The atmosphere in Konoha Village has become extremely solemn now.

After the report "The Ghost in Konoha" was released, it was really difficult to ease the atmosphere in Konoha.

And as time goes by, more and more jounin and family ninjas of all sizes have spontaneously arrived in front of the Hokage Building.

However, among the people gathered this time, there were no Uchiha and Hinata families.

Hinata Hizu naturally saw this report, and when he saw all this, he broke out in cold sweat.

In fact, he also wanted to go, but before he could start, he was stopped at the door by the family elders.

There are actually members of the Hinata in the Roots. With such an excellent power, Byakugan would not miss it, but the people sent to the Roots are all members of the branch family!

Hinata Hizatsu cares about these people because his younger brother is from a separate family, and he has long been dissatisfied with this distribution system within the family.

Perhaps it was because of what happened to his younger brother that he regarded people from separate families as human beings, but these elders had no such idea!

In the eyes of these elders, the roots took people from them, and the methods were very dishonorable, but it was just a branch of the family.

The core members of the Hinata clan have not encountered any trouble, so there is no need for them to break the balance themselves.

"This action is essentially an action to stand in line. We will wait until they have completely decided the winner before making a choice. Only in this way will the family be the most stable!"

Not taking the initiative to take sides is the reason why Hinata can survive forever, but Hinata and Hinata don't like this answer in their hearts.

Once upon a time, the Hyuga clan also took the initiative. When Uchiha and Senju competed for the title of the first Hokage, they stood firmly on Senju Hashirama's side!

But now, since Sarutobi Hiruzen came to power, they have become more and more isolated, and they have become more and more cut off from other ninja families.

In addition, the contradiction between the clan and the branch families within the clan has become more and more profound, so that now Hinata no longer has the impact as before except listening to Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

Even though they are still one of the strongest families in Konoha, Hinata and Hizu really feel that the family is becoming more and more decadent.

But what makes him helpless is that he has no way to change all this.

The patriarch must always be checked and balanced by the elders to prevent the patriarch from making any wrong decisions that will cause the family to fall into the abyss.

"But when the clan leader is controlled by the elders, who can protect the clan leader's rights and prevent the clan from falling into the abyss?"

Hinata Hizu sighed inwardly, there was no one to answer this question for him.

And just at the moment of infinite emotion, within the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Zhen, Uchiha Sora and Uchiha Shen.

As well as many key members of the Security Department who belong to them, they have quickly arrived at the headquarters of the Security Department.

Uchiha Fugaku did not report to the headquarters today. This is a rare opportunity!

Since he lost an eye, his control of family power has reached an extremely high level.

Especially when Uchiha Zhen mastered two squadrons, his control over the last squadron also reached an extremely strict level.

And he also began to constantly try to regain control of these two teams from Uchiha Makoto.

Under such circumstances, Uchiha Fugaku was rarely outside the headquarters of the Security Department, but today was an exception.

Uchiha Zhen, Uchiha Sora and Uchiha Shen all knew that there would be some changes in Konoha. This was the information they got from Qiongkou.

But there is no way to know what kind of change it is and how wide it is affected.

But now they know that it turns out that Natsuhiko really wants Danzo, or in other words, he wants to attack Sarutobi Hiruzen!

They really know who Danzo is. This guy can be regarded as the most hated person in Uchiha, no one!

This guy has been targeting the Uchiha clan since the Second Hokage period, even if he went underground.

Part of the reason why Uchiha is being followed is due to ANBU, but more of it comes from the roots of this guy!

What's more, in every meeting, he would always vote against the Uchiha clan's proposals, and would never let the Uchiha get any rights they should have.

But this time, this guy seemed to have caused something big, and the response from Xia Yan, the ANBU minister, was truly terrifying.

In addition, Uchiha Zhen still knows some inside stories. He knows that Natsuhiko dealt with Orochimaru very early.

From Orochimaru to Danzo, everything seemed to be happening in an orderly manner, as if it was all part of Natsuhiko's plan.

When he thought about it carefully, he was shocked to get a result!

"Before the Orochimaru incident broke out, he was constantly targeting Orochimaru, and even took the initiative to spread rumors.

And now it was Danzo again, and he was relying on public opinion to oppress Sarutobi Hiruzen. It seemed that he was ready for all this.

If this is the case, then can it be understood that he had thought of everything when he dealt with Orochimaru.

The oppression of Orochimaru forced him to leave Konoha, causing Sarutobi Hiruzen to cut off an arm.

