Xia Yan, who discovered the chakra seeds, would naturally not miss such a thing.

Even if he doesn't plan to plant it, he can store these chakra seeds first.

When you have enough chakra in the future, or you don't plan to continue planting a certain type of seeds for the time being, you can use them to cultivate them.

Xia Yan's method of extracting seeds is actually very simple, that is, he uses the 'Thousand Hands Secret Technique' that comes with his bloodline development.

To be honest, he still hasn't figured out why his 'Secret Technique of Thousand Hands' is actually used to extract the vitality of trees.

"What's wrong, captain?" Just as Xia Yan was thinking, Kakashi's voice suddenly came over: "Do you have any good ideas?"

"Not yet." Xia Yan came back to his senses and immediately shook his head.

“But I think we should just tie him up first, especially his hands, and break his fingers off if you want.

The second is to find something to block his mouth so that he cannot speak, or to bite off his tongue. "

Tie his hands to prevent this guy from having any space to form seals, and breaking off his fingers directly cuts off all his thoughts.

Find something to put in his mouth, other than to prevent him from biting off his tongue.

Another point is to prevent his technique from forming seals and activate it directly through the mouth.

Some sealing techniques are inscribed on the teeth or tongue. Even if this guy is the brother-in-law of the Fourth Kazekage, in the end he is still a ninja and an ANBU.

Be careful and take the necessary precautions, and you will never go wrong, although the picture will not be pretty.

Kakashi didn't object when he heard Natsuhiko's arrangement, because he didn't even know what to do.

This was the first time that he discovered that the sealing technique was so important. No wonder his captain was still interested in the sealing technique even though he was so powerful.

And the same is true for his teacher. Kakashi wonders if he should also follow up on the sealing technique.

Even if you can't master it, you can at least use it to seal some simple or special things.

There was no need for Natsuhiko to do anything next. After Kakashi got the order, he quickly took Yashamaru away. If there were no accidents, he was going to put him with the Suna Ninja who had been captured by them before.

After Kakashi left, Natsuhiko immediately stood up and looked at the big tree he was leaning on just now.

It's very ordinary, nothing special, and it doesn't look any different from the trees produced by the seeds I got before.

This made Xia Yan sigh helplessly. He still hasn't figured out what his plug-in is based on, and what attributes of seeds can be extracted from these plants.

He even tried to find natural tree species from the trees whose seeds he had extracted, and then cultivated them himself.

Unfortunately, what he finally got was that even though he took the initiative to absorb the life force, he didn't get anything.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as I get what I want."

Thinking mentally, Xia Yan began to form seals with his hands, and some strange chakra surged rapidly in his body.

As he had more and more chakra, a single blue chakra film suddenly appeared on his body.

Just like when he watched the animation, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were resurrected, and it was exactly the same scene when Tobirama wanted to attack Sasuke.

With his right hand, Xia Yan directly pressed his hand on the big tree. Almost at this moment, he felt that he could clearly 'see' the vitality of the big tree.

It is a kind of light green power full of vitality, which is a kind of power that makes people yearn for.

However, under the guidance of Xia Yan's light blue chakra, these powers suddenly became extremely chaotic, and then they used it towards Xia Yan's body like he had found his master!

Visible to the naked eye, the big tree in front of Xia Yan began to wither. The green leaves on the branches slowly turned yellow, and then fell one by one.

Not long after, all the life force in the big tree was drained out by Xia Yan.

Looking at it, although it is still standing there, it can be clearly felt that it seems to have no vitality.

The green vitality quickly condensed in Xia Yan's body, and it didn't take long for them to turn into a small point of light as they continued to compress.

Xia Yan raised his hand, and a light quickly spun in his hand. When the light was completely condensed, a light green seed appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Is this the Wind Release Chakra Seed?"

Xia Yan glanced at the seed and felt the feeling that was constantly emanating from it, like a faint breeze, and he smiled.

Then he took out a scroll from his ninja tool bag. This sealing scroll is used to store important things, and the scroll holder's chakra must be needed to open it.

As he formed a seal with one hand, his chakra poured into the scroll, and soon a burst of white smoke appeared, and a diary appeared in his hand.

This diary records all of Xia Yan's memories about the world of Naruto, as well as some necessary analysis. It can be said to be the most important thing to him.

Similarly, this seed is also the most important thing to Xia Yan, it is related to Xia Yan's future!

So Xia Yan planned to put them together, only in this way can he ensure that his things would not be lost.

Opening his diary, which already seemed a bit old, Xia Yan put the seeds directly in, then closed it and sealed it here.

After doing all this, Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief, put the scroll back into his ninja bag, and then walked towards Kakashi.

What he didn't expect was that when he walked over to Kakashi, he was frightened by the scene in front of him.

"What are you..." Natsuhiko looked at Kakashi blankly, or to be precise, at the Sand Ninjas.

This guy Kakashi probably hasn't watched "Sex in Paradise" yet, right?

In other words, Jiraiya hasn't written a book on this topic yet.

He seems to be focusing on writing positive biographies to promote his unrealistic ideals.

To be honest, his ideal comes from the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo, which is very childish and simple.

But it has to be said that such a wish brings a glimmer of hope in a world full of profit pursuits and despair.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan still had the greatest respect for such idealists, especially people like Jiraiya who had ideals and also put them into action.

"It's just that although this guy is great, he is also a pervert, otherwise he wouldn't be able to write that kind of work."

Natsuhiko thought in his mind, and then his eyes really looked at Kakashi.

"And this guy too, I'm afraid he's just a slut, right?"

At this moment, each of these rock ninjas were tied tightly, but there was something wrong with the way they were tied.

Moreover, their mouths were stuffed with small iron balls.

These iron balls were specially tied with cloth strips by Kakashi and tied behind their heads...


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