The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 255 Danzo’s end (Part 2) (8K please subscribe~)

Early the next morning, after Qiong left the Uchiha clan, Uchiha really started to act quietly.

Even though he didn't know what the ANBU was going to do, since he agreed, he had to do it!

In fact, for him, completely integrating the security department is also something he has to do in the future, but for now, this matter has been moved forward a lot.

Now there is only the last detachment left in the security department that is resisting tenaciously. The other two detachments have long been completely controlled by Uchiha Zhen and Uchiha Sora.

The situation of this team is a bit special. In the past, Uchiha didn't really know much about it until he reached in, but now he knows how complicated this team is.

There are doves, hawks, and even many neutrals who follow the clan leader wholeheartedly.

The result of this is naturally that this team is very difficult to control, even with Uchiha Shin intervening and communicating among them, trying to win over those hawks.

But Uchiha Shen is a 'dead man' after all, and it is impossible for him to act unscrupulously.

"But now, we can't do this anymore."

Uchiha Shen thought silently as he walked quickly into a small courtyard.

This courtyard looks a bit desolate, and if you look carefully, you will find that there are many Uchiha ninjas hidden in it to monitor it.

However, these surveillance people ignored Uchiha Zhen at all after seeing him, and Uchiha Zhen came to a room in the courtyard unimpeded.


When Uchiha came in, a cold snort came directly into his ears, but he didn't care. He glanced around and walked straight inside.

The person who made such a sound was not anyone else, but the dove elders who forcibly captured and detained Uchiha a year ago!

These people were once Uchiha's true friends and comrades-in-arms, but when he took a path he had never imagined, these friends and comrades-in-arms inevitably became enemies.

Uchiha really didn't want this to happen, but he knew that he couldn't change anything.

But he didn't kill these people, not even Uchiha Shin. How could he do anything to these people?

Whether it's because of their personal relationship or because they are from the same family.

Pushing open the door at the innermost level of the room, Uchiha walked slowly in. There was an old man sitting inside making tea.

Steam is constantly coming out of his teapot, which goes well with the current weather.

Now that the time has entered December, velvet-like white snow is already falling in the sky. Although the snow on the ground is not thick, the cold has spread throughout the entire ninja continent.

"Zhen, why are you here?" Uchiha Shen was making tea, and suddenly he saw Uchiha Zhen coming in and he couldn't help but smile.

Although he is a loser, although he is now almost equivalent to house arrest and is nominally a dead person.

But his mentality is still very good, especially since everything he does is actually for Uchiha.

Now he already knows Uchiha's future fate, and he also sees clearly the pros and cons of the choices Uchiha really makes.

In addition, Uchiha Zhen let him go at the critical moment, which made him not filled with resentment and resentment like others.

"I came here today to talk to you about something important."

Uchiha was not polite, he sat down directly and said in a calm voice.

"Some situations will arise in Konoha, and the ANBU may need us to stand in line, so we have to speed up."

"Something happened?"

Uchiha Shen couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard this sentence. This was not good news for him.

"It seems that the scope of this incident will not be small, but is it too hasty to do it now?"

It was indeed a bit hasty. Uchiha really did change a lot of the style of the security department. In addition, the thing called a newspaper that appeared in Konoha made the residents aware of Uchiha's changes.

Even though Uchiha Shen actually disdains such an approach in his heart, because in his opinion, Uchiha is a lion. How can a lion coexist peacefully with sheep?

But what made him helpless was that there was an existence comparable to a tyrannosaurus in the Uchiha lion.

In addition, he had to admit that he now clearly felt that the distance between the family and the villagers had become closer, and the family had really begun to get better.

It's just one thing to change the family, but it's another thing to have real control over the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha is not really the real controller of the family, even though he has achieved great victory in the security department and has attracted many people who originally followed him.

But Uchiha Fugaku also attracted a lot of people. After all, he is the patriarch and he holds the true righteousness.

Especially now, after Uchiha Fugaku lost an eye, he seemed to be becoming more and more weird and his methods became more and more tough.

People like Uchiha Zhen may be enough to take action against him, but the price of taking action is too high.

"It is indeed a bit hasty, but I think there should be no problem." Uchiha looked at Uchiha Shen seriously: "This time, I need you to take action yourself, rather than looking for someone to do it."

"I know, I said I will cooperate with you." Uchiha Shen gritted his teeth, nodded and said: "I hope this time, we can go through it smoothly. After all, it is the clan leader who has to deal with this time, not us. Elder.”