In order to contend with the ever-expanding Anbu, Hiruzen Sarutobi was forced to choose Danzo to take charge of the Anbu.

Danzo's character has been figured out by him. He expected that such a day would come, so he prepared newspapers in advance for today's fatal blow? "

The more he thought about it, the more Uchiha thought it was possible!

The development pattern of newspapers can really be described as smooth to the extreme, and this is not at all in line with the correct development pattern of such a super behemoth that appeared on a whim.

Because according to its entire development process, it has not been affected at all, nor has it encountered any trouble!

Qiong once said that the newspaper was just an idea casually put forward by Xia Yan, and he did not explain anything else.

But this is enough to make Uchiha think deeply. Such a development trajectory has set the goal of making it accessible to everyone from the beginning, thus adopting extremely low prices.

And in order to attract people, they reported strong news from the beginning, and then started to accept advertising fees in order to get better development.

All of this seems to have been arranged a long time ago, and it is completely following a plan step by step!

"If this is the case, then the terror of this Lord Minister is definitely no worse than the force he shows, even..."

Thinking of this, Uchiha really didn't want to continue thinking about it, because it was proving Natsuhiko's power again, and he became more and more worried about the Uchiha clan.

Especially when he knew that there was no way for him to escape Xia Yan's control, and his descendants didn't know what would become of him, this worry became even more profound.

Shaking his head, he tried hard not to think about these problems. He looked at Uchiha Shen, who was covering himself tightly.

"It's all up to you today."

Uchiha Ma said in a low voice. Although there seemed to be some inexplicable emotions in his voice, it was firm enough.

"Such a good opportunity, I hope I can completely control the security department this time.

You also know what happened in Konoha, and it’s time for us to take a stand, in the name of the Security Department! "

"I know, of course I know, that damn guy Danzo."

Uchiha Shen raised his head slightly, and his eyes exposed from the hood looked particularly excited.

"No matter what the purpose is, I will help you, I said it, and I can also deal with Danzo this time, so of course I will go all out!"


"Buchou-sama, Hokage-sama gave it to you."

In the ANBU minister's office, Lianhua walked in with a document, while Natsuhiko stood at the window and looked at the Hokage Rock in the distance.

He didn't say much about Lianhua's entry, and he didn't even respond to Lianhua's words.

Because in fact, he had already guessed this result. If Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to change, he could only meet him, and he could only reach a certain consensus by meeting him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not dare to act rashly, because he knew that if he really attacked the newspaper, then the matter would be completely unable to be eased.

If he doesn't take action and uses the so-called newspaper he established to fight Xia Yan's public opinion war, the final result may be nothing more than chicken feathers, and he will be unable to make a comeback.

Now that Sarutobi Hiruzen is struggling with difficulties, Natsu Yan can completely imagine that the only way to solve such troubles is to meet with Natsu Yan and the clan leaders for an interview.

But the problem is that Xia Yan is the one who has the initiative now, and there is no need for him to be anxious.

Lianhua seemed to know this. She looked at Xia Yan standing motionless at the window. She also put the documents on the table and walked to Xia Yan's side.

"What are you thinking about?" Renhua asked softly: "The situation on the Hokage's side, or the situation on the Uchiha's side?"

"Actually, there's nothing to think about on both sides, right?" Xia Yan smiled and shook his head: "I don't have to think too much about Naruto, because I know what the final result will be. As for Uchiha... ..”

Having said this, Xia Yan stopped directly and did not intend to say anything more.

And Lianhua knew what he meant very well, that is, Uchiha had already given so much help, and if they still failed to live up to their expectations, there would really be no cure.

In fact, Lianhua didn't think there was anything strange about Xia Yan's thoughts. He even thought that Xia Yan was too kind to Uchiha because of the Uchiha Qiong.

However, she would not talk about such a thing. Even Senju Xiangzhen said nothing about what Natsuhiko did - even if he did not understand the situation at all.

But Lianhua believes that even if Senju Xiangzhen knows, he may not be able to change anything.

Because now the Thousand Hands Clan is Xia Yan’s Thousand Hands Clan in the true sense!

Who in the entire family doesn't know that Natsu Yan is now the Minister of ANBU? Hasn't everyone already acquiesced that only Natsu Yan can lead the family to a new level of strength?

Therefore, any decision Xia Yan makes may be incomprehensible to others now, but they will never resist or go against Xia Yan's will!

