Natsuhiko guessed that the ninja they encountered was probably from one of Konoha's most notorious organizations.

But what he had to admit was that the deterrence and strength of this organization were very scary.

Especially in Konoha, the role played and assumed by the roots is definitely more disappointing than that of the ANBU.

To be honest, it feels like the intelligence of Anbu and Root overlap in some senses, but in reality it doesn't at all.

For example, when ANBU attacks one of their own, they will try to figure out whether the person who attacked them is really a traitor, but the ANBU will not.

The meaning of their existence is to deal with those people who the ANBU has no way to take action directly, or who have not caught absolute evidence!

Such a comparison will reveal that the dark part is actually like a big tree bathed in light, while the root is completely covered by soil and stays in darkness forever.

They will do the most dangerous tasks, they will handle the most unattractive tasks, and they will take on all the infamy that ANBU has to bear.

This comparison is actually very similar to the relationship between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

One of them is the bright and majestic Hokage, and the other is the cunning and cunning Ninja Darkness.

Just as Xia Yan was thinking, he suddenly discovered that the chakra fluctuations of those guys seemed to become more and more obvious.

Obviously they also noticed the actions of Natsuhiko and Kakashi, and began to have some stress reactions.

Such a reaction made Xia Yan secretly shake his head. It seemed that the fundamental losses were really big, and reorganization was also a bit troublesome.

It's not like Xia Yan has never dealt with Genbu. After a certain mission, he and his team came back with the enemy's corpse, but they were stopped as soon as they entered the village.

He still remembers how cold those ninjas at their core were.

They are calm, indifferent, and lifeless like dead people. It can be said that they are more like corpses than Kakashi now!

But now these guys, in the eyes of Anbu like Xia Yan, their performance is extremely unqualified.

However, it was precisely because most of Genbu's main forces were wiped out that Xia Yan felt a little safer, because Genbu had invited him!

The current root is not the unscrupulous root he will be in the future. He still wants to have some face to gain a reputation for himself.

It's no secret that Danzo wants to be Hokage, almost all the top brass in Konoha know his thoughts.

Moreover, this guy Danzo is also a person who dares to do whatever he dares to think.

Why did Orochimaru's human experimentation come out during the Hokage selection?

In fact, the meaning of this is obvious, that is, Danzo is using the power in his hands to hinder it!

Taking advantage of the pressure of public opinion, Hiruzen Sarutobi finally had to abdicate because of the signing of a peace treaty with Iwa Shinobi.

Then he conveyed Orochimaru's information factually, with the intention of disrupting Orochimaru's electoral qualification and allowing himself to gain huge benefits.

However, what he didn't expect was that his roots would suffer such a heavy blow in the Land of Rain, which forced him to fully support Orochimaru.

However, what made him even more unexpected was that Sarutobi Hiruzen would not be able to push the stigmatized Orochimaru to Hokage because of his own obstruction.

At the same time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was under tremendous pressure because of the agreement he signed with Iwa Ninja, and he planned to retreat behind the scenes.

But without Orochimaru to choose from, he had no idea of ​​handing over his rights.

The final result was that Danzo was stabbed in the back again, Orochimaru was defeated, and Namikaze Minato, a disciple and grandson, came to the forefront. Danzo could be said to be a complete failure.


Just as Natsuhiko was lamenting the transformation of Nabe Kage and his roots, suddenly several ninjas wearing ANBU costumes quietly walked out.

They were fully armed, with weapons in their hands, and the chakra on their bodies was constantly reverberating.

Seeing this scene, Natsuhiko and Kakashi couldn't help being stunned at the same time.

Xia Yan didn't expect these guys to come out at all. Their attitude was completely hostile!

Kakashi, on the other hand, simply took out his ninja sword, although he was confused as to why a fellow ANBU would make such a gesture.

But when he faces the enemy, he will not show any mercy.

"Stop, what do you want to do?"

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked out from the ground nearby, and he loudly scolded all the ninjas present.

Xia Yan turned his head slightly, and then he noticed that there was an entrance to the underground not far from them!

"The seal here is so strong!"

Xia Yan frowned slightly. He was sure that he had already explored the surrounding environment when these ninjas appeared.

In the previous exploration, he only felt the seal and the approximate location of these root ninjas, but did not find the entrance at all!

This kind of sealing technique is really scary. It is used to hide important secrets.

So this underground entrance...

"I'm sorry for causing some trouble to you two. Are you members of ANBU?"

As the man's voice sounded, the root ninjas who seemed to be about to take action stopped collectively, and then slowly hid in the shadows.

The man just walked up to Natsuhiko and Kakashi and asked calmly.

"Hello, I am the captain of the fifth squad of the ANBU First Battalion. You can call me Nightingale. This is my team member next to me. You can call him White Fang."

Xia Yan replied in a gentle voice, but he still remained relatively vigilant. After all, these people are the root of the problem.

"I just came back from a mission and was about to go back to the village, but I didn't expect that someone locked me in the middle of the way. Which brigade are you from?"

"Nightingale? White Fang?"

The man did not answer Xia Yan's question, but stared at the two of them carefully.

He knew both of these code names. Nightingale was considered a pretty good genius. Genbu also tried to invite him, but he rejected it.

As for White Fang, this code name belongs to Hatake Sakumo. Now the boy in front of him has inherited this code name. Does this mean that this boy is Kakashi?

Sure enough, as the man continued to observe, he quickly determined that the white-haired man named White Fang was definitely Kakashi!

That Sharingan cannot be hidden, and there is no way he will admit his mistake.

Thinking of this, the man couldn't help but sigh slightly. He really hated those newly recruited ninjas now. These guys were so stupid.

Is it possible that you all have to intercept the passing ninjas?

How could there be so many seals here exposed at will? If so, they would have been exposed long ago.

What's more, ordinary ninjas wouldn't be able to handle it, but now it's obvious that these two people can't handle it casually.

Especially Kakashi, this guy is a disciple of the Fourth Hokage...


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