The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 26 An unexpected discovery (please recommend new books and collect them~)

"Finally the mission is completed."

Standing in a remote forest in Konoha Village under the bright moon, Xia Yan couldn't help but stretch.

This mission took them a total of one week, but most of this week was spent on the road.

The actual execution of the task only took a few minutes, or even half an hour at most.

This is the case for most ninja missions, unless it is a large-scale war mission, in which case the fight may last for several hours, or even for several days, and may not end.

Xia Yan has never participated in a war. Although the cruelty he faced is not weaker than that of war, he has never participated in such a large-scale war.

Moreover, ANBU's missions were more bloody and dark, and he had no chance to be exposed to the kind of continuous "rushing" battles.

"Fortunately, I didn't encounter such a situation, otherwise I would only have this little chakra..."

Shaking his head slightly and looking at Kakashi beside him, Natsuhiko smiled.

A few days ago, they captured several Sand Ninjas, including Yashamaru, at the border of Grassland, and they were thinking about how to bring them back.

After much deliberation, they decided to bring the most important person back in advance.

Yashamaru is undoubtedly the most important and valuable ninja among these sand ninjas.

Therefore, Natsuhiko handed over all the other two Suna ninjas to the ninjas in the garrison, and asked their commander to send people to send these two people back to Konoha.

Natsuhiko and Kakashi took Yashamaru directly and set off without making any stop at all.

They were very careful along the way, after all, they showed their faces among the garrison.

If there were spies, then obviously their capture of Yashamaru would be reported back.

The result of this is likely to attract a rescue team. Even if the two of them are very powerful, they don't want to face Sunagakure's ANBU team.

Anbu will not reason with you, let alone fight with you in an upright manner. It is the truth of Anbu ninja to use all possible means, and the way that can solve the opponent is the best way!

Therefore, they were very fast along the way, and Yashamaru also suffered a lot along the way. It could be said that he was not awake at all.

Every time he had the slightest sign of waking up, he would be knocked unconscious by Kakashi or Natsuhiko.

Anyway, with a sentient ninja like Xia Yan around, he wouldn't be given the chance to pretend to be unconscious and then wait for an opportunity to use some technique to destroy himself.

Even though it is tiring, this approach is the safest and safest.

It took them two or three days to finally send Yashamaru back to Konoha. After finally handing it over to the ANBU stationed at the side gate of the village, they both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Their results also frightened the captain of the brigade who had received the news in advance and had been waiting here for a long time.

Yashamaru is really not a simple thing. He is very difficult to deal with. As an old opponent of Konoha ANBU, it is impossible for the captain not to know about him.

However, such a troublesome guy was actually captured by these two brats.

All I can say is that this result is incredible!

"By the way, Kakashi." After Xia Yan relaxed for a while, he turned to look at Kakashi: "What do you think about the two-day holiday?"

"I don't know yet, but the holidays are actually not a big deal to me." Kakashi shook his head, he didn't seem to care about the holidays at all.

Natsuhiko glanced at him, and then didn't bother to say anything. Kakashi is really not willing to take time off now.

Because once he is free, he will always think about random things involuntarily. Only through constant tasks can he concentrate and stop thinking about other messy things.

For example, before this, Kakashi was chasing a ninja, and he had auditory hallucinations the moment he used Chidori to kill the opponent.

It was Lin's kind call that echoed in his ears. It was this kind of auditory hallucination that made it impossible for him to stab his Chidori. If Akai hadn't arrived in time, Kakashi would have had a big problem by then.

But when he thought of Lin, Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He seemed to know what he should do now.

"Vacations are for you to adjust well, don't waste this hard-earned rest time."

Xia Yan said gently, then he raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

"Speaking of which, although it's a bit late now, we should still have time."

"We?" Kakashi was stunned for a moment, and he asked curiously: "Captain, are there any other tasks?"

"Well, let's go to the Heroes Cemetery." Xia Yan nodded lightly.

"I haven't seen my old friends and classmates for a long time.

Although it is a bit late now, and there is no flower shop to be found.

But we are ANBU, and dark night may be our best time to act. "

"Going to the Heroes Cemetery?" Kakashi withdrew his gaze: "Darkness is the best time for Anbu... I understand, captain."

Kakashi did not object, taking off the mask he was the Konoha ninja Kakashi, and putting on the mask he was the Anbu's White Fang.

Although he doesn't like this code name, and it seems to be of no use, once he takes action or is seen by others, he will use the Sharingan.

Basically, the fact that he is Kakashi has been exposed, and he is the only one in the entire ninja world who has successfully possessed a Sharingan.

In the past, Kakashi used his identity as a Konoha ninja to pay homage to Lin and Obito, but this time he planned to use his identity as an Anbu to pay homage.

Although it seemed that the essential difference was very small, in fact the two identities represented two states of mind. He wanted to try to face Obito and Lin with the state of mind of ANBU.

Xia Yan's previous words were still lingering in his ears.

After having the target, the two of them started to take action, but this time neither of them accelerated, but passed at normal speed.

They would not be in any danger in Konoha Village, and they were very tired from the long journey back.

Just as they were walking, both of them suddenly frowned in unison, because they both clearly felt that there were several waves of chakra staring at them.

They were walking in the forest, and this forest was also very remote, with almost no one coming here.

With so much chakra suddenly appearing in this place, how could it not attract the attention of the two Anbu?

There was no dialogue at all. Natsuhiko and Kakashi both became alert in unison, and their hands slowly rested on their weapons.

But unlike Kakashi who was simply vigilant, Natsuhiko looked a little inexplicable. He had already turned on his perception ability after discovering these chakras.

It was only at this moment that he noticed that there seemed to be a lot of sealing spells around them, and these seals were completely designed to resist sentient ninjas!

In the whole of Konoha, there are really not many people who have the ability to do this.

"Is it possible that I met those guys?"


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