"Clan leader?" Uchiha Zhen couldn't help but froze for a moment when he heard these words, and then he smiled and shook his head.

He knew that Uchiha Shen had misunderstood, maybe he didn't explain clearly, maybe he was too anxious, which caused some misunderstandings, right?

Shaking his head slightly, Uchiha sat down. He picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. The aroma of tea soon bloomed between his teeth.

"I have no plans to touch Uchiha Fugaku for the time being." After swallowing all the tea, the Uchiha master said quietly: "All I want is the security department, a security department that is completely under my control!"

"You mean, there is a security department to speak on behalf of the clan leader?" Uchiha Shen seemed to have thought of something: "Or do you mean that this time, the department has more say than the clan leader?"

"Actually, I don't know either." Uchiha Zhen shook his head: "But Qiong told me that she hopes that the Security Department will have a clear attitude towards what will happen next."

At this point, Uchiha really doesn't have to say much.

Uchiha Shin began to think silently, and it took him a long time to look at Uchiha Shin seriously.

"What do you want Qiong to do, or what do you want to do."

"I told her I would try my best to do it."


In a small conference room in Konoha ANBU, Natsuhiko looked at Yamanaka Haiichi in front of him with a smile.

He had met Yamanaka Haiichi many times, and the one that impressed Xia Yan the most was the time when he came to check his memory.

That time, this guy used family secrets to hypnotize and guide Xia Yan, and asked Xia Yan to tell some hidden secrets, which really made Xia Yan's memory fresh.

At that time, Xia Yan was not that strong, nor did he have such a high status, so he could only make some compromises and concessions.

But even so, he still severely tricked Yamanaka Haiichi, that is, he deliberately revealed the identity of his family.

Of course, Natsuhiko guessed that this was what Hiruzen Sarutobi wanted him to say. After all, it was not long after Minato Namikaze came to power.

In order to prevent Inogacho from completely falling towards Namikaze Minato, he made a little design to hold Yamanaka Haiichi, which was not difficult for him at all.

I just didn't expect that time has changed and everything has been reversed. Now Xia Yan has stood at the highest pinnacle of ANBU.

And this time, although it was still Yamanaka Haiichi who came to see him, the charm was completely different.

The information sent by the insect last night was that Yamanaka Haiichi wanted to see him, and this made Xia Yan silently shake his head.

He knew what Yamanaka Haiichi's general purpose was for looking for him, and at the same time, he couldn't help but sigh that Danzo's ability to commit suicide was truly beyond imagination.

"Your Excellency Haiyi, long time no see." Xia Yan looked at Haiyi in the mountains with a smile. They were acquaintances anyway: "I never expected that Your Excellency Haiyi would come to see me."

"Your Majesty, the Minister is serious." Yamanaka Haiichi showed a wry smile: "I am affiliated with the intelligence team, and I am also responsible for some things in the ANBU. Strictly speaking, Your Majesty the Minister is my superior."

"Is he really the boss?" Xia Yan still looked at Yamanaka Haiichi with a smile on his face: "I never thought that Mr. Haiichi would be my subordinate, let alone an ANBU subordinate."

Natsu Yan did not mock Yamanaka Haiichi on this point. After all, Yamanaka Haiichi's identity and the status of his intelligence team are really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

But his tone and some unpleasant experiences between them suddenly made Yamanaka Haiichi's face look even more ugly.

He seemed to feel that what he was most worried about had happened, that is, the minister still remembered what he had done back then.

He had actually thought about reaching a reconciliation with Xia Yan for a long time, but he needed a reciprocal attitude towards Xia Yan, and Xia Yan was climbing up faster than he imagined.

Xia Yan was just a squad leader at the beginning, but what he never expected was that this guy would soon become a captain!

The captain is no longer an ordinary ANBU ninja, so Yamanaka Haiichi cannot treat him the same way he treats the squad leader.

But when he was almost ready and planned to invite Xia Yan to meet alone, the Nine-Tails Incident happened unexpectedly.

When the matter was settled, he was shocked to find that the former captain had become the head of the ANBU!

All this was beyond Yamanaka Haiichi's imagination, and it was also beyond Nara Shikaku's imagination.

But at this point, they had no choice but to guess how many things Minister Xia Yan was involved in behind the scenes.

If possible, they are really willing to continue to abide by neutrality and not get involved, but now under Danzo's operation, they have to make some tilts.

