The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 28: The Aburame Ryoma (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

"Our status is somewhat special. Captain Nightingale, you should have guessed that we have been in contact with you before."

Since we can't handle it, we can only arrange it properly.

The man spoke to Xia Yan in the calmest voice. He had already thought about what to do.

"Have we been in contact?"

Xia Yan already knew who they were, but he still cooperated seriously.

He frowned as if he thought about it for a moment, and then suddenly realized something.

"It turns's you."

"It seems Captain Nightingale has understood." The man nodded: "I'm sorry for what happened today. There was an unnecessary misunderstanding due to special reasons. I will go back and punish them. But..."

"I understand, Your Excellency." Xia Yan didn't wait for him to finish, and said directly: "I will forget this matter, and I will forget this place, and I will not write it in the record report. The most asked by the Hokage is When the time comes, I will tell you the truth.”

Xia Yan is very wise, he naturally knows what to say and what not to say, and he can even talk to whom.

In fact, he wanted to directly say that he would only report truthfully to the Sandaime Hokage, but he did not forget that there was Kakashi standing next to him.

Therefore, he vaguely referred to him as Hokage-sama, and at the same time, his eyes inadvertently looked towards Kakashi.

When the man in front of him saw Xia Yan's move, he immediately understood what he meant, and then he nodded seriously.

When Xia Yan saw this scene, he knew that the matter was done. Although he was really unhappy about meeting these guys, he knew better that he really had no power to resist.

But fortunately, these guys temporarily don't have the time to care about themselves, or to care about the fallen Thousand Hands Clan.

For those like Danzo or the Third Hokage who inherited the will of the Second Hokage, their first target is always the psychopaths of Uchiha.

What's more, even if they want to deal with the Thousand Hands clan, they will never do it blatantly.

After all, it is the family of the first and second generation Hokage, and it is the family of the founder of Konoha. They don't care too much.

Even if they take action, they basically rely on the second generation's own policies.

Letting the Senju Clan be the 'model representative' looks like they themselves have weakened, so that at least they won't appear too callous on the scene.

"Who are they?"

After the matter was settled, Natsuhiko immediately dragged Kakashi away from this place. After they were completely gone, Kakashi couldn't bear it anymore.

He had never come into contact with these people before, and was completely unaware of their existence. How could he not be curious when he suddenly met him today?

Especially the way these guys want to attack them shows how unscrupulous they are!

"Them?" Xia Yan glanced behind him, and then looked at Kakashi: "You'd better not inquire about their affairs. If you can, finish today's matter. We must abide by the ANBU's confidentiality regulations."

"Is that so..." Kakashi frowned, then fell silent.

This answer naturally made him infinitely depressed. He almost took action but had no idea who the other party was.

However, Natsuhiko's words made it impossible for him to find any fault at all, because this was the ANBU's rules, and Kakashi himself knew these rules.

Just when Kakashi shook his head helplessly and was not going to ask further questions, Natsuhiko suddenly made a vague gesture to him - there was monitoring.

Kakashi saw this gesture, and his eyes became extremely alert for a moment. Are these guys even listening to the ANBU?

Natsuhiko didn't know what Kakashi was thinking, but his eyes were vaguely looking at the little bugs flying in the sky next to him.

Xia Yan has always been very careful, especially when dealing with people at the root, and he doesn't dare to relax at all.

After leaving, he had been using his senses to explore the surroundings. Sure enough, he quickly noticed that there were actually some bugs with weak chakra around him!

"Are you from the Aburame clan?"

Xia Yan has been able to determine the specific family of the person following him, and based on his memory, it seems that he has always been interested in the Aburame clan.

In the original work, Danzo's first target of breaking the rules of the game and forcing himself on important people in the big family was the Aburame clan.

If Aburame hadn't taken the root and voluntarily entered the root instead of Shino Aburame, I'm afraid there wouldn't be as many stories about Class 8 in the future, and there wouldn't be Shino Aburame as a person living under the sun.

But speaking of it, it was because Danzo did such a rule-breaking thing with the acquiescence of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This caused Sarutobi Hiruzen and the various families in Konoha to immediately alienate each other. When it came time for the Chunin Exams, no one came out to save him!

"But who is this now?"

Xia Yan pretended not to notice and thought silently, but soon he seemed to think of something.

"I remember that when Danzo went to find the pharmacist Nonou, he took two people with him, one was Orochimaru, and the other..."

Aburame Ryoma!

Xia Yan's eyes were slightly blurry. He had basically determined who this guy was. If nothing unexpected happened, it was definitely Ryoma Aburame.

The person who can stand with Orochimaru to protect Danzo is definitely not a simple person. Just now Natsuhiko discovered that this guy's chakra is very terrifying!

Whether it is quality or quantity, in Natsuhiko's opinion, it has exceeded the average jounin.

Not only that, the bugs in this guy's body were also very terrifying. Those dense bugs with weak chakra made his scalp numb just by sensing them.

No wonder the Hyuga clan doesn't want to be with the Aburame clan, because accidentally seeing Byakugan would be an epic disaster.

Xia Yan didn't know whether these bugs were poisonous or not, but according to the root's character, even if these bugs were not poisonous in the first place, they would definitely be cultivated into highly toxic products!

He didn't dare to gamble, and he would never let these bugs touch him.

Being bitten by such a bug would definitely lead to 'accidental death'. Xia Yan would never want such a bad thing to happen to him.

"It seems that the basement just now, if there is no accident, is Nebe's laboratory, or the joint laboratory of Nebe and Orochimaru!"

Being so sealed and protected, and being guarded by a super powerful ninja like Aburame Ryoma, the importance of coming to this place is indescribable.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there are people who need close protection, such as Shimura Danzo.

Xia Yan didn't know which one it was, but no matter which one it was, he didn't want to touch it.

What made him relieved was that the insects stopped following them after they left the forest.

Obviously, his and Kakashi's performance temporarily reassured Aburame Ryoma...


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