In a sense, Xia Yan's current position within the clan is probably comparable to that of the former Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

"When do you plan to see him?" Lianhua tilted her head, and then asked slightly curiously: "This Hokage-sama is probably very anxious now, for fear that he will jump over the wall."

"He won't. He knows that he must be patient now." Xia Yan shook his head gently: "Besides, even if he goes to meet the clan leaders in advance, it may be difficult to negotiate something."

Xia Yan knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen was bound to do something since he had been on the road all the time. Sitting back and waiting for death was definitely not what he wanted.

But it was a pity that Natsuhiko had specifically told Aburame Shiwei this time that everything would have to wait until he and Sarutobi Hiruzen met alone.

Aburame Shiwei is not stupid. He knows that this time they are used as guns to some extent. They are used to lead the battle. The real showdown is between Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But he doesn't care, because he knows very well that if they don't stand up, they will die. If they stand up, they must go all the way to the end!

When the wallflower swings from side to side, the consequences will definitely be the most ugly. None of them are fools, they know how to do it.

Regarding this question, Lianhua just thought about it for a moment and understood what Xia Yan meant.

Although she still felt that leaving Sarutobi Hiruzen hanging there was not a good thing, she was too lazy to think about it so much.

"Mr. Minister, how far will we go this time?" After thinking for a moment, Lianhua continued to ask.

It's not so much about how far Natsuhiko has achieved, but rather how far Natsuhiko plans to push Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen would not step down. She had already gotten a fairly clear answer from Natsuhiko. Although she didn't quite understand why, she believed in Natsuhiko.

But you have to pay a sufficient price to not step down. This is undisputed. After all, this time is a real power game.

"Actually, I haven't thought about this thoroughly. After all, there are some departments that even if I get it, it won't be of much use."

Xia Yan turned around and looked at Lianhua. A smile appeared on his face and he looked very relaxed.

In fact, Xia Yan has also considered what he wants to get and how much he wants to get.

But after thinking about it, there seemed to be no place where I had to start.

He didn't know what the current situation of the security department was, but he knew how terrible the power a complete security department could exert.

From the perspective of Xia Yan's previous life, the Security Department, an organization that can both manage civilians and deal with ninjas, is simply a police-like existence.

It is even a police and armed police presence. Such an existence is absolutely unimaginable if properly grasped.

And the Anbu in his hands is like an FBI from the perspective of the past life, and the root is simply the notorious CIA.

Now that the roots are completely rotten, it will take more time for Hiruzen Sarutobi to rebuild, which means that part of the rights of the roots will be transferred to Anbu.

Xia Yan doesn't need to fight for it at all, these things will come naturally.

And this time Danzo offended people from all walks of life.

Not to mention anything else, it can be said that the two units and departments of the Administrative Affairs Department and the Torture Squad are drifting apart from Sarutobi Hiruzen in a real sense.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen still can't try to retain him at all. After all, Nara Shikaku's vision is very long-term, and Namikaze Minato is not dead!

Under such circumstances, Xia Yan himself didn't know what he was going to get...

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xia Yan seemed stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but touch his chin.

"What's wrong?" Lianhua couldn't help but look curious when she saw Xia Yan's behavior.

"It suddenly occurred to me that I should want something." Xia Yan showed a smile: "Tell me, if I bring the medical department over, will Sarutobi Hiruzen be so angry that he vomits blood?"


Under the Hokage Building, more and more people were watching.

Today was an absolutely suffocating and paralyzing day for Konoha. Almost everyone put down their work and came here.

They are all waiting, waiting for an answer, waiting for the Hokage to give an answer!

However, time passed slowly, and there was still silence in the Hokage Building. This situation made everyone a little dissatisfied.

Uchiha Fugaku stood silently among the crowd. He wore a black eye patch and looked at the group of clan leaders and jonin standing at the front without saying a word.

What happened today was really beyond his expectation, but he was quite happy inside, because this time it was dog eating dog within Konoha!

He hated Danzo to the core, and he also hated Hiruzen Sarutobi!

He was attacked by Orochimaru, and Hiruzen Sarutobi actually let Orochimaru go. This was something he really couldn't accept and tolerate.

And Danzo's countless attacks on Uchiha made him hate this guy to the extreme.

After reading the newspaper, he had already concluded that if Sarutobi Hiruzen hadn't indulged Orochimaru and Danzo, how could they have done such an experiment.

If it weren't for their ever-expanding ambitions, how could Orochimaru have the guts to attack him?

And for his own benefit, in order to show a bullshit nostalgia for the past, Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude towards everyone actually let Orochimaru go.