In the original work, Yamanaka Kaiichi did not do anything. That was because Namikaze Minato had passed away, and Sarutobi Hiruzen had no idea of ​​selecting the fifth Hokage.

This made him have no choice but to endure it all. For the same reason, Aburame Zhiwei did not dare to have any thoughts of overcoming.

But everything is different now.

"Okay, let's not joke anymore, Your Excellency Haiyi." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and he knocked on the table casually to make Yamanaka Haiyi come back to his senses: "I wonder what you want to see me for?"

"Actually, I'm looking for Mr. Buchou for something very important." As soon as Yamanaka Hai came to his senses, he no longer thought about those messy things: "It's because of Danzo, Mr. Buchou."

Yamanaka Haiichi knew that Xia Yan actually knew all this, but he still needed to say it himself.

This is a matter of attitude, but it is also a guarantee. After all, what he wants to do now is full of danger no matter how you look at it.

Moreover, there are still some misunderstandings between him and Xia Yan, so taking the initiative to speak out is also a way to gain some trust from Xia Yan.

He told it unpleasantly, but in great detail, and Xia Yan listened quite attentively, because he found that everything was similar to what happened to Aburame Zhiwei.

I have to say that Danzo is indeed good at choosing people. The family ability of the person he chooses is really special, and he is also very suitable for root or dark areas.

But it was precisely because he chose to be tough at the wrong time and firmly believed that he could control everything that he now turned against his relatives.

It took Yamanaka Haiichi a while to finish talking about this matter, and when he said these words, he did not forget to mention the situation of Aburame Shiwei and others in a subtle way.

Xia Yan listened silently. After he finished speaking, Xia Yan nodded silently: "This is really unfortunate. I never thought that Danzo-sama would do such a thing."

"Mr. Minister, I hope to get your help this time."

Yamanaka Haiichi still lowered his head slightly, and his voice seemed very deep.

"Just like Chief Zhiwei and the others, because now the only person in our province who can ask for help is you."

"Oh, why does Mr. Haiyi think that I helped Chief Zhiwei and the others?"

Xia Yan chuckled and shook his head. He knocked on the table and said slowly.

"Besides, this kind of thing is not a trivial matter. After Danzo-sama's death..."

"I know, we all know."

Yamanaka Haiichi interrupted Xia Yan, his voice was still low but very firm.

“Actually, we all know how difficult and troublesome this matter is, but we have made a decision.

As long as Lord Natsuhiko can help us tide over the difficulties, we will give our firmest support to Lord Natsuhiko and the Fourth Hokage in the future! "

At this point, both Xia Yan and Yamanaka Haiichi knew that there was no need to continue talking.

Yamanaka Haiichi was just flipping the table. He seemed to know very well that Xia Yan would not give any statement easily, so he said it clearly.

Talking to this extent basically blocked Xia Yan's words. I have to say that this guy is really interesting.

"It's really amazing. I'm curious if Sir Shikaku taught you to deal with me like this?"

After being silent for a while, Xia Yan gently shook his head.

"In my memory, Lord Haiyi is not like this."

"It was Shikaku who taught me. He told me that this kind of thing cannot be delayed. Now that you have made a decision, don't hesitate."

Yamanaka Haiichi seemed a little nervous and a little exhausted. Of course he knew what he meant by what he said, but he was still so determined.

“Hesitation will only make the minister think that we are not firm enough, and ambiguity will only put us in a dilemma.

The Fourth Hokage is the legal Hokage, and the Sandaime is the acting Hokage, but what he is doing now really makes us feel so chilled.

Even if we can't make the Sandaime leave completely, or the Fourth Hokage has other plans, we can still make him hear our voices. "

Xia Yan listened quietly to Yamanaka Haiichi's words, and he couldn't help laughing when he heard the last part.

Nara Shikaku is truly the smartest person in the original work. Xia Yan is sure that he has never met him, or even had any direct contact with him.

But this guy seems to know himself a little bit, or he just guessed and thought of a lot of things based on the subtle changes in the current situation.

However, these things that he guessed and thought of really fit what Xia Yan was thinking now, and even somewhat matched some of Xia Yan's current actions!

To be honest, Xia Yan really welcomed Yamanaka Haiichi to come to him, because Yamanaka Haiichi's weight is really very big.

There are Nara and Akimichi behind him, which means that he alone is basically accompanied by the other two.

Looking at Yamanaka Haiichi whose face was filled with determination, Xia Yan suddenly stood up.

He walked slowly outside, but when he passed Haiyi in the mountains, he reached out and patted Haiyi's shoulder gently.

