The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 29 Failure is the main theme (Part 1)

"What happened?"

In the underground laboratory of Konoha Forest, a figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

He looked to be in his forties or fifties, wearing a black robe and holding a cane, and his right eye was tied with a bandage.

This man exudes a cold aura, and his calm and intimidating attitude is even more frightening. He is Shimura Danzo!

"Sir." Aburame Ryoma immediately knelt down on one knee after seeing Danzo, his head buried low: "Two Anbu passed by, but our people overreacted and attracted their attention."

"Anbu?" Danzo frowned: "Come back so late? Have you figured out who it is?"

"Yes, sir." Ryoma Aburame nodded and said respectfully: "Natsuhiko Fukami and Kakashi Hatake, they just returned from the border and captured Sunagakure Anbu Yashamaru."

Kakashi would definitely be a little surprised if he heard Aburame Ryoma's words.

In just a short time, this guy has actually figured out who they are, what tasks they perform, and even what they have done!

But if Xia Yan were here, I'm afraid there wouldn't be any surprise at all.

Danzo cooperated with Orochimaru, hoping that Orochimaru would have another purpose in taking the position of Hokage, which was to rebuild the roots that were nearly destroyed by Nagato.

In the same way, he also needs to move to the front stage step by step so that he is no longer the root hidden in the ground.

So his goal is ANBU, he needs to become the minister of ANBU, and no matter what, he has to become the actual controller of ANBU.

Therefore, he has penetrated quite a lot into the ANBU, and his grasp of the intelligence within the ANBU is definitely not weak.

Natsuhiko's mission seems to be confidential, but to Danzo, it is just an ordinary mission, a mission that he can read at will.

"Natsuhiko Fukami, Kakashi Hatake?"

Danzo was silent for a while when he heard these two names. It was naturally impossible for him not to know these two people.

That is to say, he was a little silent because he knew about these two people. These two people were a little troublesome.

"It's the two of them." However, this kind of trouble is not that big for Danzo. After being silent for a while, he said leisurely: "I understand, these two people are talents, how will their subsequent performance be? "

"Natsuhiko Fukami is very smart. He knows us and knows what to say and what not to say." Ryoma Aburame whispered: "But because of Hatake Kakashi, he stated that he would report this matter to the Hokage. grown ups....."

"Okay, I understand." Shimura Danzo nodded, and he said calmly: "It's my duty to report to the Hokage. It's not a big deal. Will you follow me after that?"

"Yes, sir." Ryoma Aburame nodded: "Kakashi Hatake wanted to ask, but Natsuhiko Fukami didn't mention a word."

Danzo heard this and felt it was enough. He could see that Natsuhiko was very self-aware.

As for reporting it to the Hokage, Danzo didn't take it to heart at all, even though he could see that the Hokage in Natsuhiko's mouth did not refer to him at all.

It could be the current Fourth Hokage, or naturally it could be the Third Hokage, the actual controller of ANBU, but it doesn't matter who it is.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew what he did, and even tacitly approved of it!

As for Namikaze Minato, what qualifications does this brat have to investigate him?

"This matter ends here, but you will be watched in the future." Danzo said indifferently: "Also, you have to complete the punishment that those people should do tonight. They are really not qualified."

"I understand, Danzo-sama." Ryoma Aburame immediately replied firmly: "I will definitely let them know how a ninja at the root should behave."


After walking out of the forest, Natsuhiko and Kakashi came to the Heroes Cemetery in silence.

Perhaps because of the late night, the Heroes Cemetery seemed particularly quiet at this time, with only the sound of swaying tree branches being blown by the wind.

Under the leadership of Kakashi, the two of them quickly walked to a corner of the cemetery, and in this corner there were two tombstones connected together.

One piece belonged to Nohara Rin, and the other belonged to Uchiha Obito.

This is not the first time for Xia Yan to come here. In order to maintain his personality, he has also been here with Akai and the others during his breaks on weekdays.

However, the war and ANBU missions, as well as Xia Yan's slightly sparse feelings for these classmates, made him come here only a handful of times.

It was the first time for him to come here to pay homage to the tombstones of Nohara Rin and Uchiha Obito.

The two stood quietly in front of the tombstone, and for a moment they seemed to have no desire to speak.

Kakashi was completely caught up in his own emotions, while Natsuhiko's eyes were completely focused on the two tombs.

He knew that there might be remains in Nohara Rin's grave, but Obito's grave was definitely empty, because this guy was still alive and well.

Sighing slightly, Xia Yan looked at Kakashi. Although this guy still wore a mask, Xia Yan could see that he was very uneasy inside at this time.

Suddenly, Natsuhiko remembered the question that Kakashi had asked him. Although the answer he gave him at that time was complete, it was not perfect.

However, how to discuss this topic seems to be a bit troublesome.

Is it possible to tell Kakashi directly that you are actually doing a good job and doing a great job?

This guy Kakashi is trying to get into trouble. Perhaps Natsuhiko's direct approach will achieve very good results.

But Xia Yan felt that this matter was actually a gamble. If it failed, his previous management of Kakashi would be in big trouble.

It's good to go back to the starting point in one wave, but it would be terrible if it went directly into negative numbers.

"team leader...."

However, just when Natsuhiko was thinking about persuading Kakashi, Kakashi himself suddenly spoke.

"Do you really think I'm worthy of being envied?"

"Huh?" Xia Yan glanced at Kakashi inexplicably, this question was a bit strange.

"Sorry captain, maybe I still can't fully understand your thoughts, even if..."

Kakashi opened his mouth, but he couldn't continue before he finished speaking. It took him a long time before he sighed slightly.

"Captain, am I a failure? I killed my most important person with my own hands.

Even if you comfort me and say that this is not my fault, or even that I am not at fault.

But I still feel like I'm a complete loser.

I failed everyone, I failed Obito's trust in me, I..."

"Okay, Kakashi."

This time, Natsuhiko interrupted Kakashi before he finished speaking.

It can be seen that Kakashi is really struggling in his heart. He still seems to be unable to accept and recognize some things.

Even though he pretended to be indifferent on the surface, there was no way to fake the despair and depression inside.

But this incident also shows that this guy Kakashi is not so indifferent that it is scary. It also shows that this guy seems to have begun to trust Natsuhiko.

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko patted Kakashi on the shoulder, and then said meaningfully.

"Actually, do you know that success in life is always temporary, because...

Failure is the main theme. "


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