This is simply a disregard for himself and the entire Uchiha!

The most terrible thing is that as he lost an eye, the already unstable people in the family seemed to become more unruly.

In just a short time, those guys have occupied two squadrons of the security department. What's even worse is that many members of the family seem to have disappeared because of this!

Uchiha Fugaku really went to find Uchiha first to really trouble him, but now that Uchiha's status in the clan is increasing day by day, he doesn't have any evidence.

Therefore, he did not dare to act rashly, because he knew that it would probably cause a bigger trouble!

The combination of all these things really made Uchiha Fugaku's mentality a little unbalanced, and now he really wanted people like Sarutobi Hiruzen to die.

It was because of these guys that he lost his Mangekyō Sharingan, and it was because of these guys that he fell into this situation.

"Chief, it's already very late. Do you want to go back and have a rest and come back later?" At this moment, a ninja next to Uchiha Fugaku asked in a low voice.

"No, I don't want to miss such an interesting thing at all." Uchiha Fugaku said indifferently, but as soon as he finished speaking, his expression changed.

Because he saw that Uchiha actually came over with three squadron captains from the security department!

And this also means that he has only been here for a few hours, but he has completely lost the security department...


Uchiha Fugaku didn't understand at all what all this was about, but he knew one thing very well.

That is, even if he goes to question him, he won't get any answer. In addition, he also knows that he really has nothing except the position of the clan leader!

The complete collapse of the three squadron leaders was an unimaginable blow to him, and Hiruzen Sarutobi also suffered an unimaginable blow.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting in the office with a gloomy expression, and he was already disgusted with lingering in this Hokage's office.

He smoked silently, looking at the first Hokage and the second Hokage hanging on the wall with somewhat blurred eyes, not knowing exactly what he was thinking in his mind.

Until his eyes stopped on the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, his eyes instantly became sharp.

"Awesome, I really didn't expect that you would leave such a difficult opponent for me after you left."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought silently, he had quietly figured out many things.

Judging from Xia Yan's pace and development trajectory over the past year or so, this guy has really pushed himself over the cliff step by step!

I'm afraid the planning started when Namikaze Minato entered Mount Myoboku to rest after the Kyuubi attack.

Now he has opened the restrictions of the ANBU, and then guided himself to open the restrictions of the root. And this guy is the one who has mastered Danzo's secrets, so he definitely knows about Orochimaru.

Therefore, he tested and calculated Orochimaru step by step, and pushed Orochimaru into the abyss step by step!

When Orochimaru's affairs came to light, he had to make a choice. After he lost Orochimaru, this guy developed the ANBU crazily and rapidly, and at the same time planned to create a newspaper.

Under such circumstances, I didn't have the energy to deal with him at all, so I could only restart Danzo's ANBU to build a base to fight against him.

This is probably his plan, because he has limited energy and will inevitably have fewer restrictions on Danzo, and Danzo is definitely a person with a criminal record who was still caught by him.

Just imagine, he had a criminal record but was not punished, and now that his power has expanded to this extent, isn't he even more unscrupulous?

"Human nature, power, desire..." Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered silently with a somewhat cold voice: "You have really calculated them all."

Danzo's unscrupulous behavior will naturally cause dissatisfaction among all the families he has 'taken care of'.

And Danzo is his own shadow, he has always stood behind Danzo. The reason why these families dare not speak out is not only the fundamental deterrent, but Sarutobi Hiruzen himself!

These families were forced into desperation, and Natsuhiko's newspaper coincided with the time to constantly promote the ANBU, and behind the ANBU was Namikaze Minato.

This naturally tells them quietly that they still have a choice. They can also choose to follow Namikaze Minato and follow the ANBU!

Biting his pipe tightly, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had completely figured it all out, was now really shocked and terrified, and besides that, he also had a hint of admiration.

Such complex emotions were brewing in his heart, but for some reason he suddenly smiled.

"Excluding all issues of stance, Senju Natsuhiko, you are really a natural-born Hokage. It seems that there is a successor to Konoha..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of this and suddenly felt something in his heart. He knew that Natsuhiko was a person with a 'Hokage dream', so this boy would definitely not be able to completely divide Konoha.

He must have his own ideas and plans, and he will control them all.

Sarutobi Hiruzen admitted that he lost, at least this time he lost, but he could test the methods and capabilities of a person who might become Hokage in the future.

It seems that it is not a bad thing...


"Hokage-sama, long time no see."