"The reporting time has come. I think Lord Haiyi has other work to do. But for this report, I hope you can prepare a report for me. Is that okay?"

"Of course! Of course there is no problem!"

Hearing this blind man's words, Yamanaka Haiichi was truly relieved, because he already knew the answer!

"Very good, then I hope it can be delivered to my office before five o'clock this afternoon. Can you do it?"

"Of course there is no problem!"


In the early morning, when the nascent sun hung in the sky, the streets of Konoha were already bustling with people.

Especially the newsstands set up all over Konoha are crowded with people. Since the newspaper came out, it has basically become a daily necessity for the residents of Konoha and even the residents of the Land of Fire.

Because everyone can learn about various things in the entire ninja world through this small newspaper.

This greatly satisfies their spiritual needs for them. It has to be said that the country of fire is still very wealthy, and even ordinary people have some spare money.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have the spare money to hire ninjas to solve some troubles.

In addition, Xia Yan never thought about making money when he sold newspapers. The price he set was really low. It can be said that anyone who is not poor and cannot afford to eat can buy it.

The only problem with the extremely low price is that there are too many people buying it early in the morning.

Even though Xia Yan has set up a lot of news kiosks, there is still no way to completely solve this problem.

"Oh no, no, no, I got up late, so I won't be able to buy a newspaper."

Early in the morning, Miike Kento hurried towards the newsstand. He was an ordinary chuunin in Konoha. He usually completed tasks together if he could form a team to receive them.

Complete some simple tasks without forming a team, such as weeding.

He knew very well that his ninja talent basically ended here, but he was also very satisfied with his current life.

Although it's boring and there's no progress at all, it's pretty good even though it's mediocre. After all, I've been on the battlefield and seen the horrors on the battlefield.

Therefore, he is very sincere and can spend every day with the person he likes, and can learn about what is happening in the ninja world through newspapers every day.

"There are just too many people buying newspapers every day!"

Miike Kento complained softly, but he also knew that there was no way around it.

Because everyone can get first-hand news early in the morning, no one wants to be left behind on this kind of thing.

No one wants to feel like a fool when others are gossiping about newspaper content.

After finally squeezing into the crowd, Miike Kendou struggled to grab a newspaper. In his opinion, buying a newspaper in the morning was just like grabbing it. It was really too difficult.

"But fortunately, I finally bought it."

Miike Kento breathed a sigh of relief, and then he walked towards the mission department while slowly flipping through the newspaper in his hand.

Just as he was walking, he was stunned. As soon as he turned the first page, he was stunned by a title - The Ghost in Konoha!

No matter how you look at it, this title doesn't look like a simple matter. It's actually hard for him to say what Konoha is like. Maybe it's because he doesn't have enough position and doesn't have access to so many things.

But no matter what, being able to come into contact with secrets that are usually inaccessible will always make people's blood clash!

"The ghost in Konoha, what exactly is this?"

Miike Kento swallowed, and even though he started to look at it seriously, as he looked through it, he found that his body seemed to be getting colder.

There are ANBU in Konoha, every ninja knows this, but what they don't know is that there is actually a force comparable to ANBU in Konoha!

The newspaper did not say who they were or even detail their related missions.

However, the newspaper used the tone of each family patriarch to describe how their family had to choose to surrender, how their clan members were taken away, and how they suffered unprecedented oppression!

Not much was said about these contents, perhaps because they were too sensitive, so they were not explained in detail. They did not even say who these families were in detail.

But the scary thing is that there are so many self-reported lists, and they all have very clear times and places. No matter how you look at them, they don’t look like they are fabricated!

The most important thing is that no one dares to make up this kind of thing easily, because it will have to pay an unimaginable heavy price.

"Is there such a terrible thing in Konoha?"

Miike Kento swallowed, his curiosity was greatly satisfied, and at the same time, a huge and deep fear came to his mind.

According to reports in newspapers, the family ninjas have reached this point, so what will ordinary ninjas become like?

He didn't know about this problem, and there wasn't a clear explanation in the newspaper, but it was conceivable that this guy definitely didn't regard ordinary ninjas as human beings!

"Konoha, how can such a guy exist?"

Miike Kento was a little confused. Not only did he not understand, but countless civilian ninjas who read this newspaper couldn't understand what it contained.

But some ninjas can understand something immediately, such as the jonins of Konoha and the clan leaders!

Jonin is the limit of Konoha ninja level. Anyone who reaches this level is a person with excellent strength and good thinking ability.

