some poison for him?" Kakashi also knew what Natsuhiko meant. He thought carefully for a long time before hesitatingly said: "Keep him in a coma, so that we can take him back. .”

"Do you have such medicine?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Kakashi unexpectedly.

"No." Kakashi shook his head: "But captain, shouldn't the ANBU use similar drugs when performing tasks?"

"I don't know if you have any misunderstandings about Anbu..." Xia Yan sighed helplessly: "Although some people do use such methods, I have not prepared such a thing."

It is true that some people in ANBU use poison, but Natsuhiko never uses things.

Because for him, when he encounters a hostile ANBU, he will basically kill him, or he will quickly break away from the battle, and he will rarely catch the opponent completely.

This time is an exception. If it weren't for the fact that this guy is Yashamaru, the brother-in-law of the Fourth Kazekage, these identities combined are very valuable.

I'm afraid that like the ANBU that Xia Yan dealt with before, he had already been sent to the Pure Land to sleep.

Sighing helplessly, Xia Yan simply sat under a tree nearby and began to think about what to do.

What he never expected was that when his body was close to the tree, the system in his mind suddenly moved.

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment. This voice was not unfamiliar to him. He didn't know how many times he had encountered it over the years.

And once this sound appears, it almost only means one thing, and that is that he has encountered seeds that he has not collected before, or more advanced seeds!

To be honest, my plug-in is quite humane. Once he has collected the seeds, unless they are more advanced, he will not be prompted again.

Unless Xia Yan has an idea himself, the system will give him certain prompts, but for now, Xia Yan has no similar ideas.

"Analyze data, primary wind escape seeds."

Not long after, the mechanical sound came to mind again, and this sound made Xia Yan raise his eyebrows.

Wind escape?

This is really something I have never touched before!

Xia Yan has found two chakra attribute seeds so far, one is earth escape and the other is water escape.

The rest are basically seeds of basic attributes and chakra amount. The best luck is just touching the seeds of magic.

Things like fire escape, thunder escape, and wind escape. He had never touched it before, but today he seemed to be lucky, and he actually touched the wind escape chakra seed.

This made a smile appear on his lips...


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