In the evening, in the Hokage's office, Xia Yan looked at the old man in front of him quietly.

Behind him were a large group of family patriarchs and jounin.

Natsuhiko looked at the people following him, especially when he saw Uchiha Zhen coming with Uchiha Sora and two Uchiha ninjas he didn't know at all.

He knew that the affairs of the Security Department had basically been taken care of.

He is a person who likes to care about the process, and he pays more attention to a result, and having a good result now naturally makes him feel satisfied.

Although he was satisfied, he felt extremely confused at the same time, because he found that there seemed to be something wrong with the state of Sarutobi Hiruzen?

Why does this guy seem not as disappointed as he imagined, nor is he angry or upset at all? On the contrary, he seems to be quite relaxed now.

"Did this old man suffer a bit of a schizophrenia and finally decided to lie down completely?"

Xia Yan muttered something silently, but he didn't say it out loud because it was unnecessary.

"Are you finally here, Minister Natsuhiko?" Hiruzen Sarutobi raised his head slightly, his expression calm and neither happy nor sad: "I have been waiting for you for a long time. Aren't you afraid of chaos in Konoha?"

"As long as Hokage-sama is here, everything will not be chaotic." When Natsuhiko heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, he suddenly felt a little nervous, but he still spoke very calmly.

"No, Konoha will not be in chaos not because of me, but because of you." Hiruzen Sarutobi said meaningfully, and this sentence also made Xia Yan understand a lot of things.

What a scheming fox. No wonder this guy is so calm now. He has seen through some things emotionally!

Although this development is not a good thing for Xia Yan, Xia Yan does not have to worry about being unable to stabilize the situation.

But when he wanted to say something again, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly spoke: "This incident has brought unimaginable pain to everyone, and it has also brought a huge blow to me, so It’s inevitable to deal with it.”

After saying this, Sarutobi Hiruzen paused slightly. He raised his head and stared at Xia Yan for a long time before speaking again.

"Therefore, Minister Xia Yan, if you have any ideas, just tell me, and I will give you and everyone present a satisfactory answer!"


"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

In Genbe's basement, Danzo smashed all the porcelain. He was really angry to the extreme.

He never thought that those guys who were once suppressed by him and couldn't resist would actually dare to stand up and resist him now!

This feeling, like being bitten by a weak insect, really made him extremely disgusted and upset. What he couldn't accept the most was that he had become a pawn in a conflict!

Danzo is not stupid, although sometimes he is really hopelessly stupid, but this does not mean that he really has no brains.

It can be said that he is used to being arrogant, or it can be said that after he gained huge power, his mentality began to change.

But this doesn't mean that he can see clearly now what kind of state he is in, or how difficult his situation is.

After Koharu and Mito Menen came to find him and told him about the newspaper and the clan leaders, he immediately realized that he was in big trouble.

The most terrible thing is that he also realized that his two old classmates came to him with the purpose of telling him in a subtle way that Sarutobi Hiruzen might really not let him go this time!

"Why is this happening? Why is it happening like this!"

Danzo screamed hysterically, but there was no sound at all that could answer him.

After a long time, he slowly calmed down. He became so crazy because he had received the news that Senju Natsuhiko and the clan leaders and jounin had gone to see Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He is very keen, and he knows that he is going to be in trouble next, but he doesn't want to sit still and wait, he has to do something!

"Come here!" Danzo shouted loudly, but the next moment a voice suddenly reached his ears.

"Lord Danzo, are you planning to fight to the death?" This voice made Danzo tremble slightly. He knew who this voice belonged to!

"Senju Natsuhiko..." Danzo turned his head angrily and looked behind him, looking at Natsuhiko who had already sat on his chair at some point.

"To be honest, you should be grateful to me for letting you live for so long and allowing you to regain a high position."

Natsuhiko completely ignored Danzo's expression, and also ignored the root ninjas who quickly gathered around him.

He was still sitting in the chair, looking lazy, with a gentle smile on his face.

"However, Danzo-sama's mission has been accomplished. I have always known the difference between the Sandaime Hokage-sama and Danzo-sama.

But today, I have seen it more thoroughly.

The Sandaime-sama has always believed that Konoha is more important than everything else, and Danzo-sama has always felt that he is more important than everything else. "

Having said this, Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and he seemed to look at Danzo mockingly.

“So, the Sandaime-sama has made a decision, and I have made Danzo-sama feel unimaginable power.

I think Danzo-sama has only one choice now, and that is..."



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