And when they reach this stage, they can naturally know many things that ordinary people cannot know.

For example, they knew more or less about the secret army.

But now that it was written out in such a bloody way, they couldn't help but feel a little silent and indignant despite being shocked.

There have been many secret things in Konoha, and even whole families disappeared together, and some ANBU would proactively admit that they were responsible for these things.

But some of them are unknown to anyone, and they even become unsolved cases, which is indeed intriguing.

Moreover, these unsolved cases will not be widely disseminated at all, let alone cause an uproar. Even if someone notices that something is wrong, the final result will be that no one cares about it.

And these people have no evidence at all to prove that they have done something wrong.

Although the ANBU's handling was very rough, they would explain why they were so rough, even if the Hokage-sama spread the news to explain.

But these are really completely different!

"Did this mysterious force do it?"

At this moment, countless businessmen couldn't help but become even more silent, because there were some jounin among these dead people, and these jonin were even their friends!

The family patriarchs were all excited. Whether they were involved, those who had remained silent, or those who had not encountered such trouble, they all obviously hated the occurrence of this kind of thing.

Especially because they understood almost immediately who was doing it, which made them angry and shuddering at the same time.

Because they all know who is behind this guy, and they know what it will be like if this continues!

At this moment, the entire atmosphere in Konoha became extremely strange, especially when more than a dozen family heads suddenly gathered under the Hokage Building. Everyone knew that this matter was a big problem.


"Damn it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen hammered the table hard. He looked at the newspaper in his hand with great anger.

He never dreamed that things would develop to this point. This guy Danzo would actually break the unspoken rules of the ninja world. He would attack the family ninjas unscrupulously?

What's even worse is that because Xia Yan didn't involve too much energy, he actually didn't find out about it at all!

Even if the newspaper didn't say which families had been 'visited' by Danzo, Hiruzen Sarutobi could more or less guess.

Especially when a ninja told him that dozens of family patriarchs had gathered outside the Hokage Building, including Inuzuka, Aburame and Yamanaka, he knew that this time he was really in trouble.


At this moment, Koharu and Mito Menyan who were sleeping suddenly opened the door, their faces looking extremely ugly.

"What's going on here? What's going on in that newspaper? And those people outside the building, what's going on with them?"

"What's going on?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was really angry now. He stood up directly: "What's going on? Shouldn't you ask Shimura Danzo and ask him what good things he has done!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was really angry to the extreme, and he had shouted Danzo's name directly.

What happened this time was so big that even Sarutobi Hiruzen felt it was extremely troublesome. It was so big that he could feel that the village was about to split apart!

He really didn't expect that Danzo, whom he had given his trust to, could be so stupid, and that what he did could be so crazy.

"Stop arguing, I think we should take some measures immediately." Mito Kadoyan immediately said: "We will ask the ANBU to withdraw the newspaper immediately, otherwise we will..."

"What else?" Before Mito Kadoyan could finish his words, Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted him directly: "Capture Senju Natsuhiko? Or cut off ANBU's funds? Don't be stupid, you dare to do this He will definitely dare to arrest you!"

"That's right, and you didn't bring it upon yourself to ask him to withdraw the newspaper." Xiaochun frowned after going to bed: "Even if I can't control it now, I must find a way to suppress the noise about this matter to a minimum. That’s all.”

Suppressing their voices was the only thing they could do at the moment, but Xiaochun fell silent after saying this.

How to suppress it is obviously a very important thing, but they suddenly found that they had no way to suppress these voices.

Because of the existence of newspapers, the control of public opinion is completely in the hands of that brat from the Thousand Hands Clan.

Even though they have started to imitate these newspapers, they have no way to achieve Xia Yan's effect.

If they want to suppress these voices, the only thing they can do is probably meet with Xia Yan and the clan leaders.

They really didn't want to meet Xia Yan, because they guessed that Xia Yan wouldn't compromise easily.

"Let's meet him." At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly spoke with a gloomy face: "This matter must be handled well, otherwise the village will be in trouble."

"Hiruzen..." Mito Kadoyan frowned slightly, and he said hesitantly: "If you meet him, then Danzo..."

"Shut up!" Before Mito Kadoyan could finish his words, Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted him rudely.

At this moment, he completely showed his aura as a ninja hero!

"Nothing can be compared with the safety of the village. You can't, and neither can I."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said firmly every word, he closed his eyes slightly and finally said slowly.

"This matter must be resolved. Some people have something to do, and a price must be paid..."


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